The War in the Ukraine is the threat that keeps on giving—it created a new hypnotic focus to distract the populace from COVID just as the Big Lies were starting to collapse; it defined a new enemy to concentrate people’s hatred on; it provided legal cover for the funneling of billions into the corrupt US proxy/WEF sock puppet regime in the Ukraine; it capitalized on the fear that has been stoked against Russia since 2016; it is wreaking further destruction on the global economy, thus obscuring the world financial meltdown underway while deflecting blame from Biden, et al as inflation spirals into the stratosphere; it terrorizes through the looming threat of nuclear war …

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The religion of global warming and our impossible-to-repay national debt have not stoked enough fear into the proletariat and that is why COVID-19 was cooked up and distributed around the world. The media-created animus between the USA and the Russians and Chinese has distracted the masses sufficiently to allow most to ignore the actual danger of a Mideast war. Biden is setting the stage for that war by siding with the Russians and Iranians against Israel. At the same time, he has managed to align our longtime ally Saudi Arabia with Russia.

History records dozens of instances where children became kings. Joe Biden is possibly the first dementia-ridden fossil to be put in place by a corrupt cabal of power-crazed disciples of Klaus Schwab. Orwell created a fictional Big Brother who kept the masses in a state of frenzy with a "two-minute hate". Biden and company have kept us frothing at the mouth with the media's 24/7 "constant hate". Today we are programmed to hate Russia. Tomorrow it might be Saudi Arabia. In lieu of any pending crises, we may go back to being panic-stricken because of the Fauci Flu. We are the victims of an oligarchy and its effective use of the media for mind control.

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“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

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You must have missed the memo. The experts declared national debt does not matter anymore. Modern monetary theory.

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Given that the Biden/Gates/Schwab administration is methodically setting the stage for nuclear war, these experts might be correct.

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Brilliant summation and prognostications, Charles 👏

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Victims or complicit?

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As members of a republic with nearly 333 million people, we are allowed to vote. Each vote is insignificant in itself. I'd say that most of us are victims. With rare exceptions, the Democrats and Republicans form a Uniparty. It really doesn't matter who we vote for. There ARE powerbrokers (Soros, Gates, the Obamas, the Bush'es, the Clintons); but, by-and-large we Americans are simply peasants who are forced to pay the bills.

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You are completely right! It’s a fixed/rigged system. Like the powerbrokers, this peasant has her own system and that is how you gotta roll. First and foremost, always look out for your own self interests. And prioritize from there…

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It's become a cliché; but keeping the television news turned off has done wonders for my mood. For months, I logged on to gettr.com (finding it more entertaining than Twitter and Facebook), but that site is now being censored and it is not healthy to constantly read negativity and anger even if it reflects your own inner beliefs.

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I canceled my cable tv this week, although I haven't watched the news in a very long time. I am happy watching old seasons of "Leverage" and British crime dramas. I encourage all the readers of Dr. Malone's Substack to do the same -- cancel your cable TV. The commercials are degrading and repugnant. Need I even mention the poor quality of the programs themselves? You will improve your life immeasurably.

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I don’t see myself as a victim.

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I am happy for you. To keep that positive vibe, try whistling, "Zip a dee, do dah, Zip a dee Yay" constantly. Repeating the affirmation, "Every day in every way, things are getting better" helps, too.

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Oy. Talk about a misread.

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Yes. Don't look here. Look over there!

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Destruction of the US dollar coming up and with it the supremacy of the CCP yuan. Tell me this was not planned. https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-arabia-considers-accepting-yuan-instead-of-dollars-for-chinese-oil-sales-11647351541?st=xbpi0i6efyb1ito&reflink=share_mobilewebshare

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The petrodollar and dollar as the reserve currency must be displaced to usher in the new monetary order of The Great Reset:


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They also used it as an excuse to scream louder for censoring dissent. Though politicians claiming you kill people by highlighting shot safety and efficacy data set a pretty high bar.

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As time goes by, I am beginning to suspect that the members of the Heaven's Gate cult were on to something.

