Nov 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am 100% confident that the two jabs I got, gave me HPV Cancer in my neck and throat. I have family history of cancer, but never this type of cancer. The timing was too perfect and it destroyed at least 1 year of my life. I am still in the healing process, after completing Chemo and Rad treatments ending in July23', lost 30 lbs and am still struggling consuming enough food to keep from "disappearing" into a bag of bones. I will never get a shot again, I only did because my wife, who is an OT, was forced by her employer to get the shot because she works with elderly and immuno-compromised patients. I did because we obviously are close and I did not want to give Covid to her. We both got it anyway.

We personally know 3 people who died not long after getting the Jab.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sad commentary...so sorry!

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Indeed! I'm glad you have been able to manage beneficial progress. Wishing you a continuing beneficial recovery.

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Thank you Jean, much appreciated.

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Jerry a facilities manager where I do business just went through the exact same cancer. He is a smoker, drinker and diabetic. He got a PET scan yesterday and is 100% cancer free. Unfortunately at least for now his saliva glands are not working from the radiation. There are some treatments but no guarantees they will come back. He didn’t get the shots but this is the problem with mandating and coercing EUA’ drugs, especially with so many adverse reactions and unknowns, you will always question it.

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I’m so sorry! I hope you fully recover and get your weight and strength back!

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The name of "HPV cancer " tells what is the prime instigator, though the jabs might have affected your body's ability to suppress it. Prayers for your recovery and health.

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You have my most sincere empathy. My husband is currently receiving treatment for HPV cancer of the neck and throat (surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy). Your struggles are painfully familiar.

Here is our twist ... Neither of us was vaccinated. We are utterly convinced that this cancer was triggered by Covid itself one year ago, as the symptoms showed up within weeks of the infection. The illness was a breeze. The aftermath has been hell.

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My same friend (former LEO) who's been like you, can't eat either. These jabs made him not hungry, and he's barely surviving, simply because he's forcing himself to eat, even though he has zero appetite, and nausea.

Sorry to hear you took it. My friends are in the same boat as you are, and I've already prepared myself mentally.

Best to you and your wife.

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So sorry!

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023

The only thing I needed to hear was Dr McCullough's keynote speech to the American Physicians....its an hour of awesomeness and we cant wait for him to come to Alberta, Canada and tell citizens some truth for a change...#ExitTheWHO

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I listened to it & shared it widely. It can be found on his substack: petermcculloughmd.substack.com. The name of the keynote address is, "House of Medicine on Fire". It is a powerful indictment of the synthetic genetic injections that are being called vaccines & of the damage & associated death they have caused.

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Well done...👍

Some serious TRUTH BOMBS in that speech.

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The Fire at the House of Medicine was arson.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You two are amazing and I'm guessing sleep-deprived? Thank you for this and sharing widely. Each week, more people are "hearing" what they previously denied or ignored. Yet, they're learning it's at their own peril, and that of freedom. Such a huge word: FREEDOM!

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When I was trying to make the decision to get the "jab" or not, I came across Dr. Malones website. Thanks to his willingness to share his findings with the public, under constant personal attacks, I declined. I will always believe that his truthful and factual information saved my life.

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I second that! The question is: When will humanity have the medical yoke removed?

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I find myself in a very strange place of wanting all the numerous data from insurance all cause mortality, autopsy reports, even the CDC stats, to report figures that are impossible to ignore. All at the expense of injury and death. This has been the biggest close-caption event in my life, even Nam doesn't come close. At least some people are starting to see through the mist surrounding them...

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and what about the percentage of people we know with serious adverse events, ie rheumatic, neurologic, cardiac, cancers, and other rare illnesses?

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We must not comply.

Repeat numerous times daily, and never, ever forget. 🇺🇸

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Whoa! How far does the Federal Emergency Use Authorization go in protecting BIG PHARMA and the totally corrupted federal government officials who issued the EUA?

How many other state and local government officials who mandated the COVID-19 virus vaccine or lose your job are legally liable?

How many private employers who mandated the vaccine as a condition of continuing employment are legally liable?

Let the lawsuits begin! Let We the People test the limits of the EUA in the courts!

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The lawyers will be enriched, and it will take many years for resolution and in the meantime the RNA injections will continue. At least 20 years ago it was known that the Marine camp called Camp Lejeune was causing cancer from a contaminated water supply. Only now, have they won the lawsuit and most of the victims are dead and buried.

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In class action suits, the lawyers are always enriched. The litigants receive next to nothing compensation. This is inherently wrong in our USA system of justice.

But, by challenging the Emergency Use Authorization (an executive order by Biden allowing untested vaccines to be forced upon We the People) in the courts, this EUA administrative law can be reformed.

So, let the lawsuits go forward! We the People deserve to have our days (and years) in the courts.

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Erin Broncovich comes to mind.

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So sad it takes this long for mesothelioma is another disease that was covered up for way too long. Just sad how many have died because of ignorance and fraud on the part of our Nazi government

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Mr. Bernatzky has sociology degrees..." And he's complaining about peer review? Oh, please. And, I'm linked to "hate material". Nice to know.

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Maybe he's complaining about pier review. You know, like taking a long walk off a short pier.

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I have a lawyer friend who was contacted by 5 male clients in Sept/Oct after receiving the latest gene-therapy injections as they were experiencing cardio issues <1 week post injection. They wanted to understand if they have any recourse against Pfizer/Moderna. I found out that 3 of these 5 males died in October or <3 weeks post injection. This is an 'Observational' analysis but from a verified and trusted authority. An unbiased autopsy could easily show that the mRNA injections caused these unfortunate deaths.

