I have ZERO trust in any federal agency to be “transparent” or investigate ANYTHING, common sense would suggest they are complicit in!
This current government is 100% corrupt. The pardoning of Hunter Biden for an 11 year span for any crimes; what if one or more were murder or rape of children 🤬
The fact they’re even talking about “preemptive pardons for Schiff, Fauci, Cheney, et al for “potential” crimes, just tells all of us with common sense what we already know! 🤬
FYI if the files were released from Hunter's laptop there is irrefutable evidence of child molestation. Regardless I think the pardon was to cover Joe's crimes.
I agree. And ANY person within USG, or their family, that is pardoned by this corrupt regime proves the regime KNEW all along about the lies, crimes, money schemes, etc etc. I want to know who's making these decisions because it sure isn't the senile old man with the title that he doesn't even know he has.
I defies logic that a President can pardon someone for crimes unknown? That type of pardon, preemptive, won't withstand the scrutiny of jurisprudence. (It won't hold up in court)
In my respectful opinion, this otherwise admirable work of truth-telling suffers from at least four major failures of mission:
1. It asserts that the Warp Speed vax products saved millions of lives;
2. It accepts that there was a pandemic;
3. It premises that there will be other pandemics in the near future;
4. It implies that “vaccines“ are a safe and effective means to combat such future pandemics.
A fifth failure may be that a tighter regulation of germ research is proposed, not a complete ban.
Acceptance of the narrative that there was a pandemic, plays into the pandemic industry business model of promoting fear and a perception of the menace of new pandemics. The purpose of the pandemic narrative is corporate profiteering and state control of citizens (a classic fascist partnership).
History tells us that in conditions of good sanitation and good nutrition, pandemics are rare, unless the result of Frankenstein monster (“gain-of-function”) research funded by government, as the Special Committee found was the case with SARS-CoV2/cOVID-19. Further, even highly lethal viruses can be managed and contained by targeted containment, and repurposed drugs and antibiotics to treat complications. So, lay off with the fear.
The rational and ethical way forward is to further ensure the rarity of pandemics by eliminating or rigorously confining gain-of-function research, and to promote a healthy skepticism, based in rigorous, unconflicted and transparent science, about the risks and benefits of vaccines as a pandemic response tool.
I have begun to doubt that the government is capable of being rational and ethical. The Subcommittee's report seems to evidence a complete lack of rationality and ethics. Might there be a way to block government action that presumes to be rational and ethical?
Just based on remarks made by certain members of Congress, I conclude there are those with low-functioning intellects. But they're not all obtuse. I've watched Chairman Wenstrup, an MD, and am genuinely perplexed about what I'm seeing. He conducts himself as a gentleman, and seems sincere. Is this just that he is unwilling to venture down the rabbit holes? Or do members encounter a conflict between representing the best interests of their constituents, and the best interests of the executive branch agencies to whom they've surrendered some of their authority and responsibility?
"The U.S. Intelligence Community should continue its investigation into the origins of COVID-19." ????? Isn't it interesting that current DNI Avril Haines had a prominent seat at the Event 201 table.
PS: Correction: Chairman Wenstrup's Wikipedia page shows him as DPM, not MD.
This information was first made available in March 2020: The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011). Ivermectin caused a 5000-fold reduction in SARS-COV-2 replication in an infected human cell culture line. This is unambiguous proof that Ivermectin has very strong antiviral properties against the SARS-COV-2 virus. Had the CDC implemented its mass distribution and dispensing plans that were developed for a potential weaponized anthrax attack, using Ivermectin in place of Doxycycline and Ciprofloxacin, the pandemic could have been over by June of 2020. The drug could be taken prophylactically or as an early regimen. What's more, everyone who got exposed to the virus while on Ivermectin would also develop natural immunity. There would have been no need for any of the lockdowns, masks, social distancing, school closures, etc. It would have been a blip in an otherwise normal year. The economy wouldn't have tanked. We wouldn't have spent trillions fighting COVID. It would have just been over. We were LIED to about EVERYTHING. The creation of this virus was a crime and then allowing the people who were responsible for creating the virus to lead the "response" was an even bigger crime. This doesn't need to be investigated by our Intelligence Agencies. This needs to be investigated by the Trump DOJ after January 20th and people responsible for creating the virus and suppressing information about Ivermectin and forcing the arbitrary capricious lockdown protocols all need to go to JAIL! This was a global holocaust perpetrated by evil people.
