First of all, thank you very much Dr. Malone for your wisdom and your expertise during this vaccine nightmare. I have been following you consistently since you became public and if I could give you a medal for bravery I would certainly do it. I am a physician assistant and I am not vaccinated. Prior to becoming a PA I worked as a biochemist on the early development of the pneumococcus vaccine. I completely understand cytokine storm, chemotaxis, macrophage and mast cell migration in the lung as well as complement pathway immune response to pathogens in the lungs. In my scientific mind I can picture the lung damage that has happened to Covid patients as well as what has happened to me as I have long haulers. I had the alpha variant February 2020. I continue to see “Covid“ patients since the identification of the virus. I can say that I have definitely watched and examined the impact of this virus over the last two years. I have seen the symptoms decrease as the contagiousness of the virus increased and death decreases. But again that is the nature of most mutated viruses over a period of time as you well know. The delta variant acted out of line. I researched the molecule it seems that a component of acetic acid may have been substituted On one of the binding sites. Perhaps this could explain why Delta had made so many people very sick as I’m not sure that I could tolerate vinegar in my lungs as well! I question patients who say they’ve had Covid more than once as per your research you can continue to circulate the spike proteins for up to 15 months whether it is active or not. My observation thus far in the vaccinated patients is exactly what you stated in terms of spike population in lymph nodes. I have sent several patients for ultrasounds of “masses“ distributed in lymph node anatomical positions usually in the head and neck area including the cervical nodes and occipital and one in the axilla . So far four out of five patients over the last three months who had biopsies of these enlarged lymph nodes have been given the diagnosis of lymphoma. These are otherwise healthy individuals who were vaccinated by Moderna or Pfizer. I have not seen or read any further information about this with the exception of your latest article coming out of England. I can tell you that in the community I live in which is a retirement community people are dropping like flies! And I am sorry for those of you who are reading these comments if you have been vaccinated and are afraid to hear adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. This is the epitome of the human experiment. This is criminal! I have been ostracized and nearly shunned from the medical community because I am not vaccinated and I refuse to be vaccinated not only because I researched it but also I had stage one Guillain-Barré syndrome following the flu vaccine 11 years ago. The most disgusting comment I have heard thus far is from some of my colleagues. When I challenged them about the adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines that they themselves are seeing in their own patients their response has been: “The sacrifice of a few benefits the many.” I call it the Fauci doctrine. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to continue to see patients who are experiencing adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. I just don’t know what to say to them. I am forbidden to discuss the vaccines by my superiors. I don’t have your credentials or MD after my name I am simply a physician assistant who has been practicing for 36 years and never dreamt that as I am winding down the end of my career that it would be during a period of healthcare corruption. Keep doing what you’re doing, we need your voice.

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Wow thank you for your post. It’s very moving and I’m so glad you are staying true to yourself and honoring your bodily autonomy despite immense pressure.

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This is a great post and enlightening to a layperson! It helps me verify my decision to not be vaccinated at age 73. I have been mightily pressured to do so. Thank you for standing firm and writing about it!

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‘ When I challenged them about the adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines that they themselves are seeing in their own patients their response has been: “The sacrifice of a few benefits the many.”’

I’m guessing they would have shut down your question, “And what exactly are the benefits?”

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My dad who’s very pro vaxx keeps insisting that it’s preventing severe disease and to ignore that data is to ignore everything.

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But where is “that” data? I see it nowhere!

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Yeah I don’t know. I follow this guy on substack too and he says boosters are more protective of death. But only initially and that protection wanes rapidly.


The pressure to be vaccinated is enormous but I don’t feel the data is supporting it. I’ve stopped discussing it with my father because it only leads to arguments and he ends up telling me I’m going to be on a vent 😳I’m a healthy 44 year old btw who’s son has brought sars2 home twice now and have not gotten sick nor infected as far as I know. I believe in early treatments. Pierre Kory even said, “ there is no vaccinated versus unvaccinated. It’s early treatment versus no treatment. That determines your outcome.”

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If the body can't clear these protein spikes, then I'm concerned this could lead to autoimmunity.

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Juju, I fear some form or level of autoimmunity is going to be a given. Beyond that, I worry about the unvaxxed being exposed to "shedding" from a vaxxed significant other. So, sorry I didn't help much...but I am letting you know we're all worried.

