Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So there's a name for that.

I love how every time Justin Trudeau opens his mouth he exclaims "Canadians want this," or "I speak for all Canadians when I say......"

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Great commentary, Doc. I look for your posts first.

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Trudeau's insidious blackmail continues - Speaking yesterday to provincial premiers wrt continuing funding for Canada's healthcare, revealed it would only be available if they agreed to sign up for digital IDs -


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He has truly been an excruciating disappointment.

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I had a discussion with a neighbor recently who called Trudeau an idiot and followed it by saying they still plan on voting for him.

I asked, "with everything you've witnessed, you know enough to call him an idiot, so how can you vote him back in?"

She actually said, "because he's an idiot I know....."


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Some people can't resist a photogenic face, sad

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Not so photogenic as it was back in the last decade. Maybe Canadians will grow tired soon.

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It begins to appear that the destruction of our medical systems has been a part of this world agenda from the beginning. They--Trudeau and other world leaders of his ilk, are forcing the kill shot on the doctors and nurses who stay and have run off those who will not take it. Now they will simply stop funding this system, leaving us all without health care unless we choose to create something outside the empty hull of the old system.

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Now euthanasia becomes the pillar of govt healthcare. Especially involuntary euthanasia.

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Or "oy represent da soy-yence?"

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once again, this is all designed to fully implement UN Agenda 21/30/50, which, decidedly, destroys our constitution. Truly, it destroys the entire world as we know it.

The trouble is that the "common man" has no clue how to fight. I've said before, this is not a war that will be fought with guns and bombs, and make no mistake, it is a war.

Aside from the "court of public opinion," the courts are the primary battlefield, unfortunately. Fraudulent elections are a primary "front," but infringements/blatant disregard of the constitution are right after that...wait, let me change that, those are two equal "fronts." The "common man" doesn't have the resources and connections to pursue this in court. I know some try, and some are successful. But for the most part, not much is happening and the common man doesn't know how to fight...to reiterate what I stated previously.

Maybe if we had a well funded institution to train the common man it would help?

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Just wanted you to know The Epoch Times has started a journalistic school that trains people to truly do the research and report accurately. In doing so they will uphold free speech.

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That's encouraging, tho I couldn't find anything about it on their site or with some searches. Have you a link?

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Here is a link to something.... I felt the TETimes solicitation I received was for a more formal discipline. I will keep looking. This is a good effort however.


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Nice to see that happening at the high school level. As the video says, maybe they'll become journalists, or maybe what they learn will improve their work in other fields.

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I will try to find a link. Because I support TET I received a solicitation for support of the school.

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Anyone on this substack want to help beat back the beast? Matt Taibbi is looking for some warriors. I got an email on Saturday and here is the online link provided in it.


Paid freelancing!

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Suicidal maniacs have captured and perverted most of our institutions. The best tool we have for recovering from this insanity is free speech. If the truth can be communicated, it will go around and through all institutions. Substack and Twitter are good beginnings.

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Yes, free speech. We are one of the few western countries left without laws that curb speech. I read that most in the UK agree that some forms of speech must be checked. On the other hand, as the Malone team points out here, what the media doesn't report gets out via social media platforms but it's only to those that follow the truth tellers. That is why it is important that some of these 'smear' pieces can be see by followers on the other side, even if in a negative light, in case curiosity gets them to take a peak! Problem is everyone has their "own" truth.

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Every western country had laws that curbed speech of Russians and their enemies. Every single one.

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The 'common man' can write to the offending companies CEOs informing them that unless they back down, their product(s) will be banned from their households. This might seem puny and unlikely to have an effect, yet it has worked in the past if enough people bother (I recall a successful case involving Unilever in the UK some years ago). The problem today is getting enough people to make the effort and to believe they have any voice at all.

And btw, there was enough accumulated evidence over many years showing Jeremy Corbyn's leanings towards individuals with declared anti-semitic positions to persuade TPTB that he was not only not a good choice as Labour leader but more significantly, as Prime Minister.

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I have heard "experts" opine that boycotts do not work. Back when integration was getting started a rather upscale restaurant in downtown Okla. City said no. Well, folks simply quit going there until they relented and offered a reasonable dress code for patrons. So they can be made to work.

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Massive tax revolts seem necessary at this point before the digital prison gets lowered on us.

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The Constitution of the USA was destroyed in 1871

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good article Dr. Malone. To comment on our collective realization (posted by one of your readers) that "we the people" have no idea of how to "fight" this war, we fight by supporting those who do have a platform and greater degrees of credibility than we "the common man". That would be people like Dr. Malone and journalistic endeavors like The Epoch Times. When you find those individuals or organizations who promote and fight to maintain the 1st Amendment support them with all that you have! Money, yes. Sharing their sites, yes. We must have their backs and be determined to fight the fight with them.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Always remember that 0bama/Soros are behind all this with their plans to destroy the US and usher in a one world government. 0bama/Soros has fully captured every three lettered agency in the US and has them doing their bidding since 2006. That's 17 years of total control (who do you think was behind Trump's two impeachments) with no end in site. Who do you think is behind all the election 'discrepancies' of 2020 and 2022. Without addressing the wide scale voting fraud--nothing will change.

