Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The corrupt power of this justice department can be so overwhelming for the average individual. Most people are completely unaware of what they have done to these J6’rs.

Every time I hear or think of this case and these rulings my mind goes to Mathew Perna who faced these very same increased charges which drove him to commit suicide. His mother wrote in his obituary that Mathew died of a Brocken heart, “the community (which he loved), his country and justice department killed his spirit and his zest for life”.

I’m not sure how my wife and I got on the subject about a week ago but she asked me if I thought for whatever reason I would end up in jail, so I asked her to go first, she said no, why would I go to jail. When I answered I said “yes” I think I will end up in jail. She said really why???? I told her I don’t know exactly why, I just think they will put me behind bars, probably based on my political views.

Anyone who has followed this case must have fear of this government and isn’t that the point of the justice departments prosecution of these people? Isn’t the fear of government the very definition of tyranny? J.Goodrich

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James- i hope you are wrong, fear you are right. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

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I would say pretty well the worst happened in the 2020 election.....we had our fed gov stolen by a banana republic junta that put a slobbering corrupt rotten banana over us. It now comes down to how repairable it is

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It certainly was the origin of all of this. They say the real insurrection happened on November 3rd 2020, and January 6th was the cover up.

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Second vote for "Yep"

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Still not able to ‘like’ anything… but something happened. What that something actually is, I’m not positive…but it appeared to be a color revolution. As to how Trump actually came to be the Republican candidate by virtue of feeding off public disapproval for permanent Washington and corrupt leaders concerns me a little.

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I am not concerned about Trump being a danger. He may be full of himself and he says what he wants without thinking. But I don't doubt his love of America. He just needs to find honest Americans with integrity to serve in his administration this time. Last time he took the recommendations of people that did not have integrity. After all, Trump has run businesses and worked with leaders across the world before he became president. You can also get an idea of a man by looking at his children. And Melania does not have to run around campaigning for him like Jill has to. Nor does she have to help him off the stage.

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His closest adviser was his SIL, who had dubious ties. Frankly, he gave me the creeps.

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Banana republic my A**! Our Constitutional Republic is and HAS BEEN under SEIGE

by "American" out-and-out SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS (SAME damn thing) for MORE than a half century; who now CONTROL ALL the lever of power THROUGHOUT the federal government, INCLUDING the so-called "justice" department, FBI, CIA, NCS, et al.

One BIG question is WHY it took 4 FREAKING YEARS for the so-called "Supreme" Court to get around to addressing the OUTRIGHT MARXIST/POLITICAL miscarriage of JUSTICE on American citizens BY the "justice" department, the federal JUDICIARY (and) the BOGUS, UNCONSTITUTIONAL J-6 Committee - who should ALL be in federal prisons NOW for what THEY did to sovereign Americans who journeyed to D.C to voice their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS over the OUTRIGHT THEFT of the 2020 federal election - and are no doubt going to do the SAME in 2024!

Joe Biden wasn't kidding when he said on TV - PRIOR to the 2020 election: "WE have in place the best voter fraud plan in US history.

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Actually the socialists have been whittling away at our Republic for at least a century. Wilson was the prime mover when they put him in office

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Absolutely right, Michael...difference is THEN and NOW, is that the MARXIST Socialist/Communist elements in America a century ago ( and more, really), did NOT fully control virtually EVERY institution and 'lever' of power extant - as "THEY" do NOW here in the USSA, circa 2024 AD...after their VERY successful "Long March Through the Institutions" by advocates of: Antonio Gramsci, Eric Fromm, Theodor Adorno (and) Herbert Marcuse, who encouraged the absolute deconstruction of the U.S. - from WITHIN! So,NOW, TODAY, the "Collective Leftist" piles of excrement are hitting the fan - and the American people - right in their collective kissers! FEW seem to give a damn! Many seem to LIKE being subjugated to 'noble (sounding) causes' such as "saving the earth", or saving the whales, or the birds, or the fish or the water, or DEI and "social-justice" - which is STRAIGHT out of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO!

