May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a charming and refreshing post. Jefferson was a genius. His contributions to Virginia and to the nation are inestimable. It made me sick to my stomach to see the ignorant barbarians tearing down his statues. Fools.

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ironically he would have defended their right to be fools

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022

Maybe. Jefferson is a very interesting personality. The man was brilliant, no doubt of that but he could also be devious and underhanded. He supported Philip Fresenius and used him to go after his opponents. George Washington often suspected Jefferson of malingering when he absented himself from Washington's cabinet. Jefferson might have defended those tearing down his statues but chances are he wouldn't have. It is just as likely he would have arrested the perpetrators for destruction of property.

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She has another one coming out very soon.

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deletedMay 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022
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FLCCC.net Drs Kory and Marik had a webinar the other day. They gave the numbers on vaccine injuries. I took screen shots:

In the United States alone:

815,385 adverse events

over 5,300 cases of myocarditis

151,796 serious adverse events

14,613 deaths

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One of the best.

The masses stoped learning history in school because progressive virus elites knew they could not control freedom and liberty without changing truth. Heart and mind must be controlled.

Thank you again brother. 🇺🇸🗣🙏

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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Jefferson was a conflicted (like most of humanity), but brilliant man. Thank you. I just watched your three doctor interview with Del Bigtree, excellent. I am circulating it, as I am able. God bless you, keep at it.

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Where did you find it?

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Dr. Malone posted it on one of his social media accounts that I follow. I think you can probably also watch it on TheHighWire.com.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This quote came via https://brownstone.org/articles/the-case-against-the-cdc-as-we-know-it/

An excellent article and another excellent quote: Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect. –Jonathan Swift

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Here's to hoping that we see action on the use of a fake database at the DoD that was probably put in place to hide vaccine safety signals.


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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for all you do. Thank you for bringing Jefferson to light. His words are true inspiration. He was, indeed, a visionary, as are you, Dr. Malone. Jefferson's words inspire and inform, especially now.

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We are entering a very Jeffersonian period in which more of our governance will come at the state level, because the federal government has showed itself to be massively corrupt, in the pockets of powerful special interests, unresponsive to we the people, and incapable of leadership.

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State governments, and local, can be equally corrupt. Their lesser power reduces the damage they can inflict. We hire governments to provide services we need. Like any other employees, they must be supervised carefully, of they'll take advantage of their powers to abuse us.

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and state and local governments can be willfully corrupted by the federal government. I would suggest this is more common. The purposeful and deceitful federal grant money! It comes with a price that is not monetary!

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Take the Declaration as a template and craft a modern version of it with the DC swamp and you will be stunned how much worse things are now and getting worse.

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The difference was the colonists didn't have a choice. No one voted for their king. In modern America, we volunteered. We voted for our abusers, and sat and watched while they accumulated their king-like powers. Our primary abusers are ourselves. The king and his army were an easy, identifiable target. Our neighbors' apathy and greed are harder to correct. Things will need to get much worse before they react. Our rulers are pretty good at keeping the pressure just below the explosive level.

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Judging by the level of election fraud, Clif High estimates that as many as 30,000 public officials were elected through fraudulent votes in down ballot races. If that’s the case, there is no difference between an unselected king and an unselected assembly of public officials.

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Yep, and lots of theives steal money and property. The world is full of dishonest people. We track them down and punish them, and that discourages others from doing it. If we accept it and ignore it, we get more.

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We need to not accept Fed money. Non-profits too. All my volunteer orgs, will not allow me to volunteer, because I an unvacc'd. Sadly, adaptive sport orgs (special needs) who's clientele KNOW of pharma corruption - they will tell you!, they are perfectly ok with me helping them. We need to start over again - in so many ways. Orgs that want to help - do not accept FED money, or Fed tax help. Sorry, but it's gonna be the only way if the True intention is to help those in need.

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Greed is a powerful force.

