Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc, I'm glad that you featured Luc Montagnier, who was "discredited" by lemming "science" for his free thinking ways towards the end of his life. Nothing they said could make me think that Montagnier didn't know his way around a viral genome.

As I went to work during COVID, I flipped the birdie at all the "health care hero" signs outside of the hospital, and refused to wear any of their propaganda merch which was distributed, since I had already suspended belief in the system.

It takes nerve to go against the mainstream, so I can salute these more appropriate "hero" memes

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Cannot see that mans name without thinking of bob gallo who was the sleeziest individual with alleged scientific creds I had encountered in the 30+ yrs I spent in biomed research

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Yaaa, I'm glad that Montagnier was finally given the credit that Gallo was trying to usurp.

That was a lot of nasty business, but I suppose that a network of academic narcissists has existed as long as there has been research credit over which to do battle.

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Gallo was fired from NAIAD for his manipulation but is still the top beneficiary in income from patent sharing! Beats Fauci! Anyone disagree?

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That patent sharing creates huge conflict of interest for the government employees.

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And our clowns in DC don't stop it because a majority all have their personal scams!

Isn't it amazing how rich Obama, Clintons and the Bidens have become on a government salary and have never held a job in the business community?!

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Thomas, you have nailed it, sadly the U.S I love, have travelled to so many times, literally criss crossing that wonderful nation so many many occasions, it’s people’s wonderful, kind, courteous, helpful, a can do attitude, well they did, no more it seems as such is overtaken with the death knell, I am entitled, I am owed attitude now becoming so prevalent, an attitude creating a dependency and army of obedient slaves who have been only to happy to cede their freedom for the reward of regular entitlement income benefits… sad.

But not surprising when as you correctly point out by those being only a few of the many in your political class, the permanent management class ( PMC’s) who unlikely to ever amount to much, to lazy both in physical exertion and exercise of mind, simply want for the lazy way, the fat man route in order to get the riches they believe they are owed for serving the nation, their constituents, it as entitlement on steroids, but entitlement nevertheless with the added traits of greed and avarice, two of the worst we know of.

It is the matching hubris and belligerence accompanying this out of whack sense of entitlement that has destroyed your once great and mighty nation, seized upon as it has been by the billionaires who sensing such, deployed their armies of lobbyists the product of the NGO’s, Think Tanks, of the many ubiquitous Foundations bearing their names that write your legislation, lobby to have passed and enacted laws that return by factors in the tens, the miserly investments these billionaires and corporations make in granting the fiscal crumbs to those who have sold you and the nation out, the millions earned by book deals, contracts on MSM, Art Works, finding its way to their bank accounts in a myriad of ways, all in order the meagre amounts they, those in receipt of such, have been quite happy to beggar their neighbours for, to indulge the “ I’m ok Jack” attitude that is the basis for this decline… until they are all booted out, independents voted for, the electorate stop voting both cheeks of the same arse at every election, by looking into past records of those who stand, present for reelection, the charade and sell out will continue.. it can be ended as noted, simply vote Independent you’ll win some, some will be a waste of time, but just ask yourself could if it should manifest… the chaos resulting be any worse than where you find yourselves now? I say NO, it must be given a chance, the nation to right this tragedy, fill the chambers with Independents then start from that base rebuilding your nation, one step at a time… until you can rest knowing you’ve done all and everything you could do to prevent the slide into oblivion…. Kia Kaha to you from New Zealand my American friend..

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Insider trading has been huge forever.

Ukraine has long been a U.S. interest as a money laundry and a dumping ground for activities which are nominally illegal here. Our politicians are so tied up in that mess, and now getting so many people killed for it.

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Hoooold on a minute! I'm very glad that Dr Montagnier warned the public about the dangers of the Covid vaccines before he died, but apparently he had karma to repay due to the ruse he and Gallo (with whom Montagnier, around 1965, worked at NCI) pulled on the public as regards the HIV virus. The story that we all "know" with regard to the conflict between Gallo and Montagnier is as manipulated and false as most of what we learned regarding history in school. Even Dr Jonas Salk is implicated in the ruse.

