Dec 4, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so happy to see you on Substack. I just subscribed. The very high incidence of myocarditis in Hong Kong is likely NOT unusual at all -- what is unusual is that Hong Kong reports these incidents honestly.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Welcome to Substack it's wonderful to have you here. Big time thanks for the courage and moral compass to stand up to the tyranny and madness. As a digital refugee banned from Twitter since December 2020 it is a thrill to be able to add comments to your content almost like free speech is a real thing in America again. :~)

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The mortality rate for under 18 in the UK is 1 in 2 million.

California will mandate the vaccine for all school age children as soon as the corrupt FDA approves the vaccine for that age group. That is imminent.

A male adolescent is about 800 times more likely to get a serious case of life threatening Myocarditis from the "vaccine" than die of Covid.

This is the epitomy of stupidity and disregard of human life.

Nuremberg 2.0 is here.


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Mortality rate from Covid for under age 18 is 1 in 2 million that is, factoring unhealthy out and it's practically zero. Similar stats apply to the US.

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Reading the article again - I must clarify - it is 2 in 1 million (1 in 500,000) in UK. Sorry for my dyslexia. But still about 200 times higher than the rate of Myocarditis as indicated by the study cited by Dr. Malone. And again, that stat does not exclude the unhealthy. Here's the text from the article:

They checked England's public health data and found most of the young people who had died of Covid-19 had underlying health conditions:

Around 15 had life-limiting or underlying conditions, including 13 living with complex neuro-disabilities

Six had no underlying conditions recorded in the last five years - though researchers caution some illnesses may have been missed

A further 36 children had a positive Covid test at the time of their death but died from other causes, the analysis suggests

Though the overall risks were still low, children and young people who died were more likely to be over the age of 10 and of Black and Asian ethnicity.

Researchers estimate that 25 deaths in a population of some 12 million children in England gives a broad, overall mortality rate of 2 per million children.

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I don't know how accurate it is but I checked out a COVID risk calculator some weeks ago, think it was from Oxford, actually... anyway, 19 was the youngest you can go and with a healthy BMI, no other issues it was a 1 in 1,000,000 risk of dying, I'd imagine even less as you go younger.

I did see a CDC study where they showed a myocarditis rate of 150 per 100K for SARS-CoV-2 positive patients, this was for all age groups and median age was 54. For the <16 age group, it looks like rates were approximately 1/750 if I'm doing my math right - https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7035e5.htm#T1_down

Few limitations I observed, this seems to only include patients with a health encounter. So it grossly overestimates the rates, since it's just looking at positive cases that required healthcare. I hear it is also estimated that the vast majority of infections go undetected, this would also decrease the rate significantly.

False positives would have to be taken into account, what if it was influenza, rhinovirus or bacterial pneumonia... Dr. Lyons-Weiler has referenced a false positive rate of 91%! using PCR, so that may also contribute somewhat.

To me it looks like that was on purpose to fluff the numbers and claim that myocarditis from COVID is a greater risk. There is also the Mendel study which I've seen people use to say that risk from COVID is 6x greater than the vaccines. So this was a bad comparison, they used electronic records for viral myocarditis in under 20s but I think went as low as 12... whereas for vaccine-induced they used VAERS which I'm pretty sure at the time 12-15yr olds had a low rate of vaccination, if they were even approved or authorized. They also used the raw data from VAERS, no under-reporting factor included. Lo and behold, that study is still not peer reviewed, obvious as to why.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

FYI, I tried many times to post this article to Fakebook using the share button. It didn't go through. I thought, perhaps, there was a problem with the share function (although the Twitter share went through), so I cut and pasted the URL. It appeared. I decided to tag my son on it, and Fakebook claimed that the owner deleted it. I wasn't sure who the owner was (me or you), so I checked that the article was still here on your substack. It was. I cut and pasted it again and tagged my son immediately. It was there for 30 seconds and then disappeared.

A week ago, I tried to share an article from COVID Facts- Questioning the Narrative (COVID-19 Boosters and Cases) to Fakebook. It was blocked immediately, even though the article had just been posted. Fakebook claimed it contained pornographic material or nudity. I tried to cut and paste it, and was banned for three days.

Welcome to the new censorship.

Hey, Fakebook losers, this will not end well for you.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And we will find other ways to get this information out. Really, do you think parents won't notice when kids start dying in their sleep or dropping dead not the pitch? This will not end well for you. I promise.

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So, I have a follow up. I flipped back to Fakebook to see what was going on and got a message about my attempts to post your article. Apparently, they've determined that your article is spam. LOL. They gave me a nice little warning...you'd better not or else...as I went through their little dialog box sequence. I went to help and submitted the following comment. Felt better.


