"University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small." - Henry Kissinger
I suspect that the weaponization of language to advance political agendas is probably as old as language itself. In my experience, many if not most human primates are quite socially competitive. Many humans will weaponize almost anything available, whether it be sticks or stones, words, political agendas or academic policies to advance personal or group/tribal interests. And many academics do seem to have a particular bent towards unusually aggressive political competitiveness, often associated with a jealous streak. In my experience.
Sayre's law states "In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake." By way of corollary, it adds: "That is why academic politics are so bitter." Sayre's law is named after Wallace Stanley Sayre (1905–1972), U.S. political scientist and professor at Columbia University.
Dr. Peter Hotez has recently published an opinion piece in an obscure academic journal in which he constructs a false equivalence between right wing politics, “Antiscience”, vaccine and vax mandate hesitancy (“Antivaxxer”), and antisemitism.
Link to the text of this article here.
Dr. Hotez has repeatedly pushed this false equivalence, including in prior interviews:
Link to the text of this interview here.
According to this article, In his forthcoming book, The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: How Health Freedom Propaganda Endangers the World (Johns Hopkins Press anticipated 2023), Hotez estimates that 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives from COVID during the last half of 2021 alone, which he largely blames on propaganda from the far right.
‘Death By Anti-Science’: Dr. Peter Hotez On Vaccine Disinformation
Sep 15, 2021
Another grim and tragic pandemic milestone has been reached today. In this country, we've now lost one in 500 Americans to COVID-19. Still, people like Tucker Carlson can't let any chance at disseminating disinformation slip away from him. Doubling down, last night on Nicki Minaj's tweet from two days ago, an unproven claim about a vaccine side effect that isn't an account from her cousin's friend, criticized by scientists and doctors as false information.
<Editors note- That statistic cited is significantly inflated due to perverse financial incentives provided by the USG to hospitals and physicians to over-report deaths associated with a positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR test as deaths due to COVID.>
Tucker Carlson:
We haven't been able to figure out whether this show is broadcast in Trinidad, but if Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend is watching, or his former fiance is watching, we want to hear your story. We'll come to Port of Spain to see you.
<Editors note- It turns out that the vaccine-associated adverse effect in question was previously reported by others in the VAERS database>
Let's go to Trinidad to hear the story. Let's bring into our coverage, Dr. Peter Hotez, co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children's Hospital and the Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. You've been warning about vaccine disinformation. I know you have literally written the book about it, so I don't want to ask you your surprise, but are you discouraged by how much heat and energy is behind the right wing disinformation campaign being waged all day every day?Dr. Peter Hotez:
Nicole, I think by next week we're going to reach 675,000 Americans who've lost their life from COVID-19. That number is significant because that's the CDC's estimate of the number of people who died in the 1918 to 1921 flu pandemic. So we're about to exceed that, and we're going to reach around 800,000 deaths by the end of the year. And so many of those deaths were not only from the SARS-2 coronavirus, it was defiance, defiance against vaccines, especially in the last few months. This is death by anti-science, and a lot of this has been coming out of the nighttime Fox News anchors, this disinformation.And I'm often asked about Tucker Carlson or the others, Laura Ingram. I don't know. And what I say is, look, I don't think this has anything to do with the individual Fox anchors. This is coming from the top. This is a war of aggression against science and scientists coming out of Fox News as part of a larger authoritarian effort to discredit science and scientists, and I don't really really know what the motivation is, but it's having just a devastating effect. Just since May alone, Nicole, a hundred thousand Americans who have lost their lives, almost all of them unvaccinated despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines. These are a hundred thousand lives that never had to be lost. And then it's goes beyond heartbreaking.
<Editors note: Actually, to the extent that those lives lost were actually attributable to COVID-19 disease, we now know that almost all could have been prevented with early treatment using repurposed drugs. And we also know that the “vaccines” were neither safe nor effective in preventing infection, replication, and spread of the virus. And that the mortality attributed to COVID-19 in the USA was among the worst in the world.>
The Pope today weighed in saying this, "humanity has a history of friendship with vaccines." Does that help? I mean, can we still be helped by reassurances on the other side of the equation?Dr. Peter Hotez:
Oh, absolutely. And we need the clergy to step up in a big way. And so yes, absolutely. The Pope has a lot of influence and the Vatican has been pretty strong on vaccines and vaccinations in recent history, so that certainly helps. But we've got now so much of these anti-vaccine, anti-science sentiment coming out of the far right, and tragically, people are defining their allegiance. They're defining their belonging to a group by defining vaccines. And now you're starting to see this move up into Canada as well. So we've been exporting this anti-science aggression from the far right, and we've also seen similar health freedom phony language like that used now in the UK and in Europe. So we export our culture and we're exporting this.