Indeed! I've been saying this since May/June of 2020. Got the t-shirt and the facebook jail time to prove it.
The banning of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin was, IMO, a crime against humanity. All of these deaths and infact the whole plandemic in general never had to happen. The perpetrators of this atrocity should be in jail or perhaps the ground already.
When I first heard the word ivermectin related to C19 I did a bunch of research on it. I found studies showing that ivermectin was used and successful in treating the original SARS that hit China a couple decades ago.
That's one reason no one will ever convince me Fauci and his cohorts didn't already know exactly what this was - and how to treat it.
I hadn't heard of Ivermectin and the efficacy against COVID until sometime in 2022. I was heavily involved in the planning and implementation of the public health response at the state level. My colleagues and I were 60+ hour weeks from the start of the pandemic through testing sites and vaccine planning and implementation. There was a sincere effort to do everything we possibly could to end the pandemic and get life back to normal. We were just working with the information that we had at the time. And it was coming from the Feds. And up until that point I had no reason to doubt that Feds were acting in good faith to do whatever they could to save lives and end the pandemic. I was very optimistic when Fauci announced that the mRNA vaccines were 95 percent effective and very safe. I volunteered to be on the state planning team for the vaccine roll out in 2020 into 2021. I spent all of 2021 working hard to get people vaccinated (often "correcting" the "misinformation" coming from my skeptical friends and family). But in early 2022 I noticed that we had spent a whole year vaccinating people and we had more Cades of COVID in early 2022 than we had before the vaccines came out. That's when it clicked for me that something was amiss.
I remember when Tucker Carlson interviewed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene a year or so ago, and that she said, in so many words, that she was generally disliked among her peers. The MSM snobs love to attack and ridicule her as a kind of bigoted hick. Though there are at least several representatives who I like and respect, she is the ONLY one I know of who has been loud, proud, and 100% right in her take on what's happened here. She's on the subcommittee that issued this report. Would've loved it if she had written this all by herself.
American taxpayers are the last to know where their tax dollars are going. If they knew their monies were supporting research dealing with making diseases more potent to be used as weapons...this entire PLANdemic would never have occurred in America.. All countries who are behind this heinous research should be prosecuted for this fiasco the whole world has gone through..
I would like to see transparency within every community that has a biolab embedded in it. Every such community should receive a public notice that it exists, and an Amber Alert type system be implemented every time that there is a breach of any kind from that lab. Awarded contracts to such lab should come with a public announcement as well.
Fauci NIH team funded COVID biosynthesis - for over 20 years. However China was the smokescreen, the fall guy, the last stage of an operation.
Wuhan was the last stage...the Deep State needed a scapegoat/smokescreen to cover their crimes. This is standard practice....
Key point:
"The vilified National Institute of Virology in Wuhan has been operating less than 3 years since completion of construction of China's first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory.
China's first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory: Much too short a time-frame for bioweapons development. The Chinese did not have the experience and skill to do it. For a virus to undergo two transitions from its resident host bat, that is, to an intermediate mammal species with genetic similarities with humans and then into patient zero, with a fully adapted RNA structure capable of rapid replication and defense mechanism in an unfamiliar human immune system would take decades of trial-and-error mutations.
The human body is a complex system, especially due to our omnivorous ancestry and social tendency, with a high degree of disease resistance as compared with nearly all other life-forms."
"In addition to gene sequences, many of the protein structures require massive alteration, a redesign process that takes many generations of replication in each of the two host species, those candidates being the Mustelidae family of ferrets, civets, weasels and badgers, before the final hurdle of a leap into Hominids, us.
