Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The only extremists at work here are the deep state sociopaths who have carefully groomed & fostered this conflict over the past 10 years. We must continue to escalate the complete & total replacement of the spineless politicians who have allowed our once great nation to be captured by evil parasites. Once we have a true representation of the will of the majority, a house-cleaning and defunding of the deep state apparatus is in order. Will it be messy & ugly? Absolutely! Will they create chaos & destruction in an effort to hold on to the spoils of their grifting? Certainly! What sort of world would our children live in today if we had done things differently after 9/11, with endless federal power expansion, wars & destructive debt? What sort of world will our grandchildren live in 20 years if we succeed?

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For about 20 years from time to time I have heard from questions and suggestions in print and by TV talking heads, including retired generals, for using tactical nuclear weapons, first re: Afghanistan and Ben Laden's "caves", then again during the Iraq war, and now. Each time my reaction is one of astonishment, and asking myself, "Are they being serious? Are they insane??". But the rather cavalier way in which the topic is always brought up tells me that these people are itching to pull the nuclear trigger, having had no living memory of Hiroshima or Nagasaki and its aftermath. In the last 3 decades, along has come video games and virtual reality.

Sometimes I think that the intervening generations don't understand the difference between the thrill of violent video games and virtual reality simulated war games and the horror of the real thing.

My perspective is no doubt heavily colored by the fact that I was alive during WWI and vividly remember both Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all the real news stories and photos in the aftermath.

In my old age what I fear now is that the convergence of unpayable national debt with the steady rise in power of both China and Russia, may push "us" into starting WWIII on purpose, either through provocation, as in Ukraine (so we can blame Russia), or through direct military attack on either China or Russia, using some manufactured rationale. I worry that the guiding thought may be, "We'd better start it now to get the jump on them before they are powerful enough to beat us." Trouble is, I think "they" are already powerful enough to beat us. Who is "us"? I'm no longer sure.

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Well stated.

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How ironic that the left insisted that WW3 was imminent because of Trump, and now their boy is about to trigger WW3 just because they like one Vlad better than the other Vlad.

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Its rigged. Voting won't do a thing.

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Voting and holding people accountable will work beautifully. Voting and going back to Netflix won’t. We live in a Constitutional Republic, not a South American Banana Democracy. If we recognize the difference and live like it, things will change for the better. The enemy has nothing to offer but lies.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

We need to secure the vote AND the counting of the vote. If we don't do that, kiss the Constitutional Republic goodbye.

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Bye-bye to the greatest experiment in freedom. We were close...

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The whole voting thing with its various forms and machinations has become a system to be infiltrated and attacked with limited ability to actually verify and track legitimate votes.

I wish we could go back to the days when everyone voted on election day, unless they had a valid reason for needing an absentee ballot to vote because they could not go to the polls on election day. With that system, the absentee/mail in ballots were far fewer, the task of verifying far easier to do with integrity, and the race remained a true race until election day.

What if people voting two weeks before election day suddenly learn something about their candidate that is reported after their votes are mailed in----oops, can't do anything about that, right?

And this bending over backwards to accommodate any and all reasons for one's inability to get to the polls (can't be bothered, don't have an interest in politics, don't understand our system, etc.) is absolving citizens of responsibility to know the issues and be critical contributors to the vision for the future. It scares the crap out of me when you see them interviewing people on the street who do not even know how many states there are or who the president is or who can't define federalism. Sad state of affairs. We are headed for a "democracy" whose terms are dictated by mob rule which often equates to the lowest common denominator. Whatever the fin/tech elite can promise the plebes to maintain their control and increase their influence on the future.

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The beauty of our Constitution & Bill of Rights is they codify your natural rights -- the ones you are born with. They re not given to you and they can't be taken away by mob rule (democracy). No matter how badly the sociopaths wish to censor -- they are barred from doing so in our nation. It's why I'm writing these words. No matter how bad the lunatics wish to disarm you (the Second Amendment is there to protect against evil government, not so you can bag a deer), they are barred from doing do so in our nation. In light of these and other realities, the Marxists and the grifters have had one goal over the past few decades: to try to delegitimize our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our nation. They know they can't get around these realities -- no matter how hard they try. Understanding these lazy, entitled parasites wouldn't last a year in which they had to actually earn a living. They only exist because of the out-sized largesse that was created by freeing men & women to enjoy their freedom. They are motivated by envy, spite & hate. This is your enemy. They have nothing to offer. The first step in combating them is understanding who they are and why they do what they do. They are not to be feared. Stand up for what is yours and don't back down an inch.

