May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The FBI will get right on it and investigate them… as soon as it finishes investigating every single parent in the country who voted against the woke candidate in the latest school board election. Priorities!

This is part of what people mean when they refer to anarcho tyranny: criminal gangs aligned with the elite can function out in the open without consequence, while ordinary folk get thrown in jail on trumped up charges.

This is also relate to my argument on knowing the true nature of the enemy and not falling for rose colored portrayals of them:


Thank you for exposing these criminals!

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"In other words, if your strategy to keep children from being routinely castrated relies primarily on the hope that the American Academy of Pediatrics will lose sleep over the pain they’re causing and finally relent, well, you may as well just sign your own kids up for transition now. Conscience has been extinguished. There’s nothing left but ideology now."

This is good stuff!

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Morning Robert. WOW. Amazing summary. This warning should be posted on every single freeway billboard on all four corners of every major city in American.

The campaign to stomp out medical surgical illiteracy. "A mind and body is a terrible thing to waste!" (The condition or quality of being ignorant or unknowledgeable in a particular subject or field.) The Holt Dictionary

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, I truly appreciate it!

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Any means to their end. That is where we are at...

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My thoughts exactly! Parents are investigated as domestic terrorists while actual eco-terrorists brag about their crimes without consequence.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The obvious answer here is to start a "Climate Grifters Fund", where we will work tirelessly to expose the fraud of climate change and the grifters behind it.

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Wouldn’t we all be better off if we just pay the grifters off, let’s say 5.1 million dollars each, make them sign a cease and desist agreement, and leave us all alone. Sometimes I think, like the politician, they get a kind of arousal, maybe sexual, by manipulating people and in this case causing destruction which inevitably will lead to violence and maybe death.

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Think about it James. Mediocrity is the social mean--the average Joe. And average Joes were happy being average Joes and that was fine. I consider myself as pretty average in that respect. And then social media and its constant urge to preen came along. So how can one with average abilities easily manage to stand out? Public misbehavior is something anybody can do.

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It’s funny you say that. I have many young people that have worked for me, and so many have this urge to be famous. I have always wanted to to go through life incognito. When my wife get mad at me for wearing worn out clothes I joke with her and say this way maybe my customers will feel bad for me and pay the bill😁.

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My wife throws mine away--just when they have reached max comfort level.

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"The Law of Jeans" is one of the more pessimistic laws of life:

"Just when jeans get perfectly worn in, they fall apart."

Salvation is iron-on-patches.

When the patches weigh more than the jeans, you have to surrender and let them go.

I place them reverently in a 100% biodegradable container, add just a hint of gasoline, float them onto the Bow River, ignite from a distance with a flaming arrow, and watch as they sail majestically into eternity.

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Love it. Remembering wearing levis before they were zippered.

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I think old clothes are man’s best friend. They are mine. Perhaps now seeming unworthy, they were affordable, made better, fit better, have lasting style, and a reminder of the places visited and the good times had. I can’t be embarrassed for wearing my old clothes, driving my 1998 Silverado ¾ ton, or having grey hair.

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They are not looking for money. They are looking for, to quote Russell Brand, meaning, purpose and connection. Sadly, only destroying what is good, in concert, gives them these things. Society will have to turn against them rather viciously to stop them and I don't anticipate that.

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I do know this Diane. In most cases these people end up walking away with piles of cash. It was just a thought, not that it would happen, to get her and people like her to leave me (us) alone. I looked her up to see where she lives in Brooklyn and it’s a dump. I was expecting some palatial estate. I could not find much background about her, where she grew up, what college she went to, not that I tried like crazy but… I would be guessing, but I bet she comes from wealth. But that is a guess. Many corrupt people like to push other people around. Force them to comply. Frighten people in order to control them. They are typically cowards doing things behind the scenes. Getting people brain washed or bribing them to do what they want done but wouldn’t do it themselves. She is the typical tyrant.I personally just want to be left alone.

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For a minute I thought you were talking about Hillary. Perhaps many females had her as a role model? I posted this the other day. It fits here also.

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”

--- Aldous Huxley---

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You probably figured out it is Margaret Klein Salomon. Weird how her background is not readily available. I’m sure if you dig it’s there somewhere.

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I don't even want to know what sicko classes they are teaching in psychology 101 the their output is someone like her. That headline should have used the word psycho. These must be the people telling kids they aren't confused, they really are the other sex.

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I agree. But they are unable to leave people like us alone. The name of the game is, as you say, to frighten and control others. Sadly they don't even stop at that. Often they just want to kill.

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Great idea! A few thousand flat tires on some Prius's, Teslas and e-bikes never hurt anybody, right? CEF has established the no-harm standard, and, well, who are we to argue with CEF?

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May 23, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As in so many subjects when allowing the destruction of property for political gain, this is another example to add to the list. When you allow people to break the law with little or no consequences you will get more destruction and eventually violence. This administration not only allows it, they at times nurture it and encourage it. An old Italian saying is the fish rots from the head down. Isn’t it fitting in more than one way. J.Goodrich

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is partly caused by the obfuscation of our legal system by legalese. We are at the point where cops need to have a.d.a.s at their elbow when booking a felon so as to not be overturned in court. We need to take back control of our justice system from the ivy league law schools and simplify it. Then this mob behavior can be dealt with properly.

