Almost 2 weeks ago in the debate Joe Biden said he hasn’t raised taxes on anyone that makes less than 400 thousand dollars. I waited and waited and waited for Trump to crush him on Bidenomic inflation that is killing peoples wealth and the ability to even keep their heads above water. Trumps non response completely flustered me to the point I was yelling at the TV. If Trump at that moment slammed the point of how inflation is a tax, killing peoples purchasing power, lowering the wage of every American, and destroying peoples savings and assets, he would have won the election right then and there. To throw another log on the fire he could have asked, what is the end game if Biden continues this for four years?. It will be the end of our currency. It was a slam dunk and I question why he wasn’t ready for that. Does he understand this himself?, This as I struggle like never before to keep my head above water,

Have you ever felt the vibration of the train rolling down the tracks, you maybe can’t physically see it, but you know it’s coming, and you know you won’t be able to get out of the way of it or stop it. That’s how I’ve been feeling about this manufactured inflation and this manufactured deficit. J.Goodrich

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I think Trump's acceptance to debate with Brandon was a mistake. But I'm not running, and haven't been through near the wringer he has. Seems so much smarter to have the debate closer to or after the DNC convention. Let them continue the farce for as long as possible, until is too late to switch horses. But I think Trump wanted to be the reserved one in the debate, just give Brandon all the rope he needed to hang himself. Which he did. Esoteric points for much of the country, like inflation is taxation, is just over their heads, require alot of explaining.

I am daily amazed to see the people still wearing masks in stores, or hear them swear the vax saved their bacon. It's a long, uphill road.

As I've commented before, James Rickard's "Currency Wars" is an 2011 expose of the history of the USD and a modern expose nation's of use of currencies. Free at Rickard's site for signing up, or inexpensive used, or free at your library.

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I think Trump at that moment missed an opportunity to have a election winning moment. Anyone that buys groceries feels what Biden’s inflation has done to a families budget. It’s in everyone’s face. I hear it constantly from everyone I know how expensive groceries are. If he was at bat, Joe threw him a lob ball pitch, he could have hit it out of the park, but he missed it.

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Yea, Trump could have made a bigger issue of inflation. But recall the all the CPI revision, the employment revision releases, even reworked figures on Trump vs Biden deficits that were media shouted in the days leading up to the debate. They still have the bullhorn and the agencies. They were gunning for it.

And I think most of the country believes with Liz Pocahontas that inflation is all caused by greedy corporations raising prices and enslaving them. And it's not just groceries, those prices will fluctuate a bit, the insanity is in all the prices that are up for good.

What's really funny is those little stickers next to the gas pumps, a picture of smilin Joe pointing a finger, and saying "I did this"

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I only mention groceries because that’s mainly what people see and it’s mainly what I hear people talk about. Ivrapplestock I am voting for Trump 100%. I bought my first business truck in 1986, with a plow on it ($2000) it was 18,600. Today that same truck with the same plow ($8000) is now 78,000, which I know I will never be able to afford again. So I do physically know it’s not just groceries it’s everything you buy, it’s devalued every dollar you have, it’s devalued every dollar you earn and spend. The other thing it can do is as peoples wages increase, many times your tax bracket changes so now you have to pay higher taxes. Inflation affects every financial aspect of everyone’s life.

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It's getting out of control, China now conducting military drills near Ukrainian border.


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I hadn’t heard that. I’m also extremely worried about Biden’s continued escalation of the Ukraine war and his continued increasing weapons like US missiles that have killed Russian civilians. What happens if Putin has enough with Russian civilian deaths and nukes Kyiv? It’s another subject the media doesn’t mention which is shocking. Maybe it happens at 3 in the morning when Joe can’t be woken. Things certainly are out of control!!

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James--another piece of the inflation/crumbling economy I didn't realize was so extensive. I hear of the business closures, but I don't do the mental tally of the extent:


As to pickup prices, that's really nuts too. About midway thru Brandon illegally dropping various student loan repayments, there was a short talk of cancelling the debt of folk's first pickup if used for their starting a business. That went nowhere fast.

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Tomorrow is July 11, the day Rickard predicted Biden would be replaced!

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The number 11 visually represents a passage (door way) aka new beginning. There are a lot of number 11 moments in spirituality, science, math and history. In recent history we have 9/11 (the twin towers visually create the number 11) and March 11, 2020 the day The WHO declared a pandemic and the day the world got shut down. I am interested to see what "door" July 11th opens up.

