Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Staggeringly deep reporting, Dr Malone - from one who apparently managed to emerge from the Black Hole and live to tell the tale. I really don't know what can be done. Right now, all I can hope is that someone reading this will eventually take on the dragon. For now, I focus on this: truth matters. Truth must be brought to the light of day, regardless of the consequences (or lack of them.) You continue to do America a great service. Thank you.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

"...from one who apparently managed to emerge from the Black Hole and live to tell the tale."

Not trying to be alarmist, but on your comment, I hope Dr. Malone is being really, really careful. There are powerful forces at work that would very much like to see him silenced.

Dr. Malone is 100% correct. But doesn't go far enough. In 2022, ALL science is government science. Climate scientists are no less beholden.

Young people I've debated on the internet accuse me of claiming a conspiracy - they cannot get their minds around the motivations of a government employee who has a spouse, children, and a mortgage, to deliver whatever the government wants.

This video is entertaining, informative, and brief (about 6 1/2 minutes). I'm surprised it hasn't been disappeared from the internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fYjBH7ilZU

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In the video John Coleman claims to be a scientist. He has a degree in journalism. I have read the actual reports produced by legitimate climate scientists from around the world. Many different sources of funding are involved. In my opinion, it is good science.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

There you go. "He has a degree in journalism." And what is your degree in, RussCR5187? For the record, mine's in mechanical engineering. Same degree as that clown, "Bill Nye, The Science Guy."

Coleman's point, in case you missed it, is government money is dispensed to those who serve it's interest, and withheld from those who don't. Instead of doing ad hominem, the last resort of those who got nothin, how about you address that.

The whole article by Malone was about how well-credentialed government bureaucrats are whoring themselves. RussCR5187: "They have credentials. Don't you dare question their judgment!"

The recurring pattern I've seen over and over is, many well-credentialed, reputable scientists, such as John Christy, Judith Curry, more recently Steve Koonin, and numerous others have written articles and books challenging the "climate consensus", providing reasoned argument why the worries about climate change aren't necessarily wrong, but are exaggerated. Generally, the climate science community tries to ignore them. When pushed into a corner, and forced to comment, the response is almost always "He/she is not in the mainstream..." (there's that ad hominem again), or words to that effect.

That's politics. It's not science.

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I have two advanced degrees, one in Electrical Engineering and one in Computer Science. If you will notice, I offered my OPINION that the climate science reports I read are good science. BTW, I find it interesting that you refer to well-credentialed government bureaucrats who are whoring themselves, then rely on well-credentialed book-writing scientists to support the challenge to "climate consensus". Could those well-credentialed scientists also be receiving money or other perks for offering the opinions they do?

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

"Could those well-credentialed scientists also be receiving money or other perks for offering the opinions they do?"

A fair question. And a good one.

They may well be. And that fact should carry some weight.

OTOH, the agendas and motivations shouldn't be given ALL the weight. Anytime the adversary process is put to work, the parties have in interest in making their case. The oil companies have an interest in minimizing the concerns about climate change. And the government has an interest in promoting it.

Me, I look at the full range of factors. How have their predictions worked out? Are they telling the truth- the whole truth? Are they being even-handed? Is China and India being forced to reduce the use of fossil fuels the same way as western economies? The ones pushing it the hardest, does their personal conduct show they believe the existence of life on this planet as we know it is truly threatened? Or do they live in ocean-front homes and fly around on private jets?

Yes, there should be a debate about climate change. A genuine debate, airing all of the facts. Not the constant gas-lighting from old media and the Democrat party (If that seems not even-handed, it's b/c those cowardly Republicans mostly stay silent).

Let's start by getting rid of the "she's not in the main stream" bullshit.

And one last thing. Let's fund those who have a contrary view on climate change. There's no denying, eliminating fossil fuels will change the life of almost everyone in a major way. Why shouldn't we hear from those who see things differently?

If your doctor told you you were dying, or even that he has to do brain surgery on you, you'd want a second opinion, right?

Isn't that science the way it should be?

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I've been entertaining the possibility that both are true--climate catastrophe IS happening AND it's being used to further the Great Reset in ways that don't solve the problem. The ways that would solve the problem are ending militarism, foreign occupations, nuclear testing, wasteful shipping of oil, gas and products, agribusiness and bullshit jobs--as David Graeber calls them. And promoting regenerative agriculture, local businesses, community ownership of the energy grid, and jobs that serve the community. That ain't gonna happen until it has to, because we have no other choice.

