Kind of a "duh" moment. I've been saying this for years. A restless population ruled by corrupt elites. Presided over by a senile, corrupt and pervert mediocrity. Propped up by a equally corrupt and lying state media - NYT as Pravda, WaPo as Izvestia with equally comedic and mendacious broadcasts. Corruption everywhere and people trying to game the system or giving up to addiction. Not a pretty picture. Entirely the fault of the DNC and the Republicans who have sold out. AKA - the uniparty. Just as the CCCP.

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Yep! All 3 branches of the federal government have been weaponized! Those opposed are being marginalized and erased! Not Good! J6 event was show cased as a message to all not to fight the conversion of the USA to totalitarian state! I think we are changing roles with Russia!

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Why are so many afraid to identify exactly WHO the "enemy WITHIN" the United States has been for MULTIPLE decades: COMMUNISTS - disguised as "liberals", "Progressives" "Democrats" and (YES!) some "REPUBLICANS".

BTW, the much maligned Senator McCarthy was RIGHT - as the book: Blacklisted by History - "The Untold Story of SENATOR JOE McCARTHY" - by M. Stanton Evans- CLEARLY demonstrates.

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My view! McCarthy was a surrogate for J Edger Hoover who feed him info on Hollywood actors!

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Stan Evans book on McCarthy will convince you otherwise, Thomas.

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Who feed him the info?

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"him" who?

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"Back in the USSR. Are We the Soviets Now?"


With one exception: The Soviets didn't commit national financial suicide by shutting down their oil & gas resources thereby becoming an importer of these fuels, the way that the (literally demented) Biden administration did.


Bruce, I agree with all of your comments above.

Please pardon me if I skip the interview. Here's why:

07/02/24: If everything else hasn't gotten us to the Total Saturation Point of Insanity, we can go over the top and win the Championship of Crazy with this one:

"The Republicans remain the captives of the personality cult—the “MAGA movement”—that has formed around Trump, just as the Democrats were the captives of the personality cult and populist movement that formed around William Jennings Bryan" [1896-1908].

"They therefore run a considerable risk of losing this election, which they ought to be comfortably winning on the big issues of inflation and immigration, because their candidate is too off-putting to too many of the crucial voters."

--- Niall Ferguson, The Free Press 07/02/24.

1) He's comparing someone who ran three times for the presidency and failed each time, to someone who ran for the presidency and won on his first go-round.

Ferguson's "Logic": The existence of the ancient, previous multiple-failures justifies the fear that the proven successful will fail the second time.

2) "Well! 'Off-putting'! We can't have that! Clutch pearls! Pull ripcord!"

Solution: Send Trump up to Camp David for seven days and have him rehearse all sorts of phony personas that will make him more likable (surround him with Nobel Prizes winners in Chemistry, if necessary).

I suspect that the prime architect behind Joe Biden's blockbuster debate victory on June 27, 2024 was none other than Niall Ferguson.

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Oh that was really good!!!!

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Thank you! (and credit Niall for saying something so illogical, there was something to really work with). I'd upvote, but the U function (mine) is on the permanent blink.

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Niall is supposed to be this near genius policy guy but every book of his that I've read leaves me with glazed eyes and gaping jaw. Apparently, I'm not alone. But I keep stupidly forking over money to him hoping he'll live up to the hype.

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07/05/24: If so, and it sounds quite plausible, books written by people like Niall was one of the reasons why I dropped out of college. Retired since 1993, I've constantly discovered excellent books that I could have been reading in 1974 --- not the CRAP.

Hell, how could anyone in high school in 1970 have had an English teacher --- from England no less --- and yet not be told about Laurie Lee's 1959 masterpiece, "Cider With Rosie"?!?!?!

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I'm not convinced that Clinton, Bush and Obama (who I consider as on ongoing influence to Biden) are senile. Maybe corrupt with theories of governance one might question. I'm more inclined to concern about how well we keep ourselves informed and involved as we decide whether to vote and if we do, who to vote for.