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I agree. But voting, I fear, will not protect us from their efforts to tear down the institutions that you refer to.....this assault on our Constitutional Republic has been well planned and underway for some time. Too many are all too willing to go along to get along, not fully comprehending the end game.

We are currently in the midst of an orchestrated effort to compromise and demolish western democracies in favor of a new world order. And sadly, we have seen such erosion of integrity within vital institutions that the trust of the American people is eroded as it should be.

Look how quick the Officials at the FBI are offering explanations and confessions to explain the Pelosi attack. Meanwhile, we still have not seen Epstein's client list and still have no idea who leaked the draft decision of the US Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade. Seriously, how can we trust anything at this point.....not to mention, we have increasing evidence that big tech has been colluding with the current administration to censor any narrative or information that runs counter to their "say so."

As an attorney, I no longer even trust that our justice system and courts are capable of delivering justice and the protection of one's rights. We certainly have seen plenty of courts gladly deferring to the Emergency Powers as a legitimate means to encroach on our liberties without having any interest in allowing a full hearing on facts and alternative /counter evidence.

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Congress ultimately controls all of these institutions -- they can reduce their budgets to zero and starve them to death. Do we want a Congress that works tirelessly to enrich themselves and give us all kinds of "free" stuff? Or do we want a Congress that will guard our Constitution like a wolf? All of these secondary issues fade to black with the former.

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You assume only one side can orchestrate. Why?

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We have been nearly made into a banana republic and if we do not stop the flow of banana republicans across our southern border that "nearly" will be erased.

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Not voting on Election Day is the worst thing you can do...

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No argument in that. There is viable proof that the system is corrupt and tampered with.

Plus thinking of your vote as like a protest, is of little comfort in trust. So the reality is it is difficult to live off one's imaginations. But great thought change must start somewhere.

I say vote. It signals a greater intent. Use it or lose it? Is that all that is left of Democracy?

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No, it's not Because we don't live in a "democratic republic". We live in a Constitutional Republic .... one which recognizes and codifies your natural rights bestowed upon you at birth by the very fact that you are a human being. These rights are not given to you by some idiot bureaucrat and they can not be taken away from you by mob rule. Our founding fathers gave us an amazing gift -- the ability to absolutely and completely shape our ways of life, free from oppression of thought, speech, religion, etc., etc.. We've been sleep-walking for decades, giving up these rights because we are too lazy to accept the responsibility that comes along with them. Instead, we've allowed the worst of us to worm their way into those endless middleman positions ... creating chaos & problems and then proposing solutions to the problems they created, while taking more power and more money and more influence. We've gone from the nation that created the Industrial Revolution and propelled the entire world forward 1,000 years to a sad hulk, living on borrowed time and worshipping at the alter of depravity in all that we do. It's time to take ownership of yourself and that starts with taking a stand.

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100% spot on

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Biden's proposal to the WHO is that whenever WHO declares an emergency, the WHO's decisions/actions would override the constitution of the USA.

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And fuxk the who! WHO is going to enforce the WHO'S BS?

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I think the USA will enforce it, since the USA signs the agreement.

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Replace constitutional republic with oligarchy and I will agree with you.

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Sure I still vote. I just don't expect it to mean anything

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We must keep trying. We must continue to push forward for that Convention of States so that we the people can term limit congress. It's our only hope.

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Show me your plan of action. I read a lot about sociopaths who "fostered" us into another conflict but not facts as to how they did it and no direction on blocking the sociopaths from their control over both political parties, For to simply replaces the Derms with the Repubs is no permanent solution. the presumptive Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is a swamp monster whose dirty work he carried out for super-swamp monster Paul Ryan. But the whole enchilada of GOP deception tracks back to Newt Gingrich whose "Contract" was the epitome of what the GOP has given us since Gingrich was named Man of the Year by Time Magazine - more totalitarian globalism masked as conservatism.

