Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The sovereignty of the United States of America is under siege in the year, 2023! The government by We the People is being usurped by institutions, that no longer respect we the people! It is time for We the people to unite and bring back the sovereignty of the United States of America. God bless America. Have a great Fourth of July and remember our roots.!

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Sadly that includes the Supreme Court who has ruled that the articles in the Constitution giving control of elections to the states was a "theory" and one they took it on themselves to override (6-3). The states are going to have to seek redress in the10 th amendment and simply begin to ignore such patently unconstitutional decisions

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I need to further review the details of what all exactly the state legislatures are given authority for. That said - Levin has read over the section of the Constitution that gives authority to the State legislatures exclusively. In the last couple elections the States compromised that right by allowing the executive and the courts to over rule the legislatures - to favor their preferred ends. Levin is very angered that SCOTUS has ruled this perversion acceptable (rewriting the Condtution itself). In the last couple elections this 'liberty' did impact outcomes. I accept Levin's position.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

It's too easy for, say, a governor to issue an executive order bypassing the state legislature, then do their monkey business while the illegal order takes a billion decades to make it through the courts where it's ultimately struck down, but the damage is done (ie, 2020) Meanwhile the media cheers the governor and he or she gets secret side deals and if the plaintiffs make a molecule-sized misstep and the filing is tossed, we see a billion articles counting this as "a win for democracy", and when I was young and dumb I believed this kind of stuff.

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Don’t we need one set of voting rules that are transparent and not allow roque states to fake the vote for nefarious reasons as we have seen done in the last 8 years. If you are schooled in statically analysis it is readily understood that voting in some states was as phony as a 3 dollar bill !

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Then congress and the states should amend the Constitution appropriately. We do not need SCOTUS writing legislation nor should they. That is precisely why we are in the fix we are in. individuals and agencies circumventing the Constitution at their whim. It is time the Constitution stands on its feet and like Popeye declare "I yam what I yam". .

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SCOTUS should have disallowed changes made by governors courts etc. in many swing states in the 2020 election because it was illegal. Changes are constitutionally only supposed to be made by the legislatures of the states!! But again Roberts dropped the ball again. The FBI, I believe, has threatened to take his two Irish adopted sons from him. I have heard they got them in somewhat illegal manner. I think they have blackmail info on hundreds of people in government especially the Biden’s.

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James, All the way to the Supreme court's top guy! Bribery and blackmail work wonders. When it gets this corrupt, somethings gonna come down. I just wish the implosion would happen!

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In Pennsylvania, for example, the governor (Wolf) went around the state legislature's authority over election rules and allowed drop boxes on the streets, which became one of the many sources of fraud. Wolf knew this usurpation of the legislatures' power would lead to a face off in court ("During Covid, fearful residents need a path to safe voting") and lose, but he also knew the 2020 election would be long over and the fraudulent votes they dumped en masse into the boxes (with no signature matching required) would've done their job, and they also knew the New York Times would, come hell or high water, run a front page above-the-fold headline the VERY NEXT day, "Officials Say 2020 Most Secure Election in History". It was planned, rehearsed, and executed despite existing laws, and it all comes to light in the same steady drip that vaccine injuries do, but they count on limited attention spans, and I almost wish mine was.

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I remember standing outside the voting building, here in NJ, about an hour before the polls opened up. I wanted to submit my vote in person, as Demon Murphy ignored my written submission that under no circumstances was I to receive a "mail in ballot". Funny how they offered you the option, but then completely ignored your request.

So, I'm all alone standing in front of the building, when car after car, after car pulls up in front, people getting out of them, putting their "mail in fraud ballots", into the box outside the building. Some people put a single ballot in, others put dozens of ballots in. Since only 3 are allowed as maximum, I guess they were just being kind to their friends, families and countrymen, dumping ballots for them, at this particular box. Kind gesture, indeed.

Not to pick out a particular race, but the large majority of people who were putting in stacks of ballots were of Oriental race. Since they were all MASKED, it was not obvious to who they were, but you could easily tell by their eyes and hair color they were not white, not black, not hispanic in any way. Must be just a friendly helping neigbor or something, times 30.

Being the inquisitive idiot I am, I began to look around for "security cameras", as I had heard in the media that "tight security measures were being taken at all drop off boxes in NJ". I looked up and saw a huge camera above my head. That camera was the only one facing outwards away from the building. Unfortunately, it was facing the parking lot, and not the drop off box, which was 50 feet in the other direction. Yes, good old Demon Murphy and all the other people who worked at the polling facility were sure to make it so that anyone could anonymously dump ballots in by the truckload, and no one would see a thing.

