As a staunch antivaxxer and a Jew I find him to be fucking insane. I am also going to say that I am shocked and dismayed by the behavior of my fellow Jews that continue to choose the illusion of safety in authoritarian government and policies. I own an AR and I will not be getting on the train.
As a staunch antivaxxer and a Jew I find him to be fucking insane.
I am also going to say that I am shocked and dismayed by the behavior of my fellow Jews that continue to choose the illusion of safety in authoritarian government and policies.
I own an AR and I will not be getting on the train.
It is a despicable fallacy! I’m Jewish and have been vaccinated to prevent, polio, measles, pertussis , smallpox, tuberculosis and whatever was available back in the day. I survived Chicken pox, mumps as did my contemporaries. My daughters received their childhood vaccinations. We’ve all had tetanus shots . Said vaccines went through decades of research and testing before deemed safe for the general population. Of course there were some adverse events, but they were rare.
The first vaccine that gave me pause was the Gardisil HPV. There had already been controversy regarding the horrific consequences suffered by the impoverished, uneducated young girls in India used as lab rats by the Gates/Fauci nexus. A friend’s daughter took the vax shortly after approval. She had her first sexual experience 4 months later and learned she’d been infected with. HPV. So brutally virulent, the formerly healthy 18 year old with no family history of cervical cancer underwent a historectmy. Sadly, it metastasize and she succumbed to ovarian cancer. My older daughter also contracted HPV a year Post vaccination and has had problems since.. But the mRNA Covid vax was in a different category and my skepticism had nothing to do with politics or religious ideology. The more I researched, the more objectionable the concept became.
I’d contracted Covid early on and had the good fortune to receive the HCQ/Zithromax , zinc, Vitamin D combo with a prednisolone script if needed. I recovered quickly and had taken the meds early enough to forego the steroids. But that wasn’t enough for my daughter and son-in-law, both radiation oncologists at a premier hospital. My son-in-law is the Chief Of Radiology and a transplantation surgeon. My daughter, his protege’ also serves as an ER doctor. With my husband aboard, they guilted me to take the vax, predicated on concerns that if I was to get reinfected(?) and infected them, in turn, their immunocompromised patients were at greater risk. How the hell is it possible for two uber-educated people to buy into this crap? If I’d recovered from Covid, wouldn’t that create natural immunity? When was it ever okay to. vaccinate someone who’d recovered from a virus ?when has there ever been a successful coronavirus vaccine? The common cold is a coronavirus. That is how the constant propaganda infected even the most rational minds.
I had tears rolling down my cheeks when receiving the first jab, but aside from soreness at the injection site didn’t experience any problems. The second jab was another story. Two weeks later I began to experience really bizarre symptoms.First headaches and nausea that segued to uncontrollable vomiting and dry heaves. Without any respite, my feet became numb and within days, the numbness had crept up to my knees. I couldn’t form a sentence, maintain my balance and finally, my husband called for an ambulance. I’d had a stroke. Without any prior related issues. A week in the hospital, but it didn’t stop there. I became so overwhelmed by exhaustion without any external cause. Literally slept at least 24 hrs, dragged myself out of bed to feed the dogs, birds and koi, lasted maybe an hour or two before going back to bed.Back to the hospital. The doctor said I was experiencing a “ cytokine storm”. Every autoimmune issue I’d been successfully treated for that was either under control or had outgrown came back with a vengeance. Hypothyroidism, eczema and the addition of soaring blood pressure. And two more bouts of Covid. My older daughter, also. vaxxed, got Covid and couldn’t attend her sister’s wedding… in the same goddamned city. And the daughter who was adamant about my getting the poison darts became paranoid about fertility issues.
In short, fuck Hotez, Fauci, Collins, Birx, Bright, Grady, Bancel, Bourla,Baric,Daszak, Lipkin, Andersen,Gates, Bloomberg, Tedros, Jerome Adams,Slaoui, Azar, Gottlieb, Farrar,Gupta,the MSM, Avril Haines, Kadlec, Cavuto,Doug Doocy, Kilmeade,Thiessen,Milley,Austin,Liz Cheney, Kinzinger, Kavanaugh, ACB, Roberts,Sotomayor,Kagan,Pompeo,Barr,Pence,Schwab,Zuck,Rachel Levine,Soros,Wallensky,Hotez, Bush W,Biden,Gergen, Obama,Wen,The Lancet, Nature, Journal,Of JAMA,AMA, WEF and TRUMP! To name a few. Trump is not blameless. He ignored every honorable, knowledgable expert who begged him to listen.
