Agree with your conclusion, but there has to be criminal penalties for intentional fraudulent medical activity that harms. It was rampant in the preplanned Covid crisis. Just add up all those harmed by the wrong medical treatment dictated to the hospitals as well as the great harm including death from the injections! The phony 3.4% death rate was the trigger to create compliance.

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Their reply: just doing our job sir, the best we knew how. And if our best wasn't good enough it certainly should not be a punishable offense.

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Yea! Same mantra when 12 million souls went to the gas chambers in Europe!

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Indeed Thomas!

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nazis, democrats, commies and other rabid leftist vermin, have earned all the nasty coming their way

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I think we are in a long war.

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let us hope it does not turn into a shooting war,

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Yes absolutely, there should always be more accountability as to the outcome of any treatment. Failure to allow early treatment was a bureaucratic and medical crime

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People were denied ivermectin, it was ludicrous, and many died because of that. And, what happened in the hospitals was horrendous. I saw on CHD a woman who had a terrible reaction to the first dose, and her doctor frightened her into getting a booster which did far more damage, that she is still dealing with. What is that doctor's viewpoint now, how can he excuse himself? And thousands of doctors went into denial and harmed their patients. It just shows, we need different types of characters to offer medical treatment, people like Dr. Paul Thomas, people with courageous hearts and sensitive souls as well as intellect. Too many in the profession purely for money and status. Not all, but many.

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We who are now in our 70s, will need younger people to take up our banner when we cannot fight any longer. Work with someone 10 years younger so they can finish your work.

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excellent idea, also realize, if the shooting starts, us old farts are more expendable than the young farts

and we are meaner.

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We all know that vast sums of money have changed hands in the sale of souls here.

Me? Whether the time left to me is 30 days or 30 years, I'm committed to exposing and opposing these tyrants to the extent I am capable. And I'll do it pro bono, with no external motivation required.

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Dr. Malone right on! Scientific research is being supported by entreprenuers who are looking for a goose to lay a golden egg.. The question: Is there any honest research being done for the benefit of mankind? It appears that research today is based on finding expensive 'cures' for problems that could be better solved by removing the Cause(s).

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Throughout history, heretics and others who deviated from dogma were relentlessly ridiculed and severely persecuted. Today's targeting of those who question orthodoxy as "anti-science" is the modern continuation of that repressive dynamic.

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If there was justice to be found today, fauci would have all his purloined wealth taken from him, his $300K retirement annulled and be sent to prison with brix; neither should never see free daylight again. As for collins, I guess impalement is beyond the pale for him.

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Sen. Rand Paul has reappeared on the warpath in the last day or two talking about NIH/NIAID and USAID, gain-of-function research, what was known and when. I always welcome his efforts.

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Senator Paul does complain (15 agencies said nothing) but to be effective he has to pursue a strategy that will force change.

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All criminal referrals pass to a Garland DOJ that is protecting Fauci with a detail of federal marshals under Garland's authority. I don't see how progress is possible unless/until a new AG is appointed. But we all hope that day is coming.

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He is part of the body that oversees the entire dept of human services and appropriates is funding. That is the course of action I was elluding to.

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The House holds the purse strings, right?

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But budgets don't passes without Senate approval.

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Yes, but no small part of the problem is by 1 vote with a herd of rhinos. I'm under the impression the budget has passed sans impact on our positions on these issues.

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And We hold the rope ...

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The situation is revolting ...

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Gain of Function research done by a friend of mine in the U.S. Military in the 1980’s.

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I think they should both be forced to take monthly injections of their own medicine--as an experiment.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Micheal, "If there was justice to be found" is the key and we all know the pitfalls of human observation. So often eye witnesses miss the mark of identification due to many factors and innocent people pay the price.

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where is Vlad when you need him

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Somewhere else

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mmmmmm, Dam Pyres of impaled leftist rodents, mmmmmmmm

better bring a ton of quicklime

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Thanks for including Brix.

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In my eyes the medical establishment has screwed themselves. First it’s push of a knowingly faulty product. We see in the huge drop in vaccinations people have figured out that their “science” is bullshit. Not only the ineffectiveness, but the horrible adverse reactions that we all have seen with our own eyes. Next is the mask mandates. I just heard of a large company with 40 thousand employees that just wouldn’t wear the masks. The company had to drop their mandate. And of coarse we have all found out about their ridiculous social distancing debacle where no science at all was used to determine 6 feet. The truly final way people like Fauci and Hotez have screwed themselves is spiritually, they have sold their souls. In my life I’ve never seen so many sociopaths clustered together that will go to their graves without asking for forgiveness for the damage and horror they have caused so many by their own hand. God is all forgiving but you must ask for forgiveness to receive it. Amazingly, and I may be wrong, I have not heard of one person from this blob of medical people ask to be forgiven for the harms they have caused so many. By their own unwillingness to not make this right with God and the people they have harmed they will perish in hell. J.Goodrich

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"In my life I’ve never seen so many sociopaths clustered together..." Indeed!

