The Biden regime can recommend from now until eternity, I didn’t accept his ‘invitation’ before & I will not accept it now. The only way to stop this madness is for mass noncompliance. I am seeing all over social media that people are NOT falling for this a second time. Hopefully it will be enough to stop this tyranny. I will go to jail before bowing to this fake president & his mandates that are not laws. I never thought that at my age, 78, I would have to deal with this kind of insanity in the United States of America. I know that my Sheriff in my county will not enforce these ridiculous restrictions. NO MASKS, NO INJECTIONS, I WANT MY FREEDOM BACK!

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I'm going to work on an article on how we can LEGALLY NON-COMPLY. I was able to do this with the mandates when corporations started enforcing them and I think we should educate ourselves on how we can use the LAW and the RIGHTS we have to LEGALLY SAY NO:


We've seen how some teaches have used it to not call kids whatever pronouns the child wants to be called (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/elmo-and-a-rock)

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The fundamental reason for non-compliance is the United States Constitution grants no power to the federal government over health issues. The whole department of Health and Human Services along with all its sub-agencies, like the National Institute of Health, the CDC, the FDA are unconstitutional, hence illegally exercising usurped powers that rightly belong to the respective states and the people thereof.

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I'd love to see a majority of the SCOTUS agree with you...

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Weeeellllll, they technically already did with West Virginia vs EPA in 2022. Congress may not "subcontract" its constitutional responsibilities away to agencies, they have no authority. The implications are very broad and overarching. This ruling was actually confirmation of a similar SC ruling going all the way back to the early 1900s. However, the power-drunk cultists masquerading as "the government" are ignoring their own rules as they barrel full speed ahead down the trajectory towards global totalitarianism.

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It's that pesky general welfare clause that provides the lubrication for laws around public health. Just like the commerce clause lubes a great deal of control on our economy. And, of course, the nine individuals act as the enforcers.

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General welfare and commerce clauses should be confined within the very limited enumerated powers granted by the Constitution to the federal government. The Supreme Court is not infallible, as history as repeatedly shown. Just because an interpretation, law, rule, or regulation has been in place for decades does not make it right or legal. We need judges who are not schooled in precedents, but rather ordinary people to serve on the Supreme Court; people who can read and understand the plain language of the Constitution.

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I agree 100%. I was just pointing out the fact that it does not work the way it should and never has.

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"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

WE THE PEOPLE decide. THEY don't.

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That miswritten aberration of the commerce clause given us by f.d.r. also greased the skids on all those those discrimination cases. Where does the fed find the authority to fine a baker for not baking a cake except via a long convoluted road stemming from that decision?

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I think we know in hindsight that FDR used an enema and we have been living with his shit ever since.

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Worse, it procreated. Carter, l.b.j., #44, and the current n.c.m. to name its more obvious scions

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If the 'general welfare' clause means what they tell us that it means, there would be no Constitution at all -- just a note that says "Yep, government can do that, too."

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Aren't there 33 states that already have legislation to avoid all the CDC psychobabble? Naomi Wolf mentioned the 5 Freedoms - The Five Freedoms are enumerated as: 1.) No Vaccine Passports; 2.) No Mask Mandates; 3.) No Emergency Law; 4.) Open Schools Up 100%; and 5.) Freedom of commerce, worship, petition.

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I applaud your efforts but can't help pointing out that the caveat here is 'legally'. The successful defense of a legal position takes both an honest judicial system and money for the lawyers. By my state constitution I legally declined the shot. I still lost my career and can't afford the costs of litigating my case.

Apparently we were all sold a giant lie when we were taught that 'justice for all' was a tenet of American life.

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Justice has been stolen by lawyers and given over to the custody of their black robed brethern.

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That is a truth. Our law schools like Harvard have been redefining the constructs within the legal system so as to deny do rights of the citizens. That has been well documented and those in the system could care less.

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I will read these links tomorrow. It’s 3:45 am here & I really need to get to sleep. 😊

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At least Biden tacitly admitted the existing ones do not work. I suppose that's a plus. /sarcasm off

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Yes, they did not kill enough!