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I agree wholeheartedly, but the problem goes beyond our borders. This conflict will last our lifetimes and beyond. We cannot backdown. We cannot relax.

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It's amusing to me that the very same people who spent 50 years in an aggressive campaign against communism, who spent $$Trillions on our war machine (as much as the rest of the world combined), now want us to look the other way when Russia and China become aggressive toward their neighbors, even to the point of attacking them and targeting civilian populations right on the doorstep of Europe. This is ahistorical ideological nonsense. If Putin moves to dirty bombs, that is on him. Bunch of Chamberlin acolytes. This is Russian and Chinese last grasp at relevance before demography catches up to them and their systems implode.

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Respectfully, you are completely wrong. They had to build the West so they could ultimately usher in communism to the whole world. How do you do that place of weakness? Control of the whole world is what is wanted. Putin is more of a capitalist than most people you know. He's the one fighting the global cabal. And any dirty bomb deployed will be done by these same corona elites as they blame Putin. They've already brainwashed the lot of you. You're already ready to blame Putin becausr that's what you've been told.

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Right, don't believe my lying eyes..............Putin a capitalist????????? He runs a kleptocracy. All those Russian bombs, missiles, and soldiers in the Ukraine are fake.................the targeting of civilian populations just made up. I'm sorry, but you are lost with this stuff. Yes, we are defending a world order............but one that has an established preference for capitalism.

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Keep telling me what the news tells you. I don't know what I'd do without your MSM insight. All the shit you're spewing is made up bullshit. You are brainwashed.

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Not me ... my trust is in our IC / 5 Eyes ... that's how I know that he is dying of cancer / facing a coup / is hated by Russians and will be gone --- 5 Mos. ago

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Yeah sure you know. And I'm an green alien with a small head.

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And have you been to Ukraine? Do you know any Ukrainians? NO. YOU DONT. I've been there several times and know many well. Capitalism? Is that what your TV and internet tell you? LMFAO. Turn on the lights, you're in the dark.

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Not been to Ukraine, but have talked to several Ukrainians. I listen to what they tell me. Know several people who have gone to Russia multiple times over the last several decades for business. Listen to them too. As to your brainwashing comment........think you are projecting.

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Projecting? Be more specific, how am I projecting? Secondly, you see the people liking my.comment? Some are awake and unafraid of the truth. I am projecting nothing but truth. Did Putin lockdown Russia & succumb to the scam of Corona? No. Why Dave? CAUSE, he's not part of the cabal.

Does putin let sick sexual.predators groom children? NO. Is Putin in the world bank? Bingo bingo...NO. that's the issue. The west is owned. The media is owned. The politicians are owned. You're idea of reality is actually a matrix. You really have no clue. I don't mean to be an asshole, but you don't. It's obvious, I've been at this game for decades. Zelinsky is a puppet and Ukraine is one of the most corrupt places on planet earth. What you hear from the TV and politcans is 90% BIG lies. How would you know anyway?

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Perhaps the Duran could shed light on the discussion. That’s what we want, after all, isn’t it? Communication? The respectful kind? Let’s please stick to our proverbial guns and stick to good communication, ok? Use it or lose it...🚚🇨🇦🇺🇸🌎❤️🙏🏽

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I'm not sure what you're saying or if you mean to be talking to me? Use it or lose what? You're going to act like Zuckerberg and try to revoke access? What are you saying?

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Biden needs the war so he can use war powers and protect the corruption.

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A War of Lies. To protect and maintain and justify and double down on his lies. Embarrassed, embarrassing, shameful without shame, a criminal denying the crimes, desperate in desperation, old Joe plays the puppet of puppets on the grand stage, the marionette whose strings wear thinner by day, weaker by night. Unlike the puppet, however, when he falls upon losing the big gamble, he falls not alone but with the falling of nations into tyranny.

Dylan was right: This is not our fate.

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Funny how nobody is asking the obvious questions: "Why is Biden giving a blank check to Vlad #1 (Zelinski) to fight against Vlad #2 (Putin)? Does Vlad #1 have dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden and is Vlad #1 black mailing him?"

