
We are a medical family, nurses and doctors. None of our nuclear family were vaccinated, all of us recovered from Covid. One daughter had to quit her hospital career. This has been an astonishing time. We are mourning the loss of what we believed was a good medical system of care. I sincerely mean it when I say, God help us all.

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Sorry for career loss. If I wasn’t retired in 2018 I would have had to quit or be fired from my hospital career of 47 years as RN. Everyone I used to work with chided me for refusing to wear a mask and take the jab. They would not hear my plead to remember their education regarding viruses or the fact that I had had this covid and now had immunity etc. now many have complications, which may be related to the jab. I’m truly stunned at information on excess mortality world wide as recent interview given by a physicist who wear several PhD’s. That’s only a small part of censored information brought many stellar researchers and academics since the beginning of 2020. Further it angers me how all of this has turned god medical practice on its head and fostered suspicion and fear..

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Right on! We now have medicine by the numbers controlled by Big Pharma for fun and profit!

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023

Well written account of medical bureaucratic malfeasance that supported the preplanned Pseudo Covid con. I applaud this brave RN for her dedication to humanity which we have lost with the corporate medical model!

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One last thought. The dancing medical professionals is well choreographed that tells me it was a preplanned and paid for event to keep pushing the Covid con narrative.!

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Excellent observation and on the money. Can anyone identify that the covered mask wearing faces are actually RN practitioners verses Broadway trained dancers?

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That’s the beauty of masking, it hides your identity. No one seemed to recall robbers and bad guys wear masks.

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As I have mentioned my wife has been an OR nurse in a major Boston hospital. She has worked in Boston OR’s for37 years. I drove her and picked her up every day through the “pandemic”, which alone was stressful for her and me. Every single situation mentioned in this essay happened to my wife in her hospital. This makes me believe these policies were definitely implemented from one central source and I do think for nefarious reasons, mainly money and a test of control. I can’t explain, under non pandemic times the stress these people deal with. Many I swear, including my wife have PTSD. Throughout the entire time not one nurse succumbed to Covid. The biggest issue that really angers me was the forced shots and the fears of long term complications from them. I have long ago stopped talking about it because it upsets her being that she had no choice. There were many doctors and nurses that suffered blood clots strokes and cancers to this day. I personally saw people that refused the shots or tried to get an exemption ostracized. It definitely further divided the nurses into groups. I myself have had big disagreements with my PCP over the shot. Not sure if he still feels the same about them.


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How many lies, how many fights, how many wretched sleepless nights?

And how do we manage to endure what we know to be a compromised existence daily?

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For those of us who sensed or intuited the hype on this virus was misplaced; us dubious ‘wait just one minute’ compulsive types, we need to recognize the very heavy handed, top-down, ever present pressure that was applied worldwide -it was the health threat of one’s lifetime -fear mongering at its finest.

What I did not understand during 2020 is the medical community’s lack of uproar when all efforts to find and deploy meaningful, mitigating measures failed to emerge and take hold. The Ingraham Angle had docs on who were using mitigating measures with success but the Titans took control. That solidified the ulterior motive aspect for me; I thought it was about racking up as many deaths as possible for the depop movement Gates and his father had been at for decades. By now I had already seen the two in-advance planning meetings. The social distancing, masks, and lock downs never made sense to us dubious types. I scoured the internet for dissenting information and found the Barrington Declaration. After watching its numerous videos, I found that a lay person could sign, I was only one of a couple thousand. This did not bode well. Now it has almost 875,000 concerned citizens but only 16k scientist and 47.5k medical practitioners. This still does not bode well. When I signed, it listed the Scientist and medical prof names. The world map depicting signatures can be seen here: Signatures - Great Barrington Declaration (gbdeclaration.org)

Will ‘we’ the unjabbed treat the jabbed the same way we were treated should shedding become the ‘newest’ form of the jab? We are all in the matrix together.

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Thank you for remind us all about the Great Barrington Declaration. I signed it early on as a concerned citizen and was proud to do so.

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Knock, knock. FBI!