America has become a characture of itself very similar to the movie - CATCH-22. INSANE and totally UPSIDE-DOWN - even to the FACT that PRE-1970, the DEMOCRAT party color was RED and the Republican BLUE! THAT switcheroo

was pulled off by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA - specifically NBC and CBS - with the other Leftist "free-press" dutifully falling in line.

NO PUSHBACK AT ALL from the "Republicans"!

Sez it all!

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They bit the poisoned apple and went to sleep. They are waking up now

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I was taught NOTHING in public schools, until college, regarding communism. I took a class on the USSR, by a former diplomat (can’t recall his name), in college. This was before the ‘fall’. Although, if Jeffery Sachs is to be believed, it didn’t happen the way 'Night Line' portrayed it. Another class was about how ‘terrorism' was going to be the warfare of the future.

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Ted Coppel the Night Line talking mouth was a sanctimonious supercilious know it all.

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100% on 🎯 it is infuriating.

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Like T. Paine said - "These are Times that Try Mens Souls" - and he also spoke of "sunshine patriots and summertime soldiers" - which proves some things NEVER change. Darwin struck OUT as far as the Homo-Sapiens species (and) "evolution" is concerned.

One BIG difference was when Tom Paine wrote "Common Sense" people in the colonies - as elsewhere - actually READ BOOKS to EDUCATE themselves.

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This is a great win. It will set precedence for future cases.

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We really do need a new party. Things seem to be a little similar to when the repubs replaced the whigs.

I humbly submit, the GOPP.

The Grand Old Pirate Party,

ARRR (founded by the Assoc of Retired Rainbow Republicans).

Its time to throw the krats off the boat.

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No, just vote smart. Conservatives are winning elections now. Give them a chance

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we do, its the insane rabid democrats, and the idiot independents, and the never trumpers, that just cannot vote smart

The repubs we have now are kind of worthless, or downright destructive, to our country (all the democrats are destructive) and if they cant fix this, its time for a new party.

I am optimistic, however, Scott Adams points out, correctly, that humans are very good at dealing with slow moving disasters, and the leftist vermin, and the democrat rodents, are slow moving.

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Our Republic can be fixed but it will be a state by state process

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Nope....been there done that....not working. Why do you think an arrogant idiot like Trump is so popular. Please do not fall into that old trap. It's time to cast a vote....against something.

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Perhaps because he was the most presidential to occupy 1600 since Calvin Coolidge

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Mr Dumb..oh, excuse me - Mr. Dahmus: Your comment about President Trump showing your arrogance. I am sure your portfolio doesn't hold up to even a page of his. You woulldn't be able to win a race for the dog catcher.

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Absolutely, be prepared.

4 boxes of freedom.

One box to rule them all,

One box to find them,

Once box to free them all,

From the Dark that binds them. (thank you JRRT)

The Ancient Founders created the

4 Boxes of Freedom. To be used by Men,

to protect the freedoms they worked so

hard to build.

The Soap Box, which protects free speech.

The Voter Box, which protects free choice

of Government.

The Jury Box, which protects the people

from dark laws.

But only one Box protects them all.

The AMMO Box. In the hands of free people,

will always conquer evil democrats, nazis

and commies.

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At least be highly aware that such an ersatz force exists.

And is being used to victimize and horribly intimidate "persons" for the future.

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Doesn't help all the J6's that were exercising their right to speak out and were sucked into a maelstrom and are now serving time as political prisoners. All three branches of our federal government have been politicized and are controlled by special interests and the deep state.

The political legal gauntlet that they are putting President Trump thru speaks loudly about how politicized DC has become and Biden thinks it is great and stays silent. I admire President Trump's determination not to throw in the towel! The Covid con demonstrated the power and control that has enveloped DC.