So if that makes me an antisemite, racist, tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, self disease spreading Qanon zealot, so be it. China may have leaked or released the virus, but the U.S. is the real villain.
What is ignored is the central role a vibrant healthy immune system has in protecting humans. Creating division between ethic groups is just miss direction to keep us from focusing on the root cause which must be exposed!
How did a sensible level headed person like you get conned into that when you were already immune ? I t does show how terrible it is, cos you were fine till you got vaxed. I didnt get vaxed, or catch Covid, and it is like this pandemic has passed me by.
Even the old waxxines are extremely toxic and used to sterilize people involuntarily as well as damage their immune systems. Notice the uptick in cancer and other illnesses in the West over the decades.
Even more important than that Gail, was immediately and instinctively you knew full well this was just another monopolistic poison by an out of control loose cannon pHARMA.
Our first impulse to things such as this 99.9% being correct. Yet we fail to question Authority.
The Nation can no longer afford to be duped into a false categorical illusion of fear.
Wow, would like to know what you really think. Hah. I'M 85 and my wife 80 and a retired school nurse. She and I have neaertaken the vaccine for the coronavirus over the years. And she was exposed to probably everything in the book. We both have strong immune systems and we were not about to put an experimental mRNA shot into our bodies. We knew previous vaccines were at max only about 20% effective. I tested positive this last News Years eve after waking up with a urinary tract infection. No one would see me for an antibiotic. I had HCQ on hand and took that, finally getting to talk with someone on following Tuesday and getting a prescription. The infection cleared up and I'm still waiting for the the COVID 'symptoms'. What I found interesting is the rosesea on my nose cleared up and my urine turned from dark amber to light yellow. When I told my primary care guy, his first reaction was HCQ messes with my immune system. But don't most all antibiotics mess with it?
HCQ is not an antibiotic, nor does it mess with your immune system. It simply helps you flush out toxins by using zinc/quinoa biologicals and other stuff to bond with stuff and flush stuff out. This is why it and iver are used as anti parasiticals.
I'm not an expert on HCQ, so my views are rather vague. I do know how these bio weapons work however. 5g affects your immune system, and so does wifi. Many people went through 2020 fine because they used anti 4g and anti 5g shielding methods.
Did you know what they call polio appears to be the result of lead arsenate used as poison on apples, which is why it had a weird timing with the weather and showed up in summer instead of winter...
Yep, Processed foods became Engineered foods using chemicals that are easy to produce and non-nutritious huh. Best to find ways to be self sufficient, raise chickens and grow ones own things to consume. Lacking that, be selective. And be aware of Chelation methods if one needs to detox heavy metals.
Gail, there are treatments that can really help you. I’m connected with researchers that have found and developed extremely effective things and are truly helping people. Here’s where I wrote up some of what they use (what’s in this article is just the preventative pieces for people who feel ok; for you there may be be a couple more components.) You can also email me to get connected to them directly - (I do not sell any of the products or earn any commissions.)
You will be interested in this. Tragically, a man who told the truth about vaccines was driven to suicide by the attacks on his reputation, including being called an anti-semite. A group of Jews wrote a letter in response, calling out those who are branding people with that term.
Yes a tragic story read her post earlier, rest his poor soul.
Some may be interested in this video withe JJ Couey explaining to Dr. Alexander about man made variants. Dr. Alexander has always been of the belief and promoted while under Trump and also by Jay I believe his name is how abnormal in science and against all the norms for things to have been handled as they were. Jays explanation of how actual virus components work and couldn't have spread as they said, and how the ones they isolated and created then released on us explained a lot to Dr. Alexander. Expect to hear more about this, expecting to see follow up interviews with more from Dr. Alexanders team which hopefully will help advance this information as we head into investigations that bring results. Anna Von Reitz has been saying the DOJ is responsible for this for quite some time and hearing Dr. Alexander confirming the 7th floor of the building his office ws in was completely comprised of Military and DOD is definitely leading to a military psyops.
His regular site here I stumbled across after watching it at the link above, scroll down to where it says scenario 4, it was just done yesterday it's long and full of evidence to back it up.