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J Peterson points out, when the sociopathic rabid rodents hit about 10 percent of the population, enough get into power to cause a lot of destruction.

that's when society tends to get rid of about 90 percent of the rabid sociopaths.

humans are good at fixing slow moving disasters, and the leftist rodents are a slow moving disaster,

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Man the traps!!!!!

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Substitute psychopath for sociopath.

We may not see it, but these corrupt individuals have already lost. Consider it karma, or "the mills of God grind exceedingly fine."

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ddc how have you been? I was trying to get a picture of my dads Belair. Your probably correct with psychopath. I had read that the Nazis injected petroleum products (I think diesel fuel) into Jewish people just to see what would happen, so when they injected these dna altering chemicals into people knowing that people would suffer death, strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, autoimmune disease, etc, really this was worse because they knew what would happen. The other thing is the scale of this is really incredible with billions of shots administered, all these harms done for money and power. I’m not so sure asking forgiveness would change their descent but without asking they certainly won’t get it, at least that’s what they say.

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Hi James. Doing well and enjoying the Spring here in Minnesota. Just took out of storage my '65 Chevy BelAir and '64 Mercury Comet, and I should be getting my '38 Hudson back from the shop (and all finished) within the next couple weeks. Love Spring!

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Sounds like a great spring line up!! It’s been good here about 60 for daily highs. Reregistered the Goat for another year. Will have to get sticker soon so I can drive it without the gippers pulling me ova as they say out here around Boston. Looking forward to a nice summer cruise up to Wolfboro for lunch and the wife likes to shop a bit. Good luck with the cars hopefully you’ll have a good full season. BTW I’m doing a little work at my cousins today , the one that had the Jade Idol…

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I believe there needs to be a LOUD NOISE made James, for We The People to DEMAND analysis, intent and retribution (justice). This would seem like a task suitable to Dr David Martin, or even the good Doctor Malone himself. I truly believe we at a point of history where if We The People do not stand up and demonstrate Courage "the enemy" will continue on its horrifying journey to destroy the whole bloody world as we knew it.


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Les, I think you’re right. Many times things happen slowly and then all at once like a door slamming it hits home. People have definitely rounded the corner with what has happened but as things get worse, and they will, I really don’t think people will stay seated forever. Eventually when things get bad enough, when they finally crash the dollar, I believe millions will go to DC and tell the war mungers their time is up, enough is enough.

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Indeed, they may well have all colors and creeds knocking on their door this time...

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If only "they will perish in Hell". By now, if that were true, enough would have perished to make a difference. I wish that I was as positive as you are, James. I still see too many not "getting it". We go round and round...I'm watching The history of Julius Caesar, sounds like today in most respects. Ouch.

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I hear you believe me I have my down days as I’m sure you have read. But many people have caught on. Sometimes I think people that got the shots and even made their kids get the shots can’t admit it was a mistake. I think a lot of doctors are the same. So many people were led to believe it was the right thing to do. It’s really sad if you think about what they have done and how they did it. There was a video of Fauci before the virus started, talking about how they need to get people to willingly take the shots because of the fear of getting sick and dying. I believe he was talking to Big Pharma representatives. I saw the video but couldn’t find it again. To me it was one of the smoking guns of what they did.

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The danger is when they don't admit the mistake, they are apt to repeat it, and the door is left open for disease X hysteria.

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Fauci is like one big clot shot!

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These people should not be allowed to slink away, they should be called out. Dr. Phil didn't tolerate Whoopie Goldberg's nonsense and called it out. This has to gather momentum, the hubris has to be broken to humility, not to humiliate but to protect from more abuse toward those who saw the writing on the wall early on.

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Nice article depicted the science of propaganda. The anti-science campaign is part of the Orwellian newspeak where up is down, science is fiction, and fiction is science. The criminals will keep lying until they are jailed or politically castrated. Keeping a firm grip on reality is our best defense. Regrettably, in this war, many will lose their grip and succumb. There are enough of us who won't as illustrated by the recent refusal of a California hospital staff to submit to mandatory masking requirements that the hospital attempted to re-install that the globalists are going to eventually be on the run, with their tails between their legs. I will savor the moment, as will millions of others.