A single bite of a bat on a human finger won't trigger a mass contagion, but will be limited to a fever and maybe death for the individual, but not sweeping RNA reassembly in hosts as required for a pandemic spread by aerosol transmission. In addition, there are a lot of steps involved that can easily go wrong, resulting in incompatible or faulty RNA variants, which cannot carry the conversion process over to the next stage."
Source: Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is 'Editor at Large' at the 4th Media and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco. His uncle is Yoichi Hirama, Rear Admiral (Maritime Self-Defense Force: Navy/Retired 1988) Professor, Director of Library of National Defense Academy (Retired 1998).
Replacing China with Taiwan in the WHO is an interesting thought, but with the bureaucracy we already have, why add an international one? Just get out of the WHO. Pick up the phone and call your German or Japanese counterpart. Leave the paper shufflers out of it.
Looks like Trump won’t be allowed to reduce the size of government. Why should our IC, for which everything gets filed under a classified designation, be allowed to decide what to omit?
THERE ARE SECTIONS OF THIS IE. "The Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Transparency of the Use of Taxpayer Funds and Relief Programs to Address the Coronavirus Pandemic, Including Any Reports of Waste, Fraud, or Abuse" THAT COULD BE USED TO PUSH A DIGITL ID SYSTEM AND ROLLUP VACCINE ID, AND ENABLE FED CBDC.
Thank you for disseminating this, Doctor Malone. You have been a voice of reason and sanity throughout this debacle. But there is one recommendation that should have been placed at the top of the list - in large print and bold:
"The Constitution Should Never be Put on Hold in Times of Crisis: Free speech is of vital importance and the federal government should never seek to suppress content it disagrees with on social media, or elsewhere. The government should never be the arbiter of truth, especially not when it has a conflict of interest."
Any and all public officials who violated this fundamental tenet should be charged with sedition and banned from public office. And the cowards who currently occupy our Supreme Court should be placed in stocks for public ridicule for ever allowing the Constitution to be so patently ignored and violated. Cowardice in the face of a pandemic is atrocious - made all the worse when the severity of the pandemic was grossly exaggerated by the very people violating our supreme law.
Agreed. If the Constitution has a role, certainly it is in times of stress and external threats. The threat of an unproven infectious agent should not be used to justify the rescinding of the Constitution.
I hope that the perpetrators are recognized as traitors and condemned accordingly.
Unfortunately, the very people required to make that judgement are (in many cases) the same ones that will be prosecuted. I'm betting it will be REAL COLD out (as in, hell will freeze over) before that happens.
Why have niad and cdc? Just open an allergy agency. Cdc once did a very good job of early detection and response to pathogens. If all that woke crap they have pushed onto it was removed and true epidemiologists hired to replace worthless woke pencil pushing "social scientists" it could go back to doing what it used to do very well. It also worked seamlessly with state public health labs. Does niad? Somebody damned well should and we did not see much evidence of that during the wuflu nonsense
I have ZERO trust in any federal agency to be “transparent” or investigate ANYTHING, common sense would suggest they are complicit in!
This current government is 100% corrupt. The pardoning of Hunter Biden for an 11 year span for any crimes; what if one or more were murder or rape of children 🤬
The fact they’re even talking about “preemptive pardons for Schiff, Fauci, Cheney, et al for “potential” crimes, just tells all of us with common sense what we already know! 🤬
January 20, 2025 can’t come soon enough!
FYI if the files were released from Hunter's laptop there is irrefutable evidence of child molestation. Regardless I think the pardon was to cover Joe's crimes.
I agree. And ANY person within USG, or their family, that is pardoned by this corrupt regime proves the regime KNEW all along about the lies, crimes, money schemes, etc etc. I want to know who's making these decisions because it sure isn't the senile old man with the title that he doesn't even know he has.