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deletedMar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022
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I think you meant this as a response to the original article rather than a reply to my comment, but in any case, I agree :-)

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It is becoming apparent that we are witnessing the death throes of a sick institution that has been irreversibly poisoned by decades of unimaginable wealth. The vast majority of individuals in positions of influence & authority, shielded from the folly of their actions & decisions, have fully disconnected from reality. Understanding this, they have nothing left but to fund one crazy crisis after another, in a futile attempt to keep everyone's eyes off of the obvious. This approach worked well for them for quite a long time, but no longer. We are all too well connected. And there are far too many of us who see them for what they truly are: grossly incompetent, pathetic excuses for true leaders. As we look out into the future they have created for us, we have a choice: participate in their madness or build local communities that insulate us from their madness. Electing a fresh round of Republican uni-party con artists won't change a thing. Only a true, grass-roots level, once in four generations house-cleaning of every individual who espouses big government and the scum who fund them will affect any meaningful change. And it's going to take decades of hard work to clean up the mess. Time to buckle in.

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I would suggest that this corruption, which runs "deeper than deep" isn't necessarily affiliated with one political party.

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True, but one is knee deep in it

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oh there are HUNDREDS who are knee deep ....wait. OVER THEIR HEADS in it.

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"there are far too many of us who see them for what they truly are: grossly incompetent, pathetic excuses for true leaders."

I differ slightly in interpretation, though it leads us to the same extreme opposition. These men and women are not incompetent; it's just that their competency has nothing to do with public service. These are the ultimate scam artists. Everything is designed to bring them (personally) money, attention, and praise in the short term. They are very good at that. Look at the current war fever in Ukraine. They are convincing people to give up even their lives for the lies they are telling. So no, this class of humans is not incompetent. They are uber-criminals running at various levels in the largest gang the world has yet generated, and they are frighteningly good at milking humanity for their own selfish, narcissistic ends.

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I hope you are wrong and that we are experiencing a huge awakening

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I believe you speak truth. Steve Bannon is fighting this fight (with lots of others).

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“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams

It will be a long road back to Christian Western Civilization, to a moral society assuming that this even takes place, and it will only come with a massive transformation in the hearts and souls of the people. What is taking place in Washington DC and throughout the western world is sadly a fairly accurate reflection of We The People. “We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us” from Walt Kelly’s comic strip Pogo.

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But I think a change is coming. I see many (myself included) who have started to look for more spirituality. It doesn't need to be a church - as a Catholic friend of mine said to me - "if you are searching, you are there".

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I,too, have bitter ashes in my mouth from the attempt to get involved in politics and influence outcomes from the grassroots. But we can’t give up. If we, the people who truly care about liberty and freedom, if we give up, then yes our country as conceived in liberty by our Founding Fathers will be over. So it’s up to us to carry the light of liberty and continue to engage the tyrannical left.

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Every generation has had to fight for freedom. Now it’s our turn. 🇺🇸

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The great Rush always said it feels like we’re outnumbered but we’re actually the majority. There are many in the middle who, for whatever reason, just haven’t paid attention. But many of those are waking up! But the vaccine issue has managed to capture many on both sides, but the truth with that will eventually come out. I do truly believe the majority of people don’t believe they should be mandated

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am more of the opinion the global economy is on the verge of collapse, the signs of the times are all around us, a rather natural process as described in various old Austrian Economics books. Build yourself a lifeboat while you still can, start by planting a garden, might keep you out of standing all day in the soup line. I do appreciate your work as you could have worked instead to keep the money spigot flowing, until it stooped.

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Yes. Dr. Malone was positioned such that he didn't need to do what he is doing. He could easily have ridden the scam for many more years, just as many of his colleagues are doing. Kudos to him for having sufficient moral compass to back up and start demanding accountability. His career will never return to what it was before this.

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We must vote the Democrats out of office. We must.

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Can’t be done. They cheat in elections and everyone knows it. Local, state, and national elections.

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One of the solution is to ban electronic voting machines and only use paper ballots like in the old time.

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its not just voting machines. here in CA our family got 4 ballots in the mail, both for the 2020 election and the recall election for Newscum. There are only two people who can vote in this house. We went in person to vote and showed them our IDs. Even in truly blue states, they are cheating. Voter ID is imperative. This nonsense about BIPOC not having IDs is so ridiculous (and frankly racist), yet the afraid 30 percent woke think it's gospel. We have to get voter ID in place. It's not as perfect, but it will eliminate a TON of cheating.

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Yes I agree. We have to show ID here in Canada and registration to be listed is easy. It is done by the city.

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After saying that, even if you have IDs, the voting machines can change your vote.