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Tomorrow is Biden's first "big boy" news conference--solo with the re-energized networks, not the one person lobbing softballs of the past. Did Rickard know that?

In any event, the news conference could well be straw that breaks the camel's back.

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I never caught that, do you have a reference? Thanks.

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In late May or early June I watched a video where Rickards predicted Biden would drop out sometime in June to early July. The 11th was my miss-qued borrow from a different video of his talking about July 11th trial sentencing of DJT which was later postponed. You provide that link. The other video is here.


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Tom Fittons podcast said he’s heard he’s resigning his presidency on Monday. Gone!!! I wouldn’t bet the farm on it but he said he’s getting the word…

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Thanks for sharing. I'm only set up to get JW's weekly roundup that comes on the weekend.

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See my comment below to CMCM.

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The early debate always looked odd to me. I'm still not sure the Democrats didn't offer it up with a host of conditions and restrictions the way they did because they thought Trump would refuse to debate. He may have shocked them with his quick acceptance to all terms. Another possibility is that it was set up to eliminate Biden because they knew full well he would appear as he did and they would have an easier way to remove him from the ticket.

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Long response for this, too much work to do...

I searched down Rickards. I can no find no statement about Biden and July 11, but what he says makes more sense than ever. And if Trump knows of this, or thinks similarly, it perfectly explains his debate decision-now or never.

Rickards says before the DNC, no specific date, just before, Biden will announce he is dropping out of the race for the 2024 election. That this has been planned since probably last November, including the candidate to replace Joe. By dropping out, he frees all his delegates. Then at the convention, the DNC selects the candidate, beyond the dem primaries. But legal, keeping the cash for Biden war chest. That this was done previously with Johnson and Humphrey in 1968. The Dem elites then place Gavin Newsome in the seat, who has actually has been groomed for the last 6 mos. This will set 2 waves of chaos, one at the DNC by mainly antifa, then in the fall by more rioting. After Newsome is elected, Biden cites health and steps down. Kamala becomes president until Newsome is sworn in. She becomes the first female, and black, president. In exchange, she pardons Joe and the family.


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Very interesting. Probably why the GOP old guard got DeSantis and the Dems got Newsom to debate each other last November. Got Newsom national attention and exposure against the GOP lightweight.

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All my replies arrive in my mail as from Shelly. So I thought I was to her comment above. Sorry.

Still, Trump thinking now or never, that his intelligence or just gut instincts told him won't much longer, get the exposure now, explains his decision to debate best IMO.

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J.G. If you can feel it you can get out of the way. This is the art of high level Martial Arts. That's why I love watching "Crouching Dragon" or the old series of "Grasshopper". You are right there.

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Your right in being as prepared as you can be, which I’m not sure exactly what the right answer for that is, but as far as what our government is doing to the dollar, without them stopping what their doing, its impossible to stop and we are all going to get run over, at least currencywise.

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But as it is still the dominant global currency,

Gonna take some catastrophic event. (choose one of many looming)

It has been like a nearly 100 yrs since 1929 October surprise of darkness.

I watched my investment portfolio have a buzz saw taken to it three times.

Only to witness a near 30% chunk vanish from them each time years ago.

I closed all those accounts with such prestige names,

and placed it all in my hands of solid gold/silver/palladium.

It has been the winningest investment return. It took me this long to figure it out.

So why do all major large global nations grow those physical holdings in tons?

It beats not having it, That is the biggest reason.

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Yes, time to "center" and know yourself as an eternal being. Ideally, it is always that time.

Nonetheless, James, I feel your pain. We feel the pain. Although the world is transitory, it is not an illusion.

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Beg to differ, about the illusionary factor. Some would say a solid table or wall is nothing but moving energy and is not solid at all.

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DD, Quantum physicists would certainly say that...

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Hi D D. Ah, I love a philosophical discussion. My counterpoint to yours is that our perception may be illusory, but the energy is still real.

On another note, from past posts it seems you live in the Twin Cities area. I've seen posts from other readers indicating a Minnesota location. I'm in Stillwater. So I'm floating the idea that there may be some way us like-minded Minnesotans can connect and meet up. Just a thought.

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People who are capable of being moved feel the inflation, and are migrating towards Trump. Biden imploded, and Trump let him do it, without being mean enough to scare away more suburban women.

Debates don't move the needle very much. They're largely entertainment for the committed political spectators. They're just like sports.

Many are avoiding the news because it gives them too much anxiety. This is fueling the job layoffs in that sector.