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I agree that much can be done at the community level. Regarding the Great Reset and Climate change, here's the thought that has occurred to me (can't remember if I've already said this here previously):

Suppose today's billionaire oligarchs -- i.e., the ones who direct world events -- have actually convinced themselves, rightly or wrongly, that climate change is both real and advanced enough that nothing in the realm of traditional economics, individual behavior, or prospective technology can be done to avoid total calamity. What might they do?

They might decide that the best way for them to: 1) reduce the worldwide use of natural resources, 2) reduce emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, and 3) still maintain their control over the unwashed masses, is to drastically reduce the global population by means of a pandemic or two.

To exert tight enough control over what would surely become a chaotic downsizing of civilization they would work to establish strict totalitarian rule in combination with mass electronic surveillance, all enforced by both militarized police and the kind of economic control that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) could provide. Are we seeing moves in those directions? Strict authoritarian mandates during the pandemic? Freezing of bank accounts in Canada? Digital Yuan in China? Flagrant censorship on social media? Mass Formation that can easily lead to totalitarianism?

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I think that you & I & EI & everyone on this comment board are likely in agreement on your second point--depopulation and dispossession are the goals of the GR, along with every point that you make in the last paragraph.

I'm not certain whether the oligarchs' intentions matter. Personally, it seems unlikely to me that they're operating out of some kind of warped altruism. In my last episode, Noam Chomsky IS the Problem (https://youtu.be/-ucs-cebZJE) I talk about him gushing over Greta's Davos talk, in a way I find hopelessly naive. For my two-cents, the WEF is ruthlessly using this issue.

But that doesn't mean it isn't true. Dahr Jamail is someone I find credible and in his book The End of Ice, he's in mourning. Visiting places he's been and seeing them completely altered. From my own experience, Mother Nature is in menopause, with wild swings of weather I've never seen in my 65 years. And we know that the Arctic is open for drilling like never before.

So I'm not talking about wimpy little localism efforts that, to me, are spitting on a fire. I'm going for the nuts. My work is all about taking back the power to create money and issue debt so that NONE of us have to cannibalize our neighbors and communities in order to feed our families.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

I'm 66. So you and I have close to the same amount of time on this planet.

Going by what I observe, yeah, it does seem like the weather has wild swings. Hard to be sure, b/c I now spend a lot of time in central TX. Grew up in coastal SC. Those areas aren't really comparable.

Everybody knows, the weather is more extreme. Floods, droughts, heat waves, wild fires, hurricanes, major tornadoes.... I've seen variations of "the weather in more extreme" stated as flat-out fact in publications like Forbes. And I see it all the time on the internet, so it has to be true. Everybody just knows it. The weather is more extreme.

What I've never seen is any actual data that shows the extremes are worse. Sure, I've seen some graphs of periods of time, say, from 1990 to 2010 showing more forest fires. Or something like that. I've never seen any going from the present back to the 1920's or 30's.

Tereza, it's not my aim to ridicule you. Believe me, it's not. I know you truly believe what you're writing. I've been in your shoes.

I am going to challenge you. If you want to convince us the weather is more extreme, show us some data. Not a 20 or 30 year period. Not a data set where the end date is 10-20 years ago. A data set that doesn't run to within a couple of years of the present has a big warning label on it saying, "this data is cherry-picked."

I've made this challenge before. Many have responded by repeating, "the weather is getting more extreme. " And they argue about it. So far, no one has shown the data to back up what they're saying.

Show us the data. Graphs are good too.

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Sorry to look like I'm stalking you. I really do try to avoid arguing every point. But your hypothetical about the do-gooder oligarchs who have some insider knowledge about the awful things they have to do to save the planet, and that the public at large would never agree to, was more temptation than I could withstand.

Let's get one thing straight. All of us, as humans, do what's best for ourselves and our families. That doesn't make us evil. It makes us human. You have the starting and end points reversed. They know what's good for them without having to think about it. And they do it. THEN, they rationalize why it's the right thing to do. I'm no saint. If I had their resources, I'd be no different. And neither would you.

I'm sure every politician, and every billionaire, has convinced themselves that what they're doing is "for the greater good."

It always, always, always turns out, what's for the greater good is also good for them.

If you can think of an example where that's not true, help us out.