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Hello Thomas

God chooses complicated men and women to be heroes. He guides them and believes in them. President Trump has already become one of the heroes, regardless of what happens from now on. Who else would choose to go through all this? There are a few others, too.

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Agree! Maybe he will speak more clearly when he is elected! Opposition hangs on his every word to spin it negatively!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29


I know we've had this discussion on a personal level before, but I can tell you with absolute certainty, that I have zero fear of being a political prisoner.


Because I would rather end up dead on my front lawn, then to be held captive, under false pretense, by a bunch of slimey communist traitors posing as DOJ toadies

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Yes, if we are lucky enough to go that way it would probably be a blessing. Look at Peter Navarro, Garland picked him up put him in handcuffs leg irons and just because he could (to completely demoralize him) strip searched him. Not sure everyone knows what that means but it’s nothing a person wants done to them. Garlands a communist thug that should be in prison for his crimes.

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All America needs to gather to celebrate Peter Navarro as an American hero upon his release. And, yes, Garland needs to be prosecuted for his crimes. There is never a reason to use SWAT teams and excess to arrest a peaceful American citizen. And anyone who abuses his power to do so for political ends needs to spend a long time behind bars. Or swinging at the gibbet.

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Isn’t it ironic that Peter Navarro has been put in prison by Merrick Garland for not complying with a House subpoena. Now Merrick himself is not complying with a house subpoena and most all democrat politicians say he can’t be arrested and jailed. Hmmmmm

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So arrest him, strip search him and then hang him.

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Dr. Kimber I posted this before. It’s a set up question for Merrick Garland by Corey Booker at Garlands confirmation hearing in the senate. Background Garlands grandparents were segregated into the Pale settlement in Czarist Russia for being Jewish. Being persecuted on the basis of religion to me is the same thing as persecuting someone based on political views because it’s always political people doing the persecution. Check out this fraud who shackled Navarro and stripped searched him. https://www.booker.senate.gov/news/videos/watch/merrick-garlands-emotional-answer-to-senator-cory-booker

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And Bannon to follow on Monday.

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Rules for thee....

None for ME!

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And the D-bags who were the ones "just following orders" who did that to Navaro should be fired, and never hold another civil servant position again. Sick of witnessing this going along with orders crap, time and time again

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I vote for swinging.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29


I agree. I guess when I'm home, at the end of a long workday, taking a shower, I'm susceptible of being dragged out, naked and in shackles, for simply having voiced an opinion that the Resident, Joe Biden, is a hair sniffing PEDO.

(ask his daughter, Ashley for confirmation)

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That's the stuff that was done in Stalin's Soviet Union and today in China. No American should ever countenance it.

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For justice to prevail, Garland and all his co conspirators must get same treatment received by J6 defendants, Navarro, Bannon, Trump…

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Thank you for remembering these horrible injustices done to Peter Navarro. Garland truly is an evil man.

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a political martyr is a good way to be remembered, and a lot of old guys, who have passed the baton to their fine up standing sons, really have very little to lose, and a lot to save.

The secret, take as many of the rabid rodents with you. We the people are still way more abundant than the rabid leftists.

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After what they did to the J6 patriots, ALL Americans fear this particular unjust department so the way to fix it is to dismantle it, give it new, tighter boundaries and oversight, then re-build with good people. My heart goes out to you and your family, that a government can create that much fear in a person terrifies me as to if they can do that, what next? No-one who entered “the people’s house” should have been charged with anything - we all saw the tapes. It was peaceful except for the Antifa and Undercover Fed actors. Another hoax by the Democrats cartel.

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For the past 2+ years I have read excellent investigative work into what actually happened on J6. It shocks me to think that those in the CNN Spin Room had the gall to say that Trump lied about his offer of the National Guard. Do you think they really don't read any of the investigations other than the sham committee investigation?

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They most certainly lied. The Speaker’s Office and documents were off limits to the J6 select committee for a reason. Remember you are often more aware than others of exculpatory evidence.

