A normally heathy 4-year old boy, son of one of my patients, spent a few hours with his just vaccinated grandparents, and then had a seizure, first time. We have two dozen more cases of secondary exposure that my patients have documented in my small clinic alone.
Please write more about the spike shedding. I have no way to prove it and it could entirely be a coincidence...but I ended up with serious vertigo (some of it may be due to a vestibular migraine but I also had eustachian tube dysfunction)...I was living with two people who got their boosters two weeks prior to me landing in an ER. https://wholistic.substack.com/p/notes-from-my-recent-emergency-room
Thank you will start following your Substack. Since we moved to be near my stepdad he has weekly visits with us. Now that it is winter and we are inside, we noticed not feeling well after some Sunday visits, particularly since the "booster season" started. Symptoms were headache, feeling flushed no fever, a few occasional sneezes and a bit of a dry feeling in upper palate under nose. It was not really sick per se, just a few hours or days, but enough to go back on our FLCCC prevention protocol just in case each time. When stepdad comes by he feels well of course, and the routine testing at senior facility says no COVID, although I doubt those antigen tests can differentiate Omicron. Anyway this widespread observational trend is really disturbing and deserves some serious attention.
"Symptoms were headache, feeling flushed no fever, a few occasional sneezes and a bit of a dry feeling in upper palate under nose. It was not really sick per se, just a few hours or days"
Same here, more or less. I described it as a "24-hour head cold".... and just so happened to kick in within 24 hours of my spouse getting her 3rd shot of Moderna a few weeks back. Was literally gone within 36 hours. COULD HAVE BEEN A TOTAL COINCIDENCE, of course. Lots of other stuff floating around at the time, though it was the first time since about March 2020 that I had anything approaching a measurable sniffle. Who the hell knows.
What is intriguing us, as we are relatively isolated especially over the holidays, is the rhythm of the effect with the Sunday visits. Also my stepdad suffering from pulses of intense itching and deep redness in the areas of skin where he itches (no plaqes, eruptions or crusts), so I have put various things on his legs, like cortisone cream, benadryl cream, zatador (ketotifen) drops on his red areas. So contact could be a factor as well.
Interesting. Mine was one 'n done. As for "putting various things on legs", I won't bore you with details of my personal life... so let's just say it was one 'n done.
I have noticed this phenomena as well. It’s difficult now that people are mixing boosters, but I used to be able to tell, I’m not sure I ever made a mistake actually, whether someone had been vaccinated with Pfizer or with Moderna. When I’m around people who have been vaccinated with Moderna, I experience excruciating pain all over my body a few hours later. After spending a few hours with someone who is double vaccinated last May, I went on to have two heart attacks.
I thought Dr McCullough stated recently that asymptomatic transmission simply doesn't happen with any virus. Is this new? Or is there a confounding variable (vaccination)?
There is a difference between asymptomatic transmission (which is rare), and pre-symptomatic transmission (which is very very very common). neither have symptoms at the time of transmission, but the latter goes onto develop them. Very mildly symptomatic transmission is also a thing.
I've seen it paly out firsthand - people who literally never developed a single symptom didn't pass it on to their spouse that they slept with. People with very very mild symptoms (like only losing taste and smell) did.
That’s over-simplified I think. You don’t have to develop symptoms to develop immunity to this or any other virus. As this thing mutates it’ll be about immune response. While the vaccines clearly have negative efficacy for omicron, the re-infection rate is also relatively higher than previous variants for naturally immune (could end up around 5%), though the re-infection rate is a fraction of the not previously infected rate of infection (regardless of vaccination status), and the cases will be milder overall.
Asymptomatic infection, if real as opposed to very common false positives, gives immunity/ antibodies. Environmental exposure over time can give low level responses that are helpful. Getting sicker might give you more antibodies, or it might mean your immune system is in crappy shape and you’ll probably get pretty sick from lots of viruses and when the virus has mutated enough, but for that’s from being more susceptible to sickness generally.
It’s basically going to be a cold. The better shape your immune system, the better you handle the infection. Exposure to other humans and the bugs we all carry is necessary for a healthy immune system. So is being outside in nature where you get exposed to microbes. Pediatricians generally have miserable residencies, then they are never sick because of constant exposure. Their immune systems are in awesome shape.
Take polio, for a lot human history it was with us. Very seldom did people experience symptoms. Sanitation prevented regular exposure for the wealthy/ well off. Suddenly it became dangerous, very dangerous, to 5%ish of people that got it. Much more so than Covid. All developed immunity. The polio vaccine is just weakened polio virus.
Polio is different in that it’s not respiratory and doesn’t mutate much. So each variant is a little different. How each person responds will be unique. Symptoms or not, infection will confer a degree of immunity - most protective against that strain.
It is not asymptomatic transmission of infectious virus, which is known in immunology to not be a driver of contagion (which is why "testing" well people with PCR is utterly ridiculous). Rather, these are non-infectious but toxic spike proteins. Please see pp 67-68 of Pfizer document I posted above.
Please read the Pfizer document again. This is exposure to the actual crap in the vials on skin or inhaled on unintended victims or direct re-exposure. There is no shed or shedding in the document. Thought experiment- if the "intervention" worked by inhalation or skin exposure, why the tremendous pressure for people to get injections? Just dust people like Zyklon B!
I do think the testing is a farce. Kary Mullis was a hero for using his fame to criticize the empire. I'm glad he didn't live to see this. It would have killed him
I don't follow. Pg 68 of the Pfizer doc reads: "A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception."
Is 'the study intervention' actual vaccine material or inhalation / skin contact with someone else who's been vaccinated?