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No problem. I'm happy to discuss. I think my hypothetical scenario is in line with your main point. Which means I don't understand how I have the starting and ending points reversed. My initial assumption was that the ruling elite now believe that business as usual will not solve the climate crisis (which they now subscribe to, for whatever reason). They cannot be considered do-gooders because the plan involves killing billions of people with a series of pandemics, which is evil no matter how you look at it. Instead, their real objective is to save themselves and their families (and the rest of the privileged class?) while at the same time retaining the power, wealth, and control needed to keep them in power through very trying times.

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I watched the video.

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You're so right about climate scientists----the massive and unacknowledged Climate Engineering program going on is an example of how these "scientists" are have been "captured." Check www.GeoengineeringWatch.org

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As I understand it, Mr Wigington (lead researcher at Geoengineering Watch) says that clandestine Geoengineering programs are underway to reduce solar energy reaching the earth, primarily by emitting particles into the atmosphere that reflect sunlight. But earlier this year he said, "The heat in California is relentless, as well, because climate engineers are keeping a high pressure heat dome over the western U.S." Can someone explain to me why Geoengineers would manufacture a heat dome when their goal is to reduce heating of the planet?

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Have heard there are many agendas, and they have many "tools" in use. "Helpfully" blocking sunlight to lower temperatures has actually been acknowledged to have made the earth warmer, according to a recent report I just read----can't remember, it might have been from NASA. For other agendas, rainfall in certain areas can be controlled to create droughts or flooding. Fires can be started, and it can all be blamed on "nature" so there's plausible deniability.

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What is each individual DOING to get the truth out? Pick a topic or detail and make it your mission to inform people= one brain at a time.

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As a current gov con proposal writer, I am absolutely sickened that I have helped my company win contract dollars for this horrifying entity. I feel so guilty after reading this article. It's past time for me to start my own business and do my part to stop this circle jerk!

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I retired from the Army in 2020 (civilian) and was burned out by the bureaucracy and inefficiency that I had struggled with for decades. I had witnessed first hand a cycle of gradually increasing decay in Army processes. I assumed that similar problems were occurring throughout the government. Dr. Malone's article confirms similar problems in (at least) the health/medical side of things.

It is really kind of depressing.

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No. don't be depressed.. just move on.. I did.. a bird's eye and fact finding what how the inner working of the burned out bureaucracy is is important.. not that I think anyone will learn from those mistakes.. At least the future gen Post Biden. let's hope. will not repeat.. gotta go..

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All I can say is that the current system is breaking down. Not sure how long it will take to hit rock bottom - but it cannot go on forever. I am very happy I am not working in that bureaucratic system anymore and personally things are pretty good for me. So I'm only selectively depressed . . . at certain times.

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Not really surer what you are referring to. I got out in early 2020 and I was in a mainly civilian group.

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“If you are a journalist covering the healthcare beat, and wish to have access to the inside ‘scoops’ concerning what is going on or coming up within the US Government ‘health’ bureaucracy, you need to have insider access.… But the quid pro quo is that you have to play nice with the big boys, and not be too critical (see “controlled opposition” or ‘Hegelian dialectic’) or you will loose access to the centers of power and associated information stream.”

I believe it was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who explained that only the foreign journalists who wrote favorably about the Stalinist regime were permitted entry into the country. Whether or not I have the source correct scarcely matters because it’s the same story in every totalitarian system—whether it be the USSR, China, North Korea, or the NIH.

P.S. “loose” should be “lose” :-)

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Thanks for the insight. Re your last question: Will they ever learn? No - they don't want to learn, they want to retain control.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s is so hard to absorb how much deception, selfishness, lies and disregard for the wellbeing of our citizens and mankind is happening at every level of our government.

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We are rapidly approaching 'The Singularity' of a self-replicating, self-perpetuating Death Cult. 10 years in Med School, Residency & Fellowship have taught me the despicable spinelessness of 95% of my peers. Swallowed up by the machine and advancing the ball measured by ever enlarging budgets. Crumbs lining the pockets of Ivy League Bums.

Thank you, Dr. Malone, for your irrational temerity in standing up against the marshaled force of medical mediocrity. Having sacrificed my DEA License on the alter of writing Rx's for IVM & HCQ, let us (at our advanced age) embrace the Quixotic Struggle to salvage some shreds of Medical, Societal & Civilizational remnants of the Great Enlightenment Experiment.

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Thank you for the Rx’s. Precious few had the courage and integrity to do it.

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I hope that you were a lucky recipient (if you need those important early drugs)!

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I was. 77yrs old and still taking them prophylactically.

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Good for you!! Keep on keeping on, Man's Child! I'm 81 now and (thanks be to the wisdom of God!) unjabbed!! If/when I go Upstairs, I'm ready and just hope it's a combination of Natural Death and Old Age!!