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Shelley, about 3/4’s through the pandemic we were invited and went to a wedding for the son of a nurse at the hospital. Just a side note; when it comes to functions with these nurses I tie my shoes extra tight and probably need a full set of pads. These people are hard core. But back to my point. I’m obviously unvaxed but when I said they ostracized the unvaxed, I got a belly full of it that night.

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I bet you did and by this time they should have known better. The song breaking up is hard to do fits nicely here if you insert "with an idea you have".

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"When you change the way you look at things,

The things you look at will change!" Joseph Campbell

From such a statement comes a reminder that each and every one of us has a duty to others to seek and remain open minded. To be unencumbered of the sour mind is a soulful bliss.

A joy that must be exercised, as it was not encoded in our DNA as automatic. Earn the Learn.

Question the motives of establishments and authority daily, as The Great Barr/Dec has done.

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My suspicion is quickly hospitals and Intensivists grabbed the mike early and succeeded in convincing themselves and the world that the sky was falling. Remember the panic regarding not having adequate supplies and noting all the media and perceived bias that everyone was dying in the ER. Then as always the media began demanding the President/administration fix the world.


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This was their Normandy Landing, but by early 2022 they were thrown off the beaches, I believe. If that had happened to Eisenhower the outcome of WW2 May have been different. So there is hope, but it’s not over. I am so sorry for what your wife had to endure, you as well. Everyone who has fought back has made a difference.

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I sensed, at my last PCP physical exam 9/22, that my young doc was accepting my comments that I was now done with COVID boosters, following my initial 2. We will talk about it again this Fall.

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My PCP was and is obviously petrified of loss of license and livelihood if he prescribed ivermectin and/or HCQ and other of label effective antivirals, having a wife and two young children and a mortgage and a commercial loan, etc. Difficult to fault him individually, but had many physicians banded together and told the AMA and their Boards as well as the CDC to shove it, things would have turned out much, much better. So much for putting patients first. That is a distant memory.

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I have a really good PCP in the States I fly back from the uk to see for basic “stuff” (uk healthcare sucks). The family-owned pharmacy I loved and knew refused to fill an IVM prescription. That was the end of our friendship…and my money. Ed

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Make that "off label."

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Thank you for posting this, I am sending it to people I know who don't have a clue about this side of the coin. This dramatic incidence of fear and how it affects the outcome of healthcare needs to be known. This is one of the best first-hand accounts of the whole picture of debacle and human selfishness and greed. What a steadfast and courageous family!

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Wow what a substack. The fact that they had to wear the same PPE and pass them down is so unbelievable . Especially when the powers to be were so “concerned” about spreading Covid germs. It is so criminal.

The hospital administrator in our area got up in church and said that if people didn’t get the vax they were going to kill people.

I totally agree with having an advocate with you at the hospital. I had an experience with my dad in the hospital. If I hadn’t been staying at the hospital with him he might have died. An oversight . Nurses changing and trying to become familiar with the patients charts.

I thought that it was very interesting that PCR tests could have been read at the time of testing. It was a plan to isolate us from each other. Kill as many old people as they could get away with killing and put fear in everyone to make them be compliant.

I want to thank this dear nurse for speaking the truth behind this madness . Such evil in the world.

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Ohhh…And can You run that inappropriate-use PCR test at 40+ cycles. Ed

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It was a truly revolting experience to have to wear "reprocessed" masks.

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Pretty much the antithesis of good hygiene. The stampede became totally unglued.

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My wife' s family had a friend in a very famous cancer treatment hosp. He had a big notice on his chart informing he was penicillin intolerant. His wife was in the room when a nurse entered and began to administer an injection. When she asked what she was about to administer she was told it was penicillin. And she then a walleyed fit. BTW that was 40 yrs before china flu came to call

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I was having a pro refute at a big hospital in about 2008. I am allergic to most antibiotics. I get serum sickness. I had the antibiotics on my chart that I am allergic to. When they were getting ready to give me an antibiotic before my surgery I asked them what is was. They said an antibiotic that I was allergic to. I said I am allergic to that. They put a red band on my arm to read chart for allergies. What if I hadn’t caught that?

