If Kamala had won this is exactly what we would’ve been dealing with. It’s imperative that we destroy all of this race based DEI bullshit and get back to merit based decisions in government and business plus education. Trump is doing all he can through executive order but congress must act too and quickly. They have the house and senate but nothing seems to be being done about it. It’s high time we put this horror show in the rear view or it’ll be thrown back into the fray as soon as the Dems take back power which could be as soon as the mid-terms if they somehow regained the house. I can guarantee if that happens Trump will be fighting another impeachment over some bullshit charge they make up so it’s highly important congress acts now. I don’t understand how they don’t see all of this. Leave it to republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Why am I not surprised that the WEF Davos seemed perfectly fine with the catastrophic chaos in South Africa. Crumbling of nations from within seems to be what they want. Maybe this enables globalist world domination country by country, And thins the herd.
We are the last domino. Kerry said so himself in a speech he gave at Davos. Imagine that. A previous Secretary of State claimed the 1st amendment will be the hardest position to overcome for the globalists. Unreal. He flew around the world during the Biden admin just doing all he could to undermine the country. Figures him and his Islamist wife hope for our downfall.
Sad commentary on South Africa and the DEI derangement. My fear is that the reversal of the Biden policies and the reduction of the bureaucracy in the US is developing into slash and burn, rather than an orderly transition to merit based and basic required federal controls for managing the Republic. VA staff reduction is worrisome. VA has the knowledge to improve veterans health by boosting vitamin D blood value above 50 ng's, but have ignored this simple fix. They ignored their own study that indicated a 50% reduction in VA visits.
I hope we are not throwing out the baby with the bath water.
Zimbabwe - before the idiot Communist Robert Mugabe got power - was known as the "breadbasket of Africa," (by white farmers) that had husbanded and made productive farmland for OVER 200 years! Mugabe and his Communist thugs "appropriated" white farmlands, murdered white farm FAMILIES - and Mugabe gave the lands to blacks who had NO knowledge of HOW to farm, which has resulted that EVERY year "SM" (Since Mugabe)
Zimbabwe has had to IMPORT food to keep from starving.
As a brit whose parents helped develop Zimmbabwe famland right after the war. I Daily thank my luck for 10 years in an idyllic country. My father taught many skills to many workers on our smallholding. We moved to SA due his illnness and spent a further 18 years. Thro some dangerous times but in reflection nothing like the inefficiency and destruction of infra strhcture now. Promise was in the ANC air, the locals quickly conned an robbed blind by their own Masters. The way of Africa, Rhodesia and now SA we hould feel for the indigenous, till they control their politicians they are doomed. And we do not want them in our lands. Donald Trump haz been magnanimous, I can only suggezt if you qualify then move. Dont come to GB we are well on the way to being a califate, wait for theuprisings against our people at or soon after the next GE.
Pray, and ensure your family are safe away from the communist/islamist govern ment. SO SO SAD
We have to fight and expose their. Insanity at every moment Stlll so many blinkered brainwashed and of course now short of their dosh thanks to DOGE , but the ones with a working brain are starting to spread the word. Not sure in Britainthat the rot has already gone too far. Even Reform has moved central with a bunch of Lib Dems and nomass remigrations of illegals, but the muhamad zia in charge is pulling N F strings. We are leaving in numbers quietly.
I hate to say this, because white people have lived in South Africa for a LONG time. It is their home. But, I would leave Africa to the Africans.....come to America and take up Trump on his offer before you are murdered. Africa is such an interesting continent. They just never seem to be able to overcome corruption. They have the most amazing natural resources. They have talented people and hard working people, but for some reason, the most corrupt and inept always seem to rise to the top. Why is that? What is it about Africa that accepts and allows corruption? So many 'new' governments in Africa have promised Utopia and quickly disintegrate into lawlessness and grift.....and the 'regular' people just seem to shrug and go along....they are so used to the corruption, it's a way of life.
How do you change that?
As to the white Africans.......unfortunately, history is not your friend. No matter how decent and good you are today, there is a heinous history that can be pointed to often. Seems like white people are the ONLY people who are not permitted to grow and change.....I am no expert on African history, but I will bet money that just as many atrocities were committed by Black Africans on Black Africans as were committed by White Africans on Black Africans. Just as in the Native American issues here......only one side of the story gets told. Only one side is allowed redemption and to prove itself.