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That is what a younger brother was saying recently about the CIA and DOJ. It will never happen though. Congress has never used its power to stop the madness that has been happening for decades. And now that is evident to anyone with a working brain.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

So, Joe Biden can't see it happening? How about that lady in the supermarket i was just in, wearing a mask, and plastic gloves? Can she see it?

Asking for a friend

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Her brain isn't working. I know a lot of those people. One brother told me after the debate that he told our youngest brother he just had Covid again. The other brother said yeah, Gwynn and I are due for our variant vaccines. He does not know that that brother has never taken a jab.

I've sent him Dr. Malone SS article about what happened to him and other articles trying to warn him. One link I sent the fall of 2021, I said if you haven't got your booster yet please read this first. His response was "all good here, we already got our booster." Some people never learn. He developed heart problems after two jabs in early 2021. When he mentioned the heart problem, I told him to ask his doctor for a D-dimer test, the only one that can find clots in the smallest arteries. I had been watching a doctor's video discussing the clots that were being discovered in the corpses in some European country. They just refuse to hear the truth.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30


it would require that you're capable, and humble enough to believe you've been duped, and you should have thought for yourself, vs just following along

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And the average american doesn't give a shit about the injustice system nor the j-6rs.

Newest car, newest phone, fake eyelashes, lips, botox brow injections, tatoos, tight shorts with built in G strings..

.. And thats just the male population. Too much to list for females and "others"


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Even tho my grandchild is one of the "others" I have to crack up at your assessment, T.

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Built in g-string??? I’m getting old

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Haha, look it up.

Actually gross, but thats just me

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Amen Sherry 1 !!!!

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Smarter folks will avoid being near democrats, or their rabid little plantations. My wife (democrat in vote only) thinks I am delusional when I point out, that if we are in Asheville, and a black democrat tries to rape her, and I shoot that worthless varmint, I will go to jail.

The amount of anal suffocation that happens to otherwise sane intelligent people is just testimony of how fragile their little minds are.

Trump broke their little rabbit brains, and I don't see a fix for this.

De programming cultish fools is almost impossible, especially when they keep believing the pretty words the democrat rodents keep screeching, and they ignore their own lying eyes.

I used to believe that as soon as their insane policies start getting them killed, rather than the poor idiots that suffer under their votes, they would wake up.

That is not happening.

Things are different. I am pretty sure the last time this many brain dead fools were alive at the same time, they voted in Hitler. Or Biden, for that matter.

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Hypnosis is not some fictional illusion in a Movie show.

We have witnessed the powers and capacity to mold minds into Vax Jello mush.

The past 4 years are really New History in the making!

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spot on, this recent rabid crap is kind of new

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It was very sad about Mathew Perna. The criminals who destroyed the lives of decent law abiding Americans have done much worse than shredding documents. I don't see how we can move forward as a country without addressing these and other crimes.

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I agree Andrea. Why did it take 3 1/2 years to stop this overreach of the justice department. They have so much blood on their hands, I pray that they face justice for all the harms they have caused good Americans.

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I don't know who you are, but I recognize your name from your excellent comments here. I wish you much luck.

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I very much appreciate that Jennifer, Thank You!!

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I too think that I may get a knock on my door for my voice against tyranny. But I respond with prayer. Thanks James for your honesty 🙏🏻💯♥️

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This is by no way a government, it's communistic construct along the lines of the ***soviet union*** = bolshevik/talmudic/satanist/zionist abomination. It must be smashed/extinguished, once and for all, if we wish to survive. There is no compromise ever possible, it's either us

or lucifer/devil.

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The fact that any of these people were imprisoned, and are still in prison, is a disgrace to this country, and that it took so long for the Supreme Court to address this illegal imprisonment? Wow. How much longer will the other political prisoners rot in jail?