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Ed that is terrible. Maybe look into natural painkillers. I would have to do some research.

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I have a bad reaction to acetaminophen. I work hard/play very hard. What’s in many pain medications prescribed. I cannot take that. Sheesh. Ed

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Consider using natural anti-inflammatories like vitamins D and C, omega-3, turmeric, quercetin, serrapeptase, resveratrol, many others. There is no one answer for everyone, so try several -- one at a time -- to see if one works for you. Good luck.

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The unfortunate fact is, a lot of medical professionals go through the motions.

And it was this way before covid. My boss from 20 years ago told a memorable story about going to a doctor for an ailment. Back then a doctor would have a dialogue to get the patient's medical history. My boss included a mention of a medication he couldn't take. After the pro forma exam, the doctor wrote a script. My boss read it, and had to ask the doctor, "Doc, didn't I tell you, I can't take xyz?"

Where did I read the statistics on deaths from simple errors in hospitals? I don't remember the numbers, but they were scary. So yeah, even before covid, having an advocate for anyone hospitalized isn't really optional.

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Spot On. “Going through the motions”. I saw it 1000’s of times. Sheesh…Pay attention you moron. Ed

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My wife was issued one n-95 mask for Covid rooms. They gave her a paper bag that you were to put the mask in after use and then use it the next day. I had 2 boxes of n-95 masks on a shelf and donated them to the hospital. Not sure what happened to them.

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At some point in late 2020, I started to refuse to wear a mask (Think micron size). I was only aggressively confronted once. My response - “You wanna go out back the woodshed and settle up?”. 🏴‍☠️🔥😁, Ed

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Oh- but they “irradiated it”. I have this vision of the janitor moving it from bag one to bag two. Return to sender.....

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Given the state of central processing at my hospital, I’m certain you are right.

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John 16:2 says "In the last days they will throw you out of the church and kill you and think they are doing God a favor." it is a sign of the times when people in church claim they "speak for God" while spewing their godless heresies. Sadly many of these people will die when the final consequences of the vax they took finishes its work. Some won't die or have any symptoms at all since they got one of the placebos. This will strengthen their delusion. Never in my life have I ever seen so many people who claim to be church people act like the devil with their slander and attacks against the unvaccinated. Weep for them and pray for their souls. They are the chaff the Bible speak about that are in the church, growing right beside the wheat, which will be pulled out and thrown into the fire.

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The picture that continues to flash before my eyes is the 2010 photo-op signing of the Obamacare(ACA) legislation by BHO surrounded by a beaming cadre of Congressional Democrats. It was a seminal moment that fully unfolded ten years later. What happened could never have happened without Obamacare. This was the plan and they knew it all along. The ACA was never about healthcare, was never about lowering the cost of anything and was certainly never about medical freedom. Quite the opposite.

What it was about was using public health as a weapon to subdue the American people, to gain control of people’s lives and yes, to usher in the unthinkable agenda of thinning the world’s population. The perpetrators so thoroughly believed in this agenda that they considered it benevolent, still do. Benevolent and right. No need to speculate about the intent any longer. We have seen the full flowering of the dark flower. We have seen the secret weapon on the battlefield. What surprised and even shocked many was how quickly the entire medical industry succumbed to totalitarian control with evil intent. Like a drowning child, it almost went down silently. Almost, but for the courageous professionals like Corrine Lund and Drs. Malone, McCullough, Bhattacharya, Kory, Cole, Tenpenny....the list is long. Without them they would have won the propaganda war and the censorship would have been total to the point of being unnecessary. That is a much darker world that the one we live in.

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Don't forget CMS's push for electronic medical records that meet "meaningful use" standards. That means, they have a built in portal for governmental incursion into patients' medical records (do we really believe they restrict themselves to patients on Medicare/Medicaid?) at their leisure. Providers of services to CMS must provide this access or face cuts in payments for service. On top of the other payment cuts. Orwellian, yes?

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Good instincts Sandy. My billing service billed out over 10,000 covid vaccines in two states. When we would submit a file to the HRSA fund for those without insurance, they would send us back a file that provided the insurance company and ID number to bill to vaccine. This gave me cold chills. How do the feds have everyone's insurance policy information in their database?