I do not see a way out for white South Africans to stay there safely unless something changes dramatically. It's not right. It's wrong as wrong can be. But it absolutely parallels what has happened here. The difference here is the population balance is in favor of whites or at least close to equal so outright takeover is not physically possible. In South Africa, the percentage of white people is not great enough to fight the evil forces UNLESS a significant number of Black Africans throw in with the whites because it's wrong. Unfortunately, it's easy to blame everything on the white farmers and property owners. And you are exactly right, they plan to take it all by force eventually. Only THEN will the poor Black South Africans realize it's not for them that the property is being confiscated.....it's to enrich the newly minted Black aristocracy.
And isn't it strange that corruption came to visit South Africa now in the form of Hunter Biden.....what's up with that? Of all the places this most corrupt of all creatures could go, he ends up in South Africa......I don't think that's a coincidence. I think there is a good deal of foreign influence guiding the corruption. His daddy may no longer be President, but the corrupt tentacles don't just dry up and go away. Someone needs to investigate what this slimy character is actually doing there.
Our small country Reformed church has 2 new SA families. They fit in very quickly and have experienced great love and support from our congregation. One is a scientist, the other in oil/gas. We have several farming families. South African folks are welcome in America. Farmers have unique skills and should receive preferential treatment in immigration processes. Come to America folks.
I can only guess that the people of Africa have been so worn out by the many "empires" and invasions that trace back into the dawning of their history that they have trouble standing up to criminals in government and so continue to succumb to them.
The whole subject of race (or skin color really) is a bit of a mystery to me, but has never been in their favor. Even though about 3/4 of Earth's population is non-White, Europeans still hold a disproportionate amount of power on the planet, and there is a long-standing pattern of playing the race card against non-White populations. That practice must come to an end.
If this story of crime, corruption and killing don't make us wake up to the similarity of the same impact happening here, I don't know what will. This is a very serious and necessary reality to know about and prepare for. These heinous crimes and killing have been allowed for too long. Will anyone understand and applaud the actions of our current administration or do the haters against Trump prevail with the same failing rhetoric. Time will tell, as they say...
DD? Its the story of COMMUNISM, i.e., STATE appropriation and CONTROL of the MEANS OF PRODUCTION: (all) LAND - and water, (all) HUMANITY, and control of MONEY( in whatever form it takes) precious METAL, PAPER money or DIGITAL!
To date American Communists - for over half a century - have applied the SOCIALIST method of attaining communism via step-by-step application of ever EXPANDING LAWS (rather than bloody direct revolution), to subjugate and control WE the formerly SOVEREIGN American citizens.
ANYONE who is not brain-dead can PLAINLY see the American Communists (now controlling the DEMOCRAT party) are apoplectic that Trump won - and temporarily - has stalled their despicable underhanded TREASONOUS plans to turnout our SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC into a Communist TOILET - and make us SLAVES to a AMERICAN COMMUNIST STATE!
Our so-called Supreme Court - headed by John Roberts - who apparently has never READ the US Constitution he SWORE to uphold ( Roberts reminds me of Earl Warren and his actions just as treacherous) - Roberts is SIDING with the black robed COMMUNIST judges "appointed" by Clinton, Obutthead and Biden now popping out of the DC sewer and other LOWER COURTS to STOP the Trump administration for EXPOSING the MONUMENTAL corruption WITHIN the US federal government and TERMINATE duplicitous Agencies, Bureaus and departments - MOST of which are UNCONSTITUTIONAL to begin with.
BTW, the circuit - LOWER courts are NOT to be found in the Constitution, and were created by the US CONGRESS; and are FUNDED by the Congress ( WE THE PEOPLE); and the CONGRESS has OVERSIGHT of the so-called "lower courts"- and the judges who CAN be individually DE-FUNDED and IMPEACHED for malfeasance.
The hell of it is, DD, that since Senator Joe McCarthy ( in his inept way) was trying to out and expose (American) Communists WITHIN the federal government, the entire American Communist apparatus including TV, radio and print went ballistic about McCarthy "RED-BAITING" ( now it would be "BLUE-BAITING")- and succeeded in making the name McCarthy a pejorative term that exists to this day.
That may be why many Americans today tippy-toe around the reality of what "progressive" and "far-left" literally means: COMMUNIST - for fear of being called a McCarthyite.
But the reality is, - as was explicitly written by Justine Isernhinke in her 1st essay - on what exactly happened in her homeland in South Africa - once the ANC took power in 1994 and life (for WHITE S-Afrikaners and the black masses) who were totally betrayed by the Communist - Nelson Mandela - ( BTW, when freed from prison, came to America and was feted as a hero by AMERICAN Communists and showered with some million bucks to take back home in S. Africa.
Aside from the dismal record of the Communist ANC - which promised so much to improve the lives of (black) S. Africans in 1994, after the Apartheid government abdicated rule - since then WHAT does S.A. produce - or export - except revolution?
