Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I have read most everything you have written since the evil of covid, have had the honor to listen to your testimony before the Johnson hearings, strolled with you, both in awe of the Capitol building, and I watched you quietly walk to the corner to grab a cab. What I saw then just came to life on this breathtaking, superbly written journey of your life with Jill. Excuse my reaction...a stream of tears dripping down my shirt, absorbing the sorrow of what a hard left cultural revolution by self-proclaimed intellectuals, did to destroy the goodness of love. The Norman Rockwell America died. Loving the land, respecting the animals it nurtured who in turn nurtured us, loyalty, bedtime stories for kids, dinner table talks with the elders, church socials, community picnics, were among the bedrocks of stability. A suggestion for you: Bill Bennett’s Book Of Virtues was among the last tomes of shared lessons. I believe there’s a thirst for a collection of the stories that bind, of virtues that sustain. You did something to my heart today--pried it wide open to what I mourn the most: trust, honesty, goodness, commitment, decency, loyalty, laughter, community, an intimidating tech madness and writing such as yours.

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thank you for your support and kind words. This is not going to be easy, but we do have to do our best, right?

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Rudyard Kipling’s “If” comes mind.

So does Winston Churchill—you are of the same spirit as he: fortitude (another lost word)

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Also, found in the incomparable Ursula LeGuin's work The Dispossessed is a short essay on what it means to form a lifetime bond. Beautifully written. I first read it my senior year of college, back in the 80's, and I think it insulated me a little bit from the cynical selfishness that was touted as virtue.

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Legallady you are reciting what all humans from all four corners of the globe want. Family life and living in peace. Thank you for reciting what I feel in my heart. The evil heart doesn't beat.


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In other words, the epitome of Western Civilization. Well said, Legallady4.

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Doug, my friend, yes. Thank you.

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Sigh. This was nice. Thanks.

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So well written by both the Doctors Malone and Legallady4. ^ What she said!

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My husband and I will celebrate 52 years of marriage in October. I come from a broken home, during a time when that was extremely unusual. My father's leaving (in 1970) and my mother's bitterness is, I believe, the major factor in the life my brother has chosen. Currently with his third wife, having lived with other women between marriages; he is an angry atheist who totally estranged himself from me a couple of years ago. I increasingly see families with children bearing two or three different last names and my heart breaks for them, knowing a vital part of their security and well-being has been taken from them as their parents move from relationship to relationship. Your idea of extolling the rich benefits of traditional marriage is a good one. In today's society it seems almost quaint and anachronistic; but I have seen indications that some young people are hungry for something different; something which requires commitment and reaps the benefits of that commitment. The hook-up culture has proven to be empty. Those of us who, by the grace of God, have achieved a long marriage need to mentor others. Interestingly, a young man from our church has asked us to meet with him and his new girlfriend, so we will begin meeting soon.

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perfect example of "think global, act local"

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I hope you’re contagious!

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert and Jill . . .

Today's post was a delight to read and, as an 87 year old who witnessed all you wrote of, quite moving.

I have enjoyed all of what you have written in the last couple of years. In truth, it gives me hope we might be able to turn this dopey planet around before we commit too much further harm

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thanks. Hope may be what we need the most. Hope and courage.

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Absolutely 💯.

Hope and courage! After all, aren't we the home of the free and the brave?

Many seem 🤔 to have forgotten that!

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone. Brilliant article about Beef and the importance of animal meat in a balanced diet. Also, the Propaganda machine told everyone for decades that eggs were unhealthy. I lift weights a lot and do a lot of core muscle training and I can say without a doubt that the protein from cattle, chicken, eggs, etc. are vitally important in building and repairing muscles and attaining long term healthy goals.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I started eating an egg a day several years ago and I'm sorry I ever fell for the egg propaganda all those years ago.

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Perhaps most folks are in between compliant and defiant. I'm the type that walks around antique shops with my hands behind my back least I disturb something. I also have tended most of my life to questioned guidance divvied out with surety. I doubled down on eating eggs when it was said to avoid. My father once said “remember when I told you kids to eat the fat on your meat, it’s good for you? Well, it appears I was wrong.” I don’t think any of us quit eating the well-cooked fat edging our pork chops or steaks. To this day, I don’t think it is harmful and may have some benefits.

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I am feeling this way about threats to reinstitute masking. I simply will not do it. I'll walk out of a place that tries to make me and spend my money somewhere that does not.

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Bravo dear annademo!


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Great song! Thanks, Shelley.