I made my husband sleep in another room for a while after he got jabbed, I was so nervous about the shedding. Still not sure if it was necessary or not.
Daughter got JJ (against my advice) to travel. When she got fever within 24 hours, nursing baby got fever. Both resolved thank God but 5 weeks later daughter got Omicron anyway.
I would consider this very unlikely for the same reason the vaccine does not prevent transmission- it infects internal cells, not mucosal cells. I'd buy a reaction to blood products or urine
The reports of menstrual irregularies and post-menopausal bleeding in the wives of vaccinated men were so widespread that Facebook removed those reports and groups, and Naomi Wolf, who was beginning to report on this frequently, was banned from Twitter after her last post on it. The majority of my patients who complained of the above symptoms were last spring and summer, so temporal association with peak vaccine uptake, and right after a family member, co-worker, etc. was vaccinated. There are some who are so sensitive that they feel ill immediately in the presence of the vaccinated, and one of my patients had to move to a rural area because of it, feeling a lot better now. We saw another bump after the booster became available, but smaller, correlated with lower booster uptake.
I'm not saying it isn't happening. I'm definitely looking for a mechanism and not an association. I don't see any mechanism you are proposing. I like Naomi Wolf and I don't think she should be banned, but she is not really a thought leader for me on biology. Her use of an honorific (when she is a Doctor of ?? Feminist literature) is off-putting. She has been excellent on other fronts. Truly. She seems a little out of her depth in scientific matters. It strikes me as an appeal to authority which is largely why we are where we are...
I have heard many anecdotes as well, and I am open to some mechanism. I have seen massive issues from the vaccine, in the vaccinated. I think this weakens the case frankly. Not saying don't pursue, but the overwhelming issue in my opinion, and the most likely to influence positive change, is finding the specific damage we have done to the vaccinated population, test alternate treatments to replace the inevitable pivot to "vaccines as therapeutics", and try to mitigate the effects on the vaccinated. The effect size is far higher... your mileage may vary.
Please read the Pfizer document I posted above, in which they acknowledge both the empirical observation of spike protein shedding, and the mechanisms by which it happened. Ad hominem on Wolf does not erase the data that she gathered, but censorship erased too much of it. There are journalists who report accurately on these data as well, without medical credentials.
I read the Pfizer document on the pages you cite. It does no such thing. There is no "shed", "shedding" or similar in the document, you can do your own find function to confirm. This is boilerplate OSHA stuff for any intervention. This is exposure to the vaccine by inhalation or skin contact, or re-exposure to someone who was directly exposed. "to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact" verbatim. This thing is dangerous enough by its intended route you don't need to raise ancillary issues in my opinion. I can possibly see a route in semen/secretions since it does concentrate in glands to a disturbing degree, but it is many orders of magnitude lower than a direct injection.
Ad hominem is completely appropriate if someone uses their title to justify why I should listen to them but they embellish their resume. If Berenson was right I would think less of Malone (but he wasn't). I do the same for Fauchi who is not a practicing physician but wears the little jacket and claims the mantle. But I did not make an ad hominem attack, I said she was wrong in this issue and its likely because she has no competency in it. And it is off-putting to me, I wish she wouldn't use the appeal to authority fallacy. That is my contention, and it is a content charge not a personal attack. She is very good on the social ills, where her degree and experience is pertinent. She is in a much better position to comment as she has broad credibility there, and moreover she has been correct in the face of personal attacks. I have heard numerous interviews where I know things she is saying are simply erroneous about physical science. This is Gell-Mann amnesia territory https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/. I look to her for information on the societal issues, and others for the scientific issues. It does not demean her in my eyes, she is valuable in the fight. We all have our blind spots and she helps me with those.
I would challenge the idea that there are very many journalists who report accurately. Recent events seem to be vindicating with Berenson, they tend to outgrow their roots and lose professional humility. In the age of the internet I think professional journalism is kind of a dinosaur. There are excellent citizens who write about what they know, and IMO that is a superior product. Substack is loaded with them. Rogan is probably a good model of a "new journalist" too.
Dr Huber I tried to find your article on Pubmed without result. I also tried look for the journal in which you published your article on COVID and myocarditis, also without success. Can you provide me a link through Pubmed?
The journal is https://PDMJ.org. It is peer-reviewed, but not on pubmed, as there is no influence on it from NIH or pharma, now more enforced on journal editors than ever. RFK Jr in his new book discusses pharma/Fauci stranglehold on published medical research & journals these days.
I'm apparently a bit younger than you, so I wasn't around for this exact event, but my recollection is the opposite. The fact that live, weakened virus could spread to others was billed as a feature of the Sabin vaccine, not a bug. Through incidental contact with feces of the newly vaccinated, the caregiver would pick up the weakened virus and develop immunity. The weakened viruses can reproduce in the gut, but not so well in nerve tissue, so they are very low risk in themselves, although they can mutate over time if sanitation is poor, eventually begetting virulent offspring after many generations.
Thank you. My father-in-law was told by an MD that studies about Vitamin D are “inconclusive” and he now refuses to “bother with” supplements. It is appalling, the misinformation put out by the mainstream medical community.
A friend of mine, 69 yrs of age, fully mRNA vaxxed with booster, went for their annual physical 3 months ago. Their MD, for the first time in 20 years of yearly checkups, ordered a blood test to check her vitamin D levels. After the results came in, my friend was given a prescription of 50,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 to be taken once weekly, for 12 weeks. I was so impressed! An MD who actually follows the science with prevention treatment.....
Even if the studies re: vitamin D and covid were inconclusive, the MD is being ridiculous, as we know that vitamin D deficiency is *extremely* common in the US. Did the doctor even run some bloodwork?