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Are you worried about 'shedding' because of exposure, or something else? I have heard reports from my medical forums that between vaxxed and unvaxxed in same households, the unvaxxed are experiencing some hormonal changes. These are just rumors so far but you never know.

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My wife got vaxxed early on. Not me. No way. But I do worry. I’ve developed a sporadic twitch in my left eyelid and cheek— kinda like chief inspector Dreyfus in The Pink Panther movies…. I’m serious. I’d love to blame her, but she’d just ignore me. :)

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All my family, including siblings and their children, got vaxxed. Not me. A few family members take turns on presenting new talking points, usually fear-porn they heard on cable/ internet news, in attempts to pressure me into complying. It is tiring. While your eye twitch is not funny, your presentation of it made me laugh which is a great immune booster. I hope the twitch is self-limiting. Thanks:)

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Thanks Lolita.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

Do you think that's because you've been exposed to spike proteins due to her shedding? The reason why I think it may not be is because this new study discusses how the mRNA prevents the body from eliminating the spike proteins. That may mean it would be unable to 'shed' but of course this is all speculation.

I had that symptom when I had covid -cheeks and eye too. Have you had covid?

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You know, that’s a good question. I’ve been in the D3. K, zinc, C, Quercitin regimen since early on. I’ve been tested several times for trips, but no positives, and never any symptoms. One of my sons stayed with us for a couple of days and coughed and sneezed all over us, and tested positive the next day. My wife tested negative a few days later. So, maybe I’ve had it and not known that I’ve had it? Maybe I’ll get on some IVM for a few days. I’ve stockpiled.

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Autoimmunity, reactivation of latent infections like tuberculosis, shingles, toxoplasmosis, …

Even when/ if the body rids itself of these spike proteins this is not necessarily a sufficient stopping condition. Once the immune system starts attacking itself, it’s difficult to shut it off.


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If this information is valid, there is much we can do to protect outselves:


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From the guide—

“Top ten spike protein detox essentials:

Vitamin D

Vitamin C

NAC (N-acetylcysteine)


Nigella seed





Milk thistle extract”

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

Vitamins D and A need to be in balance. So I take A with D.

And vitamin K2 is important to enable vitamin D and calcium to properly strengthen bones instead of hardening arteries.

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good to know, thanks!

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oooh. That's right. Need some K2....

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Note that you need to take Quercetin and Zinc together-- they work synergistically. This is Dr. Zelenko's recent protocol- duck duck go it

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Quercetin, hydroxychloroquine, and ECGC (found in green tea) are all zinc ionophores.

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Looks like that is what Dr Bhakdi & Dr Burkhardt’s findings were: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/bhakdiburkhardt-pathology-results

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Marc Girardot's writings on these types of issues are very helpful. He has a great way of explaining things in easy to understand language. Here's his latest article on the subject: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/no-one-would-ever-accept-permanent

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I hope Fauci and his friends go to jail for their crimes against humanity!

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This is Rosanne Spinner, Eric's wife posting, in response to Deenie: Jail time for sure AND...Fauci's jail time should be followed by burning in hell for all eternity for doing/funding gain of function research - research in bioweapons about which he has been known to say: "the knowledge we could gain from this research would even be worth a pandemic"...He's a demon.

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Nothing short of the death penalty for those creeps.

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Fauci will go down as killing 100,000's of people in the US and millions around the world who followed his dictates.

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And that is just from this COVID debacle-- add AIDs patients / AZT and all the orphans he experimented on in NYC "studies (sic)"

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The system is so broken, I would be grateful if they just force Fauci into retirement and don't let Baric near a lab ever again.

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I don't mean to be letting any cats out of the bag, but it seems like the hypothesis that best describes the observed phenomena is that this was all done purposefully. There are simply too many brilliant people among the perpetrators to support the notion that they simply missed all of this. The foreshortened trials, the destruction of the control arm, the selection of inappropriate trial endpoints, the flawed demographics of the trial participants, the attempts to hide the trial data. None of this can be explained by anything other than purposeful acts of malfeasance. Or, use a better word: EVIL. I will never be convinced otherwise at this point.