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Eggs are good for you, remember the ad "The incredible, edible egg?" So is beef, especially beef broth, bone marrow, the stuff that was eaten in the 40s 50s 60s, etc. We have gotten away from traditional ways of eating and cooking. Also lard is good for you, much better than hydrogenated vegetable oil like crisco or seed oils. This was a lie sold to Americans by food manufacturers, they had lots of leftover stuff from seeds, so they made oil out fo them and told us it was better than lard or tallow. WRONG! And plain old cane sugar isn't bad for you either the way sugar beets or corn syrup is. American farmers lobbied congress to pass tariffs on imported sugar from the Caribbeans to protect prices, so food manufacturers switched to high fructose corn syrup. Look up the studies done on the rate of obesity of people on food stamps.

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When I was in my late teens, early 20s, I read an article in a muscle magazine ( I was bodybuilding at the time) about eggs being the perfect protein source, with the Yolk being important in the synthesis of the egg white protein, and how their symbiosys was the perfect protein source for body building.

Today, I still exercise, and do some weight training, but after 40 years in the gym, I'm really not crazy into it as I was back then. Now, being 56 and through multiple injuries over the years, it's all about the maintaining flexibility and core strength, and trying to avoid the severe shoulder pain issues plaguing old bodybuilders. Eggs are still my staple diet, along with oatmeal, fruit and fresh honey. I've discovered over the years that when I have two eggs in the morning for breakfast, my energy levels throughout the day are leveled off, and I feel so much better than if I didn't have that egg breakfast.

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Flying in the face of Peta who is an arm of those who want humanity to be 100% vegan. There is a balnce and a need to have both. Biotin is not found in the vegan world.

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At the local Smoke Shop (meats and cheeses, including an amazing smoked pepper jack)

there is a sticker on the counter, a bit dated, but worth remembering:

"The west wasn't won on salad."

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I eat anywhere from 3-5 eggs daily and I have friends that do the same and I can unequivocally say that this is instrumental in building muscle, toning up, and propagating overall health (among other things of course).

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One product I REALLY miss - from my body building days - was Blair's Milk & Egg Protein mix...delicious and did what it advertised to do (I was carrying 20 inch guns back then).

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Haha, now those guns are being banned by your government.

Go figure, eh ?

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Those 20 inch "guns" referred to the circumference dimensions of my biceps.

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Dont recognize my play on words, huh?


No big-e. I'll be back, R-nold.

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Nope! Over my head...and R-nold has definitely lost it with his babble about 'climate change'.

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He lost me when he shouted:

"Screw your freedom, get the jab".

Yeah, sure roid head. No problemo, and I'll be right there.

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Are they organic? Are they rich in Vitamin D that is essential to good health. When corporate chicken took chickens into tin barns, their Vitamin d disappeared. They now supplement with https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/evil-runs-deepitamin D in their feed to just make sure their bones don't break.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is so heart-warming to know that you and Doctor Jill work and play together ❤️.

My husband and I have always worked and done things together.

When we were newlyweds, many of our married friends subscribed to the practice of boys 👦 or girls 👧 night out.

Before long they were no longer married.

We didn't understand the argument of wanting or needing to be apart.

We believed that we got married because we wanted to be together ❤️.

Thank you 😊 for sharing!

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Doctor Lovebirds, 🥰🕊️🕊️,

Your "Amalfi" essay is one of my favorite stories of your life together. Your writing has become as lyrical and beloved as "The Prophet" excerpt you quoted. Gibran was always my favorite and the "Marriage" chapter brought back so many wonderful long-forgotten words and memories (https://medium.com/the-prophet-by-kahlil-gibran/the-prophet-1e5027e11e23).

My hubby and I were married in 1977 and share much cultural and some California and East-Coast history with you both. Like you, we understand teamwork! In college, we were the only team that completed a computer-science assignment so tough that the prof changed it so the class could complete an easier version (yes, even then). I credit my partner for that win -- he's much smarter than I. He also kept me calm during the Computer Science Masters exam, so we both passed; he with little study, me with much! We married shortly thereafter.

Over the years, we had ups, downs, and all arounds. The past three years have been the worst, as we had Covid twice and moved twice to escape communist-globalist masked Covidians and their jabs (only to land in a state that is now a prime target for them). But always most important was love, respect, shared values, and working and playing together.

Fast forward 46 years from college to today. We're worried as heck about our country's future, but trying to do whatever we can to share information via written words and in-person interactions so we can stand with you and others to save as much of America as can be saved. We're also taking as many practical steps as we can to protect ourselves, our neighbors, and our town.

