
These are not the final stock prices for the day, but a snapshot of when I captured the image

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Until Friday, SVB’s CEO, Gregory Becker, was on the board of directors at the San Francisco Fed. It’s one big game of, by, and for the politically connected venture socialists.


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The Glaze CEO is the infamous village idiot Glenn Beck -- a warmonger grifter

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It's great that you supplied all your various and sundry reasons why that is. It was very helpful!

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You are welcome. I suffered Beck idiocies and grifting for two decades

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see my comment below re Peter Thiel who has WEF ties

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"everybody" initially had ties to WEF - until they realized who they really are...

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Have you checked out Thiels ideas from his latest biz book? Lots of “competition is bad” and such.. runs against what most of us were raised to believe.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

It just strikes me the outcome of this is similar to what the lockdowns did - to - the small businesses and - for - Amazon, Walmart, etc.. Consolidation. The 2008 bailouts of the too big to fail banks created SIBs (Systemically Important Banks) and guess what? Seems like the SIBs are doing just fine (at least for the moment). Just like in 2008, their investments and balance sheets don't matter.

But, after people flee the "risky" banks and into the "safe" SIBs, it seems to me like that will be the perfect point to launch central banks/ CBDCs. Next step, orchestrate a dollar crisis. Centralization and CBDCs as the answer. Why not throw in vaccine passport/IDs as well. Who will be able to resist?

Personally, I'd rather see states rise up with their own sovereign banks, decentralize the heck out of the financial system and get back to having some banks that are set up for savings and payrolls and not permitted to go off dabbling in derivatives, etc. If we had state sovereign banks right now, I would bet quite a few would be fleeing for those rather than Citigroup or Bank of America. Is anyone in Congress even looking into this???

Not sure where to put this, but VERY important links: Tom Renz suggested amendments for various upcoming state CBDC bills that are made to look like they don't have anything to do with CBDCs.

https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/the-tyrants-are-passing-state-laws and a notice from the Fed about their upcoming FedNow instant payments system coming in July. Sounds like Digital ID will be required. https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/other20230315a.htm

It's all coming together fast now.

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Yes they are looking into it and if it gains any traction you may be the first to make the red list.

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I'm sure I'm already on a bunch of lists for wrong think.

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I was in banking in the 1980s this is how banks use to be. It then was gobble gobble like a game of Pac-Man.

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No joke. In the 1980s-90s I banked at a couple smaller local banks and during my customership (is that a word?) with them, some of them changed name like 3-4 times over a span of just a few years. Although my specific branch was not among these, this was the time when older (e.g. 1960s-70s era) bank branches at strip malls were repurposed as McDonald's "Express". (This was in Northern Virginia.) I've also seen them repurposed as other types of retail. For example down here in FL, some are medical marijuana dispensaries. I have no problem with capitalism. Creative destruction and all that. I DO have probems with government and private partnerships. Perhaps the Depression with all its failures showed a glaring fault of capitalism. However, the 90+ years of ever-growing government role in the economy is not without its problems either. Far from protecting the little guy, it increasingly seems like "welfare for the rich."

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Greed is Good decade.

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When the money is fake, the rest of the economy is doomed to follow. If you know history, you know that when the fake economy of handing out freshly printed cash to cronies overtakes the real economy of voluntary transactions, the wheels come off the bus.

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And the wheels go on the wheel barrow to carry all that useless paper around.

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Why does it seem like the past 2 years 1 month and 21 days feel like a lifetime. From closing down energy production, mandatory EUA vaccines, saying if you get this vaccine you won’t get Covid, mandatory face masks, social distancing, closing small businesses, closing schools, jailing and harassing political opponents, censoring forbidden speech, draining our oil reserves, premature evacuation of Afghanistan (seems to be a habitual problem because he pulled out prematurely in Iraq as well 😵‍💫), massive deficit spending, historic high inflation, high interest rates, no baby formula, horrible supply chain issues, complete unnecessary war in Ukraine, train derailments with horrible decisions to burn vinyl chloride and pollute god knows who and what, and now bank failures, wtf. One thing we can all depend on is no one knows what else could possibly go wrong. Can’t wait until they insert him in office for anther term. J.Goodrich

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Biden does not look like a well man. He won’t be able to stand soon. His days in politics are coming to an end. You can simply see this whenever he appears in public.

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Millions of us said that when he was incoherent in his basement about 3 years ago and look how well he's been held up, country's in best shape ever we're told over and over

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Kamala isn’t any better, just as scary.

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deletedMar 13, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023
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It's all hidden in plain sight. Let's just all use Google from now on. Eventually we will know who all of the really important people are that the younger generations marvels over! Wouldn't that be fun. Otherwise, here we are watching the Catholic Church burn its bridge to Jesus, oil and gas are expunged, people are forever harmed and our country wants to be run by WHO.

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Have you read Bella Dodd's book about the Catholic church infiltration?

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Um... Google? Heavily censored.

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That's the point. Googlers are living in bliss. Its users know next to nothing important while we grind our teeth, swear under our breath and talk about expanding our meager gardens to feed ourselves in the future!

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I was just scratching the surface.

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James, don't dig further 'it' might swallow you!

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You’re right Shelley sometimes I feel like my family and myself have paid such a price to say what I feel like saying it’s tough to hold back. Not unlike hundreds of us subscribers I’m sure. So if I offend anyone I apologize.

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Hardly offending I'm sure. Rejoice in the opportunity to speak your truth, I do.