I share your FIL's MD's skeptical view of vitamin recommendations. He's no doubt seen PLENTY of them in his career, all following pretty much the same path.
The linked paper gives the specific levels that it considers to be short (insufficiency <75, deficiency <50, or severe deficiency <25 nmol/L) but I'm not sure just what that means. How many people in the general population fall into those categories? Does taking pills help? I don't know the answer to either of those questions. There's a distressing tendency to jump from "lack of X is associated with disease Y" to "if I take massive doses of X, I won't get disease Y." Vitamins do important things, but they are helpers, not the cause of good health. My car needs a certain amount of motor oil. Too little is very detrimental. Adding more than is needed doesn't improve lubrication, and beyond a certain point it actually makes things worse.
After a Vitamin D deficient person (lab meaured) is treated for a month or so with cheap old Vitamin D3, recheck of blood Vitamin D levels usually shows return to normal levels. Important to establish proper maintenance dose thereafter so as to avoid Vitamin D toxicity
There is very little vitamin D in food or multivitamins. It can be created in the skin, by UV-B light, but this is not available all year round and it increases the risk of skin cancer. There may well be other benefits of UV-A and UV-B skin exposure, but UV-B skin exposure cannot be relied upon to supply all our vitamin D needs.
Everyone needs to supplement vitamin D3 to get their circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L or more, all year round. which is what their immune system needs to function properly. The liver takes, very approximately, 4 days to hydroxylate vitamin D3 to 25-hydroxyvitamin D - as measured in blood tests.
See Quraishi et al. 2014 cited at: "What every MD, immunologist, virologist and epidemiologist should know about vitamin D and the immune system": https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ . Post-operative infections start to rise drastically due to weakened innate and adaptive immune responses the more the patient's pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was below 50 ng/mL. Most doctors think 20 ng/mL or 30 ng/mL is "sufficient" - but that is only true for supplying the kidneys so they can produce a very low level of circulating, hormonal, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D which regulates calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. This does not affect immune cells (some doctors misunderstand this). The immune cells rely on good, 50 ng/mL (one part in 20,000,000 by mass) 25-hydroxyvitamin D to feed each immune cell's autocrine (within each cell) signaling system. They rely on this for their ability to respond to their changing circumstances. These systems are only turned on in particular circumstances. This is totally unrelated to hormonal signaling - which is where the level of a compound carried in the bloodstream affects the behavior or one or more cell types, with those cells being anywhere in the body. Autocrine signaling is _within_ each cell.
Unless they have had a lot of UV-B skin exposure recently, people who do not supplement vitamin D3 at all typically have levels 5 to 25 ng/mL This needs to be done anyway, COVID-19 or not.
For 70 kg 154lb bodyweight, 0.125mg 5000 IU / day vitamin D3 is a good intake, but it takes months to build up the 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, so more - or better still calcifediol, which _is_ 25-hydroxyvitamin D - is needed in emergencies like COVID-19, sepsis, Kawasaki disease, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome etc. for the majority of the population which has very low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Please see https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-25-hydroxyvitamin-d-or and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ .
"5000 IU" sounds like a lot, but it is 1/8000 of a gram - a gram every 22 years. Pharma-grade vitamin D3 cholecalciferol costs USD$2.50 ex factory in 1 kg lots. There are only a handful of factories which make this - none of them owned by multinational pharmaceutical companies. It involves very tricky UV-B exposure of a derivative of woolfat, followed by careful purification.
For everyone in the world to attain about 50 ng/mL or more we need about a tonne of vitamin D3 a day - which at current prices would cost about USD$1 billion a year. This needs to be split into capsules, such as the 1.25 milligram 50,000 IU capsules I take once a week (7143 IU/day).
exactly. I am a person that SHUNS the sun, but am outside a lot running, working out, etc. Just for giggles, had a D3 test. It is 84. I am one of those "elderly" people...bwahahahaha. I am ALWAYS outside, shoveling sidewalks, just living and breathing ....
Serious question: How do we know that “asymptomatic spread” isn’t just false positives? I continue to question the accuracy of all these tests, and it also seems they can be manipulated to produce a desired result.
It wasn’t completely asymptomatic, but my mom and I caught it from my daughter and her husband. They just had mild sore throats and no other symptoms. Their daughter had a one evening fever of around 100 degrees.
Because I had broken my knee, mom and I had been nowhere for two weeks and had no other company, so we know for certain who gave it to us.
Maybe some of these ‘asymptomatic’ people have such mild symptoms they disregard them.
Are there guidelines or recommendations on just spending time in the sun in lieu of supplements? I heard back in the day, hospitals would 'sun' their patients for part of the day. I have also heard the amount of vitamin D can be much greater from sunlight, and probably better absorbed.
Thank. you so much for your work and guidance Dr. Malone. I have a 12 year old boy and a 14 year old girl. We did not vaccinate them based on your information/views. They just contracted COVID last week and were literally up and running within 24-36 hours. While I do understand this is not always the case in extreme and exceptional situation, we feel VERY happy with our INFORMED decision made through following you. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT.
As a side note, my wife and I have the J&J shot, did NOT get a booster of any vaccine based on your guidance, and have been a bit sick for the last 4 days. But nothing major at all. Very pleased that the body is producing natural antibodies!
Same, my husband and I have the J & J only and he just got over it. He was knocked off his feet for about 5 days. He wasn't as sick as he gets with the flu, however. I have still not gotten sick, for whatever reason.
She pointed to a statistic that the board of health cited saying “more than ten times as many unvaccinated as vaccinated people are hospitalized for covid.”