We make a team that is stronger together but can function separately when needed. Above all, we appreciate what we have in each other, even while doing the most mundane tasks. We exercise separately but walk together daily, picking up litter to keep our community nice for everyone. We cook and eat meals together. We do laundry together. We hug. We talk. Sometimes we argue. We appreciate each other's different strengths and weaknesses.

We read each other's writing (mostly, he reads mine so his more analytical mind can make me seem smarter). We play music (recorder duets) together on weekends. Just after we married, he taught me to play this ancient instrument, converting my classical-music pianist's brain and fingers to those of a wind player with a wider repertoire. He confesses, however, that he initially placed my hands backwards -- LOL! Our instruments are plastic, but the music ain't bad!

Today gave us some hope as we chatted with a youngish couple in our small neighborhood. They have two little boys who will remain forever unvaxxed and thus have been healthy their entire lives -- not even ONE ear infection and growing like proverbial weeds. These parents understand what we face as a nation.

These parents absolutely get it! They may home school their kids, who currently attend a Christian school. They are raising their sons to be warriors in the best sense of the word: to think critically, to be kind, to read, to play, to take reasonable risks, and to learn the best American values. As farmers, you may appreciate that their kids are growing sprouts and tomatoes. And the family plans to buy small-farm-raised beef as soon as they find a local source. (We buy local eggs, though remain non-meat eaters.) The parents also read and share a little newsletter I write, which includes a collection of non-captured news and views on politics, humor, and health -- including your Substack, of course.

So, while I cannot say we are winning yet, I do believe we have a better chance than Ukranian soldiers on America's dime to bring a little light into a world that sorely needs some incandescent bulbs 💡💡 (not the dim ones running and ruining it). Thank you for all that you and your colleagues do. We wish all good things for Team Malone.

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You are not letting the wheels of torture the evils doers are surrounding humanity with keep you both from living and loving life and doing your part in your community. We cannot go wrong pressing forward, having a purpose and giving strength to each other.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m glad you were able to have some gelato.

When I was a young girl on the farm we had quite a few head of cattle. When the meat market crashed because of “said propaganda.”Meat was bad. Dad sold his cattle. We had beef almost daily. That and great Idaho potatoes which my dad grew. Then they bad dudes pushed that eggs were bad and butter. They pushed margarine . Yuck! Thank heavens we always ate butter. I could not talk my mother in law to switch over to butter.

Marriage! It is so refreshing to see you two so in love . I had a bad first marriage. Tried to stick it out but thank heavens I finally got the courage to get out.

My dear husband now is my best friend. We love to be together . He was a bachelor . He had never been married. When he married me he got an instant family. He got four children, a son in law, a grandson and a cat and dog. He took over the role of father with excitement. Of course children can be a handful but they call him dad because they love him. He just retired 2 months ago from defending criminals. Very stressful job. He is now home with me and I love it. I have friends who say their husbands drive them crazy and get in their space. In November we will have been married 24 years. It has been a loving journey. We love being together.

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I think you married a saint Melanie!

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"We love being together."

And there, my friend, is the key. I met my wife in a rock and roll nightclub back in 1989, and we've been together, ever since. We just spent 20 hours in our SUV traveling together, and we didn't kill each other !

Haha !

If that doesn't prove you love each other, nothing will.

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Welcome back.

I have heard that much of the food in Europe is far less processed with far fewer additives than in the US diet. This is more strikingly the case for international conglomerate fast-food like McDonalds: the European versions have far fewer additives than their exact US counterparts.

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yes, we learned a few things about this while in Italy. Although it produces the bulk of EU pesticides, pesticide use on crops is strictly constrained in Italy. Not so much in the rest of the EU. But due to EU policies, Italy is forces to purchase food from these other countries. So it comes back to them indirectly. This is a great example of what bureaucrat-driven central planning leads to under socialist logic. Everything should be made equal, so everyone is forced to a common standard, whether you like it or not.

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My best annual physical was a week after I came back from a GCT vacation in Europe and ate localy grown food without ADDITIVES!

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Race to the bottom lowest common denominator.

When you jettison merit in the name of equality, ultimately, everyone will be equally stupid, starving, and poor.

"THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General."


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That's funny, sort of. I hope it is not in my future - can't be I'm already old.

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"Youth is a gift of nature, but age is a work of art."

Stick around as long as you can Shelley, the world needs your wisdom—now more than ever.

