The blatant disregard for the jab's effects on pregnant women was a HUGE red flag for me. That's not how science operates, only how The Science operates.

Then they threw women off social media for talking about what happened to them (and Naomi Wolf for talking about them)

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That's actually bullshit, my dude. Scientists and medical professionals have blatantly disregarded women's issues and complaints for centuries, really, in order to maintain their income and professional status. Look up the history of "hysteria" just to get you started. This is simply more of the same -- only now in the present era we have women doing it for other women, rather than men being the culprits.

Just look at the way that modern medical technologies like IVF are handled. These doctors often (usually) treat women like cattle (not the free range, grass fed ones) and the patients of these doctors often just accept or even prefer it because such an attitude is thought to be "scientific" or "medical".

There are deep, deep issues here. The science for women's health is just not done. The questions are not asked on purpose by the scientists in this field for very similar reasons to why the questions were never asked on purpose for the COVID injections or really any vaccine in history. Just shut the fuck up and trust the science -- and buy my shit. Always the same message.

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I agree, doctors have disregarded women's complaints for many years, but the doctors out there now, that work with pregnant women want to see their patient's deliver healthy babies. The tide turned after the reduction in 'twilight sleep drugs and when women started staying awake for the delivery. But, I get your point. Moooo!

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O care was likely when insurance started buying out doctors and hospitals and the good ones left.

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The one physician I did have that I just so respected and liked retired once the pressure to use EHRs came on. She was so very smart and intuitive. She retired to her little ranch in Texas - I pray she is doing well. I haven't found a good doc since and that was 20 or so years ago.

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Most of the healers went into alternative methods like massage, even chiropaths and acupuncture.

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We called it scientism, since it was a religion

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As an ob/gyn , I have not seen one pregnant woman die of Covid ,I have seen women, who have been jabbed die from a brain hemorrhage and SADS. Thankfully, everyone who was jabbed and abrupted , miscarried or had a stillborn has lived ... thank God . I’m going on 35 years , including my residency, and have never seen anything like this . I am thankful for the data and statistics, but I just want other doctors to speak up and not live in fear of loosing our licenses. Please stop the mandates , childhood vaccination schedule and please stop the jabs ...

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One lived and one died. That woman wanted her baby. Maybe she can get pregnant again, maybe not, but the scars from miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) stay with women all their life. ALL their life. There are no do-overs. One human being cannot be replaced for another. I know, you know this, and you are grateful that the woman in your practice did not die too. I know you are grateful for the wins. I am only responding to your post for the comfort and acknowledging a fact for others.

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Thanks Helen , I really hope people wake up , your right , we can never go back .

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I am remembering a ob/gyn having said that giving these jabs violated 60 yrs of policy that experimental or unapproved meds were never to be given to pregnant women or young children. Guess that policy now in the tank

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And it is disturbing that they are continuing to do so. Rand Paul keeps sending out tweets about the origin of covid. I think the priority need to be on stopping the jabs. First things, first, as they say.

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Just more evidence of mass murder

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Have you noticed anyone who was against mrna genocide ,but who was for Ukraine first war by sending weapons over there?

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There is more than sufficient data to hold a Nuremberg style war crimes / crimes against humanity court. With that said if there is ever such a court it must have the power to seize documents, persons, assets, etc., and full authority to punish, up to and including sentencing offenders to death. Without the potential of being put to death the psychotic overlords simply won’t care and will continue to perpetrate maximum evil upon the planet and its people.

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That scenario needs to manifest sooner rather than later. The Nuremberg Court had suspects in irons and the boots of Allied power on the global neck. Justice was in the air. The vax is still killing people, dissenters have been handcuffed, and lab coats and stuffed suits with evil agendas wear the global boots. I don’t know if we can in good conscience wait 21 months hoping to win an election and expecting our courts to yield outcomes any more safe and effective than the vax.

Hope sees the tables turning, but 21 months is literally a lifetime for some who have time bombs in their bodies. Where is our Nuremberg Court? On one hand, “Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God” (Psalm 38:15). On the other, “Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:7-8). I’m splitting the difference and praying for a Moses and a Joshua.

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My wife who is Rhesus negative and unvaccinated for covid, would normally take an Anti-D injection with her next pregnancies, but is now not sure whether the Anti-D shot (which contains plasma from covid vaccinated donors) would be safe.

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It's also not certain that they even know what is in those shots any more.

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RobRog, that is a consideration and puts her between a rock and a hard place. My heart goes out to her.

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What else is new... the wool pulled over people's eyes is going to come back with moth holes. Surprising how many pregnant women didn't question why there were no trials including them. The trust given to these pharma-made drugs is sad and now devastating results will show why.

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Some did and were told they were tested as safe and effective. They believed the doctors and nurses.

