Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

If you want quality applicants to medical schools of all races, start with completing high school; promoting intact, married, traditional families; waiting to have children until married and, with faith, go to churches that promote accountability to God (not dependence on government) . These are the basics for a life not lived in poverty. This, however, is not what government promotes. They want dependent voters and cheap labor. The Democrat Plantation is real. Their well compensated overseers are often black, but the master is the Party. DEI is Marxist. It creates division. It creates a grievance mentality. We also need to not make ‘heroes’ out of drug addicts, dealers and violent repeat offenders. 'Affirmative Action' at this point in our history is counterproductive, it teaches that you can’t do anything on your own, you are weak and need the state….which is racist.

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Brandon, do you know what he means when he says did Carter was elected on the platform of wanting to promote economic feudalism? I’d like to understand what he’s talking about.

Thanks for an explanation if you know .

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End stage capitalism, anti trust laws , breaking up monopolies… and trying these cases civil vs criminal needs to be addressed. The ability to be self employed in a small business will be a thing of the past due to taxation rates being out of control. So many discussions, addressing many issues are being ignored unfortunately.

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Your suggestions have all been attempted by us over and over and over. Multiple millions, probable billions, have been given and renewed yearly to organizations and groups to help make these changes in our country. For what I think are a variety of reasons, little has "worked." This is one of the reasons, right or wrong, that so many conservatives become tired of increased taxes, or loss of benefits, because, almost without fail, the Democratic party and its Legislative members push new program after new program at conservatives who are expected to pay for them. Often times, there is graft and paybacks are common, and you wonder just how much of the money is being properly spent in effective programs with hard workers, if the money, indeed, even reaches the programs at all.

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Individual faith, accountability and character development works through God and families. Our Government is antithetical to these things.

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Well, I'm not sure how you are defining "works through," but there are many African American and Latino families who have strong faith in Jesus Christ. In understand what you are saying but a number of these families do not emphasize accountability, and some do not emphasize character development. But my point is how does mankind help to make those better for the children. We have attempted to do so through virtually every program and means, and yet there are still many, many challenges and needs. Prayer is excellent, but more is needed. The problem is that the middle class is tired of funding failing programs.

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We 'model' to our children by being more like Jesus in our own lives. Jesus instructed and the Apostles called for us all to be more Christ like. We teach our children God's word and the power of prayer. We teach them to say 'no' to the things we know the enemy of our souls or even our flesh would have follow instead of God. These things hurt us, our children need to know God, and His word, that they recognize the voice of the Lord above all others.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ketanji Jackson's dissent in the UNC case is an excellent example of the hazards of DEI. She was a diversity appointment to the Supreme Court (Biden said he would only appointment a black woman) and she was also a diversity admission to Harvard Law School. Her dissent reads like a racist rant against black people, reciting their underachievement in all spheres of life. She relies on false data that suggests black babies treated by black doctors have 50% less mortality.


She says black doctors are better because they give black people more addictive opioids! She describes blacks as overweight and prone to illnesses connected to poor lifestyle choices. Of course she blamed all these problems on other people and conveniently suggested that massive redistributions of wealth (though DEI) were the means to solve them. It was a welcome relief to read Justice Clarence Thomas' concurring opinion which blasted Jackson for her race based stereotypes and suggested that self-reliance and self-improvement are the actual path to success in life.

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A simple way to resolve woke over reaction to ESG and DEI is to work out methods that let them put up or shut up. When folks need medical care, elective or emergency, the first question to them should be care preference for themselves and their dependents. Do you want the best doctor available to render care ? Check Yes or No. Answering "no" takes the patient to the DEI healthcare provider list. Satisfies everybody.

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Give 'em what they want.

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Yes, just don't give me what they want!!

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Justice Thomas' entire opinion is worth the read. E pluribus unum!

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our country was rightfully designed around individual liberty. Any attempt to treat individuals based on group is wrong and de-humanizes us. Affirmative action ignores individual differences.

