First, they have to know about it. Second, they don't have enough people to go around confiscating food. The country is in a steep decline. It will get much worse.
Depending upon where you live, yes. I agree that the country is going to fall and that it will indeed, get much worse. That is when we must be our BEST selves, and not our worst.
Should such an effort be decentralized to States and Counties this might be more feasible. Particularly counties where they can enlist the aid of local organizations.
I'm definitely preparing. I'm in a Deep Blue state and vote Republican generally just to show them there are folks out here that don't buy such things as being able to take 24 hours after birth to decide to kill the baby (current legislation apparently passed by the legislature - MD). I am well aware I need to be able to take care of myself, myself.
That’s quite the hand cannon. I’d recommend an AR15 from Palmetto State Armory while you’re buying guns. Great guns and great prices. Can’t go wrong with an AR...way easier to shoot then that hand cannon.
Nothing will protect you from a mob willing to burn down your house with you and your food in it. A peashooter against heavily armed starving people only works in Hollywood
Things not normally considered all that valuable by today's standards: being debt free or at least solvent, ability to build and repair most anything with your hands and tools, the ability to think critically several steps ahead of unfolding events, counsel from the book of Proverbs. But times are a-changin' and values are shifting.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..." -- Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, popularized posthumously by Janice Joplin, "Bobby McGee".
We have rising inflation which will put many small businesses out of business because their costs will quickly exceed their ability to raise prices. We are being flooded with illegals. At least 2 million last year and that number will be exceeded this year if current trends are an indication. These people have no documentation and the jobs they might have gotten are shrinking at an alarming rate. There are also many criminals (and terrorists) embedded in their number. These people are not going to starve. They are going to prey on their neighbors starting in the barrios where they speak the language. As they starve out their neighbors they will expand their reach. Crime is going to go way up, starting in the cities but quickly advancing into the suburbs where there is more stuff to steal and extort. This administration's policies are so toxic that we are all going to be victims of it in one way to another. Fasten your seatbelts.
And to think, this is exactly what the bad guys want to implement “The Great Reset”!!! Evil x10 and of Biblical proportions! How is it that 2,000 or so individuals can just take over the world and subject it to all this misery???
Why not organize and fight to reverse the trend? I volunteer 20 hrs a week to any organization that will take up this charge. Regrettably, as a senior, I cannot lead this effort.
We are moving (next week) away from Seattle area to a different state. We are spending all our savings (and more) to pull off this move. That's how much we wanted to get out of here. But it's a catch-22, because the moving costs are astronomical and I'm taking a pay cut and my husband's unsure of his work. If we had sat tight here in our crazy state, we'd have been doubling-down on stocking up on food and supplies in recent months, but we felt we couldn't do that and afford to move (and move all the stuff, too). Anyway, it's a weird place to be - watching things spiral and hoping we can get settled in our new place and still have time to stock up on pantry items.
All the best to you. We are sitting tight on our ranch in California where we have put so much effort into the place. We have set it up to potentially help feed neighbors. We really should move. It’s a heart rending situation ether way. Our public servants have failed us terribly. In the long run you will be better off. We will be fighting for you on the “front lines”.
It's awful what's become of a few cities in particular. If everyone leaves how can we change the state governing bodies from within? But how can we stay?
Maybe it's just one of God's many ways of separating the goats from His sheep, the right from the left, and bunching them together to be a force for the days to come. He's done that throughout history and it stands to reason He's doing it again. God bless you as you make this tremendous life change and may you have His complete peace in your decisions. 🙏
God works in mysterious ways. Possibly, when global warming melts enough glaciers, the poor people will own the oceanside property in California and the elites will go away.
We are becoming a nation of gypsies. I live in eastern Tennessee and it is becoming hard to get an appointment to see a doctor because so many people are moving here. A nearly-finished condominium complex is near my home where prospective buyers had to give the developers $4,000 to potentially buy a home. No set price was established because building costs are going up daily. When construction is complete, those who discover they cannot afford one of the new condos can get their money back. Another developer is putting up "Tiny Homes" on 1/4-acre plots and selling them for $200,000 apiece. Soon, millions will be living like "Fern" in NOMADLAND.