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Weeding1, this debate was exceptional in that it exposed the deception of all of Biden’s cabinet, all of the democrats, all of the Rinos that sit in with Biden and all of the media coverup. This debate made such an impact I am getting word that Joe Biden will be resigning on Monday, we will see!!!

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It disturbed the political spectators in the democrat party for sure. It's hilarious to see some of them complaining that they should have been told that Joe Biden has dementia. This was blatantly obvious to me well before the 2020 election. Don't know how anyone who saw him could miss that dx for the last few years.

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Well stated. Inflation is the killer and the R party and truthful media does not exclaim this well enough. The D party of course ignores it, or lies about it, or blames it on the R party/Trump.

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Does he understand it himself?

THAT is the question. You are on Target James.

uuuuh. NO.

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Yeah, I agree, Trump misses his moments sometimes, and it is maddening! By not replying, he gave Joe a point.

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I remember after Ted Kennedy passed away Scott Brown ran against Martha Coakley (Mass. Attorney General) for the senate seat and Brown was asked if he was an adequate person for Ted’s seat in the senate, Scott Brown had one line not a quote “I don’t think it’s Ted Kennedy’s seat, it’s the peoples seat”. That one line gave him the victory. Slick repeatable and accurate. Funny how just that one line gave him the win even though he turned out not so great…

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I remember that very well.

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Yes, a superb analogy!

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You are right, Dr. Malone! Rothbard's book made an equal impression on me many years ago. "What Has Government Done To Our Money" is a must-read, especially now, as we enter an age of financial repression.

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Let’s not forget how the financial community siphons off billions with their inside games.

Pump and dump and beyond! By letting our life time Congressman in on the schemes they have a firewall! Wait till the current financial ballon is pricked! Big Pharma has their own medical pump and dump schemes. Wait until the new injectable weight loss drugs go south!

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From one pharmacist to another, I’m seeing studies that these weight loss drugs aren’t worth the hype in the long run.

Good ole diet actually has the same efficacy with less side effects — and doesn’t bankrupt Medicare: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-hidden-struggle-in-health-care

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Many years ago I found the best "diet" ever. It requires eating healthy food, personal discipline and exercise. Seventy plus and going strong. Who would have thought it?

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Limit your intake and take in what is good: home cooked/grown is always better than eating out. Some time ago I read to aoid the "aisles" of a grocery store and I have done that for years. The produce and meat are not in the aisles.

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Excellent point. Cooked, not canned. A little more time involved but the benefits are well worth it.

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Remember Phen-Fen that killed dieters? Deep 6th Wyeth. Liquid Protein Diet. Closed up gut! FDA just continues to be gamed by Big Pharma. Patients become their victims!

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Thomas I had a video someone sent me that was a doctor saying ozempic is mainly extracted from a lizard that, I’m saying this from memory, closes off food exiting the stomach which is why many people get nausea. After a year or two of receiving ozempic he said it’s irreversible I tried to find the doctors post and have to go back and try to find it . Have you heard anything about this?

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No. But when you make the cilia in the GI tract slow down by impacting the muscles that control peristalsis., you are interfering with normal biological processes and I have no idea if they can confine the process to just the GI tract. I doubt it.

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Thanks for the addition to library - digital library, that is.

“Basic Economics,” by Thomas Sowell if you still feel the need to fill in some elementary gaps in economics (it’s in my physical b.shelf and is probably more fun than two years of micro and macro economics- although I do enjoy the conversations that evolve out of the classroom, even when the prof was a socialist 🤷‍♀️). Basic Economics is NOT a math heavy discourse, a narrative in the Sowell tradition.

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Thanks for this recommendation- been a fan of Sowell for sometime so I will check this out!

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If the federal government was pruned back to the very limited powers granted to it by the United States Constitution and all the unconstitutional federal alphabet agencies were defunded and eliminated, how long would it take, given our present level of taxation, to wipe out the debt?

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I think we may have crossed the threshold of the point of no return

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Speaking to Congress in February 1981, Reagan said: A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars [the current debt then], incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high.

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And that's just a trillion. Our debt is around 34.4 trillion now and it increases about 1 trillion every 100 days. So if a trillion dollar stack of bills is 67 miles high, 34.4 trillion is a stack that is almost 2,305 miles high. Unimaginable.

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I has crossed my mind that they might “give” this election to Trump, so he will be blamed for the downfall.

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The GOP 2024 platform removed addressing the debt ceiling. No mention of eliminating agencies, like the DOE. Only one point addressed federal spending and it is one we have heard for 40 years "Rein in Wasteful Federal Spending". Also included is "rebuilding our cities, including DC, making them safe, clean and beautiful again" as if that's the Feds job.