Perrin Chase, I have to give you a lot of credit. You have shown enormous courage with your short statement. You have checked boxes for probably 4 lists the tyrant democrats are assembling as we speak. No tyranny has ever survived without a list of subversives, and these tyrants love lists. J.Goodrich
With the payments made of blood and treasure by my family, I have never entered the matrix. On the edges of it, I never waste time trying to pull someone out that has their brainwashed brain completely submerged into the list makers.
I had to add; as a child I was taught to pledge allegiance which I did and believed. But that was a long time ago and though I have not changed what I thought was good and righteous has changed.
The day Bldg 7 free fall demo into itself on 9//11, absolutely in concrete, solidified my conviction moving forward that everything that .GOV uses as "words" to describe or inform our nation of it's wellbeing is all Bogus. There is even a great book written on the topic by Robert Malone. Kapow!
Lies my Gov. told me!" And to this day has been telling Americans TRUTH!
Insane: shall we say, sensu lato? I doubt he's insane, strictly speaking -- I understand the phrase being used as a kind of verbal shorthand. There's probably nothing wrong with him psychologically (in terms of his brain function). He's smart, well educated. He may even be wise. But he's also evil, which is the real point. I'm thinking of a quotation I ran across in fiction once upon a time: "He is very wise, and weighs everything to a nicety in the scales of his malice." Notions of good and evil have somewhat gone out of fashion in recent history (with the negative descriptive vocabulary being taken over by terms from psychology), but here we have it face to face. With Hotez we're not being confronted with what Hannah Arendt famously characterized as the banality of evil. He is flat-out evil. Of course his masters are worse (the word "abominable" comes to mind), but he has bought into the program completely. Gehenna, that's where he's going, in the end, unless he has an unlooked-for change of mind.
This is the part people need to clarify. Which "joo" group are you referring to? The Sephardic Joos or the Ashkenazi Joos? Because Ashkenazi have less hebrew DNA than the Palestinians.
As a staunch antivaxxer and a Jew I find him to be fucking insane.
I am also going to say that I am shocked and dismayed by the behavior of my fellow Jews that continue to choose the illusion of safety in authoritarian government and policies.
I own an AR and I will not be getting on the train.
It is a despicable fallacy! I’m Jewish and have been vaccinated to prevent, polio, measles, pertussis , smallpox, tuberculosis and whatever was available back in the day. I survived Chicken pox, mumps as did my contemporaries. My daughters received their childhood vaccinations. We’ve all had tetanus shots . Said vaccines went through decades of research and testing before deemed safe for the general population. Of course there were some adverse events, but they were rare.
The first vaccine that gave me pause was the Gardisil HPV. There had already been controversy regarding the horrific consequences suffered by the impoverished, uneducated young girls in India used as lab rats by the Gates/Fauci nexus. A friend’s daughter took the vax shortly after approval. She had her first sexual experience 4 months later and learned she’d been infected with. HPV. So brutally virulent, the formerly healthy 18 year old with no family history of cervical cancer underwent a historectmy. Sadly, it metastasize and she succumbed to ovarian cancer. My older daughter also contracted HPV a year Post vaccination and has had problems since.. But the mRNA Covid vax was in a different category and my skepticism had nothing to do with politics or religious ideology. The more I researched, the more objectionable the concept became.
I’d contracted Covid early on and had the good fortune to receive the HCQ/Zithromax , zinc, Vitamin D combo with a prednisolone script if needed. I recovered quickly and had taken the meds early enough to forego the steroids. But that wasn’t enough for my daughter and son-in-law, both radiation oncologists at a premier hospital. My son-in-law is the Chief Of Radiology and a transplantation surgeon. My daughter, his protege’ also serves as an ER doctor. With my husband aboard, they guilted me to take the vax, predicated on concerns that if I was to get reinfected(?) and infected them, in turn, their immunocompromised patients were at greater risk. How the hell is it possible for two uber-educated people to buy into this crap? If I’d recovered from Covid, wouldn’t that create natural immunity? When was it ever okay to. vaccinate someone who’d recovered from a virus ?when has there ever been a successful coronavirus vaccine? The common cold is a coronavirus. That is how the constant propaganda infected even the most rational minds.