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Hussein and Soros are just useful tools of the hydra dark state. There are many more things that u don't see above them.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I wanted to sincerely say thank you for going head to head against the anti free speech left organizations. I only wish there were 161 million more people like you that would publicly stand up and denounce this. Our founders made this the first amendment for good reason. Without the first amendment the bill of rights simply falls apart. I think Obama’s idea of fundamentally changing America begins with fundamentally removing the first amendment. Like Obama’s puppet, Joe Biden said, no amendment is absolute, disgraceful!! I think of you Dr. Malone even Elon Musks fight to maintain the fist amendment like the biblical story of David and Goliath. This all reminds me of Germany’s Ministry of Enlightenment, and it’s leader Joeseph Goebbels. Just a note, when the Nazi party fell, and Hitler committed suicide, Goebbels was made the chancellor of Germany for one day. He and his wife then committed suicide. A good ending for a mass murderer who initially had a huge role in eliminating Germany’s constitutional rights of free speech and religion. J.Goodrich

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I wouldn't trust that "suicide" thing as far as Epstein suiciding himself either.

Operation Paperclip rescued most of the highest ranking members of the nazi reich.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article - thank you. Wouldn't have known any of this without you bringing it to light.

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Speaking of fascism, AOC posted about the Christian commercials during the Superbowl saying Christianity was fascism.

But that's what all heathen say. Selah.

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The Vatican and fascism are definitely connected to the dark hydra state.

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Yes, it was an evangelical Christian group that did the commercials

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The commercial was from an Evangelical group, I believe.

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The 'Christian' commercials were teaching another gospel... another Jesus.

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The Christian churches have been teaching 'another Jesus' for decades. Here is a link to The State of Theology in which you can see for yourself using its data explorer at the top and toggling through the Statements how this new wave teaching has led to a complete deception of God's Word.


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You are correct, there are many, mostly mainline churches that have put culture above scripture, and thus, themselves above God. There are still biblically sound, Holy Spirit filled congregations and denominations that are standing firm, many are splitting off from their apostate national organizations for these very reasons.

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How so?

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It leaves out the most crucial (and basic) elements of the Gospel and the reason for Christ's coming. Jesus is God. He came to save lost sinners. These commercials do not even say who He is. It is completely watered down, to a message that helps no one. 'Jesus is like you' (which He is not) and he's just a good example. He is HOLY. He is not a rebel, He didn't come to overthrow the Roman Government or to riot. He came to save individual people, to die, in our place, that we would be reconciled to the Father. He is the perfect 'sacrificial lamb'. His Kingdom is not of this world. This taught a social justice of diversity, equity and inclusion... not in words but through pictures. Emotional manipulation.

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You are right about who He is. But the commercials didn't show DEI they showed the awful hate filled activities of the last 3 years and said to love NOT hate. To be kind, NOT mean or evil. To be childlike as Jesus said was necessary then showed how children love and help others without meanness and without regards for social or ethnic status.

The best one can do in 30 seconds and 60 seconds is try to make people think and to say the name above all names, Jesus. No other 90 seconds could or would reach millions of people all at once. They planted the seed - it's God who can water it and make it grow.

I think it's fantastic they brought Jesus name forward during a time they knew millions were watching. I hope they do more.

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I thought the commercials only spoke half the truth, the watered-down liberal message being preached today. Jesus said love the neighbor as you love yourself. Loving in this way does not save either soul. A list of "thou shall not" should have been slowly scrolled.

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I wrote more, but it appears to be cut off... or deleted, which is sad. They could have done a better job, in my opinion, using the same pictures..but just quoting, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -Jesus, Savior of the World (Mt. 11:28-30)

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And that's a beautiful, beloved verse. But one the target audience, without God's intervention, likely wouldn't "get" and likely wouldn't cause curiosity and seeking. I believe they were trying to appeal to a specific audience. Piquing the interest and plucking the hearts of those involved in the ugliness who might feel a tinge of hidden guilt was their goal.

And knowing the mentality, and in many cases poor education, of those people involved, the ads tried to reach their level of understanding in the quickest and shortest time possible. Jesus will meet them where they are, the ads attempted to reach them where they are - and that's what Jesus does. And the central message was great - Jesus does love those we hate. And that lesson is for every single one of us, saved and unsaved.

God bless you!

