
The Asilomar conference reflects the research ethics I was trained to respect.

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Based on todays magnitude of Pharma advertising pushing millions $$$ into MSM and Pharma paying out untold $$$ to Gov scientists in the form of royalties and funding, I’d say it’s already too late for any honest scientific cooperation 🤷

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probably. horse has left barn

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Thanks Robert. Good information.

When you become head of NIH, as I hope you will, you can get through your three initial public policy priorities. I'd recommend a forth too, the retrospective repeal of Bayh-Dole act of 1980.

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good suggestion

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Is there a relationship to the Simian Virus SV 40 and what has been used in the Phizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson covid vaccines? If yes, could this have cancer rate increase implications? My comment would be that we should be able to compile case rate increases of highly unusual cancers (ie not typical lung, etc cancer rates) to help determine if the Covid vaccines resulting in random DNA fragment insertions are indeed increasing cancer rates.

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Do you now believe the ethics of that day so long ago were more lip service than morally heartfelt? How many of those who attended have since participated in perpetrating the COVID vaccine debacle?

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That conference was engineered to allow everyone to keep playing in genetics. It created an aura of precaution to allow self-regulation. This was in the lead up to Monsanto wanting to get living gmos out in the field.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To me many of these very dangerous technologies have been spread to our enemies. When people like Fauci are allowed without punishment to give deadly information to places like China, how will it ever be possible to put evil back into Pandora’s box? J.Goodrich

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Pandora’s box = correct metaphor

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Remember, the last thing in Pandora's box was hope. You and the others working on this issue are bringing the hope from the depths of that box. Thank you!

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thank you for the reminder...

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The myth says after Pandora opened the box, the hope stayed in the box. But I guess that means there is still hope.

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Absolute correct metaphor, Dr Malone!

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm just spitballing here. But to your public policy priorities I might suggest a fourth: Screening "health" agency heads for psychopathy.

Being a glutton for despondency, and having sufficiently recovered from my last re-read of "The Real Anthony Fauci," I continue into my first read of "The Wuhan Cover-up." The picture is clear: we're dealing with psychopaths who would gleefully and quite literally do anything to make sure rivers of cash flow into their agency coffers.

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well, there is that....

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This is basically what the Polish psychologist Łobaczewski, author of Political Ponerology, advocated in his book. After studying the decline of governmental morals during the Soviet occupation of Poland, he concluded that psychopaths could not be allowed to govern.

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Just stop short with sociopaths?

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am loving Substack!!

I am getting to read articles fully written, with words I need to use a dictionary in order to dust off the cobwebs my brain has acquired.

Thank you..

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Blinded by science. Blinded by the Gold in science. Blinded by the Power in the gold in science.

Blinded is a weakness metaphor. Sad people almost always give to temptation.

Thankfully, not a 100% of the time. Onward we go.

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Listen to this video by a Colorado physician that explains what is happening in Fort Collins at a US Bio warfare lab. Will the medical test patients become the spreaders?


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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Hard to believe. Rather, it should have been hard to believe. Long track record of testing.

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the testing:

1) 1980's clinical trials: HIV said to cause AIDS(right.)

2) 2020 phase 1, fine tune propaganda, more effective kill rate: Covid 19 virus/vax

3) 2024 phase 2, utilize optimized propaganda, Ebola with higher kill rate both for virus and the vax!

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deletedJan 23·edited Jan 23
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There is no indication that the bio research in manipulating viruses and looking for antidotes is being slowed down. Billions are being poured into the RNA/DNA cell manipulation research.

The risk of unleashing a deadly virus becomes more likely each day this continues.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, definitely worth looking back in time. Too often history is tossed aside as having no lessons for us in the here and now. This conference happened almost 50 years ago. It is interesting to me that it corresponds to a time (1971) when our gold backed dollar died and the US$, our fiat, was no longer tethered to reality. At that point there was money for everything, welfare, wars, activism, politicians, you name it there were no limits. During this time (70's to present) more and more people walked away from God and the view that we were accountable to something larger than ourselves. Now we find ourselves in a land filled with corruption, selfishness, arrogance and the belief that reality itself will bend to the will of the almighty US$ and further exacerbated by so called "elites", even a whole political party (Democrat), that hates whole swaths of the countries citizenry. Our country is now $34 trillion in federal debt and on our way to $50 trillion so it is clear that we are not yet at a point were a better path is desired above all else.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Paul Berg’s review after 30 years uncovered “economic self-interest, irreconcilable ethical and religious conflicts, and challenges to deeply held social values.” In 2008 he could not predict that his own government would fund GoF in secrecy, lie about it and then force an untested mRNA jab on its citizens in cahoots with the WHO and Gates.