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That is the real crime. Where is the right to a speedy trial. Most of these defendants have ruined reputations, relationships, and employment, and are bankrupt. They can’t be expected to be restored without help.

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Jun 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Dr Malone - this is a very good breakdown making this easier to understand - the extra deep dive to actually read what is behind …is what the SOME infected world needs. Thanks

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What a sick episode of American history. I expect every person who attempts to push back on this awful corruption lives with some fear that they will show up on your door step, or do something to impede your employment, or harm your business. I am great full for all those like Robert and Jill Malone who have the ability to make a difference and have had the courage to use that ability. These two recent Supreme Court rulings are hopeful. God be with us.

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It's beyond sad that we need the Supreme Court to defend our rights. Free Americans should never allow such people to rule over us. Armed Americans should never surrender our Constitutional rights.

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People who misguidedly but innocently wandered the halls of the Capitol were neither insurrectionists nor dangerous felons. At most they should have been charged with misdemeanor trespass. But a vile, vindictive and overtly political Democrat Administration determined that the entirety of the federal behemoth should be used to crush anyone who dared protest their sham election. Sure, SCOTUS set things right legally. But Americans must set things right morally by crushing these Soviet scum at the polls. And then by rounding up and prosecuting all the malefactors, starting with Garland, who perverted our justice system into an American parody of Beria's hellscape.

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The busloads of democrat plants, brough in with pocket tools, and instruction to break into the capitol, didnt help those dumb enough to follow them. When,I mean follow, I'm referencing those who joined in the smashing process, thinking (or lack, there of) that was the thing to do, at the time.

Had an aquaintence who witnessed the busses pull up, and dozens exit into the field, donning their helmets, face coverings, break in tools, and other Antifa paraphernalia. I saw it on video, that day myself.

Common sense did not prevail that day, by any means

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Indeed. Americans need to ask themselves - "if Democrats would stoop to suppressing the laptop stories, using the FBI to swing election results, lying about Russian collusion, etc, what wouldn't they do????"

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Maybe, I'm beating a dead horse here, but I truly believe that the crux of our problem lies within the Republican party, bot being true/ faithful to conservative principles, hence the "two wings of the same bird" uniparty climate we own today.

(OWN is intentional)

Lots tend to blame the Demonratic party, when I believe that our real issue is the party which could curtail and contain the rat population, instead breeds secretly behind closed walls and doors, preaerving the fallacy that our Gubberment is actually made up of two, distinctly different viewpoints, and values. Reality is its not, and good old George said it years ago.


"It's a big club, and you aint in it"

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You make a very good point. The collaborators with fake "R's" on their vests should be all ousted. Either you stand for our Constitutional rights or you are the enemy. Period.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

With regards to making a "very good point"

Even a blind squirrel can find a nut from time to time...

Just sayin...

Easy to spot. They all vote to push these large, convoluted omnibus budgets, because they're fully aware of the kickbacks theyre going to receive.

True conservatives do NOT believe in all this wasteful splurging and spending, regardless of reason

I remember when Marsha Blackburn of Tenn voted against Trumps veto of a budget for the dod, overruling it. I knew then, her only concern was financial, and not of her constituents, going along with that crap.

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Worst part (responding to my own post):

When you tell someone who is of similar mind and values, that the person they have great admiration for, has some dark, tingly skeletons or past (forgotten) transgressions, and the person they revere is not what they think.


I was in a shouting match with a 70 year old potential customer over Faux (Fox) News. This fella swore i was nuts because I saud that FoxNews was controlled opposition, and I refused to watch it.

I have a good friend, 75 year old woman, who is conservative, but condones what israel is doing to the Palestinians, because "they have the right to defend themselves". I sent her all kinds of documentation, and told her to reaearch it herself, and to not take my word. We are no longer talking politics, because I refuse to give in, and say its okay,to genocide another race, because of the horrible actions of a few.

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Amen to that T.