I defies logic that a President can pardon someone for crimes unknown? That type of pardon, preemptive, won't withstand the scrutiny of jurisprudence. (It won't hold up in court)
The extent of the criminality is so huge. Bureaucrats lied. Big Pharma committed fraud. Teachers unions undermined governments.
Millions of people were harmed physically, psychologically and financially.
And the use of an unsafe product continues.
This report only scratches the surface.
Indeed. Someone should inform our esteemed congress members that talk is cheap... It takes real money to buy whiskey.
Unbelievably, many Americans are still getting their unsafe “boosters” to “protect” themselves! You cannot fix stupid!
In my respectful opinion, this otherwise admirable work of truth-telling suffers from at least four major failures of mission:
1. It asserts that the Warp Speed vax products saved millions of lives;
2. It accepts that there was a pandemic;
3. It premises that there will be other pandemics in the near future;
4. It implies that “vaccines“ are a safe and effective means to combat such future pandemics.
A fifth failure may be that a tighter regulation of germ research is proposed, not a complete ban.
Acceptance of the narrative that there was a pandemic, plays into the pandemic industry business model of promoting fear and a perception of the menace of new pandemics. The purpose of the pandemic narrative is corporate profiteering and state control of citizens (a classic fascist partnership).
History tells us that in conditions of good sanitation and good nutrition, pandemics are rare, unless the result of Frankenstein monster (“gain-of-function”) research funded by government, as the Special Committee found was the case with SARS-CoV2/cOVID-19. Further, even highly lethal viruses can be managed and contained by targeted containment, and repurposed drugs and antibiotics to treat complications. So, lay off with the fear.
The rational and ethical way forward is to further ensure the rarity of pandemics by eliminating or rigorously confining gain-of-function research, and to promote a healthy skepticism, based in rigorous, unconflicted and transparent science, about the risks and benefits of vaccines as a pandemic response tool.
I have begun to doubt that the government is capable of being rational and ethical. The Subcommittee's report seems to evidence a complete lack of rationality and ethics. Might there be a way to block government action that presumes to be rational and ethical?
Well said.
Just based on remarks made by certain members of Congress, I conclude there are those with low-functioning intellects. But they're not all obtuse. I've watched Chairman Wenstrup, an MD, and am genuinely perplexed about what I'm seeing. He conducts himself as a gentleman, and seems sincere. Is this just that he is unwilling to venture down the rabbit holes? Or do members encounter a conflict between representing the best interests of their constituents, and the best interests of the executive branch agencies to whom they've surrendered some of their authority and responsibility?
"The U.S. Intelligence Community should continue its investigation into the origins of COVID-19." ????? Isn't it interesting that current DNI Avril Haines had a prominent seat at the Event 201 table.
PS: Correction: Chairman Wenstrup's Wikipedia page shows him as DPM, not MD.
This information was first made available in March 2020: The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011). Ivermectin caused a 5000-fold reduction in SARS-COV-2 replication in an infected human cell culture line. This is unambiguous proof that Ivermectin has very strong antiviral properties against the SARS-COV-2 virus. Had the CDC implemented its mass distribution and dispensing plans that were developed for a potential weaponized anthrax attack, using Ivermectin in place of Doxycycline and Ciprofloxacin, the pandemic could have been over by June of 2020. The drug could be taken prophylactically or as an early regimen. What's more, everyone who got exposed to the virus while on Ivermectin would also develop natural immunity. There would have been no need for any of the lockdowns, masks, social distancing, school closures, etc. It would have been a blip in an otherwise normal year. The economy wouldn't have tanked. We wouldn't have spent trillions fighting COVID. It would have just been over. We were LIED to about EVERYTHING. The creation of this virus was a crime and then allowing the people who were responsible for creating the virus to lead the "response" was an even bigger crime. This doesn't need to be investigated by our Intelligence Agencies. This needs to be investigated by the Trump DOJ after January 20th and people responsible for creating the virus and suppressing information about Ivermectin and forcing the arbitrary capricious lockdown protocols all need to go to JAIL! This was a global holocaust perpetrated by evil people.