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The CMS portal in EMRs has given me the creeps since I first heard of it.

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Yes I completely agree. E Health Records were a critical milestone in the plan as well. Not only did they enable government surveillance of individual patients, but perhaps even more important they enabled government surveillance of hospitals and hospital surveillance of individual doctors, all critical to implementing the death protocols.

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Aaahh, that's making sense.

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He also opted to give the court the power to write tax law since there was no taxes written in the aca by congress and he had to put one there to make it "legal"

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Two excellent paragraphs Brien. Enter the Age of the Absurd in America. Try telling that to folks when it was occurring. Betsy McCaughey went through the entire law, no one else even read it. It was not written by Congress but a handful of players, most assuredly directed by Ezekiel Emanuel and John Holdren. This was #3 on the communist list right behind using the school system, eliminating God and right before disarming individuals.

There is ‘one’ that will not ever be touched for his debauchery, John Glover Roberts Jr. He had the gull to say to America, that a judgment as to the wisdom of the law is reserved to the people. If you don’t agree with the law, elect different lawmakers. This – to a citizenry for which an entire political party in Congress voted no.

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Would I be right in saying that those “Dancing Nurses” pictured in the masthead aren't real nurses?

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I think you would be right. I can tell you that it is EXTREMELY difficult to dance with as much coordination as they did.

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I know...I did a bamboo stick dance in grade school... And nailed it! 😉

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Let's hope not, but sadly, some probably were.

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Incredibly well written and needs to be shared widely! We cannot let this happen again. I'm sure there are many RN's and hospital staff across the world that could share the same experiences but are too afraid of losing their jobs to do so.

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We will face a recruiting problem just as the woke military leadership and the police forces are facing. Swell!

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This appeared in a comment section yesterday & appears to align with Corrine Lund, RN's assessment of what has transpired since the outset of covid: "A longtime EMS worker just posted that ambulances new covid protocol from the beginning was the directive to no longer do CPR, CPAP, & no longer do breathing treatments for asthma. If they died along the way to the hospital, it was to be called covid because covid-related means due to protocol changes. Those are her words. I do not know about the validity of this, but would we doubt this? It would be good to inquire more about this." This would not surprise me based on so many other similar stories/experiences expressed by others over the last 3-years.

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023

In this age of the absurd, I am inclined to believe reports of malfeasance in order to inflate 'covid' deaths. For EMPs not to provide the care they would otherwise provide in a non covid world just mirrors the non-care received in hospitals. It was/is certainly a cult of death from on high.

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My grandson went to the hospital with a cough and a fever. It was in the evening. They tested him for Covid and he tested positive. They told her to take him home and bring him back if he started to turn blue. My daughter asked her what would they normally do for pneumonia? Why don’t don’t they treat him like they would pneumonia? The nurse just looked at her and said she was following protocol .

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same in Howard County Texas. SEnt home with aspirin and social distancing. Told to come back when they couldn't breathe.

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Criminals running the asylum...

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Yes. Thank you! It is sad and alarming. I have a friend nurse who told use not to go to hospitals unless absolutely emergency. It’s still bad, after pandemic- or is it plandemic?

I still cannot take clients at a local Catholic nursing home bc I remain unvaccinated. (Had Covid mid ‘21. Haven’t had any symptoms of it since nor positive tests.)

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Thank you Corrine and Robert. It is because of honest and brave souls like you that I was alerted to definitely not take the Vaxx (though having conducted clinical trials for HIV+ folks in 1986 I was already able to see the fraudulent nature of "COVID and Vaxx" thing; plus 1986 that was my first taste of Dr. A Fauci).

Hence I closely followed what honest reportage I could get on these matters and, in December 2021, when I was infected with what was likely the Delta variant of COVID I knew to not go to "the hospital, or any emergency medical facility" . . . but instead nebulized at home with saline and dilute H202 plus a dash of Lugol's iodine. This begun the instant of first symptoms and my temperature going up to 100.1. At age 86 at the time, it worked out fine for me . . . but sadly, not for the other New Yorkers who surrendered themselves to the dictates of the establishment powers.

