The truth is like an avalanche that can't be stopped. Your interview with Rogan has both woken up the masses and given spines back to some of those who were afraid to speak out. You have been a consistent voice of calm & facts throughout this entire mess. When people look back in 50 years to put all of this into perspective, you will be honored as one of the few that stood firm in the face of lunacy.

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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022

We especially appreciate your calm and caring approach, Dr. Malone. I think at the end of your interview with Jan (Epoch), you mentioned three things we can focus on to emerge from this crazy fog: integrity, dignity, and community. Those words really stuck with me, so impactful. It makes me look around at my community and feel so thankful to be surrounded by caring, kind people. Thank you for helping to bring the best out in humanity.

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Amen! Just what we've been saying at home.

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Apparently there are at least 16,000 docs standing firm and growing! History will not remember all of their names but I sure hope it at least remembers the number.

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My absolute favorite part of what you said in the Rogan interview is:

“If it's not okay for me to be a part of the conversation even though I'm pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is?”


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This isn’t nearly enough. No one, I repeat, no one, should be required to take an experimental vaccine. The jab has zero safety. It doesn’t stop transmission, hospitalization or death. Just the opposite. My ICU is full of sick & injured. The medical profession has lost all credibility.

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brava/o hold the line!

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You are great man, Dr. Malone and you are on the right side of history.

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Thank you, and may god bless you. I found you researching my own 2nd dose VAERS event last August (a batch recalled/and under investigation by the Italian police). Now as I have been battling not to vax my 8 year old daughter (who has had all other vaxes) with mRNA, your reports and shout outs to parents have helped my credibility immensely in my fight. My daughter is dual citizen and I fear Italy will mandate the 5-12 vax, in which case you and your colleagues opposition and now the US Supreme Courts ruling vs. mandates has given us security to move back to the US if Italy mandates. Hold the line. Stay strong and fight. Tenere la linea. Rimani forte e combatti.

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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

It's that last quote of yours which has hung me up since mid-2020. They have broken every rule, guideline, practice, and protocol when it comes to Covid. This cannot have to do with treating the disease. What does it have to do with?

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Seems to me to go beyond even that. I think this is about power and control. Money is secondary to the perpetrators of this monstrosity. They want absolute control. That's how I see it, anyhow.

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The vax passport is a trojan horse to usher in a general compliance passport

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Thank God for that Rogan interview! I’m not sure where we’d be without it, honestly. Thank you so much for all you do, it truly makes a difference. And thanks also to every doctor willing to stand against this tyrranical regime.

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i've said this before and i'll say it again. Daily Mail can be a rag, they can get some things wrong, but they are the only MSM newspaper in the world that will actually publish things the MSM in America won't touch. This includes Obama's bug splat kills in Pakistan years ago, or how bad the US withdrawal was from Afganistan (killing those poor children with a drone- didn't see much on that in the NYTs or on MSNBC), or anything regarding Hunter Biden's laptop (and DM hated Trump so that was a surprise). its always worth checking out, then verifying the data elsewhere if you can, usually other foreign press. I was excited when they carried this story (front page!), because it will reach SOOOO many more people around the world. The comment section alone will entice people to take notice and look you up, or this interview up. You've got a fanbase there, Dr. Malone.

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Imagine how hard it is for a NYT or WaPo reader to realize they were wrong when the closest you can get to truth on covid shots is the Joe Rogan podcast and Daily Mail.

Ironic that their most loyal readership will pay the heaviest price by continuing to get boosters as the worsening data continues to be hidden from their view.

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I’ve been thinking the same thing! The people who are going along with the dominant rhetoric are going to be the ones most hurt! They deserve to know the truth, but they don’t deserve harm.

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And I agree with your assessment of Daily Mail.

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So true-- so why are people SO surprised at what is going on now?

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Front page! I'll have to take a look!

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Wear that "controversial doctor" label as a badge of honor!

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Big tech bannings for speaking truth are something to be especially proud of.

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I must be living in a fricken' void! The people I know don't know or care about any of this! Thank God for your research and hard work getting this out. I need to find new people...

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Rogan recently said Hotez and Offit have been asking him to come back on. Please reach out to Rogan about setting up a debate. The world desperately needs it.

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I greatly admire your internal strength to tell the truth regardless of the consequences. You are one of my few modern true heroes!

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The narrative is beginning to unravel. Keep up the good work!

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By their actions, by denying each of us our basic freedoms, the government has declared themselves irrelevant. "Governments are NOT instituted among men and women to make our medical decisions for us. The word "medical" does not appear in the constitution, it does not appear in the few and defined powers that we the people have delegated to our federal government. By thus abrogating our original agreement, the government has released each of us to remedy this transgression as we see fit.

Do not comply. Let a thousand flowers bloom.

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Dr. Melone thank you for the global fight against weaponized gene theraphy enabled global tyranny. In this age of deception and deviancy, morality and human decency are burned out by fanatics and psychopaths like Fuachi, Gates, MSM, big techs, politicians etc.. Pity that this fight is not only against global tyranny of governments and ruling elites but also against the Mass Formaiton Pyschosis. So it is a twin fight and people are slowly realizing how formidable these enemies of mankind are. Truth will prevail and so will our fight.

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Thank You

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Well, The Daily mail ws accurate in quoting you, but there were so many more quotes they should have included from that SPECTACULAR interview. But what the hell? It's better than "crickets" like the rest of Big Media.

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