One thing that has been adopted by (some) American blacks "Kleptocracism" - the "entitlement" too plunder, loot, burn and destroy private property happens at the drop of a hat throughout American cities and towns in America for many decades.
One can only (try) to imagine how people of color who love America; have honorably served and do produce valuable goods and services feel when they see others - MOBS - rioting out of control - giving their race a bad name.
Notice, there are NO chains holding ANY person of color onto US soil. If America is SO "oppressive" - they are entirely FREE to seek a life on some other country.
Should you denounce your US citizenship to move to lets say Russia.
Would you not lose most all the rights you had as a result of relocations.
Returning would be a problem similar to an asking for asylum or the actual citizenship back. Is that not true? Not knowing exactly but it's not a travel visa
The Truth and The Narrative are quite often at odds with each other. Ideally, there would be at least significant overlap. But The Truth is often at odds even with The Ideal.
I eventually noted mention of Malema at the end, in reference to the upcoming Part 2. My thinking as I began reading through was that the ANC, as I understand things, are the "moderates" in this story (?). I have no time for those who fail to recognize that the most powerful people on the planet, those currently in the process of wrecking the western world, include a fomented hatred of whites as a component of their agenda. It's obvious wherever I turn! I have noted several instances over the years of prominent media alternately denying this, and gloating about what they are "achieving" through mass immigration and erosion of borders.
I was in South Africa when Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2025 and that day largely passed unnoticed in South Africa.
Seemingly out of the blue, Trump fired off a Truth Social Post and has come out against this annihilation of the South African farmer in a way no other Western leader has had the guts to do. With Elon Musk at his side, and surrounded by several other South African friends and businessmen like Gary Player the famous South African golfer, Trump has thrown the gauntlet down against the ruling regime in South Africa and decided to withhold foreign aid. In short order Secretary of State Marco Rubio declared that the US will not attend the G20 summit in South Africa. Then this week, South Africa’’s ambassador to the US insinuated that Trump was a white supremacist. Rubio promptly threw the ambassador out of the USA.
I’ve had this explained to me by South African (white) friends who used to live there and love the country. What they described is exactly like this. A once wonderful place
for many reasons is now quite in ruins— even gorgeous coastal properties once quite desirable. Sickening and heartbreaking.
Too sad. Looks like it's too late for SA. Obama had started us on that trajectory, but Trump... Merit wins every time it's tried! Please don't start with the racial slurs, people. The problem is the ideology of greed and control, not necessarily in that order.
Thank you for this more in-depth look at Africa and Goverments. I look forward to the rest of your series. When you were explaining at the beginning about communist type governments and how they evolve, it sounds exactly like our government right now. I realize this is a pivotal point in the history. I have had a glimpse of South Africa when Covid started through the eyes as South African 3rd? generation white person living on farm/Ranch situation that you talk about. They have a passion for the indigenous that helped to raise them as well as help them now keep their ranch/farm working. However they talk about and send articles on how the new black generation is out of control, and how the current government is corrupt and punishing land owners by manipulating power(turning power off for days ),manipulating water Rights at their will, and other acts to try and get them to leave. They share the every day battles they and Neighbors have with the blacks?Vigilantes?tribals? or 🪴s that set fires to their Crops/land, tear down fences, and sabotage livestock.
It is better to know what is going on, rather than keep it hidden from us as long as it is the facts and truth.
When Covid started I was communicating with this group in South Africa and there was an advertisement against vaccination showing a lot of dead bodies of children stating it was because of the vaccine. When I asked my friends in Africa about it (even though they are against the vaccination), they said the picture was from a few years prior, and the children had been killed in a stamped.
When we stoop to embellish or spread lies to try and support a cause, it does more damage than good. To realize sometimes those wise and miss information are intentionally 🪴Ed by the opposition to discredit our cause for humanity or exposed in narrative. An Example of this instant January 6 incident at our capital?
I appreciate all the interviews you are doing to shed light on what is happening now, and in the past as well as all of your posts. Looking forward to reading your article just released on the JFK papers? Thank you for all that you have done. May you and your wife stay safe and do what you can for humanity and our world❤️
Winnie had a dangerous and very violent gang that followed her around to beat down other folks. Winnie was a total loser. Reminds me of Yasser Arafat’swife living it up in opulence and luxury in Paris, while the falsely named Palestinian people were suffering at the hands of their islamic overlords.
More people need to hear this story... thank you for sharing Dr. Malone... no doubt Musk knows the story well which helps provide context in some of what he does. A very sad end for South Africa though.
