Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, I am so disheartened by all these malicious and defamatory lies these people are hurling at and about you. I want you to know how much I respect and you and Jill for the steadfast work you have done and continue doing. I have never met either you or Jill, however I feel like you are part of my family or are dear friends. I for the life of me cannot understand what would motivate someone to slander you and Jill. Please take heart in knowing how much you both are loved and respected by myself and millions of others.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe they slander the Malones and other "Truth Warriors" for fear of exposure of their obvious treachery and potentially being held accountable.

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I agree, from my perspective ther are only two real options, they, are the controlled oppostion presenting extreme ideology that has very little real support, and primarily makes "skeptics" look bad, or they are simply duped by their own extremism and paranoia. At any rate their obvious incapacity for rational dialogue and debate is usually cause to their bark being worse then their bite, depite real harms that do occcur. Thank you Dr Malone for your willingness to face such hate as you sucesfully battle the globalist agenda.

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They kill millions but only slander the guy telling everyone? So you possibly think there could be another option? Or not?

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There are numerous other options but they don't fit the narrative or their ultimate goal which is total global dominance.

Worm sandwich anyone??

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Dec 24, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023

I'm saying another option that Malone is a plant. Controlled dissent is necessary in attempting global take overs

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If he is it has backfired. Thanks to the Malones I skipped the first "jab" and have refused all the others. Numerous friends and family members were not so fortunate.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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Same to you, BUT you're missing the point. Study up on controlled opposition. This isn't checkers, it's chess and bridge on steriods. It's way beyond what the common man can comprehend. To most it's like the matrix. The reason it isn't for me is because I'm 50 and for 40 plus years my dad and grandfather taught me how the world works and let me tell you, it's about 180 degress from what CNN/NEWSMAX/FOX/CNBC/HISTORY CHANNEL ET ALL. They are all controlled. You sit there and talk about a group killing millions of people like your numerous friends and family members. They won. Now people know. They have Malone to track the opposition. Sun Tzu. We are sold complete lies. There is a cure for all disease, there is energy that can be dervived from 100s of places. Cars can run on gas for 100 plus miles. What most people "Think" is going on beyond their imagination. Nothing backfired. you're playing chess.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WELL SAID and right on target. I'm with you all the way -- standing WITH Dr. Malone and Jill and I just THANK THE UNIVERSE that I found Dr. Malone's column

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Robert, I follow and support you and Jill, not for what people say about you, but for what you say about our condition. Long live Integrity, Dignity, and Community.

The closer we get to the truth, the wilder and woolier it will get, until either the lightness or the darkness wins. I'm onboard for the lightness to win.

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Attacks happen whenever you're trying to do the right thing. Often the people who know they Should be doing what you're doing will attack the most. Been there.

Sometimes mentioning the detractors give them oxygen. Sometimes denying them interviews, and air time, and brain time is the way to go.

So smart to concentrate on the real life that matters the most 👍

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Dr. Malone has been over the target for 3 years thus all the "flack".

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Yaaaa, and probably some of the "same side" disputes are contrived or fueled from outside to weaken the message of what's going on with the virus and the jabs.

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100%! Total heroes! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Joe Rogan interviews with Peter McCullough and Robert Malone, back to back, late in 2021, have already been seen by those with an historical eye, as the pivotal point in the rise of the anti-mRNA injection argument from relative obscurity to a substantial audience. And especially, your interview. These two programs nailed down the scientific basis of the opposition to the injections. No one can ever displace Rogan, McCullough and yourself from that credit--and you were the most convincing and important, mostly due to your relaxed demeanor and background in the mRNA world. Dr. Breggin is clearly motivated by jealousy, as shown in his ridiculous attacks against Matthias Desmet, based on a single sentence rather than the whole book. When this all began, Del BIgtree said: "we don't need to all agree, to be on the same side." The ability to accept differences of opinion and background is a sign of maturity--which Jane Ruby clearly lacks. It should also be understood that in a popular movement there are often several prominent voices--in this case, many. Different experiences and voices speak to different people. So continue your good work and try not to be bothered by the insects flying around you.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This. I can’t tell you how much success I had showing people the two Rogan interviews. That was THE turning point.

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Thanks for that feedback, Ed. It was pretty obvious, and a few perceptive talking heads have said it, but it is the consensus of many ordinary viewers, such as you and I, that ultimately make it true.