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love the quote.

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Okay, but 2080 is beyond my reach, I'm not Dorian Gray and would not want to be.

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2079 it is then =)

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Absolutely and by the way I never went to Italy to eat pasta, antipasta is fine too and about beef, simply the best go to Parma. Dr. Malone Italy is not the best spot to talk about long standing marriages, well about longstanding and secret vice. Keep the best memories.

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American McDonald's french fries contain 19 ingredients:


American McDonald's salt contains aluminum and sugar:


You are correct, this is not the case in Europe.

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I used to help a neighboring Harveys Chain Restaurant with mechanical breakdowns. One day I read from the box the ingredients in their hamburger pattys. Most were chemicals I could not pronounce.

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To your point, Fred, here's a McDonalds hamburger that was left in a closet for 24 years: https://youtu.be/9DogejLMjjU

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Haha, sent that to my friends and acquaintances. Lets see if they bust my chops anymore about me never being in a MickyDees since the late 1980's

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I should add it was a very long list in very small print, perhaps 50 ingredients.

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Trying to put on a little weight, actually muscle, I purchased a box of frozen english muffins with sausage, egg and cheese to fortify my bowl of rice chex. I finally read the ingredients, and as you say, most were chemicals I could not pronounce. Last trip I bought frozen english muffins, pre-cooked bacon and my usual eggs and spend the time to fix the same product. Now I get the same chemical minus many chems meant for shelf life.

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Yes, exactly. Interesting that I've seen both these videos on TikTok. It seems that their algorithms do not censor as brutally as other social media platforms.

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Everyone in the US seems to be arguing about the carpet, rather than questioning why they are "bent-over" in the first place.

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Wow! You certainly packed a lot of “thought” into this column! One of your best! Especially appreciate your insight on marriage. My husband and I both came from dysfunctional families and we committed to as different a marriage as we possibly could and we and our two children thrived! He left this earth after our 55 years of a happy marriage. I miss him every day but my memories sustain me. I wish you and Jill the happiness we had and it appears you certainly do.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone and Lady Jill:

Your collective powers of observation and abilities to generalize bring the wisdom of the ages into very sharp focus.

Thank you both for your rapidly growing articulation (writing and speaking) skills .. and the determination to use them for the Good!!

Jerry Miller

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Beautifully said!

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said Sir! My wife and I have been together a similar number of years and the payoff now is potent. We were both from Christian families that did not divorce and I think that really helped. That is one of the differences in today's world. The deck is now stacked against men. Marriage is a very dangerous place for men and our young men are at serious risk. The family courts have been used by tyrants who have taken men away from their children through absolutely no fault of their own and everyone thinks they are deadbeat dads. As a therapist I have seen this for years and it is not a pretty sight. These men are devastated. I firmly believe that the 5GW we now see has been going on in a war against men and boys for the past 50 years. Neuter the men and taking over is so much easier so start there. We need to help out young men navigate this minefield in order to gain the great benefits that you and I have gotten. I am working towards that, specifically a work that will be titled something like "Understanding Men" that can challenge the toxic masculinity crap trhat has taken over good people's consciousness.

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deletedSep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023
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Oh, I do indeed believe that some men are asses, just as I believe that some women are asses. But this is not a reason to call an entire sex toxic. How do you think it would feel for you and the females you know to experience women being globally and freely labelled as toxic? What do you think it would be like? What would it do to the young girls? We are living in a time where the brainwashing is so deep that people feel free to label an entire birth group as being toxic. That's how bad things have gotten. Remember, the goal of evil is to create chaos and disruption as much as possible. Get the races to fight, get the sexes to fight, get the classes to fight, get the political sides to fight. This is their plan. Let's not fall for it.

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You are so in tune with the real issues at hand, and I thank you for it.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this superb article. Like another of your readers, the quotation moved me to tears. My husband, who passed away a year and a half ago, used it in our marriage vows. Let us pray that America can be restored, rising again like the Phoenix.

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Yes, Dr. Malone scores again! I believe PRAY is a key word these days - things are so off-course that we need that divine help. The churches have failed miserably, as well, in upholding the sacred institution of marriage as they should, instead they have bent to every human, secular whim that comes along. It has to be obvious that by throwing God out, we have let satan reign.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes to traditional marriage. My wife and I are approaching 20 years-- we found each other after successful careers and were blessed with a beautiful baby boy who is now in the latter part of high school. So many have given up so much by not recognizing the wonders of commitment to family and community. There is nothing better. Welcome home Dr. Malone and Jill.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your reflections surely hit the mark on where we are and what so very many are missing. Too many spend wasted lives pursuing meaningless, short term baubles. Would that there were a way to bring a general focus on what makes life worth being.