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I wonder if the under-reporting in Europe is similar to the 90-99% under-reporting in VAERS?

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Whenever I read or hear of pregnant women taking the mRNA EUA vaccine I become somewhat aggravated and dismayed that a mother to be would not have serious issues injecting herself and her baby with a EUA “vaccine”. I was watching the five on Fox News and liberal co host Jessica Tarlov was on saying her doctor told her the shot was safe and effective for pregnant women so she was all in and got the EUA. I can’t tell you how frustrated I was. I have always had questions of the left and rights thought processes and how the brain works with politics. I question if it has something to do with a very intelligent liberal pregnant women rolling her sleeve up and taking an EUA drug where there is no thorough data to show if it is safe for her baby. Does politics and a persons thought process play a part in the surrender of a person not to seriously question the taking of this drug. Since I watched the show that day I have many times prayed for Jessica’s baby. J.Goodrich

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It is the sickest form of fidelity there is, which proves in my mind it's a cult.

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I work with some pregnant women. I get a similar feeling when they say they got a shot and their arm is sore as a result, so I don't press there.

I also don't ask what they got. This is a lesson for all of humanity on certain things.


If you want to know how this will play out, read that book. THe review in 2023 also highlights the top 10

My position and Divine authority is such that I'm not even directed to warn them or say much of anything, and this was the case even in 2020 when I knew for a fact that the covid-waxxine binary biotoxin was a hybrid dna weapon, february 28th 2020 it was. I was constrained from not talking about it online.

If people want my help, they have to directly ask me for it. Unsolicited advice I no longer give.

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I warn people if they are in place of hearing.

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Woman who are pregnant already feel vulnerable. Women going through a pregnancy, even if they are highly educated, may not be thinking with all oars in the water. That is why women need the protection of their families and their friends to defend them. But, those very same family and friends may be encouraging them to take the jab. I have seen this in non-pregnant people, where the family does a dog-pile and eventually the person gets the jab. Many people have told me that their family told them if they don't get the jab, don't visit or come for holiday meals. Dr. Fauci must go to prison for the killing of of Americans.

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The Pussyfoot dancer was pregnant and her doctor told her the mrna shots were safe. She was easily influenced, but when she came home, her husband was the one to warn her off because he had been awakening to the mrna dangers already. So she did not take the shots when pregnant, but later did, and suffered a lot of issues as a result of it.

The dark state targets women and children, and disables divine masculinity because the divine masculine is the first defense of such vulnerable groups and individuals.

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I wonder if Jessica Tarlov is second guessing that decision now.

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I hope she does. This wasn’t a long time ago. It wouldn’t bother me that she gets 10 shots, it’s the baby she exposed to this that bothers me of coarse. The other thought I can’t stop thinking of is feeding her child and her body is polluted. I’m sure this will affect the baby as well. Do people just ignore the facts and block it out? I just don’t understand….

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I don't understand either. I know a lot of people are doing things because they are not fully informed. They trust the government, even though history has proven, do not trust the government or listen and verify the information. But, in our busy world it is hard to do that in every case.

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I read all of Drs. Robert and Jill plus. Yes, I have a medical background. I have to go throw up again. Just Beyond, Beyond My Comprehension and the Absurd Insanity. Ed

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Prima faci evidence of the population control agenda

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(1972 report) "Part II, Policy Recommendations I. Introduction - A U.S. Global Population Strategy A. Basic Global Strategy

The common strategy for dealing with rapid population growth should encourage constructive actions to LOWER FERTILITY since population growth over the years will seriously negate reasonable prospects for the sound social and economic development of the peoples involved." The report link is at the bottom once on this link: https://nssm200.com/pdf-and-text-of-nssm-200

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This is why gates said he will reduce population via waxxines. Cause his waxxines sterilize.

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Playing God has never worked out well for mankind.

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G’Day Dr Malone.

Again, a great read, if I may just make a comment, I would like to see far far more reports of “the actual effectiveness of these injections”, “the actual benefits to Mankind, OR individuals”. Are they doing any good, if so how? Are people being saved, if so how many? I focus on this every single day, and for the life of me I cannot see any real value these injections are doing for Humanity. Your report today does NOT improve my opinion. Your last video with Epoch Times (that I have seen, now can’t find it, have my own copy) shows, Quote “the people we are seeing now in hospital are all vaccinated”. “the more doses of these products you receive, the higher your risk for infection, disease and death, compared to those who remain (quote) unvaccinated”.

why Why WHY are these injections allowed to continue?

why Why WHY is there “no one” with Balls in the media reporting this? (this can NEVER be forgotten)

why Why WHY is there no apparent action from Authorities regarding investigating (what I perceive to be) the most horrific crimes against the whole of humanity? INCLUDING NOW our babies?