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It is curious that Dr Malone, perhaps the most calm spoken credentialled critic of the globalist, receives such extreme flax from those who appear to also be aginst the vaccine, but are so in an extreme emotional way, full of way out of the box ideology that only harms the rational skeptic cause. Thus, by their extremism and poorly supported ideology, they discredit rational skepticism, and also attempt to tear down the most rational skeptics. Hummm, makes one wonder about their motive.

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Also the Dark Horse podcast of Weinstein with Malone, that was my first eye ope er.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas 🎄 Big hugs and blessings to you and your family Robert. You’re an encouragement, brave and wise. Thank you for letting us saddle up and ride on your back. Your heart is bigger and stronger than any horse! Peace be with you my brother.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ditto what Jared said.

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Perfectly said!

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas Robert and Jill. I am sorry well tuned minds such as yours have to put up with such poisonous dross.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, it's about time to "spill the beans" as they say. I've got to say that it gave me some pleasure to read you calling out the many sources that contribute to this phenomena. Like I said earlier, the Hero stands up one more time than he falls down. I do wish there was another word for "fighting the war", in martial arts ( perhaps more accurately, tai chi )the movement is different than resistance. There is great power in taking the opponents energy and moving it thru. Perhaps that can be a new strategy. Love and Blessings to you and Jill this bleak, gray day. There is sunshine just waiting to burst through!

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It has not gone un-noticed how you have supported and defended me. I truly thank you for that and every time I see "DD" in a comment - i sit up and take notice. I consider you a friend. Thank you.

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I didn't want to get all mushy, but that may be the nicest compliment I have received in a while.

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Mer-ci beaucoup.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas Doc and Jill! I love your posts about your farm life history. I hope you both take some time to ride your horses in that Reagan- Happy Warrior way. Your best advice is “think for yourself” and I might add for those of who have an active one, trust your gut. From the beginning, mine said the Malones are legit. May the peace of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you this week.

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In my opinion, you pay far too much attention to the drama and only increase its audience by doing so. Aside from the Berenson incident, I wouldn’t have heard of any of these attacks if you hadn’t brought them up yourself. And does any of it really matter? You’ve been proven right time and again. You won.

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Sorta what I was thinking.

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What exactly did Berenson do? I thought him an early crusader against the Covid lunacy. As was Dr. M. He seemed sensible and somewhat fearless. What happened?

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

He and Malone were in an interview and Berenson started taking cheap shots at him out of nowhere.

The thing you have to understand about Berenson is that he desperately wants to be let back into the cool kids club at NYT. He’s never known anything outside of that and he thinks if he trashes people like Malone they’ll eventually let him back into the party.

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"you can take the reporter out of the NY Times, but you can't take the NY Times out of the reporter". My essays on what happened (with links) are in the top five all time favorites for this substack column.

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Thanks for the heads up. I saw Berenson in the early days and thought he made a valuable contribution at the time. But, as Doc Malone said....you can take the reporter out of the Times......." The New York Times has been lying for leftists since the 1930s when Stalin was killing millions of Ukrainians with famine and the Times printed Duranty's lavish praises of that mad man.

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I’m glad someone else here knows about what the American media was hiding back then. It explains so much of what’s happening in Ukraine today.

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Apparently you wouldn't know a leftist if you passed one on the sidewalk.

Those whom you are erroneously calling leftists are neoliberal centrists and they hate the left even more than you do.

The left of politics in the US was crushed because they were the best at organizing labor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The industrialists were furious, especially when the New Deal passed. They have wanted to repeal that legislation ever since. Joe McCarthy dealt the final blow to left politics. Read about the history of labor movements to learn something.

We have no left in politics in this country any more. You think those posers are lefties? LMAO

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Well, if you laughed your ass off, you’d be headless.

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I'm still on his email list, but I have regarded him as false oppostion ever since. Thank you for allowing him to expose himself.

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I like to contrast Berenson with Naomi Wolf, who was also fully immersed in Life on the Left, for lack of a better term, before our world hit the skids 4 years ago. Unlike Berenson, who I agree can't let go of what he believes to be his NYT "bona fides" and the elitism that goes with it, Wolf is highly introspective, about a thousand times brighter than AB on many/most topics, and unlike him, has embraced her "after COVID" community of deplorables.