Unless you are thinking about leaving the country, you are wasting your time. You won't be able to hide from the crazies as they will soon take over Texas, Arizona, the Dakotas, Montana, Nebraska, and even Florida if they get their bogus voting rights bills passed. This Kabuki theater in Ukraine will go on long enough to declare martial law to halt the midterms. This is your chance to escape. Try to find something well outside and definitely not downwind of the major blast zones.
I know you will both be so much happier living amongst people who are just
plain old normal! Hopefully with lots of organic farmers in the area with weekly farmers markets.
Imagine going to your new local coffee shop and chatting it up with your new community members. If you ask any woman “what is a woman?” you will get a straight forward answer with a hearty laugh.
Your hubby has a good job waiting working with great folks. You will never look back.
There seems to be a lot of work out there. There is nothing to be ashamed of physical work, the most traditional and gratifying in many ways. I've done a lot of different types of outdoor work, and can recommend it to able bodied adults. When we get off the internet, as fascinating as it is, we can be a lot healthier. Volunteering can also be a segway to paid work. Box stores are usually in need of good workers.
If money is tight cutting down on expenses is vital. Cutting out luxuries and enjoying the simple joys of life is healthy.
Reading the RFK jr book, you have to wonder how desperate people must be to enlist in trials and get physically injured, it looks like they want fewer and fewer placebo recipients so their trials confirm bias.
Having participated in a large pre-diabetes study back a-while (as my contribution to the well-being of the nation) one gets fore-warnings. I was in a medication group where the meds killed a few participants. They couldn't predict when it would happen and they unmasked and put us in the diet and exercise group. My fellow participants seemed calm and (in fact went on in many cases to benefit). Personally have not come down with diabetes.
That just shows how corrupt the system is. How much were you paid? The way they control the participants and limit liability is itself criminal.
With all the bad outcomes it just shows that virtually none of the drugs or vaccines are safe or efficacious. The germ theory of medicine based on false premises and concepts of health.
I was an adequately paid federal employee at that point. I think they paid us around $50 to $100 dollars . As it turned out the medicine I was taking and the other commonly used drug in the trial did/do not provide a very good answer. It turned out weight control, smart eating and exercise were, in the end, the best answer.
I suspect most of the volunteers were so terrified of the virus propaganda they were desperate to be in the front of the line for salvation, as promised by Saint Anthony.
I read “military psych-ops were implemented to brainwash and terrorize us with Plandemic-scamdemic Covid. Like when they told us the virus stayed on most surfaces for many hours so we had to wash, wash, wash. Take our shoes off. Not touch anything and not be near ppl. Then later, we were told NOT TRUE. It made us afraid to breath, walk and talk!!! Terrorizing the public to start to condition them to LIVE IN FEAR! Ez to CONTROL & MANIPULATE ppl living in fear and who have been terrorized REGULARLY as a WAY OF LIFE!!! OUR NEW NORMAL if we can’t STOP THIS!!!
The first step is making yourself resistant to manipulation, then teaching family and friends. Psyops works better on some people than others. It's not hard to be one of the "others."
Fear is enhanced by ignorance. The unknown is always scary until we figure it out. Learn about things that frighten you, and the fear dissipates.
They advertise and use all the manipulative psych tools of how people are helping the greater good. In reality the drug pushers are the lowest of the low, lowlife scum!
“Therefore, it is no surprise that a Reuters/Ipsos poll came out yesterday showing Biden’s approval rating has dropped to a new low of 40%. This is three percentage points lower than the week before.”
Since Reuters is owned by the bad guys, hard to trust anything they report. Its prob closer to 20%!!! Why would anyone find all the chaos of the last two years positive when it seems never-ending!!
I'm amazed his approval rating isn't in the single digits. I believe it's been below 40 for awhile, so I don't believe their information either. And you are spot on about the global predators' plan.
That and 81 million (an all time record) of voters chose this brain dead Basement dwelling candidate and his cackling hyena running mate. No, I'll never believe it, include me in the J6 groupies. He should be appropriately called "Joseph Stolen".
Im amazed but found out when quite a few ppl got very pissed at me when on a text distribution list I said “all this chaos is related to the current leadership”!!!!
The real tragedy with this administration is the utter destruction of the CDC. When i was in medical school the CDC was the pinnacle of public health. Now public health is politicized and managed by low IQ individuals and policies are set by frauds such as Fauci.