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When the 'just cause' is their cause, the taking-down of society to rebuild to their satisfaction and rule - the Fabian Society now has a few generations under their belts and unwinding it will take Divine intervention.

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Self imposed elitism huh? This is what is wrong with our judicial system. We have those lawyers in back robes sitting ABOVE us in their courtrooms and this is wrong. How long do you think it takes for someone always sitting there looking down on you literally to begin doing so virtually?

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Passed down through the ages, the psyche technique used by Romans, in Rome (Church) and within Monarchies lest the plebes get ideas. Juris prudence, a catchall term for how to look at law, that fails to acknowledge hubris. Gorsuch, the man who during his book interview with CSPAN’s judicial expert, tried shamelessly to make himself small physically, a gesturing to show his humility. He penned the opinion that decided (5-4) that SCOTUS needed to give transvestites and transgender individuals ”dignity”, his words. All the while ignoring that although Dems had tried, they failed to add gender to any current law. Employment discrimination law is tied to “sex” not gender. This is what happens when you put a full-blown libertarian on the court.

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The SCOTUS has now codified hubris. Had to happen when allowing progressives, i.e., ivy league law grads, on the court.

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Hands down this is our NEW FRONTIER!

As we have somehow managed to mismanage the current ones.

Prepare to meet the challenge of it. RWM Sub was great choice to continue my education.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anarchy, plain and simple...

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Why am I not surprised that CEF is headquartered in LA?

We should look into who is funding CEF...and why. And are they in turn any way liable.

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Oligarch foundations like Rockefeller, Ford, Soros and Gates have been using front groups to achieve their goals for decades. Corporate media never gives them any attention as long as they are mission aligned.

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“Corporate Media’ a great term. May I posit that corporate media in western countries celebrated its centennial two decades ago. Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, et al, were masters at disguise and subterfuge. With their money we were eventually given their best propaganda outlets; radio, movies and TV. There were many dual-purpose benefits, electricity being one of them. I have no doubt that CEF’s funding is ultimately sourced from the one $umbrella$ that funds and directs all the propaganda vehicles. It includes Government, Foundations and Big Tech. Academia, Big Tech, non-profits, for profits, NGOs and think tanks are recipients and slush fund operators that disperse $ even further downstream.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Robert and Jill, Thank You!!! I try and try to pay attention. Your contributions are beyond incredible. Much Love. Always an open door…Cobham, Surrey, UK. Very Best, Ed

Uhhh…My wife denies denies being a chef. I beg to disagree. I’m originally from Texas…might know my way around a BBQ. 🏴‍☠️

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Thanks for bringing light to this. I had no idea that these groups existed. As with any extremist organization/movement I fail to understand how these people think. One would think there would be better use of their time and they would come to the realization that they are being used. It seems like ever since the Covid crisis people have literally lost their minds and have become more radicalized and bold with their thoughts and actions. Actions have consequences and in my rural area, that would not turn out well for them.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Since becoming acutely aware of human nature the past few years like never before in my life, in addition to "watching" the news, and reading your articles, I've come to believe that many, many people in the USA, and parts of the world, live very comfortable lives (even those in today's definition of poverty) because they have the time and energy to join outlandish "movements" and "causes" that you often describe...instead of having to grow crops for food to eat, make their clothes, tend to animals for transportation, etc. like generations before us who had to do those things to survive, and who would be astounded to see the laxity, softness, complacency, and evil of so many current citizens simply due to how much time they have on their hands. People live very well and they don't realize it. Even those in need of food can go to a food bank, which I don't have a problem with because there are always people deserving the service, but in a word, if the day comes that people actually have to work for survival, I believe that'll be the day that most ridiculous, absurd behaviors will disappear simply because no one will have the time to indulge in them. Not saying that day will come, at this point I don't have any idea what the future holds, and yes I realize evil has always existed...just my observations and thoughts.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the "heads up" on these loons. Our family carries a cordless air inflator in each of our vehicles. Now we have another reason! https://www.makitatools.com/products/details/DMP180ZX

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I have a boatload of Makita cordless tools, so already had plenty of batteries and chargers, which will be needed in addition to the bare tool. Other brands are probably available, too.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I find it disturbing to know the consequences of this movement and what it can do to tarnish and create distrust for people who genuinely believe in civil disobedience. This is different from the truckers in Canada or the M.L.K. marches. There is a time and place for these protests, but to find a leader to direct the actions of the group is hard. Anytime a large group of people get together for a cause there is so much potential for violence without strong, ethical leadership. C.E.F. is not showing the way!

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A cynic would say a primary goal for the people funding these actions is to gather sufficient public support for the government to ban protesting.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In my opinion, what the climate activists don't understand is that whether or not the Earth's climate is becoming "less friendly" due to human influence, there are more urgent developments we all should be focusing on. Together. What sense does it make to possibly reduce the frequency and/or magnitude of climate disasters by 2050, when by 2025, or 2030 at the latest, we could easily be living as CBDC-controlled serfs under a global totalitarian system lorded over by billionaire psychopaths? With individual freedoms gone. The constitution completely ignored. No rule of law.