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That's because we have only slipped recently into full Soviet mode.

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In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Nayib Bukele said the way he got rid of the deadly 13 Gang in his country of el Salvadore,was through prayer! He humbled himself in at the sight of the Lord and was lifted up. I am so proud of that young man. I'm 77 and hope I will be around to see some leaders with that same humility and obedience as he is.

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This interview provides a competent 20,000 foot view of things when what is needed is a competent 30,000 foot view. Lots of ‘what’ here and very little ‘why’. The fentanyl story in America is serious but no longer new. What is new is organized and competent depopulation. No mention of that. What about 5th generation warfare against the people? What has happened to communism since 1991? In the West we now seem to be living in a world where no one is in charge. How are decisions being made and who is steering the ship? Is anyone steering it? I found myself wanting a lot more as read Mr. Ferguson’s analysis, much as I like and respect him.

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I agree with you. But still, I found this fascinating and intellectually stimulating.

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Agree...complex but yet simple. The generic term America or Americans is almost no longer accurate...we are a significantly divided nation, like two nations, for the recent past. There are those that think/act like traditional Americans, and then there are those on the LEFT...which are really communists/fascists...which have grown in America since the 1950s and now actively taught in some schools. Remember in the 1950s there was active issues with the rise of communism in the USA...especially Hollywood and the elite...it never went away...just went underground to grow deeper roots, and now emerges stronger.

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Has everyone forgotten the RADICAL 1960s? When the "Communized" college students - the "SDS" "Students for a Democratic Society" did the SAME thing they are now rioting, bombing, looting...and those 60s "American" Communists now control the levers of power in not only GOVERNMENT, but virtually EVERY institution in the USSA.

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....misuse of the term "Left". Dems aren't Left in the traditional sense.

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Ya right...another comedian...there is no tradition left in the Dem party. The Dem party was invaded by the leftist communists generations ago and now control much of the party! Study history. Of course, the left has also invaded the Republican party...in fact the left has invaded everything it can...it's trying to invade us the citizens, which it has also except for those that continue to escape the reprogramming propaganda. Misuse of the word Jim! Ha.

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Mr. Ferguson is very careful not to offend.

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I think you are right about that. And maybe KCIII knighted him to shut him up.

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Brien? Have you not heard of the "American" NGO - the "Council on Foreign Relations" - or the British counterpart the "Royal Institute of International affairs"; or more recently (formed in 2007) the GERMAN branch of the AMERICAN "CFR" - the "DGAP" - the German Council on Foreign Relations?

A bit of determined research WILL PROVIDE NAMES of what amounts to the hierarchy of this INTERNATIONAL "Council on Foreign Relations" - which is fully on board with the United Nations "AGENDA-2030"...now just SIX years from coming to fruition...which IF the so-called "Democrats" win in 2024, WILL HAPPEN!

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From a personal point of recollections I offer the following past.

My grandfather almost got drafted into WW1.

Instead he joined the patriots and headed of to fight in the Spanish American War.

My father was in the Army for 3 yrs in France with Patton's Tank Divisions.

My mother worked on B-17 and 24s bombers at Holman Field in St. Paul in WW2.

This was after growing up during and after the 1929 depression.

My 3 older brothers all severed four year hitches in the US Navy in, and around Viet Nam.

My Mother remarried when I was 14 to a High School guy she was in many classes with in 1940.

My New Step Father had spent 24 years in the US Marine Corps as a Gunnery Sarge all over the planet. Beginning with being in Pearl Harbor the Day of Japans assault on America.

My youngest son served a 4 year hitch on the Aircraft carrier HS Trumann CNV75 for Operation Inherent Resolve. 2500 sorties were safely flown from CNV75 at night in the Persian Gulf.

To those that may think that WW3 is not remotely possible, PLEASE think again clearly.

It can happen again! Just as it has in past generations. My entire family left home to return alive,

with the images of what happens when "HATE" is so deeply ingrained into minds.