With America and the world experiencing so much evil and the low to no information brainwashed masses ignorantly going along with anything that they are told to believe, it is to the great credit of folks like Dr. Malone and some notable others that there are at least some few efforts of honest reporting of the truth~! We operate a very small-scale farm here in Washington state, and we are well experienced at losing money & time doing so, however it is our passion in life to help others eat healthy food (especially those who are hungry and can't afford to feed themselves). For this we have been constantly attacked for many decades by every "jerk weed" scumbag that feels that they have a right to dictate how we should live in this ever-increasing assault on farmers and those who live a country lifestyle in this sick nation and world~! So, it should be no surprise that we are closely watching this assault upon farmers and ranchers that has been going on in South Africa and all over the world. To those who would dare to attempt to interfere with our peaceful lifestyle know that any and all who step one foot upon our beloved land to get into our way, will be instantly met with extreme force for daring to do so~! No exceptions~! Within the boundaries of our land, we are absolutely free to live as we please without exception and no further notice or declaration of our freedom and rights is necessary~! Have a nice day~! Mike
A party or a group left to do atrocities unchecked, as we have witnessed throughout history, can end with mass murder just like in South Africa. With no consequences and many time financial benefit people can be ruthless. I have to say this is why justice and sentencing is so deathly important.
If we think about a man like George Soros who turned in fellow Jews as a boy, most ending up in the gas chambers, and benefitted personally and financially from it, we can understand why he destroys societies for his own personal gain today, to hell with those who suffer or are killed. The ends justify the means, the ends being his financial gain.
Here in America we have a group that has been forming for decades that uses terrorism to strike fear into the public to hold onto their power and their source of wealth. Slowly they have been eliminating anyone that shows dessent to their goals and over time they have gotten away with death, destroying businesses, families and property. The latest business this party is going after is Tesla. Once held in esteem, the minute Musk showed dessent from the party it was all out war. Remember when there are never consequences the terrorist group will always escalate.
Getting back to one of the financial backers of this terrorist group, George Soros. It has come out that Soros sent out emails looking to pay previous provokers 50 dollars per hour for 4 hours of demonstrating at Tesla dealerships and if you prove yourself to be a good agitator he will pay 1000 for 4 hours to “protest”. Well as we have seen this has turned into domestic terrorism against a business, and don’t forget about the threats to Elon’s life. I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever for Pam Bondi, Kash Patel and recently Dan Bongino to start doling out justice to these and other law breakers and terrorists. I’ve been questioning are we ever going to see justice? I’m hoping I just have a case of Jeff Sessions and Bill Barre Syndrome (JSBBS). It’s hard to be patient with all we have been through. Also hoping for some swift justice to finally come to America and hopefully once and for all get rid of this evil filthy unapologetic George the society destroyer Soros. J.Goodrich
Thank God Americans were smart enough to elect DJT. I don’t know if we could have survived 4 more years with Kamala as president. The Dems are becoming a very small minority. If Pam Bondi could just make examples of people like Jasmine Crocket, George Soros snd the people they invoke to terrorize, things would get better much quicker!
Thank you for sharing this very graphic and well covered state of affairs with us. Certainly it shares realities I've been unaware of. Somehow, one suspects our media has decided such realities are best not shared (when the ultimate goals of their sponsors might be recognized and opposed?).
During the three terms of Obama, one feels the slowly imposed elements of this course of affairs here too. It seems we may find (part II) further clarifications of the WEF roles in these courses of events.
Forewarned can lead to being forearmed. It would seem our President is clearly reading the situation and doing what he can to help the aggrieved.
One question in my mind remains. Would it help us to generally to have more knowledge of the state of these affairs and their ramications for the wellbeing of any Nation so afflicted?
If Kamala had won this is exactly what we would’ve been dealing with. It’s imperative that we destroy all of this race based DEI bullshit and get back to merit based decisions in government and business plus education. Trump is doing all he can through executive order but congress must act too and quickly. They have the house and senate but nothing seems to be being done about it. It’s high time we put this horror show in the rear view or it’ll be thrown back into the fray as soon as the Dems take back power which could be as soon as the mid-terms if they somehow regained the house. I can guarantee if that happens Trump will be fighting another impeachment over some bullshit charge they make up so it’s highly important congress acts now. I don’t understand how they don’t see all of this. Leave it to republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Why am I not surprised that the WEF Davos seemed perfectly fine with the catastrophic chaos in South Africa. Crumbling of nations from within seems to be what they want. Maybe this enables globalist world domination country by country, And thins the herd.
Continue to fuel the ROT to fester within the high mass of low huddled peoples.
But like mold, when you think you have it under control, it returns, and you do not!