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This acknowledgement by the RSPH of the quackery performance should be used to stop the WHO dead in their tracks. It proves that 'One Person' or group of individuals should never be allowed to take the reins of any health concern.

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And this is EXACTLY WHY Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution excludes healthcare. Human nature is corrupt; we must keep the federal government limited and closer to the people who can keep an eye on the shenanigans of policy makers or the taxpayers will be ripped off.

Ok, it does say that Congress shall provide for “the general Welfare,” defined as “welfare n. 1. health, happiness, or prosperity; well-being.” Taxpayers spent over $49B on NIH in F2023. For that kind of money, you would think “general” would be capitalized using an uppercase “G” and not the lowercase “g” as it was written in the Constitution.

How many taxpayers could argue that Gain of Research funding DID NOT increase American health, happiness, prosperity or well-being? In fact, we know it was quite the opposite. Meanwhile, Fauci will continue to collect a 300K pension from the taxpayers each year and thumb his nose in our faces.

We Must Reduce our Federal Government and utilize the 10th Amendment if America is to survive! Just think of how money we could save not having these corrupt and wasteful agencies Harming us!

We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!

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Ome of our failings, IMO, is we have given up on meaningful oversight. At the start of the pandemic we and people's around the world regarded our Public Health operations as the "Gold Standard" dedicated to peoples well being with the best answers. Almost all fell in line until the dike started cracking and little leaks surfaced. Some still today remain "True Believers "

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I think your right Jean, they used their gold standard to coerce shots into peoples arms. Now we see the bloody hole in their foot by their own pulling of the trigger. They knew of the adverse reactions but what scares me is their ignorance of long term effects.

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To ne sure. To me, that's where.praying.is the best answer

As time goes on, any problems wil begin surface and our good docs can dig in with ways to help.

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Medical treatment seems to have been more about money than care since before the 50s, certainly the 60s. The synthesizing of plants into “medicine” is the key to the money over health machine that has been eroding the medical industry for 70-80 years. Our food and water is full of contaminants and chemicals that are poisoning us slowly but surely, unless you are fortunate to be eating local, which our great bureaucrats are trying to inhibit. 🤬

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When you can 'buy the science' it becomes obsolete. Yes, the narrative of Gorski, Fauci, et al. did age badly. It is a case of the blind following the blind if we outsource public health protocols to the WHO. We will enter a very dark age. I don't see how we can avoid it though with Gates pulling so many of the strings, he can buy off anyone and any institution it seems and has been on a roll for a long time. Trying to overhaul the media, academia, the CDC etc...is impossible without laws that prohibit the conflicts of interest that have brought us here. A repeal of the 1986 NCVIA would be a nice place to start, as it would stop the damage to school age kids. We can deal with the adults later; they have more leverage.

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The Gates Prize will replace the Nobel Prize if we don’t wake up.

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Perhaps he (Gates, Fauci, Tedros )is the reincarnation of Caesar that I have been watching a docu- drama about. Stay to the line is all we can do sometimes, Rita.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

That was such a good read. I thought very highly of these two valuable points:

scientific method is a means to gaining new knowledge, not truth. Of note, scientific approaches only produce data. It is the process of deliberation amongst scientists (and other stakeholders) [51] that results in accepted new knowledge, which ultimately will be modified by future findings. Only the application of the best available knowledge can lead to “wise decision-making” [52], particularly when facilitated within democratic procedures.

Rather than uncritically continuing to perpetuate the “follow the science” vs “anti-science” dichotomy, let us all look in the mirror and reflect what really constitutes science.

Being open-minded and critical does not immediately equate to being “anti-science”, as some medical and political thought leaders want us to believe.

Now, at first glance my thought was "The Royal Society for Public Health"? The Sanitary Institute was established in 1876 following the landmark Public Health Act of 1875. In 1904, it was tagged Royal Sanitary Institute which name it held until 1955. It established a meat and food inspection course in 1896, and in 1899 a separate meat inspectors examination. RSPH was formed with the merger of Royal Society of Health and Royal Institute of Public Health in October 2008, under a previous Chief Executive, Professor Richard Parish, CBE. Royal Society of Health was also known as the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. Today, RSPH is the longest-established public health organisation in the United Kingdom. It is incorporated by Royal Charter COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT OF GOVERNMENT and of any special interest. Members are academics, health professionals and practitioners who share an interest in promoting health through their daily work, and come together through RSPH membership to provide cross-cutting, multi-disciplinary perspectives on current health questions.