<Editors note: The Pope strongly endorsed the Pfizer mRNA “vaccine” at the time, despite knowing that there was a convent in Europe where a large number of nuns died after receiving that product.>
So who is Dr. Peter Hotez?
Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, is Texas Children’s Hospital Endowed Chair for Tropical Pediatrics, and Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. He previously served as president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) and as U.S. Science Envoy for the White House and State Department under Barack Obama. The Sabin Vaccine Institute was founded 1993 by Heloisa Sabin, his widow, Dr. H.R. Shepherd, the Founding Chairman, and Dr. Philip K. Russell, the Founding President, and Dr. Hotez succeeded Dr. Russell in this position. Major General (Ret) Philip King Russell was also both a founder of IAVI and the most senior US biowarfare/biodefense expert until his death in 2021. Dr. Hotez has long been seen as both a key academic ally and a potential successor to Dr. Anthony Fauci upon his dual positions heading both NIAID and the US Biodefense enterprise.
Of note is that COVID expert and early treatment advocate Dr. Peter McCullough also was once a full professor and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center. I have often wondered whether Dr. Hotez played any role in the Baylor University railroading of Dr. McCullough.
How does Dr. Peter Hotez document and support these claims?
Dr. Hotez cites the following in his recent editorial published in the Rambam Maimonides Med Journal:
“a Washington DC-based watchdog group, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, recently identified 12 empowered or well-financed individuals, the “disinformation dozen,” who (either by themselves or by their organizations) generate much of this antivaccine content.”
We have previously examined the claims of the “Center for Countering Digital Hate”, which is a recently created fringe astroturf organization with ties to the US Intelligence community, and which repeatedly has attempted to associate vaccine hesitancy and questioning the safety and effectiveness of the COVID genetic vaccines with anti-semitism. The CCDH accusations are based on vague indirect associations and innuendo. By way of COI disclosure, the CCDH has referred to me as an “Extremist influencer” but provides no evidence to support that claim, or even bothers to define what they consider an “extremest influencer” to be. Basically, this is just a pop up organization which gathers funding to smear, slander, and demean others. But the unexamined and unsupported defamatory claims of this organization was the basis for the Biden White House accusing US citizens of being the “disinformation dozen”.
You can find these essays here and here.
Dr. Hotez continues:
I am Jewish, I eventually experienced first-hand multiple anti-Semitic statements and threats online (see Figure 1 for examples). Two themes predominated. First there were overt threats or expressions of hatred because I was Jewish. More frequently, however, there were hurtful attempts to accuse me (as well as my colleagues who vaccinate) of perpetrating crimes equivalent to those committed during the Holocaust. Antivaxxers love their Nazi analogies, and I was ultimately compared to the infamous Dr Mengele because I am a scientist who conducts vaccine research, and because I “experimented” on my daughter by ensuring that she still received her recommended vaccinations despite an autism diagnosis. Later emails appearing in my inbox openly expressed their desire to see me hang after some sort of new-age Nuremberg tribunal (Figure 1, top left). I was not alone—a pattern emerged in which Jewish physicians and scientists who conducted vaccine research or advocated for vaccinations were singled out and targeted with Nazi imagery
As I examine Figure 1, I do not see anti-semitic comments. Rather what I observe is typical internet trollery and hate, the likes of which I receive daily - including frequent accusations that I am a mass murderer for having made my 1988-1991 discoveries and inventions involving mRNA delivery and use for medical and vaccine purposes. Although I spent quite a bit of time as a youth in the household of Aaron Roberts, who was both Jewish and my best friend, I am a gentile. But I still frequently receive this type of hate.
Dr. Hotez then goes on to make yet another false and unsubstantiated association mixing fact with his own speculations:
In parallel, antivaccine activists targeted insular Orthodox Jewish groups in New York and New Jersey, holding town hall meetings while distributing pamphlets with disinformation. Vaccination rates declined and an outbreak of more than 300 measles cases ensued among these groups in Rockland County and elsewhere in New York in 2018–2019, requiring multiple hospitalizations and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions. The extent of antivaccine activism among Haredi communities and how much it arose organically versus deliberate targeting by outside forces requires additional study.