I highly recommend that you read the relevant parts of Dr Leonard Horowitz's 1996 book _Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola_, in which he explores and exposes, with ample documentary evidence, the history and lab-creation of the HIV immunosuppressive bioweapon. You can read the book here, and some of the details regarding the Gallo/Montagnier issue start on page 90:


Also, see here for Dr Ernest Schapiro's 1997 synopsis of the above book: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1997/eirv24n44-19971031/eirv24n44-19971031_018-origins_of_the_aids_virus_accide.pdf

It's common that as the elderly are facing their mortality, they will often want to unburdened their souls before they die, via a confession to a journalist or family member, of some wrongdoing that they've perpetrated in their past. According to the above-cited book, Nobel Laureate and retrovirus pioneer David Baltimore appears to be one such person whose confession, as regards his work in the early 1970s for the Special Virus Cancer Program, would be helpful for the accurate documentation of history (and perhaps for his own peace of mind).

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My take was that Gallo was manipulating Luc Montagnier HIV research so that he would be seen as the discoverer of the HIV virus. In turn, it failed, and he was fired from his position at NAIAD? No?

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Why not read the book? Doing so will answer your questions.

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Sounds like a pile of poop to me.

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Sounds like you haven't read the book.

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No reason to. Was a grad student in a virology lab at the time and followed it closely. Lab I worked in as tech collaborated with gallo and I saw first hand what a phony he was then. Insisted my name not on paper that came out of it…for good reason

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That interview in the Horowitz book is all over the place. It's suggesting that since these guys had worked together, then they must have isolated the HIV long before it was revealed to the public. And the timeline in the book is early 70s, not 1965. And Robert Strecker kept saying 'in my opinion'. So I'm not going to be able to draw conclusions with certainty from this story. And there's the issue of when the technology was available for constructing or altering the viral genomes.

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I take it you haven't read the entire book.

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No, because I am pretty busy, involved in 2 businesses.

So I probably won't be able to read and investigate each "in my opinion" claim of the book.

Perhaps if the interviewee had seemed more certain of his claims.......

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Was he really worse than Anthony Fauci? I know they were allies, which is a bad testimony in an of itself.

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I remember Fauci being tied up with Gallo. Fauci has been a problem for so long, don't know if he could ever reverse course.

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Different times and different arenas

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A PBS interview with Margaret Heckler, the Secy of HHS from 1983 to 1985, makes it clear that she viewed Fauci and Gallo as the two top researchers active contemporaneously regarding the response to the AIDS plandemic. She practically gushes over Fauci. [Yuck.]

"I had given [Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] Dr. [Anthony] Fauci -- who was so active and so impressive from the beginning on this subject ...."

"I think that the wise investment that we made in terms of the existing talent -- scientific expertise at NIH is unparalleled, and we already had Dr. Fauci, [virologist] Bob Gallo and CDC. CDC was doing everything. I was pushing them to the maximum."

"Between Bob Gallo and Tony Fauci, [they] were the two heroes. I would say Fauci first, because he took care of everyone, and I was very patient-oriented and very concerned about the patients, and so both of these [men] were remarkable."


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02/14/24: Why not write a "reverse" column identifying all of these felons? (Dr. Malone has identified the heros).

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Look up rosters of the gov health agencies and you have a current listing

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I avoid Third World English! (Theirs).

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Thanks Dr. Nash!

As a “mandate retiree” I read the books by Heckenlively and Mikovits. You must know them! In that reading I was treated to a “snootfull” of Robert Gallo. It was cool to see your mention of Gallo … a name that should not be forgotten in this malaise. May he get the recognition he lusted after when due process overtakes the pandemic criminals.

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I commend you for your ability & willingness to resist the insanity. As Gandhi once said, "It's better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction".

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Thanks. Gandhi was a really savvy leader. A long while ago, I read a sort of memoir called The Girl With the White Flag, which starkly illustrated reasons to avoid following the crowd.

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Thank-you for mentioning the book. I intend to read it.

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It’s an amazing story.

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i agree. Currently reading Part2: Ending Plague and it is equally fascinating. Having experienced the ugly effects of back-biting from the fragile egos in the science world, it is my opinion (lol) that their stories, along with Malones (at Salk) have a much louder ring of truth-- and Montagnier deserves full credit.