Inflation is caused primarily by monetary policy. The federal reserves “printing” of money is the main cause of this. There are too many dollars chasing too few goods.The concept of “essential workers” and “nonessential workers” has added kinks to the supply chain. In a free market the supply chain is the result of “evolution” over time. It would be like declaring that an organism has essential organs and non essential organs. The war, a result of a failure of diplomacy, adds yet another dimension to our economic woes. The Russia Ukraine area is not only important for agricultural production is also highly important for world fertilizer production. We are indeed in a world of hurt. It is hard to imagine that this was pure incompetence. It seems like it is an engineered crisis
"It is hard to imagine that this was pure incompetence. It seems like it is an engineered crisis". Well-said, and right on.
I don't think the current administration officials and congress are stupid or incompetent; to the contrary, they are very intelligent and crafty. They are merely implementing a strategy designed to breakdown America to a 3rd world level and pave the way for a whole-hearted mass embracement of the New World Order.
It's the compounded end game of the Cloward and Piven strategy. Its a real and deliberate effort to crash the whole system to bring the necessity of RESET. Some conspiracies are not just theoretical.
People are crazy if they think the actual inflation rate is 7 percent. The official government CPI intentionally underways gas and food costs. The average food price at our WalMart is up about 20 percent with some items almost doubling. Thanks liberal Democrats!
I believe this is deliberate, that Biden is a puppet, and that the people really in control (most of whom we’ve never heard of) are engineering famine quite deliberately. Those people care nothing for anyone except themselves and would cheerfully watch most of the global population die, whether from the jab, war, famine—doesn’t matter. There is plenty of evidence that these things are true, much of it from the mouths of a few perpetrators, but it is so horrifying that most people have a hard time believing it.
Dr. Malone, it is my opinion (based on the last several years) that Biden and Harris were hand-picked to oversee the collapse of a nation...this one. We talk about Ukraine being a puppet nation, and so they are... ours is as well. Our country is run by the IC (with MSM being their mouth piece), powerful NGOs, Big Business and probably China. This is a battle being waged both in the natural as well as the spiritual. I know that God wins in the end, but woe to the people on the earth in the meantime.
Look, the basic point is that wealthy people own assets, whose value goes up because of an inflationary monetary system. Poor people are stuck in a debt spiral, constantly trying to catch up to the higher asset prices, whether they are property, stocks, or even university diplomas. It's an absolute travesty that during the COVID epidemic the wealthy got another bailout in the form of protecting assets prices while the poor got a $2k check. But this BS started a long-time ago, the 2008 bailouts, LTCM in 1999, proping up failure creates a Zombie system, so many companies are merely shells at this point, plagued by over-capacity, bad management, and having over-invested for demand that isn't there. In the meantime, other absolutely essential industries like energy, transportation, haven't just been regulated, but have essentially been shadow blocked so they cannot expand in rising price environments. But I wouldn't worry too much, nothing says "reality" like "I work hard but I can't actually buy anything". False-ideology and divides disappear. It is important to remember that at some point the emperor has no clothes. The people in charge who have created this mess are slowly appearing more and more and more naked. And soon the tide will go out and they won't be able to cover their nakedness anymore.
Henry Ford said "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".
Thomas Jefferson warned: "The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction, which is already hit by the gamblers in corruption, and is sweeping away in its progress the fortunes and morals of our citizens. Funding I consider as limited, rightfully, to a redemption of the debt within the lives of a majority of the generation contracting it; every generation coming equally, by the laws of the Creator of the world, to the free possession of the earth he made for their subsistence, unincumbered by their predecessors, who, like them, were but tenants for life… And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale".
Is it possible to protect yourself from massive inflation? I lived through the Jimmy Carter years, which were awful, but I had a job then. Now I am retired and on a fixed income. I may have to acquire a taste for cheap cat food like the elderly did in 1980.
I am betting if you think outside the box You can. Before Wholefoods purchased by Amazon, transition of my sons off to career, hubby on a plane, missed corporate days, but not entirely. Yes, a small business that requires that internet. Point: With 20 hrs cashier, I was there to meet people. At 21 hrs. Medical benefits.