This statement by Dr. Hotez is both paternalistic and ignorant. The truth is that the orthodox Jewish communities of New York and New Jersey are perfectly capable of independently assessing the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, held multiple hearings and convened a Rabbinical court in November 2021 to make their own assessments of the safety and efficacy of the genetic COVID vaccines.
It turns out that they were among the first to detect the effects of these products on the female reproductive cycle (a critical topic in their communities), and made an accurate and correct assessment of this risk. This was done at their behest - I participated in those hearings, and can assure all concerned that I was very actively challenged in multiple meetings with highly informed physicians and rabbis from those communities. I recommend reading their conclusions, which have withstood the test of time and remain as valid today as they were then. If only the FDA and CDC had been as rigorous and open minded in their assessments during the fall of 2021.
Recordings of those hearings can be found here.
The resulting decision of the Rabbinical court can be found here and below:
By the grace of the Alm-ghty
26th of Marcheshvan, 5782
November 1, ‘21
Official translation of the Halachic delineation
rendered and signed on the 22 nd of Marcheshvan (after hearing eight hours of
testimony from experts and other witnesses), with partial additional elaboration:
We the undersigned convened together to render judgement regarding the new "Covid 19 vaccine" (which we shall henceforth refer to as "injection", "vaccine", or "mRNA", although our intention is to include the "Adenoviral vector DNA" vaccine as well), and we heard testimonies from experts whose expertise is in this field. We also heard from doctors who invented and manufactured the mRNA, who testified as to its function (most doctors in medical practice are not experts in these matters at all, and from our experience and as is well‐known, they merely relate the information provided to them by the NIH, CDC, etc.).They illustrated to us the profound danger and harm inherent in this new technology. They showed us how the governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical companies deny this fact, and how they conceal the data, making it so difficult for the public to realize the severe adverse reactions and mortalities that have befallen so many people who received the injection. We were also made privy to how they withhold the said information through various means, preventing the injuries and deaths from being publicized by the media or on the internet, as known.
We also heard testimonies from our fellow Jews who suffered injuries, and even worse Heaven forfend, and also how this injection is harmful to procreation and fertility. And most importantly – we heard how there are tested and simple medications that have been successful in treating this disease, yet the governmental agencies have denied this, and even outlawed the said medications, doing everything they can to promote fear, not health – despite the fact that they themselves were aware that these medications work.
And now they have approved the mRNA for children as well – for whom it is universally known and is accepted fact that the disease presents no risk of danger – and their intention is to mandate the injection for children as a requisite for attending yeshivas and religious girls' schools, Heaven forbid. The evidence presented, which includes reports of injuries actually due to the vaccine, or reasonably suspected to be due to the vaccine, as well as scientific knowledge suggesting the vaccine will cause, or may reasonably be suspected to cause harm (until proven to the contrary by adequate testing), provides a level of concern that exceeds Halachic standards.
Therefore, we hereby express our rabbinic decision, as per the teachings of our holy Torah – a definitive Halachic ruling:
1) It is absolutely forbidden to administer or even to promote this injection to children, adolescents, young men or women; even if it means that they will not be permitted by the government to attend yeshiva or seminary or to study abroad, etc.
It is an explicit obligation to protest against this mandate, and anyone who can prevent the injection from being forced upon our youth must do so, forthrightly and emphatically.The above admonition is in addition to the otherwise Halachically reprehensible nature of the injection:
1) due to its Halachically problematic ingredients; 2) due to the fact that no one is liable for the possible damages caused by the injection,
unlike most other contemporary medical treatments and therapies; and 3) because administering the injection to one's child assists the
government in forcing other children to take it as well.
2) Much harm appears to be caused to pregnant women as a result of the injection (possibly due to the antibodies that the body develops against the protein called Syncytin‐1, or from the SM102, or from the micro blood clots caused by the
injection. The common denominator here is that it is harmful for a pregnant woman, and that it may be considered a violation of the prohibition of sterilization or preventing fertility). As such, it is forbidden for them to take this injection.