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Judy Mikovitz and I would not agree on everything, but it's obvious that she knows the virology field well, and is bearing the battle scars of life in the research field. There's considerable toxicity, hubris, and outright malevolence in that highly competitive world. Those who do the actual WORK of discovery never become wealthy enough to fight back when their work and reputation is attacked or usurped. What happened to her was extremely unjust.

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said, Dr. Malone! So grateful for your fight and the fight of so many!!! Truth will prevail!

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"When things get difficult the choice to persevere becomes all the more meaningful. When you feel out of control and destined for the worst outcome, you can still choose your attitude in the face of fate. It is in moments like these where we maintain our integrity and our courage in the face of impossible odds that legends are born. The power is not exclusive to heroes, that power is something we all possess." —Max Derrat

What will you do in the face of a losing battle? That is what will define you.

The future is ours to seize. As long as our capacity to dream and to will that dream remains, choice defies fate; and thus does freedom defy slavery.

Thanks to all of you who fight.

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Thank you, and:

"Let us stand fast in what is right and prepare ourselves for trial.

Let us neither be dogs that do not bark, nor silent onlookers,

nor paid servants who run away before the wolf.

Instead, where the battle rages, let us find ourselves.

Run towards the roar of the lion!

Run towards the roar of battle!

That is where Christ's most glorious victories shall be won!" - Boniface, 8th century

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor

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Well said 53rd Chapter. We have NO ALTERNATIVE other than to (a) acknowledge we have a formidable enemy, and (b) speak it out for what it really REALLY is, communism.

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Sitting in the dentist chair watching the silent tv the other day, I saw a familiar face, former Austin city councilman Greg Casar, now a US rep in DC. "He's a bloody communist" I told the dental tech. "Where's AOC?" "She was on earlier," she said. Then came on Joaquin Castro from San Antonio, another commie. Their group was trying to get Texas on the national electric grid. If they're for it, I'm agin it!

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Golly. Great quotation and sentiment.

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The galleries and photos of those with awareness and integrity brings me to tears. Dr. Malone, you and many others have come to the conclusion that our enemy is evil itself, not some bumbling bureaucratic, well-intentioned ineptitude. You are right that our systems have become "corrupted with ideologies." This has been going on, as you assert, for a long time, surreptitiously, I might add, "under the radar," much like an injected toxic spike protein that can take years to silently do its damage.

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JFK 4/27/61

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a wartime discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

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To Dr. Malone's admission about recognizing the enemy - Such a shame that JFK had a truly false understanding. He would not acknowledge, or he did not see, that the U.S. was the U.N.'s "quarterback " in all the things his speech spoke to.

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He was madison aves. most destructive selling job.

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So Joe Kennedy, JFK’s dad, FDR’s ambassador to Great Britain, Wall St player, and Hollywood dude did mot share with JFK any insights on how things work? Right.

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That was what he paid folks to steal that election…ultimately giving us lbj and his war on poverty as a payoff

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He had good speech writers.

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Etc. Did not ad lib so well as his berlin donut gaff proved

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for all you do!!! Toast to you!!!

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Some of us have been fighting this fight for decades, watching with dismay enemies of our Republic being voted into our highest offices. I cannot express the anger that has instilled.

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I also have much anger!!!

I was thinking 🤔 of starting a group called: Grumpy 😠 Grandma's 👵, but maybe Grumpy Grandparents?!?

Just saying 😌

We need to show the youth that not all of the boomer generation is as bad as the Schumers and McConnells of this country!!!!!

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And cornyns!! And abbotts!! And phelands!! And…….

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Yes!!! Yes!!!!! Yes!!!!

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Shelley/Ana the vote in the senate goes to point out the corrupting force d.c. exerts on all we send there (offering ben crenshaw as an example). This is yet another reason I harp about pouring as much attention as we can on state/local politics because there is where ee can exert more influence.

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No kidding! I remain puzzled and angry that our local congressman, Ken Buck, voted against impeaching Mayorkass. Grrrrrr......

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I guess that he doesn't care anymore since he isn't running for reelection!

He doesn't have to pretend anymore!

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From a few items I just read this morning, the 'youth' may not see the Schumers and McConnells as ' bad'.

