This poll is not accurate as many more people died from the C-19 injection as well as suffered horrible deaths which were not reported by the doctors. Anybody who pushed these shots because they were told to do so by the medical establishment should be punished. My best friend died a horrible death due to this shot that her doctors said she needed before she could get her needed surgery....a crime.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doesn't the poll represent what the participants BELIEVE to be true (as opposed to what data might actually show to be true)?

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You believe in USG date? I think you're the real problem here.

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It’s a Rasmussen poll, not a USG poll. And how about showing some simple respect for fellow commenters? No need for snark or nastiness.

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Wonder where that 20% who are more concerned about Covid now than a year ago are are getting their "news"...?

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The other day I saw a public post on FB from our county health department here in our new state of Arizona (California Refugee here) saying “ITS TIME FOR BOOSTERS!” As I was reading though the comments of so many “virtuous” people saying I” GOT MINE!”, “GRATEFUL TO BE FULLY VACCINATED!” Or “IVE HAD 5 NOW” I was shocked, saddened and dumbfounded. Apparently I live in a completely different universe! What world do these people live in!! One must walk around completely blind, with their head in the sand not to see “anything strange” going on!!?? I know cognitive dissonance is a real thing but.. WOW!

One person commented “MY WIFE HAD HER THIRD BOOSTER AND THEN HAD A STROKE, GOOD LUCK!” and another person actually responded to it saying: “MY FRIEND ATE AN ICE CREAM CONE AND THEN GOT HIT BY A TRUCK. I STAY AWAY FROM ICE CREAM NOW” this response received hundreds of likes.

It’s like we are standing in a crowded room, screaming at the top of our lungs and no one even looks up. Very surreal seeing all of this happening with my own eyes.

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Hi, JSG, I understand how disconcerting your situation must be. Mine is similar because I'm surrounded by vaxx advocates, and unable to distance myself from them due to unavoidable circumstances.

About the FB post you read: the jarring responses might be 'plants'. I say that only because, if I'm understanding your post correctly, it sounds like this was an official county health department account, kind of like a Public Service Announcement, but with the public at large being able to respond and comment. If this is the case, it's possible that official county health minions are monitoring the responses and making sure that any dissent is drowned out or made fun of. They would also be buoying up the complying posts, and perhaps even fabricating some of them.

Just a possibility.

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You definitely could be right! Or at least I hope so. :(

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The Covidians and the weather deniers are true believers and one the same--they truly drink the kool -aid.

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Remember, it's very difficult to determine how many comments on Social Media actually come from a real person. By all means pay attention, but don't rely on the tone of comments alone to try to judge which way the wind is blowing. We are being played on all levels.

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Agree! Good reminder! TY

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Darwin will sort them out.

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in the time of the end there will be a strong fog of delusion many will be under, it's been foretold

not sure if this is exactly it, but sure would seem to fit spot-on

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I LOVE when we are proven right..not because I have a desire to be right, but because what we are right about is so important and usually so obvious (not to mention censored).

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I have been hearing more and more vaccine side effect stories from people I come into contact with.

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Well, OK, but I wish that some of this wising-up was happening in my neck of the desert. Due to unavoidable circumstances, everyone in my social circle was frothing at the bit to get their gene-manipulating* injections. I spoke up about the fact that I was not following along, and I took a lot of heat. At this point I hear nothing from them on this topic, so I have no idea if they are hearing/reading about all the lies, manipulation, deaths, and 'sudden and baffling' deaths. I hope they're becoming more aware.

* I refuse to call them 'gene therapy'. Nothing therapeutic is going on with these injections.

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Your friends will remain clueless until the end of their lives.

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How can we trust the government and our medical system when we have been lied to? Ed Dowd clearly presents the great harm that we’ve been subject to over the last three years. The motivation for pushing man-made mRNA injections have not been discovered because of the great amount of misinformation and confusion and miss direction that is transpiring. It’s time to do a deep dive on Moderna who has played a central role in pushing for man to be injected, just like animals! This is not about good medicine, but a profit motive that benefits the drug industry!

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You'll have to go way, way back, at least to 1968. I just read Bitten, by Kris Newby. This "messing around with insects" for nefarious purposes has been going on for decades.

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This was merely their human trial stage of the experiment...

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As more and more information comes out about COVID, I am surprised more people are not distrusting of government

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The truth is spreading, unfortunately because of so many deaths from the vaccines. But this does mean that people are going to be more careful about following the self-proclaimed experts. And that they're becoming more skeptical about the mainstream media.

