So if it's time to start holding people to account all of a sudden, then when does discovery start on Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden......?

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No one is above the law.*

*Exceptions apply.

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The Supreme Court leaker will be charged any day now!

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As will the would-be " bomber" from the eve of 6 Jan.

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My question is, what law? 34 count indictment? So preposterous it's laughable, yet extremely sad that our society has devolved this far into gnat straining and camel releasing.

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I would love to see what is inside the so-called prosecutors closet. Bet that would be a real eye opener.

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Are you bragging?

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About 98% of this is to protect those whom you listed. 2018 and 2020. If you really want to know what might happen look up the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Ruler they put in place and the rise of Communism and the USSR. Carbon zero a perfect model is the German Citizen. Most of you are angry. The German money crash the same exact steps German mark -40,000,000.00 per Dollar. Executive Orders and devalued foreign policy. Letting China and Russia attack on our homeland while they sit on their hands.

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Yes, while “they sit on their hands”, creating one distraction after another, waiting for the people to keep arguing & fighting one another over trans stuff; open border, high inflation, yada-yada-yada. Wake up everyone, we have all be fooled.

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Lord Acton Was Right

Not Far-Right, you understand, but right in the sense of “correct” or “accurate” which are words that have not yet been corrupted by Collectivists, who deviously seek to spread confusion and thus serve their aims. Those are the fanatical groups or packs which gang up on Individuals, humans charged with a moral duty to serve the wants and needs of others. These individuals are everywhere, compelled to raise families, contribute to open societies, to a free marketplace, to the idea that everyone can have a shot at leading a fulfilling life through service to others.

The problem with collectives is that everyone of them, everywhere, conspire to gain an advantage, to raise prices, to exclude others, to game the system. Soon, that advantage morphs into cheating others, into colluding toward a self-serving imbalance of power for the group, into cancelling their adversaries livelihoods and reputations: anything to nullify personal self-sacrifice and increase the viability of the collective, which takes on the biological imperative of individual animated star-stuff: survival at all costs.

Lord Acton, a paragon of wisdom in the ethics of freedom and Western classical liberalism, (https://www.acton.org/lord-emerich-edward-dalberg-acton) nailed the diagnosis of the social pathology that humans constantly face, which does not arise in the animal kingdom (e.g. wolf, orca, lion ethnology/sociology): “power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Put more simply, power allows the substitution of selfish aggrandizement for duty (sacrifice) to others; if the power is unrestrained, the distortion of agency is complete.

He also said, “great men are almost always bad men”.

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The rule of law, according to the globalist is “for thee, not for me.” All those you’ve listed are globalists.

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This also opens the door for election fraud issues that are past their expiration date, like 2020. This was a 2017 issue right?

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What's good for the goose, is good for the gander, as they say.

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Force never disappears from the world, it just changes hands.

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It doesn't count if it's a Democrat. They are collective Dear Leader and must never be questioned. How dare you :P

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Not a Banana Republic.

More like Stalin's Russia. Show trials. Political opponents in Gulags, etc.

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I think you are right.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Dr Malone- Tucker Carlson had a fantastic opening monologue from Monday night as to what is happening in the breakdown of this country with this phony indictment.

I'm a practicing Catholic and all you have to do is look at the Mark Houck case in Philly to see the weaponization of the DOJ, FBI and George Soros selected DAs. No one is safe. I know you had been a lifelong democrat prior to Covid. Trump is not perfect but by my moral standards voting for Hilary in 2016 was a close second to voting for Satan. I really consider myself in this current political system as libertarian because I'm a constitutional conservative. There are lots of disgusting Rinos and the Dems are downright the party of the Satanic. It's called the Swamp for a reason. The Dems are the US version of the Bolsheviks. And let's be honest: Biden, his brother, his son Hunter, Hilary and Bill Clinton, and Pelosi have committed REAL felonies and walk freely. I was in the second grade when Reagan was elected and Reagan, also a political outsider, was second to Trump in terms of his achievements in WH, and I adored Reagan.

The only mistakes Trump made were trusting the wrong Rinos and lifelong beauracrats (sp) like Fauci, Walensky, and Birx to commander public health. You cannot "warp speed' clinical trials, albeit pharmaceuticals or vaccines, and he trusted the wrong people because he has no scientific or medical background. His background is business and getting things done when it came to slashing bloated govt agencies, negotiating foreign politics like Reagan did and as I'm Catholic, he turned out to be the most pro-life president in history.