And here we are once more with being told "who and how much" to hate other peoples.

Independence Day... is EVERY DAY IN THE USA. We have been born with that promise.

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Too funny, i posted last week "Are we sure we won the cold war? I think the Russians just went into hibernation and woke up as us."

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I remember Hillary Clinton in 2016 telling everyone that deep-seated religious beliefs need to be gotten rid of, and I was surprised nobody rebuffed her for it. I also recall the cover of Time magazine at the end of the 90's stating '' congratulations, we're all Socialists now. '' Yes, we resemble them much more than they've ever resembled us or our ''outdated'' moral belief system.

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Hillary Clinton IS one of "them"!

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Surely, the Virgin Mary at Fatima told the children way back in 1914 this was going to happen if people stopped listening to God. Well not only did the "people" stop listening to God and stop obeying His words (that could be the 10 commandments) but He, along with the American flag, was removed from schools, court houses and yes, even places of "worship"! It's starting to come back in some states where it is being reinstated. Is it too little too late? God is merciful, but WE (the Marxists, etc.) are NOT God. Stay close to God and He will stay close to you. In some ways Putin is closer to God than the U.S. government! That's scary!

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I don't think religion should be shoved down our throats. To believe in God is a personal decision.

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Sir Niall Ferguson obviously seems very well informed in "his" areas, but in others he seems to be a "babe in the woods." . He speaks of immigration as if it is the same old thing, instead of a massive wave of often culturally opposed peoples. He speaks of technological advances in drugs and medicine, (no mention of sustainable agriculture or of the many new drugs that even a Harvard article dubbed as mostly useless). And he makes no mention of the Covid vaccine deaths. I guess he can be forgiven as he is a SIR and as such much more insulated than many. We certainly do live in Parallel worlds today.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

It might be interesting to hear him duke it out with Jeffrey Sachs on the subject of Ukraine. I'm inclined to believe that Putin moved on Ukraine only after decades of broken promises, dirty tricks, and NATO expansion.

I hear a man who considers massive demographic change a necessity and an inevitability. This upsets me, really. I think decades of the enemy psy-op, an element of which might be described in a shorthand way as cultural marxism, has created an anti-family, anti-tradition, anti-patriotic atmosphere fomented by malicious actors who've insinuated themselves into western culture. I suspect mass immigration is a solution to an artificial and deliberately-created problem, in that populations taught to despise themselves might be less likely to procreate. I suspect we're in a long game, as has been touched upon here before, in which the ultimate goal is to weaken nation-states in favor of global governance. And one primary element of the strategy is to blur/erase borders and promote unrestricted human movement. It's not what most of us want, but the elites aren't asking.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Intellectually, I don't think he is a match for Jeffrey Sachs.

But it was disappointing to hear a Brit cheerleading for American support in another European war. (Should US troops find themselves over there because someone in the UK thought the US should support a European conflict, we will have no one but ourselves to blame.)

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James, they never ask. After all, “they” know what’s best for us!

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I agree with your points James. Boxed in and betrayed. NATO truly is the U.S. acting on behalf of the U.N. The real commies are running the show here and abroad. Sachs points to the whys and Ferguson could care less as interest is in saving a corrupt nation and the money laundering mechanism for the U.S. regardless of the deaths created.

It has been a long game for my entire life. Nation policies that actual force citizens to have less children with potential moms in the workforce and the denigration of male figure heads.

Your other points are mine also. Thank you for your post.

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To say that Nigel Farage is not a serious candidate is likened to have said in 2015 that Donald J. Trump was not a serious candidate, which we heard from various sources, thank you David Brooks. The Tories did not pursue the spirit of Brexit to their everlasting shame, and now to their unprecedented defeat. Liz Truss was given short shrift by Ferguson, when in fact her only sin was being a visionary, which did not find favor with the elites at the Bank of England, and they made her pay. She forgot to ask permission to be bold and courageous.