On a bright note, our Demon in charge Murphy recently had about a thousand hair plugs jabbed into the top of his rotting, sub human skull, and all of this teeth capped. He went from looking like an evil demon scrub who rules the state, to a curly haired poodle evil demon scrub with new teeth, ruling the state.

Fun times.

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Great comment! I saw it in Pittsburgh too, I have a few friends who were laughing as they voted at a dropbox for their relatives "My cousin hasn't voted in years, so I'm doing him a favor! Many favors!" I asked him who he was voting for and he said "Can't tell ya that cuz then you'll know who my cousins voted for". There was so much corruption, and it's very hard to hear the people who said Trump's win was illegitimate in 2016 (and do a 2 year investigation) but his 2020 loss was squeaky clean (and don't want an investigation, most secure in history, don't be a denier, period, end of discussion. Or else).

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No. The States were considered laboratories of governance. The scope of authority of the federal government was intended to be severely limited. The authority of the States was to be broad, giving each states’ citizens the ability to craft their laws, including those governing elections, as they thought best. The basis of the philosophy of governance can be found in the Tenth Amendment

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Give them a break. The got the other three exactly right.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Indeed, and this post, and the Coffee and Covid post are a great way to start the day. I am always amazed at how well folk wrote and spoke in these early time periods. I am thinking that if you lack the editing tools from our time, you must learn to get it correct the first time. It is also not easy to correct a nation gone off the rails, and willfully so, yet there are millions of good decent folk here in the USA, and we can find our roots and spiritual liberty again.

(“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” ~~George Washington)" https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

"Comprehensive studies on universal happiness (actions and attitudes that always eventually produce happiness) vs pleasure, (defined here as temporary capricious desires that only lead to temporary happiness, and often for that individual simply due to the fact that any desired satisfied temporarily removes a restless want from the undisciplined heart, or base desires that if catered to promise temporary happiness but instead enslave, produce misery and destroy happiness) is NECESSARY for society to survive and prosper."

Always free, not a news feed.

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Thank you Dr. Thomas Braun. I’m right there with you.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen! Thank you for your share, this is so true, and sad as our country is under siege from large corporations, and our own government! We all need to stand together, and take back America! Yes, God Bless America, and all Countries fighting for their rights as well.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our Declaration of Independence was and remains a seminal document in the ascent of free people everywhere. It is also a brilliant indictment of the sins of the British monarch and a stirring defense of the need to sever those ties. Americans, perhaps uniquely among the world's people have an instinctive sense of the need to be free. To think, say, act, dream and strive according to one's own beliefs. We bow down to no one, look down on no one. As Theodore Roosevelt beautifully expressed “I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.”

Happy Fourth to Dr. Malone and all those who believe in America, freedom and truth.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have any of you heard of TJ's original draft - the one that the colonies were asked to sign?

How many know that Glenn Beck and David Barton have the largest collection of American artifacts? I watched a recent video of his where he showed the draft and what was taken out and why. It was SC and GA that would not sign until a portion of the draft discussing slavery was taken out. Glenn is doing a tour of the country with 'our' amazing artifacts. I watched the first tour online last week and saw the document. Here is Glenn talking about the Declaration in 2020. For the piece taken out go to minute 10 and listen although the entire 17 minutes is worth the listen.


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Truly amazing. Thank you so much for the link. A splendid Independence Day gift!

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We need to free ourselves from corporate control. We are on the precipice of never again having the ability to determine our own happiness and define our own liberty.

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The problem is that there is a strong linkage between the USA and Great Britain! Demonstrated so well when the Covid crisis was launched! Joe Biden in traveling to England to bow down to King Charles!

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Slightly off topic, but important -

IMPORTANT - Not related, sorry, but important and very eye opening...

- These two links need to be watched, one after the other, to get a good understanding of what is going on.


1. Glen Greenwald

How Powerful US Institutions Co-Opted the 2SLGTBQIA+ Movement | Locals Q+A


2. This is the song that he refers to in his comments:

"A Message From the Gay Community"

Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men's

Chorus - YouTube



CONSENTING ADULTS - Do what you want, But kids are to be left alone

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Thank you for whoever liked what I posted here. The content is very important, because it demonstrates how the incentive structures of various groups are aligned so that they collectively campaign against the people of the United States. So, in a way it is exceedingly on topic.!!! Please listen to the discussion and the song, they are, collectively very eye-opening.

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They campaign against the United States because foremost among the world's nations, America stands against their globalist dreams of a one-world feudalistic government. Although they hate nationalists such as Meloni, Orban and LePen who also love their countries and cultures, they uniquely save their venom and efforts for the freedom loving Americans and their leaders.