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Plus the fact that they are almost hysterically intent on getting EVERYBODY vaxed. I've never seen anything like it.

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Exactly, nothing make sense unless we factor ulterior reasons that eventually will surface.

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Breathtaking evil. Move over Mao, Pol pot, Stalin, Hitler. Y’all have been superseded. Pray these scum are identified and dealt with x-treme prejudice. A stain on the human race.

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Either that, or the people orchestrating this clown show shouldn't be permitted to be left alone with any sharp objects... let alone, charge them with developing a vaccine

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As Dr Malone says give a 3 year old a hammer and EVERYTHING is a nail

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I don’t know if I can subscribe to the damage being that deliberate.

Seems more like were witnessing the results of a hubristic crapshoot.

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Doubt Mao et. al. were deliberately “evil.” Their unsavory behavior was allowed by a materialistic world view.

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“Note that the duration of the protein expression was only tested for 60 days.”

In other words, the duration could be much longer (even permanent), right?

What are your thoughts on VAIDS, Dr. Malone? Perhaps a topic for a future article?

“The WHO has approved six, more traditional vaccines, all of which the US government could license. These genetic vaccines are not the only option.”

This statement concerns me, Dr. Malone. The J&J vaccine is not a genetic vaccine and yet has been associated with fatalities and injuries, including blood clots, which even the CDC admitted. Novovax injects the spike protein, which doesn’t sound like such a good idea.

Ultimately, we need to reject *all* COVID vaccines because they are *unnecessary*. The 99.8% COVID survival rate could be 100% with early treatment protocols, which are safe and don’t carry *any* of the risks of the vaccines. The only ones that benefit from pushing these injections, genetic or traditional, are the pharmaceutical companies making a fortune off of them and the governments using them to control their citizens.

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There were and are remedies early on: Hydroxy, Ivermectin....cheap drugs that would have saved lived. Huh. Saved lives.....

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is showing promise for Long Haul in regulating the immune system. Vaccine Injury and Long Haul present with similar symptoms. See FLCCC.net I+RECOVER protocol.

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J&J is a genetic vax, using a AAV-it’s a DNA vax.

Subunit is the safest option, imo

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Thank you for the clarification, GKay, and good to know your thoughts on Subunit, although I still feel strongly that there is zero need for a COVID vaxx given the high efficacy and nonexistent risks associated with early treatment protocols. All of these injections carry risk, especially given the lack of long-term clinical trials, and there is no reason to take on those risks for something that can be treated without risk. The existence of any COVID vaxx can become a pretext for mandates/vaxxports/tyranny while simultaneously enriching BigPharma, so they all need to go.

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I agree, healthy young folks don’t need it. Priority should be better treatment protocols. Offer (not mandate) the safer subunit vax to the elderly and immunodeficient

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Thats right! Yes love to hear about VAIDS. Great points

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pretty solid details about the dangers of the mRNA vaccines. It's a serious problem the FDA gave emergency authorization for these and still doesn't pull these vaccines from the public. There is enough there to warrant a full investigation. Unfortunately won't happen because of the political corruption that is evident everywhere.

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The death count alone should have stopped the continued use.

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The deaths from vax, and from Remdesivir, are the SAME symptoms as severe Covid so they just blame it on Covid. We need to find a definitive, confirmatory feature that separates the 3 causes somehow.

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New Zealand data between March 7th and October 31st, 2021 - only 2 deaths WITH covid in all age groups.

Over 600 suspicious deaths with incidence rate following the vaccination program intensity.

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Yes and all the graphs seem to closely coincide between the vax and death rates. Too close for anyone to discount it. But how many of all deceased "from Covid/Covid pneumonia" received Remdesivir where it may have actually been the cause instead? Remdesivir's critical symptoms match Covid; heart, cytokine, etc etc We need to know. Because I believe it's a major contributor but have nothing to back that up other than people's personal stories of family members and some hospital nurse friends. "DrFraudi" pushed it from the very beginning, so... what if.....

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

The question is WHY wasn't it stopped. Over 20,000 deaths (a very conservative estimate). Has anyone of those consultants at FDA asked Fauci or Walensky?

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As we are all discovering in real time, the stench and rot of corruption in all levels of government, media, tech, MSM etc

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Academia needs to come before that etc.!