To my mind, stopping the combination of CBDC, Digital IDs, and the associated mega-database of surveilled personal data is Job #1a. Beating down this thing called "wokeness" is Job #1b. At this point, any focus given to climate activism is simply a diversion of energy from what's truly important. In my opinion.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm impressed by how much damage they accomplish on just over $6 million/year. Perhaps the US "Defense" Department could learn from them.

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In the UK, not only are the police useless at policing climate activism, we also have lawyers who refuse to prosecute them.


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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have American friends in the UK who have one of their kids caught up in the Extinction gang. Apparently, many of them are emotionally unstable and caught up in drugs and the trans deception. They are easy recruits.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What STARTED and is BEHIND the "anthropomorphic" climate change fraud and scam is none other than the apparatchiks at the so-called "United Nations" (in particular one former high mucky-muck UN apparatchik - a now deceased Canadian expatriate and (just like Barrack Obama) a self-styled "citizen of the world" - named Maurice Strong, who worked in conjunction with the high mucky-mucks of the (American NGO) the Council on Foreign Relations - such as CFR President Richard N. Haass, to institute a permanent (DIRECT) income stream for the UN - based upon TAXATION of the use of CARBON by "human" activity on earth - but, PRIMARILY (on) so-called "developed nations".

It was an "American" CFR member - Harland Cleveland - a so-called "international scholar", who called for global taxation (rather than yearly dues paid to the UN), to DIRECTLY fund ongoing UN schemes to basically enslave humanity via one-world transnational "governance"...for the "common good", of course.

The ENTIRE climate change FRAUD is about basically just TWO things: (1. M-O-N-E-Y, and (2.

C-O-N-T-R-O-L (of humanity).

The charlatan Algore, was buddies with Maurice Strong - and (they)conjured the idea of instituting a new climate EXCHANGE via the (global) stock market, where "Carbon Credits" - in perpetuity - would be bought and sold by corporations and individuals, who would be TAXED on their "carbon-footprint". Is that SLICK, or what!?

As the FRAUD of (at first it was "global COOLING"; then "global WARMING"; then "climate-change"; then "MAN-MADE-climate change" moved into high-gear in the decades of the 70s and 80s and beyond, a funny thing happened that was IDENTICAL to what happened (globally) during the WUHAN Virus Crisis: The THOUSANDS of legitimate climate scientists who sounded the alarm about this FRAUD were SILENCED as "dissenters" and "climate deniers", with careers ruined and reputations (and) income destroyed by the VERY SAME GLOBAL FAKE NEWS MEDIA and "NGO" ATTACK groups that infest virtually EVERY "news" and "fact-check" entities that patrol the internet for MONEY and POWER to CANCEL all unapproved discourse by individuals and more.

The self-styled (global) "elite" who instigate and perpetrate virtually EVERY "crisis" past and present, are adept at formulating SCAREMONGERING techniques to induce the masses to REACT en-mass against reality and FOR hyper schemes to CONTROL them - as well as PICK their POCKETS.

HAR de Har-Har!

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In Brookline Massachusetts they surcharge town people for owning SUV’s and Pickup Trucks. When I pull building permits in Brookline I always tell them I drove there in a pickup truck and ask if they are going to charge me extra for the permit?? I get many dirty looks from the woke employees...

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If you are a tradesman or a craftsman....A Toyota Prius or A Tesla car just can't provide any form of utility to handle most Jobs. People have little knowledge of safe logical transport.

If a plumber or electrical pulls up in a tiny truck. He is not well prepared to serve the need for the task at "hand" . He can't be running to Home Depot 5 times a day for materials.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A neighbor of mine who lives around the corner from me bought one of those coal fired, child slave labor Tesla cars. He lives on a road named Indian path, I told him his street offends me.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have to replace the giant 12volt battery in my GMC van i have owned as a business vehicle for 22 years. Yup 22 ! It puts money back in my pocket now. And every 4 yrs it needs a new battery @ $100. So Elon can take a long walk off a short ocean pier.

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Great "tongue in cheek!"

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Just left the lumber yard. Couldn’t imagine welding steel ladder racks to the roof of a Prius, though it may be an advertising gimmick.

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My good pal borrowed my 4X8 utility trailer to tow his harley to FLA one winter for the entire winter with his 2012 Prius. It gets 55 -60 mpg most of the time on avg. He got 22 mpg with that load behind it. Yeah.....like that..... Hahaha ! But it did the job, Right?

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Which is what I have to do every time I tackle a home plumbing job

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hahahah .....you not alone.....your never alone....at least not here you're not. (Que Devils laugh)

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Nothing worse that cock sure ignorance. Climate science has changed. All the older IPCC models failed to include about 90% of the Sun's energy when imputing the Sun's affect on weather. New models that attempt to include all the energy don't have the 'desired' political outcome. Check out this 3 year old short video by Suspicious Observers.


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