Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This announcement of the Global Proclamation appropriately comes a little over a year after your first Substack post announcing the Physicians Declaration II (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/physicians-declaration-ii-updated).

Belated congratulations on your one-year Substack anniversary, Robert and Jill. Think how much has been accomplished in that short timeframe!

Here’s to many more victories ahead 🙌

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The first one was a statement of substance. The new one could have hit harder.

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I don’t know. When I think - I am the person they are talking about or my child, or grandchildren, it was strong. Maybe yours could be stronger. I’d like to read it.

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These folks bring a certain level of qualification and intellect to this issue. Anyone can say "the children are our future". The opinions of these folks carry weight BECAUSE OF and related to, specific knowledge - Not specific emotion. I appreciate their efforts and it's not completely devoid of value... but a bit more... (to overstate it) insipid schmaltz than I think is worthy of their intellect and expertise.

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I do understand your thoughts and feelings. We DO have a raging uphill battle in front of us. I fear the worst is yet to come and for the most part - they respond as if we don’t exist. So, I agree on several levels. We should look forward to the future proclamations. I look forward to them being more demanding.

Other than standing on street corners with thousands of others, or even hundreds, buying books, reading them to become more knowledgeable, and supporting these fighters in these ways, then passing along information, there’s not a lot more I can do and incidentally, no one seems to want to be visible on that corner with me.

So, I appreciate everything all of these people are doing especially on the money they’ve been able to muster up via substack, books, IRA depletions, etc.

I’ve been following a long, long time. Before c19, I, as a totally trusting layperson completely blind to the evils of the medical cabals until three years ago - well - needless to say - my world fell apart.

My father retired from JCAH, my mother from HHS. As adult children, we heard stories, but nothing like these evil and choreographed secrets via Bill Gates, and Dr. Fauci, et al which includes the same type of cabal in England and elsewhere.

A money making machine - this COVID19 decease was from the start. The Green World - just beginning- will be so much worse, if they win the blueprints on this one.

Thanks for the discussion and I look forward to the ongoing Exposure happening on many levels, as well as continued Declarations representing people around the world, even those who know not what they are doing, for instance Mr. Wahl’s wife, a doctor who pushed the jabs and possibly aided in her husbands own death. I know she did not want that.

We must stop bthis WITH compassion. So sorry for the ramblings...

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When do the indictments start? Sorry but if these criminals are not held accountable with actual jail time or worse, I don't see how things don't continue to get worse. Literally half the population are ignorant and gaslit beyond belief. 'Us' having arguments with 'them' does nothing. They believe their sources are not fake news. As long as CNN and ABC, et al can get away with being the group 'Alex Jones of the Left' nothing will get better. The continued lies and crimes happening daily without a single person being held accountable is a recipe for continued decay of reality and truth.

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AND why there aren't hundreds of DA across the States already filing these indictments means none of them are qualified to hold public office. Every single County Health Official that denied early treatment needs to be indicted for medical malpractice and dereliction of duty. From my guess there should be at least 2650 county DA's filing indictments as we speak.....all I hear are crickets.... And a soothing guitar...thanks

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just read the first four chapters of Lies My Gov't Told Me. Beautifully written by you, Meryl and the others. Congratulations on getting it out.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s an overdue start to try to reverse the medial mandates which by extension mean that we do not own our bodies but rather make us slaves who belong to the state.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

..we love you . I cried ..

The good people have to stand up against the „evil“ in this world. Love, honesty, trust … to make a better world. And .. as a biologist ..How to regain trust in the pharmaceutical research ? If it’s all about money ? A lot of Germans support you . And Prof. Bhakti, Dr. Wodarg, Prof. Burkhardt ..we have great scientists to who want the truth to be told

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This is wonderful! God Bless everyone! Thank You Dr. Malone for sharing this with us. Without you and all the people over the last 3 years, I would have been distraught beyond comprehension. My family remains "unvaxxed" and we will need you and all, for years to come...fighting for our FREEDOM against medical tyranny. #ProtectTheNaturallyAquiredImmunityCohort

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We're there; all hell has broken loose.

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Thx for sharing! First I’ve seen this. Very telling! Anne is correct, all hell has already broken loose and we were seeing it in less than a year and they’re still pushing it 2 years later!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Funny how everyone wants to focus on Fauci. Hey folks, guess what? You need to take a close look at what Alex Azar signed up for when he was head of HHS.