Even a cursory review of the history of Ukraine reveals that the vast majority of its current landmass was a synthetic political construct of the Soviet Union, i.e. decreed into existence by Lenin, Stalin, and Khrushchev for internal Soviet political reasons. So why do we care about what is fundamentally a border dispute between two ex-Soviet states? And why are we siding with the Soviet homeland of Khrushchev and Brezhnev?

Just remembering that both of these leaders are named Vladimir should tell us all we need to know about what our interests should be there. None.

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There needs to be a negotiated settlement between Ukraine and Russia ASAP. Biden keeps throwing gasoline on the Ukrainian flame. Enough of that. No one wins in this conflict except for those who may be skimming off heaps of money from the aid we and other countries are sending to Ukraine. Remember, there is no accountability at all to any of the aid that has gone over there.

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Via the US Constitution, only congress can convene to vote a declaration of war. Or so it says.

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Afraid the progressives have sent our Constitution into limbo. We need to vote it back into play again

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Yeah, ok, so if that is true explain all the wars we have been fighting in since the end of World War 2. It's all baloney.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Biden Administration or should I say Barack Obama taunted Putin into this war. They knew his big ego and they the bad dudes played it. War is a big moneymaker. Although it looks to me like we are giving all our money to the Ukraine.

With a nuclear war no one wins. When one warhead explodes all hell is going to break loose and there will be no stopping it.

We need to pray for our country, our citizens and our leaders . God Bless America

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Ukraine will funnel it back to the biden family.

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And to the US Military manufacturers and “consultants”

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All American people need to ask the question and it must be answered “what are the US National interests in Ukraine which merit this level of risk?”

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article and thanks for sharing.

Watching this calamity unfold, I wondered about the motivations of our policy makers and almost fanatical support of the Ukrainians. Putin shouldn't have invaded but he, like Gorbechov and Yeltzin before him, have warned successive U.S. administrations about moving NATO eastward but none listen but Trump. Graft probably plays into this, with billions of dollars being sent, or spent, willy-nilly for Ukraine, with little oversight. Stupidity also has a role. But one reason might be that large parts of our establishment are Democrats who actually believe, in the face of all the evidence to the contrary, that Putin actually did interfere in the 2016 election for Trump and this is the way they punish him .

Meanwhile, the Chinese gear up for some sort of aggression against us and Taiwan but the aid we extend to our ally is perfunctory.


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The dems no more believe that Putin/Russia fairy tale than they do in the tooth fairy (well, that one they might believe in). Was a convenient ploy to use to smear anyone with who dared disagree witn then about anything and are still doing it

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We don't need no steenkn negotiations."

Joe Biden

Hunter Biden

Nan Pelosi

GW Bush

Chuckles Schumer

Adam Pencilneck Geek Schiff

And on and on, ad infinitum

Ze records are steel intact.


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I seem to remember something called diplomacy which was practiced by diplomats. Seems they have been replaced by late nite comedians who constantly perform for media plaudits rather than exhibiting any understanding of just how serious the game they play really is

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They do not care. Lawlessness and power and money replace what was once between their ears. The attitude of respect, no excuses hard honest work; the stuff of faith hope and love, now successfully derailed by the commie-induced culture war. The psy-op of all time in which we have been immersed like that slowly-boiled frog in the pot.

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The only nukes that would potentially be used are from the same elites that brought us Corona. And that's not Putin.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“One has to wonder, what are the US National interests in Ukraine which merit this level of risk?”

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God bless our country. We have to get off the couch and stand up for what we believe in.

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Ok, we have no vital interest. OK they have nukes.

But wait...

It seems to me that there is a tiny little detail left out in all these considerations.

What if WE are wrong not them ?

What if WE are the agressor not them ?

Why can the peoples of the Donbass republics not secede from a country which they never chose to join and which presecutes them ?

I believe that they can and they obviously have. What people want to be part of a country that prohibits their language and bombs them into submission on their own ancestral land ?!? Who really sincerely believes such nonsense ?!?

I would have preferred that their independance be recognized at once by us self-righteous zealots of human rights, albeit reluctantly, as a proof the we mean what we say. That we do not stand for people's right to self-determination only when it suits our supremacism. Exceptionalism does not justify hegemonism. We are supposed to illustrate the virtues of individual freedom, not of submissions to our Deep State.