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No IDs please.

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Paper ballots are the solution. In Florida we have run mostly honest elections but 17 of our largest counties use those voting machines. Dr. Shiva showed the telltale fishtail results from these voting machines. We need to do away with them and go back to paper ballots.

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I have posted these 3 videos on Marianne Williamson's FB page and around few years ago. It explains very well why we should not, never use voting machines. To easy to hack :

US Lab Says Electronic Voting Machines Easy to Hack


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When you have Big Pharma around pushing for vaccines with their million of dollars, everything is possible. Voting Machine are very easy to hack. Do your own research. America's Voting Machines Are Extremely Vulnerable to Hacking | NowThis


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Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea - Computerphile https://youtu.be/w3_0x6oaDmI

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They don’t want a solution.

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We don't have to go all the way back to hand-counted paper ballots, as long as we have a voter-verifiable paper trail that _can_ be hand-counted for audit purposes if necessary. See verifiedvoting.org for much more info.

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The verifiable paper that you are talking about, where is it coming from? Do you see it when you vote or it's a copy from the voting machine that you can print after? My point is, if the voting machine is hacked, the result on paper will only be a copy of the hacking.

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We have big paper ballots which we mark and then they are fed into the tabulating machine. The paper ballots are stored for at least 2 years after the election.

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This is good! Where is that!

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My county in Florida does.

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Yes, there is a lot of vote fraud but if we turn out in numbers we can overcome the fraud. We must.

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It’s been that way for decades. It’s baked into the system.

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But that's how we won in Virginia !

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with the help of Precinct strategy - there were so many eyeballs that they were forced to limit the cheating !

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Look at Virginia! It CAN & MUST be done!🇺🇸

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Really interesting that you're saying this in a comment on an article about fear porn.

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It's because the Democrats are much of the problem. The fear porn has been excrutiating in the blue states and blue cities.

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You think it's only on one side?

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Look the Republicans are not perfect, we all know that but the Democrats are crazy and hell bent on the destruction of our country as we know it. If you don't believe me look at what Joe Biden and the Democrats have done from the first day of this administration.

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"Hell bent on the destruction of our country as we know it" still sounds like fear porn to me :-)

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we must vote out anybody that

* doesn't acknowledge the evil of deficit spending and vow to stop it

* doesn't make made in America a top priority for all goods

* doesn't acknowledge that buying Chinese goods - funds their military and our demise

* doesn't believe that man made climate change is a hoax

* doesn't believe that the current leadership of both houses - must go (both sides)

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A shortcut is to vote for candidates President Trump endorses. Vote all America First candidates.

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Need State DL or ID to vote.

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Yes, ID with a picture is a must. Too bad we can't do the Iraqi way of dipping a finger in purple ink.

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We must also get rid of the RINOS. Anyone in the Uniparty must go!

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and a lot or Republicans.

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Granted we have Republicans who are not so great but Republicans don't vote in lockstep the way the Dems do. If you elect a Democrat you KNOW they are going to vote Left party line every single time. With Republicans, especially the new breed running such as Joe Kent we have a chance.

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Yes we need to vote in the Joe Kents no question !

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Dr Malone. I have listened to you before substack ( over a year now) your opinion and professional analysis on Covid and now Ukraine have helped many navigate these issues. When Covid started two years ago I would have never believed we would still be feeling the effects of such massive depravity and tyranny from fellow humans. Boy was I wrong. Thank you for everything you do to help bring our world to a better understanding as to what is really going on because we won’t get this from the MSM.

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Dr Malone, are you aware of the "vaccine court" where "hearings are private and vaccine makers don’t defend their products — the federal government does it for them, using DOJ lawyers. Money for victims comes from us, not from the pharmaceutical industry"


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yep... and it gets worse for EUA products. EUA Amounts are less and attorneys are not allowed to collect fees for defending the injured.

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This keeps getting worser and worser - we need to rebuild the whole system

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

About fear porn: I rewrote the lyrics to the Eagles' song, Hotel California, to be about the pandemic, then had a singer friend record it over a karaoke track. It's called Hotel Paranoia.