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An ant hill is a perfect analogy to the socialists dream world and one into which they have been shoehorning us for some time now. Have you ever seen the mad frenzy that occurs when an anthill is disturbed? Well that is what is happening now with the progressives. Their rank stupidity during their fabricated "medical emergency " has lifted blinders from the eyes of their intended victims and word is getting round that we are being diddled by our supposed elites. And they are panicking just like those ants do. So expect more stupidity of a truly epic scale.

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Even uber Covidian newspapers are talking about the excess deaths in Europe, with headlines as explicit as: What is killing Europeans? Of course, for now, it is eveything but the vax, let see when that retaining wall breaks down ...

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'Panicking people' with power are extremely dangerous.

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And prone to mistakes and blunders ... just as is the WEF in its hurry-up approach - while throwing caution to the wind. Hopefully that wind carries far and wide.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

I don't think with them, or other globalists, this is about 'mistakes or blunders', I think they are intentional eugenists.

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Eugenics is only a part of having a man/god complex which they all have. They are arrogant, old, ill and in a hurry. Panicking as you put it. Panicking can lead to mistakes on their part which could jeopardize their goal. That’s my hope.

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Prayer and the Word of God is the most powerful force the Lord has given us. Suit up. Ephesians 6. Tell others.

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we win

death isn't scary for the believer, even the transition from this life to the next isn't scary, that screaming judgement for a life full of bad stuff has been paid fully

we get an escort from this life to the next!

offered in Love, and completely and totally undeserved

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“ Disinformation is destroying democracy”

President Obama

He wasn't lying. He simply failed to mention he and his ilk are the main purveyor's of the disinformation of which he speaks.

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Then that was the only time he was not lying

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Was his lips moving when he said it???

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He wasn't lying when he said this👇

"We're five days away from the fundamental transformation of the United States."


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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/was! Happy Valentines Day! Your new studio is really nice I saw it on an interview. The astro turf morals of WEF are as genuine and healthy as their fake meat.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Astroturfing is what happens when an idea is DOA.

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There is a reason we call it THE FIRST AMENDMENT.

Our enemies -- foreign and domestic -- twist most everything we hold dear in truly Demonic directions. Speech they disagree with becomes "Racist" or "Hate Speech" or something else perverted and ugly.

Equal Justice becomes Social Justice -- which is so far away from "Equal Justice" that you can't find it on a map.

This is Mind War.



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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We know IRS won’t be investigating them for non-profit tax fraud.

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They Lois Learned their lesson well huh?

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They learned no one will hold them accountable, just like everything else we are seeing violating the constitution on a daily basis of those that don’t conform to communist way. 🤬

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

I was born on Valentines Day and the nun who helped deliver me was also born on Valentines Day. I know the history and all the "Hallmark" of it, but I always remember the power of it, as a reminder of Love. As this play of deception and hatred progresses, I am glad to have this knowing of the power of Love over Hatred. This power must radiate from our Being and it is there as a balm for our tired soul. A big hug to you and Jill and your family, who have given so much. (Sounds too gooshy? Sorry...)

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Funny story, Rodney Dangerfield said when he was born the doctor went to the family and said we did all we could but he pulled through any ways😂😂😂

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Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday!

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Very loving takedown of the Center for Creating Digital Hate, Dr. Malone. Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Speaking of love, wouldn't we all love to see CCDH, GARM, Media Matters and all their funders revealed for their nefarious political aims. Your article is a first step towards that loving destination.

BTW, as long as it's Valentine's how about creating a counter group called the Center for Creating Digital Love. Digital love is very high tech and so the WEF will be all over it!!!

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Thanks for another informative and detailed article. Your reporting is among the best on the planet.

You covered a lot of ground here, and touched on a number of inter-connected component parts of the globalists' worldwide disinformation operation - one of several operations to establish global feudalism.

As for Twitter, I've noticed a lot of anti-Musk and anti-newly-free Twitter. At first, I couldn't believe how many people appear to be against free speech. Soon after, I realized this "quantity" is just an illusion created by the operation you describe.

But to paraphrase Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park, "Truth finds a way." Truth always manages to get out - thanks to thousands of people like you.

I believe hundreds of millions of people around the world know basically what is going on with globalists, disinformation campaigns, corrupt governments, the falsely inflated pandemic and its deadly "vaccines." Most might not know all the details or see the entire jigsaw puzzle, but they know enough. This is amazing given the levels of censorship, suppression, attacks and false discrediting of true information and those who publish it. Somehow, a fair percentage of people have seen through the lies.

The problem is how we organize ourselves to win this global war. A few hundred million people simply knowing the score and operating more or less independently won't defeat the well-organized, highly-funded, brilliantly-planned global cabal - who collectively control approximately 80-85% of the world's wealth and resources. "Our side" needs an allied organization whose intentions and dedication are of comparable magnitude to the enemy. We have the numbers in terms of people, but not the strategy and organization the globalists have. We also lack a unifying and tenacious leadership level.

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by each of us selling out personally to Jesus individually and with each other

the most important thing of all

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