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That's the excuse to ask for more money from Congress for new vaccines.

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Biden said he may REQUIRE EVERYONE to take the new vaccine.

"President Biden said Friday he plans to request additional funding from Congress for the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it whether they previously received a vaccine or not."


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Pfizer, Moderna, et al, must own Joe Biden! President Take-A-Bribe must be paying back BIG PHARMA!

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Did you not read Robert Kennedy Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci?

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I did a quick read. It's just another indictment of the criminal Fauci, and a very believable one.

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Suggest you read it. It presents all the receipts on why and how Big Pharma gets away with it all.

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Imagine if Trump had tried to mandate the jabs.

Now do you see why he had to go?

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He has said a million times that he never would have mandated them.

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And how many billions would that cost big pharma?

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I see your point, but he also was going to follow in JFK’s footsteps and dismantle the CIA & the Administrative State. According to them he had to go for many reasons. Remember what he said in his Inaugural Address “ Today we are not only seeing the transfer of power from one Administration to another, but that transfer of power from the government back to THE PEOPLE.” I believe that sealed his fate. But I am ever the optimist, based on facts, that he will be back & finish the job.

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I just checked your link and they changed the wording to "recommend." Even though the Supreme Court allowed the mandate for hospitals, it didn't allow it for federal contractors. Biden may be out of it, but his puppet masters know they wouldn't get away with a mass mandate.

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Given his basement performance in 2020 he probably has never been in it.

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You are wrong about that. It's in paragraph 1

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If you check the link, there's a comment at the bottom that says that they made a mistake in the headline--they didn't bother to correct it in the article, probably because they would have had to re-publish it.

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Here's a thought. Don't you think that's a real Coincidence that they even wrote the mandate part to begin with? I get that they changed it, but I wonder how such a horrifying statement got written in there to begin with. Of all things to make a mistake in writing...what do you think? Isn't it odd?

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I see you're a teacher. My mom was, too.

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Here's a thought. Don't you think that's a real Coincidence that they even wrote the mandate part to begin with? I get that they changed it, but I wonder how such a horrifying statement got written in there to begin with. Of all things to make a mistake in writing...what do you think? Isn't it odd?

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The report is from Fox News, which isn't a fan of Biden & Co. (I'm being mild here), so some new young member probably decided to do a little terrorizing of his own.

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Well, he can’t. Thank God for the Constitution. Biden is a Despot. Get him GONE. Trudeau and Macron, too. They deserve some time in prison.

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I am 75 and I am totally with you brother.

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Any consideration made about mandating forced medical procedures isn't a discussion.

It's a threat.

We will not submit to this fate. There are destinies worse than death, and the world they want to create - where the government and their pharma buddies can inject us with whatever they want whenever they want - is one of them.

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It's like Biden's speech with the red background trying to make an old demented man look menacing. Or when he said 'our patience is wearing thin' while threatening the unvaxxed.

Biden is a wrestling heel character for the uniparty. His handlers are the people setting up these ridiculous sets and awful talking points.

And with booster compliance below 20%, trying to force a future shot is a pipe dream for them at best. They blew it with covid.

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When White House resident Robert L. Peters talks....No one should ever take it seriously!

Not Anymore! He's the most un-interesting man in the World. Stay jab-less my friends.

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My view is that Robert L. Peters has decided that his reckless authority is to act childish and by horribly punattive as a result of too many Americans did not fall for his raza mataz the first time. And now is in the back of his aging mind figured it out his deeds of deception have all been revealed on public display.

What the fool believes...

He sees. The end is near

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How about “NO.”

“You can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”

—Étienne de La Boétie

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

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"Covid is over...if you want it" -- Love this title!! Looking forward to reading this

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Thanks, Franklin! It was the second essay I published, and I am sorry to say it is still sadly relevant nearly two-and-a-half years later.

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Rely on your shortest possible two letters word responses, to get you thru such insanity.


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'Surge in COVID cases' cancels several high school football games in South Carolina.

It is not even flu season yet but somehow this virus is managing to hangout in the air, perhaps the water or wherever else they put it.