The next information that needs to come out is that the more shots you get, the more likely you are to catch Covid. Once that becomes common knowledge, the CDC is dead.

And eventually even the Democrats will start insisting on justice, since people they know will have died from the vax.

This is so heartbreaking. So many deaths caused by terrorist medicos, lying media, and self-important, power-mad politicians and CEOs with their mandates.

And then we'll have to find a way to deal with all the illness caused by the vaxes.

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So the upper middle income Karens and Kevins are more concerned about covid now than they were a year ago. Hmm.

Proves my own personal belief that 95 percent of everybody is below average; that top five percent keeps the wheels of the world turning every day....

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I have my own personal metric about this. It has been my observation that statistically, the worst , i.e. the dumbest drivers drive the most expensive cars. Watch for yourself and see if I am right. Of course I live in Texas so pickup drivers tend to put a wrench in that cog but even so...

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Accurate or not, the symbolism is striking: as an entire culture, we need to have a deep conversation about risks and benefits.

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I truly believe that there were many more vaccine injuries from the shot than injuries from the virus. As far as deaths I think the numbers were probably close as the poll suggests. I do think that the primary’s, Fauci, Birx, Fauci’s employees, big pharma CEO’s, big pharma upper management, the House and Senate, etc. all refused the shot. Of course these monsters exempted themselves while lying to and mandating the common people. Isn’t it amazing that none of them ended up on a ventilator and given remdesivir and dying horrible deaths alone like the common people. J.Goodrich

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There is certainly a disconnect in seeming reality between insurance actuaries, whose livelihood depends on them being right, telling us about the numbers of folks dropping dead almost certainly from the jabs and that not happening to all the pols getting their highly publicized jabs. Seems to me a datum that argues for criminal indictments.

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from the sentiment of people who are very very well-trained at security, in charge of the 'vials, they say "nobody in charge takes this 'chit"

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Wow what interesting statistics. It makes you wonder if the more intellectuals are trusting the narrative because they believe the intellectuals in science have all the answers. Maybe a bias there. The difference between men and women was another interesting statistic. Women are usually in charge of their family’s health and are more likely to do their research when it comes to their family.

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Good point about women being in charge of the family's health. True in our house, and my husband thanks me often and sincerely for being a born skeptic and throwing myself into researching the virus and the jabs from the beginning. No "gene therapy" in this house, and no fatal side effects as a result.

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Very interesting. The import depends on what;'s coming down the path at us next. I'm surprised there aren't more folks in the know. With the way HHS is continuing the march for their vaccinations and treatment protocols, may be part of the answer.

Gordon Chang's take on Chi was interesting. IMO it has some merit. In his opinion Chi is forced to be in a hurry due to the deteriorating state of China. I would further note that with so many of our elected officials and interests owing to Chinese largess, there is likely to be less overall resistance at this point. The question is what measures they will employ to effect the Great Reset. The US is at a weakened and vulnerable point.

If pandemic measures aren't working will they come in with the next one? How does the WHO May takeover fit in.

It would be helpful if there were better ways to reach more people willing to listen and consider the facts and in terms of our future..

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I agree with your concerns, Jean. Especially regarding: "... what measures they will employ to effect the Great Reset." Several state governors have tried to pass legislation instituting quarentine camps. I recall reading about the Michigan governor and the New York governor trying to push these through. Not successful ... yet. Also, remember how draconian Canada, Australia, and New Zealand became? Scary. I think they'll keep pushing.

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I hadn't heard about the quarantine camp legislation. Not surprising though. The Mi and NY governments are pretty toxic. Hard to understand why the citizens elect them.

The other topple strategy relates to our fiscal maladies and the dollar. That IMO would take the WEF and UN effort with help from CCP and Russia. Unfortunately the time seems ripe and we seem to have most of our elected officials simpatico for a Global Governance.

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Not one Covidian will believe this poll. We're all watching Darwinism in real time.

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I'd prefer a poll of 1,000 in every state reflecting its sex, party, race.

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Bingo Shelley. What is so magical about 1000 respondents? Polls were using same 75 yrs ago when they told us Dewey would win. Think about how much our demographics have changed, now much more migration away from previously staid long established populations, etc. And maybe that is why virtually every presidential election poll for the last umpteen elections have been so wrong. I pretty much ignore them because they are compiled by statisticians and like Mark Twain said...

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