God bless you and Jill! And thank you for your courageous fight in bringing light to the darkness of the pandemic.

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Perfectly said! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Thank you Jennifer! 💛

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Great reply Belloc. Trump is definitely pro life and pro America.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Jerry- He has been the most productive, successful president in US history. I am a female and no one cared about what Clinton did in the WH (Clinton who has raped women, one at Oxford) and yet Trump has been unfaithful to his wife in the past but we are all sinners who hopefully will eventually reform. We are a work in progress. Every saint is a reformed sinner.

Trump has reformed personally imho, and if Melania and Christ forgive him that's all that matters in that marriage. So I'm repurposing the Dem line from the Clinton years "Who cares what he did in his personal life!!!!" SMH

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Wonderfully stated, thank you!

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Most welcome Patricia- Karen 💛

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You nailed it for me.

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Thank you John! My favorite male name btw prolly because of the Apostle. 😉

Your response went to my spam box for some reason. Happy Easter!

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The United States has been hijacked by criminal organizations. They are working

behind-the-scenes. One head, two parties. Divide and Conquer is their strategy. It works so well. John F. Kennedy has tried to advice us. Unfortunately, we know now that the Press is controled by the three letters. President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2 5:18 min https://rumble.com/v1v9swy-john-f.-kennedys-last-speech-to-the-public-secret-societies.html


youtube: Video unavailable... this video has been terminated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZk8ronces

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There hasn’t been two parties in this country for a long time. Recent example? What have the Republicans actually done since January? Not talk, but actually done. The answer would be nothing. They never do.

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I listened to the Kennedy speech on Rumble, my oh my, what would he think about today!

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In what I’m sure will not be the most liked response to this thread, I offer the following:

The problem with this trial is that it is making much about very little. It is actually great for Trump as it makes him a hero (which he is not, sorry) to his base. It has been great as a fundraiser. The question to ask is: if you are a supporter of the Dem/blue side, would you be outraged if these types of charges are made against Biden or other name Dems. (For Dems, if you hate Trump but don’t like the idea of ‘your guy’ getting charged with these types of misdemeanor level ‘crimes’ then you should not be rooting for this prosecution.

If you believe the charges are ‘trumped’ up, and not real, would you support having Biden/other Dems charged with similar ‘crimes’. If your immediate answer is “yes” – then you should support the charges being brought against Trump. You can’t have it both ways.

My thinking (at this moment anyhow). If I were a Trumper/Repub I’d love this trial. Unlike the charges that may come out of Georgia, it’s a weak charge brought much too late. This may weaken the success of other charges that carry more weight than this and appear to be more serious (and carry more legitimacy). For the Dems the lesson should be: “pick your battles”. Strictly speaking, however, the rule of law should prevail (what other choice is there?). Find him guilty if he is guilty and innocent if the charges do not stick. If guilty, levy a fine and send him back to Florida. But this trial should never have happened.

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The charges against Trump are preposterous. These are not stupid people. I think this one is being used to suck the oxygen out of the air when we should be focusing on the Biden crime family.

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It is a PsyOp Operation to create division and to help Trump back on the Reality TV Show. The Trump show. He is now a victim of the bad side. I know that I will hurt a lot of people but Trump is part of the Cabal. It is One Head, Two Parties. A lot of money for the Media. They will now talk about him everyday. Very good Free publicity also for him. Divide and Conquer. There are very strong negative forces over the One Head and they are the one calling the shots. Look over there, don't look here with what is coming like The Restrict Act S686. The use of VPN will be illegal and the fine will be very high and prison. The NY State Governor is still pushing for detention camps and the WHO is preparing a come back etc.

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Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox : Governor Hochul Files Appeal in Our Historic Lawsuit that Struck Down Her Forced Quarantine Regulation! Hochul wants the power to lock you up or lock you down, at will! UNBELIEVABLE! But true.

Eight months after losing her fight to keep a draconian and wholly unconstitutional regulation called “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures”, Governor Kathy Hochul just filed an appeal to try to overturn that decision.


Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox : https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/defeating-censorship-the-old-fashioned

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul appeals decision to strike down dystopian ‘quarantine procedures’

¨Before being struck down, the regulations allowed the Department of Health to pick and choose which New Yorkers they could lock up or lock down, with no proof that you were ever even exposed to, let alone actually sick with, a communicable disease.¨Read More https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/new-york-gov-kathy-hochul-appeals-decision-to-strike-down-dystopian-quarantine-procedures/

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Updates On WHO Strategies to Enslave Us -The Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Zero Draft, and International Health Regulations Amendments


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You know what happened to Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin’s hatchet man, don’t you? The same end should come to these cretins.

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And Beria ran a one-way " Lolita Express" to the Lubyanka ... much the same as these reprobates

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Yes. Same fate as Maximillian Robespierre during the French Revolution.

Ultimately all of these apparatchiks get hoisted on their own petard - and the sooner, the better.

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The populace in the Soviet Union had been long disarmed and cowed

Maybe not such a good tactic with an armed populace willing to use deadly force to defend their sacred Constitution and the rights it protects.

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Bruce, the combination of digital currency and AI will make any so called armed defense powerless. Your family will be homeless and starving in short order just for trying to organize any resistance.

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Demoralization is a strategy of war. And despair is a sin.

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z, agreed, "despair" IS a sin, but if one misses "da' strike", it beats an open frame

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EdB, then you and your family had better been preparing before that overtakes every aspect of your life. “Live free or die” ( New Hampshire’s State motto) or as Patrick Henry put it “Give me liberty or give me death”.

As a serf, you don’t decide how long you’ll live anyway. They decide for you. Since these ruthless, evil and greedy people can decide at anytime to destroy you at their pleasure, you might as well die fighting, isn’t it?

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Then you will live your life as a serf.

Cowed before even putting up a fight.

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I'm getting off the device after this. I hate going through a thread commenting because it pisses people off. Answer. Not a single line in the Constitution tells the people what to do. Police protect your rights not your life. The 10 Amendments are before common law rights given to us God. It is Government's job to abide by that documeng, to recognize them and protect them. The ones

pushing your version is Marxism and Socialism.


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Was that supposed to be rational?

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I guess not I just read it after your message. I don't know what the H### I was saying. Thanks.

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We are as close to a rebellion in the US as I have ever seen in my lifetime. I am definitely locked and loaded.

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No, There was an armed uprising a rebellion over labor dispute in Anderson county Tennessee where armed pro labor residents stood off the US ARMY. Look it up.

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But will they? Or will they turn their guns in to avoid physical war and give up their 3nd Amendment rights?

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That remains to be seen, but IS an excellent question. How many are ready to take the ultimate stand right now? Me thinks that number is very very small. And, the leftists know it.

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They do know it and rely on it.

On the other hand, it was estimated that never more that 1/3 supported our Revolution and 1/3 were loyalists to the despotic Crown.

And yet............

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The second amendment was absolutely prescient.

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deletedApr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023
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Exactly right. That is why I would respond to those saying “they indict him and this is war!” - okay, so that and the globalists will crack down on us with martial law. They already had a trial run of it. Remember the “15 days to a cure?” Three years ago, everyone, without a thought or question, shut themselves up in their homes.

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They taunt too much. They beg for violence. It grants permission of all transgressions. Perseverance and no fear. Focus: Election Integrity. 🤔

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The only way to stop it is to put fear into their hearts.

Yet such talk simply emboldens them. I guess the spirit of Captain Parker is dead.

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Uncomfortable as it might be.. yes.

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Leviathan, the deadly sin of ENVY, has consumed the majority of our US population and maybe the world. This is where we are today and my comment to all who read this is for you, yourself, to realize we are all inherently bad, not good. Government in Hobbes' Leviathan is the check on bad, envious man. We have put the current corrupt government system in place and it is now our responsibility to withdraw our support of it, specifically the court system including the lawyers it is made of is highly corrupted.

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Eventually the media will awaken to the real horror; MAGA isn’t Trump. MAGA is the movement now. MAGA is the pissed off and pissed on that have had it up to their eyes with drag shows targeting kids; liberals screaming, burning, assaulting after elections & before elections; 2000 mules; 30,000 emails; $140b to corrupt puppets; open borders and we could go on. They just minted another 10-12 million that are sick of this shit & vote 1st with their feet, then with their checkbook, and God help them if they attempt to steal it again. Worse, they better not CIA/JFK because the tinder is piled against the wind.