But we westerners are just hypocrits. One day we rationalize our war against Serbia, the next we accuse Russia of agression for doing the same thing, only with far more restraint. Just switch the words Ukraine/Serbia, Donbass/Kosovo, Russia/NATO.

Then tomorrow we'll revert again to the defense of the Taiwanese people to remain separate from mainland China because of its oppressive regime.

Such degree of recklessness, ruthlessness and hypocrisy is not only appalling, it is dangerous for our future: We westerners are working hard to gain a horrible reputation right before our downfall. Not wise.

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The deep state and Biden admin would rather have a nuclear war than accountability about covid-19.

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Or about the Biden family's schemes in Ukraine.

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In Bidens first days in front of all Media sources far and wide he stated the one thing that gave me shivers down my spine. America is in for "Dark Days AHEAD"!! What an odd thing. to then go on repeating in news blips, to the people by a brand new administration? I hope there are others that remember these god awful words that would never inspire confidence nor trust. Look what arrived.

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Ukraine=Biolabs.....could that have anything to do with it? Oh, and how about Ukraine's commitment to e-government and the Great Reset. And of course, we have Hunter Biden's messy and inconvenient affairs in that part of the world. But the press ignores those factors. They much prefer the black and white presentation....US....Good, Russia.....Bad, Evil Empire. Ukraine......victim. Such simplistic thinking...but yet, here we are.....I see more Ukrainian flags and colors in neighborhoods these days than the American flag.

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Here in Chinada, we patriots recognize the Ukraine flag to be in unfortunate opposition to the truth. Hey, i feel for those millions of unfortunate souls over there and we may suffer dark times too, albeit much milder, but that car flag contrasts with my Cdn and USA flags proudly flying as a pushback to woke stupidity. Thoughts?

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I concur. I feel for the Ukranian people and the Russians in the mix as well. Per usual, this is not their battle, but they are the ones fighting on the ground. It is the virtue signaling without any depth of analysis in considering the issues that I object to....I liken it to Pavlov's dog...the msm works to have the public simply salivate at the latest news mcnugget. Led around by the nose, while lord knows what the evil doers are really doing.

I attended the march against mandates in DC. It was an amazing experience meeting people from all walks of life and various political viewpoints....mostly united in the desire to have our rights to personal autonomy respected. Yet, the propoganda msm presented an entirely different version on the screen/evening news that night. I felt I was residing in 1984. The contrast between reality and what was presented was so stark.....all trust is gone. I have always understood there is bias in reporting, but this was fiction not bias.

And to watch what happened with the truckers in Canada was a similar experience. I could not understand how anyone could believe what Trudeau was saying based on the footage that Canadian citizens were posting. It defies reason.....but yet, here we are....

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I totally agree with you, Stevanovitch and Laura. I wanted so badly to go to DC, but could not, so I watched every minute on TV. I followed the truckers' convoy very closely. I saw when the mounted police ran over people and the Rebel News journalist was beaten. My husband's theory is that the senile Biden has gotten us so involved in the Ukraine mess because he's trying to hide his family's sins. I'm not sure he has that level of cognitive ability, but I'm sure there are other equally guilty people who do. We are in 1984 now. I'm not sure a Republican majority would make a difference, but we've got to try. These idiots are bent on destroying western civilization. I've seen a few glimmers of hope in Canada and I pray Trudeau can be forced out.

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Russia has presented their case to the UN regarding our biolabs in Ukraine.

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And here in the US, we hear nothing about it.

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Meanwhile in the Netherlands, with nuclear armageddon allegedly on their doorstep, the (WEF) Rutte government is busily destroying Dutch farmers and agriculture. Does that make any sense at such a time?

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Lying is the name of the game. Please take a look at this thread. It identifies the biggest lie of all:


In a nutshell:

1) antibodies can't cross the blood lung barrier, therefore vaxes can't work as advertised

2) innate inmunity is our natural protection vs virus, ribonucleases inhibit replication in the cells

3) fasting trigger it.

Would love your take.

Regards and thanks

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