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Shelley, I based my statement on the voting in the senate falling along below and above a certain age.

The young being against and the older senators being for the bill.

Maybe that's not right, I don't know 😕

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Ana, I thought you were talking about showing the youth in the general public, who have been brainwashed to believe that gov knows best.

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Shelley, there are some of those who have become accustomed to living on the government dole, however I'm talking about a new crop of youth that gives me hope that they're fighting to work against the prevailing socialist/marxist trend that is infecting our country's freedom loving mindset.

Many of these young elected patriotic crop of representatives ARE WORKING hard to fight against these old dinosaurs 🦕 🦕.!

We just need more of them!!!!

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They are growing thanks to Turning Point USA started in 2012. Time flies but has its rewards! Bless Charlie for all his hard work these last 12 years. And to think he is only 30.

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I am sure they love them as they have been taught to do

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Michael, look at what else these CREEPS ARE DOING HERE IN TEXAS!

We need to quickly mobilize to STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING!

He's been working on this since LAST YEAR!!!!!!


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Have actually been expecting something like this to come along. This is a big election upcoming. We all need to download sample ballots and research EVERYTHING on it. If only everyone did that. The last election we had think 15 amendments on it and MAYBE 3-4 credible but only one failed…voters not doing due diligence. I hope they are not really that dumb. Also 3 state supreme court judges who handcuffed Paxton re vote fraud up for reelection.

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We NEED to do BETTER!!!!

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I became aware there was a problem in the early 1980s.

How long has it been for you?

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Early 60s Voted for Goldwater

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Thank you.

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"What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone? How else can we put ourselves in harmonious relation with the great verities and consolations of the infinite and the eternal? And I avow my faith that we are marching towards better days. Humanity will not be cast down. We are going on swinging bravely forward along the grand high road and already behind the distant mountains is the promise of the sun." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Wow. Inspiring.

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Some of my thoughts for changes to the public school curriculum that could increase our chances of remaining a free country. Good luck on proposing these to your local school board.:

The idea is to introduce things that increase the abilities of the students in ways that make them less likely to be manipulated and controlled by the powerful. While it would be extremely difficult to get all of these changes into a public school curriculum, it might be possible to slip in one or two. To do so would require your local school board. Our present school system was set up to provide workers, not necessarily a free people.

Shop: This was once a given as all boys took year of shop in the eighth grade, but many schools no longer do.

Methods of control: What methods do the powerful use to control the populace? Classroom exercises would be in order, wherein students think up what kind of subterfuge they could use if they were kings and queens, how they would recognize it and how to counter it. People often don't recognize them for what they are when they see them. The series The Hunger Games would be illustrative. (My opinion is that military veterans are more likely to recognize them than others, but individuals vary.)

The use of false flag operations through history: This might be thought to be part of methods of control, but I think it deserves it's own heading. Students should be asked to explain what kind of false flags they would plan if they were a king and were trying to subjugate their populace.

Criminal thinking: Yes, criminal. Police officers over time learn to think like criminals; while walking or driving they will notice good places to perform a mugging or rape, think how they would rob a particular store, and so on. It's part of the job for them and makes them better officers, but there's no reason the average citizen couldn't learn it.

Genocide and democide in history: An important thing to know about. Since it's important to know that it can happen here, know what factors bring it into being, what can prevent it and what we as individuals and families can do about it. Highlights the need for marksmanship training. For resources, see the University of Hawaii Democide Project: https://hawaii.edu/powerkills/welcome.html

The Emperor has no clothes: Of course he doesn't, and it's amazing to see how often this phenomenon happens. Classroom exercises can be done and essays written on how they would exploit this effect if they were kings and queens.

Understanding propaganda: The five rules of propaganda should be taught, posted in the classroom, and explained, discussed, then perhaps classroom exercises of students making up propaganda while others debunk it. With all of the propaganda perpetually in use, and seemingly getting worse lately, I think this is important. Students should be required to design their own propaganda campaigns.

The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

Information Warfare: Information war is ongoing and is being used to increase control over people. A possible textbook would be Introduction to 5G Warfare by Michael Flynn. Students might design their own information warfare program, after which they will be less likely to be swayed. Unlike propaganda, real people die in information warfare.