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Bruce, you are so right on target! One of my most enduring memories was of a friend of mine, who is a consultant spoke six languages, and he traveled to over 100 countries. He was driving the car. I was in 20 years ago, and I was complaining about the United States.. He looked me straight in the face and said that the United States is the only hope for the world. That the powers that be our pushing for modern day feudalism. This kind gentleman that has since passed away, was in a position to know.

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Bear in mind that your friend said that 20 years ago. I wager most of us would have said the same thing 20 years ago. I suspect your friend would not recognize the country the US has become. The only way to regain or save America's promise is to recognize and acknowledge where the ruling elites are dragging us.

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Bear is appropriate instead of bare, especially for the "Daily Growler"!

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You know, i used to be a stickler for trying to get everything right in the posts. But at this point, with voice recognition software that types it in for you, you really wonder if it’s worth the time to go back and proofread everything before you send it out! ☺️😁 I’m assuming that most people will figure it out and realize that all of us are smarter than the silly machines that translated into English for us!! 🇺🇸😆

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Dr. Malone a perfect post, on a perfect day, at a perfect time in our countries history. Thank you for placing this in front of us. We all see this government turning its power against the people. I wanted to post a piece of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Smith. I believe the letter was to end up with John Adams. I’ve posted this before but it is very uplifting to me and fits in todays America. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. The founding patriots knew that even this government with its constitutional restrictions would eventually become what we see today, tyrannical!! It has come time for the remedy and set them right. The longer we wait the harder the fight will be. I don’t think our country can survive another five and a half years of this dissension to tyranny.


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James, A very thoughtful response.

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DD, happy 4th of July, I’ve been in NH, rainstorm after rainstorm and terrible service. It comes and goes. Hope you have a nice free day!!!

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Thanks, it has been a while since I read the declaration of independence. It reminds us that our rights are not given to us, we have to continually fight for them, and never let up.

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The Declaration of Independence could have been written about Biden instead of King George. Both have committed abuses designed to reduce their people to "absolute Despotism" and establish "absolute Tyranny over these states." He "has obstructed the Administration of Justice" with his weaponization of the the DOJ. He has sent "Swarms of Officers to harass our People and eat out their Substance" (armed IRS agents, FBI SWAT teams arresting political enemies, social media censors, NIH/CDC propagandists). He has subjected "us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution" (the UN, WHO, and WEF). He has "quartered large Bodies of Armed Troops among us" (BLM/Antifa) and protected them "by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders they should commit" (releasing murderers from jail to prey on an innocent population). He has deprived us "of the Benefits of Trial by Jury" by sending his censors out to cancel and silence us without due process. He has "burnt our Towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People" by sending out his supporters to riot and pillage our once beautiful cities and mandated injections of toxic drugs into the bodies of citizens. He has "endeavored to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers" by opening our southern border to criminals and drug dealers. The Declaration of Independence is a timeless document that reminds us it is our duty as a free people to oppose abuses by corrupt tyrants who undermine our inalienable rights.

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I thought the same while reading the declaration, it could have been written about Biden, and whoever his handlers are, today! We must not allow our Republic to be distorted as he is doing, we must redress these infringements on our liberties however we must.

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There are other similarities between King George and Biden. Both suffered from dementia (King George's was caused by porphyria and Biden's by senility). They both had scoundrels for sons who led dissipated lives and traded off their fathers' positions to enrich themselves. History repeats itself, the first time as tragedy and this time as farce.

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Sadly, over the course of the last 20 years or so, these basic principles have been purposefully hidden, distorted, and shunned to those who were young adults in this period. I witnessed parenting become a sideline which some parents simply handed their children money, and said "hey go out and do something". Very little time was spent actually educating this generation, as they were too busy on their phones chasing their own pleasures and dreams.

I pray every single day that the "Great Awakening", that I personally have experienced myself, is being spread across the nation at lightning speed.

We shall see.

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I taught the Declaration for years as part of a junior English class. We would break it down then build it back up when the students would write their own declaration using the same form. Always powerful. And each time I taught it, I learned something new.

It’s amazing to me how many of their issues remain our issues today.

I also know that going to war was not a popular choice but became inevitable choice by choice when met with a fork in the road, and reinforced by guiding principles. We are primed for another revolution, if only people could take to heart the lessons of the past.

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Listen to this video starting at minute 10 to find out what TJ's original draft for signing included and why it was taken out. Scroll down the page to see the video.