Curiously, I've always considered the lives you've lived (an effective, loving team working together to achieve

beneficial ends) as the ideal to be sought after. Never able to get there. I did feel the ever increasing pursuit of sex and self aggrandisement went a long way to shattering long term compassionate relationships. Values need rethinking and recognition of the ideals.

Briefly, for financial reasons have done meat (allergic to eggs), but not much beef. With the current concerns of vaxes in pork and poultry, have gone back to beef. The difference IS noticeable.

Off topic: Epoch folks have been doing some good stuff to combat fear. Listened to War Room cover of Paxton (Trumplike persecution) to start Tues. Wishin' you Texans and us a successful outcome!

So glad to have you home and engaged as always in positive pursuits! You are appreciated.

Bestest ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Texas is their goal and they will stop at nothing to get it. I'm sure it was Obama that said I want that man's hide, get it. Praying for Trump and Paxton.

New laws in TX have been passed and some are already in effect. They are good ones too.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

I do not trust Greg Abbot, not even in the slightest.

From the beginning of this overtaking of Texas by the cartels, and the physical invasion at the border, Abbot seems to have intentionally dropped the ball, which makes me think he's part of the problem. Controlled opposition comes in many forms, and I hope I'm wrong about him. Hearing the cries, pleading and begging by the small town mayors during the beginning of the FJB invasion was horrific to read, and watch on video. I'm betting most of those videos have since been scrubbed, but like the Arabs dancing on the shores of NJ watching the towers fall, I do remember them very well.

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Bannon had the head of the R party on. He said they were after Paxton from Jan. 1. Said he had told that chamber that sharing heads of important committees with the Ds was a bad idea. Definitely with you re the prayers.

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If I understand correctly it is the House that Phelan that promotes the Dem, while it is Dan Patrick that appoints Senate chairs and he does give some to the Dems. Appears TX is almost a uniparty because there are not enough R votes to get anyone other than who the Dems want as House Speaker.

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He didn't go into that perversity. Pretty foolish with all that's at stake, from my point of view.

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Bannon needs to have him back on to let the cat out of the bag for all to hear. Transparency only goes so far lest the sunshine hits the truth.

Texas needs to do more to rein in the election fraud which runs rampant is select areas.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While my friend was visiting overnight, (and she enjoyed "What's her face" great surprise for me), we talked of the trauma of growing up in alcoholic families. All our parents had come from the farm and were destroyed by so many factors. As children and adults we had to do the best we could to re-parent ourselves and raise our children with a semblance of healthy behavior, gleaned from reading "self-help" books and intuition. The terror I lived with from day 1 until I left home at 17 was an impact on my every aspect of health. I was my step-mothers shield when my dad would inevitably start to go after her. He stayed conscious enough to not hurt me, until I started to become a woman, and at 14 I left for my alcoholic mother and stepdad.(Stepdad was dry) I analyzed my father to see what made him such a jekylle and hyde character. I know my story isn't unusual, and yours, on the other hand is. I could go on, but I feel I have said my piece on this. Count yourselves extremely fortunate and you have had "good Karma".

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Life is full of lessons to learn. For some people those lessons start early. Some people don't move beyond them, perhaps even repeating unwanted behavior themselves. Others are motivated to adopt a different path, to create a life with rich rewards. We all react differently by little or large degrees. When I look in the rear view mirror now, compared to 55 years ago, I see a different picture, a true accounting. My parents were human beings, each with their own issues, but I would not change them. They were everything I needed them to be or I would not be me.

Robert and Jill know and fulfill each others wants and needs. They are happiest doing so.

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Even tho we have had our differences, and I actually have gotten smarter by debating you, I so appreciate your comment. Thank you.

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Comment Deleted seems to be very catchy around here lately.

Very well said, and well thought out, DD. I knew you were a good egg from the start.


All this talk about eggs, is making me hungry.

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Thanks T, I think I know why those comments to me got deleted, Duty didn't realize who she was being nice to.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

The phrase " comment deleted" also appears when someone, anyone deletes their own comment. I guess its a record that something was posted, since is removed. I do not believe there is a tremendous amount of censorship happening here, but there is someone paying attention, and taking notes. We're not in a protective bubble here, and some gubbermental stooge is / are keeping track of us.

Sad, really.

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