I traced this stat to a CDC early release (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7037e1.htm) and find it has been replicated across the MSM. Since this talking point is being cited by the propagandists and those they are scripting, it would be helpful to understand how that statistic is being calculated and how it may be in error.
As I told the commenter, we already know they play fast and loose with the categorizations of unvaxxed vs. vaxxed (e.g., counting people who’ve been injected as “unvaxxed” for the first 14 days after injection; counting people who’ve only had one injection as “unvaxxed”; counting anyone who doesn’t have their vaxx status documented in their records (e.g., people who got injected at a drugstore don’t show up as vaxxed in the Asante system); redefining “vaxxed” to exclude those who haven’t had the booster, etc.), so any breakdown of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed hospitalizations is next to worthless given how manipulated and manipulable the data is (much like the COVID case counts from fraudulent PCR tests, deaths “with” vs. “from” COVID, etc.).
I found a “British Medical Journal” article (https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o5) fact-checking hospitalization stats about the unvaxxed that found the claims are exaggerated, but a takedown of this specific CDC report would be particularly helpful.
When someone repeats CDC and media propaganda like "more than ten times as many unvaccinated people are hospitalized for covid" I usually ask them to be more specific. First, the sentence says "are" so is she saying that last month or last week for example there were ten times more unvaccinated as vaccinated people in the hospital? And in the interest of relying on more than one (questionable) source I would ask her if that number is consistent with other sources like individual state or hospital data, and other countries like the UK or Israel. You can probably stop there because you almost certainly won't get an answer that inspires any confidence in her knowledge of what's actually happening.
What I've seen most of the time when someone makes these claims is that the data they're using covers some period of time where vaccination rates were zero or very low combined with several months where a high percentage of people were recently vaccinated and still benefiting from the peak protection of the vaccines. In other words probably flawed data that is also using the absolute best period of time you could use.
Excellent stratagems, Rob! Unfortunately, the example the commenter cited was of the Washington State Board of Health spouting off stats during a presentation, and there was no opportunity to ask questions. But in cases where there is an opportunity to engage, this is great advice.
Oh gosh, that’s challenging. Can you overnight him a care package of zinc, vitamin D3, vitamin C, quercetin, melatonin, garlic, ginger, and nigella sativa along with povodine iodine for a mouthwash swish (https://palexander.substack.com/p/povidone-iodine-as-a-mouthwash-and)? You could probably do Amazon 1- or 2-day for all of these. You can email him the dosages per FLCCC protocol, and then he doesn’t need to figure it out himself. Ask him to do it for you to help put your mind at ease. Doesn’t hurt to take a few pills and can only help.
Is it crazy to think that the asymptomatic spread of Omnicron is a good thing? Planet-wide infection and recovery resulting in herd immunity would leave the Massvaxists with no plausible reason for mass vaccination. Once the general population accepts this as common knowledge that could generate the critical mass necessary to squash an Omnicron-based mass vax campaign.
so was I, until I got it last week. fairly healthy, exercise daily, taking a regiment of vitamin d and my whole family got walloped, with my 12 year old daughter getting the worst of it. both daughter and wife lost taste and smell. we’re past the worst of it now and I would still say it didn’t compare to some flus i’ve had in the past, but I was definitely surprised by the strength with which it hit us.
I’m working under the assumption it was delta, not that it really matters at the end of the day, I guess. I’m definitely adding more to my list of supplements to help stave off any potential flu my daughter may pick up when she returns to school. thanks for the response!
Spike protein shedding by vaccinated family members may be a factor in this time of pediatric hospitalization. Pfizer admitted to such shedding by way of exhalation and skin contact, here: https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf
See pp 67-68.
I warned about this here:
A normally heathy 4-year old boy, son of one of my patients, spent a few hours with his just vaccinated grandparents, and then had a seizure, first time. We have two dozen more cases of secondary exposure that my patients have documented in my small clinic alone.
Please write more about the spike shedding. I have no way to prove it and it could entirely be a coincidence...but I ended up with serious vertigo (some of it may be due to a vestibular migraine but I also had eustachian tube dysfunction)...I was living with two people who got their boosters two weeks prior to me landing in an ER. https://wholistic.substack.com/p/notes-from-my-recent-emergency-room
Thank you for lighting a fire under me for that: my next project.
Thank you will start following your Substack. Since we moved to be near my stepdad he has weekly visits with us. Now that it is winter and we are inside, we noticed not feeling well after some Sunday visits, particularly since the "booster season" started. Symptoms were headache, feeling flushed no fever, a few occasional sneezes and a bit of a dry feeling in upper palate under nose. It was not really sick per se, just a few hours or days, but enough to go back on our FLCCC prevention protocol just in case each time. When stepdad comes by he feels well of course, and the routine testing at senior facility says no COVID, although I doubt those antigen tests can differentiate Omicron. Anyway this widespread observational trend is really disturbing and deserves some serious attention.
"Symptoms were headache, feeling flushed no fever, a few occasional sneezes and a bit of a dry feeling in upper palate under nose. It was not really sick per se, just a few hours or days"
Same here, more or less. I described it as a "24-hour head cold".... and just so happened to kick in within 24 hours of my spouse getting her 3rd shot of Moderna a few weeks back. Was literally gone within 36 hours. COULD HAVE BEEN A TOTAL COINCIDENCE, of course. Lots of other stuff floating around at the time, though it was the first time since about March 2020 that I had anything approaching a measurable sniffle. Who the hell knows.