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What caught my eye was "Scientists can become the worst enemies of science" and your last sentence is the key, as well as some inner change of direction to make the lure of position and fame secondary to truth and courage to speak the truth as best as can be told, and the humility to make the change when necessary.

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The lure of position and fame is powerful, and people are easily bought. We either vet for character in the first place, and have few candidates, or remove the corrupting reward system itself, replacing it with the pure rewards of academia and merit in and of itself, with fair remuneration.

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Corruption? There is a list in the video of those in congress whose love of money is obvious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXuzS0cpDJk Glenn Beck Bought and Paid for Documentary - Congress

Well, the list is not on this one but the preview that Glenn did before this - but you have to be a BlazeTV subscriber for the documentaries he does not put on YouTube.

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How strange!

The generation that screamed "QUESTION EVERYTHING" and "DON'T TRUST ANYONE OVER 40" has degenerated into "TRUST THE SCIENCE" and "THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED".

The one thing remaining constant for the last 60 years, however, is the power that money exerts on so-called unbiased research.

The reaction to Covid has set Science back decades, while faith in medicine has been nearly destroyed.

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I believe pharma's control over the media is a project started probably 20 yrs or more ago. I am a 70 yr old who grew up watching the nightly news and reading a daily newspaper. I may have said it before here but back somewhere around my 20 yrs ago I noticed when the news came on at 6:00, all ads were by the drug companies. I commented about this to others then that they would never present any bad stories on the drug companies as that was their bread and butter now. I quit watching the nightly news because of that about 15 yrs ago and I think their covid coverage just proves me right.

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"Not everybody gets a vote on how to fly the plane,” an awkward analogy at best, as regards who should have the keys to the scientific kingdom. Seems "The Science" has taken the place of god in many peoples consciousness, and those who currently covet it's riches are loathe to relinquish its power. But the commandeering of our language has been to my mind the most subversive and insidious form of control. It has facilitated the taking over of world institutions including our government. As the control has escalated the despair and anger from those who are its target has become palpable. Were these vacuous fools in the White House, European Union, WHO and WEF more enlightened , they might have succeeded in pulling the wool over the worlds' eyes. Instead they have brought misery, sickness, death, and violence. They have divided us with the intent to conquer and they have lied oh so many times, and are still lying. I feel an awakening, but I also feel an impending fall. The criminals are still in the hen house, and they are oh so busy. None have been brought to justice, only their victims have suffered, and are suffering still. We have to change that somehow.

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Note Califf testimony to Congress yesterday. Ivermetin doesn't work for Covid 19 treatment and it's dangerous! More poison for our cups.

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What? I thought that was a dead horse. Here comes the resurrection!

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

For the FDA they hope. Although they engage in some careful dancing around their new position. If you have Epoch Times Steiber has an excellent column on the course of events. FDA was doing a limited hangout with their evade full fledged litigation strategy.

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Thanks! These people are not stopping, they have no shame nor conscience, just a lust for power, dominance and moola. Indeed, we are living in the most strangest of times.

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Thank you so very much for this outstanding essay. Over this Covid experience had pretty much formed an opinion as to what "science" isn't. Had not developed an effective definition of what "Science" is. Thank you for your inimitable help! I've read several articles lately that more or less posited the oligarchs are trying to restore a population that accepts what they/ their experts assert are "The Truths of a matter/issue et al." The people's will not look for any other answers and will obey without question the diktats. Certainly the "Science" they are advancing fits into such an objective. I appreciate particularly, your point, that accepting such a diktat would lock us in. Progress is needed. Censorship is deadly to well being. I'm offering a couple OFF TOPICS below, that we may want to chew on at a later date, to mirror the trend

American Thinker article

April 9, 2024

Doctoring So Easy, Even a Caveman Can Do It

Milli Sands

AI will be the last nail in the healthcare provider’s coffin. Technological advances will usher in the Era of the Stupid Physician, just as DEI brings us the woke, brain-dead med student.

EPOCH Times 4/11 Steiber

FDA Commissioner: Ivermectin Has ‘No Benefit’ Against COVID-19

“If you look at the randomized trials of ivermectin, and there’s many of them now, there is no benefit of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID,” Dr. Robert Califf said in Washington during a congressional hearing. He also said there were risks to taking the drug.

-and more-

Thanks again! Eagerly anticipating you and Jan live at 1 tomorrow!

Bestest and Success ♡♡♡

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