Included in this are all healthy adults who are of child‐bearing age – they too should stay away from the said injection. There are many reports of women who do not stop bleeding for many months as a result of taking the injection, making it impossible for them to achieve ritual purity, Heaven forbid. And for men, there are many reports of the injection leading to deficiencies in potency, Heaven forbid).Significant follow‐up acknowledgement:
We have been advised that the product label for the Pfizer injection states “Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine‐associated risks in pregnancy.” We have also been advised that the CDC is conducting studies where there is an “urgent need” to study the effect of the vaccines in pregnancy. We have been further advised that the product label for the Pfizer
vaccine states that it has “not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility.” We consider that the risks inherent in these statements are Halachically unacceptable.3) For older adults and the elderly, further clarification is needed (but as mentioned above, there are efforts to obscure the data, and it is presently difficult to attain accurate clarification). However, practically we have seen breakthrough cases,
indicating that there is no substantial difference between those who received the mRNA and those who did not. The number of Covid patients are about the same, comparatively, in both demographics.It has also come to our attention, thanks to the testimony of an attorney who closely monitors the promulgation of misinformation, who showed us how to interpret the true reality and frequency of injuries and mortalities from the data being shared. It should be known that much of the data the government agencies report is deceitful.
For example, a Covid death that occurs in a person after receiving the injection, if it happened within fourteen days of receiving the injection, is listed as an "unvaccinated" death. For the sake of brevity, we will not go into further particulars; but let it suffice to say that there are more examples of this gross misrepresentation.
In order to ascertain the truth and arrive at accurate findings, we really must examine the matter further – to the best of our ability. Alternatively, there are many injuries and risks involved which can reasonably be suspected as having been caused by the injection for adults and senior citizens as well, for we have witnessed many elders who passed away shortly after receiving
the mRNA.Therefore – it is best to err on the side of caution and abstain from taking the injection, rather than endangering one's life by performing an action that can engender immediate and direct harm. Especially since there are other medical treatments that work, as mentioned, and that are not harmful. (It is also proper to emphasize the importance of using the treatments very early, which has been shown to enhance their effectiveness. In addition, we cannot understate the importance of becoming more educated about the true facts – for example, by watching the testimonies – and in this way, assuaging the fear which has overtaken so many).
4) We have heard testimonies from individuals and from experts in the medical field, suggesting that it may be dangerous for pregnant women to be around people who have had the injection. This can be due to a phenomenon called "shedding,"
as it pertains to some types of vaccinations and gene therapies as discussed in the FDA’s guidance on shedding from gene therapies. It is unclear whether it applies to the gene product only (the spike protein) or also to the genetic message (the mRNA or the adenoviral vector). It is unclear how long the shedding might be taking place – i.e. how long a recipient of the injection can affect a pregnant woman by being in her proximity. Hence, it is best to err on the side of caution – a minimum recommendation of distancing oneself from a pregnant woman for at least two weeks after receiving the injection is strongly suggested (although some have suggested that the effect may last up to ten months, or may even be indefinite).5) The prohibition (Leviticus 19:14) of putting a stumbling block in front of a blind person – i.e. assisting or enabling a person to violate a transgression – includes verbal encouragement, offering monetary incentives or other bribes, verbal pressure or actual threats, to coerce employees, etc., to receive the mRNA.
In all the above, we only taken into account the tragedies that have already befallen our community members – not long term effects, premonitions and frightening forecasts expressed in many of the testimonies we heard. May the Alm‐ghty save us. May the One who said "enough" when creating the world – say "enough" to our suffering.
Signed by:
Harav Shlomo Alexander Halevi Pollak, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek*
Rav of Chelek Levi, Beis Hamedrash of Serentch, and head of the Kollel Vasikin and Rashbi – Lakewood, NJ
Harav Yoel Moshe Friedman, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek*
Rav of Toras Chaim, Beis Hamedrash of Rivnitz, and presiding over Yeshiva Divrei Menachem – Monsey, NY
Harav Doniel Yonoson Green, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek*
Rav, director of Keystone Jewish Center, communal guide and activist, Talmudic instructor – Crown Heights, NY
* Halachic authority, member of rabbinical court
I asked my Jewish colleague Dr. Eric Feintuch, D.C. to also comment on Dr. Hotez’ essay equating vaccine concerns with anti-semitism. Dr. Feintuch was the moderator of the only rabbinical decision handed down by rabbis in North America on Covid-19 (above), which makes it clear that no children should be forced to take this “shot” nor are pregnant woman allowed, in the absence of long term safety studies as well as in light of empirical data. Here are his comments:
Traditionally, I don’t believe the rabbis will directly write a rebuttal or publish a statement. However, as the moderator of the only Rabbincial decision in the US on COVID 19, I can get their input into the exact issues that he historically chronicled. There is no doubt scientists of Jewish heritage made significant contributions in developing vaccines. Which, at least in principle, where designed to protect and honor the sanctity of life.