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I think you've hit the nail on the proverbial head. I didn't follow her pre-COVID, but I suspect she is more of what I call a 'classical' liberal, who is tolerant of different viewpoints, but likely wants more, rather than less, government. I believe that the COVID experience has opened her eyes to the role of present governmental establishment. Many of the historical 'liberals' have morphed into what is still often called 'liberal', but is actually far left or Communists. I have a dear old friend who fits the classical liberal definition reasonably well, but spends too much time on NPR and PBS, being programmed to think that the conservative viewpoint equates to Nazi-ism. We are slowly broaching political discourse, but I am slow with it. The problem with my approach is that we don't have much time left.

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Berenson attacked Dr. Malone for no reason in an early Tucker interview. I was an early supporter of Berenson, a paid subscriber. I was stunned while watching; it was disgusting, and I told him so and that I'd pay to renew when he apologizes to Malone. I've been an unpaid subscriber ever since. (I read him because he has some good things to say; as others point out, we don't have to all agree to fight on the same team.)

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I do the same. The thing with Berenson, is he truly cannot admit when he’s made a true mistake that’s not a typo!

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I didn't see that one, but Alex has never apologized to Naomi Wolf regarding the effects of the shots on female reproductive organs. She was right and he was wrong. He is a smaller person for not apologizing and admitting his error. Lost stature for Alex.

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The ability and willingness to admit to wrongs is a show of integrity, which Alex lacks.

Naomi has extraordinary integrity.

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I took exactly the same action. But as we've learned, Alex never apologizes or admits he was wrong. I was also an early fan of the Breggins. Their book was the first in my "COVID Library." However, I said good-bye to their newsletter as well when they set their sites on Drs. Malone and Desmet. Both situations bothered me a great deal.

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I know integrity and Malone has it. But, lacking for time, I've never studied the dispute he had with the Breggins. Can you give a brief summary of why the Breggins were so wrong and why Malone felt it appropriate to sue them for $25 million?

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Honestly, my response was purely emotion-driven. Back in those days, I was hoovering up every bit of information I could find from "dissident" doctors and scientists, and Drs. Breggin and Malone were among the earliest, as I recall. I was in quite a state at the time, recoiling from all the "mitigation" measures, all the sheeple in my midst, and searching non-stop for the right products to treat the virus if necessary, and where to find them. I don't recall with any precision what Breggin's beef was ... I simply could not BELIEVE he went after Malone and Desmet ... as far as I was concerned, we were all on the same side and it was like a knife through the heart in that moment. I was quite angry at Breggin. As for the lawsuit, I have even fewer details, but I would suppose that when someone of Breggin's stature takes aim at you, you should take it more seriously than say, a Stew Peters. So Dr. Malone's response didn't seem all that surprising to me.

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I have copied and pasted to Word documents, among tens of thousands of page, some of the discussions of the dispute. They were so long they were among the few things I've kept that I did not really even skim. I'll have to go back and read it, unless someone else can pipe in with a nice synopsis. Right now, I only know I would trust Dr. Malone with my life.


The Breggins, however, surprise me. Long-time libertarians, but I never followed them. Off the deep end would be my hypothesis.

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As someone who endured a similar situation except on the micro scale (an entire town did this to me as opposed to an entire planet), just know your perspective lacks experiential insight. Dr Malone stated the facts. He didn’t attack anyone or play the victim. Do you notice your comment contains the message: Stop observing and speaking the truth about what is going on. Doing so makes you responsible for creating the drama because you’re the one feeding it energy.

Any time someone tells you to deny what’s happening and stop speaking the truth, that should be a red flag.

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Many days it seems really hard to shake off all of the worlds negatives. It’s hard to look at the loss of our freedoms, the loss of Americanism, the loss of our country, over the past years without having the feeling of grief. For me cynicism is many times how I deal with the grief. One of my realities in this world is your sub stack and reading your great subscribers comments. It gives me hope, and without hope you can’t have faith, faith that eventually we all will return to an America we love. I do think over time reality and the truth will correct what has been done to us. I do have faith in you Dr. Malone and as you say all of us warriors. Keep the faith. Hope you all have a great Christmas and look forward to the New Year. J.Goodrich

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Well-said. An important insight for me was appreciating how thoroughly the Marxists have penetrated our institutions. I learned of and read about Antonio Gramschi, of Italy several years ago and understood his approach to communism. 'The Long March Through The Institutions'.