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MAA 🎯👍🏼⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️✅

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Obviously, "safety" is not the goal here... quite the opposite.

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Profit before people,

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Only works if the people comply. The profiteers have ways to make us ill, they have been doing it for decades via the FDA who is paid to wait before announcing recalls.

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That's pretty clear given the weeks long timeline from dev to deployment, along with the $billions paid in advance to their "testing" contractor. As if they didn't have to provide "assurances" of the testing outcomes in advance in order to get paid in advance.....

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Uhhhh…Not Me!!! Totalitarianism can kiss My {€>! I try to decline to use inappropriate language with such pleasant people here. Very Best To All. Ed

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This is exactly the kind of mindset that America can really witness that a very old man is in control of a great many things he must never have any input over. Time and time again he has proven to be incapable of any leadership capability and is undeniably a candidate for 24/7 home care.

The Biden family and staff is lacking all integrity to admit this. This is what absolute power looks like

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I don't see him in control of anything. Every single thing he does or says seems scripted and he even seems concerned about "getting in trouble" by making a misstep. It's hard for me to grasp why a wife would put up with that abuse for her husband, although that abuse seems planned for all of us.

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The Biden family is in a crisis of identity and integrity. They have "NONE" and each day that passes becomes a continued theater of Damage control of Joe. This is where PRIDE and DENIAL have become the exact same behavior from the WHITE HOUSE in DC. History is about to become extremely unkind to the Biden Legacy. It might be the worst ever written

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Biden's wife is playing the part of Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore with demented Joe.

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Keeping up appearances at all, and any costs. A Legacy lost attempts at a restore.

Too deep/too late/too unfortunate a reality and truth are being summoned above.

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Agree. We need American caring leadership and this appears another election interference and distraction from the Biden Crime Family.

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No. Thank. You.

Over my dead body will I ever get another "vaccine" - of any kind. They can stick it where the sun don't shine.

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So sorry you already had your first.

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Note to self:

Buy more ammo.

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Yes! I just did, yesterday! I will not comply with any more foolish “mandates”. Oh how in the world have we sane people allowed our beautiful world to sink so low? Can we help Atlas hold our world up? Atlas is shrugging. We must help him be strong!

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I kept hearing strange sounds in my house yesterday like something was rattling in my air ducts. Stepped outside and found it was my neighbor across the street in the woods using up some of his ammo for quite a well actually. He was either target practicing, letting off steam or both.

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I don’t take too well to demands or, if it comes to it, “threats” to my sovereignty. Having survived the onslaughts of my Sicilian matriarchal family for 74 years including 12 years of Catholic School Nuns, I am unfazed. I’m just really fed up. It’s my loved ones and friends I worry about. That is my deep concern. I devoted the entirety of my life to being an Educator especially focused on leadership. Now, a formidable foe is in my space and it intends to wash down the drain all the work and gains with it’s highly effective propaganda tools. Has Evil been underrated? It is “smashing” it in the area of personal empowerment.

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Nancy was right... Just Say No 🤗

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow. Big brother is here and he is an unrelenting malicious scoundrel. A real monster.

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This actually sounds like a great investment opportunity for house republicans. If they get in on the ground floor before they pass the funding bill they could all make at least a million dollars each on the backs of dead fetuses, sick pregnant women, still borns, and probably thousands of teenagers with myocarditis. I was driving to work this morning and saw this post. I was thinking how the government put Martha Stuart in prison for acting on a tip to sell stock she owned for a company that was in trouble. There were no dead babies, no massive strokes and heart attacks, no sick babies or even teenagers with myocarditis. Well the feckless house republicans, who have refused to investigate the profiteers and forced vaccinations, including their own exempted asses, should get the money machines warmed up. To hell with sick children, pregnant women, stroked out fathers, and children with myocarditis, there’s money to be made. McCarthy should come back from vacation and pass a massive spending bill on this new investment venture. J.Goodrick

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Most people I talk to about this blame the demon-crats when the conversation begins. I tell them that I know they are culpable, but its the other phony half of govt that has blatantly ignored the warnings, and refused to reign in the other side. They're more responsible, contemptable and need the anger directed towards them, vs being allowed to the cop out to constantly blame the other side.