It is because of honest and brave individuals like you two that I survived "the system."

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Roger, you are a wise and brave soul for holding strong.

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Thank you for posting this well written account of Corinne's experience during the pandemic, and especially of her entry into nursing and incredible care of herself and her family. In my experience, hospitals have always been a scary place and nurses like Corinne are the exception. I wish that wasn't true. Of course, it all ramped up after the pandemic and it is a place that I for one will avoid like the plague it has become. I wish health and well being for all.

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Wow!! Truth teller

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I am a retired RN. I was a staff nurse at a large teaching hospital for many years, including many rotations in the emergency department. When I was going to nursing school many years ago, we were taught to do nursing care plans, the more comprehensive of which included every patient's needs. Some of those needs included oxygen (respiratory & circulatory), safety (mechanical, chemical, radiological), elimination, nutrition, & psycho-social. A comprehensive plan was not feasible in most acute care settings, so we typically chose the patient's (3) greatest needs & based our plans of care on those, modifying the plans as needed. The one need that was ALWAYS included was the patient's psycho-social needs. That always had to be one of the (3) most important needs. Not that the others were not important, but we were always mindful of that one need. As far as I can tell, from all that I have read & researched over the last 3-yrs., of what has transpired in our nation's hospitals, that is the need that was most neglected &/or abused. It is such a sad & tragic commentary on how far we have devolved, in terms of our humanilty, these last few years. I no longer recognize the medical & nursing professions.

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And if I'm right about my first thought, my second thought would be why didn't real nurses stand up and denounce what was obvious propaganda?

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Many nurses did stand up vocally, refused to carry out orders that were harmful and as a result were shunned, fired and taken before nursing boards regarding the possible loss of license as were many doctors some very renounce and prominent.

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You'd think the history of the medical community in Nazi Germany that resulted in the Nuremberg Code, that it would be pounded home throughout ones medical training with frequent refresher courses.

Every one in the medical community, every pharmacist and every hospital should have said NO! We will not administer deadly protocols and we will not get between doctors and their patients for legal prescriptions.


EVERY ONE of Tucker Carlson's colleagues, if they had an ounce of integrity should have walked off their respective sets and refused to continue the programs. But they don't have any integrity. Neither does anyone in the medical community who didn't stand up and refuse go along with the medical murder.

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There many who did stand up and did pint to violation of Nuremberg code. They were fired, censured and taken to court, and even lost license to practice. They mostly are unsung hero’s rendered quiet by all

Media, politicians, new regulations and laws. I know it was hard for many young practitioners to make the choice to walk away since theirs voices were silenced. I’m lucky, I already retired but did lose some friends who heartily disagreed with my non compliance and laughed at my data.

I have compassion for those who now bare the brunt of anger towards their actions. I do not defend them of their inaction.

In medicine it is always up to we the individual to be responsible for our decisions about treatments of any kind. Long gone are the days of blind obedience except where mind control tactics have been deployed on the world population.

Yes the main planners should face severe punishment for this fraud. They planned this way back and it’s truly appalling.

Instead of teaching the Nuremberg Code to medical providers I see where first year Med students have to take a pledge of “EQUITY”, what ever that really means and has no place in


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I'm not picking on anyone who fought against this. They are hero's.

For the rest, "I was just following orders" ain't gonna cut it. Not good enough for the Nazi's and it's not good enough for the docs and pharmacists who not only went along but actually administered the kill shots and deadly Remdesevir and a vent hospital protocols.

They even withheld inhalers for my asthmatic friend Missy. Here is how that ended.


Melissa is just one of the 11 friends of mine that they've murdered. And they many more.

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I’m not disagreeing at all either. I’m very sorry that you have lost so many close to you because of this fraud. I can’t even imagine how your heart hurts every day and I can do nothing but pray for you in your grief.