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“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”

I am going to be a participant. I am praying for moral courage. And I thank you Robert and Jill for educating me on this history. They say youth is wasted on the young. I think education may be too - at least for me it was - because I was never interested in history. But I most certainly am now.

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aaaah, Laura, you must be over 30! an appreciation for history and awareness of reality.

A hard axiom in proof that those below that age have not earned the right to VOTE.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a refreshing post on Jefferson, a brilliant and foundational man in laying down the

Constitution but also, a visionary of science and wisdom. I’ve always preferred to take his words as written and his life as contributing a true American mindset for a New nation.

My trip to Monticello was the fulfillment of more impressive documentation and lifestyle. Thank you Dr. Malone.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Do take the time to review Mr. Jefferson’s analysis and decrement of slavery in the original draft. He correctly places the blame for the institutioning of the economic drug known as slavery squarely where it belongs. Once an economy has been warped by it, it is an enormous challenge to rid oneself of it. https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/declara/ruffdrft.html

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excellent! I was never aware of this; a great read. Insight into the mind of a great founder of the United States of America. So interesting and rewarding to hear and see the words Jefferson lays down on so many things but slavery, I have not seen this ever!

Thank you.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely a wonderful post! I recognized a few quotes from my parent's , but I learned something new today, that the quotes were from Thomas Jefferson! Very enlightening, thank you so much Dr. Malone!

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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for providing the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson - and particularly the headline you chose: "Action will delineate and define you" - which in the midst of the banzai attack by the Collective Left to finally once and for all, absolutely destroy the history, folkways, mores, culture, fabric and the essential essence of the nuclear American family.

This onslaught perpetrated upon (onetime) sovereign American citizens via virtually EVERY institution extant in the USA circa 2022 AD, delineates the width, depth and breadth of pure EVIL that has metastasized throughout the body politic in America to its very core!

"Action" by the few American patriots who will fight to the death to preserve the ONLY freedom of INDIVIDUALS in 5000 years of recorded history via the ORIGINAL US Constitution, MUST include full and complete UNMASKING - by NAME - of those KNOWN to be the long knives at the throat of Lady Liberty. One such scoundrel, is seen weekly via BLOOMBERG TV.

...This charlatan appears to be just a kindly semi smart grandfatherly looking man, hosting his "Peer to Peer" Review. That man is David M. Rubenstein who is the Chairman of the Board of the (36) member Board of Directors of the MOST infamous "NGO" ever embedded into the very heart of America - the "Council on Foreign Relations".

...Via his CFR comrade and fellow CFR member - Michael Bloomberg's BLOOMBERG TV, - David M. Rubenstein (with obvious copious documentation of prominent Americans he is interviewing or recruiting into CFR membership) displays in plain sight, the insidious essence of the CFR - which began in America in 1921. FAR from being just a "think tank", the CFR "NGO" members have for DECADES been embedded THROUGHOUT the US federal government - and have not only meddled in but CONTROLLED US Foreign & DOMESTIC policy - with gusto since the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administrations in the 1930s and early 1940s. Unless and until each and every person ( in America )devoted to One Wold TRANSNATIONAL government - is exposed and unmasked, the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of will be purposefully smothered to death in the name of "social-justice", i.e., absolute egalitarianism administered by unelected and un accountable globalist nomenklatura and apparatchiks resulting in (global) rationing of energy, food and virtually ALL factors of human life. Quite likely, FOREVER!

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May 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow wow and wow ! What a modern man. How many of those things do the majority of us do NOT do ? We need to right things - we have gone way off track. "“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” This is where we are today - people prefer ignorance and just want to be taken care of. Very dangerous.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone, I truly enjoyed reading your Thomas Jefferson writings.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


I think you would profit from reading my SubStack post: "Making Material Sense of Global Events". Much to follow! Ted.

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May 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Doc for the research and a Great piece. We’re going to have to add American Historian to your list of credentials.

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