Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I had my wife read this and now she wants a white gold bracelet! I’ll have to be careful what I show her.

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Open, thoughtful, respectful debate is absolutely essential to science and our democratic Republic. Keep up the great and important work.

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There is a solution. It is transparency in government and decentralization- both using technology.

With all the division in the world who is talking about bringing people together? Who is talking about solutions?

We are:


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Great point, I recently became licensed to practice law in Nevada and am focused on all things digital assets, De-Fi, DAO, and DeSo. Technology based on open source protocol deployed on decentralized platforms can create transparency. I love the solutions focused approach rather than complaining about what could or should be.

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In Nevada

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Join the movement. We need to be organized and create the tech.

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No we don't. We just need to agree to this agreement. We don't need permission from centralized entities.

We could eventually create one. But it is not needed. Did you read the agreement?

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RemovedApr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022
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Has it occurred to you that people suspect you are mentally ill? I'm not saying you necessarily are, but your complaints are similarly to the beliefs of mentally ill people throughout the centuries. How could I, or Dr. Malone, or any reader of your comment, reassure ourselves that you are not?

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Elagabalus, initially I was skeptical of EC's claims, but I have delved into the subject and I believe he has a valid position. I recommend you do some research before you tell someone publicly that they sound like they are mentally challenged...

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He was wondering why no one responded to him. I could either patronize him or call out the elephant in the room. If I hadn't he would have just continued to experience being ignored. Instead an interesting thread is developing. Assuming people cannot deal with the truth is a fake way of being kind to them. You are the one treating EC like a victim. I really don't know the truth of ECs situation, but I do know how people with stories like his are usually perceived.

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I, in no way, am treating EC as a victim. If I came across that way it was completely unintentional

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OK. But he really doesn't need protection from me. I am acting in good will.

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RemovedApr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022
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Ok, I hear you. You find yourself a victim. But would you prefer that people make believe they believe you? Or would you rather people try to figure out what to think?

I have actually thought about this thread a lot. I noticed resonances in the news.

How did this happen to you? Why did it happen to you?

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RemovedApr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022
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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

While I don't dispute the concerns of your post, I think you overstate your position a bit. For instance, Klaus says "could we imagine"... that is different than "knowing". We should all be careful to be very factual, and not overly fear-monger. We already hold the heretical viewpoint. Don't give our detractors more ammo.

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People over the years who have experienced "torture" in their minds tended to associate it with the advanced technology of their time: magic, witches, electricity, hypnosis, telepathy, telegraphs, radios, telephones, tvs, computers, quantum physics. Daniel Paul Shreber, a distinguished jurist of late 1800s Germany, found himself molested by "nerves" and "rays" in an era when the nervous system and radioactivity were being newly studied.

We live in the chip era when people are rightly concerned by plans to directly connect electronics to human beings.

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vaccinated pilots get into trouble when approaching G5 towers at the airports. It's due to the graphene oxide/hydroxide they found in the vaccine.

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it's in the vaccine, graphene oxide/hydroxide

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Have you been able to get an x ray of the chip? I have seen 2 others with them.

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I'm going to think, see if my brain retrieves information. I do recall a doctor verifying this happening to a former Clowns In America employee and another individual and they were able to get the implants removed quietly. You may find some information over at http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/ You can write to AC in the comments and I think he has an email set up in his site as well. He is very aware of the surveillance and the directed frequencies. Those Fusion centers are bad news, they recruit patriotic minded civilians who do not realize they are dupes being used to harass and harm people. They sic them on CIA, honest FBI, whistleblowers, and victims selected for messing with.

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When and how was this chip implanted in your brain? Did you do it voluntarily, or was it inserted without your knowledge?

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Could this be accomplished with a PCR test? I apologize if I offended you in a previous comment. I have deleted all of them. I am currently in withdrawal from benzodiazepines and do lose my composure from time to time. I am trying desperately to foresee and prevent myself from allowing these drugs to control me.

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Ummmm. If it weren't for YouTube, we wouldn't be hearing much from Pierre Kory or Robert Malone or Peter McCullough or Alex Berenson etc...

YouTube is not the source. YouTube is just the conduit

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How would you know if it's reliable unless you take a look? I am so tired of people saying things like "that's not a credible source" without looking at it. Credible sources are everywhere on every platform. The platform isn't the issue, it's the information that needs to be verified.

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Ummmm, and what does this all mean? You didn't consent to it, but you became, by force, or trickery, a victim of brain research which includes remote torture? Sounds like an extremely intelligent, brave attorney is required, (like Sydney Powell.) I don't think this is simply a "good guy" thing, but rather a well-educated one. Wishing you the best.

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RemovedApr 27, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022
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I'm sorry. What I can do is pray that God bring someone along side you that can help. I know what it is like not be believed about a health issue. It's easier for them just to fluff it off., and look at you like you are crazy, or just stupid. I ended up in hospital and a cardiologist took the time to do research on what I already had - and came to the same conclusion and took me off the meds that I knew was causing the problem, after I had prayed. God does listen, and He is the Great Physician. (Bilbo Baggins: Go back?” he thought. “No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”) Stay in the Light, watch and walk with your Guardian Angel.