However, the use of religion under the guise of spreading antiscience and antisemitism doctrine that Hotez is using is a vain attempt to shield and attempt to “cover” the not so casual relationship between promoting a “failed gene therapy” masquerading as a vaccine.
COVID 19 nano-lipid gene therapy is supported by its ability to minimally raise antibodies at best, and at worse, create significant heart problems in between 1 and 300 to 1 and 3000 children worldwide, which theoretically may depend on the remaining “active” mRNA that “serendipitously,” no longer needs sub-zero temperatures to store! FDA has lost its “regulatory teeth” and does not have a proper budget to effectively oversight “purity and safety”, and now we are going to force children by the CDC “suggestion” that the Covid shot be included in the childhood schedule, in the absence of safety and long term health outcome studies!
The big pharma “cure” involving genetic vaccines is multitudes “worse than the disease”, especially in children. The fact that the CDC’s “cure” has been written into the vaccine childhood schedule is an affront to all previous “vaccines” and should makes us as a society take pause and to reflect. Just how shoddy the studies might have been done through the last century - when those diseases which purportedly were “cured” with the DPT shot. The “D” in DPT is “Diphtheria”, and it still is a part of the required childhood schedule. The treatment of diptheria according to standard medical treatment is to administer a simple antibiotic called “amoxicillin”. So why is “Diptheria” still part of the vaccine schedule? Is it, like in the famous tale of the “Fiddler on the Roof”, there because of something called “Tradition!” or is its inclusion a relic of the past?
Is it not time to re-examine our whole childhood vaccine schedule again, with new citizen oversight boards? The fabric of health of our youth in our nation is being destroyed. Are “vaccines” a big part of the declining health of our young as compared to other industrialized nations? Aren’t we 37/39th in infant mortality? When you look at studies that refute whether autism is created by the vaccine schedule (72+ now 18 more thanks to suggested COVID shots every year) does anyone even bother to look who sponsored that research?
As thinking human beings, are we not allowed to question the “new religion of science”, and if we do, should we be censored, and our professional license be revoked? For the act of questioning?
Dr. Hotez has made declarations that if you were to question the vaccine schedule or anything on it, you should be excommunicated from society with all your rights being withdrawn! We can see him say those exact words on many interviews in his attempt to trivialize and place vaccine hesitancy on all those that question “the holy science” even suggested they were killers! The king of England that we fought so hard to separate ourselves from would be gleeful in hearing the words from a US citizen like Hotez, a non-elected citizen, threatening US citizens who question the efficacy of Pfizer trials who wanted to see how the scientific method was utilized during every phase of the development of this “gene therapy”. The doctors across this great country are giving a medicine/drug/gene therapy that has “no scientific” data to support its efficacy, strength or toxicity, which is required of ALL licensed drugs in the US!
So the answer that Hotez will rebut with is the number of deaths caused by diptheria in 1920, 30’s and 40’s with absolutely zero data in close to a 100 years about why it still needs to be a part of the childhood schedule when a simple antibiotic developed after the vaccine was developed in 1940, can treat simply. Is this expedient, scientifically justified or just “tradition”?
Science has become the new religion!
One that is now attempting to rule over all elected governments in the name of “holy science” under the name “WHO”, who with its “pandemic treaty” under the flag of holy science, declares itself “king over all sovereign nations”, one step away from our own nation allowing its authority to be usurped by a group of unelected authoritarians “in the name of science” All religions have been demoted and a new religion has taken its place, “in the name of Science”, even though our constitution it clearly inscribed in our nation’s 1st amendment, that government shall not “create a religion”. Yet here we are, and they are doing it right under our noses and allowing foreign powers to take nation without firing a shot! The WHO’s pandemic treaty is all about who has the power to declare a state of emergency, and the Biden administration has functionally handed over that power to the WHO who are active arm of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, under the guise of the “holy church of science”
A step above God, unapproachable and in no need of defending itself as long as it calls itself “Science”.