What is intriguing us, as we are relatively isolated especially over the holidays, is the rhythm of the effect with the Sunday visits. Also my stepdad suffering from pulses of intense itching and deep redness in the areas of skin where he itches (no plaqes, eruptions or crusts), so I have put various things on his legs, like cortisone cream, benadryl cream, zatador (ketotifen) drops on his red areas. So contact could be a factor as well.
I have friends whose family members had that. Some itched, some did not. One person described it as "prickly heat."
Interesting. Mine was one 'n done. As for "putting various things on legs", I won't bore you with details of my personal life... so let's just say it was one 'n done.
I have noticed this phenomena as well. It’s difficult now that people are mixing boosters, but I used to be able to tell, I’m not sure I ever made a mistake actually, whether someone had been vaccinated with Pfizer or with Moderna. When I’m around people who have been vaccinated with Moderna, I experience excruciating pain all over my body a few hours later. After spending a few hours with someone who is double vaccinated last May, I went on to have two heart attacks.
Holy Krap!
Plus weren’t there reports of women having menstrual irregularities after being in close contact with the freshly jabbed?
I thought Dr McCullough stated recently that asymptomatic transmission simply doesn't happen with any virus. Is this new? Or is there a confounding variable (vaccination)?
There is a difference between asymptomatic transmission (which is rare), and pre-symptomatic transmission (which is very very very common). neither have symptoms at the time of transmission, but the latter goes onto develop them. Very mildly symptomatic transmission is also a thing.
I've seen it paly out firsthand - people who literally never developed a single symptom didn't pass it on to their spouse that they slept with. People with very very mild symptoms (like only losing taste and smell) did.
Do you develop any kind of immunity as an asymptomatic carrier, or do you have to have symptoms?
That’s over-simplified I think. You don’t have to develop symptoms to develop immunity to this or any other virus. As this thing mutates it’ll be about immune response. While the vaccines clearly have negative efficacy for omicron, the re-infection rate is also relatively higher than previous variants for naturally immune (could end up around 5%), though the re-infection rate is a fraction of the not previously infected rate of infection (regardless of vaccination status), and the cases will be milder overall.
Asymptomatic infection, if real as opposed to very common false positives, gives immunity/ antibodies. Environmental exposure over time can give low level responses that are helpful. Getting sicker might give you more antibodies, or it might mean your immune system is in crappy shape and you’ll probably get pretty sick from lots of viruses and when the virus has mutated enough, but for that’s from being more susceptible to sickness generally.
It’s basically going to be a cold. The better shape your immune system, the better you handle the infection. Exposure to other humans and the bugs we all carry is necessary for a healthy immune system. So is being outside in nature where you get exposed to microbes. Pediatricians generally have miserable residencies, then they are never sick because of constant exposure. Their immune systems are in awesome shape.
Take polio, for a lot human history it was with us. Very seldom did people experience symptoms. Sanitation prevented regular exposure for the wealthy/ well off. Suddenly it became dangerous, very dangerous, to 5%ish of people that got it. Much more so than Covid. All developed immunity. The polio vaccine is just weakened polio virus.
Polio is different in that it’s not respiratory and doesn’t mutate much. So each variant is a little different. How each person responds will be unique. Symptoms or not, infection will confer a degree of immunity - most protective against that strain.
It is not asymptomatic transmission of infectious virus, which is known in immunology to not be a driver of contagion (which is why "testing" well people with PCR is utterly ridiculous). Rather, these are non-infectious but toxic spike proteins. Please see pp 67-68 of Pfizer document I posted above.
thanks for clarifying Doc! This gets scarier by the week, even as the vaccines fail spectacularly but so many vaxxed present danger to us non-vaxxed.
Please read the Pfizer document again. This is exposure to the actual crap in the vials on skin or inhaled on unintended victims or direct re-exposure. There is no shed or shedding in the document. Thought experiment- if the "intervention" worked by inhalation or skin exposure, why the tremendous pressure for people to get injections? Just dust people like Zyklon B!
I do think the testing is a farce. Kary Mullis was a hero for using his fame to criticize the empire. I'm glad he didn't live to see this. It would have killed him
I don't follow. Pg 68 of the Pfizer doc reads: "A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception."
Is 'the study intervention' actual vaccine material or inhalation / skin contact with someone else who's been vaccinated?
I made my husband sleep in another room for a while after he got jabbed, I was so nervous about the shedding. Still not sure if it was necessary or not.
Wow. Thank you for that information!
Daughter got JJ (against my advice) to travel. When she got fever within 24 hours, nursing baby got fever. Both resolved thank God but 5 weeks later daughter got Omicron anyway.
I would consider this very unlikely for the same reason the vaccine does not prevent transmission- it infects internal cells, not mucosal cells. I'd buy a reaction to blood products or urine
The reports of menstrual irregularies and post-menopausal bleeding in the wives of vaccinated men were so widespread that Facebook removed those reports and groups, and Naomi Wolf, who was beginning to report on this frequently, was banned from Twitter after her last post on it. The majority of my patients who complained of the above symptoms were last spring and summer, so temporal association with peak vaccine uptake, and right after a family member, co-worker, etc. was vaccinated. There are some who are so sensitive that they feel ill immediately in the presence of the vaccinated, and one of my patients had to move to a rural area because of it, feeling a lot better now. We saw another bump after the booster became available, but smaller, correlated with lower booster uptake.
I'm not saying it isn't happening. I'm definitely looking for a mechanism and not an association. I don't see any mechanism you are proposing. I like Naomi Wolf and I don't think she should be banned, but she is not really a thought leader for me on biology. Her use of an honorific (when she is a Doctor of ?? Feminist literature) is off-putting. She has been excellent on other fronts. Truly. She seems a little out of her depth in scientific matters. It strikes me as an appeal to authority which is largely why we are where we are...