Last week traveling, this dynamic 80 yr. Old help me find my Rainjacket at REI. He Raved about his joy of pay, benefits and like Wholefoods steady perks. 25 hrs. No imagination… just extra if safe.
Savings are crucial. No matter your income, always live a bit below your means and save the rest. Target a month of expenses, then two months, then opening an investment account and buying an S&P index fund. It builds up faster than you expect.
I do all that. Thank you for the advice. It will certainly help others reading this. Even during Jimmy Carter's years I was able to save small amounts. Eventually those small amounts grow.
There's no way in hell middle and lower income earners are going to be able to achieve economic security with inflation and dollar devaluation going the way it is.
The surest way to economic insecurity is to assume you can't succeed. Show me any circumstances and I'll show you how to be financially secure in a year. Usually less.
I am retired and on a fixed income. I also have health issues that preclude physical labor. I'm single and living alone. I live in California, which keeps me from being able to do contract work online to earn added income. And frankly, I'm exhausted from decades of single parenting. Now, don't just tell me to spend less. I already don't spend money on anything but necessities - food, rent, utilities. Please enlighten me with specific steps on how much this can be changed.
I would start with those health issues. I'm not licensed to give medical or financial advice, but my substack describes what I have done to reverse serious downhill slides in my health. I'm healthier now than I was 20 years ago. No thanks to my doctors. Keep in mind standard doctors give standard care which gives standard people standard lifespans. I've found there are better ways.
Imagine Iran fires an EMP over Kansas, destroying communications, transportation and entertainment to put us back in the 19th century. We survived, and thrived, back then with community efforts. There is definitely a support community for you. With a 19th century lifestyle, we can certainly find things to trim, like internet chats, for example. A detailed budget plan always reveals expenses that are less essential than others.
A lady in my moderately prosperous neighborhood has a sewing machine in her garage which she uses to do tailoring jobs for neighbors. They recently sold their house and moved to a nicer neighborhood. Not based on her sewing, probably, but it probably helped. I don't know if she's still sewing.
Chatting with a man in the gym yesterday who works in a medical clinic, but has a "side hustle" doing the books for his tattoo artist. He makes enough doing the books to cover his own tattoos.
I give people on my substack my email for more private conversations.
What came to mind when I read your article is when you mentioned airfare and expenses.
My stomach turned as I thought about the lavish lifestyle that the Washington political machine enjoys at our, the TAX PAYERS EXPENSE!!
Airfare, security, hotels, food, misc travel, on top of a very generous salary, $$$ for insider trading.
Do you think the White House is going to run out of Meat, potatoes, fruit, Fish, eggs and Fiber cereal for the Geriatric pRESIDENT?
Not a chance, in fact I would bet we will see an elaborate party or gathering soon with ice sculptures and caviar, chauffeured limo’s and first class air travel or worse private jets.
We saw this when Obama was in, lavish gatherings with the Hollywood thirsty to rub elbows with the NObama’s while people who fought to get him in we’re losing their homes to a housing crash.
Hungry people can become very dangerous!
This is why my 12 months' food stores are in part, better protected after I learn how to use the Walther PPQ .45ACP I ordered this past weekend.
You do know that the government can confiscate all your food (except for 3 days worth, I think) in times of national emergency.
First, they have to know about it. Second, they don't have enough people to go around confiscating food. The country is in a steep decline. It will get much worse.
Depending upon where you live, yes. I agree that the country is going to fall and that it will indeed, get much worse. That is when we must be our BEST selves, and not our worst.
I'm a compulsive proofreader and I'm afraid you mis-spelled "fail" in your second sentence.
They couldn’t even find enough public health workers to go door to door last year in L.A. County to inquire about our jab status!
Should such an effort be decentralized to States and Counties this might be more feasible. Particularly counties where they can enlist the aid of local organizations.
I hope that's not your excuse for not preparing.
I'm definitely preparing. I'm in a Deep Blue state and vote Republican generally just to show them there are folks out here that don't buy such things as being able to take 24 hours after birth to decide to kill the baby (current legislation apparently passed by the legislature - MD). I am well aware I need to be able to take care of myself, myself.
Where is that a law?
Under FEMA, by Executive Order. search<dot>brave<dot>com
That’s quite the hand cannon. I’d recommend an AR15 from Palmetto State Armory while you’re buying guns. Great guns and great prices. Can’t go wrong with an AR...way easier to shoot then that hand cannon.