Medical Professionals across the world, in the UK, Australia and your own USA have called LOUD & LONG for “a stop to these injections” BUT THEY ARE STILL BEING ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, WHY???

So many deaths! So many injuries! So much devastation (financial & other), So many lies! SURELY there is some way to STOP this insanity!

I am just an ordinary Aussie Bloke from “Downunder” Australia, but regardless, if I knew of a way I would take it no matter what. If you can advise I would be truly thankful.

Further, if I had the money, I would do this myself. I would have a very special “Medal” designed and made to present to what I (& Many Millions around the world) believe are the “true heroes” of this tragedy.

True Human Beings who have (in many cases) risked everything to make this “crime” known to the world. GOD BLESS EVERY ONE OF YOU.

The likes of yourself (& your good Wife Jill), Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, Dr Cole, Dr Kheriaty, Prof Risch, Dr Janci Lindsay, Dr Young, Dr Coleman, Dr Naomi Wolf, Dr Campbell, Dr Malhotra, and outside of the Medical Profession, Jan Jekielek, Thomas Renz, Sen Ron Johnson, Sen Rand Paul, Joe Rogan, Steve Kirsch, Katie Hopkins, Reiner Fuellmich, Mel K, Dr Michael Yeadon, Australians eg Sen Alex Antic, Sen Gerrard Rennick, Sen Malcolm Roberts, All those professionals who stood up for “truth & good”, and lost their credentials & livelihood because they stood, and so SO SO many more that need the thanks of The Whole World I apologise my memory fails me at this time.


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I remember reading early on about doctors talking about what the jabs were doing to pregnant women and fetuses. My heart continues to break.

I know I wrote about class-action lawsuits and impeachments--I think they're still necessary. But we need to do more. We need to spread our movement however we can to encourage folks to think for themselves and not let the people with obvious power lead them into danger.

I lived through the 1960's and '70's, and I sense the same rumblings of revolt. We haven't made it into the mainstream media yet, except for comments on Yahoo, but we're getting closer. And, of course, there's Substack and the MSM's continued loss of audience. What's been happening with the vaccines is far worse than the Vietnam War, as awful as that was. And maybe we can learn from the success of the Civil Rights Movement.

I'm so heartbroken I can't think straight. If you have any concrete ideas, please reply.

And, of course, thank you, Dr. Malone, for your courage.

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I donated to the billboard that Steve Kirsch put up about the jab. I don't where it was placed. My contribution was not much, but every little bit helps.

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Interesting that the data is totaled at the EU level - I am assuming when the term Europe is used. I did not read what the norm is for miscarriages or fetal deaths in Europe. However, just like in the U.S., every country has purposefully not collect relevant detailed and comprehensive data, so we know they don't care. They will know their success when they monitor live birth rates as time passes. This is just one way to do it. Depopulation for over 60 years - Nixon, Ford, Kissinger….Please read this – look at each tab on these sites. https://nssm200.com/population-and-the-american-future-the-report-of-the-commission-on-population-growth-and-the-american-future/63.htm. And here: https://jaffememo.com/ Here is the report from the USAID website It’s a download. pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf

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I knew their agenda was depop when I read the Georgia Guidestones. Also why it was destroyed

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I read a couple of Truth Social posts alluding to the destroyed Georgia Guidestones and the gene jabs.

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The Kissinger report is an eye opener.

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I believe this is yet another bit of evidence suggesting that depopulation is an important objective of the uber-rich psychopaths who hold sway over the WEF agenda. It's not the first time sterilization has raised its ugly head.

There is a long history of the wealthiest elites in society pursuing the pseudo-science of eugenics. The movement was quite open at the beginning of the 20th century. Bill Gates Sr was a member of the American Eugenics Society. Hitler's ham-handed implementation during WWII drove the movement underground, but it never died. It simply got sugar coated like a lot of the covid pandemic response was sugar coated. "We're doing it for your benefit."

Just as pruning small banks to leave only big banks will make CBDC easier to implement, pruning world population will make rebellions, migrations, mind control, etc., easier to manage under a totalitarian world government.

And the beat goes on.

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Russ, look at my other post here - I provide the links to the US docs from 50 years ago. In 1989 they were proud enough of them to declassify because by this time they were already into the to cold/to hot lunacy of climate change....

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Early 2021 an Ottawa doctor, Dr. Mal Boushe (?) strongly protested against vaccinating pregnant women. He was arrested by the order of RCMP and taken to the psychiatric section (Hope Centre) of Linescate (?) Hospital into complete lockup without contact to family or legal support. The psychiatrists there diagnosed him with being delusional and forced on him dangerous anti-psychotic drugs. He managed to escape and lived in hiding from the police afterwards.

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OMG. This is just what the former Soviet Union did to dissenters. Exactly. Precisely.

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