We are the last domino. Kerry said so himself in a speech he gave at Davos. Imagine that. A previous Secretary of State claimed the 1st amendment will be the hardest position to overcome for the globalists. Unreal. He flew around the world during the Biden admin just doing all he could to undermine the country. Figures him and his Islamist wife hope for our downfall.
The condiment man should stick to selling catsup and mustard.
Not Global World views.
Maybe he can hand out free Condoms along with free Pfizer Vax to Africa?
Sad commentary on South Africa and the DEI derangement. My fear is that the reversal of the Biden policies and the reduction of the bureaucracy in the US is developing into slash and burn, rather than an orderly transition to merit based and basic required federal controls for managing the Republic. VA staff reduction is worrisome. VA has the knowledge to improve veterans health by boosting vitamin D blood value above 50 ng's, but have ignored this simple fix. They ignored their own study that indicated a 50% reduction in VA visits.
I hope we are not throwing out the baby with the bath water.
Sadly, once the white farmers in South Africa are pushed out, wide scale famine will set in. It appears to be inevitable.
And then the people pushed out will be blamed for the famine.
Zimbabwe - before the idiot Communist Robert Mugabe got power - was known as the "breadbasket of Africa," (by white farmers) that had husbanded and made productive farmland for OVER 200 years! Mugabe and his Communist thugs "appropriated" white farmlands, murdered white farm FAMILIES - and Mugabe gave the lands to blacks who had NO knowledge of HOW to farm, which has resulted that EVERY year "SM" (Since Mugabe)
Zimbabwe has had to IMPORT food to keep from starving.
Exactly, the breadbasket turned to famine, and ox carts used as ambulances....
Yes. Famine has been used by communists throughout history.
As a brit whose parents helped develop Zimmbabwe famland right after the war. I Daily thank my luck for 10 years in an idyllic country. My father taught many skills to many workers on our smallholding. We moved to SA due his illnness and spent a further 18 years. Thro some dangerous times but in reflection nothing like the inefficiency and destruction of infra strhcture now. Promise was in the ANC air, the locals quickly conned an robbed blind by their own Masters. The way of Africa, Rhodesia and now SA we hould feel for the indigenous, till they control their politicians they are doomed. And we do not want them in our lands. Donald Trump haz been magnanimous, I can only suggezt if you qualify then move. Dont come to GB we are well on the way to being a califate, wait for theuprisings against our people at or soon after the next GE.
Pray, and ensure your family are safe away from the communist/islamist govern ment. SO SO SAD
"Great Britain" is toast - as the USA will be if the AMERICAN COMMUNISTS succeed in stopping President Trump and the MAGA/MAHA movement.
We have to fight and expose their. Insanity at every moment Stlll so many blinkered brainwashed and of course now short of their dosh thanks to DOGE , but the ones with a working brain are starting to spread the word. Not sure in Britainthat the rot has already gone too far. Even Reform has moved central with a bunch of Lib Dems and nomass remigrations of illegals, but the muhamad zia in charge is pulling N F strings. We are leaving in numbers quietly.
Wow....that's an ear and eye full.
Your advocation to pull up and move is well meaning advice,
while the getting is good.
I hate to say this, because white people have lived in South Africa for a LONG time. It is their home. But, I would leave Africa to the Africans.....come to America and take up Trump on his offer before you are murdered. Africa is such an interesting continent. They just never seem to be able to overcome corruption. They have the most amazing natural resources. They have talented people and hard working people, but for some reason, the most corrupt and inept always seem to rise to the top. Why is that? What is it about Africa that accepts and allows corruption? So many 'new' governments in Africa have promised Utopia and quickly disintegrate into lawlessness and grift.....and the 'regular' people just seem to shrug and go along....they are so used to the corruption, it's a way of life.
How do you change that?
As to the white Africans.......unfortunately, history is not your friend. No matter how decent and good you are today, there is a heinous history that can be pointed to often. Seems like white people are the ONLY people who are not permitted to grow and change.....I am no expert on African history, but I will bet money that just as many atrocities were committed by Black Africans on Black Africans as were committed by White Africans on Black Africans. Just as in the Native American issues here......only one side of the story gets told. Only one side is allowed redemption and to prove itself.
I do not see a way out for white South Africans to stay there safely unless something changes dramatically. It's not right. It's wrong as wrong can be. But it absolutely parallels what has happened here. The difference here is the population balance is in favor of whites or at least close to equal so outright takeover is not physically possible. In South Africa, the percentage of white people is not great enough to fight the evil forces UNLESS a significant number of Black Africans throw in with the whites because it's wrong. Unfortunately, it's easy to blame everything on the white farmers and property owners. And you are exactly right, they plan to take it all by force eventually. Only THEN will the poor Black South Africans realize it's not for them that the property is being confiscated.....it's to enrich the newly minted Black aristocracy.