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And the dollar falls, while the propaganda rages forward.

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And that’s the entire point. Distractions. The adulterer Charles gets crowned next month. He sold his soul long ago to the WEF and globalists.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! The word is quibbling about Trump while the Biden admin refuses to declassify the Wuhan lab documents. Covid has been one of the biggest crimes committed against humanity and the opportunistic leeches piled on.

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I wonder if this is all a big distraction

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Yes, for CBDC rollout.

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Why are we talking about elections? Do we all have a case of amnesia? Was the voting system fixed? Did I miss something? 2020, GA runoff, and Kari Kake to name 3. The swing states are basicslly controlled by democrats. There is no election I don't even understand what we're talking about here. When you don't have legitimate elections you have nothing. In CA voting started to be tallied at 5PM by 501PM Newsom won. If CA wasn't rigged decades ago the democrats would be gone and Obama would have never been President. I'd love a civil discussion on why anyone talks about elections. Thank you for listening.

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You are 100% correct. I just left commie CA. Newsome was totally recalled. It's all been rigged for years.

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Yep. The lesson of 2022 was that it ensured the continuing "fortification" of all the swing states (PA/WI/MI/AZ). Now the same bogus 2020 rules will be in place for 2024.

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Exactly. Why does a single stack I follow not address this and focus on it

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There's so much going on that it's hard to "focus" on any particular thing, but there are 'Stacks out there discussing the issue.

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But really. If the Elections are rigged and they are, and the globalists are running the show, which they are, what else matters? Your just here to pass time?

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Nope. This is when we build our networks in "real life" and get ready for what's on the horizon.


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Not sure i agree but OK. Followed

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It's completely rigged. And the fact Malone, any substack writer, Tucker, Trump don't talk about it makes me thinks it's taboo. Off limits. You guys can say whatever you want but don't mention elections or we'll arrest you. That's all they have to do. Then everybody talks and types and blogs over a bunch of BS that doesn't amount to a row of pins tied together with inserted leaders. Am I crazy or is everyone else?

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Emerald Robinson talks about it a lot on Substack. You might give her a try.

Your point is correct - it needs tons more attention.

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I hope Doctror Malone sees this. Look at all the likes?? I'm super happy that I'm not alone. Hopefully, HE IS reading this and will start to focus on it. If he does I'd bet donuts to dollars he'll start a trend among substacks. This is all we need to be talking about. If you fix this you fix it all. The majority of the American people are not insane and do not want insanity.

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Elections have been fixed for Decades. At least since Bush Sr

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100% Reagan. He was shot right? You know why? Refused to sign the war powers act. They shot him. The first thing he did after surgery was sign it FROM THE HOSPITAL BED. Rigged since then. So you believe Trump iS part of the script? I'm 60% yes 40% no... drifting toward 80% yes.

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And where are the blog writers/substacks covering this is an ongoing discussion? Whats going on? Its the most fundamental basic necessity of a free counrry. Without this we can talk until helll freezes over and it won't matter.

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You have retired people who can now speak out without fear of retribution whether by their employer, their family or friends. There are people now taking a stand, trying to do something. A lot of people are just making it, barely and really this isn’t their fight. It is our fight and our time. I believe the flame has been lit, blow back will not be pretty. But in the back of my mind I hear the Beatles singing about revolution. It’s gonna be alright.

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Let's hope those who have more power, control, and accrless to weapons handles it. But it seems they don't exist.

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Yes… and we must!!! Get loud.

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I wish I didn't think the eagle was the only way. I think millions area thinking the same. Ups have to think and hope Pele with more info and power than we do feel the same. I don't think Mao was wrong when he said, " power comes from the barrel of a gun"

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Must find a way

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

You know what Anna? 127 people agree with me but no like or comment from Malone. I'm starting to believe they are actors. Trump, Malone, RFK, all of them. The obvious ones of course but the non obvious too. Are you familiar with Robert Pike, he was a 33rd degree Mason? He is quoted as saying, "when the people need a leader we will supply them". I doubt Malone could live his life of comfort with his prize horses speaking against the establishment with no pushback or threat? But these same people he speaks against kill millions? But he's got impunity and is safe from them while calling out their every play? Does that make sense? None of it makes sense except that all these guys are all actors IMO. Forced or not. Going back to Shakespeare. The world is a stage and all men are players. If none of these things I suggest are true, here's one thing that is true. The elections are rigged. And talking about anything else is like standing in the path of a hurricane while carrying on a conversation about sports as the hurricane isn't coming to sweep you up. Basically we all talk sports while the hurricane is coming to end us and don't talk about it. I'm about to Unsubscribe from every paid and unpaid blog I have. I already shut down all social media and stopped watching or reading news around 911. IT ALL SEEMS POISONED TO ME.