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Don’t worry, this ‘biological weapon’ will soon be approved by Brandon for six month olds.

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It is sick.

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If they pulled them at this point, it would be chaos. There would be violence towards the government, and they know it, so they won’t pull them unfortunately.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

I have thought the same thing that if people knew the real dangers from having taken the vaccine, all hell would break lose. I have deep concerns about the bio- distribution of the vaccine and have written emails to the Canadian CHO Dr Tam and to Quebec Public Sante about it. No answer! In the context of informed consent these health departments SHOULD have this information. They don't. Unbelievably people who are vaccinated dont ask about this. For me it's fundamental to have this info and HOW it was sourced.

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I agree 100%, and think there’s something to the mass formation psychosis theory.

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Yep, they can’t back down.

And they certainly won’t apologize!

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Academic corruption, too.

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Dr. Malone, what is your advice for those of us who, like you, allowed ourselves to be jabbed and want to do everything possible to prevent/address any long-term damage? Do you have resources you can recommend? What are you doing yourself? Thanks for all you do!

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If this information is valid, there is much we can do to help ourselves:


I hope Dr Malone will comment on it

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The above is a great site that I send to patients 🥰

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I too would like to know, on behalf of loved ones who made different decisions than I did.

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I’m also eager to know, given that I have 4 kids ages 20 - 32 who have taken these & I just wonder if a younger more robust immune system is producing even more of these spike proteins?!!

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I have seen Dr. Tenpenny reference “pine needle tea”. That might be a place to start researching until Dr. Malone replies.

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I am thinking... the same early meds were very helpful in Long Haul Covid (helped my son in law tremendously!) -- might they have the ability to help against or counteract vax longevity? A thought.

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I answered that myself.... The link provided by Alethetropos on detoxing from vax or Covid sure enough includes the remedies for illness and for long haul that are recommended by FLCCC. Such as quercetin, NAC, etc.

This is great to know. My husband opted for the jab despite all the info I gave him against it (I was able to convince him not to get the boosters though) but I've had us both on all the OTC meds and supplements for over a year, adding NAC if either of us were having cold/illness symptoms (from grandkids usually). Neither of us have gotten Covid. Not that we know of anyway. And now I'm happy to know that, just maybe, we've deactivated the worst of the jab. 🙏🏻

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I have used it and also recommended it to patients.

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The Daily Skeptic might be asking an interesting set of questions (don’t see much declaration in the passage) except that these are questions you would ask of some entity that screwed up unintentionally. Even allowing for some mass formation, I am really hesitant to offer this opportunity to spin to exculpatory answers to people who were ‘just doing their job’— an excuse that failed at Nuremberg. We have longstanding norms of science that have simply been breech by depraved hearts that have nothing to do with technology. That’s like saying the crimes tried after WW2 were the result of various “fascinations” with new technological and propaganda methods of population control and mass murder. Denial of early treatment and use of Remdesivir in light of the trial evidence is enough to charge murder in some degree. On a spiritual note I would share an interesting bit of guidance I came across reading Meditations on the Tarot — which is a heavyweight on every page so I may never come to the end. All the cards except one card invite meditation — but the reader is advised not to meditate on the card concerned with “fascination” with evil. Why? Because there is no bottom. Fascination with evil we do not understand is a bottomless pursuit. I’m not talking about fear based mass formation or even run of the mill early childhood stunting that produced sociopaths (relationship downregulators). I’m taking about setting out to kill hundreds of millions and creating a variety of tools and methods to do that. When they start popping up with - we enjoyed killing the useless eaters and our inferiors — then you’re getting closer to the truth. Start asking them why they leapt over the norms of science and public health safeguards when it was obvious there was only a harm story in evidence. In the end, evil is a thing unto itself, and cannot be fathomed, but can be named.

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There is great wisdom in this:

"That’s like saying the crimes tried after WW2 were the result of various “fascinations” with new technological and propaganda methods of population control and mass murder."

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“ In the end, evil is a thing unto itself, and cannot be fathomed, but can be named.”

So can its root.