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Well think of what that would take Jack.

I was just yesterday. . . my ruminations. . .

-- a rabid revision would require an army of like-thinking intellectual and social "soldiers"

-- The existing managing structure of EVERY agency in the US Gov.(starting with the intelligence agencies-- 20 some?) would need simultaneous removal, forceful, out one day and no access to their building thereafter.

-- the new "army" would replace a large fraction of the top spots and lower level employees left from the purge, would be interviewed to prove their worth and loyalty to retain jobs.

-- Some agencies would be scrapped outright. If I WERE KING(! Ha, no chance) that would be these, as examples: Education, HHS, FBI, CIA. . . you get the picture CIA and FBI would be replaced by new agencies.

-- The president would have direct control over Fed. agencies but with DIRECT oversight by a special committee in House.

-- NO Fed. Employee would be allowed to take a job in industry associated with his previous job in gov.

-- No Fed. employee could take money from corporate PAC's or non-citizen orgs. Lobbying would be gone except by citizens' groups.

-- The Supremes would no longer be elected for life.

-- Term limits max of 4 for Congress; 20 years for the Supremes; 3 for president.

Because it WOULD take something this radical, Dr Malone's point below is correct: It's too late.

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So...what do you make of all this? We know that they can hide spending for "national security" reasons. But what do you think they are spending it on? This has been going on way before the 1990s. I of course have my own guess.

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JFK's USAID is one way. Glenn Beck's research two years ago found that the Federal Reserve, under Bernanke, dispersed $30 trillion to the world banks between 2008 and 2020.

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Strictly speaking, the Federal Reserve is not part of U.S. government expenditures.

It could be related, though.

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Perhaps under the US's good credit?

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Printing money indiscriminately and banks’ lending out money through a fractional lending system is much more insidious than both Ed Gifford in his book “The creature from Jekyll Island” and Rochard’s “Anatomy of the state” make it out to be.

Granted it dilutes saving and IRA’s but the real crime is that it devalues the "productive labor worth of the individual."

The simple example I give to the understanding of devaluing the labor worth of the individual and subsequently their self esteem is in the 1960s my father was a salesclerk. For his labor he was able to buy a house, put four children through college, owned a car and my mother stayed at home and taught us life lessons that I value to this day.

This was first realized by Karl Marx and explained in his book “Das Kapital” but since his solution to the problem was communism little is given to his understanding of labor as the productive worth of the individual in a society.

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Taxing the proceeds of production [income tax] is by far one of the worst offenders of the Constitution, it's theft of the individual, legalized.

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Edward Griffin ?

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G. Edward Griffin. Yes.

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it's not money it's currency. world of difference

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I am finding the author to be even more of a kindred spirit than I originally thought. I also started working for wages at about age 12. I also skipped the economic courses. I don't think that was much of a loss. though. Depending on your school, it was already economic indoctrination by the early 1960s. I will pick up the suggested reading material; but, by the posting, I have already figured out most of this and have read a variety of other materials that lead to similar conclusions.


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I'm a business major, took all the economics courses undergrad and graduate level. Even taught at the MBA level. BUT, I hesitate to state that one can understand it, as too many dynamics, some organic (naturally occurring) and some contrived (by governments, big business, etc..). So...IMO...the founders of America had it the most correct...allow citizens to have more freedom within a set of universal god-based laws, and see what happens...society thrived! Sometimes, the average citizen with their feet on the street have the best suggestions. In general, the more power that government extracts from citizens, the less better off the citizenry will be. So, you better brainwash the citizens...hence the propaganda.

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As with all disciplines, there is always room for new (and sometimes, old) thoughts. I probably express it differently, but a lot of it is common sense and allowing the best to rise to the top. Once you start to model, you introduce all sorts of assumptions and potential biases. (That holds true for epidemics, global warming, "climate change" and the "hard" sciences as well.) My discipline was chemistry. One of my late-in-life interests is trading in the markets. Some theorists will tell you trades represent random walks in direction. Individual trades do; but just as in gases, a large group of random movements creates pressures for balloons, winds, and airplane flight (properly harnessed). I consider this activity a blend of my science and some economics, plus a lot of painful experience.

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For those who REALLY want to deep-dive into Rothbard's economic thoughts, his 932 page ECONOMIC CONTROVERSIES will be akin to slogging through all three volumes of THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Another must read Rothbard book for those that want a less intense - but nevertheless (his) illuminating "thought" is his EGALITARIANISM AS A REVOLT AGAINST NATURE (and Other Essays).

