Thank you Dr. Malone. I live in CA and have been following the bird flu data. I have not been concerned for the reasons stated in your article but it helps to have backup from a pro such as you. We are working to rid this state of it's "political virus" but it may take a couple of election cycles for that to happen!

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Your political virus has given us Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, DA Gascon, and now Governor Gavvie. I really wish you would take this virus more seriously.

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I’m wondering if Nancy actually fell… or is she staying away?

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Rumors of AOC being behind her just before the tumble have proven to be unfounded. Whether she would have given Nance a playful shove if she had had the opportunity is still being debated in dark cyberville.

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Dec 20Edited

I was thinking more along the lines of avoiding probable prosecution for her part in the January 6th debacle.

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She would be at the front of the line for that. But the wheelchair would be a good sympathy ploy. The optics, as they say...

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I wish her no physical harm, but I do want accountability. Did the FBI tell her what to do, did she tell them or did she happily go along?

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"Drag you around by a lock of your hair

Or give you a push at the top of the stairs."

-- The Who, "Cousin Kevin" from "Tommy" (1969)

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I’m sure Gavin Newsom is going to need some huge donor money for his 2028 run for president. I wonder if this is a wink and a nod to big pharma so they know they’ll have a profitable friend with President Newsom.

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Yesterday Pfizer was offering outlooks to investors. They projected Covid vaccine uptake would be the same as this year. That the overall outlook for the company was favorable. Their message evidently satisfied.

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As long as we produce 70 billion eggs a year with chickens confined to tight spaces without sun shine in tin barns, we will not solve the bird flu syndrome. Instead, we will continue to have bird. flu fare ups in the tin barns. The chickens are living in stressful unhealthy conditions, have no personal space and the chronic stress reduces their immune system ability to fight off pathogens. The chicken man gives them a Vitamin D supplement and antibiotics to compensate, but it is not the solution. Tin Barn eggs are now 400% more expense than before the Covid con and we have destroyed 10's of millions of chickens because we have not addressed the root cause.

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I agree 200%!

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You're only allowed 100%, unless youre a democrat, then 200% would be acceptable

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Brilliant analysis and realistic, unbiased assessment! Thank you, Dr Malone!

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Interesting take on the assassination of General Kirillov by Bioclandestine on Telegram.

“If you were curious why Igor Kirillov was just assassinated, watch this video.

In August 2023, Kirillov outlined how the US and Big Pharma “rule the world” by “manufacturing biological crises”.

He also discussed how all of this evidence has been submitted to the UN many times, and gets vetoed every time by the US, because the US cannot refute the documentation.

Essentially, Kirillov found the paper trail proving that the US government, along with NGOs and oligarchs, created C19, and used it to generate trillions in profit for pharmaceutical companies via vaccine production, as well as advancing government overreach via emergency powers.

This is the reason they just killed him. He was trying to expose the biggest crime in human history.”


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Recently, the citizens of California gained a powerful champion of their interests in the form of Donald Trump.

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Unfortunately, most of them aren't bright enough to figure that out.

It will be a huge blessing to the rest of the country when the majority of Californians finally realize who is really screwing them.

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Those Californians who wake up to WHO is screwing them have already departed that former 'golden' state - including me back in 1978.

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We need President Trump to defend and protect us from Governor Newsom, not the other way around@

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Thanks. Figured it was the cia who killed him

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"If one can design propaganda or psychological operations that bypass the conscious and rational faculties of the individual, targeting instead suppressed emotions and hidden desires, it is possible to move people to adopt beliefs and behaviors without them being aware of the underlying motivations leading them on." - Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses

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Amen. This understanding needs to help drive the end of FAKE NEWS. SOON. TIME HAS ALMOST RUN OUT FOR THE AMERICA WE KNOW AND LOVE.

""If one can design propaganda or psychological operations that bypass the conscious and rational faculties of the individual, targeting instead suppressed emotions and hidden desires, it is possible to move people to adopt beliefs and behaviors without them being aware of the underlying motivations leading them on." - Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses."