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This the Declaration of Independence was inspired by God. Our founding fathers were brave and God fearing men.

Let us remember their courage . Let us remember their sacrifice . Have a patriotic Independence. God Bless America!!🇺🇸

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Happy Independence Day to the Malone family! Thank you for all you do to shed light on the issues that seek to rob us of our heritage. In much the same way actually as the Founders, investing your lives, fortunes and sacred honor for an Idea that is in danger of being extinguished.

Others, too, have joined the fight. We saw a preview at cinema last night of "Sound of Freedom", a work shelved for five years by the forces of darkness at Disney. Powerful film with a sobering message. Jim Caviezel stars, and does his usual excellent work. Support this effort by paying for tickets to those who can't afford it: https://www.angel.com/pay-it-forward/sound-of-freedom

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I’m going at 12:00 today.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

I watched an interview last night with the agent and Caveizel about the back story. Fascinating and heartbreaking. I was a bit throne off by Tony Robbins being such a prominent financial backer, but God uses all kinds of people for His work.

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I watched it too, these are Caleb and Joshua for sure! There are giants to be felled in the land of promise. Here's a link to most of the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTBGNEliczc

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Yes. However, I do wish Peterson would 'get out of his own way' and surrender to our loving Father. Interesting interview w/ Metaxas if you haven’t seen it yet.

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On the edge of my chair when I watched the Metaxas interview! Other "almost" Christians: Naomi Wolf, Tom Holland... they stand right outside the Door and point to it, like John the Baptist maybe. They are definitely "friends" of Christians and share our foundations. They have a lot to lose if they cross the "metaphysical" line, "with persecutions..."

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'Take up your cross’ requires that we 'die to self' daily. It is very difficult for people who worship man’s intellect (or their own) to admit that they are not the beginning and end of all creation. I was raised in that. My mother and adoptive father had several degrees each and prided themselves in there attainment of knowledge, however both of them lacked true wisdom and often made shipwreck of their lives (and of their family). Both eventually came to Christ some decades after me, however, my father still greatly struggles with understanding submission to God… and that not only is He safe to do so with, but he must.

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Throne is perhaps appropriate...

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“ We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice and insure domestic tranquility. Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and protect the blessings of liberty for ourselves, and our posterity - Do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America!!!!!!!”


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There are two types of citizens in the world. Those who cling to the Lord and pray for grace and understanding, and everyone else.

"You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family."

Everyone is family, and our Father seeks the reconciliation of us all. So let us be the joyous beloved sons and daughters who will always remind our siblings that there is a Holy way, one which we struggle, daily, to accurately live.

Place the declaration in a place where you are forced to read it and you will memorize it in a few weeks.

I put it on the back of my bathroom door, facing the toilet. It ain't sexy, but it gets the job done. I replace that with the Gettysburg address, and then scriptures. What can I say, I have a hard time memorizing otherwise.

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Doug, much better reading than most! Great idea.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

Hmm, sounds like a familiar situation… we seem to need both a REVIVAL and a Restoration. “So if the Son sets your free, you will be free indeed.” -John 8:36 Happy Independence Day! (There is a great song to add to our 7/4/1776 “No Longer Slaves” by Zack Williams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDnA_coA168)

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My father was born in 1900 in the midwest, raised to love American freedom. But he said he was delivered from "the fear of man" when he became a Christian in the Pentecostal Revival in 1923. Twice free!

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Amen! The enemy uses fear as a door to enslave and the mind and spirit. That’s why Jesus said SO many times, 'Do not FEAR. I am with you.'

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Natures God has entitled us...beautiful. God Bless America!

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Unfortunately…..most people born after 1990 would essentially be unable to read your post and/or unable to comprehend it!

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

Eh, don’t sell them all short… 2 out 3 of our sons get it. They can also read cursive! ;-D (My spouse took two of our adult sons to see the Declaration of Independence in DC yesterday. The ink is almost gone, seems prophetic…)

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I agree. Fortunately I have met many young people who would willingly read the post and comment intelligently.

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However losing a phone charger will send them into a minor breakdown.

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Pray for the ones still trapped.

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…and most adults as well. The true ‘blackmirror’.

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Unless they were home schooled.

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Evanston HS. 98% graduation rate. Only 30% Caucasian. 14th in the State of IL.

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How many went on to college?

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

High percentage go to college. Because the area is so accepting and African American kids hang out with everyone else, this is the norm. Sadly when they go to other states they find people do not treat them the same way.

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It makes it pretty clear the People form a government to serve the needs of the People, and that People reserve the right to change said government when it diverges from its charter. "But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. "

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