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great, great essay!!!! I have to admit this hits on so many issues that I have made. First from a personal perspective, my WW2 father that sacrificed so much to fight the Nazis. The Nazis that used division which is so similar to the dividing political party that we all should rage against as well. We all must stand up against this division now or as the essay says, we will surely lose our freedoms. I honestly am a member of no political party but consider myself a liberty loving American. Thank you for posting this, I am sending it off to as many people as I can!! J.Goodrich

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Divide and conquer, ever the role of the power mad who want to rule, yet hate. As this great black patroit said in 1863...

“Let me tell you something. Do you know that you have been deceived and cheated? You have been told that this government was intended from the beginning for white men, and for white men exclusively; that the men who formed the Union and framed the Constitution designed the permanent exclusion of the colored people from the benefits of those institutions. Davis, Taney and Yancey, traitors at the south, have propagated this statement, while their copperhead echoes at the north have repeated the same. There never was a bolder or more wicked perversion of the truth of history. So far from this purpose was the mind and heart of your fathers, that they desired and expected the abolition of slavery. They framed the Constitution plainly with a view to the speedy downfall of slavery. They carefully excluded from the Constitution any and every word which could lead to the belief that they meant it for persons of only one complexion. The Constitution, in its language and in its spirit, welcomes the black man to all the rights which it was intended to guarantee to any class of the American people. Its preamble tells us for whom and for what it was made.” Frederick Douglass (June 1863)

There are sincere folk of good intent from all cultures. The above quote is from a post subtitled, "What the world needs now" It is not a news feed, and always free. (Writers like Dr Malone and many others do a great job with daily information and understanding) Please consider to read...https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Excellent quote. Thanks.

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An asian gentleman related a story about all the affirmative action.

We Are Owed

He boarded a plane and sat down next to an articulate black gentleman. As they talked he felt comfortable enough to ask the man, “ Why do you think the asian immigrants are prospering better then the black population here in the US. The answer was profound and short, “ Because you are hungry, and we are “owed”.

Shortly after asian gentleman was tutoring college kids. A young black student was struggling. On Friday the tutor asked to meet him after class. He walked him around to several study halls, then asked him, what are you normally doing at this time. Answer; “ going to party with my friends “ And what did you observe in these study halls? “Well, said the young man, they were mostly asians. “

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, all of this is so powerful. As I watched the propaganda video all I could think of was the many people I want to send it to. To say, "look! This is how you're being manipulated!"

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Duke University and Stanford School of Ethics

Crown Lecture in Ethics I When Scientific Integrity and Corporate Interests Clash

Nov 2016 Tyrone Hayes, professor of Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, is known for his research findings regarding the effects of the herbicide atrazine


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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, what a wonderful summary of the way things are right now. Your message that resonated most with me was how the underlying cause is ignored and only symptoms are treated. Where are all the cures and remedies and how do we find them and implement them to benefit all?

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MWD did it again! Great analysis of the issue! What has to be addressed is improving family formation so the children have a positive environment in which to learn!

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Has been tried and money thrown at it so many times.

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Erudite essay, AMD.

Interestingly, Larry Fink is a Council on Foreign Relations member; and his company (BLACKROCK) is a 'corporate sponsor' of the CFR. Jimmy Carter is also a CFR member; and Carter was co-founder with (CFR members David Rockefeller Jr., and Zbigniew Brzezinski) of the globalist TRILATERAL Commission). Brzezinski was also the 10th National Security Advisor under 'president' Jimmy Carter; (and) Zbigniew's daughter - Mika Brzezinski - ( along with her 'hubby' Joe Scarborough )are both CFR members (and) radical Leftist propagandists at MSNBC. (Microsoft/NBC)

Aside from the fact that slavery (was) practiced throughout known history by EVERY race; and that slavery is STILL happening in the Sudan region of Africa; what is truly egregious is that in the United States, the sin of human bondage is HEAPED entirely upon ONLY people classified as WHITE; and even MORE incredibly, on so-called white people who have NO ancestral connection to slave owners of the antebellum South! When slavery was still 'legal', blacks owned blacks; and with few exceptions - the Hopi being one - MANY American Indian tribes routinely had slaves INCLUDING WHITE PEOPLE.