Where is the People's website that tracks every bill, amendments offered, and the individual yea/nay votes for H&S? One must dig through the Congressional website, which I do, to nail the GOP folks that betray us. Congressional Committee leaderhipis is where the deep state within the agencies control the outcomes. They work hand and hand to move the plan forward – nothing stops them.

It was not until the 35th Congress that the two-party D/R took hold. In the succeeding years, control of the Senate Ds 51 times, Rs 43; House Ds 59 times, Rs 36; presidency Ds 45 times, Rs 46. Trifectas Ds 30 times, Rs 22.

From 1933 to 1953 Ds had a Trifecta every congressional session except the last session of Truman’s first term. Eisenhower 1; JFK/Johnson all Trifectas; Nixon/Ford none; Carter Trifectas; Reagan/Bush41 none; Clinton 1; Bush 2.5; O 1; DJT 1; Biden 1. I think this proves T’s point. The Master’s plan hasn’t stalled one bit, it keeps moving forward regardless.


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Speaking of what needs to be readily available understandable public information, how about purposed regulations. Not only as heads up for the public bu as fodder for classroom learning. Too much is too obscure and barely accessable.

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Great point Jean. That would scare the heck out of our 'public servants' and perhaps taken down their phone lines!

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I read two Revolver News stories this week showing how Ray Epps and others were strategically placed to break down the barriers and then remove them so that people coming from the rally had no idea the barriers had ever been there. Those people had no idea that they weren't allowed in the Capitol that day.

And another man was planted to persistently shout through a bullhorn for the crowd to keep moving forward into the Capitol.

And other proofs were given that this riot truly was pre planned, and not by Trump!!

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They also planted a man that climbed the scaffling to shoot a gun and then climb back down. THis was when the police first started shooting rubber bullets and tear gas directly a large group below them outside. One man had a bullets leave a hole in his cheek.

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I believe that info was in the Revolver News article. It is appalling to think how uninformed the majority of Americans are about the information that has come out about J6 that does not match the committee's narrative.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


"Legal Beagles"

Wife and I have had beagles for over 30 years together. I can tell you, from personal experience, that there is not a single crumb of food, anywhere left in our house(s), that hasn't been sniffed out, and consumed by our two current (and former ) beagles.


They are amazing animals, and consumate professionals at what they were designed to do.

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What is wrong with Barrett?

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She is a paid shill, no different than Kamungie ( the female S judge who has not actually read the Constitution, its ammendments, or has an understanding of the definition of what a woman is )

Kavanagh isn't far behind, also IMHO

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If she was teaching a class at Harvard she would call her own decisions unconstitutional. She has been corrupted by Schumer and his threats against her. Schummers jurror tampering has been an overwhelming success!!

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Schumer, the guy who according to a recent press photo intended to humanize him, eats his cheeseburgers raw, seems to have a side gig threatening the Supreme Court for Democrat causes. With luck he will become Senate Minority Leader and fade into history. His MO seems to be vague, but loud open threats of violence. Keep in mind that the Supremes live in upper classed DC neighborhoods, are not guaranteed Secret Service or other security, and have not needed it until Democrats lost majority control of the Court and their thugs (think Black Lives Matter) moved in.

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They make enough money. Pay for security if you have to.


If we had 8 other Clarence Thomas members on the SC, we wouldnt have this issue of intentional mis-interpretation

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Clarence Thomas will someday be hailed as one of the greatest Justices. I do disagree though that the Supremes pay for their own security regardless of wealth. 64 million mostly concentrated in the Roberts household is not all that much money by current DC standards. I have a good friend who grew up in Arlington. His father, a promising scientist with then state of the art equipment patents, died at a very young age, but his mother was a professional too, so they stayed. My friend and his sister sold the family home when his mother became incapacitated needing nursing home care much later for, as I recall $34 k. The house is still there and the last time I know of it was listed and the asking price was between 3 and 4 million! I know because my friend was amazed. That was long enough ago that it could have turned over two to four times or more. Perhaps not Georgetown or Alexandria, but still a very pricey neighborhood. As I recall near a Metro Station too.