General boy scout things: Not everyone has the interest or opportunity to be in the Boy Scouts, but everyone should get the short version, and survival should be emphasized. A lady co-worker grew up in Alaska, and she said that all students, at least in her school, were required to know how to build a snow cave type of shelter. Sounds like a good idea for anyone living there since you could die if your car breaks down. Knots. Knowing a number of knots makes a lot of tasks easier. There could be a knot of the month for all third and fourth graders, with the monthly knot being tied at least once a day by each child. Of course the teachers would have to learn them as well. Map reading, orienteering, living in the woods, etc.

Critical thinking: Not enough of that these days. Perhaps periodic debates in class, written analyses of ideas, incorporation of numbers and arithmetic into arguments. Critical reading should be included in this. For example, if an activist should claim that every second in America a homeless person dies, it should be pointed out that that's 3,600 per hour, 86,400 per day and roughly 31 ½ million per year, and that the entire population of the US would be dead from homelessness in about 11 years. Things like this show up in the media frequently, not this egregious perhaps, but similarly lacking in a look at the numbers. You would think you would have to pass eighth grade arithmetic to go to journalism school.

Self Defense: Fold this into physical education, (assuming we have physical education.)

Warfare: A short, perhaps one semester, on the principles of war. Warfare has been a constant of human history. Strategy, tactics, logistics, causes, etc. Our students as kings and queens should plan an invasion and plan a defense against an invasion.

Marksmanship: Since a nation of riflemen cannot be tyrannized. It was once taken as a given that all young men knew how to shoot, but it wasn't even true back then. Start with sling shots in first grade and work up. In high school, infantry weapons. Include cleaning and maintenance. To those concerned about guns in schools, remember that high school boys in America used to take theirs to school and have them in their lockers so as to go hunting after school. The school shootings only began after the passage of the Gun Free school Zones Act.

Willpower: This is more important than many people realize. It's a truism about the brilliant people who end up failures simply because they did not have the guts to not give up. “Freedom is what everyone wants - to be able to act and live with freedom. But the only way to get to a place of freedom is through discipline.” Jocko Willink


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The Tuttle Twins already does these things. It has designed these tools for children by age group. Fun things they can do to understand things of importance They are the boss of their own minds when working through them. It puts out these interactive kits and they can be purchased by parents or used in schools. I paid for two years worth for a neice's three children.

Check it out.

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Great! Now we just have to get our school boards to adopt them. Watch out for the FBI when at their meetings.

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Do they actually teach about such things as false flags, techniques of control and expect the students to design their own? I saw their site and it looks great.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

I don't know about false flags, but they do expect the students to design their own practical measures on numerous issues.

It's a start anyway.

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This is a good program, but cannot provide activities that involve hands on experience like shop, music, performing arts, or proper use of firearms.

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I spent 8 years as a school board member in NYS. School boards in unionized states have very little control of anything. The powerful teachers' unions have contracts that stipulate everything from compensation and benefits to the starting and ending school time, to how raises are distributed amongst faculty (hint: the union president oversees the distribution of raises and that is LEGAL) to if they will accept community volunteers (most will not because they want their colleagues to be paid for jobs that a volunteer might do.) Also, these unions put forth and support school board candidates that are sympathetic to the teachers' unions. It is nearly impossible to fire a unionized teacher; it's often easiest and cheapest to pay them to retire early. Search for NYC RUBBER ROOM on the internet, Here is one example. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2009/08/31/the-rubber-room I could regale you in story after story about faculty misconduct from theft of Booster Club Funds, illicit faculty drug use, inappropriate touching of students, inappropriate student/faculty relationships to incompetence etc., etc., etc. Here is current contract of a small school in rural NYS. https://www.seethroughny.net/contracts/Beekmantown_T_2026.pdf Here is the main website: https://seethroughny.net/contracts/ Depending on the state in which you live, the election of school board members may or may not make much of a difference in education standards.

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Holly - I think you will appreciate this recent substack article by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox of NY....https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/not-all-our-problems-can-be-solved

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Of course, a denizen of the Rubber Room could use his or her time to work through a calculus book, but something tells me they don't.

