We remember, huddled down in lockdown, when a dark, shaky video emerged of a woman claiming to be posting on behalf an anonymous undercover nurse. We watched several times, wondering how much credit to give this second-hand account of killing fields in the New York hospitals.

The nurse turned out to be Nurse Erin. Once she came forward, we knew the story was true. She showed that people were being carelessly vented by poorly trained staff, even after multiple PCR negatives. It was horrific.

We knew right then that there was no way we could go to a hospital while this was happening.

Get her book, she's a hero.


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She was notably one of the first to detail the horrors of medical malpractice on a scale never before witnessed nor exposed with the elements of profits via body counts. Sigh.....

She got my quickest attention as being authentic and in her own way in "shock"!

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This is a good interview with Erin Olszewski’s. Apparently, nurses were paid $10,000 a week...

Real America - Dan W/ Epicenter Nurse, Undercover Journalist & Army Veteran, Erin Marie Olszewski 6:50 https://rumble.com/veclej-real-america-dan-w-erin-marie-olszewski.html

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MAY 12, 2020 NEW YORK CITY - Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski Exposes Hospital Wrongdoings During Pandemic 1h 10 min https://rumble.com/vwbo5j-nurse-erin-marie-olszewski-exposes-hospital-wrongdoings-during-pandemic.html

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There was a web blip long ago, on the accuracy of the offer of $10 grand. The offer was to relocate and leave your home and family behind. Erin talked about how hard it was to find a place to live/eat/breath/sleep while having no real idea what she signed a contract of employment for. The conditions must have been mind blowing and gut wrenching.

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It makes sense. In her famous interview that I saw two years ago and that I posted above or below, she his located at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.

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I was in ICU nurse in the past and can definitely see this. I read her book. No doubt oversedation, paralyzation, cardiac effects, and unnecessary death... I commented several times on Medscape and other medical networks 'Why are you touting and discussing NY??? .. they have the absolute worst death rates!!" Total. Insanity. Cowardice. Control. Nazis. Shameful. She is one reason I wrote GASOLINE - Observations After New Covid Inoculation, in Layman's Terms, on Amazon books. She is one of my many heros in this attack. We grieve death and harm of so many, as well as death of our once respected careers.

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Indeed. I remember it well. I wonder where that nurse is now and how she's well.

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She started americasclinic and is doing fine. :)

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Looks like Facebook hasn't cut her off...https://www.facebook.com/NurseErinOfficial/

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I've long since been excised from fake book.

But that's very interesting. Generally they not people who are a threat to them. Obviously they feared little old me more than her. Very interesting.

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I still cannot believe what the masses fell for with Covid? How did we all here get blessed to see through all the evil and not the others it just never made any medical sense to me. I’m pissed beyond belief that more are not outraged on how this was all handled!! Thank God for Dr Malone and others who continue to educate us all.

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All a person needed to do when lockdowns started was go to the WHO's website and look up flu deaths. I witnessed a 98% drop in spring 2020. It was clear from that graph what they were doing to an unsuspecting public.

But then, I had first hand experience of the malevolence of the medical system. My sister and I were diagnosed twice over a period of 3 years with breast cancer 2012 to 2015. We both did surgery but I opted to go with natural therapies after a friend gave me a stack of books to do research.

Later, after she died, I found out my younger sister was coerced by her employer to do the chemo/radiation therapy or she would be denied disability income. The kicker? She worked for Lockheed Martin. One of the most diabolical arms manufacturers on the planet.

A year after our second surgery, she died a horrible death as the cancer spread to her brain and body. I'm still here, grieving and raging at the medical system which even at that time she knew would eventually take her life.

While I'm grateful for the amazing doctors who treated me according to my wishes, I've seen medical abuse in far too many of my family. Our blind trust in doctors and the scientists and medical system they are a part of is completely unwarranted. I'm appalled at the obscene profits being made by these monsters over the bodies and suffering of humanity.

I will tell my story everywhere until people question everything that's being done to them and until everyone I know wakes up.

