Thank you. I'm not sure I can stand to watch because I will get so angry. Maybe it would help to remember this comment I saw today about the covid shots. "Let's cut to the chase about this new covid booster, and any future covid shots. They aren't vaccines. They are an IQ test."

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Brilliant…an IQ test. 🤣 Ed

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

Good one !!!!!!!

I've been referring to those who take them as Darwin Awards candidates, but this is more directly to the point!

Where did you see that?

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It was a comment posted on the Coffee and Covid substack. If you aren't familiar with Attorney Jeff Childers, who writes the substack, you should check it out. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/

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Listening now. Makes me want to throw up. They wasted no time spewing the lies we have become accustomed to. I don’t think I can stick with this. The proceeding needs to be interrupted and stopped by law enforcement and everyone in attendance arrested.

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I do hope, however, that there is a number in the corner of their screen that indicates the number of people listening in to their live stream, and I hope that number is the biggest number they’ve ever seen, by orders of magnitude. This is the only reason I tuned in. I can’t stand to listen to a constant stream of lies. It makes me angry and ill.

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constant stream of lies from women. It's hard for me to believe any of these women have children.

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Ask yourself why when an oil or pharmaceutical corporate ship is at risk of sinking - they put a woman as the spokesman? Not a new tactic. Ask how there has been access to all the children from birth - think they guilt trip the dads & tell them their milk not enough or if they switch to bottle their babies will be healthier with equally strong immune systems as breast fed babies?

Yes there is an incredibly weak army of mothers & nurses falling for all this BS BUT they have been psychologically & physically abused for millennia. Today in Uk it was announced a third of female surgeons are sexually violated by their colleagues. The heads of most Obstetric wards worldwide are male doctors! You think fauci & his boys take orders from women?

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I'm literally nauseous listening to the lies. I will just mute it so my presence is registered.

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That’s what I did. I had to mute it

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great idea! Just did the same!

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My husband is traveling tomorrow by plane to a Blue city in the northwest to visit family. One of the family members is a young child of 1 years of age. One of his 3 siblings are refusing to see him because he isn't vaccinated against Covid. The young nephew is also not going to be allowed to see my husband due to his vaccine status. When he goes to see his mother he will have to wear a mask!

I am so upset today. Hopefully tomorrow is better. The tears they do flow when it hits you in the face you have been stolen from in the most important ways a person can be stolen from. It is devastating. Thanks for letting me vent.

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Please get on your knees in your most comfortable area and PRAY... Father God hears every prayer, counts every tear. Satan is real. In The End, Jesus Christ (The Cross)has already overcome The World and satan. *Three of my beautiful Sisters(2 already deceased) and all of their offsprings refuse to bow to The Cross or Father God. Cursing is on the top of tongues. Our Loved ones were created by Him; JESUS CHRIST died for ALL who believe. You and I have no say so but to pray BELIEVING He hears and has The Ultimate Authority. America is on a slippery slope. Individuals have knees to bend tears to shed.

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It's frustrating how facts fail to penetrate blue cities. God's peace to you. Hang in there!

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Its really bizarre. They all believe in evolution and believe it is the mechanism that created mankind as well as mankind's defense systems that allowed him to deal with countless viruses for countless centuries. Yet they believe Pfizer and FDA somehow know better than evolution when it comes to COVID defenses for mankind and that acquired immunity from previous infection became null and void three years ago...after millions of years of success. Talk about pretzel logic...

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That's INSANE! A replay of three years ago! HOW can people be THAT STUPID?????

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It is impossible for a non-scientist like I am to understand how all of these experts can be fooled, if in fact they are. Is it unwitting? Is it, what? I have very young great grandchildren, and my grandchildren are all in the child bearing age group. I stay in a low grade panic that they will trustingly comply with the health care system recommendations, and that they will suffer side effects and complications that CANNOT BE KNOWN as claimed.

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Not fooled, but bought and paid for, in my humble opine...

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Fools none the less eh?

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I do hope you're being facetious about the "Obedient" part as well as the "Subject" part!!!!!

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Look like it’s gonna be a Duct Tape over mouth today. 🏴‍☠️ Ed

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I'm gonna rely on you to filter through all the bull and publish your thoughts.

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Thank you...even though I CANNOT BEAR to witness their DIABOLICAL, POISIONOUS lies....

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Don’t have the stomach to watch it, I don’t think, apart from the fact I am working today.

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I agree with Anne! I am beyond incensed and just listened to 5 minutes of their lies and deception bought and paid for by Pharma. I personally have a list of many people close to me who have died, had TIAs, Giullianne Barre, lost a baby who died at birth with no indication anything was wrong the entire pregnancy. Two other babies born with heart defects that required open heart surgeries. We truly live in an alternate universe. I will try to pray for these idiots souls who are sitting in that boardroom. What garbage they are throwing out.

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No kidding! Those people are MASS MURDERES guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!!!!!!

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Wow, a lot of heartbreak there! We have a good friend who was a missionary in Central America, along with her husband and three daughters. In May of 2022, while in the U.S. she got a booster shot and was severely injured. She was never able to return to Central America. They recently decided she would never be able to, barring a miracle from God. She had the three daughters jabbed also, but they seem all right so far. We know of several church members' relatives who died suddenly, one of our pastors missed several months of work and cut back his hours to part time and there are other things that could be related to the jabs, such as cancers, strokes, etc. It makes me so angry that they push these toxic shots.

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But don't you know they are:

"Safe and effective"

"Safe and effective"

"Safe and effective"

"Safe and effective"

"Safe and effective"????

I mean, REALLY, people! Don't all of you think you were just IMAGINING the funerals you have gone to for the people who "died suddenly" and from "cause unknown"????? After all, it couldn't POSSIBLY be those "Safe and effective" BIOWEAPON SHOTS, now could it?????

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I turned it off. Still pushing for young children.

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Now, now, @whoisrobertmalone @drrobertsmalone, those of us in the #CTMU/HighIQ or @chrislangan @teleologic community have ALWAYS known this was an IQ test - but you knew that already. WE knew it years ago - and were chastised for it. YET..... RADIO SILENCE.

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A bunch of blah, blah, blah, BS! Just do as we say and take the endless jabs! NO THANKS!

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Thank you!

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I listened for over an hour and I’m beyond livid!

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These people are totally incompetent and a disgrace to the country and medical profession!!!!!!!!!!! They have no business making recommendations about COVID-19 vaccines or anything else!!! They also apparently don't understand that all government medical related regulatory agencies have lost respect from the general public and continuing to make stupid recommendations is only going to broaden and strengthen that belief!!!

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Sorry, but you are mischaracterizing them!

". . . are totally incompetent . . . " is MORE LIKE: COLD BLOODED KILLERS!

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Yes, that is more appropriate!!! Thanks for correcting me.

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