Here's the recording: https://vimeo.com/661691627/3a607e4dd1

Here's the re-written lyrics:


(the rewrite)

On the great reset highway, fools’ words in my ear

Warm smell of infection, rising up through the fear

Up ahead in the future, I saw a frightening sight

My health grew heavy and my rights grew dim

I got locked down for the night

“Show passports at the doorway,”

I heard the armed guards tell

And I was thinking to myself,

“This could be Heaven or this could be Hell”

Then they brought out the needles and they boosted away

There were voices from the monitor,

I thought I heard them say…

Welcome to the Hotel Paranoia

Such an ugly place (Such an ugly place)

So just mask your face

Plenty of doom at the Hotel Paranoia

Any kind of fear (Any kind of fear)

You can find it here

The news is definitely twisted toward propagandic ends

They got a lot of pretty newsman boys they call friends

How they lie in the courthouse, hyping the threat.

Some lie to remember, some lie to forget

So I called up the doctor,

“Please help me feel fine”

He said, “We haven’t showed that spirit here since nineteen twenty nine”

And so our choice is falling so far away,

Taken out in the middle of the night

Then you hear them say…

Welcome to the Hotel Paranoia

Such an ugly place (Such an ugly place)

So just mask your face

The living will die at the Hotel Paranoia

What a big surprise (not a nice surprise)

Right before your eyes.

Fear’s up to the ceiling,

They keep vaccine on ice

“Sure,” we said, “we are all just listeners here, on our own device”

And in Big Pharma’s boardrooms,

They gathered for the feast

They profit from our sickly lives

And they just can’t care the least

Last thing I remember, I was

Lying on the floor

I couldn’t get the message back

To the way it was before

“React,” said the fright man,

“We are programmed to deceive.

You can fact check any time you like,

But you will not believe.”

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Nice job! Thanks for sharing. The original version is not in my head - just the tune. What's funny is we've been hearing it in Spanish on the LAGQ stream in the car on our last trip. 😂

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

Thank you, BirdingMom, the revised lyrics track the original quite closely, with just a few words substituted here and there, so it fits exactly to the tune.

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Great! I’ve downloaded it. Interestingly (?), when I went directly to Vimeo and tried to search for it by name in quotation marks, it couldn’t find it…🤔

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Yes, the lyric video is on Vimeo.com as "unlisted," meaning it's not public or findable by search. It's only available to those who have the "private link" which I shared in the post:


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Thank you! I went to the direct link first, then out of curiosity did a search for it. I hadn’t known it was a private link. That explains it!

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That would make it even more sharable. It's a well-crafted rewrite of an iconic song with semi-cryptic lyrics to begin with that might provoke some thought about how we are systematically force fed fear.

I'd love for that concept to be shared widely, while not identifying its authorship. That's the reason for the "private" link that can be shared without tying it to any online account.

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That's OK, it shows my pseudonym only. A determined internet sleuth might deduce my identity... as a creative, non-compliant person who wrote a clever song parody. I have no worries, my friend. Share (or not) to your heart's content.

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🎵 🎼 Excellent! 🎶

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I doubt the revised lyrics will go as viral as COVID-19, but if they do, perhaps the Eagles themselves will add this rendition to their set list for their 2022 Hotel California tour:


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I doubt that. Neil Young nor Joni Mitchell sided bc too much money was to be made on their songs and didn't want to piss off the powers that be and all! Joe Rogan etc!

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How do you keep hyperinflation going without continually printing more and more money. Don't worry it will be fine.

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My wife and I have a small ranch, little over a half section, raising mainly cattle and hay. The ranch also includes an orchard I developed and ran USDA certified organic for years, with well over 100 varieties of heirloom and modern apples. For some of the sales and marketing, I used selected farmers markets and as such, I met a world of different people.

Why so many flock and demand organic food yet jumped right up for experimental gene therapy has always baffled me. But on to the point, from a real expert,—a little essay probably better suited to Dr Malone’s earlier substack “Get Prepared for 2022.” But I didn’t have time to write it back then. And geopolitically it remains very topical.

Due to a few heirloom Russian apples, especially the Antonovka which pickles well, we’ve come to befriend one the toughest folks yet. She is Ukrainian, in her late seventies, lives alone in a wood cabin in the mountains sixteen hundred plus feet higher than our ranch. Which means a lot more snow than we get. She grew up in Ukraine on a Soviet ag collective in a family unit that knew the horrors of Stalin. Somehow, she managed to immigrate to the US. But lost her husband in the process, who died back in Ukraine. After the fall of the USSR, she tried to return to Ukraine, but didn’t last long. She returned to the US after a few years, never quite defining why, but the subtext is clear. She abhors totalitarian governments, prizing absolute freedom. And is a practicing encyclopedia of survival skills.