We have moved far from the Asilomar concern of public transparency. I wonder what he was thinking before he died in February 2023, at age 96.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate your overview and how frustrating and the undertones of hopelessness. I know you don't fall prey easily to being defeated and will do all you can to create dialogue with who is left that hasn't been captured. All I can do is cheer you on and keep the faith. Godspeed.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“That said, there is a lesson in Asilomar for all of science: the best way to respond to concerns created by emerging knowledge or early-stage technologies is for scientists from publicly-funded institutions to find common cause with the wider public about the best way to regulate — as early as possible.

Once scientists from corporations begin to dominate the research enterprise, it will simply be too late.”

If you are correct, it IS simply too late. I see no difference between “public institutions” (read government) and corporations other than the ability of the govt to legally use force of arms to impose their will on the public. Please show me any meaningful (other than a pitifully small) percentage of doctors and “scientists” and public institutions that are not corrupted. The last 4 years have shown to all but the willfully blind that “science”, “scientists” of all stripes, and all of our public institutions and government are for sale.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's time for all good scientists to come to the rescue of the USA and the World.

It's Time to initiate the steps necessary to convene this conference on the "ethical and moral considerations in using recombinant DNA." And, other issues related to the safety and efficacy of chemicals to be induced into our Human bodies.

Dr. Malone, you, Sir, have the high moral and ethical professional status to sound the trumpet to those in our scientific communities to answer this call by you.

I'd suggest asking the manager of the Epoch Times to sponsor it and report the conferences' scientific methods, it's professed understanding of morality and ethical scientific processes, and its findings to We the People of Earth.

We're all in this together., one way or another.

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Works when Ethics is driving the bus. But Ethics has been laid off. "Once scientists from corporations begin to dominate the research enterprise, it will simply be too late." And, even worse,

“They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour.

Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up."

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There needs to be a conference like the Asilomar conference every 5 years. There should be check points to follow to keep us safe from “evil mad scientist”.

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Especially the ones working on 'behalf' of the citizens in high ranking jobs in our government. Instead of stopping the “evil mad scientist” they are them.

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Melanie, nice thought, but, "Once scientists from corporations begin to dominate the research enterprise, it will simply be too late."

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Started grad school 1 yr.post Asilomar (after working 10 yrs as a tech) and remember the turmoil and also some thoughts back then. We had entered the big money science era and competition was fierce. One aspect of those meetings was the idea big things were in the offing and those who already had a head start intended to keep it by limiting entry to late comers. Also, researchers not in or interested beinfg in recombinant DNA research feared it would siphon off the big money. Remember Geo. Wald, a Nobel recipient, running all over the country screaming for total ban so that horrible life forms not be concocted in some Frankenstein lab. Point being take a good long look at possible motives of alleged well wishers.

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Very interesting first-hand knowledge and recollections. I wonder when the USG started its University scientific grant programs to further the cold war bio-weapon industry, or was that all in-house?

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Probably in house at beginning. In AF was working on germ (virus)warfare detection. Really not much we could do then. Technology not there yet

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Thank you.

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Way off subject but think you will enjoy. Told you big rino hunt underway. Well our Ag commissioner, Sid Miller, has endorsed an opponent of a phelan crony who then challenged miller to a…duel. Miller accepted and said since he was challenged had the choice of weapon. He chose…words! Said he would use them showing conservatives how his voting record was anthetical to their wishes. I really like our Ag ommissioner.

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I have watched a few videos of him. He is truly a larger than life representation of a true Texan. He breeds and trains American Quarter Horses and in his spare time, is a recognized rodeo cowboy who holds 12 world championship titles.

AG Paxton doesn’t disappoint re Supreme order: This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.

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Like Isaid,rino hunting season has started. Only wish we had other than that bottle of cold pressed sitting in the governors chair.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So glad that Doc brought up this groundbreaking historical event. So different from the present mentality: "if I don't take advantage, someone else will".

In a past, alternate universe, where ethics and morality were important, people wondered how they should responsibly handle powerful knowledge and tools that could irrevocably effect billions of other lives.

'Sharing is caring'.....

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s painful being forced to argue for the obvious path to avoid catastrophe.

Thanks for reminding us of history and what might be possible.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"it is long past time ..."

Indeed. I find it hard to believe all the silent legislators don't realize what's going on. That's why I'm convinced these draconian events are about distracting citizens of the world from the insane levels of debt and unfunded liabilities. They will require very radical policies even if they were to be handled fairly. And of course they have no intentions of doing that. When have they ever done that?

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From your mind and heart via your keyboard to all ears with minds to hear and to join together to pursue positive directions!

As a staring point your initial public policy priorities are on point. They can offer an additional benefit of allowing all parties to come together in support of valid mutual objectives.

Power to you and on behalf of humanity!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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