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A doctor missed my endometrial cancer and consequently, it was two years before I realized I had stage 3 cancer and not fibroids. I underwent the recommended chemo, but refused radiation. My oncologist told me at the beginning that I would not need radiation, but recommended it at my last chemo treatment. I didn't understand at the time, but now feel that the protocol had changed during the time I underwent chemo and that's why he recommended radiation. The possible side effects to that area of the body were horrible. The doctor admitted that it would only give me a 2-5% less likelihood of the cancer recurring in that area. As I have done with the jab, I did a risk/benefit analysis and said no to radiation. Fourteen years later, I am fine, but I did have to accept that I might not be okay and that I was willing to take that risk. My point is, we cannot blindly follow what a doctor tells us. We must research. We must realize that doctors are imperfect and that they are limited in the time they can devote to a patient.

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Maam you just prompted a major screed from me. I perviously had posted my concerns about broadly condemning vaccines because some in fact are still necessary today. I now am faced with doing same for wholesale dissing of chemo.

I am speaking here with 30 yrs experience as a technician, staff member and faculty member at a major cancer center. During that time I saw some remarkable things happen with appropriately applied chemo. Before the advent of cisplatin, only 1 in five males with testicular cancer survived. That drug reversed the ratio. One survivor was a friend of the family.

A physician there revolutionized the use of chemo by hitting childhood cancer with a cocktail of chemo. This practice again reversed ratios. Prior to this method, only 1 in 5 survived osteosarcoma. Today 4 in 5 survive and the survival numbers for childhood leukemia have also been vastly improved. Dr. Malone can sympathize with what happened to that physician. He was a natural to head the NCI but a network of bitter, envious physicians launched a horrible campaign against this man. A vice-president actually told me he was guilty of "killing" bladder cancer patients. He was of course eventually vindicated but all upward mobility of his career was destroyed. This was back in the 80s. So medical misbehavior against pioneers is certainly not anything new.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective but what's missing is the recognition that the same results are likely to have been achieved with the therapy I used with much less long term risk to health from the chemo and/or radiation. I'm not saying chemo doesn't work at all. I'm saying that effective natural healing modalities have been sidelined and even demonized in favour of highly profitable, highly toxic treatments that cause significant harm as much as they heal.

In my case, my first doctor, once I stated that I didn't want chemo and radiation, became very distant and cold. He even requested a full mastectomy on my forms even though I explicitly stated a lumpectomy. I explained that my sister was left disabled by her breast cancer treatment, so I knew that was not a risk I could take.

My point is, people aren't informed of all the risks of conventional treatments and are not given ALL the potential treatment options. We are kept ignorant to the point of being infantilized. This is criminal and it must stop.

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I appreciate your comments very much. Since the covid/vaccine debacle, I have lost trust in doctors. I realize that there will be times I need a doctor and I have to find a way to listen and discern what is in my best interest. I am terrified of having to be admitted to a hospital and don't see how that can change, apart from an alternative healthcare system being instituted.

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I failed to mention my hope that eventually all chemo can be eliminated and replaced by immunotherapy which I believe ultimately will prove to be the least injurious to the patient and more so to the neoplasm. Evidence is mounting how the immune system is involved in early detection and cancer elimination (immunosurveilance). The instances of cancers in stasis suddenly growing after the china flu jabs more proof of the role the immune system in cancer control and of medical malfeasance in jabbing those patients

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Large financial incentives were also associated with both coding as Covid-19 and with ventilating. This was even fact-checked by MSM as true. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/

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A ventilator co-morbidity:

RFK, Jr.’s “FauXi” book persuasively demonstrates that FauXi got a cut each time an unlucky patient was prescribed Remdsivir, or, as it is know in ER circles, “Run Death is Near”.