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Wow! Root of evil, great wisdom, Hermetic tradition in Christianity-- where else can one find such a conversation in the middle of a plandemic? May I offer a bit of sobornost from the late N.Berdyaev: "dark meonic freedom" is the pre-'good and evil' Origin of Creation. In scientific (rather than philosophical) terms we're talking about 'initial conditions. 'Me on' versus 'ouk on' were Platonic categories of non-Being or Nothingness. Paul Tillich disclosed those categories as relative versus absolute nonBeing respectively. 'Dark' refers to 'as yet undisclosed' --not yet good or evil. Berdyaev advocates that all creativity e.g. mRNA is either in the relative direction of the Originator's intent or Absolutely not. It is a fine e.g. "fascinating" distinction. [ http://www.berdyaev.com/berdiaev/berd_lib/1930_349.html ] Interesting problem definition: How to maintain BOTH free creativity AND relative Being.

We're also talking about mRNA gene therapy technology as an instance of Augustine's Eighth Day of Creation (unless you're a literal six-dayer).

I advocate against a zero=sum Origin.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I just tweeted to Bret Weinstein about this suggesting that they devote an episode to Frances Kelsey and the tragedy of thalidomide. We grew up with children afflicted with these birth defects but I think many young to middle-aged adults aren't familiar with the brutal reality of getting it "wrong."

I'm trying to link to a series of ads from the 50s ad 60s promoting thalidomide--one even guilting parents into needing it to save the lives of their children.


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I just wish I could cut and paste one of the ads here--I did on Twitter. It's vintage 1960 with a little baby and the tagline that "this child's life may depend on the safety of Distaval," but with no irony. I guess parents were accustomed to giving sedatives to kids, but Distaval (thalidomide) was considered safe.

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Feb 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After having just watched the Netflix series "Dopesick" with Michael Keaton, documenting the failure of the FDA with Oxycontin, creating billionaires on the backs of addicted patients and corrupting physician prescribers in the process, I will NEVER trust our public health institutions again. I have a better understanding now of not just the corruption inherent in becoming a GS 16 and a member of the SES, but more importantly, the concept of "bureaucratic capture" by large, powerful companies.

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I know my information is somewhat anecdotal but I work as a coroner and have been and RN for 50 years. I have personally known five people whom have died secondary to the vaccination for COVID, albeit all of them over the age of 45 and with comorbidities, but I do not know of one single person, personally, who has died of COVID. In my professional employment, I have had only one death that likely involved COVID ( never tested and no autopsy was required due to history) but the COD was COPD. I HAVE had one death from the Johnson and Johnson vax, although this was a year ago and there were no findings at autopsy to corroborate this. His physical presentation prior to death was classic with vaccine injury/death. I am just one person out there doing my best to do my job and collect all pertinent information at a death scene, including COVID testing history, disease history and to me, equally as important, vaccination history. What concerns me is that I see a lack of intellectual curiosity at the pathologist level at autopsy. A medical history that might be important to factor in a person's vaccination status, seems to go unnoticed or unquestioned at the pathology level. This raises grave concerns for me.

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Is it lack of curiosity—or discouragement of curiosity and/or rigorous investigation by the higher-ups?

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I wish I could answer that. In all the autopsies I have attended, I have never once been asked. If I bring it up, as in the case with my J&J death, I get a bit of silence in return.

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So if I were to summarize:

1) immune system is trained harder by the vaccine than by the disease itself, demonstrated by the antibody response, and the 60-day persistence of spike in the GC.

2) the over-enthusiastic immune training is directed at a virus threat that no longer exists.

3) the training targets only 1/3 of the immune response: IgG, but not the faster-reacting IgA or IgM.

4) the "novel and non-obvious" (patentable) pseudouridine improvement may not actually be an improvement.

Now do "boosters."

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Your exquisitely droll and concise summary of the ghastly and devastating made me lol 😂 to tears.

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

US5989911 (filed 5/8/98 , issued 11/23/99) Titled "Site-specific synthesis of pseudouridine in RNA" discloses the conversion of uridine to pseudouridine.

From the abstract of US9238813 (filed 10/17/13, issued 1/19/16, assignee University of Rochester):

"Methods for affecting mRNA expression or translation through the modification of pre-mRNA or mRNA transcripts are described. In one embodiment of the methods of the present invention, the branch point adenosine of a pre-mRNA transcript is 2'-0-methylated to block splicing and subsequent expression of the protein encoded by the transcript. In another embodiment, a uridine residue in a nonsense stop codon may be modified to pseudouridine, causing the translation machinery to read through the nonsense stop codon and translate a full length protein."