I do like Ferguson's take on "buying time" because our tyrannical enemies do have their own fundamental problems. But is "buying time" a policy? Maybe in today's corrupt reality of a $35t national debt it's the best we can do, first one to the bottom loses..

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I listened until Fergusen stated we failed by not funding and arming Ukraine properly to fight Russia. Then he goes on to continue the idea we need to now give them more funsing, and more weapons

This guy is a paid shill for the military blob.

More funding?

More weapons?

Hey Ferguson. Get your white lilly ass over to the front lines in Ukraine, and fight this abomination on the people of Ukraine, yourself. Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine for a decade slaughtered thousands of historically Russian citizens living there, (Donbass) and the US's biological facilities, and the ever increasing UN military presence closer and ,closer to Russia's border, forced Pootin to finally push back, as he said he would. Pootin warned, time and time again to not encroach on Russia. We did it anyway. Poked the bear long enough to cause this, shut down our industries at the same time, and created this conflict we are in now.

American polticians, their handlers, and their european counterparts did this, not Pootin.

Puppet, penis piano playing Zelensky is just that. An actor, a puppet, paid wiit UN blood money to sacrifice the Ukrainian people and nation, so he can buy castles in Britian, and island casinos.

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The fact that Ferguson was knighted by King Charles says it all. Rishi Sunak, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Mohammed bin Salman, and Sadiq Kahn are all relatively young, amazingly corrupt, and the very worse sort of elites. With a half-posh mumble wreaking of whiskey and cigarettes, and his panties in some sort of Marxist-Keynesian twist, Ferguson is a major dud - I’d rather spend my time listening to Eric Wei stein talk about things I don’t understand. Lol

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Oooooops, Spello alert. REEKING, not wreaking. Gar

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Thank you for the transcript as hearing is bad. Two hours reading this morning . . :)

Ferguson sees the world from his simplistic view of past conflicts and assigns meaning to current times based on those past failures/wins. He does the same with political structures, while Sayers, with an optimist view, pressures him to elaborate and convince. He fails with his pointing to political history 'the more things change the more they stay the same.' I do agree there is NO going back, here, or abroad.

Ferguson is as bright and conditioned as Condoleezza Rice. They are both mouth-pieces for the Hoover Institute at Stanford U. Wars are their main objective. Let us not peek behind the curtain, Ferguson certainly did not. Those thousand-year-old puppet strings do not exist, it is just your imagination that the forces of greed and power exist.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

I miss my comment stream like button.

Perhaps to achieve such a knighthood, one must avoid rocking the establishment boat.

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Drs. Malones, Thank you for posting an interesting read. For me, one very problematic analysis was regarding continuing U.S. funding of Ukraine. He also does not address the violation by Ukraine of the Minsk Agreements regarding the Donbas. Nor does he address that Ukraine is a country long known for being one of, if not the, most corrupt governments in the world. Economist Martin Armstrong (armstrongeconomics) posted a video today of a Ukranian journalist documenting some of the proven theft of the U.S.'s taxpayer dollars to the tune of billions of dollars, funneling to politicians and others. At the end she says what she showed was a drop in the bucket, and do not give any more money to Ukraine.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and such a perspective on the problems of today. Some ideas I just shrugged at and others I thought “well said”. Always a pleasure to see foreign viewpoints on the world problems. Thank you for posting, Dr Malone.

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Thank you for offering us these extended perspectives. A worthwhile analysis of a large part of our realities of concern. However, I do agree we face a much larger field of concerns. In addition to the bleeds on our economies touched on Public Health has and with Pharmas Strategies will continue to loon large as a fiscal drain. Then we need to add the insanitie accorded for Climate Change. Last but by no means the least the perversions of the elite to take over and impose their World Governance.

Admittedly all this adds considerable complexity, but if we are to understand and develop meaningful strategies - it seems vital to the process.

Have a good one ♡♡♡

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Yes, excellent. I came across it recently and wanted to listen again, now I don’t have to go look for it The interview Tucker Carlson did with Jeffrey Sachs close to two months ago is also very worthwhile.

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