Other: Censorship

For the second time in two weeks, I've allegedly violated your community standards.

You claimed the first post contained pornographic material or nudity. In reality, it was an substack article analyzing the case rate between European countries that used the booster and those that did not. Here, you can read it for yourself.


I tried to post another substack article by Dr. Robert Malone yesterday. First, you claimed that I could not tag people because I had deleted the post. I did not. Today, you claim that it is spam. It is not. It's an article about a study in the Oxford Clinical Infectious Diseases journal about the high rate of heart injury in young men after C19 vaccination in Hong Kong.

Dr. Malone's article:


Oxford Clinical Infectious Diseases study manuscript:


We all know what's going on here. No need to pretend. Just have to guts to admit you are censoring information that your corporate overlords don't want people to have.

The fever will break. This insanity will end. And you can tell your grandchildren that you were on the side of the bad guys.

Life has a way of teaching people the lessons they need to learn. I wonder if yours will be worth the paycheck.

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If Substack is considered social media, this is the first and only social media I am on - and only for your compassion and your wisdom, Dr. Malone. Thank you.

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am thrilled you are on substack. I follow you avidly and am thrilled I finally have a way to support you financially. You and your wife are on a truly noble mission.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So glad to have you on Substack, sent you and your wife email about coming to South Carolina for a Covid Summit in January a few days ago, since Twitter banned me for life it's hard to contact you and other great doctors. Again, welcome!

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Dec 7, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a retired RN with experience as a Clinical Research Coordinator and an IRB member for three years at a VA I have been horrified by the disregard for the protection of human subjects in this research project of COVID jabs branded as vaccines. The ethics of good clinical practices and safeguards in place to protect human subjects was never followed, and I believe deliberate at Fauci’s direction. Unless we push…and push until an investigation is completed on the origins of this virus, I believe several roads end at Fauci with an alley or two at Gates, this will happen again and again. …we can not allow this hellacious time we have been through be allowed to be repeated and repeated…

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the Israeli myocarditis study that's on the NEJM they admit to incidence likely being underestimated... have to pay for this paper to see but I'm wondering if they mentioned it could be much higher. 1/2680 is already high, wouldn't be surprised if the real number is a lot worse and more so when we get to 5-11yr olds.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is this a pandemic of doctors withholding safe and effective treatments (math+ Zelenski)?

Is this now also a pandemic of the "vax" injured?

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Dec 7, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Zelenko...(typo/no edit feature) I have been following Dr Zelenko since March 2020...may G-d bless Zelenko and those like him...

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Dec 6, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert D. Kavieff, M.D.

The number of children hospitalized or diagnosed with myocarditis/pericarditis clinically may represent only a fraction of those who develop the disorder ( see reference below).. Many may be asymptomatic or manifest mild symptoms that are never mentioned to their parents. The real future impact on children may be much greater than that indicated by studies of only the hospitalized or treated.

Putschoegl A, Auerbach S. Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Myocarditis in Children. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2020 Oct;67(5):855-874. doi: 10.1016/j.pcl.2020.06.013. Epub 2020 Aug 10. PMID: 32888686.

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Dec 7, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A trick learned from boriquagato here at substack: kids who developed heart disease after the first shot probably didn't go on to get the second shot. Therefore, the 2 numbers provded are additive: 42.89 per 100,000, or 1 in 2331.

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If one accounts for BOTH doses, I believe the overall incident rate is higher: 1 in 2,336.

5.57 per 100k (dose 1) + 37.32 per 100k (dose 2) = 42.89 incidents per 100k overall, or 1 in 2,336.

Am I missing something? Y'all let me know. Seems to me the paper understates things by focusing on dose 2 exclusively.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We had this data plain as day in Ontario Canada last June, it was up and is still up on health Ontario’s website. It showed something like 1 in 3000 in the under 25 group. They put it up, but no one noticed or seemed to care. All this does is show that Ontario’s numbers were correct half a year ago.

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The Ottawa Heart Institute published a study in September that showed myocarditis was happening in 1/1000 people vaccinated. They retracted the study a few days later when the Ottawa Hospital (their affiliated hospital) announced their vaccine mandates for staff. They claimed they had some errors in calculations. I would like to attach the study here in case you want to have a look at it but I don't know how to attach a pdf - the study is no longer on MedRXiv, but the retraction is there - a few of the comments note how strange it all is:


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I can't believe this many people are blind to the truth - still low for age 5 - 11, but age 12 - 17 is running over 50% in most states for at least 1 dose - including 77% in CA as of 12/1


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