In the cases you mentioned, if ever brought to court, those who did not administer needed medication based on unlawful regulation or law should be tried for murder under any law and especially Nuremberg Code. The hero’s did not withhold in many cases and snuck medicine to patients as in a video one nurse did in secret and shown by media. Every nurse takes a pledge similar to what doctors take and under our license we are accountable to NOT FOLLOW any order we know will cause harm, is negligent of just plain wrong medicine or dose. If as a nurse we do follow such orders we are solely responsible for the patient outcome separately from the negligent physician.

During May career I have stood my ground against an order I thought to be harmful or Down right incorrect dosage. We all get our sweaty palm

Moments. But I’m feisty and do not see my standing any less then any other in a medical Situation. (ICU RN)

Again I’m sad for you and every other person who lives every day knowing the love ones were actually murder by neglect. I hope you find a way to make it right now that so much truth is

Finding it’s way out to us.

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I know what your oath is. I'm married 25 years to an RNC.

Here's my first friend they murdered. I had a front row seat on his journey.


A second jab in May and he was dead within 60 days... Told him it was liver cancer right in front of me... No mention of cancer on the death certificate.

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“Long gone are the days of blind obedience except where mind control tactics have been deployed on the world population.”

You can’t be serious, right? As soon as doctors gave up their independence, with the freedom to really practice medicine, and chose rather to work for hospitals, as soon a “peer review” began being mandated by those hospitals, I knew that all was lost. You ALL work for hospitals now, and hospitals work for the drug companies. Every medical professional is just a highly-paid prostitute.

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Every medical professional who works for someone else! There are some who are independent, and should not be thrown out with everyone else. We have been speaking out since the beginning. But sadly, there are very few of us.

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No I’m not kidding. When via media, every hour and half hour, they all say the same thing and it is parroted by those who did not stand up against the narrative, that is a platform of mind control by creating fear. Kind of like torture by a thousand cuts.

Your very right about many doctors giving up independence but there was more going on during the debacle called Covid. Rapid regulations and laws passed by tyrannical politicians also played a stifling part. Lastly it was about Money. Hospitals were closed down except for emergencies which mostly was classified as covid. Smoke and mirrors costing the lives a thousands through malpractice and mail-treatment.

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people need to start calling it what it was.... Murder . Thank you for acknowledging that.

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I've been calling this murder since I had a front row seat to the murder by jab of my friend Keith. I was his health care proxy and personally heard the lies being told to him the doctors.


Then my friend Melissa was murdered by The medical protocols. They even refused to give her her inhaler. She was asthmatic.


To date they've murdered 11 of my friends and acquaintance's.

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Follow the money. I’m serious. Everyone in the medical profession gets paid by the pharmaceutical companies ... to keep their mouths shut and comply. Doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, pharmacists. ALL of them. It’s a huge racket.

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Mick, If you read at all, you will know that many were fired, ostracized and worse. How can you continue to say "ALL" all of the time?

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How can I continue to say “all”? Simple, it was my job for eleven years working for a pharmaceutical company to pay them “all” for using our products. And every drug rep did it too. “All” of us. That’s how.

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Perhaps you are angry at yourself for working for 11 years selling your drugs. Sure sounds like it...

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Angry? No, not really. I worked in the drug business in the 70s, before the FDA was bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. When almost all doctors were independent, and actually “practiced” medicine. Before Anthony Fauci had killed his first patient. I got out when things began to change. Before the company I had worked for killed several newborn babies, and several executives went to prison.

Oh, and BTW. I haven’t taken a prescription drug that’s not generic for many years.

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Oh, and by the way, I don't take Any prescriptions for anything.

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What country do you live in? You are telling us you walked around stroking checks to doctors? Utter nonsense. Was the payola based upon number of units prescribed? I need some specifics here please.

I practice in Fort Myers Florida USA. Here pharma has to report every single contact with physicians and can't even sponsor a text book for a clinician these days. They can buy a meal (just me, no family etc) BUT I have to listen to speaker who then uses that time to try to explain what indication the sponsor's medication is for. Is this the method of paying me off you are referring to? Anyone can go a Medicare site and see what dollar amount any meal I touched and was paid for by pharma was.