Nothing will protect you from a mob willing to burn down your house with you and your food in it. A peashooter against heavily armed starving people only works in Hollywood
Things not normally considered all that valuable by today's standards: being debt free or at least solvent, ability to build and repair most anything with your hands and tools, the ability to think critically several steps ahead of unfolding events, counsel from the book of Proverbs. But times are a-changin' and values are shifting.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..." -- Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, popularized posthumously by Janice Joplin, "Bobby McGee".
The Grateful Dead sang that song a lot too
I believe I heard that when food becomes 50% of the average persons household budget root riots start, historically.
So are stupid people.
Consider this:
We have rising inflation which will put many small businesses out of business because their costs will quickly exceed their ability to raise prices. We are being flooded with illegals. At least 2 million last year and that number will be exceeded this year if current trends are an indication. These people have no documentation and the jobs they might have gotten are shrinking at an alarming rate. There are also many criminals (and terrorists) embedded in their number. These people are not going to starve. They are going to prey on their neighbors starting in the barrios where they speak the language. As they starve out their neighbors they will expand their reach. Crime is going to go way up, starting in the cities but quickly advancing into the suburbs where there is more stuff to steal and extort. This administration's policies are so toxic that we are all going to be victims of it in one way to another. Fasten your seatbelts.
And to think, this is exactly what the bad guys want to implement “The Great Reset”!!! Evil x10 and of Biblical proportions! How is it that 2,000 or so individuals can just take over the world and subject it to all this misery???
See my comment above to Naomi's/
Looks like they are if something doesn’t change soon. This is just part of the plan.
You've really got to get busy and publish that "newzletter", mzlizzi. I am anxious to see what you really believe in.
What do u think about this??
Why not organize and fight to reverse the trend? I volunteer 20 hrs a week to any organization that will take up this charge. Regrettably, as a senior, I cannot lead this effort.
I would like to similarly.
We are moving (next week) away from Seattle area to a different state. We are spending all our savings (and more) to pull off this move. That's how much we wanted to get out of here. But it's a catch-22, because the moving costs are astronomical and I'm taking a pay cut and my husband's unsure of his work. If we had sat tight here in our crazy state, we'd have been doubling-down on stocking up on food and supplies in recent months, but we felt we couldn't do that and afford to move (and move all the stuff, too). Anyway, it's a weird place to be - watching things spiral and hoping we can get settled in our new place and still have time to stock up on pantry items.
Good luck. Moving is hard but also opens many new doors. Thumbs up to getting out of Seattle.
All the best to you. We are sitting tight on our ranch in California where we have put so much effort into the place. We have set it up to potentially help feed neighbors. We really should move. It’s a heart rending situation ether way. Our public servants have failed us terribly. In the long run you will be better off. We will be fighting for you on the “front lines”.
It's awful what's become of a few cities in particular. If everyone leaves how can we change the state governing bodies from within? But how can we stay?
Maybe it's just one of God's many ways of separating the goats from His sheep, the right from the left, and bunching them together to be a force for the days to come. He's done that throughout history and it stands to reason He's doing it again. God bless you as you make this tremendous life change and may you have His complete peace in your decisions. 🙏
God works in mysterious ways. Possibly, when global warming melts enough glaciers, the poor people will own the oceanside property in California and the elites will go away.
We are becoming a nation of gypsies. I live in eastern Tennessee and it is becoming hard to get an appointment to see a doctor because so many people are moving here. A nearly-finished condominium complex is near my home where prospective buyers had to give the developers $4,000 to potentially buy a home. No set price was established because building costs are going up daily. When construction is complete, those who discover they cannot afford one of the new condos can get their money back. Another developer is putting up "Tiny Homes" on 1/4-acre plots and selling them for $200,000 apiece. Soon, millions will be living like "Fern" in NOMADLAND.
Please vote red in your new state!
Unless you are thinking about leaving the country, you are wasting your time. You won't be able to hide from the crazies as they will soon take over Texas, Arizona, the Dakotas, Montana, Nebraska, and even Florida if they get their bogus voting rights bills passed. This Kabuki theater in Ukraine will go on long enough to declare martial law to halt the midterms. This is your chance to escape. Try to find something well outside and definitely not downwind of the major blast zones.