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Let me translate from CDC-ese to English:

"We're scared shitless that a huge number of little people have finally caught on to the 100-year CDC-supported deadly vaccine con."

They are right to be terrified. I was slow on the uptake. But not anymore.

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I know 17 people that died from covid jab including friends, relatives, people I grew up with, neighbors, colleagues...ALL from the same thing: sudden heart attack days after 2nd jab with no prior health history.

If that isn't enough, bls.gov shows average of 5 million job openings per month - shot up to 11.9 million job openings per month beginning Mar 2021 (never came back down until recently - it's now at 10 million job opening per month.

Lincoln Mutual reported 160% increase in death claims ages 18-64 in 2021. The 'fact-blockers' forgot to scrub data at bls.gov while all life insurance companies showing death claims amongst the working class shot up- oops. If that's not enough, disability claims are up by 4 million. What will it take for sheep to wake up?

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Its a Depopulation Boom!

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Dying from the side effects of the RNA injection that reprograms the blueprint of life is just one aspect of what we have endured. The medicine man is now eliminating the use of the word side effects and calling such events as "off target" events which makes it more benign but just as deadly. How about the deaths from Covid caused by the Fatal Fauci Medical Protocol that was so richly enhanced to have the hospitals embrace the money stream with their whole cold heart? I lost a friend in December 2020, who got the full treatment of Remdesivir and Ventilators. How many more which will never be known and accounted for? The push to discover more uses for RNA injections without safeguards is ongoing because of the billions being invested. FDA is approving the monitoring for "off target" events after the approval of the drug for experimentation on humans. Cart before the horse so the return on investment is achieved first! Who will end this nightmare?

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It's looking like We the People have to end the nightmare. If enough people refuse to take these products, then the market collapses. That's why it's so important that we get the word out to whoever will listen to us about the dangers if these so-called vaccines (what to speak of the Totalitarians trying to tighten the noose around our necks).

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That’s why every reader of this Substack needs to share this like Malone sez to do.

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I really respect Kash. He always has the receipts.

His testimony yesterday in the CO case exposed alot of the events prior to J6. But par for the course, the material is buried by the media. Like the letter of Muriel Browser, DC mayor, prior to the 6th.

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Kash Patel names names and tells it like it is.

Need all the rest of the gangsters' names listed, loud and clear.

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I have seen the turbo cancers in my friends and family members 😟

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I have too. One dear friend, (jabbed) is being buried today (pancreatic cancer). Another jabbed life-long friend is fighting pancreatic & liver cancer. A young, jabbed, male relative, 29 y/o, in previous excellent health (a personal trainer, no less) has recently been diagnosed with 4th stage lymphoma. That does not count those I know who developed blood clots, had strokes, developed breast cancer, a lethal brain aneurysm, & three other deaths - all jabbed.

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Way too many illnesses in otherwise healthy people to be incidental.

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A friend of mine is going through pancreatic cancer right now. Very worried for him.

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Please tell him about Fenbendazole. It is an inexpensive medication typically given to dogs for treating worms. It has shown remarkable success in not just treating, but curing many forms of cancer. I've done a lot of research on this. There is a human form, called Menbendazole, meant for treating worms in people. However, the price went from $4.00/pill to over $500.00/pill when people starting realizing that it can cure cancer. So, they started taking Fenbendazole instead, the molecule of which is nearly identical. A good place to start reading about it is: fenbendazole.substack.com. I have my friend with the liver cancer taking it since mid-July. On her last scan, some of the tumors had shrunk, which could easily be from the chemo. However, some had disappeared completely which I attribute to the fenbendazole. Keep in mind that while chemo may shrink some tumors, making it easier to remove surgically, it does not kill cancer stems cells which are responsible for metastasis. Fenbendazole does kill them. Also, a good book is, "Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients", by Russell Blaylock, MD. It is available on Amazon in paperback for $9.99.

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One more thing: the typical dose is 222mg of fenbendazole, in (1) gram packets from Panacur by Merck. It should be taken with (1) tablespoon of a high quality olive oil to make it more bioavailable. It is the percentage of oleic acid in the olive oil that is important. Many protocols suggest taking it for 4-days straight, then not taking it for the next 3-days. Keep repeating the cycle. There is also a liquid version meant for goats made by Safeguard. One-half teaspoon is roughly 200 mg. There is a lot of information out there on this, once you know about it.

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Great info Debra I just forwarded this to a good friend.

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Another very good book is, "Surviving Cancer, Covid, & Disease: The Repurposed Drug Revolution" by Justus R. Hope, MD, available in paperback on Amazon for $20.00. It is from this book that I originally learned about using Fenbendazole for cancer.

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Here is a whole library of information on "Therapeutics & Repurposed Drugs for the Treatment of Cancer" with many, many links. If you scroll down, you will see the section on fenbendazole....https://doorlesscarp953.substack.com/p/therapeutics-and-repurposed-drugs?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Thank you, forwarding immediately.

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If this is a duplicate - sorry. Did a full reply and somehow its not here.

Thanks for the update on the NY C&A. I had been thinking of it in terms of a business owner with CDC advice, an Insurer, ee and client exposures to worry about. The public sector and refusal of request for exception is another matter.

The ET detail on CDC ee reaction to articles, etc that c(w)ould lead to Vax hesitancy is choice. It rather exposes their 'god' position. It surely illustrates where their fund of knowledge isn't and therefore how useless they are.

We, the people, are surely fortunate to have you good folks and all your hard evidences to rely on! So grateful you can't be assimilated!

Get the impression Nov is to be whirlwind touring for you. Some pleasant stops along the way. Safe travels, more successes and many pleasures along the way!

Bestest plus! ♡♡♡

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