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ALL created years ago now Holly, by the followers (at that time) of communism. I experienced it myself as an Electrical apprectice here in Melbourne Australia. They are no longer followers, WE are almost becoming followers (whether we like it or not). communism is this very day having an enormous effect on ALL OF THE FREE WORLD. IT MUST BE FOUGHT BACK AGAINST NOW!.

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Wow, that's depressing, I did not know it was that bad.

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It was the most frustrating 8 years of my life. The union's tag line, "Do if for the kids," is a load of horse fertilizer!

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No wonder home schooling is on the rise. I don't know if you are familiar with Patrice Lewis, but here is her take on some of this:


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I got shop in Junior High (around 1968). Very good experience.

I also took art classes and saw others benefit from performing arts classes.

The "criminal mind" is clearly not understood by most people. One person who I discovered online who writes about it is Stanton Samenow (Inside The Criminal Mind). My own mentor regarding this subject was Hubbard.

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We all had to take shop at least in 8th grade back in the 60s. Now they seem to think everyone should go to college.

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I might have been more willing to go to college if I had had more shop classes in school...

I saw college as a potentially unfriendly place even though both my parents were college graduates, and I was totally qualified academically to go.

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate the late Dr. Montagnier. I don't remember precisely when my first alarm bell went off, or what was the trigger. But early on I saw an edited interview with the Dr posted by the Rair Foundation. In a nutshell, he was asking what the hell these "health" officials were doing; said that epidemiologists knew better.

As my company (who had always been good to me and who I'll always appreciate) was breaking out carrots and sticks, there came a point at which I said no mas, and submitted my resignation letter along with a transcript of Dr. Montagnier's interview. I went on to read about him elsewhere, including in "The Real Anthony Fauci." Here was a physician with integrity.

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Thanks so much for all you do, Dr. Malone! I'd rather die with the likes of you than live like royalty with the cabal.

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So inspiring. Thank you 🙏

I just shared this article with a freedom warrior who is getting discouraged after years in the trenches. It’s also going into my own little Substack along with so many other articles from you.

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And.............. we salute all who collectively "storm the gates of heaven" in fervent prayer on behalf of all of the fighters who hold the line! The gates of hell shall not prevail !

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Amen 🙏 and Amén 🙏 !!!!

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you again, Dr. Malone, and to all the freedom fighters! Including, and especially RFK, Jr. We look forward to leadership that unites us all, dismantles the evil totalitarian connections, and protects our freedoms and the Constitution!

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Love this post Drs. Malone. Knowledge is power. Knowledge can be a positive thing. We, like so many others who have spent so much time gaining knowledge about Covid and the loss of our freedoms have been able to make logical decisions and try to educate family and friends as to the truth. This knowledge can be a burden as well. We at times have been called conspiracy theorists, anti vaxers, anti American and even murderers. As unimaginable as it’s been, we have watched this pendulum swing all the way to hopefully the end of its evil cycle. We have been witnessing the pendulum begin to change its direction as it always does. We all should look forward bear down and continue on. We have been the modern day patriots that took on this burden, willingly or not, and as situations continue to swing against this evil we again will be confronted with how to handle this fight. We all will have to make decisions of how we handle the people that have wronged us remembering to keep fighting forward. They say this is why a car windshield is so much bigger than the rear view mirror. At the conclusion to our victory, how we decide to handle it, prosecute or forgive will be a reflection on us. J.Goodrich

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Another great post James. I had to ponder very deeply prior to my comments to Drs Malone today. it may seem like a degree of disrespect, but I am hopeful Drs Malone are aware of the deepest respect and love I have for them both. I would be interested in YOUR comments as well mate, I believe it is one of The Most important comments I have left on this thread. You really do have a gift of writing mate, I love your comments.

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Thank You Les, that means a lot to me!!!!

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This post moved me to tears. I salute you 🇺🇸🙏✝️

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Robert, I pray for you daily. Thank you for all you do. Stay in the fight! I hope that some day soon, you can be a gentleman farmer.

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He’s already a gentleman AND a farmer 👏 And Dr. Jill is a gentlewoman and a farmer 👏

And together 🧑‍🌾👩‍🌾, the Malones are warriors and humanitarians.

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