I know you will both be so much happier living amongst people who are just
plain old normal! Hopefully with lots of organic farmers in the area with weekly farmers markets.
Imagine going to your new local coffee shop and chatting it up with your new community members. If you ask any woman “what is a woman?” you will get a straight forward answer with a hearty laugh.
Your hubby has a good job waiting working with great folks. You will never look back.
Godspeed! And keep us posted please!
Moving is hard now, yes, but have met several from your area, and best wishes. Getting out has greatly improved their lives.
And it is always a better adventure if you can move with a buddy/partner/husband or wife. Even with a grown child.
There seems to be a lot of work out there. There is nothing to be ashamed of physical work, the most traditional and gratifying in many ways. I've done a lot of different types of outdoor work, and can recommend it to able bodied adults. When we get off the internet, as fascinating as it is, we can be a lot healthier. Volunteering can also be a segway to paid work. Box stores are usually in need of good workers.
If money is tight cutting down on expenses is vital. Cutting out luxuries and enjoying the simple joys of life is healthy.
I agree!
LOL, so true
Reading the RFK jr book, you have to wonder how desperate people must be to enlist in trials and get physically injured, it looks like they want fewer and fewer placebo recipients so their trials confirm bias.
I have refused the jabs since February 2021 and as a proud member of the control group I would appreciate a thousand a month for my services! 😻
Having participated in a large pre-diabetes study back a-while (as my contribution to the well-being of the nation) one gets fore-warnings. I was in a medication group where the meds killed a few participants. They couldn't predict when it would happen and they unmasked and put us in the diet and exercise group. My fellow participants seemed calm and (in fact went on in many cases to benefit). Personally have not come down with diabetes.
That just shows how corrupt the system is. How much were you paid? The way they control the participants and limit liability is itself criminal.
With all the bad outcomes it just shows that virtually none of the drugs or vaccines are safe or efficacious. The germ theory of medicine based on false premises and concepts of health.
I was an adequately paid federal employee at that point. I think they paid us around $50 to $100 dollars . As it turned out the medicine I was taking and the other commonly used drug in the trial did/do not provide a very good answer. It turned out weight control, smart eating and exercise were, in the end, the best answer.
I suspect most of the volunteers were so terrified of the virus propaganda they were desperate to be in the front of the line for salvation, as promised by Saint Anthony.
I read “military psych-ops were implemented to brainwash and terrorize us with Plandemic-scamdemic Covid. Like when they told us the virus stayed on most surfaces for many hours so we had to wash, wash, wash. Take our shoes off. Not touch anything and not be near ppl. Then later, we were told NOT TRUE. It made us afraid to breath, walk and talk!!! Terrorizing the public to start to condition them to LIVE IN FEAR! Ez to CONTROL & MANIPULATE ppl living in fear and who have been terrorized REGULARLY as a WAY OF LIFE!!! OUR NEW NORMAL if we can’t STOP THIS!!!
The first step is making yourself resistant to manipulation, then teaching family and friends. Psyops works better on some people than others. It's not hard to be one of the "others."
Fear is enhanced by ignorance. The unknown is always scary until we figure it out. Learn about things that frighten you, and the fear dissipates.
They advertise and use all the manipulative psych tools of how people are helping the greater good. In reality the drug pushers are the lowest of the low, lowlife scum!
“Therefore, it is no surprise that a Reuters/Ipsos poll came out yesterday showing Biden’s approval rating has dropped to a new low of 40%. This is three percentage points lower than the week before.”
Since Reuters is owned by the bad guys, hard to trust anything they report. Its prob closer to 20%!!! Why would anyone find all the chaos of the last two years positive when it seems never-ending!!
I'm amazed his approval rating isn't in the single digits. I believe it's been below 40 for awhile, so I don't believe their information either. And you are spot on about the global predators' plan.
It could be 10% for all we know. Nothing but lies anymore!!!
So agree
I live in Switzerland in a small house with a large garden. I am used to a very simple life and still I have no problem with food.or money.
That 40% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance demonstrates that 40% of Americans have no sense at all.
That and 81 million (an all time record) of voters chose this brain dead Basement dwelling candidate and his cackling hyena running mate. No, I'll never believe it, include me in the J6 groupies. He should be appropriately called "Joseph Stolen".