Other Rothbard books available at www.mises.org (Ludwig Von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama.)

include: America's Great Depression; The Case Against the Fed; The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar; (4 volumes); Education: Free and Compulsory; The Ethics of Liberty; The History of Economic Thought ( 2 volumes); The Irrepressible Rothbard; The Logic of Action ( 2 volumes); Ludwig Von Mises: Scholar, Creator, Hero ( It was Von Mises that hooked Rothbard on Austrian Economic Theory- and was his mentor). Making Economic Sense; Man, Economy, and State; and As Dr, Malone mentions: What Has Government Done to Our Money? Can you say, TRASHED IT?

One thing that is certain, "governments" will NEVER let go of CONTROLLING money - NO matter what its form may be - from sea shells, precious metals, FIAT paper "money" - OR DIGITAL.

Know that Richard H. Clarida, Glen H. Hutchins, Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell are among the Regional Directors* of Federal Reserve Banks pushing for DIGITAL "money" to replace the FIAT PAPER dollar the "fed" has had a MONOPOLY to PRINT 24/7/365 since NINETEEN THIRTEEN, that NOW in 2024 AD, has reached the intersection of NEGATIVE NET VALUE..hardly 'worth' a plug nickel.

*Coincidentally, - all are also members of the "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS".

Once DIGITAL "currency" become "mandatory" - and "international", individual liberty and freedom will become extinct, innovation strangled and economies WILL collapse.

In the USSA, the IRS will rig the new "DIGITAL" system to DIRECTLY collect federal taxes on virtually EVERYTHING that is digitally transacted day and night. Income tax accountants and tax lawyers will also become extinct.

The human race is well on its proverbial way to hell in a "collective" hand-basket .

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Correct. Remember initially the US Gov...decried the use of digital currency...until the thieves figured out that if they create digital currency, then they can control it...and then they can control you....every way imaginable and unimaginable. The leftist power hungry deranged people have no limits. They are never satisfied as they have a brain defect.

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Yes, its called COMMUNISM -or MARXISM = SAME DAMN thing; with the END GAME being the STATE (bureaucrats) control EVERYTHING - INCLUDING human beings.

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Holy Crapp.

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Excellent comment Tom.

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Thanks you, Shelly!

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Make that THANK you ...

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Something weird happened to me as I was reading this. This is so intellectually presented it misses the other possibility. Analyze this till the cows come home and there is no solution until the concept of finance and money has a spiritual component. Not until the money changers of Jesus' time change their stripes (meaning consciousness) there will be no new answers.

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I must say I tend to agree. Crime and failure are baked in to the current operating basis.

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Fiat Money Banking requires inflation! Where does the money come from to pay the interest?

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Could be by adding digital dollars to the 12 fed res banks, one zero at a time.

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a printing press. . . well, lots of them!

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I was surprised to see that, in May, the House passed HR5403, CBDC Anti-surveillance State Act, "To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes."

I expect this goes nowhere with a Dem-controlled Senate and Brandon at the helm. But if things change for the better next year, maybe they'll run it through again.

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Thanks, was not aware James. NOT that it mattered.

I often wonder if the House is just a ruse to mollify the masses for a time. . . "pass something the "prolies" desire. Make them feel free." Then deep six it in the Senate or via a Presidents veto.

Slowly, slowly citizens tire of watching their elected elites; numbed to the tentacles creeping up their necks.

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That dear old guy is the GOP's MO.

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Funny Austrian Econ is not taught in the blessed universities!!!

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Not in USA universities. But apparently in Argentina

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Dr. Malone, thank you for the link. I will download and read. It's always good to broaden our horizons and actually THINK about what is presented, how it may affect our lives, and what agency we may have. And then SHARE!

Like yourself, I have always been "baffled" by various monetary theories, instruments, etc. I'm thinking maybe "modern money" is made incomprehensible on purpose.

But one thing about money (resources) . . . it evokes passion and conflict. This is evident in a number of the comments already made here.

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As concluded by Rothbard, the state is going to steal from us. According to me, a gap in public awareness regarding a central authority will suffice, in facilitating a criminal state. I would actually propose to fill that gap: https://markgmeyers.substack.com/p/complete-introduction-to-building

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I ordered the book.

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Thank you for sharing this book - I ordered one and am looking forward to reading it. I teach a couple of basic economics lessons to my 6th grade math students, and I will appreciate having a deeper understanding of how and why the government takes control of our money.

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