
Philadelphia school district mandates masks for first 10 days of school year, pre-k must mask up all year

Philadelphia students in pre-kindergarten within the district are mandated to wear a mask for the entire school year.



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They are consciously engineering these children's' failure to develop. It absolutely must be put to an end. Thank you Dr. Malone for your powerful voice to that end.

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They are being conditioned to obey

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I think they are also being conditioned to be fearful.

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Yes, definitely both. I’m so outraged by this I’m at a loss for words at the moment.

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Exactly. A sick game of Simon (Bar Sinister) Says.

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I pray these parents yank their kids from these schools. With enough of them making a statement, they CAN make a difference.

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Obviously, it’s not important enough for them. I see the same thing in Commifornia. It’s sick! I had no idea that fellow human beings are this stupid.

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For the ones who don’t, my searing eyes will be staring at them as they walk their children to school in this sh*thole city.

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As for me, my compassionate eyes will be sending them love and prayers, as they, in their fear and ignorance, walk with their children.

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I don’t see them fearing.

I see them virtue-signaling, at least in my neighborhood.

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Perhaps fear is what motivates their behavior.

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Fear of what? Loss of status?

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What if parents demonstrated at a school board meeting the uselessness of masks by setting off a fart bomb (like the guys on YouTube use when catching thieves that steal packages off peoples front porches). Put up a slide showing how large the “fart” molecules are compared to a virus molecule. Or is even that too complicated for the sheep to comprehend 😂😂😂

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Lol , I fear though, the leftist will make farting an offense. They just are never content! But I love your idea! 🤣😂🤣

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I’m sure they would have to create a new gender for those who fart.

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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022

Lol No doubt! Heck they are already attacking cows! I think it was in the UK a couple years ago, but someone got a citation for farting in public!

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"the leftist will make [...] an offense."

Leftists? What "leftists"? Dems are NOT leftists - they are just Repubilcan'ts lite.

Republican'ts claim that 100% of their opposition is "left wing", while the Donkeys claim that whomever isn't them is "right wing"; this is utterly BS.

The reality is that we have to right wing parties, pretending to have different agendas.

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Those smell BAD!!!!

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Worse than the real deal? 🤮

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Sounds like a terrorist to me.

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The definitive test for mask (in)effectiveness (and hilarious too):


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I saw that when Steve Kirsch included it in one of his articles. Hilarious!

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Mask mandates at school are already indicated by the new education minister in Austria. However, they stated that they will announce the covid prevention strategy and measures not before 1 week before school starts in September. In the last 2 years some parents took their children off school to teach the kids themselves. Children are really the most suffering in this entire barbaric - as you call it - power abuse scenario.

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Philadelphia is PH*CKED UP.

If you don’t think UPenn has a TON to do with what’s going on in Philadelphia, you are highly mistaken.


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By the way https://www.amazon.com/dp/1637583192/

I read the book. Short and to the point. Now I'm even more of an antimasker. I now take sawdust like a real man!

People, buy a copy!

Mark McDonald speaks so clearly that he doesn't even look like a psychiatrist.


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Penn GSE

Penn GSE

Penn GSE

ad infinitum

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OMG! That’s just so insane and outright abuse in my opinion! Thx for sharing!

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“Twitter prevents informed consent”—four words, massive impact. I love that you guys staged this protest in front of the Twitter EU headquarters.

For any parents, students, employees, and others wanting to oppose mask mandates, I offer up the following letter, which has been used by numerous people for this purpose:

• “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority)

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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Jeff Childers says it should be called ‘Brokeback Mountain Spotted Fever’

I wish I could take credit for it 😄😄

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are having an impact. God bless you.

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How much more ridiculous can the WHO get!! Are we going to have to change the name of chicken pox next?! This organization needs to be disbanded as they have caused enough harm! Too much meddling in people’s private lives! Too much ignorance from an organization that has no elected officials reigning over the population. Outrageous!

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These government fools probably stay late after work, and pull out a bottle of vodka and some martini glasses (or make margaritas through a paper shredder -“Falcon and the Snowman” movie) and sit around and make fun of all the rules they implement. And laugh at the stupid sheep that swallow this crap hook, line and sinker!