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As the saying goes, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

Dr. Malone has masterfully aimed the Sun on the innerworkings of this corrupt conglomerate. It is now up to the rest of us, armed with this knowledge, to actively recruit and elect legislative leaders, such as Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, to revamp and streamline this conglomerate.

We need at least 100 Ron Johnsons among our 535 legislators to lead this charge.

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Don't forget Sen. Rand Paul, too!

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Too much money looking for a way to be spent for nefarious reasons.

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'"Apparently by mimicking the way that the infamous Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is run, and trying to transplant a bit of entrepreneurial spirit into NIH. And to be able to employ alternative contracting." Can you say Darpa.. ? great observations.. which I have researched .. before. The Dod interjected itself into the NIH many years ago.. and also like you said moved "operations" into Maryland suburbs.. and I will get a chance to review this more for more NUGGETS of wisdom. thank you .. :) Robert and Jill Malone. amazing research.. again.

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from a DoD point of view, Fauci swooped in a gobbled up the DoD budget for biodefense after the anthrax attacks. That was the move which then was used to justify his (Fauci's) big salary increase.

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I remember...

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Congress, if replaced and aware, could move to reform those contracting processes and workarounds of the rules. I am beginning to understand from the whistleblower case of Brook Jackson against Pfizer that the vaccines may have been acquired under defense short form task orders through pre authorized generic multiyear IDIQ like mechanisms. That allows for quickness, less oversight. The vendor gives the government what it asks for...

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish you could make a presentation of this essay before Congress.

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waste of breathe to tell congress anything. they are bought .

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Helpful details and background. New sibling "science" DP to be run by spook and "Rhodes Scholar" as a topper. When the puppets have puppets that have puppets . . . . More going on here by the global club than just money and power. Very coordinated, faster moving, and more overtly then in the past.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very depressing, but not unexpected. Let's see... Now what would a PhD Anthropologist with intel background be good for? I know! Developing new control mechanisms for the peasantry! The Alphabet Boyz must be orgasmic over this latest billion $ boondoggle. Dr. M, thanks for this peek behind the curtain... Be safe and be careful! You are beginning to step on the toes of genuine monsters... Oh... What have they learned? ...That crime pays and that they are free to do anything they care to do! No accountability. No oversight. No obstacles to siphoning billions from the sheeple. (while maiming and killing millions along the way).

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It feels like a tsunami now. Every morning I wake up and think "what now?"

The pace is astonishing: learning what we didn't know, coping with that, setting up defenses where possible or accepting what we can't control, letting go of cherished ideas and then moving on to the next set of mind blowing and life changing revelations.

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RemovedJun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022
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You can get IVM without a doctor.

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Boy, you sweep a very wide brush when you say what you have said about Dr. Malone et al! And, I would suggest that you're just full of it! At the very least, you're a bit too deep in the weeds to be even slightly credible!

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Never mind the fact that this feedback loop of self interest has spawned one of the most expensive health care systems in the world, and that the overall health and longevity of the American taxpayers who fund it continues to slip, year by year, down the ladder of world health outcome ranking."

Why focus on public service & performance when the donors are so happy with the current system?

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a rich ore of Truth in this posting & in the comments. Maybe Solomon had it figured out 3,000 years ago; '...money answereth all things', (Eccl. 10:19, his version of '...follow the money trail...') The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy,' ...the love of money (covetousness?) is the root of all evil' (1 Tim. 6:10).

In his last letter to Timothy, Rav Shaul (Paul) wrote '...I have fought a good fight, I have finished (my) course....' (2 Tim. 4:6 - 8), which message I dedicate to Dr. Zev Zelenko MD who is wounded, but his legacy will continue. To later readers of his letters, the rest of us, Apostle Paul wrote,'...all who desire to live Godly lives will suffer persecution....' (2 Time 3:12) I once heard a bold evangelist say, 'I am 'immortal' until my work is done.' Thanx to all of the Front Line Doctors & Nurses who have been carrying the burden & recognizing their "call to duty" Thank you Dr. Malone, & your dedicated followers, for your Witness for Empirical Scientific, Medical, & Historical TRUTH. We seem to have arrived at a major node in history. May God energize & Bless Truth-seekers everywhere at this time of accountability to all of humanity.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can’t wait for your book!! It’s going to be full of such insights and true wisdom, I bet! They should wrap up warm! Love your links to philosophy and history and internationality!! We all can connect, no matter where we live... Bettina

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