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I practice ambulatory primary care in Brooklyn, NY since my hospital privileges were summarily revoked in 2016 for opposing a new policy of mandated influenza vax at the institution where I'd worked as a voluntary attending for 35 years. I worked my usual hours during the months of January through April in 2020 in my private office as well as in a large "urgent care" system with which I contracted after losing my hospital appointment. Some vivid recollections stand out. Firstly - there was clearly a brisk season of bronchitis / pneumonia underway by February and March, concentrated in older adults with comorbid conditions. There was a very curious dearth of pediatric respiratory illness compared to previous flu seasons. By April there was a dramatic decline - almost a complete absence of acute respiratory illness in the venues I worked and instead there were scores of young adults marching in for mandated nasal NAATs or for for complaints of anosmia, sore throat and the like. Concurrently, colleagues working in ICUs and in chronic care facilities told me they were seeing the most appallingly inhumane treatment of patients ever witnessed in their careers. One private patient - a fit 50 y.o. father and husband with well controlled type II DM should never have died. He was a polite gentleman, a diligent worker, a very compliant patient, but he was terribly anxious by nature. When he became ill with fever followed by cough, he was afraid to come in to see me. I sent an order for an oral macrolide but his symptoms persisted. He perished a week later in the ICU of my former hospital on a vent. I suspect that the terror which swept up many of my former colleagues and the misapplication of invasive ventilation as well described by Sidell at Maimo was what killed my unfortunate patient. He is unfortunately not the only one who was felled by iatrogenic injury. Thank you for highlighting this shamefully concealed feature of the institutional response to covid in NY and surrounding states.

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If I have seemed somewhat unimpressed by the china virus it is because I remember reading about a Diamond Princess cruise ship out of Japan that became infected back in Jan. 2020. Of the 3700 people on board, 1/4 were infected and 14 died. At the same time period, a US aircraft carrier with 4000 on board also hosted the virus. Again, about 1/4 became infected and one died (most lkely ventilated). All of the cruise ship victims were over 60 yrs of age and all had >2 comorbidities. (This was the alpha strain being "dected" by a high false positive test?) Neither it, and certainly not the attenusted strains now prevalent, strike me as being all that dangerous and certainly not enough so to warrent the absurdities carried out in its name. The world has been had.

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Both ships were a remarkable example for data. A micro biology global rapid test section dish.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

And, as a commenter pointed out this morning in Steve Kirsch’s Substack: “Fauci has even lauded New York as a Covid-19 success despite the fact that 80,000 senior citizens died in nursing and rehab centers when Covid patients were sent there by Mayor DeBlasio. Negligent homicide?” … On another note, Dr. Eff’s 20% bonus to hospitals for using Remdesivir in the ICU falsely increased all “death by Covid” numbers in all states. Remdesivir had been used in a 2019 trial in Africa. After several months, it was pulled from that trial because people were dying in large numbers, mainly due to kidney and liver failure. Yet Dr. Eff encouraged doctors to use it in the ICU and incentivized hospitals to require it! This was the reason ICU Dr. Paul Marik (300+ medical articles) was forced to leave Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, where he had worked for over 30 years. He refused to give Remdesivir because he saw it was killing his patients! Every hospital administrator who fired heroic doctors and nurses for fighting for their patients should be fired and fined, if not put behind bars should it be determined they knew ventilators and Remdesivir were the true cause of their deaths, not Covid. (By the way, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory founded the FLCCC Alliance [https://covid19criticalcare.com/] to help people with Covid, so they could potentially bypass these complicit hospitals, avoid ventilators and Remdesivir and a false “Covid death.”)

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Imagine the numbers if the Front Line Physician protocols were in place...

If President Trump’s “Right to try” had been used for Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, as well as the immune boosting regiment...

...then maybe there would have been minimal to no increases in all cause mortality (as long as the ventilators were not used)

Imagine QID nasal saline flush alone could have saved hundreds of lives...

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This is extremely important information, Dr. Malone. Thank you. I’m wondering if the nursing home deaths in NY, PA, NJ, MI, and CT coincide with this time period as well.

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The Seniorcidal governors in all those Dhimmi states didn’t send Covid patients to nursing homes to kill seniors as a failure of policy - but as an expression of policy.

They were auditioning for higher office by demonstrating their willingness and ability to Redrum Americans.