She does not have electricity. Nor phone, radio, batteries, generator, refrigeration, water pumps, none. Carries her water in buckets from spring. Her communication is US mail, at a box on the county road a several mile walk away. She had an old car a while back, but it died. She grows, prepares, and stores all her food.

Observations and tips: use only heirloom seeds, no hybrids which will not produce true, and know how long which seeds last. Grow extra for 2-3 years in advance.

No canning-though she has a wood stove, she is leery of the possible spoilage and sickness issues. No plastic storage, only glass or open air woven baskets. All fruit, squash is air dried. Grains and beans dried, then ground for soups. Fermented foods, especially cabbage and beets, very important.

Keep goats for protein. The milk is made into cottage cheese, which is then dried and stored for winter. Butchers by herself in the late summer, not too late, there must still be some heat to dry the meat. Fat boiled down to lard, meat cut, recut and then very finely diced and ground so that it drys complete and hard. Store open air. Sprinkle in soups for winter.

Be prepared for thieves, hide in plain sight. Examples come from surviving roving bands during the Stalin winters. Thieves look for cellars, and also cellars rot dried foods. Best to hang and dry hides over rafters or fences high after butcher. Thieves usually left them alone, and these hides were instrumental in getting through the winter after robberies.

Hardest part of winter is not the cold, but the darkness. Long periods of just sitting alone, not even a candle, you can sleep only so much. Favorite pastime of reading her Bible is short,--- still reads Russian, Ukrainian, and English.

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Thank you for sharing this - truly inspiring. I have about 60 fruit trees, three years young and under. Am about to try to find good quality nut trees- not so easy... My fruit orchard is a passion for me, but as this farm is still being put together after 60 years of being abandoned - it is a work in progress. I love to hear about other people's endeavors in living like this.

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Have you ever had freeze dried food. It is delicious. It keeps its nutritional value. My daughter has a freeze drier. You can mix up fresh eggs and dry them to use in baking. We have chickens. Great way to preserve food. Meat reconstitutes beautifully.

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I’m doomed. I don’t have a green thumb but, I will not be a wilting flower. I will work at a farm in exchange for produce. Barter currency is the real crypto and no blockchain key needed or government intrusions.

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You are not doomed as long as you are willing to take the time to learn and most farms are happy to have extra hands not afraid of a little hard work! 😊 You can look up your local small organic farms or permaculture groups on social media or ask around at local farmers markets or feed stores. Some permaculture groups do community gardens that you can volunteer at. Best wishes! 🌻

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Dr Malone---My wife and I cannot thank you enough for all you have done, the abuse you've taken.

I always love to talk about apples.....as for Virginia, you can't forget Thomas Jefferson, the work done at Monticelo, the Newton Pippin which supposedly paid the estate's bills due to it's keeping qualities and London's love for the fruit. That apple is in excellent condition in our cold room now, without controlled atmosphere, just cold temperature. A perfect homestead variety. Our orchard had/has Jefferson's favorite, (along with Esopus Spitzenburg) the Taliaferro, but now the provenance of that scion is disputed. Finally, I should suggest Tom Burford's book "Apples of North America", if you don't have it. His family has maintained Blue Ridge orchards since the 1700's.

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Dr. Malone, I have purchased trees from Just Fruits & Exotics- https://justfruitsandexotics.com/shop/?cat=Nuts. With great success. They grow them organically and also carry nut trees which can be shipped to your location. Some blight free Chestnut trees would be a good option in your area, since they used to be native up & down the East coast before the Chinese Chestnuts were brought in giving them blight. If you haven’t already, getting in touch with your local permaculture group is a great way to purchase organically grown trees & plants from locals - many of whom have an extensive plant/ land management knowledge. The bare root fruit trees I purchased from my permaculture group have remained healthier than any others I purchased and grew remarkably fast too! Being from Virginia you probably know about Polyface Farms near Staunton, Virginia- https://www.polyfacefarms.com/our-story/. I have wanted to do one of their farm tours for many years. Joel Salatin is a wonderful educator for all interested in farming/ homesteading. 😊

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I remember the pictures that you have posted Dr. Malone in one of your Newsletter. It looks like a little paradise!