So is Hotez the new Rabbi of the Holy Science, Fauci’s successor? It appears this article was designed to elevate a new “tooth fairy” tale that questions the rights of anyone that questions anything science as “antiscience”. And just because you question science doesn’t make you antisemític because many Jewish people work in heath sciences. So if the goal of Hotez is to talk about the history of vaccine development as a Jewish endeavor and to not accept that Pfizer and the government wanted 76 years to release the trial data as a anti-semitic thing, hogwash!
Hotez expects us all to bow down to medical doctors and take our shots like good citizens should do, irregardless of the fact that some of you will get sick and some of you will die! Its 2023, multiple US government agencies sole mission, in writings both on their websites and in arguments presented to our courts, argue that the government has the right to inject you with an experimental gene therapy! This is only a thinly guided excuse to get jabs into every person on earth from the womb to the tomb!
Big Pharma is on the march and their connection of our government, WHO, WEF and companies like Pfizer, Moderna and other “Prep Act beneficiaries” are inseparable and this is undeniable. It’s time for an immediate pause to this gene therapy and to start over and examine the process by which our regulatory agencies have become incestous with our for-profit pharmaceutical companies before more sins against our children are committed. I’m sorry, but injecting children with this gene therapy, without long term studies on safety is unethical and against the laws of man and God.
The rabbis that listened to 8 hours of testimony from experts from around the world, decided just that, it’s unjustifiable! In my personal opinion this editorial from Dr. Hotez is “junk science” at best, and at worst, it’s advocating a form of “child abuse” on a scale never been seen on earth and if we can help it, with God’s help, never should it be seen again!
Weaponization of language to advance political agendas is as old as humanity itself. George Orwell famously described this in an April 1946 essay titled “Politics and the English Language”:
Many political words are similarly abused. The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’. The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using that word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different. Statements like Marshal Petain was a true patriot, The Soviet press is the freest in the world, The Catholic Church is opposed to persecution, are almost always made with intent to deceive. Other words used in variable meanings, in most cases more or less dishonestly, are: class, totalitarian, science, progressive, reactionary, bourgeois, equality.
The Honorable Andrew Bridgen, Conservative Member of the British Parliament, was labeled by his Prime Minister as an antisemite for merely quoting an Israeli (Jewish) scientist who had stated that the global impacts of the genetic vaccines exceeded those of the Holocaust. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was similarly labeled by US corporate media for making a similar statement during the “Stop the Mandates” rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The Center for Countering Digital Hate similarly has attempted to associate me with anti-semitism as a way to delegitimize my own concerns regarding the safety and effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccines.
I believe that this practice of attempting to link the justifiable concerns of people all over the world regarding vaccine safety and efficacy with anti-semitism is despicable. This is basically an abusive weaponization of the tragic experience of those damaged or eliminated in the “final solution” of the left wing National socialist party of Germany during the Third Reich. To call the Holocaust a tragedy is an understatement. To call the gross mismanagement, lies, mandates and governmental overreach of the COVIDcrisis a tragedy is also an understatement.
But to falsely equate legitimate concerns about the safety and effectiveness of the genetic SARS-CoV-2 vaccines with antisemitism or demean those expressing such concerns as “far right wing” is obscene, abusive hyperbole. This false and unsubstantiated accusation appropriates and weaponizes the legitimate concerns of Jewish communities worldwide, just to take a cheap shot at others who do not share Peter Hotez’s belief in the Scientism of vaccinology.
This is not just another academic spitball fight, much ado about nothing. This is not about “winning”. We are talking about people’s (and children’s) lives. I ask Dr. Hotez and all others of his persuasion to stick to objective discussion of the facts and data, and stop the cheap unjustified ad hominem attacks. There is an objective truth and reality here. How about we decide to focus on getting to the bottom of these issues, instead of fueling the fire and broadcasting yet more hate?
And for heavens’ sake, show some respect for those who earnestly and honestly disagree with you. In the interest of truth, justice, transparency and integrity.
For further reading on weaponization of language, I recommend this essay:
By Mark Gullick
Counter Currents, January 13, 2022
As a staunch antivaxxer and a Jew I find him to be fucking insane.
I am also going to say that I am shocked and dismayed by the behavior of my fellow Jews that continue to choose the illusion of safety in authoritarian government and policies.
I own an AR and I will not be getting on the train.
They will call you whatever name they need to call you in order for you to "lose credibility". Most people are starting to catch on -- that's why they had to move from racist to fascist to Nazi.