Think me wrong? The ambitious Newsome missed this boat and had to play catch-up; his audition was maniacally insisting, contra evidence, to imposes the Clot Shots on infants.

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In my observation you're right on the money.

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In 2015 Obama's CDC Director Thomas Frieden began the slippery slope into officially-ordered medical malpractice. Faced with major corporate campaign donors who needed to obliterate any trace of past carcinogen spills in the US before relocating to China, the donors bought an official blindness program for The New Slavery: Illegal aliens were smuggled into the country to shovel out vats of poison and make it disappear without any public record. The corporate crooks found it absolutely necessary to exploit workers for these deadly jobs, who could never sue them in court and expose the cover-up. To create the illusion that exploitation centers were "sanctuary cities" and the only threat facing illegal immigrants was imaginary "racism against brown people" and not the murderous intentions of corporate criminals who either deported the cancer-stricken workers home to die or disposed of the bodies themselves (Mexico alone had 100,000 "desaparecidos" in January 2020, people who had vanished from their families without a trace...then the new Administration began a Border Crisis and the numbers skyrocketed). Gangsters who organized this supply of throwaway workers already had a lucrative business bringing illicit drugs into the US but in a push for profits had switched over from cocaine, the profits from which had to be shared with Colombian gangsters, to synthetic methamphetamine made from cheap industrial chemicals ordered from China on Alibaba. As the methamphetamine surge began causing psychosis with insomnia and extreme exhaustion, Meth-overrun communities in Kentucky and West Virginia experienced an overdose crisis, as Meth addicts began mixing multiple drugs to force themselves to sleep. Since it was political suicide to challenge the corporate crooks whose money bought the Open Borders policy that led to the deaths, Director Frieden seized on a straw man issue: Recruiting a malpractice insurance lobbyist and former crony from New York named Andrew Kolodny, Frieden cranked up a propaganda stunt to blame the Ky and WVa overdose deaths on prescription cough syrup, thereby distracting everyone in Ky and WVa from noticing any connection between Meth labs in Sinaloa, Sonora, MX and the local people dying of mixed-drug overdoses. A political convenience to Frieden and Kolodny had been the political role Right To Life activists had in responding to Jack Kevorkian's suicide promotion scam two decades before: RTL activists wanted to be sure that people at the end of life could get control of pain and remain with their loved ones until their last breath, so that no one would suicide out of fear that doctors might torture them by refusing to treat pain. (Nearly 1/3 of Kevorkian's body count were patients who had no terminal illness at autopsy...most suffered chronic pain that Kevorkian persuaded them was probably undiagnosed cancer, letting fear do the persuasion). So inventing the new myth of an Opioid Crisis caused by excessively-humane pain care offered a way to shame RTL activists into silence, while also distracting folks in Ky and WVa and elsewhere from realizing that the same corporate crooks who had given them cancer, were in cahoots with gangsters to keep it all covered up.

After a year of working at it, in May of 2016 the CDC announced their 2016 Opioid Prescribing Guideline, which relied on some junk-science theories that have repeatedly been proven false, chief of which is an imaginary measurement called "the milligram morphine equivalent". (The proof of that is too lengthy to state here, but it appears in my article on Academia dot edu that's linked here. http://t.co/pzVCtYWkeu ). Since CDC has no statutory authority over this subject matter they wrote it as a guideline, then Frieden crony Kolodny lobbied 38 states to base laws on it. Arizona, the 35th state to be sucked into the whirlpool, has since passed a law repudiating the Guidelines, but the damage was done.

When the COVID catastrophe struck, anti-opioid lobbyists had terrorized most doctors in 38 states to fear prescribing cough medicine for patients to survive the Big Cough at home.

The patients were suffering but there was no cough medicine in 2020, thanks to CDC's 2016 lies. Did doctors think that getting people sedated for cough, as part of an intubate-and-ventilate protocol, was better than watching them suffer helplessly?