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow that is AMAZING !

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Thank You!! God is using you Dr Malone to help us keep on alert Every Single Day to the schemes of the evil one. I also recall Ed Dowd's connecting the dots of Covid funding to cover up debt crisis or crises.

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And Dr David Martin has been saying that the $ for Social Security and Medicare will be all gone by 2028 causing total market crashes. This was also discussed in the Grand Jury model proceedings- Nuremberg 2 https://www.grand-jury.net/ It seems all the western nations have not been good stewards and rather than facing the music & being honest with their citizens they plot wars and scheme up plandemics to cover their asses and continue to line their own pockets!

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Darn too’n! The crocus are beginning to bloom! Enjoy your family Robert and Jill:) Thank you for the updates. If the C19 ends then the house of cards falls… good bye EUA, good riddance 350plus pages Cares Act! Adios unlawfully mandates. FOCUS ON THE LAND! Praying for our farmers and encouraging them not to sell out or file bankruptcy. Short sale to another community God fearing farmer , lease with the right of first refusal, do a loan mod for 18 months…. don’t sell your farm land. There must be options. Praying for you all <•,}}}><

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How much of this war is theater? Are we ‘wagging the dog’ here? Not that the victims aren’t real, but what game is being played at the expense of their lives?

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I believe that Putin is fighting the cabal and the cabal is using all his medias to turn that around with fake informations everywhere on the news.

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I would totally agree - no attacking Ukrainian citizens is very bad, but if you read Putin's speech (I think it was yesterday) he is very clear about what he's doing.

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Ukraine CIA Coup d'État - Special Report: Reset in Ukraine with Karel van Wolferen By Catherine Austin Fitts

Karel van Wolfren is an author, journalist, professor, publisher and one of the most respected voices in the Netherlands on geopolitics


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The Canadian Patriot also has a lot of information on this on their website & YouTube channel https://canadianpatriot.org/. Lauren Logan was red pilling them about Russia on Real America’s Voice <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://americasvoice.news/embed/video/theres-so-much-misinformation-weve-never-really-seen-anything-like-it/" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Thanks for that! I've sent it to my phone to listen to later

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It's very long video but has a lot of information just in the first 10 min.

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I like long videos, I tend to get more info that way !

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Yes. He is not attacking the Ukrainian citizens but the BIOLABS Wafare, the mafia that protect it, the nazi style infiltration. The media are lying. They show old pictures pretending that it is what is going on now and more.

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This letter from President Putin (If authentic) to the EU is a good read & explains how he sees Russia & Ukraine relationship. https://russiaeu.ru/en/news/article-russian-president-vladimir-putin-historical-unity-russians-and-ukrainians

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Except that WEF claims he is theirs...

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"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974

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And now the cabal takes the occasion to Fake News


WAG THE DOG - UKRAINE 2:33 min https://youtu.be/steA_PZPkc8

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US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. 1:23 min https://youtu.be/6RmEsPE7iq0

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Fake information. It's like the BIOLABS. US pretended first that they do not exist. They lies all the time. It is CIA operation.

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Is this true?

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United States of America, Department of State U.S. Embassy in Ukraine

Active Research Projects

BTRP supports many collaborative research projects through which Ukrainian and American scientists work together.  A few recent examples are:

 “Risk Assessment of Selected Avian EDPs Potentially Carried by Migratory Birds over Ukraine”

“Prevalence of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine and the potential requirement for differential diagnosis of suspect leptospirosis patients”

  “The Spread of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) in Domestic Pigs and Wild Boars in Ukraine – Building Capacityfor Insight into the Transmission of ASFV through Characterization of Virus Isolates by Genome Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis”

“ASFBiosurveillanceand ASF Regional Risk Assessment: A Field to Plate Survey”


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Yep it's all out in the open

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If you asked for the BIOLABS yes Russia are not invading Ukraine. They are after the bio-weapons factories made by U.S.A. The list is here!!

¨Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.

The US Embassy in Ukraine Has Just Been Caught Attempting To Scrub Evidence of Bioweapons Laboratories Operated by the US Government on Ukrainian Soil. A Full List of the Biolabs

By Baxter Dmitry February 26, 2022

Putin Orders Military to Destroy Bio-Labs in Ukraine as US Scrubs Evidence of Their Existence

¨Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.