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RemovedApr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022
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I listened to a homily a while ago from a young priest who gave a 100 year history of the atrocities our government has secretly committed against the citizens and its own. I can understand your anger, but I have not given up on you-know-who. As Corrie Ten Boom said

"You may never know that Jesus is all you need, until Jesus is all you have." Sounds like you have met that criteria. If you can't pray, I understand that too - but I can and will. You are in my prayers.

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Do you have some proof (x-ray, MRI, other scan) that this is true?

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I would suggest you contact your own family physician and a psychologist. The fear and paranoia are real and can have worse effects than any chip, real or imagined.

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EC were you in the military when this happened to you? https://rumble.com/v11ias6-todd-callendar-and-dr.-peter-chambers-the-war-on-humanity-5g-mind-control-a.html

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Is there anything I have missed? Information on this subject that I have failed to come across yet?

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Thank you very much

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I've listened to him before. He's a crazy, dangerous demonic. Not sure about how his qualification(s) as a human may fit in there. He sounds like he wants to make the remaining population, after the 90% is gone, robot-like so to fulfill the wants of the elites who will control them.

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Thank you.

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Harari seems like a scary dude. Thanks for bringing him up. I hadn't paid much attention before.

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He's is very scary, and sick, and spiritually evil. His daddy is Lucifer, whether you are a believer or not.

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Overjoyed 😄!!! I will leave them in the physicians’ lounge and residents’ lounge with a note! Thank you!

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Love this!! Its my belief that we can't be guided by what we believe others will think of us or anything we wear - if anyone wants to do this - do it. If anyone worries about what other people will think - and I'm not suggesting we should not consider appearances - then don't wear one. But I personally have had enough. I had not flown a flag outside of my home in the Bay Area in California for 30 years because of all of the personal threats I received. Which is one of the reasons why I've moved to Virginia - first thing I did when we closed on the farm was to proudly fly our flag as all our neighbors do. I'm done with not being myself - if someone is offended its on them. I will wear a white bracelet proudly if I so choose.

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I could care less about offending people by saying or showing what I think. I don’t need to shove things in other people’s faces but I also will not be intimidated.

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Just bought 100 for $28. Great idea!

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So did I.

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So did I-- Great idea!!!

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For fellow Canadians I found either Amazon. ca $66 plus a 10 day plus wait/free shipping or WristbandGiant Canada for $63 (incl shipping) and here in Toronto-- get them in 2-3 days.

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I like the idea! If anyone finds a retailer other than Amazon, please post it here.

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You might also try a craft shop and there are lots of online stores that sell them - search silicon wristbands

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Unfortunately, these don't seem to come in white. I do like the idea of a motto such as "United Against Medical Tyranny" or "I will not comply" so someone who sees me wearing it knows what it's about, even if they're not in on the plan.

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I love this idea! My partner and I always wonder which people in our town might feel the same way we do - and we wish we could find them. This is a great way to do that. Thanks!

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I like the idea of the white band and will be ordering some myself. Along with showing solidarity with those who are exposing the covid lies it will allow me to show support for what the Russians are doing to free the people of Ukraine from NATO aggression on their soil, since the Russian Army wears the white arm and leg bands to distinguish themselves from Ukrainian Azov Nazis.

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Great idea. When I was a kid we wore black armbands to show solidarity with the Kent State students and against the Vietnam war.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Good morning Dr Malone. I love this idea of wearing the white band BUT I dont like a missed opportunity for fund raising for your organization or others who are on the same bandwidth. I would like to see an INDEPENDENT ENTREPRENEUR appear and offer these white wristbands at a discount price, wristbands that have been locally made and NOT THROUGH BEZO's Amazon. Never!

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I had wondered if this was in solidarity with the white arm bands the Ukranians wear to show neutrality. I like the double meaning of your armbands for medical neutrality! In Bucha, they wore them to receive food boxes from the Russian army and signal that they were not approaching to attack. Those who side with Ukraine against Russia wear blue armbands. Scott Ritter has shown that the Bucha Massacre was a false flag attack by the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion after the Russians left because of forensic evidence (or lack thereof), their threat to teach 'collaborators' a lesson, and the white armbands of the victims. I talk about it in this episode, in addition to quoting Joseph Mercola on the biolabs:


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Am I the only one thinking we need less of this sort of thing?

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My initial reaction was actually, "wait until the media rebrands this as a symbol of white supremacy. "

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They're going to do that, regardless. You may as well trigger them from the get-go and lean into it. Steel your nerves and stand up to these fascists. They're far weaker than you realize.

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Oh, believe me, it doesn't stop me. It was just my first tactical thought was not "how cool" but "easy target."