I have heard many anecdotes as well, and I am open to some mechanism. I have seen massive issues from the vaccine, in the vaccinated. I think this weakens the case frankly. Not saying don't pursue, but the overwhelming issue in my opinion, and the most likely to influence positive change, is finding the specific damage we have done to the vaccinated population, test alternate treatments to replace the inevitable pivot to "vaccines as therapeutics", and try to mitigate the effects on the vaccinated. The effect size is far higher... your mileage may vary.
Please read the Pfizer document I posted above, in which they acknowledge both the empirical observation of spike protein shedding, and the mechanisms by which it happened. Ad hominem on Wolf does not erase the data that she gathered, but censorship erased too much of it. There are journalists who report accurately on these data as well, without medical credentials.
I read the Pfizer document on the pages you cite. It does no such thing. There is no "shed", "shedding" or similar in the document, you can do your own find function to confirm. This is boilerplate OSHA stuff for any intervention. This is exposure to the vaccine by inhalation or skin contact, or re-exposure to someone who was directly exposed. "to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact" verbatim. This thing is dangerous enough by its intended route you don't need to raise ancillary issues in my opinion. I can possibly see a route in semen/secretions since it does concentrate in glands to a disturbing degree, but it is many orders of magnitude lower than a direct injection.
Ad hominem is completely appropriate if someone uses their title to justify why I should listen to them but they embellish their resume. If Berenson was right I would think less of Malone (but he wasn't). I do the same for Fauchi who is not a practicing physician but wears the little jacket and claims the mantle. But I did not make an ad hominem attack, I said she was wrong in this issue and its likely because she has no competency in it. And it is off-putting to me, I wish she wouldn't use the appeal to authority fallacy. That is my contention, and it is a content charge not a personal attack. She is very good on the social ills, where her degree and experience is pertinent. She is in a much better position to comment as she has broad credibility there, and moreover she has been correct in the face of personal attacks. I have heard numerous interviews where I know things she is saying are simply erroneous about physical science. This is Gell-Mann amnesia territory https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/. I look to her for information on the societal issues, and others for the scientific issues. It does not demean her in my eyes, she is valuable in the fight. We all have our blind spots and she helps me with those.
I would challenge the idea that there are very many journalists who report accurately. Recent events seem to be vindicating with Berenson, they tend to outgrow their roots and lose professional humility. In the age of the internet I think professional journalism is kind of a dinosaur. There are excellent citizens who write about what they know, and IMO that is a superior product. Substack is loaded with them. Rogan is probably a good model of a "new journalist" too.
Veritas Nowjust now
Dr Huber I tried to find your article on Pubmed without result. I also tried look for the journal in which you published your article on COVID and myocarditis, also without success. Can you provide me a link through Pubmed?
The journal is https://PDMJ.org. It is peer-reviewed, but not on pubmed, as there is no influence on it from NIH or pharma, now more enforced on journal editors than ever. RFK Jr in his new book discusses pharma/Fauci stranglehold on published medical research & journals these days.
We still get told that with many live childhood vaccines here in the UK
I'm apparently a bit younger than you, so I wasn't around for this exact event, but my recollection is the opposite. The fact that live, weakened virus could spread to others was billed as a feature of the Sabin vaccine, not a bug. Through incidental contact with feces of the newly vaccinated, the caregiver would pick up the weakened virus and develop immunity. The weakened viruses can reproduce in the gut, but not so well in nerve tissue, so they are very low risk in themselves, although they can mutate over time if sanitation is poor, eventually begetting virulent offspring after many generations.
Do you know in what years that method was used?
I was born in ‘64 and I remember getting the pink sugar cube. I don’t think it’s a false memory, but I was pretty young.
Thanks I am older than you so was curious about timing.
I am fairly certain the Salk vaccine was injected, and it was the Sabin that was delivered on sugar cubes. Let me know if you find out differently.
For me it was around 1958.
These sugar cubes were pink and infused with the vax. They didn't drop them into a vat of medicine like a cup of tea.
Salk was the injected dead virus. Sabin was the live, attenuated virus given orally.
I was in kindergarten when President Kennedy was lost to us, remember that day well as mom was on the sofa crying.
Thank you. My father-in-law was told by an MD that studies about Vitamin D are “inconclusive” and he now refuses to “bother with” supplements. It is appalling, the misinformation put out by the mainstream medical community.
A friend of mine, 69 yrs of age, fully mRNA vaxxed with booster, went for their annual physical 3 months ago. Their MD, for the first time in 20 years of yearly checkups, ordered a blood test to check her vitamin D levels. After the results came in, my friend was given a prescription of 50,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 to be taken once weekly, for 12 weeks. I was so impressed! An MD who actually follows the science with prevention treatment.....
Even if the studies re: vitamin D and covid were inconclusive, the MD is being ridiculous, as we know that vitamin D deficiency is *extremely* common in the US. Did the doctor even run some bloodwork?
No, but FIL did get a Covid test and was positive. FIL is also fully vax’d.
I share your FIL's MD's skeptical view of vitamin recommendations. He's no doubt seen PLENTY of them in his career, all following pretty much the same path.
The linked paper gives the specific levels that it considers to be short (insufficiency <75, deficiency <50, or severe deficiency <25 nmol/L) but I'm not sure just what that means. How many people in the general population fall into those categories? Does taking pills help? I don't know the answer to either of those questions. There's a distressing tendency to jump from "lack of X is associated with disease Y" to "if I take massive doses of X, I won't get disease Y." Vitamins do important things, but they are helpers, not the cause of good health. My car needs a certain amount of motor oil. Too little is very detrimental. Adding more than is needed doesn't improve lubrication, and beyond a certain point it actually makes things worse.