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Agreed. You too.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This power grab by the party in control of the White House is not just evil.

These people are dangerous.

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I agree 100%, both sides are rigged, but how do we stop it or change it if we can’t have honest elections???

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Dr. Malone,

I am greatly complimented that you responded to your Substack.

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This pro-criminal Manhattan DA, who downgraded half of all felony charges to misdemeanors last year as part of what he calls “criminal justice reform,” is indicting a former president by *straining misdemeanor charges into felonies*, stretching the law in novel ways for the sole purpose of finding a reason to indict a political adversary.

The truth is that any ordinary individual would never be prosecuted for this. Nor would any ordinary politician for that matter. This affair will subject our society to further comminution, heightening emotions, eroding our capacity to self-govern, and diminishing the public’s faith in the system’s capacity to mete out fair and impartial justice.


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One of my personal rules is that if I'm on the same page as Glenn Greenwald or Matt Taibbi, I'm on the right track. I'll happily add Robert Malone and Brad to this list.


........now we’ve reached the point where they don’t just go after the little people who can’t defend themselves against the full force of the government, they literally go after the leader of the opposition party in order to prevent him from being elected by the voters. Nobody is worried that Trump is going to lose the election in 2024 and try to force his way into the White House. This “plan” is to prevent Trump from taking office SHOULD HE ACTUALLY WIN THE ELECTION.

This is a HUGE red flag, warning us of our descent into the “natural” order of things — tyrants sitting at the top telling the rest of us what to do. All it takes is a national security threat, some emergency powers, and maybe an economic crisis and the “leaders” can ignore pesky things like the rights of the people.

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"All it takes is a national security threat, some emergency powers, and maybe an economic crisis and the “leaders” can ignore pesky things like the rights of the people."

Kind of like mail-in voting because of a "pandemic" with a survival rate comparable to a seasonal flu.

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Kind of exactly like that. And now it's racist to want to close the giant integrity hole that is littering the cityscape with 'legal' ballots.

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Nailed it

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Some world leaders rebuke us as we still claim a light on Democracy. The two tiered justice is not only bold but a large security risk to our nation as the allies we once had break respect and

realign business elsewhere. We are melting. Our elite sense accomplishment.

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The indictment does not point to a statute that trump violated and therefore does not state a crime.

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I am a Brit living on the continent in Europe. I love Americans and America, but even I could never have imagined how fast it could fall.

The British Empire waned at a pace that spread the discomfort of loosing the worlds reserve currency over generations - but what has happened in just a few short years, looks like a coordinated takedown of the US, the number of ridiculously bad decisions made are frankly embarrassing to watch.

Then there is the subject of law breaking and justice, it appears there is no crime too big that will get overlooked on one side and no crime too small that will not be law-fared to the max on the other side. It is appalling.

Something needs to happen. When you loose your reserve currency status and you make nothing and you are dependent on other nations for you principal medicines and energy means, you will become a vassal state.

It is like watching a few people comitting suicide for the whole nation on their behalf - just to pretend they are not what they clearly are.

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Well said. Agree, Biden has been around long enough. This is the final push to kill the US, and the West

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China must give Joe Biden a big raise, he and his family have taken down, this single family, the greatest nation in the history of the world in as you said just a little over 2 years. Amazing work. I fear he is going to finish off the world with a nuclear war god forbid...

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Very well stated. Where is the dignity?

Stolen, without shame. Their pockets are lined with gold and power. The America, they are pushing the stack of cards to fall.

But why cannot more citizens SEE?