It would appear that the prior art anticipates a lot of what is currently being done since the independent claims of recent Moderna patents seem to be relatively narrow. From Moderna's US10463751 (filed 2/6/17 , issued 11/5/19):

1. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a plurality of lipid nanoparticles comprising a cationic lipid, a non-cationic lipid, cholesterol, and a PEG lipid, wherein the plurality of lipid nanoparticles has a mean particle size of between 80 nm and 160 nm and encapsulate an mRNA comprising: (a) an open reading frame encoding a cytoskeletal protein and consisting of nucleotides selected from N1-methyl-pseudouridine, cytidine, adenosine, and guanosine; (b) a 5'-untranslated region (UTR); (c) at least one 5' cap structure; (d) a 3'-UTR; and (e) a 3' tailing sequence of linked nucleosides.

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Great summary (of the posting as I understand it) 😊

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone is foundation of vaccine information. We must continue to speak out:


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Jeff - i always enjoy your writing.

I love the thought that the town I live in was named after Madison's brother and that Madison himself, had a farm about 12 miles from here.

"It took defiant Americans to establish our freedom of speech. And it will take defiant Americans for us to keep it."

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Thank you so much, Dr Malone. I have such tremendous respect for what you are doing. I’m very much a regular guy, but I’m also a trained historian with an advanced degree. I only say that so you take what I’m about to say seriously. You will be in the history books some day.

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Amen! That is of course…if we still have freedom of speech and not a totalitarian country.

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This all goes to show that one can never rest on the laurels of Liberty.

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You need to watch this and her follow up


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I think we reached a tipping point. I honestly have no clue how we will recover from this as a nation. This is a tsunami and it is no where close to receding. The 40% increase in mortality of the working aged is just the beginning. Infertility, cancer, strokes, heart attacks, …

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

It seems as if we have been handed a smoking revolver with 5 bullets left. Do we have the skill to use it? The first bullet was used on us. We are still (mostly) here. I am NOT advocating violence. This is metaphorical. The tool they used on us is still loaded (with evidence) to use on them. We will need honest, intelligent, creative, respected, human loving, informed individuals to make sure this or worse doesn't happen again. We ALL need to NEVER FORGET. We need to pledge to assist any leaders that emerge (thank you Dr. Malone). If YOU end up a leader be STRONG in the virtues! This is for us, our children and our children's children.

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This is very important. I am a RN but much of this is over my head. I need you to interpret the data. Thank you for posting this.

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Agreed. I have to slowly read it, and go back over it again. Language I am not familiar with.

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Same! I note the bold sections but don't understand the significance. As I posted above, it seems like the authors are saying all these things are positives? I don't have any experience in interpreting how authors usually present their data or have any technical knowledge either.

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No, they're negatives. The only positive is the "one of the positive developments blah blah rapid development of vaccines blah blah..." and most ONLY include similar statements to try to prevent data from being pulled from public eye. If they are totally discrediting the vaccine their articles, studies, preprints get yanked, so the solution is to slap a 'great job FDA, we love vaccines' on and it usually isn't pulled. It's strategy from most (not necessarily all).

Just pay close attention to Dr. Malone's own comments, summaries - and exclamation points and you'll get the main gist.

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yeah. I don't read "Biology" stuff well. Maybe it's not even biology, but some other..."ology"

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Do not give up:), Very few of us are trained virologist or biomedical researches, the unkwon technical vocabulary doesn't make the reading easy or enjoyable but the kernel of it it's explaned by Dr. Malone. And if time and interest permit we have an inmense library on our figertips thanks to the internet

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Yes. The vocabulary is daunting...Thankfully, yes. Dr.. Malone can "interpret" most of the words. I have on occasion looked up a few words....

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what is VAIDS? I struggle with abbreviations, too :)

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Thank you for the question. It prompted me to give SirRWM a one-year subscription just so I could post an answer: vaccine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Keep running till you can't remember why.

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100% your last sentence. TECHNICAL writing, especially.

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