About 40% of the US population is D deficient. https://www.cantonmercy.org/healthchat/42-percent-of-americans-are-vitamin-d-deficient/
After a Vitamin D deficient person (lab meaured) is treated for a month or so with cheap old Vitamin D3, recheck of blood Vitamin D levels usually shows return to normal levels. Important to establish proper maintenance dose thereafter so as to avoid Vitamin D toxicity
There is very little vitamin D in food or multivitamins. It can be created in the skin, by UV-B light, but this is not available all year round and it increases the risk of skin cancer. There may well be other benefits of UV-A and UV-B skin exposure, but UV-B skin exposure cannot be relied upon to supply all our vitamin D needs.
Everyone needs to supplement vitamin D3 to get their circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L or more, all year round. which is what their immune system needs to function properly. The liver takes, very approximately, 4 days to hydroxylate vitamin D3 to 25-hydroxyvitamin D - as measured in blood tests.
See Quraishi et al. 2014 cited at: "What every MD, immunologist, virologist and epidemiologist should know about vitamin D and the immune system": https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ . Post-operative infections start to rise drastically due to weakened innate and adaptive immune responses the more the patient's pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was below 50 ng/mL. Most doctors think 20 ng/mL or 30 ng/mL is "sufficient" - but that is only true for supplying the kidneys so they can produce a very low level of circulating, hormonal, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D which regulates calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. This does not affect immune cells (some doctors misunderstand this). The immune cells rely on good, 50 ng/mL (one part in 20,000,000 by mass) 25-hydroxyvitamin D to feed each immune cell's autocrine (within each cell) signaling system. They rely on this for their ability to respond to their changing circumstances. These systems are only turned on in particular circumstances. This is totally unrelated to hormonal signaling - which is where the level of a compound carried in the bloodstream affects the behavior or one or more cell types, with those cells being anywhere in the body. Autocrine signaling is _within_ each cell.
Unless they have had a lot of UV-B skin exposure recently, people who do not supplement vitamin D3 at all typically have levels 5 to 25 ng/mL This needs to be done anyway, COVID-19 or not.
For 70 kg 154lb bodyweight, 0.125mg 5000 IU / day vitamin D3 is a good intake, but it takes months to build up the 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, so more - or better still calcifediol, which _is_ 25-hydroxyvitamin D - is needed in emergencies like COVID-19, sepsis, Kawasaki disease, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome etc. for the majority of the population which has very low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Please see https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-25-hydroxyvitamin-d-or and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ .
"5000 IU" sounds like a lot, but it is 1/8000 of a gram - a gram every 22 years. Pharma-grade vitamin D3 cholecalciferol costs USD$2.50 ex factory in 1 kg lots. There are only a handful of factories which make this - none of them owned by multinational pharmaceutical companies. It involves very tricky UV-B exposure of a derivative of woolfat, followed by careful purification.
For everyone in the world to attain about 50 ng/mL or more we need about a tonne of vitamin D3 a day - which at current prices would cost about USD$1 billion a year. This needs to be split into capsules, such as the 1.25 milligram 50,000 IU capsules I take once a week (7143 IU/day).
exactly. I am a person that SHUNS the sun, but am outside a lot running, working out, etc. Just for giggles, had a D3 test. It is 84. I am one of those "elderly" people...bwahahahaha. I am ALWAYS outside, shoveling sidewalks, just living and breathing ....
Yes but in the winter we all need supplementation for the most part.
not so far for me. :)
The elderly tend to stay inside more, especially in winter. Even if they do go outside, they are pretty well covered up.
Yeah. I noticed that. Even in snow, I am not wearing much. I mean, layers-wise I LOVE COLD
You’re like my son lol, that kid wears shorts outside all year long 😩
Yeah....I can tolerate cold fairly well! :)
Looks like someone is putting up some amazing posters around DC before the Big Event:
"MANDATE SEGREGATE SUBJUGATE" - that's a powerful message.
You should check them out. Soviet style propaganda posters that look professionally done.
"Brilliant Agitprop Appears in Washington DC:
I just reposted to gettr and GAB. Thank you for the heads up!
helps the cause, stickers maybe?
Cropped and saved @1350x2000 which is the max size found:
Serious question: How do we know that “asymptomatic spread” isn’t just false positives? I continue to question the accuracy of all these tests, and it also seems they can be manipulated to produce a desired result.
It wasn’t completely asymptomatic, but my mom and I caught it from my daughter and her husband. They just had mild sore throats and no other symptoms. Their daughter had a one evening fever of around 100 degrees.
Because I had broken my knee, mom and I had been nowhere for two weeks and had no other company, so we know for certain who gave it to us.
Maybe some of these ‘asymptomatic’ people have such mild symptoms they disregard them.
And yes, the tests are totally unreliable as well, so both scenarios are probable.
great question!
Someone has been listening! Trader Joe’s has a 4oz (or there about) liquid vitamin D and zinc in the refrigerated section.
Thank you, Doctor! I find it very helpful to read your summaries of the relevant research.
A little Dos Equis helps, too!
I heard Corona works better!🤣
I'm good with Hendricks.
we recommend 10-15,000 iu per day
Are there guidelines or recommendations on just spending time in the sun in lieu of supplements? I heard back in the day, hospitals would 'sun' their patients for part of the day. I have also heard the amount of vitamin D can be much greater from sunlight, and probably better absorbed.
Yep, probably correct, but much harder to achieve during the winter months.