And isn't it strange that corruption came to visit South Africa now in the form of Hunter Biden.....what's up with that? Of all the places this most corrupt of all creatures could go, he ends up in South Africa......I don't think that's a coincidence. I think there is a good deal of foreign influence guiding the corruption. His daddy may no longer be President, but the corrupt tentacles don't just dry up and go away. Someone needs to investigate what this slimy character is actually doing there.
Our small country Reformed church has 2 new SA families. They fit in very quickly and have experienced great love and support from our congregation. One is a scientist, the other in oil/gas. We have several farming families. South African folks are welcome in America. Farmers have unique skills and should receive preferential treatment in immigration processes. Come to America folks.
The vast gold and diamond mines are what keep the white owners/operators/investors in SA.
Two words....Human Nature!
I can only guess that the people of Africa have been so worn out by the many "empires" and invasions that trace back into the dawning of their history that they have trouble standing up to criminals in government and so continue to succumb to them.
The whole subject of race (or skin color really) is a bit of a mystery to me, but has never been in their favor. Even though about 3/4 of Earth's population is non-White, Europeans still hold a disproportionate amount of power on the planet, and there is a long-standing pattern of playing the race card against non-White populations. That practice must come to an end.
If this story of crime, corruption and killing don't make us wake up to the similarity of the same impact happening here, I don't know what will. This is a very serious and necessary reality to know about and prepare for. These heinous crimes and killing have been allowed for too long. Will anyone understand and applaud the actions of our current administration or do the haters against Trump prevail with the same failing rhetoric. Time will tell, as they say...
DD? Its the story of COMMUNISM, i.e., STATE appropriation and CONTROL of the MEANS OF PRODUCTION: (all) LAND - and water, (all) HUMANITY, and control of MONEY( in whatever form it takes) precious METAL, PAPER money or DIGITAL!
To date American Communists - for over half a century - have applied the SOCIALIST method of attaining communism via step-by-step application of ever EXPANDING LAWS (rather than bloody direct revolution), to subjugate and control WE the formerly SOVEREIGN American citizens.
ANYONE who is not brain-dead can PLAINLY see the American Communists (now controlling the DEMOCRAT party) are apoplectic that Trump won - and temporarily - has stalled their despicable underhanded TREASONOUS plans to turnout our SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC into a Communist TOILET - and make us SLAVES to a AMERICAN COMMUNIST STATE!
Our so-called Supreme Court - headed by John Roberts - who apparently has never READ the US Constitution he SWORE to uphold ( Roberts reminds me of Earl Warren and his actions just as treacherous) - Roberts is SIDING with the black robed COMMUNIST judges "appointed" by Clinton, Obutthead and Biden now popping out of the DC sewer and other LOWER COURTS to STOP the Trump administration for EXPOSING the MONUMENTAL corruption WITHIN the US federal government and TERMINATE duplicitous Agencies, Bureaus and departments - MOST of which are UNCONSTITUTIONAL to begin with.
BTW, the circuit - LOWER courts are NOT to be found in the Constitution, and were created by the US CONGRESS; and are FUNDED by the Congress ( WE THE PEOPLE); and the CONGRESS has OVERSIGHT of the so-called "lower courts"- and the judges who CAN be individually DE-FUNDED and IMPEACHED for malfeasance.
Well Okay!
The hell of it is, DD, that since Senator Joe McCarthy ( in his inept way) was trying to out and expose (American) Communists WITHIN the federal government, the entire American Communist apparatus including TV, radio and print went ballistic about McCarthy "RED-BAITING" ( now it would be "BLUE-BAITING")- and succeeded in making the name McCarthy a pejorative term that exists to this day.
That may be why many Americans today tippy-toe around the reality of what "progressive" and "far-left" literally means: COMMUNIST - for fear of being called a McCarthyite.
But the reality is, - as was explicitly written by Justine Isernhinke in her 1st essay - on what exactly happened in her homeland in South Africa - once the ANC took power in 1994 and life (for WHITE S-Afrikaners and the black masses) who were totally betrayed by the Communist - Nelson Mandela - ( BTW, when freed from prison, came to America and was feted as a hero by AMERICAN Communists and showered with some million bucks to take back home in S. Africa.
Aside from the dismal record of the Communist ANC - which promised so much to improve the lives of (black) S. Africans in 1994, after the Apartheid government abdicated rule - since then WHAT does S.A. produce - or export - except revolution?
One thing that has been adopted by (some) American blacks "Kleptocracism" - the "entitlement" too plunder, loot, burn and destroy private property happens at the drop of a hat throughout American cities and towns in America for many decades.
