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They will play blame game ping pong, with the CDC saying that it's up to the states to actually make the rules, and states saying that they're simply following the CDC guidance. End result: No accountability for anybody.


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CDC: Don't blame us, we only make recommendations, each school can make their own decisions. Take it up with them.

Schools: Don't blame us, we're just following the CDC's recommendations. Take it up with them.

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Them : Don't blame us, we're just following Satan. We prosecute you. U don't prosecute Us.

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This is exactly right, and the CDC knows exactly what it is doing.

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Same scam as auto tire shops use. When your tires wear out prematurely "its the people who do your alignments fault!" Go talk to them and they say "its bad tires!" Bottom line is all of the "health" agencies are pure grift at this point. They serve no public interest and they must all be completely dismantled.

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Long past time.

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There are so many new age alt healing modalities out there, yet even with the high demand low supply, we are still almost invisible to the public as they are addicted to "healthcare' from death doctors and not healers.

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Unfortunately, millions of families do not have the option to take their kids out of public schools. Parents need to demand that their local/state governments pass laws that prevent the covid vaccine mandate for students

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One of my readers commented yesterday (and I agree) that one of our first steps as......whatever this is......should be to ensure that the parents who would normally be unable to drop out are able to do so. Whether this is some sort of schooling fund or pod creation, I dunno, but this is too important to just throw our hands into the air.

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Get on the state legislature's website in your state. Find the committee that regulates health or vaccines or whatever they call it in your state. Email the member(s) of the committee and urge them to introduce legislation taking them out of the CDC death cult. Complaint to your school and school board if they intend to require these shots. If they won't help get a lawyer. This corruption crap has got to end if we want to survive.

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It will take a multi-pronged approach, and even those who are able to escape this via homeschooling or private schools need to advocate for those with no options. We are all paying taxes to support this abomination, whether we like it or not.

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I actually think it is not that complicated. As the CDC states, it is a recommendation. The states can pass legislation or governors can pass provisions that prevent the covid vaccine from being mandated. My governor did that, and my son did not have to get vaccinated to attend a state university. Several of his friends who attended private colleges had to get vaccinated.

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Of course it is simple, but many refuse to do what can be done! My red state governor sat on his hands and let the local health department institute a reign of terror!

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Get out of Mystery Babylon, and find holy places of sanctuary. Mystery Babylon is gonna go bye bye soon. Don't get caught with them if you wish to advance to the Golden Age unsinged.

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