I had tears rolling down my cheeks when receiving the first jab, but aside from soreness at the injection site didn’t experience any problems. The second jab was another story. Two weeks later I began to experience really bizarre symptoms.First headaches and nausea that segued to uncontrollable vomiting and dry heaves. Without any respite, my feet became numb and within days, the numbness had crept up to my knees. I couldn’t form a sentence, maintain my balance and finally, my husband called for an ambulance. I’d had a stroke. Without any prior related issues. A week in the hospital, but it didn’t stop there. I became so overwhelmed by exhaustion without any external cause. Literally slept at least 24 hrs, dragged myself out of bed to feed the dogs, birds and koi, lasted maybe an hour or two before going back to bed.Back to the hospital. The doctor said I was experiencing a “ cytokine storm”. Every autoimmune issue I’d been successfully treated for that was either under control or had outgrown came back with a vengeance. Hypothyroidism, eczema and the addition of soaring blood pressure. And two more bouts of Covid. My older daughter, also. vaxxed, got Covid and couldn’t attend her sister’s wedding… in the same goddamned city. And the daughter who was adamant about my getting the poison darts became paranoid about fertility issues.
In short, fuck Hotez, Fauci, Collins, Birx, Bright, Grady, Bancel, Bourla,Baric,Daszak, Lipkin, Andersen,Gates, Bloomberg, Tedros, Jerome Adams,Slaoui, Azar, Gottlieb, Farrar,Gupta,the MSM, Avril Haines, Kadlec, Cavuto,Doug Doocy, Kilmeade,Thiessen,Milley,Austin,Liz Cheney, Kinzinger, Kavanaugh, ACB, Roberts,Sotomayor,Kagan,Pompeo,Barr,Pence,Schwab,Zuck,Rachel Levine,Soros,Wallensky,Hotez, Bush W,Biden,Gergen, Obama,Wen,The Lancet, Nature, Journal,Of JAMA,AMA, WEF and TRUMP! To name a few. Trump is not blameless. He ignored every honorable, knowledgable expert who begged him to listen.
So if that makes me an antisemite, racist, tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, self disease spreading Qanon zealot, so be it. China may have leaked or released the virus, but the U.S. is the real villain.
What is ignored is the central role a vibrant healthy immune system has in protecting humans. Creating division between ethic groups is just miss direction to keep us from focusing on the root cause which must be exposed!
How did a sensible level headed person like you get conned into that when you were already immune ? I t does show how terrible it is, cos you were fine till you got vaxed. I didnt get vaxed, or catch Covid, and it is like this pandemic has passed me by.
Everyone is vulnerable to mind control
Even the old waxxines are extremely toxic and used to sterilize people involuntarily as well as damage their immune systems. Notice the uptick in cancer and other illnesses in the West over the decades.
Even more important than that Gail, was immediately and instinctively you knew full well this was just another monopolistic poison by an out of control loose cannon pHARMA.
Our first impulse to things such as this 99.9% being correct. Yet we fail to question Authority.
The Nation can no longer afford to be duped into a false categorical illusion of fear.
Wow, would like to know what you really think. Hah. I'M 85 and my wife 80 and a retired school nurse. She and I have neaertaken the vaccine for the coronavirus over the years. And she was exposed to probably everything in the book. We both have strong immune systems and we were not about to put an experimental mRNA shot into our bodies. We knew previous vaccines were at max only about 20% effective. I tested positive this last News Years eve after waking up with a urinary tract infection. No one would see me for an antibiotic. I had HCQ on hand and took that, finally getting to talk with someone on following Tuesday and getting a prescription. The infection cleared up and I'm still waiting for the the COVID 'symptoms'. What I found interesting is the rosesea on my nose cleared up and my urine turned from dark amber to light yellow. When I told my primary care guy, his first reaction was HCQ messes with my immune system. But don't most all antibiotics mess with it?
Find a new primary physician that understands the dynamics of our God given body that has been so beautifully designed!
Going to.
HCQ is not an antibiotic, nor does it mess with your immune system. It simply helps you flush out toxins by using zinc/quinoa biologicals and other stuff to bond with stuff and flush stuff out. This is why it and iver are used as anti parasiticals.
I'm not an expert on HCQ, so my views are rather vague. I do know how these bio weapons work however. 5g affects your immune system, and so does wifi. Many people went through 2020 fine because they used anti 4g and anti 5g shielding methods.
Sorry for your injuries. You nailed it. It is a bio weapon. It was designed to kill slowly, to keep the normies, the normies.
Did you know what they call polio appears to be the result of lead arsenate used as poison on apples, which is why it had a weird timing with the weather and showed up in summer instead of winter...
That is not unexpected, since heavy metal toxins would cause neurological issues.
perhaps, but pretending lead arsenate poisoning is something you can vaccinate against makes one an idiot.