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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And if that's too cryptic for you, it means he decided unilaterally for 300M people that informed consent wasn't necessary. Oops...

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Regarding Other Transactional Authority. Congress has authorized eleven federal agencies to enter into “other transaction agreements” that do not need to contain the standard terms and conditions for scrutiny and regulation the way normal contracts, research grants, and procurements would for example. This can be done even if the counterparty is normally subject to regulation. For example, the DOD used such agreements with pharma to order the R&D of "military prototype” covid vaccines. Legally speaking, no regulation needed, even for manufacturing standards.

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Again, I'm beating the dead horse no one wants to address....The "experts" the "health officials" lied about early treatment and gas lit the public into accepting emergency use authorization. They lied and committed medical malpractice and fraud. With all the smart doctors knowing this, how is there not a gigantic civil lawsuit against every health commissioner in the USA for demonizing "horse paste"?????

I appreciate the feel goodz declaration about human dignity, but the lying criminals do not care what you say nor acknowledge truth...or what is actual scientific data and logical conclusions to the data. How do we prosecute the thousands of liars that were entrusted to care for the general welfare of this country???? I have an idea, but I'm deplorable. It doesn't involve a guitar.

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Agreed. At base, I think, are the three groups identified by Mattias Desmet in his description of Mass Formation; 30% hypnotized, 60% "go along to get along", and only 10% actively questioning. Here's how I describe it:

All the world IS a stage. We The People watch as politicians, media figures, self-proclaimed authorities, and other “leaders” prance around the stage, painting a picture of “the truth”. The passive audience, wanting to trust, accepts that truth. The Surface Truth. All is well.

A few brave souls from the audience (maybe 10%) venture back behind the curtain and into the wings. They find science fiction and fantasy writers feeding lines to the actors. They find technologists, billionaires, and lawyers huddled in every dressing room, installing dystopia ... i.e., engineering the Deep Truth. All is NOT well.

The audience ignores the returning brave souls. About 30% are hypnotized by the actors’ words. The rest prefer to check messages in their seats rather than venture backstage. There’s comfort in those familiar habits and routines.

We The Skeptical, the brave souls, see an urgent need for intervention. The urgency is told in the difference between Surface Truth and Deep Truth. It is large and still growing. The 30% hypnotized at the foot of the stage reject logic out of hand and are lost. The others are mostly fearful and distracted. It takes noise to raise the heads of the distracted. Let the real noise begin.

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Here's what really bugs me due to my experience in both automotive and defense weapons manufacturing, prototypes are never meant for mass production in any context ever. They are meant for demonstration purposes only and in small lots usually. Additionally, they called them "countermeasures". Both seem to imply that they are not pharmaceutical products for which 600M were produced at least.

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600M is not a demonstration

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep at it. I am worried you're getting tired, so pace yourself.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not a conspiracy theorist, but, if I were one and your suitcases never make it home, maybe it could be because of this: "...as they contain a lot of video recording equipment..."

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Ditto! The same thought was going in my mind too!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lost Luggage? Blame COVID.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reading about this event and the proclamation really brightened my day and renews my hope! Much needed these days. Thank you Dr Malone and to all those involved!! Hope your luggage turns up!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It really chokes me up thinking about the abuse we all received at the hand of our government and its psychological operations these last three years. Fauci & Birx among others need to be tried for their crimes against humanity. We can not let them or Bill Gates get away with this crap. Our forefathers would have long ago taken decisive action.

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Our forefathers would have so scared the pee out of them they never would have even tried to pull off this faux emergency

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The proclamation was moving! Thank you

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a wonderful experience. Love your proclamation (your as speaking of all of you) and subscribe to its sentiments. In your videos the love, respect and community shone through. So very inspiring! Very glad to hear more such gatherings are planned for 2023. Great pictures of Dr Jill, You and Dr Cole. Expect there were other great ones too, just don't know the folks. This and the Fauci video tell all, that you (and your we) are in this going forward to win!

Off Topic:

With my copy of your hardcover have been able to leap ahead to topics of special interest - like what to do with HHS. Wow am I ever impressed! I'll wager you know more about the Administrative State than most of the regulators and members. A GREAT and Heartening Read. Am on to other topics of special interest - while interspersing a continuation in the order presented.

Wishing you world travelers a good week for recovery and happy doings! Bestest plus!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Best list of Ten since the Bill of Rights and Ten Commandments. Nailed it! (Will be ordering your book shortly, a Holiday gift for me).

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