A heroic handful of doctors applied reason and logic to the problem, and concluded that letting mucus accumulate in the lungs until it drowned the patient, was the wrong approach. Doctors who actually understood palliative care recognized that light, gentle sedation that reduced the chest pain of repeated coughing, and delayed the cough reflex so that every cough expelled mucus, actually extended patients lives, frequently long enough for the patients to develop natural immunity and begin recovering. Adding expectorant drugs and hydrating with IV fluids helped to thin the mucus, oxygen masks over the mouth got the patients well oxygenated while leaving them free to spit out mucus that they coughed up, and rocking patients side to side with pillows every 20 minutes gave one lung at a time an assist draining mucus. But these palliative measures got poor coverage from social media, who were not interested in survival, but instead focused on how to replace on-site work with remote work. Social media profited from panic so we got more of it. Anything that might help survival, if it wasn't a ventilator, did not fit their desired narrative and was ignored.

So what can be learned from this catastrophe?

Other than that corporate state censorship is a hallmark of fascism. the other key point is that once an agency begins lying to the public, it is easier to tell more lies than to confess the first lie.

We ignored what the rest of the world had done with success, because powerful corporate interests wanted palliative care to be ignored. Also because CDC had already told the first lie four years earlier, on an unrelated subject, to protect another mob of corporate crooks and gangsters, which choked off the most obvious palliative care modality of cough medicine.

Qualified governmental immunity appears to be a dangerous thing. Since nobody at CDC has risked being sued for the lies they spread, it added reasons not to tell the truth

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Thank you for not giving up and for helping to make our world a better place.

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This so sad...

...but intentional

Satan appears to be winning...

...but God’s army is on its way and His people are preparing their armor for the war

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The time honored old expression, "All shall be revealed" is taking place in the world.

Great men and women are not standing by idling. Thanks Robert for latching on and not just letting this continue. You are a force to reckon with! And we are all thankful as truth seekers you will.

You are the essence of a Credence Clearwater Revival. Stories are bound to be told about you.

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Thank you for trying to help people remember what a crazy time that was. I remember feeling like something was really wrong and completely out of our control when people I knew were lapping up every word of Andrew Cuomo like he was a

God. It was another excuse to politically hate Trump and I knew we were not honestly dealing with COvID at that point. And unfortunately it just continued from there. It still continues...my hubby just went to get his flu and COvID booster saying he will be better protected for next month when he will race in the Ironman championship. He had COvID in July and raced an Ironman a 10 days later. I don’t understand the mentality of “I need a shot for something that wasn’t that bad in the first place.” Doctors are still pushing and scaring people into getting the shot. When I believe natural immunity for most is the best thing. But i sound crazy when I say that. People are still scared of COvID or are justifying the shot and it’s immunity benefits because it would be inconvenient to go against it for employment purposes. It’s still all so very wrong and political.

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It’s a touchy subject between us. We simply disagree. So we don’t talk about it. It’s more complicated with him being a executive hospital administrator. He has to believe in this stuff to keep his job. This isn’t the hill he will die on. He thinks it’s all political and despises it all. It’s not worth it to badger him about it as he is left feeling more frustrated. As if his job isn’t frustrating enough. For me, I’m a hospital volunteer and I will be forced to comply with flu shot soon, which I’ve never liked prior to COvID. I don’t think they will be enforcing COvID boosters. I’m hopeful anyway. They did not with the third one so I think they are losing control of that issue. They were losing people.

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Tip of the iceberg. Back in the early 1990s the FDA under the guidance of Dr. David Kessler revamped their ADR system. At that time he stated that in his opinion only one percent of the adverse drug reactions are ever reported to the FDA. It is difficult to imagine that the VAERS reporting system for vaccines and the MRNA injections are any more efficient. We could easily expect that the true numbers of ADR’s from the injections are 20 times higher than being reported. There are a number of reasons why under reporting exists and it will not change for a number of reasons. The side effect profile for these injections are somewhere in the range of 3 to 7 times higher than what is seen in normal circumstances for prescription drugs. Apparently this is acceptable because medicine has embraced the mantra “for the greater good”.

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So chilling.

And also, so inspiring to see what one person and one grassroots effort can do!

Yeah to the power of courage and truth.

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