Bioweapons laboratories in Ukrainian cities including Kharkiv, Luhansk, Dnipropetrovsk, and the capital Kyiv, among others locations, have been targeted by Russian troops operating under Putin’s direct orders in recent days.

Meanwhile, the US embassy in Ukraine has been caught scrubbing evidence of biolabs in Ukraine while mainstream media and fact checkers have begun telling the masses that the biolabs don’t exist.

Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky stated Friday that Russian forces are firing at “military installations” leaving analysts speculating that term could include US-installed and operated bio-labs.

According to US government documents, the US has multiple biolabs in Ukraine. In typical Pentagon fashion, these biolabs are marketed as “defense.“

Russia has been warning the US for months to stop operating dangerous biolabs on their doorstep. Mainstream media won’t touch the topic now, but they did cover the news in the past.

Four months ago, Russia and China asked the UN for the US to be “checked and limited” in biological capabilities.

Russia and China blamed the US for the Covid-19 outbreak and were fearful that the US had more bioweapons to be unleashed on the world.¨ Read More



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Putin has apparently gone rogue

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He is totally rational (though also evil in attacking civilians)

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Chorus of Respected Voices are Stating that the West is Supporting Extremism and NAZIs in Ukraine By Sarah Westall

"Putin has been stating for a long time that Ukraine has neo-NAZI extremists who have been persecuting Russians in the Donbas region of Ukraine. He has also been claiming that those NAZIs are being protected by the United States, CIA, and the Western allies.

The western media has written this notion off as Russian propaganda and warns people to avoid all Russian media for the dangerous lies they have been propagating. Big tech has supported this notion by removing Russian media, journalists and shadow banning anyone who propagates the NAZI claim.

Well, now there is a chorus of voices who are coming forward saying the same thing as Putin. In fact, many of these voices have also been trying to share with the world the atrocities being committed in Ukraine well before the U.S. led Ukrainian government coup in 2014.

The most notable voice is the OSCE, the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe that was created in 1975 by President Ford and leaders in Europe to serve as a multilateral forum for dialogue and negotiation between the East and the West. The organization states on it’s website that it is an unbiased resource serving all 57 states in Europe:

The OSCE has a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses politico-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects. It therefore addresses a wide range of security-related concerns, including arms control, confidence- and security-building measures, human rights, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, counter-terrorism and economic and environmental activities. All 57 participating States enjoy equal status, and decisions are taken by consensus on a politically, but not legally binding basis.

They recently released a report documenting the NAZI extremists and crimes in the region. See that report and my analysis of the report: Yes, It’s True. Evidence of Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity Towards Russians in Ukraine

Other voices have been the Schiller Institute, the LaRouche organization, and many independent journalists from around the world. Lately Laura Logan, a well respected “mainstream” journalist who has been “covering wars now for 35 years”, has also chimed in with these same facts. You can see her video and transcript below.

With enough credible voices and evidence to show that Putin has not been lying about the NAZI element in Ukraine, perhaps he is also right that the West is supporting their efforts. After all, we know for a fact now that they are lying and censoring the truth about the NAZI extremism towards the Russians in eastern Ukraine.

With the truth exposed by far too many credible voices, it is past time for the mass media to stop pretending that these crimes do not exist and to stop declaring those who tell the truth on this topic as Putin apologists.

If they do not stop the lies, the West will only prove to the world that they actually do support the NAZIs and will forever be cemented into the wrong side of history." Read More + video


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He is not attacking civilians.

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deletedMar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022
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This is a good question. I don’t know the answer. There is so much fake news that I’m have trouble navigating it.

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I have finally decided to support Dr. Malone financially ;>>. But my personal credit card was turned down so I used my professional card. I'm an American living in France and I am terrified with what's going on. I finally found a French support group that was started by some disenfranchised nurses. The isolation, the "othering" is just terrible. The forced vaccinations are criminal. We some how have to come together to stop all this. I don't know how but we need to brainstorm FAST ! I am not vaccinated and will not be. Unfortunately my sons did it to be able to travel ("only" 2 shots). How do we stop this?

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I will keep the names of these brave Senators in my file. I like to know who is on our side and Walk the Talk!

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The Mass Formation Psychosis IS THE DISEASE.

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I would suggest delving into the very in depth research of Patel Patriot to flesh out this whole....sickening situation. Where we are right now has been in the works for decades.

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