Trump did not collude with Russia - now proven true
Hunter's abandoned laptop is real - now proven true
Which narrative will the MSM acknowledge next - the 2020 election was stolen or the COVID shots are not "safe and effective"
You are being generous.
This reminds me of a recent poll on Ukraine. When asked if they supported the US participating in a “no fly zone” over Ukraine, 64% said “yes”.
When the question mentions that a “no fly zone” over Ukraine would trigger WW III the support dropped to 30%.
Im amazed but found out when quite a few ppl got very pissed at me when on a text distribution list I said “all this chaos is related to the current leadership”!!!!
The real tragedy with this administration is the utter destruction of the CDC. When i was in medical school the CDC was the pinnacle of public health. Now public health is politicized and managed by low IQ individuals and policies are set by frauds such as Fauci.
Don't be too sure that the driving players in the CDC aren't very bright and learned. They are likely more just self serving and perverse.
I'm listening to Part 1 of your interview with Candace Owens. Wow. I wish everyone could listen to this.
Inflation is caused primarily by monetary policy. The federal reserves “printing” of money is the main cause of this. There are too many dollars chasing too few goods.The concept of “essential workers” and “nonessential workers” has added kinks to the supply chain. In a free market the supply chain is the result of “evolution” over time. It would be like declaring that an organism has essential organs and non essential organs. The war, a result of a failure of diplomacy, adds yet another dimension to our economic woes. The Russia Ukraine area is not only important for agricultural production is also highly important for world fertilizer production. We are indeed in a world of hurt. It is hard to imagine that this was pure incompetence. It seems like it is an engineered crisis
"It is hard to imagine that this was pure incompetence. It seems like it is an engineered crisis". Well-said, and right on.
I don't think the current administration officials and congress are stupid or incompetent; to the contrary, they are very intelligent and crafty. They are merely implementing a strategy designed to breakdown America to a 3rd world level and pave the way for a whole-hearted mass embracement of the New World Order.
It's the compounded end game of the Cloward and Piven strategy. Its a real and deliberate effort to crash the whole system to bring the necessity of RESET. Some conspiracies are not just theoretical.
People are crazy if they think the actual inflation rate is 7 percent. The official government CPI intentionally underways gas and food costs. The average food price at our WalMart is up about 20 percent with some items almost doubling. Thanks liberal Democrats!
Republicans have done their share of damage. The uniparty is a thing.
I believe this is deliberate, that Biden is a puppet, and that the people really in control (most of whom we’ve never heard of) are engineering famine quite deliberately. Those people care nothing for anyone except themselves and would cheerfully watch most of the global population die, whether from the jab, war, famine—doesn’t matter. There is plenty of evidence that these things are true, much of it from the mouths of a few perpetrators, but it is so horrifying that most people have a hard time believing it.
Dr. Malone, it is my opinion (based on the last several years) that Biden and Harris were hand-picked to oversee the collapse of a nation...this one. We talk about Ukraine being a puppet nation, and so they are... ours is as well. Our country is run by the IC (with MSM being their mouth piece), powerful NGOs, Big Business and probably China. This is a battle being waged both in the natural as well as the spiritual. I know that God wins in the end, but woe to the people on the earth in the meantime.
Look, the basic point is that wealthy people own assets, whose value goes up because of an inflationary monetary system. Poor people are stuck in a debt spiral, constantly trying to catch up to the higher asset prices, whether they are property, stocks, or even university diplomas. It's an absolute travesty that during the COVID epidemic the wealthy got another bailout in the form of protecting assets prices while the poor got a $2k check. But this BS started a long-time ago, the 2008 bailouts, LTCM in 1999, proping up failure creates a Zombie system, so many companies are merely shells at this point, plagued by over-capacity, bad management, and having over-invested for demand that isn't there. In the meantime, other absolutely essential industries like energy, transportation, haven't just been regulated, but have essentially been shadow blocked so they cannot expand in rising price environments. But I wouldn't worry too much, nothing says "reality" like "I work hard but I can't actually buy anything". False-ideology and divides disappear. It is important to remember that at some point the emperor has no clothes. The people in charge who have created this mess are slowly appearing more and more and more naked. And soon the tide will go out and they won't be able to cover their nakedness anymore.