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Don't let them censor your actions💗 Lead from the heart

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Is every other color already spoken for?

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Free will and critical thinking are in desperate need of solidarity. Symbolism matters. Why do you think the BLM Marxists spend so much time asking people to kneel, tear down statues, and painting the streets? It has a profound effect in the aggregate.

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"Free will and critical thinking are in desperate need of solidarity."

Ummmm.....no. There's so much wrong with that.

But you are correct about this: it "profoundly" affects everyone, especially those who are part of that "solidarity" - are you sure it's for the better? Just the mention of the arm/wrist band, and suddenly everyone is acting like groupies.

We can and should work together, for sure. But I have zero interest in imitating cultural marxist tactics.

Focus on solutions; not on imitating what we are fighting.

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I bet your fun at parties.

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"I bet you['re] fun at parties."

You're most welcome to stop by our neighborhood cocktail hour anytime to judge for yourself.

In the meantime, perhaps it's better not to confuse partying with waging war?

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Who is talking about waging war? We're talking about a fun, easy way to symbolize support for medical freedom and opposition to COVID tyranny.

Regarding your earlier remark about Marxist tactics, that's an absurdity. Marxists stage protests and marches. Should we not protest and march for freedom or righteous political causes? Of course we should. Should we be groupies for medical freedom and free speech? Yeah, absolutely David. This is not hard. Some causes are good and worth banding together for. You seem to suffer from hyper-individualism or something. Groups of people and common causes are not automatically bad.

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You yourself held up the alleged "effectiveness" of cultural marxist tactics and made the original comparison, apparently believing that we need to adopt their tactics:

"Why do you think the BLM Marxists spend so much time asking people to kneel, tear down statues, and painting the streets? It has a profound effect in the aggregate." Among many effects this sort of thing habituates people to groupthink.

You posit an utterly false choice: between your "hyper individualism" and symbolizing yourself into a group. No where did I say - nor do I believe - that being a part of a group is "bad."

You complained about how "desperate" you (we?) are. But "desperate" for what exactly?

To win?

Or to make yourself feel better? To be part of a group? To signal an identity?

You say, almost bizarrely, that our "free will" and "critical thinking need to have some "solidarity."

"Solidarity"? Why? Toward what end? Is this an emotional need? Or will "solidarity" somehow be effective? If the latter, how exactly?

Yes, a war. That's where we are. And you don't win it by aping the enemy. We win it by outsmarting them.

Ask yourself this: what exactly does wearing this thing accomplish?

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Exactly!!!! 💗

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We need ways of expressing dissent. The ways we've had for quite a while (social media) have become controlled and censored and people have been abused and de-platformed for honestly expressing opinions that differ from the Narrative.

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So let's express dissent then. And let's demand that we're heard. Wearing an arm band to signal that I'm dissenting is not only useless; it's playing their game their way.

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Not cool to judge-- no one is saying you have to do this-- it is a way for some of us to express something. All expression is good

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"not cool to judge"

Yet, you just judged.


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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

Watch the "Asch Conformity Experiment" on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA). When people become aware that others agree with them, they are less likely to conform to what they believe internally are "wrong answers". Someone speaking out, or wearing an arm band, encourages others to speak out who might otherwise "conform" to narrative group-think.

It would be interesting to know your suggestions for where we might demand we be heard in the face of Big Tech censorship.

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This has been a dumb move even from a pragmatic perspective. A smart state always has a pressure release. Allowing complaint and dissent, even if you don't respond to it, prevents resentment from becoming rebellion.

Even if you're a tyrant, there are risks to screwing down a large population too tightly.

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Not really. I am not one to join groups or causes, even the ones who in which I believe. However, we are experiencing something that never has happened before or something we were unaware was happening in our lifetimes. I am seriously considering getting one and that is why I showed this to my wife.

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I like this a lot. I think printing out the statement of purpose so that it could be easily handed out to curious people could be a useful thing to go along with this. People will ask about it and having a small piece of paper to give them could be useful, maybe get them to go away and think about it.

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Me too-- and the statement of purpose -- inform, educate and yes!! give them something to go away and think about it. 🥰

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Awesome idea!! I was able to find a 12-pack on eBay for $5.86 (you have to choose the color but white is available).

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LOVE this idea Dr. Malone! Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m headed out now to try and find them in a craft store. I only use Amazon if I have no other choice.

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I like it when righteous people "band" together, however, for me, I will pass. I am not and never have been one to put any branding on me, aside from my cross around my neck, and my home

which displays ONE American Flag respectfully, proudly and freely flown everyday. I don't display any stickers on my car or my clothing of my point of view. That said, I will know you, but you will not know me and if we shall cross paths, I will respect and admire you from afar. You all have my silent support, prayers and Godspeed to you brave crusaders.

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So, in other words, symbols do matter to you, but you're very selective. That's fine. As you can probably guess, a freedom movement respects your decision not to participate.

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