Technocratic power comes from their illusion of competence and omnipotence. The

Covid crisis has been a providential gift to humanity that exposed the corrupt core of this evil and destructive ideology. We have been given a final wake-up call before a dark age of tyranny and despair descends. If your humanity has not yet been taken from you by them, then you have a duty to fight them with all your heart. They are not omnipotent---they are globalist clowns like Fauci and Biden masquerading as masters of the universe. It is not too late to reclaim our humanity from them, and restore hope for a better future.

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The BEST explanation of the CRIMINALITY of the development of Covid 19 … Dr David E. Martin PhD – Covid Summit – European Union Parliament May 2023 … https://rumble.com/v2ncp8w-dr-david-e.-martin-phd-covid-summit-european-union-parliament-may-2023.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Problems with your optimistic analysis:

1. The satanic banking cabal which launched this own everything. As long as they control the money supply we are screwed.

2. The scam was designed as a cull. If you have been jabbed you will probably die fairly soon. That will leave us the purebloods to face them off. (In fact the cull might ultimately work in our favour because the stupid, who let themselves be jabbed, won't be around to be manipulated by the psycopaths and get in the way of our fight.)

If you have been jabbed and you want to survive, follow my natural protocol.


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Chris, your fear and doom and gloom around everyone who got jabbed indicates that you need to do more research. Dr. Malone is one of the "Stupids" and I doubt you really think he is stupid...

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a). Dr. Malone is very clever.

b) Ask him about the paper he co-authored saying that the jab was dangerous and should not, under any circumstances, be used.

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D D is correct. Dr. Malone wrote that after he was jabbed.

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Clever? In what way? Did he co-author the paper before or after his jab.

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Uhhhh…my friend has a saying, “You can’t fix stupid”. In this case, you fit that description. Many were coerced into taking “the jab”, my wife included. I worry about her everday. I finally got through to Her and My Sister… No “boosters”. And Yes, Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy…”We refuse to comply”.

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Stupid? Not. PDH'D? maybe.

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We will be more imaginative about the money supply. Money is, in essence, trade, community, trust and agreements. As for who is scheduled to die and who isn't, I'm never so certain. My father shouldn't have lived to 102 but he has. He tells me he'll live to 116; I am not counting him out despite decades of smoking, drinking, aspartame, thrice jabbed (at his insistence and he is as competent as you and I) and Covid.

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Only to continue to be well fed and operate under an "Assumption of Correctness"!

These days just about everything!

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Once again you got it right. My first reaction to the mandate of the supposedly “safe and effective” mRNA covid vaccines was “Hell No”. This was based on the principle of personal autonomy. I would have refused to roll up my sleeve for a mandated injection of saline. This mandate came from the globalist dictates of the WHO, imposed on us by the CDC. The whole thing reeks of an attempt to subjugate the populace of the world. This is clearly what people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates had in mind, and clearly stated. Pharma bought the souls of people and nations, and if money failed, it blackmailed them with the threat of withholding their supposed cure for the overhyped threat of Fauci’s Frankenstein-like monster virus.

What happened after the atrocities of WWII was the Nuremberg trials. Evil men and nations actually were put on trial, and some were jailed or executed. Sadly, no such justice seems imminent after the debacle of the last few years. The criminals are free, writing books, getting richer, and making plans to go ahead with the worldwide techno state. In this hellish new world order, our masters will be people like Gates, Schwab, Zuckerberg, Obama and Bourla. This list could go on for pages- pick your favorite villain.

Thank you Robert Malone for seeing the forest and not just the trees.

My take on all of this is to look at it from the lens of Biblical truth- which supplies the necessary moral basis of human behavior, as well as an understanding of the trajectory of human history. The last “savior” on a white horse I trust rode into Jerusalem on a donkey about 2000 years ago.

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I suspect Mr. George Washington would agree with you on that point.

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It’s been a few years since I’ve been questioned by medical personnel about birth control (62 yr old woman), but I can remember the brow beating about the birth control pill. It was a forgone conclusion that females of fertility age would be on the bcp. The hormones in the pill made me ill and I didn’t use it. Every single time I was asked about it in a medical office and answered in the negative, the brow beating started. Getting me on it seemed to become the sole purpose of the appointment.

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“The last “savior” on a white horse I trust rode into Jerusalem on a donkey about 2000 years ago.”

Well spoken. I think he'll be back for round 2 soon. (Revelation chapter 19)

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We'll see if we've mucked it up badly enough for his return.

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The "rule of law" is now bifurcated. One set of laws for the cabal of elite criminals and the other set for the rest of us. An example of one of the elites' laws was communicated to Yanis Varoufakis when he was finance minister of Greece: "Never criticize another member of the in-club."

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No such 'justice' is imminent because the judges at the Nurnberg Trials WHERE the criminals at work now.

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So a man who refuses to fulfill his obligation of levirate marriage by committing coitus interruptus deserves the death penalty?

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May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Again a great paper. Food for thought indeed. What worries me is that it seems we are actually heading full speed for this unelected technocratic regime. And that maybe it is a necessary stage before enough people realize it doesn't make any sense. The cost will then be immense...

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May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please take care of yourself, Dr. Malone, we need you. 3 AM is very early.

No need to reply. You are busy.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is interesting doing research on sleep patterns. A great many intelligent individuals find they wake at 3-6am. Then, have a hard landing mid-day only to rejuvenate and work/study/read until late night. Ed

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sounds like you have been monitoring my life...