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It is utterly shameless

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Regardless of what you think about Trump as a person or even a president,I keep hearing my grandmothers words she used when she chastised me for saying a cuss word “ we don’t do that here” and I just keep thinking z”we don’t do that here” well I guess now we do , and we are the banana republic we warned others about

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Calling the current USA a banana republic insults banana republics.

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It seems more like a coup of what was our Great Nation. A takeover. As rotten as Benghazi and planned with precision. Covid, BLM, Antifa riots post G. Floyd, our election, each day another incredulous insult. Biden wants the firsts. Equity over excellence. Merit, American exceptionalism is a dirty word. No pity for the children in the school, safely learning with teachers.

Our President applauded the rebellious crowd of trans protesters at the TN state house. He gives them a holiday.

This is beyond a Venezuela… I believe.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keeps the average person’s mind off of the important stuff: The advancement of World War III ..aka Ukraine. The billions and billions of dollars that we send to Ukraine. (President Biden even announced on television that we are going to pay for Ukrainian pensions! ) Inflation....The housing crisis. Food prices...the cost of just about everything has almost doubled in some cases. The fentanyl crisis, which is alarming and killing people faster than Covid. Crime at an all time high. The banking crisis. An open border, where thousands of people walk into this country daily...undocumented. The list could go on and on. The media and their bosses the elites and politicians want to keep our minds off of the troubles that our country is in... This media show in NY is one of their tactics ...and it’s a horse and pony show. There’s a double standard of justice in his country. They yell no one is above the law, but only the law that suits them to twist and finagle. Our God must be so disappointed with us. Pretty shameful.

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everything is basically them trying to distract people from the fact that the dark ones are losing power and panicking.

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I dont agree. I keep reading about liberal panic--but I see no panic. We are losing. WEF and globalists are winning. Destroying US (and DJT) is absolutely necessary to their continued power.

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Agree. I see zero panic by leftists

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Banks collapsing, NATO killing its own allies like Germany's economy, Leftists losing to Federation and China.

LEftists may be too stupid to panick, but those are not the dark ones running things in the background.

Just like the transpedo death squad assassination and the St Petersburg assassination by SBU/pro ukraine warmongers, terrorism is something the desperate losing side does.

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The Leftists are useful tools by the deep state. The deep state is puppeted by the dark state. And the dark state is puppeted by the dark illuminati.

That is the way secret societies work, so I do not refer to the faces and names you know of when I refer to the "dark ones".

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Can someone explain to me how fentanyl can be a crisis unless illegal drug use is rampant? Or maybe that is the reason why - if so, then, whay is this not the discussion point, and not a "fentanyl crisis?"

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Fentanyl affects more victims than illegal drug users. Just innocently brushing past fentanyl can be deadly, so is a danger to us all.

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Maybe it’s semantics on my part. I believe it’s a crisis because of the number of overdoses that have cost .. According to the CDC 107,375 people died of drug overdoses and drug poisonings from January 2021 to January 2022…67% of those deaths were from synthetic opioids like fentanyl. There was a National Prevention Day (Aug. 21, 2022. Sadly it’s pretty much a crisis. I didn’t mean for my words “fentanyl crisis” to take away from Dr. Malone’s substack ..sorry if I gave that impression. My point is that this country that I love, has some very serious problems that the media would prefer we concentrate on….like good sheeple.. and they use things like the NY spectacle to do so. Regards

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

No trouble; I was not criticizing your semantics. I seriously wanted to know what is making fentanyl such a focal point of discussion these days. I mean, drug abuse is drug abuse; if drug abusers are succumbing due to fentanyl-laced illicit drugs then that's a risk that is theirs to bear - especially since the fentanyl issue is now well-publicized and should be known to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

So the point of my inquiry was, why is so much time devoted to fenanyl? and what makes it such a fearsome drug? I think you answered the first question here (it's a media distraction to obfuscate the incompetence of the biden "administration" and the goals of globalist elites - I think you're right). Another poster was kind enough to enlighten me on the second part of the question -


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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Atlas Shrugged has come to life. Move to a rural area, buy a gun & don't look back.

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why do you think that this substack is named "who is Robert Malone"?!

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Survived the mortgage process & made it to rural NH. No traffic. Plenty of parking. People are great...

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Head to Galt’s Gulch, too!

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We need to fashion our own Galt's Gulches. The one that belongs to our beloved SubStackers is pretty full with its people, friends, visitors and wonderful horses and dogs.