Henry Ford said "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".
Thomas Jefferson warned: "The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction, which is already hit by the gamblers in corruption, and is sweeping away in its progress the fortunes and morals of our citizens. Funding I consider as limited, rightfully, to a redemption of the debt within the lives of a majority of the generation contracting it; every generation coming equally, by the laws of the Creator of the world, to the free possession of the earth he made for their subsistence, unincumbered by their predecessors, who, like them, were but tenants for life… And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale".
This dovetails beautifully with a post I wrote yesterday about how to protect yourself from massive inflation:
Is it possible to protect yourself from massive inflation? I lived through the Jimmy Carter years, which were awful, but I had a job then. Now I am retired and on a fixed income. I may have to acquire a taste for cheap cat food like the elderly did in 1980.
It's possible but you're in the worst position of all - being dependent on the promises of government.
Not entirely. I do have an IRA.
Which the government controls
I am betting if you think outside the box You can. Before Wholefoods purchased by Amazon, transition of my sons off to career, hubby on a plane, missed corporate days, but not entirely. Yes, a small business that requires that internet. Point: With 20 hrs cashier, I was there to meet people. At 21 hrs. Medical benefits.
Last week traveling, this dynamic 80 yr. Old help me find my Rainjacket at REI. He Raved about his joy of pay, benefits and like Wholefoods steady perks. 25 hrs. No imagination… just extra if safe.
I agree. Thank you.
Savings are crucial. No matter your income, always live a bit below your means and save the rest. Target a month of expenses, then two months, then opening an investment account and buying an S&P index fund. It builds up faster than you expect.
I do all that. Thank you for the advice. It will certainly help others reading this. Even during Jimmy Carter's years I was able to save small amounts. Eventually those small amounts grow.
There's no way in hell middle and lower income earners are going to be able to achieve economic security with inflation and dollar devaluation going the way it is.
The surest way to economic insecurity is to assume you can't succeed. Show me any circumstances and I'll show you how to be financially secure in a year. Usually less.
I am retired and on a fixed income. I also have health issues that preclude physical labor. I'm single and living alone. I live in California, which keeps me from being able to do contract work online to earn added income. And frankly, I'm exhausted from decades of single parenting. Now, don't just tell me to spend less. I already don't spend money on anything but necessities - food, rent, utilities. Please enlighten me with specific steps on how much this can be changed.
I would start with those health issues. I'm not licensed to give medical or financial advice, but my substack describes what I have done to reverse serious downhill slides in my health. I'm healthier now than I was 20 years ago. No thanks to my doctors. Keep in mind standard doctors give standard care which gives standard people standard lifespans. I've found there are better ways.
Imagine Iran fires an EMP over Kansas, destroying communications, transportation and entertainment to put us back in the 19th century. We survived, and thrived, back then with community efforts. There is definitely a support community for you. With a 19th century lifestyle, we can certainly find things to trim, like internet chats, for example. A detailed budget plan always reveals expenses that are less essential than others.
A lady in my moderately prosperous neighborhood has a sewing machine in her garage which she uses to do tailoring jobs for neighbors. They recently sold their house and moved to a nicer neighborhood. Not based on her sewing, probably, but it probably helped. I don't know if she's still sewing.
Chatting with a man in the gym yesterday who works in a medical clinic, but has a "side hustle" doing the books for his tattoo artist. He makes enough doing the books to cover his own tattoos.
I give people on my substack my email for more private conversations.
What came to mind when I read your article is when you mentioned airfare and expenses.
My stomach turned as I thought about the lavish lifestyle that the Washington political machine enjoys at our, the TAX PAYERS EXPENSE!!
Airfare, security, hotels, food, misc travel, on top of a very generous salary, $$$ for insider trading.
Do you think the White House is going to run out of Meat, potatoes, fruit, Fish, eggs and Fiber cereal for the Geriatric pRESIDENT?
Not a chance, in fact I would bet we will see an elaborate party or gathering soon with ice sculptures and caviar, chauffeured limo’s and first class air travel or worse private jets.
We saw this when Obama was in, lavish gatherings with the Hollywood thirsty to rub elbows with the NObama’s while people who fought to get him in we’re losing their homes to a housing crash.