This uniparty shit needs to end, now more than ever.

With disrespect to the hollow shell puppet who is the physical voice box for the elites who are pulling his strings, the "Lets Go Brandon" chant is the least offensive way I can be at the moment

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Your frustration has found a worthy target James. Everyone is mashing teeth and pulling hair trying to find a way to make the GOP accountable for its part in all of this. It has indulged the other side and even aided and abetted.

The SRC appears desperate to get funding. I spent about 5 minutes on the phone yesterday delivering my angst to the guy on the other end trying to get $100 then down to $25 and finally said, well okay then.

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I am so frustrated Shelley. All these issues which are impeachable offenses. This past weekend was the 2 year anniversary of the bombing in Afghanistan where of coarse 13 American soldiers were murdered. Many people don’t realize over 160 Afghans were killed, mostly woman and children, and Biden’s continues to say what a success his premature evacuation was.

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Yes James. Let us not forget each and every one of this admin's cruelty here and abroad. All done to serve the NWO.

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Different "STROKES"....For different Folks. ABC thru CDC and XYZ all said so. So it must be fine?

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The House Republicans may pass it. 😔

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As long as there’s carve outs for China I’m sure Mitch McConnell is in 1000% also, he’s so fiscally responsible....

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He may be in trouble back home. Hope so

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James, we need to work on a sniff test to weed out these RINOS!

As long as the dems can infiltrate the so-called conservative party, we'll never win!!!

Let's just look at what has happened to California!

That cancer is spreading!

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Not sure if you heard NH is considering taking Trump off the primary ballet.

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And this is where voter apathy may prove fatal. Have voters become too lazy to perform a write-in vote?

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If they succeed, they will either not allow WRITE-IN VOTES or make it VERY DIFFICULT!

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Apathy is a disease , stand up !!! No more apathy..... our lives and our children and their children depend on it .

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Oh, we will write him in, rest assured.

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Yep. I think that 🤔 California is also wanting to do that.

That is exactly 💯 why they're pushing for this Kangaroo Court to convict him!

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

A lawyer just filed a suit in FL to take Trump off the ballot because of his pushing for the insurrection. The GOP establishment is behind some of this, not just the Dems.

[it was FL]

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It was NOT an insurrection.

And as for all this drivel of taking President Trump off the ballot, listen to Richard Baris, and not just the write in part. It'd be toast, game over for the Republican party.


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“It would put the decision about who the President is in the hands of local Secretaries of State and Democratic governors, instead of in the hands of the people,” Dershowitz told Just the News.

Here is a list of the growing efforts to remove Trump and it includes two legal professors and members of the conservative Federalist Society.


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I was wondering where Gavin got that idea for California.

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The sniff test is finding out how they vote. Finally serious rino hunt beginning here in Texas with various entities examining and reporting voting records. The elephant guns are being loaded....I hope.

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Join JBS. It tracks State legislature voting as well as Federal and ranks everyone. Also, although this year WashingtonVotes.org no longer updates bill tracking and roll call vote information, the site’s searchable data base of legislative actions and roll call votes going back to 2001 will continue to be available to users.

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Shelley the problem is not having the data myself but rather the lack of reporting of it where it will draw the most interest. The bloody msm certainly will not publish it so who does, and who reads them?

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All of us regardless of political preference (if there is such a thing), need to be calling our congressmen and women to shout do not fund these vaccines or you will pay for it at the next election. This does work when enough people do it. In AZ a group of around 70 conservative ladies organized a very professional targeted campaign to call Sinema randomly to thank her for mindful voting on the floor. She reacted perfectly. She got respect from conservatives and hate calls from her own party. That is why she changed to libertarian.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We must not comply.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What part of NO do they not understand?!?!

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My coffee mug this morning says on the side "You and I have the ability and the dignity and the right to make our own decisions and determine our own destinies." Ronald Reagan "A time for Choosing" speech October 27, 1964.

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I am beyond fed up.

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