We are a chemical society with a myriad of trace toxins in our food supply.
Yep, Processed foods became Engineered foods using chemicals that are easy to produce and non-nutritious huh. Best to find ways to be self sufficient, raise chickens and grow ones own things to consume. Lacking that, be selective. And be aware of Chelation methods if one needs to detox heavy metals.
Gail, there are treatments that can really help you. I’m connected with researchers that have found and developed extremely effective things and are truly helping people. Here’s where I wrote up some of what they use (what’s in this article is just the preventative pieces for people who feel ok; for you there may be be a couple more components.) You can also email me to get connected to them directly - (I do not sell any of the products or earn any commissions.)
You will be interested in this. Tragically, a man who told the truth about vaccines was driven to suicide by the attacks on his reputation, including being called an anti-semite. A group of Jews wrote a letter in response, calling out those who are branding people with that term.
Yes a tragic story read her post earlier, rest his poor soul.
Some may be interested in this video withe JJ Couey explaining to Dr. Alexander about man made variants. Dr. Alexander has always been of the belief and promoted while under Trump and also by Jay I believe his name is how abnormal in science and against all the norms for things to have been handled as they were. Jays explanation of how actual virus components work and couldn't have spread as they said, and how the ones they isolated and created then released on us explained a lot to Dr. Alexander. Expect to hear more about this, expecting to see follow up interviews with more from Dr. Alexanders team which hopefully will help advance this information as we head into investigations that bring results. Anna Von Reitz has been saying the DOJ is responsible for this for quite some time and hearing Dr. Alexander confirming the 7th floor of the building his office ws in was completely comprised of Military and DOD is definitely leading to a military psyops.
His regular site here I stumbled across after watching it at the link above, scroll down to where it says scenario 4, it was just done yesterday it's long and full of evidence to back it up.
The chances are more likely that he got "Epsteined".
Unfortunately some have drunk the Covid Kool Aide and are now brain dead!
Perrin Chase, I have to give you a lot of credit. You have shown enormous courage with your short statement. You have checked boxes for probably 4 lists the tyrant democrats are assembling as we speak. No tyranny has ever survived without a list of subversives, and these tyrants love lists. J.Goodrich
I left the Matrix a long time ago. I am immune to the nonsense.
With the payments made of blood and treasure by my family, I have never entered the matrix. On the edges of it, I never waste time trying to pull someone out that has their brainwashed brain completely submerged into the list makers.
I had to add; as a child I was taught to pledge allegiance which I did and believed. But that was a long time ago and though I have not changed what I thought was good and righteous has changed.
The day Bldg 7 free fall demo into itself on 9//11, absolutely in concrete, solidified my conviction moving forward that everything that .GOV uses as "words" to describe or inform our nation of it's wellbeing is all Bogus. There is even a great book written on the topic by Robert Malone. Kapow!
Lies my Gov. told me!" And to this day has been telling Americans TRUTH!
Good to know. If you don't mind I'm going to back-up to your six and keep alert. I got you, and you me.
Never bring a fully loaded hypodermic needle to a fully loaded AR gun fight.
It's like the humpty dumpty ending thing....couldn't put humpty together again.
Insane: shall we say, sensu lato? I doubt he's insane, strictly speaking -- I understand the phrase being used as a kind of verbal shorthand. There's probably nothing wrong with him psychologically (in terms of his brain function). He's smart, well educated. He may even be wise. But he's also evil, which is the real point. I'm thinking of a quotation I ran across in fiction once upon a time: "He is very wise, and weighs everything to a nicety in the scales of his malice." Notions of good and evil have somewhat gone out of fashion in recent history (with the negative descriptive vocabulary being taken over by terms from psychology), but here we have it face to face. With Hotez we're not being confronted with what Hannah Arendt famously characterized as the banality of evil. He is flat-out evil. Of course his masters are worse (the word "abominable" comes to mind), but he has bought into the program completely. Gehenna, that's where he's going, in the end, unless he has an unlooked-for change of mind.
Give a guy like that a hammer...and everything looks like it should be nailed to the wood.
Yeah that's his selfish world he lives in. And like Tony , thinks he's the king of the castle.
This is the part people need to clarify. Which "joo" group are you referring to? The Sephardic Joos or the Ashkenazi Joos? Because Ashkenazi have less hebrew DNA than the Palestinians.