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The WHO is inviting the public a bit too much, mainly in order to legitimize itself.

See how that works? The WHO NEEDS OUR buy-in. They need us to engage with them, meaning WE have the power.



(And NEVER engage any narcissist, human or organizational.)

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You got it! They become irrelevant.

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NEGATIVE engagement seems best . . . if one feels so compelled.

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my vote is moneypox

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WEFPOX? Not original I know…😐😝

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WHOpox ?

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BMGpox or Pharmapox

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert and Jill, your work is so appreciated.

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Tucker and crew nailed it with Schlong Covid…😂😂

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Dang, I missed it! Haven’t watched much in last couple weeks.

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see link above Cheryl. I would not want you to miss out!

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Muchos gracias! I sent to myself to watch later! Love Tucker’s shows. I have Foxnation also, but so behind!

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New name for Monkey Pox:


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Then every time I hear his name, I’ll have to BOOOOOOOOO!!!!

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e v e r y o n e will. That is the point! FJB and FAF

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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022

The White House pushed for Berenson's ban long before Twitter took action. Big tech is largely just following government orders.

Perhaps Musk can fight them through Twitter, but even then he stands to lose everything through their weaponization of the regulatory agencies, IRS, and intelligence agencies. Ultimately the problem is the regime, with Big Tech as one of their arms.

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Epoch times subscription is money WELL spent.

I especially love the Canadian content breaking through the lies on CDN legacy bought and paid off “media”. The nutrition section is very well done and right up my alley even if it’s just retelling of information I already know.

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I’m in the States, but I agree. Love their well-rounded content and topics. 🙏🙏🙏 for Canada! Half my family is there. Never in a million years did I ever think Canada would be under a dictatorship.

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It’s unbelievable Cheryl. Australia really floors me as well! Those poor people.

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Totally! It’s completely baffling but it seems from observation, they aren’t as upset about it as much as Canadians maybe because many parts border our Country. I just hope something changes sooner than later, so I can visit my cousins and my Moms grave again.

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I’ve subscribed for years! I like smelling it right out of the mailbox. Lol! I love the printed newspaper smell. I’ve used a few recipes from the home section and as you said, the nutrition/health section is awesome!

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I like the smell, too! But I admit I’ve been reading much online lately as I enjoy having my coffee and newspaper outside, but it’s too freakin’ HOT here in AZ. Winter can’t come fast enough! Lol

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You folks surely set a fine example for the rest of us to openly and effectively support our causes. Bravo re the Twitter exposure! They and significant others do their best to hide the information we need to decide whether to agree we have been adequately informed. On the other hand, once adequately informed, it becomes a BIG QUESTION as to whether to Consent.

Granting a EUA for Monkeypox shots for children? What the heck is their problem? Is this yet another cater to Bill Gates madness for vaccinating everything in sight and Pharma’s madness of including babies and toddlers? Talk about no basis to give informed consent. Thank God we have responsible Doctors and professionals calling for “Real” science to investigate and then be employed!

Thanks for bringing the latest on Covid vaccinations to our attention. Slow progress in the right directions. Good to keep informed!

In re Polio. One has to wonder if they aren’t confident they will be able to whip up enough FEARPORN in late October, without having multiple sources to tout.

Hopefully am registered for tonight. (My favorite pix +)

Have also be looking at “Gateway to Freedom” – The Midwest’s Premier Medical Freedom Conference of the Year” scheduled Aug 25 - 27.” in Illinois. It looks like it could offer some valuable opportunities for learning and potential enhanced advocacy for us folks. I’m hoping there may be a way of inviting online (concurrent and/or subsequent) participation with an opportunity to donate if we can. Super Stuff!

Wishing for much continuing success and increasing support! Safe travels. A great week at home! And your book on its way to us. Much APPRECIATION! Bestest Always!

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Hope is a welcome gift. Thanks, and appreciation go out to you and Jill, for your tireless efforts to restore the sanctity of the Truth.

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Sure seems like the medical industry wants to kill all the of the kids--more vaccines?? An EUA for an STD vaxx that causes even more heart issues??

These are Crimes Against Humanity.

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Danish != Dutch

Danish is the language of Denmark; Dutch is the language of the Netherlands

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