DC was small town America in the fifties and sixties. One of my friend’s friend’s mother was the secretary to the head of the NSA.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Okay, then let zelensky pay for it, instead of buying island resorts, and historic english castles.

Yes, judge Thomas is the real deal

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I did not know about Schumer, and his threats.

What does loser Schumer have on ACB ? Has he found poopie stains in her underwear drawer, that should be made public, anyway?

Hmmm. Can't help but wonder what his ace card he is holding, really is.

Pedo Island?

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I think Schumer’s threats to Gorsuch and Kavansugh prompted the demonstrations at AC Barrett’s home and I believe her 6 or 7 kids were threatened as well. If Trump wins she should resign. I’ve said before now is no time for cowardice at her position. Hard to believe in this case Barrett went along with the liberals and Jackson sided with the conservatives, what the hell is going on in there!!!!

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We need a dozen beagles in there.

Sniffin out crumbs

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During her Senate confirmation hearing she was battered, ridiculed, insulted, mocked, embarrassed, accused of Catholic witchery and the like. The DOJ refused police protect when her and Kavanaugh's homes were under protests by the Dem mobs. She must be proving herself worthy of Dem admiration.

The Federalist's batting average is bad enough to bench them.

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There was a photo of Mrs ACB and her family (9 children of mixed origins). Laudable to be sure, but may hint a liberal tendancies?

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The saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' forces one to open it and read it. Yes Jean, I believe that 'community' holds a special place in ACB's thinking. She has a sharp mind and a good memory. What she thinks is the problem, we don't know . . . :) Perhaps she fits no one's category politically.

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James, it would certainly seem that way! 🥲

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I have not read her recent dissent. Will try to wrap my head around her thinking soon. The first ruling that was off-putting was Colorado moving Trump from the ballot. 9-0 hooray, but Barrett had to add that Congress should pass legislation that clarifies the Amendment (!) Raskin and company were overjoyed by that.

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When reading the SCOTUS opinion and these articles that outline what the ruling was, I find that there ARE recent instances of people who have actually done what Chevron outlines as felonious. One would be Hillary Clinton who purposefully destroyed evidence. Another is the J6 Committee who has destroyed tapes and transcripts, even though they were told to preserve everything. Do you suppose SWAT teams will now show up at their doors? We can only hope.

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Brilliant point Norma!!! They should have written exemptions for democrats directly into Chevron to make no mistake who gets the swat teams and who never will…

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Excellent article! As a veteran, I am disgusted at the way our government has morphed into a totalitarian lawless entity—in general. I did not serve our Republic to have it turn into the very ideological oppressors that I served against: Marxist, Leninist, Communist—and I will add—Leftist, Progressive, which in my opinion are synonomous to the previous ideologies.


It is my desire that we begin to advance freedom, not in tiny steps, but in large tangible steps. Republicans advance one step, while the Democrats, Progressives, and Leftists, advance in leaps and bounds. No more uniparty!

REPUBLICANS! EITHER LEAD US TOWARD FREEDOM, FOLLOW OTHERS WHO WILL, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY—My family is more important than your drunken desire for impotent power and personal financial gain.

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The phrase "integrity intact" inspired this comparison of John Strand and Merrick Garland.

"He has been tested in the crucible of history, passed the test with his integrity intact, and retained ownership of his soul." (6/29/24) Robert W. Malone

Merrick Garland as per Professor Jonathan Turley

"Merrick Garland is a person with unimpeachable ethics and integrity." (8/16/22) Res Ipsa Loquitur

"As it stands, few believe that will happen despite Garland's repeated line on transcending politics. It is not the mantra, but the man, that is in doubt." (6/15/24) The Hill

"There is a certain corruption of judgment that is evident from this and other decisions by Garland since he became Attorney General." (6/17/24) Res Ipsa Loquitur

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Garland is a pissed off curmudgeon of a "man"

And I'm telling ya.....I know a curmudgeon when I see one, even sometimes in my bathroom mirror

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Ask my wife for a definition.