Indeed! I've been saying this since May/June of 2020. Got the t-shirt and the facebook jail time to prove it.
The banning of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin was, IMO, a crime against humanity. All of these deaths and infact the whole plandemic in general never had to happen. The perpetrators of this atrocity should be in jail or perhaps the ground already.
When I first heard the word ivermectin related to C19 I did a bunch of research on it. I found studies showing that ivermectin was used and successful in treating the original SARS that hit China a couple decades ago.
That's one reason no one will ever convince me Fauci and his cohorts didn't already know exactly what this was - and how to treat it.
I hadn't heard of Ivermectin and the efficacy against COVID until sometime in 2022. I was heavily involved in the planning and implementation of the public health response at the state level. My colleagues and I were 60+ hour weeks from the start of the pandemic through testing sites and vaccine planning and implementation. There was a sincere effort to do everything we possibly could to end the pandemic and get life back to normal. We were just working with the information that we had at the time. And it was coming from the Feds. And up until that point I had no reason to doubt that Feds were acting in good faith to do whatever they could to save lives and end the pandemic. I was very optimistic when Fauci announced that the mRNA vaccines were 95 percent effective and very safe. I volunteered to be on the state planning team for the vaccine roll out in 2020 into 2021. I spent all of 2021 working hard to get people vaccinated (often "correcting" the "misinformation" coming from my skeptical friends and family). But in early 2022 I noticed that we had spent a whole year vaccinating people and we had more Cades of COVID in early 2022 than we had before the vaccines came out. That's when it clicked for me that something was amiss.
Well, you did your best and you worked very hard to do the right thing.
I remember when Tucker Carlson interviewed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene a year or so ago, and that she said, in so many words, that she was generally disliked among her peers. The MSM snobs love to attack and ridicule her as a kind of bigoted hick. Though there are at least several representatives who I like and respect, she is the ONLY one I know of who has been loud, proud, and 100% right in her take on what's happened here. She's on the subcommittee that issued this report. Would've loved it if she had written this all by herself.
Has MTG commented on this report since it came out?
I asked my library to order PsyWar and they did! Going to pick it up from the Hold Shelf after work
thank you
American taxpayers are the last to know where their tax dollars are going. If they knew their monies were supporting research dealing with making diseases more potent to be used as weapons...this entire PLANdemic would never have occurred in America.. All countries who are behind this heinous research should be prosecuted for this fiasco the whole world has gone through..
I would like to see transparency within every community that has a biolab embedded in it. Every such community should receive a public notice that it exists, and an Amber Alert type system be implemented every time that there is a breach of any kind from that lab. Awarded contracts to such lab should come with a public announcement as well.
" The U.S. Intelligence Community should continue its investigation into the origins of COVID-19?"
The recommendations are a smoke screen, these folks will just cover up the real sources of Covid as they have been doing for 20 years.
The report is just trying to repeat the phase: "China, China, China."
Fauci NIH team funded COVID biosynthesis - for over 20 years. However China was the smokescreen, the fall guy, the last stage of an operation.
Wuhan was the last stage...the Deep State needed a scapegoat/smokescreen to cover their crimes. This is standard practice....
Key point:
"The vilified National Institute of Virology in Wuhan has been operating less than 3 years since completion of construction of China's first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory.
China's first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory: Much too short a time-frame for bioweapons development. The Chinese did not have the experience and skill to do it. For a virus to undergo two transitions from its resident host bat, that is, to an intermediate mammal species with genetic similarities with humans and then into patient zero, with a fully adapted RNA structure capable of rapid replication and defense mechanism in an unfamiliar human immune system would take decades of trial-and-error mutations.
The human body is a complex system, especially due to our omnivorous ancestry and social tendency, with a high degree of disease resistance as compared with nearly all other life-forms."