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Then there are those of us who wake at 5 or 6 and every 30 minute hence as they spend until 8 demanding their body lie still because there is no time during the day for a nap. 11PM is when the day ends.

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn's comment hit the bull's-eye.

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The people still defending the covid shots in 2023 but stopped taking boosters long ago are the people pretending to believe.

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The perps had the perfect cover hidden in plain sight. Nobody wanted to be so "cynical" as to believe that their government would intentionally commit such atrocities. So the government leveraged that fact to great effect.

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Insightful and amazingly complex. I have the need to simplify. Regarding "World" organizations like the WHO and WEF, my simplification is "unelected". In my world the concept of forced injection is absurd. Freedom, including bodily autonomy, are paramount. Neither Dr. Tedros nor his pimp Bill Gates will be forcing me to inject anything.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I thought I was too old to go to college, but these essay's you put together are so multi-leveled and complete that I swoon. So many tidbits of truth wrapped into a concise and detailed explanation! This kind of writing comes from education on so many topics, it makes my head spin. (besides swooning). And if people don't wake up and pay attention, they will be and are, uneducated patsies waiting for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you state, "... a globalized command-economy led by an unelected technocracy. This is a recipe for rampant and unaccountable incompetency, as we have so clearly seen demonstrated over the last three years." They've also demonstrated extreme sexual perversity and much of which is directed at children. All parents should watch and share the 3 minute video titled "Indoctrinate Your Kids" that you included in your newsletter recently about the perverse sexual acts that children have access to viewing on Apple's iPhone. Then there's the graphic LGBTQ pornography on public display at the EU Parliament Building in Brussels that you reported on. As well, the transgendering of children with hormones without their parents consent and pediatric transgender surgical mutilations being performed at new clinics cropping up. Then there's the grotesque drag queens showing up in school rooms across the country and proclaiming everywhere that basic M, F or XX, XY gender identification is non-woke and intolerable. This as well should clearly tell any sane human being that these people, the NWO/WEF and the technocratic self-proclaimed elite do not belong in any positions of power or decision making.. As the speaker in the video states, these are the worst people in the entire world. 


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I've learned that it's perfectly fine to identify as the sex into which you were born. But to be woke you must call it "cis". Otherwise you're at risk of being called a transphobe. Or something.

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"What is being proposed and built without our consent, is a globalized command-economy led by an unelected technocracy."

I think you're correct about most of your observations, but I would modify this. Technocrats are not leaders; they merely rule over minor fiefdoms. The globalized command economy is the dream of the globalist elite ruling oligarchy; they support the technocracy because the technocrats are useful for controlling the minions and do not threaten the oligarchy, who are not governed by the laws of little people.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In Medicine, I was taught “The Four Pillars of Medical Ethics” by One (Jedi Master) of The Very Best. Never, Ever deviated. Thank You for Your Writings and The Wisdom You and Dr. Jill share. Ed

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Pundits tell us we should learn from history. My question to them is---how can we when it is no longer being correctly taught and is corrupted by the bulk of what passes for historians today?

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May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Its part of their plan. Learn from THEIR perversion of history. Part of CISA method to manage the "cognitive infrastructure".

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Dr. Mattias Desmet…Uhhh…Just Damn. How far down the rabbit hole You wanna go? Ed

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Washington's Farewell Address could be taught as a high school course. You don't know what you have until you lose it, but Washington had to fight to get it in the first place. I hope and believe the tide is finally turning, and there will be a future for our children.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So the short answer is: NO nation states are not obsolete. Rather what’s obsolete is the parasitic political class that has infected every Western Government with their delusions of globalist grandeur. Like every would be emperor before them their fall will be mighty indeed.

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Well done, Dr. Malone. You are the best. All of your sacrifice and hard work is greatly appreciated.

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Well, aw shucks.... I did wake up at 3:30 AM today and start writing this one. It took me 6 hours.

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Would call it perhaps your very best

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You got me bested by .5 hours. 🏴‍☠️💥🤣. Ed

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My brain won't focus that long on one subject. You have great mind control!

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Late to the game today, but hoping to share my thoughts anyways. As a builder, when looking at a job it is imperative that you deconstruct a project in order to bid on and build it. What I see is that at the start of Covid, all of the heads of departments were filled by people I would call tyrants, from the top down. (TYRANT: a person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable or arbitrary way. A ruler who seized power without a legal right). This entire Covid narrative has been purely about both control and power. As seen by these FOIA-ed documents, leftest Marxist will never concede wrong doing, and certainly will not apologize for their abhorrent actions. It was partly about eliminating the four pillars of medical ethics. To admit to or apologize for their actions would be a sign of weakness and because of our weak feeble house of representative leadership why would they? There obviously will be no consequences for their complete acts of treason and their complete disregard for their oath to defend and uphold the constitution. In fact it makes perfect sense to continue to spit in our faces with more tyrannical actions. Because they truly are and want to be tyrants the facts mean nothing to them. They only desire power and control. J.Goodrich

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

James, I just read a tweet where RFK Jr. said something and then said oops, I made a mistake. That's what I call balls! (should be common, but not in today's world)

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May 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


At The End Of 12,000 Innings

It’s The Vaccinated: 0

And The Unvaccinated: ... Too Many Points To Tally.


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