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It’s okay I kind of compare it to the enlightenment or the arts and crafts movement.

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The, decision to bail out the wealthy who parked their money in a high risk bank, sends a signal to the bankers that they can continue to do risky investments, because the federal government has their back. The losers are the American public who doesn’t have the back of the federal government and this has been generously demonstrated over the last three years.!

The Fed and Biden policies over the last few years has been a driving force to increased financial risk in the United States!

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Read, maybe ET, that much of SVB's loans were to Green operations and startups. Getting Gov moneys, Smaller fish not feeding the beast well enough

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Hmmmmm ....sumpin’ tells me the “Safe and Effective” interventions will end up with many “Suddenly and Unexpectedies”.

Clear, as always Doctor M.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There will be plenty more bank failures, especially when the housing market collapses

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Notice how in 2019 we had stability, low inflation, low interest rates, borders under control, peace and security.

Then a senile imbecile was installed in the Oval Office.

Now we have soaring inflation, raging energy prices, a war in Eastern Europe, porous borders, an alien invasion and racial division. Now bank failures.

What's next - locusts, frogs and the angel of death? This diaper wearing incompetent has to be removed. Or we won't have a country left.

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In my opinion, Biden is just head puppet presiding over all of the other elected puppets. Some of the puppets have red strings and some of the puppets have blue strings. But they all dance to the tune of the big-money boys.

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Obama had 8 years to scrub the fed of any and all sane people. DJT was only able to work around some of the road blocks but not all. One he missed was the 2020 census that screwed many red states out of representation. The Treasury and Wall St kept the markets high on purpose because they have been fake for decades.

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Suspect the senile imbecile AKA as the choosen sock puppet, has friends (running the show) that don't like us. If we can have a Fetterman, we can have a Biden, unless they find another acceptable malleable person that will perform acceptably.

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The second term will be weekend at Joeys.

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Excellent Bruce thought you were me 🙂.

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This article ties the debacle to some Gavin Newsom connection:


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Thank you for this, good info

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Move all of your banking to a really good credit union if you haven't already. They're not insured by the FDIC but the NCUA instead. May buy all of us some time. This contagion and domino effect of bank collapses (oh, there will be more) will force us into CBDC's. But Revelation 3:10 gives me hope!!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, totally off topic, but I thought this may be of interest to you.

I own the Domain Names www.dontvaccinateyourchild.co.uk and www.dontvaccinateyourchild.com

I am also a Domain Register & registered these following your video of the same name "dont vaccinate your child", I do not intend to do anything with it, and thought it may be of use to you.

By the way, I am not seeking tp profit from this, it is 100% as a service to you, in gratitude for all you have done for "US".

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This seems like a move by the Cabal to force the consolidation of the smaller banks into the top ten. After the very messy consolidation, it would be the opportune time for the Cabal to implement CBDC.

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Nope, it is their move.

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Once again, your energy, span of topics and humanity (e.g., recent video on crows) is astonishing. Stay healthy and young forever.

PS: A small detail on vaccination requirements:

- In Europe for rabies dogs every 10 years, cats (even in England) not required at all

- In the US dogs AND even cats -- every year. One can’t board a cat without medical record... hence annual rabid vaccination.

Soo - massive corruption even for animal health care....

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PS: Even more -- Regulations and requirements in California are widely different county by county, city by city. But - "all based on science -- science supposedly rules"...

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A really, really good place to start would be an article today by Paul Craig Roberts, who was Reagan's Assistant Sec'y of the Treasury and one of the architects of Reagan's economic policy that stopped the inflation during the Carter years and started us on the path to growth. Have a look at what he says about the repeal of the Glass-Stiegel Act in 1999 (Clinton, of course) and what that has meant for banks. There are some excellent links in the article on the role of derivatives, the big casino in the financial world. Some pretty scary numbers in there. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/03/13/banking-troubles-on-the-horizon/

A scary quote, for instance: "The five banks labeled “too big to fail” have $188 trillion in derivatives. https://www.usbanklocations.com/bank-rank/derivatives.html The brutal fact is that 5 US banks have risk exposure that is twice the size of the GDP of the entire world. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NYGDPMKTPCDWLD It is incomprehensible that 5 US banks have sufficient capital to back derivative bets that are twice the size of world GDP. "

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Thanks. Very useful

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree..... Data is where it's at.

I daytrade now that I'm "retired." In order to do this successfully you need to pay for the extra data. The real and 'on-time' info.

I purchase both Level 2 and 3 data pkgs allowing me to see every order currently placed on a stock and every sale for it as it happens whizzing up and down the screen.

Even with all the extra data expenses, it didn't stop me from losing money with SVB. Sometimes the data you're given is to persuade you to make the wrong choice. We've all witnessed alot of that recently.

As a trader there are specific tricks done knowing that people are viewing this extra Level 2 and 3 data. This person is called 'The Axe.' They put fake bids up to change given sentiment at the time. It's up to me to spot it so I don't buy a stock based on what I'm seeing. Again sound familiar?

Seems like there's been guys fudging that data since there's been data to fudge.

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Sounds like gambling that's rigged in the house's favor to me.

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deletedMar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023
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The Axe will always be there lurking around. You patiently watch for the other retail investors to take it.

The Axe brings volume to an otherwise stagnant stock.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone. Would love your thoughts on how this recent event moves is closer to the deep state pushing more toward a digital currency.

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