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So true

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I believe this is just another last ditch attempt to prevent Trump's inauguration and the only state Governor far enough to the Left and willing to take it on is Newsom. He might have some luck getting Californians whipped up into a frenzy of fear but I doubt other states will follow- certainly not Red states. In the next 30 days the globalists/Deep State are going to throw everything they've got at trying to prevent the inauguration. Their problem is, I think most Americans understand this and are not going to react.

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"Their problem is, I think most Americans understand this and are not going to react."

I pray that you are right! I can say that my first reaction to this announcement by newscum was: Yeah? F you! But it is apparent that most Americans are not quite as ornery as I am.

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I'm an ornery Canadian and that's even more of a rare bird! I have more faith in Americans than Canadians to not react. Canadians just like to follow along.

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I am. FU Nuscum!

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Or me!

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Avians of a feather

Resist together

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I'm more worried about what devious things the outgoing administration is doing. They'll have had nearly three months until the new regime is sworn in. These time periods date back to our nation’s founding in the 18th century, when the fastest means of communication was a letter (or a newly-elected politican) traveling in a stagecoach. Communication times, even one-way, would have been weeks for the furthest provinces of the Republic.

It’s probably impractical, but I would update the peaceful turnover of power to be a bit more abrupt: While it’s not common, there are times when a worker with no advance warning is met in his cubicle by Security officers, allowed to take his few personal possessions, required to turn in his badge and other company property, and is then escorted out of his work area permanently. I wish our national government’s power could be handed over as quickly – there would be little or no chance for the shenanigans that allays go on.

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When ive had employees who turned in their notice, i told them to leave now, and ill pay you till the end of the week.

Too much damage can happen by either accident, or intent

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Newsom needs to stop clutching his pearls or whatever those little round things are he’s clutching, straighten his skirts, and calm down - he’s ruining the Holidays.

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the "little round things" Newscum is clutching are his pelotas.

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No tiene

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Thank you, Dr. Malone.

I’m shocked that guv Newsom has overreacted to H5. Shocked, I tell you.

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Thank you for sharing the facts in so many relevant news stories. I depend on you to be honest and provide all of the facts, which is exactly what you do. I wish there were more "experts" that I could trust. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

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If it weren’t for Newsom’s hidden agenda, he wouldn’t have any agenda at all. The testing thing might be part of the agenda, but what they’d really like to do is get rid of the dairy, egg, beef, and chicken industries in Cali. I have an addendum to that, but I’d best not say it.

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Indeed! With the leftys there is ALWAYS an underlying agenda that they'd really rather you didn't discover.

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Ask Hochul of NY and the govt drone psyop. She'll come clean about H.R. 8610.


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Clearly there are powerful interests promoting at the global level a switch from animal-based food to plant-based. Ignore for now the many possible reasons for that, whether they are commercial motives (e.g. Big Ag and Chem would benefit immensely) or (perhaps!) valid "environmental" motives as well, such as fairer allocation of Earth's food supply, lessened pollution, or even to reduce animal mistreatment.

Isn't it more likely that Newsom would be pandering to State-level interests? The easy suspects here are Big Ag, or in the present case, Big Egg and the poultry industry. I can't figure out the angle though, since a flu scare usually leads to the preventive slaughter of large numbers of animals as we've already seen with flu and even against Covid-19 a few times. Remember when millions of ferrets? (Mink?) were killed because either they tested positive or were feared reservoir for Covid-19? The easy “conspiracy theory” of course, is that CA will enact regs that would tend to hurt the small producers the most, all in the name of “public safety”, of course! Governments have a VERY long track record of doing just that. Big Business will often bitch and moan about those burdensome government regulations but if you look under the hood you would find that in many, certainly not all, cases, Big Business is actually quite comfortable with certain regulatory regimes because they impose much worse burdens on competitors, especially the small fry.

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A very measured response, but the message came through loud and clear even so. Well penned Doc. Thank you for all you do.

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It’s happening right now with the Omnibus “Christmas Tree Ornament” CR Bill—trying to strike FEAR in the hearts of Americans that the government will shut down if all the frivolous spending is not approved.