One can only (try) to imagine how people of color who love America; have honorably served and do produce valuable goods and services feel when they see others - MOBS - rioting out of control - giving their race a bad name.
Notice, there are NO chains holding ANY person of color onto US soil. If America is SO "oppressive" - they are entirely FREE to seek a life on some other country.
However deleting your citizenship in this manner ...
may surrender your inalienable rights granted at birth here in the USA.
Should you denounce your US citizenship to move to lets say Russia.
Would you not lose most all the rights you had as a result of relocations.
Returning would be a problem similar to an asking for asylum or the actual citizenship back. Is that not true? Not knowing exactly but it's not a travel visa
"Deleting your citizenship in this manner" ??
What? What manner?
The Truth and The Narrative are quite often at odds with each other. Ideally, there would be at least significant overlap. But The Truth is often at odds even with The Ideal.
I eventually noted mention of Malema at the end, in reference to the upcoming Part 2. My thinking as I began reading through was that the ANC, as I understand things, are the "moderates" in this story (?). I have no time for those who fail to recognize that the most powerful people on the planet, those currently in the process of wrecking the western world, include a fomented hatred of whites as a component of their agenda. It's obvious wherever I turn! I have noted several instances over the years of prominent media alternately denying this, and gloating about what they are "achieving" through mass immigration and erosion of borders.
And Christians.
I was in South Africa when Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2025 and that day largely passed unnoticed in South Africa.
Seemingly out of the blue, Trump fired off a Truth Social Post and has come out against this annihilation of the South African farmer in a way no other Western leader has had the guts to do. With Elon Musk at his side, and surrounded by several other South African friends and businessmen like Gary Player the famous South African golfer, Trump has thrown the gauntlet down against the ruling regime in South Africa and decided to withhold foreign aid. In short order Secretary of State Marco Rubio declared that the US will not attend the G20 summit in South Africa. Then this week, South Africa’’s ambassador to the US insinuated that Trump was a white supremacist. Rubio promptly threw the ambassador out of the USA.
I LOVE IT!!! #MAGA2025
I’ve had this explained to me by South African (white) friends who used to live there and love the country. What they described is exactly like this. A once wonderful place
for many reasons is now quite in ruins— even gorgeous coastal properties once quite desirable. Sickening and heartbreaking.
Too sad. Looks like it's too late for SA. Obama had started us on that trajectory, but Trump... Merit wins every time it's tried! Please don't start with the racial slurs, people. The problem is the ideology of greed and control, not necessarily in that order.
Thank you for this more in-depth look at Africa and Goverments. I look forward to the rest of your series. When you were explaining at the beginning about communist type governments and how they evolve, it sounds exactly like our government right now. I realize this is a pivotal point in the history. I have had a glimpse of South Africa when Covid started through the eyes as South African 3rd? generation white person living on farm/Ranch situation that you talk about. They have a passion for the indigenous that helped to raise them as well as help them now keep their ranch/farm working. However they talk about and send articles on how the new black generation is out of control, and how the current government is corrupt and punishing land owners by manipulating power(turning power off for days ),manipulating water Rights at their will, and other acts to try and get them to leave. They share the every day battles they and Neighbors have with the blacks?Vigilantes?tribals? or 🪴s that set fires to their Crops/land, tear down fences, and sabotage livestock.
It is better to know what is going on, rather than keep it hidden from us as long as it is the facts and truth.
When Covid started I was communicating with this group in South Africa and there was an advertisement against vaccination showing a lot of dead bodies of children stating it was because of the vaccine. When I asked my friends in Africa about it (even though they are against the vaccination), they said the picture was from a few years prior, and the children had been killed in a stamped.
When we stoop to embellish or spread lies to try and support a cause, it does more damage than good. To realize sometimes those wise and miss information are intentionally 🪴Ed by the opposition to discredit our cause for humanity or exposed in narrative. An Example of this instant January 6 incident at our capital?
I appreciate all the interviews you are doing to shed light on what is happening now, and in the past as well as all of your posts. Looking forward to reading your article just released on the JFK papers? Thank you for all that you have done. May you and your wife stay safe and do what you can for humanity and our world❤️
People naively thought Nelson Mandela was the soul of the ANC. Turns out it was his wife, Winnie.
Winnie had a dangerous and very violent gang that followed her around to beat down other folks. Winnie was a total loser. Reminds me of Yasser Arafat’swife living it up in opulence and luxury in Paris, while the falsely named Palestinian people were suffering at the hands of their islamic overlords.
Oh yes, the ugly woman that had her opponents NECK-LACED !!!!