"In addition to gene sequences, many of the protein structures require massive alteration, a redesign process that takes many generations of replication in each of the two host species, those candidates being the Mustelidae family of ferrets, civets, weasels and badgers, before the final hurdle of a leap into Hominids, us.
A single bite of a bat on a human finger won't trigger a mass contagion, but will be limited to a fever and maybe death for the individual, but not sweeping RNA reassembly in hosts as required for a pandemic spread by aerosol transmission. In addition, there are a lot of steps involved that can easily go wrong, resulting in incompatible or faulty RNA variants, which cannot carry the conversion process over to the next stage."
Source: Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is 'Editor at Large' at the 4th Media and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco. His uncle is Yoichi Hirama, Rear Admiral (Maritime Self-Defense Force: Navy/Retired 1988) Professor, Director of Library of National Defense Academy (Retired 1998).
Thank you. Nicely written.
You may want to go further down the rabbit hole.
There were two major biological warfare attacks against central China.
1. "African" swine fever has destroyed more than half of China's pig population and crossed over into a summer flu among Beijing residents. 2019
2. Wuhan Coronavirus 2019-2020
Read in this order:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15:
Part 16:
Part 17:
Part 18:
Part 19:
Part 20:
Part 21:
Part 22:
Part 23:
Part 24:
Part 25:
Part 26:
Part 27:
Part 28:
Part 29:
Part 30:
Part 31:
Source: Yoichi Shimatsu
Replacing China with Taiwan in the WHO is an interesting thought, but with the bureaucracy we already have, why add an international one? Just get out of the WHO. Pick up the phone and call your German or Japanese counterpart. Leave the paper shufflers out of it.
Looks like Trump won’t be allowed to reduce the size of government. Why should our IC, for which everything gets filed under a classified designation, be allowed to decide what to omit?
THERE ARE SECTIONS OF THIS IE. "The Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Transparency of the Use of Taxpayer Funds and Relief Programs to Address the Coronavirus Pandemic, Including Any Reports of Waste, Fraud, or Abuse" THAT COULD BE USED TO PUSH A DIGITL ID SYSTEM AND ROLLUP VACCINE ID, AND ENABLE FED CBDC.
By any means necessary is their playbook
Thank you for disseminating this, Doctor Malone. You have been a voice of reason and sanity throughout this debacle. But there is one recommendation that should have been placed at the top of the list - in large print and bold:
"The Constitution Should Never be Put on Hold in Times of Crisis: Free speech is of vital importance and the federal government should never seek to suppress content it disagrees with on social media, or elsewhere. The government should never be the arbiter of truth, especially not when it has a conflict of interest."
Any and all public officials who violated this fundamental tenet should be charged with sedition and banned from public office. And the cowards who currently occupy our Supreme Court should be placed in stocks for public ridicule for ever allowing the Constitution to be so patently ignored and violated. Cowardice in the face of a pandemic is atrocious - made all the worse when the severity of the pandemic was grossly exaggerated by the very people violating our supreme law.
Agreed. If the Constitution has a role, certainly it is in times of stress and external threats. The threat of an unproven infectious agent should not be used to justify the rescinding of the Constitution.
I hope that the perpetrators are recognized as traitors and condemned accordingly.
Unfortunately, the very people required to make that judgement are (in many cases) the same ones that will be prosecuted. I'm betting it will be REAL COLD out (as in, hell will freeze over) before that happens.
Why have niad and cdc? Just open an allergy agency. Cdc once did a very good job of early detection and response to pathogens. If all that woke crap they have pushed onto it was removed and true epidemiologists hired to replace worthless woke pencil pushing "social scientists" it could go back to doing what it used to do very well. It also worked seamlessly with state public health labs. Does niad? Somebody damned well should and we did not see much evidence of that during the wuflu nonsense
Interesting this review did not mention any role for state public labs in pandemic response.
Good point. Very important, too.
Seriously... It took 3 1/2 YEARS to get them to tell us what they want to do?
Most of this should have been done, not talked about, but DONE already, 3 years ago.
These are not serious people.