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Be sure to pay cash or your credit card company will put a frowny face on your report card.

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Our country is under a full frontal assault from Marxist parasites and few seem to care. Our country and its achievements were only possible due to our freedom and equal treatment under the law. We have allowed parasites on all fronts to devour the fruits of the labors of our forefathers. There’s only one answer here and it’s not politics: it’s time for the victims to stop sanctioning their victimization.

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I believe that more than half of the country cares. However, what should they do? Speech is now violence and you go to jail for ridiculous charges and no bail. For years. Voting is useless because the fix is in. What is left?

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That is the question. And I have no answer

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A massive public uprising, where many work through their fear of consequences, throw caution to the wind, realize that there is relative safety in numbers, and actively rebel in simultaneous acts of civil disobedience, preferably nonviolent in basic approach. Truth be told, I'm not holding my breath.

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It means the Democrat cabal are fully confident they can do this with impunity. They have proven they control all sources of justice that matter.

They have demonstrated this many times over. In particular January 6. They are itching for a repeat. They will not hesitate to use deadly force again.

American patriots will not take up arms en masse until their current comfortable lives are under dire immediate threat. They know this.

They have no reason to fear retribution by voters. 2000 mules is likely to now be 50,000 mules.

Who owns the world? The stock market tells us. Multinational corporations that have further secured ownership via pandemic lockdowns. All members of the WEF.

Every mean’s possible has been taken to bankrupt the nation. Military hardware handed to the enemy. A president bought and paid for by China.

We now owe global reparations for funding the creation of Covid. Verified by the FBI and DOE. Intent is irrelevant.

A massive debt crisis is obvious. Digital currency is inevitable.

The nation is a dead man walking. A house of cards waiting to collapse.

Moral bankruptcy is the evidence of how we got here.

It is typical for most to live in blind denial.

This nation has been torn down. Only a miracle can rebuild it. Those with genuine faith have a solid foundation for hope. Hope that is independent of the fate of the nation. All others are on sinking sand.

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Agreed. That's why I'm not holding my breath. So, hunker down and ... buy gold? Buy bitcoin? Buy several years of emergency food? Move to an out of the way foreign country? What does the wise person do to prepare for collapse (besides pray)?

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Ha ha I wish I knew! These are my thoughts. I believe one cannot go wrong with physical gold and silver. I do not trust bitcoin that can evaporate in a global catastrophe. I believe some food prep is sensible always. Things that will be consumed regardless. I would hate to be trapped in any urban center at the time of crisis. Most important is our eternal security founded upon faith in Jesus Christ. Teach it to your children. Look to God for wisdom.

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If you want to see how Orwellian things have gotten, consider that “Nazi” and “far right” now mean anti-war, fair trials, and free speech

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Everybody knows dictators demand free speech like Elon Musk!

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The rest of the world is observing this farce play out in Manhattan. Outside the US where news is strictly controlled by "respectable people," those watching the circus know that it signals the dénouement of what little still remained of the American myth, all the stuff formerly taught in high school US history classes and cemented in the popular mind by silly Hollywood movies. People everywhere understand that, in the same week that several important nations renounce the US dollar for foreign transactions and that Washington's proxy army in Ukraine is going down to bloody defeat in Artemovsk, the NY show trial demonstrates clearly that the American empire (in President Putin's apt description The Empire of Lies) is collapsing faster than anyone might have guessed just a year or so ago. Only drool-dripping fools can any longer use "democracy" to refer to our form of government. The close alignment we see between giant corporations, secret government organs, and a corrupted legal system is correctly referred to as fascism.

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BOOM. Nailed it beautifully. The United States of America is dead as we knew it. The Founders knew it wouldn’t last (Rome). But I bet they would be surprised at the speed with which the country was decimated.

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I understand, and agree with, the death of USA. But the hollowing out process had been underway for decades.

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Agree. I believe the Civil War was the beginning

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We reached Banana Republic status at least as early as 2020 when our election was stolen and the judges were either too corrupt or too fearful to allow the evidence to be presented.

BTW, there is nothing democratic about the “democrat” party. Please don’t honor them by adding the “ic.”

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We are living in a banana republic!

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My Gus outside my house too. I have three generations in the armed services.

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Like the flag flying outside my house 24/7 indicates!

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