More people need to hear this story... thank you for sharing Dr. Malone... no doubt Musk knows the story well which helps provide context in some of what he does. A very sad end for South Africa though.
With America and the world experiencing so much evil and the low to no information brainwashed masses ignorantly going along with anything that they are told to believe, it is to the great credit of folks like Dr. Malone and some notable others that there are at least some few efforts of honest reporting of the truth~! We operate a very small-scale farm here in Washington state, and we are well experienced at losing money & time doing so, however it is our passion in life to help others eat healthy food (especially those who are hungry and can't afford to feed themselves). For this we have been constantly attacked for many decades by every "jerk weed" scumbag that feels that they have a right to dictate how we should live in this ever-increasing assault on farmers and those who live a country lifestyle in this sick nation and world~! So, it should be no surprise that we are closely watching this assault upon farmers and ranchers that has been going on in South Africa and all over the world. To those who would dare to attempt to interfere with our peaceful lifestyle know that any and all who step one foot upon our beloved land to get into our way, will be instantly met with extreme force for daring to do so~! No exceptions~! Within the boundaries of our land, we are absolutely free to live as we please without exception and no further notice or declaration of our freedom and rights is necessary~! Have a nice day~! Mike
Not like there wasn’t an example in Rhodesia. What was the world thinking? The ANC is just a slightly more corrupt and vicious version of the DNC.
A party or a group left to do atrocities unchecked, as we have witnessed throughout history, can end with mass murder just like in South Africa. With no consequences and many time financial benefit people can be ruthless. I have to say this is why justice and sentencing is so deathly important.
If we think about a man like George Soros who turned in fellow Jews as a boy, most ending up in the gas chambers, and benefitted personally and financially from it, we can understand why he destroys societies for his own personal gain today, to hell with those who suffer or are killed. The ends justify the means, the ends being his financial gain.
Here in America we have a group that has been forming for decades that uses terrorism to strike fear into the public to hold onto their power and their source of wealth. Slowly they have been eliminating anyone that shows dessent to their goals and over time they have gotten away with death, destroying businesses, families and property. The latest business this party is going after is Tesla. Once held in esteem, the minute Musk showed dessent from the party it was all out war. Remember when there are never consequences the terrorist group will always escalate.
Getting back to one of the financial backers of this terrorist group, George Soros. It has come out that Soros sent out emails looking to pay previous provokers 50 dollars per hour for 4 hours of demonstrating at Tesla dealerships and if you prove yourself to be a good agitator he will pay 1000 for 4 hours to “protest”. Well as we have seen this has turned into domestic terrorism against a business, and don’t forget about the threats to Elon’s life. I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever for Pam Bondi, Kash Patel and recently Dan Bongino to start doling out justice to these and other law breakers and terrorists. I’ve been questioning are we ever going to see justice? I’m hoping I just have a case of Jeff Sessions and Bill Barre Syndrome (JSBBS). It’s hard to be patient with all we have been through. Also hoping for some swift justice to finally come to America and hopefully once and for all get rid of this evil filthy unapologetic George the society destroyer Soros. J.Goodrich
HUMAN NATURE.... The forever global suffering of the human race experiments.
We have it made in America...so far our system has held up thru numerous large cracks.
I doubt "LUCK" has anything to do with it. We are the smarter Nation!
Why else would the rest of the planet want to come here for educations?
We still hold all the best Cards to our advantage. (ask DJT!)
Make sure you tell your children of it.
"Taking nothing for granted" as giving thanks is key!
Thank God Americans were smart enough to elect DJT. I don’t know if we could have survived 4 more years with Kamala as president. The Dems are becoming a very small minority. If Pam Bondi could just make examples of people like Jasmine Crocket, George Soros snd the people they invoke to terrorize, things would get better much quicker!
Hahaha.....we all keep on dodging targeted bullets in more ways than one!!
Lovin every minute of it....O yeah!
Love America more as I grow older.
There is so much more to discover right here!
It may feel like forever, James, but it hasn't been that long. Have faith, and patience. The Light is growing.
Thank you for sharing this very graphic and well covered state of affairs with us. Certainly it shares realities I've been unaware of. Somehow, one suspects our media has decided such realities are best not shared (when the ultimate goals of their sponsors might be recognized and opposed?).
During the three terms of Obama, one feels the slowly imposed elements of this course of affairs here too. It seems we may find (part II) further clarifications of the WEF roles in these courses of events.
Forewarned can lead to being forearmed. It would seem our President is clearly reading the situation and doing what he can to help the aggrieved.
One question in my mind remains. Would it help us to generally to have more knowledge of the state of these affairs and their ramications for the wellbeing of any Nation so afflicted?
Will be looking forward to Part II.