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Glad to see some sanity. I spent 6 months in jail, in maximum security, for a crime I had not committed + 5 years probation. My teenagers ran away from their abusive father (a pedophile), using their own car. Although I was 500 miles away at the time, I was accused of having gone to where they were and physically kidnap them. I had 40 witnesses: none would have been allowed to testify during the trial, and "how did the children go from point A to point B" was considered irrelevant. 5 years on probation and now,18 years later, I am still a felon for "child stealing." That does not make life easy.

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In the eyes of a gubberment official:

If you only had more money, it would have fixed everything

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The more I learn the more I feel this system of justice is a system of coercion and fear, in fact the tyranny and corruption runs through the entire government. I’m sorry for what they did to you Danielle!! I fear what happened to you can happen to all of us.

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It did open my eyes to corruption. Later on, I had a client who spent 1 year in jail for talking about her 3 daughters having been molested. I co-hosted a support group for victims of legal abuse: family matters, elder abuse, wrongful termination, HOA, probate. It's everywhere.

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Dr. Malone thank you so much for this clear explanation of this misuse of law. I am going to copy it out and send it to several well-meaning people who still believe the mainstream media and ask them if they would read it and then discus. This goes way beyond politics to the bedrock (or not) of a free society. I think there are many well-meaning people who don’t realize that that’s what we’re dealing with now. Your writeup will enable me to present that issue to them.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Thanks Doc for an excellent analysis.

All that said: The reality that is not brought to the fore here is that the leftys knew all along that they were stretching these statutes far past any resemblance of credulity. To them though it didn't matter that these actions would be over-turned in the end some four years later. By then the damage they hoped to accomplish had already been done. “Right wingers” or any others that had the temerity to disagree with the lefty's narrative had their lives destroyed. They were made examples of to show anyone else that should they decide disagreeing publicly with the left is a good idea they can be just as easily destroyed as well.

Who will make this right, to the extent it is even possible, for those unjustly persecuted? And, who will be held to account for perpetrating this huge and blatant miscarriage of justice? I'm afraid the answer to both of these questions is no one. The leftys will get away with this just like they always do.

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Thank you for this Dr. Malone.

Corruption consumes all. Prosecutorial and political misconduct has been expanding unchecked for decades. The overriding of our Constitutional Republic by Corporatism (fascism) as orchestrated by DC, NYC and San Fran (Big Tech) has brought us to a very dark place. We should all be thankful that the right decision was made in this case and yet three judges missed the danger and would have taken a pass. Incentives still favor prosecutorial abuse and political corruption. Without accountability, without the elimination of the incentives and introduction of consequential penalties the injustices of many decades now will remain unresolved. Maybe just maybe, with the Fischer and Chevron decisions, we might have a beginning that can be built upon.

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Thank you for posting this this morning Dr. Malone.

Reading time is short this week as young family members returned home to reacquaint,

and share life stories and exhibit new wisdoms. Lucky me...Blessed to be, Dad.

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The Left has shown, time and again, that they are severely prone to projection. To blaming their opponents and enemies (that is now anyone not Leftist) for the things they are doing or have done.

That makes this statement by the AFLDS atty quite noticeable: “The statute at issue in Fischer, 18 U.S.C. § 1512, is titled ‘Tampering with a witness, victim or an informant.” 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(1) punishes anyone who ‘alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals’ evidence."

The Left HAS DONE this same that they accuse. Just like so many other crimes they have done and been protected from by the minions in govt 'service'. That includes their media arm as well - social, print and broadcast.

They have committed so many crimes that it is impossible to ever prosecute them in their lifetimes.

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