We watched it from afar - meaning that we had some 30 years ago moved away from the big-city suburban life to a more rural area. Schools were focused on teaching basics, and school boards and administrators were conservative in oversight and spending. 30 years later, our kids are out of school, the suburbs have invaded, developers ballooned, and the invaders have bought expensive houses on tiny lots in the new suburbs. They have driven up taxes in a number of ways, and we now find obscene books in the libraries and curriculums and teachers that are more focused on 'social justice' than functional education. We sold to the developers, and now find ourselves further from the big city. The outward movement has been going on all over the country for many years, but the political movement has been more successful than I thought it could ever be.

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I also agree with you. Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to you and all!

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many people continue to get encouragement from you and Jill. The pushback is inevitably disheartening, but you will never fully appreciate the hope and life you have given to countless people all over the world by simply persisting in the face of it all. I thank you.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bless you Robert and Jill. May you always stay safe and sane. Thank you for your service to us all. And for loving horses as I do. Thank God for the equines!

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for addressing all those elephants in the room 🐘🐘🐘. You inspired me on a day I was feeling quite demoralized about the state of the world (despite glorious weather and a walk with the best husband ever)!

I listened to the Breggins’ broadcast and figured pieces were missing, having been trained by one of the best instructors in propaganda theory and independent thinking (YOU!). I appreciate your filling in those missing pieces.

It’s too bad that those in the “freedom movement” can’t just get along (in the immortal words of Rodney King – https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1992/05/02/transcript-of-rodney-king-s-statement/). People can disagree on the science and approaches, but honest people with integrity and sincere motives, should NOT be attacked.

You wrote: "Clearly “Bad Jacketing” works. " It works on some, but not everyone. Open minds and parachutes are needed in this awful information war.

Obviously, I don't know you and your beautiful wife personally. But I've read your writing, been privileged to learn about your personal life through this Substack, listened to your videos and speeches (not all of which I understand, but that's OK), and seen your actions.

The “controlled opposition” label always makes me laugh; it's just stupid and meaningless no matter who is slapped with it.

Enjoy Christmas and ignore the NEIGHsayers, unless they knicker and slobber when you feed them their favorite treats. 🐎

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They do slobber...

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But the slobber and soft noses are worth it.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone,

Congratulations on another great article and another year of them. I see much of the same propaganda when it comes to "climate change/global warming/global boiling" (whatever the scare term is this week). Indeed, I think they spring from the same basic source - global elites who see total domination over every life on this planet. With the climate change farce, the new buzz is "decarbonization", which is an interesting phrase since all humans are carbon-based and all life on Earth requires carbon in multiple forms. As I always tell people, "WE are the carbon they must get rid of!"

Have a blessed Christmas with your lovely wife and wonderful animals.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I hope you know that we, your subscribers, are the army behind you. Merry Christmas 🎄🙏

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A big Army who believe in you! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have this approach when I shop for apples: I first look at the bunch, and automatically rule out obviously bruised ones. I then pick out ones that look like they would be good, and do the feel test; if they are too soft or have squishy spots, I put them back and ignore them. But I can always find apples on the cart that are firm, and by the touch test are perfect for eating. I keep those, walk away from the apple cart, and forget about the rest.

I do the same with my sources of information. Some you can tell are ridiculous right away, whether it is because they are either too extreme or focused mainly on ad hominem attacks and sowing dissension. Others, I stick with for a while, but when they show their prejudices, they show they are not firm in their disclosure of truth. I have gotten about all the useful information from them that I will get. But then there are others, who have been consistent in their exploration of reliable information and understanding. I keep with those.

What I appreciate about you, Dr. Malone, is rather than wanting to be part of that elite club by sticking with a medical discovery that would ultimately be exploited by corporations for profit (and could have immensely profited you financially), you were honest about the flaws and dangers of the platform and walked away from it. You cared more about the sanctity of human life than profit and power. That is what they hate you for.... The mirror you are holding up to people who don't act in the interests of the value of human life.

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hear, hear!

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You’re spot on!

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Well said and I agree 100%. I do the same with the sources of info - after a time the true colors shine through and that is why I am here.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas, Dr M, from us in Adelaide who value deeply your work and contributions.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas to you too Doc, I still believe in you! And you’re right about humanity, rather a hopeless case all things considered. But yes, we are the puppets and others are the puppet masters. I’m not certain exactly who they are, but you come across to me as one of the good guys. 👍 Imperfect like each of us, but one of the good guys. Hang in there Doc!

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The motto on the human coat-of-arms is: OOPS

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