OK—SHUT IT DOWN! By law ALL essential government services MUST be paid for, which means our military is funded, along with Social Security, DHS, etc. I actually heard a GOP Representative from my state say they should not shut the government down, because the Republicans do not have a plan on how to deal with a shut down and how to message its effects properly.

We just WON an historic election, and Trump is leading by example, and this GOP Rep and the Majority in the House does not have a plan, to stop the spending AND no plan on how to message why they refuse to spend Americans into bankruptcy? Who is worse: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or the Republicans? At this point, I think there is a three way tie for first.

My stomach literally hurts, because this FEAR PORN is effectively destroying my confidence in this government to run properly and protect us as citizens, in particular, I have lost confidence in the Republicans. I’m getting off the news and concentrating on the birth of Christ, the Prince of Peace, because I need Peace right now.

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Thank you for this update! While this audience is hopefully resistant to 'terrifying messages', there are many who have been severely damaged and left vulnerable to bioterrorism propaganda. Your thorough coverage and review forms a valuable basis for review with the uncomfortable to terrified among us. With publication on Substack, X, GETTR and elsewhere, it should be widely available for use in support.

Last evening the FLCCC folks offered Lehrman's take on her studies as to who orchestrated the global covid pandemic response. She covered elements of fear. Your name and perspectives re fear propaganda came up several times.

Again. thanks so much for your patient review of the facts to be considered and points to make!

A good day to all.

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FROM INFOWARS/Renz just now re rejected spending bill

Congressional spending bill is a big pharma gift extending and expanding COVID emergency powers to other pandemics and even reiterating mRNA vaccine immunity!” Renz said in a social media post Wednesday. “We are evaluating the details of this 1500+ page monstrosity but it dramatically expands federal power for plandemic response and funds it all further

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I timely evacuated CA in 2006 while it still hadn't turned completely into shiite. The only real emergency and threat to CA is "Gov." NEWSCUM who should have been ridden out on a rail or lynched a long time ago, and the teachers unions that exercise way too much political power and should be decertified as being a domestic terrorist organization. I, among many, am totally fed up with the manufactured and manipulated "emergencies" that re really hoaxes to obtain more $$ and increase power to be further misused. It was CA that led the way into converting everything it wanted to control and tax from "rights" (of the people) to "privileges". Again, the liberal language manipulation to sell stupidity and fascist thinking to the masses. It now leads in EV stupidity and madness, alleged anthropogenic climate effects that don't exist, and DEI. Venality and liberals have brought this country to the edge of an abyss, and all the media can talk about is Taylor Swift, the douchebags of the view, and the rampant stupidity of Melissa McCarthy who doesn't even have the acumen of Charley McCarthy.

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Dear Henry, Congratulations to an outstanding RÉSUMÉ of an utter SCUMBAG totally devoid of any consideration for his NEXT. They are traitors and ought to be arrested, judged, convicted and executed in Public Place. Most of the corruption, malfeasance and outright STEALING would stop at once.

I called this ugly worm ***nuisance*** but I definitely prefer ***newscum***. Let's eliminate this vermin for good !!!

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Great comments y’all! I just don’t get the people who don’t want to wake up! Saw masks in different places today! Please! “Common sense is not so common!” Someone add who said that originally! Sits on my kitchen counter! Thank you Dr. Malone for today’s post/essay/commentator!

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Took my wife to DMV yesterday, cause the commies who run blue states wont allow her to renew it online cause her photo was over 10 years old (so they say). They badger you,to get the "Fed Real ID" while there, claiming you cant do anything anymore without this new, Real ID crap. The new actually says "Not for Real ID" printed on it, when you decline their demands, and just get a regular license.

Half of the state employees were masked up behind their full plastic shields with the holes for paperwork to fit through.

1.5 hours to renew a licrnse for a 60 year old born here woman, who has never been in any trouble

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Renewed my license in person at second DMV place. First one had too many waiting. Saw a sign to renew on line. Got in my car, went to website and got informed I did have to go in to get a new photo. I didn’t realize I had already renewed twice on line. Really? 8 years ago!! Oh well! It took less time at the courthouse DMV! Very nice lady behind plexiglass without mask. She wished me Merry Christmas. It’s back y’all! I never stopped!!

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