One pertinent aspect of the slavery issue that is rarely mentioned and perhaps purposely ignored is exactly HOW did blacks in Africa become slaves in the FIRST PLACE? Yes, some were 'captured' along the African coast by Dutch slave traders, but the preponderance were SOLD INTO SLAVERY BY THEIR AFRICAN TRIBAL CHIEFS. With that fact in mind, blacks in America looking for REPARATIONS should be looking at the progeny of the tribal chiefs in AFRICA who were TOTALLY responsible for the INITIAL acts of slavery of their ancestors.

Regarding "Diversity Equity and Inclusion", after now MORE than a half century of "Affirmative Action" which specifically "privileged" black and brown skinned Americans of African descent - can anyone name ANY segment of 'life' circa 2023 in the USA in which black or brown skinned people are NOT diversely included? As to the question of 'equity', aside from the fact that ABSOLUTE monetary "equality" - of ANY race is an absolute impossibility, factually, there are more "rich" (millionaires) black and brown skinned people in the USA that the rest of the nations COMBINED!

IF America is such an OPPRESSIVE, racist country, WHY the hell are MILLIONS of people from all over planet earth clamoring to get INTO this country 24/7/365 - year after year after year?

And another thing: ANYONE of ANY ethnicity within the USA, who claims to be Oppressed, marginalized, downtrodden - or WHATEVER gripe is in vogue, have NO CHAINS binding them to REMAIN in the USA - and are absolutely FREE to de-camp to any country they choose that they feel will be more diverse, inclusive and get 'free' money to 'live' on.

Until this century, anyone in America of any color or race had the opportunity to (and DID) uplift THEMSELVES - and their families - via hard physical and intellectual labor resulting in achievement based upon MERIT, a word that isn't even in the EQUATION for advancement today. Skin color, sexual preferences and Leftist ideology are the only "approved" requirements.

Unfortunately for ALL Americans, the downside of DEI and ESG - as the Midwestern Doctor delineates in his informative essay today (has) also permeated the medical profession. Time will tell to what end.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I so appreciate the thorough and balanced approach to these complicated, diverse issues! The time and energy it takes to write something of this magnitude is not something most people are even capable of. Thank you for the higher education that I am on the lookout for!

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Before DEI there was D&I, and I, an old white guy, was an enthusiastic D&I trainer at my organization. Why? Because we taught the least important difference was one’s race, and that the operative word was Inclusion - specifically inclusion of different ideas and perspectives.

DEI’s operative word is Equity - specifically equity of outcomes. Also the most important difference according to DEI trainers is the color of one’s skin which is the definition of racism. Therefore DEI is, at best, a bastardization/corruption of what started out as a good program (D&I).

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Perhaps a little off target but certainly on my mind:

303 Creative LLC Et Al. V. Elenis ET Al. 21-476 – Religion (6-3)

Biden V. Nebraska ET Al. 22-506 - Student Debt Relief (6-3)

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. V. President And Fellows Of Harvard College 20-1199 - Racial Deference (6-3)

This past week SCOTUS waved its “freedom wand” numerous times. The fallout depends on perspective. Here is mine.

The U.S. enshrined individual freedom of speech, expression, thought, association and private property –

17 decades later it started improvising changes to those freedoms with Protected Classes, Persons and Groups –

How is that quagmire working out?

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A People’s History by Zinn is trash in that even when errors were pointed out, he said it was the feeling he wanted to convey, not facts so much

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Like social-emotional learning?

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You don’t help emotions nor aid in emotional learning by lying. Many of the first explorer did thing that were common in their time. It’s like his goal was to make America and white Europeans to be bad in all circumstances- even defending themselves or helping other peoples.

That doesn’t help emotional learning. Maybe he’s the grandfather of CRT

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Dennis Prager said “some liberals lie and some conservatives lie, but telling the truth is a value to both groups. Telling the truth is not a value to the left”.

He properly distinguishes between liberals and leftists, which some commentators do not do.

Education is a product of leftists.

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Classical education is liberal. It opens the mind to new things, ideas or thoughts. You learn to analyze and how to think.

Modern education is a product of the leftist.

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