I pay for my own medical journals and education- so is it the ads I see that convinces you that I am paid off?

For your information and apparent inability to distinguish a paid research project versus the real world practicing physicians (lumping us into "all doctors", my office front door has posted "no drug reps". Are they slipping these checks under the door and my staff are cashing them in? 🤦‍♂️

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If I read at all? Even that’s below you, Mrs. D, lol. Just finished American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Again. Every time I read that book I learn something new. I’ll bet you that Gaiman took the shot. Just like that moron Neil Young. Must be something with the name “Neil.”

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I meant if you read the responses and other articles about people who got canned and what they have been through. I'm sure you do read or you and I wouldn't be having this dialogue!

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Not all. Huge racket, yes. But not all. I've received exactly nothing from the pharmaceutical industry, outside of an occasional sandwich from Panera (usually brought for the pain guys, so I'm just running raccoon rounds at their lunches anyway), in 23 years of practice.

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There's a balance. There's a place where the good do their job to the best of their ability. And nursing is a calling. So they do what they do out of love. Then there are those that see how to game the system to their advantage, whether it be financial or just out of laziness. And they do. I've had pharm rep friends from before the crackdown, and married to an rn that's been at the top for most of her career, and both sides are true. You can't say all, regarding anything. My bride's staff had some amazing nurses, and some that were in the wrong profession. My bride had to fire every staff member of an office she took over, due to ineptitude. And those admins above that office, didn't care that they weren't taking care of business, so it went on for two years before she became the boss, and not one person on the admin staff was worth keeping. Not one. And yet the admins had lots of questions as to why. Well, how about an office full, at least thirty file cabinets full of patient records, most of which were never billed, and were all supposed to be stored at one of those facilities. They just keep buying file cabinets. No protocol followed, and no accountability. And regarding the friends I had before the crackdown, let's just say the only outfit in their closets was little black dresses and spikes.

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Your doctor ever take an all-expenses-paid trip to attend some medical convention in Hawaii or the Caribbean? Where he had to attend a one-hour lecture sponsored by a drug company? Where is wife, who was along for the boondoggle, got a massage, while her husband, the oncologist, got a handjob from one of the pretty, young “pharmaceutical reps”?

Who do you think paid for those amenities? His cancer patients, that’s who. And did you ever speak up and say, “You know what, this is wrong”? Of course you didn’t. You were paid to just look the other way. That’s why they pay nurses so well ... to just shut up and see no evil.

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You have mistakenly directed your ire are the wrong people. Lawyers, politicians, and hospital administrators, but front line health care personnel are NOT complicit in this debacle.

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Nope. That went illegal way before my time. And I’m the doctor. I can’t even get a pen from a rep. The laws regarding such things changed in the late 90s for exactly the reason you’re so mad that it ever happened. If you are concerned about your physician, CMS has a website where all industry gifts to physicians are logged. Last year my account stood at $7.59 total.

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That damn pen.

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Right? Fortunately I went to medical school in the early 90's and still have a pen I rogued out of an internal medicine team room in 1993. The antibiotic is off the market since 1995, in case anyone wants to accuse me of writing prescriptions purely out of my profound gratitude for a BALL POINT PEN.

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P. S. Nurses aren’t paid all that well either, considering they work all the hours God sends and often risk their health to do so.

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Unfortunately you are wrong regarding everyone getting paid by pharma. Not even close.

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Wow, Ray. This guy really doesn’t like internists...

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Just doctors in general. Not discerning.

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You’re an internist, Raymond. Practicing since 1993. You know why there are so many internists, Raymond? Back when I was in the drug business, there were only a handful in all of Cincinnati. But then you all got greedy. Being a GP wasn’t good enough. You had to specialize so you could charge more.

Your father was probably a doctor too. Sent you to some rich man’s college where you cheated on tests in organic chemistry. You’re all the same, Raymond. Money motivates.

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Bullshit. Companies like Pfizer own you all. You can keep denying it, but now we know. We will never forgive.

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Many tried and were shut down.

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We did, but it was sad to see how few us there were.

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Feeding the family takes priority!

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