You really cannot get enough by the sun
I always wondered if that might be true, because they also still suggest limiting sun exposure to 20 minutes a day to reduce skin cancer risk!
This podcast covers all of it even cancer risk and sunscreen:)
Okay, I’ll watch it, thanks! 👍
Facts matter. Thanks Doc
Thank. you so much for your work and guidance Dr. Malone. I have a 12 year old boy and a 14 year old girl. We did not vaccinate them based on your information/views. They just contracted COVID last week and were literally up and running within 24-36 hours. While I do understand this is not always the case in extreme and exceptional situation, we feel VERY happy with our INFORMED decision made through following you. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT.
As a side note, my wife and I have the J&J shot, did NOT get a booster of any vaccine based on your guidance, and have been a bit sick for the last 4 days. But nothing major at all. Very pleased that the body is producing natural antibodies!
Same, my husband and I have the J & J only and he just got over it. He was knocked off his feet for about 5 days. He wasn't as sick as he gets with the flu, however. I have still not gotten sick, for whatever reason.
Score 1 for holistic health!
Thanks for the updates. They are very helpful. Beautiful horse by the way.
It would be interesting to know how many of those under 3 months were born to parents that had one or more doses of the jabs.
Dr. Malone, someone asked a question about hospitalization in the comments at my “Letter to the Washington State Board of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board), and I am wondering if you might be able to weigh in.
She pointed to a statistic that the board of health cited saying “more than ten times as many unvaccinated as vaccinated people are hospitalized for covid.”
I traced this stat to a CDC early release (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7037e1.htm) and find it has been replicated across the MSM. Since this talking point is being cited by the propagandists and those they are scripting, it would be helpful to understand how that statistic is being calculated and how it may be in error.
As I told the commenter, we already know they play fast and loose with the categorizations of unvaxxed vs. vaxxed (e.g., counting people who’ve been injected as “unvaxxed” for the first 14 days after injection; counting people who’ve only had one injection as “unvaxxed”; counting anyone who doesn’t have their vaxx status documented in their records (e.g., people who got injected at a drugstore don’t show up as vaxxed in the Asante system); redefining “vaxxed” to exclude those who haven’t had the booster, etc.), so any breakdown of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed hospitalizations is next to worthless given how manipulated and manipulable the data is (much like the COVID case counts from fraudulent PCR tests, deaths “with” vs. “from” COVID, etc.).
I found a “British Medical Journal” article (https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o5) fact-checking hospitalization stats about the unvaxxed that found the claims are exaggerated, but a takedown of this specific CDC report would be particularly helpful.
When someone repeats CDC and media propaganda like "more than ten times as many unvaccinated people are hospitalized for covid" I usually ask them to be more specific. First, the sentence says "are" so is she saying that last month or last week for example there were ten times more unvaccinated as vaccinated people in the hospital? And in the interest of relying on more than one (questionable) source I would ask her if that number is consistent with other sources like individual state or hospital data, and other countries like the UK or Israel. You can probably stop there because you almost certainly won't get an answer that inspires any confidence in her knowledge of what's actually happening.
What I've seen most of the time when someone makes these claims is that the data they're using covers some period of time where vaccination rates were zero or very low combined with several months where a high percentage of people were recently vaccinated and still benefiting from the peak protection of the vaccines. In other words probably flawed data that is also using the absolute best period of time you could use.
Excellent stratagems, Rob! Unfortunately, the example the commenter cited was of the Washington State Board of Health spouting off stats during a presentation, and there was no opportunity to ask questions. But in cases where there is an opportunity to engage, this is great advice.
I agree completely, Virginia, and I’m so sorry about your son. Can he get ivermectin? Make sure he’s following all of the FLCCC recommendations (https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/) he can in the meantime. Hope he heals quickly 🤗
At Xmas I gave my adult children and spouses a gift bag of *be well* products.
Oh gosh, that’s challenging. Can you overnight him a care package of zinc, vitamin D3, vitamin C, quercetin, melatonin, garlic, ginger, and nigella sativa along with povodine iodine for a mouthwash swish (https://palexander.substack.com/p/povidone-iodine-as-a-mouthwash-and)? You could probably do Amazon 1- or 2-day for all of these. You can email him the dosages per FLCCC protocol, and then he doesn’t need to figure it out himself. Ask him to do it for you to help put your mind at ease. Doesn’t hurt to take a few pills and can only help.
I’m glad he’s feeling better today. It’ll probably be mild for him given that he’s in good health 🤞
Is it crazy to think that the asymptomatic spread of Omnicron is a good thing? Planet-wide infection and recovery resulting in herd immunity would leave the Massvaxists with no plausible reason for mass vaccination. Once the general population accepts this as common knowledge that could generate the critical mass necessary to squash an Omnicron-based mass vax campaign.
Someone described Omicron as the “vaccine Big Pfarma tried to produce, but couldn’t.”
so was I, until I got it last week. fairly healthy, exercise daily, taking a regiment of vitamin d and my whole family got walloped, with my 12 year old daughter getting the worst of it. both daughter and wife lost taste and smell. we’re past the worst of it now and I would still say it didn’t compare to some flus i’ve had in the past, but I was definitely surprised by the strength with which it hit us.
Lots of Delta out there. If you are healthy and lost sense of smell - it could have been Delta. Lots of people have mild Delta also.
I’m working under the assumption it was delta, not that it really matters at the end of the day, I guess. I’m definitely adding more to my list of supplements to help stave off any potential flu my daughter may pick up when she returns to school. thanks for the response!
Thank you Robert for calming us with FACTS. Beautiful photo! God’s blessings upon you and Jill.