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Barbara Loe Fisher and Informed Consent
More great testimony from yesterday's Senate Hearing
Barbara Loe Fisher is a longtime advocate of informed consent and free choice for any medical procedures, and in particular vaccines, that carry risk of injury or death. She has spoken on mainstream TV news, such as NBC and FOX; testified to state legislatures and the House of Representatives; and authored books on the topic of vaccine injury, vaccine death, and medical mandates. Ms. Fisher wrote an excellent chapter for my book “Lies My Gov’t Told Me” titled: The Moral Right to Conscientious, Philosophical, and Personal Belief: Exemption to Vaccination” and so, I owe her a huge debt of gratitude.
Informed Consent: An Ethical Principle.
The right to informed consent is an overarching ethical principle in the practice of medicine, for which vaccination should be no exception. We maintain this is a responsible and ethically justifiable position to take in light of the fact that vaccination is a medical intervention performed on a healthy person that has the inherent ability to result in the injury or death of that healthy person.
-Barbara Loe Fisher
Transcript from the above video:
Senator Ron Johnson: Our next participant is Ms. Barbara Loe Fisher. She's co-founder and president of the Charitable National Vaccine Information Center, established in 1982 by parents of vaccine-injured children.
Ms. Barbara Loe Fisher: Thank you, Senator Johnson, for this opportunity to talk about how vaccine victims have been blamed, shamed, and betrayed over the years by doctors and scientists paid by federal agencies and industries, and by some members of Congress, working especially since 2019 with political operatives and corporate media to silence anyone who criticizes vaccine science, policy and law, so the truth can be hidden and public conversations about vaccine risks and failures can be shut down. Today, everybody knows somebody who was healthy, got vaccinated, and was never healthy again. Of all developed nations in the world, America has the worst infant and maternal mortality rates, and is home to the most highly vaccinated, but the sickest and most disabled child and young adult populations. That inconvenient truth, that failing public health report card bankrupting our nation, is central to what we are talking about here today.
Demonization of and discrimination against those who decline to get a government-recommended vaccine, or talk publicly about how they or a loved one were injured or died after vaccination, has been going on since the 19th century. But what is happening in the 21st century in the name of disease control, national security, and the greater good, is escalation of an historic denial of vaccine risks and failures that has become a dangerous assault on freedom of thought, speech and conscience, and poses a grave threat to the biological integrity and natural rights of the people. It has been 44 years since my two-year-old son was brain injured by his fourth DPT shot, and 42 years since I watched the Emmy Award-winning documentary DPT: Vaccine Roulette, and then joined with other parents of pertussis vaccine-injured children to establish the charity known today as the National Vaccine Information Center,
Our mission is to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. We do not make vaccine use recommendations. We defend the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk-taking, and the legal right for adults to make voluntary vaccine decisions for themselves and on behalf of their minor children without being coerced or punished for the decision made. I worked with parents and Congress to secure safety and informed consent provisions in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. It was an historic law, the first official acknowledgement by government that federally licensed and state mandated vaccines can, and do, injure and kill some children. On January 4, 2024, my eyewitness perspective of how and why trial vaccine victims and their parents were betrayed after that law was passed 38 years ago was featured in a two-hour conversation I had with Del Bigtree on The Highwire.
I encourage everyone to watch it and learn how parents trusted that the five years of work we put into that 1986 act, to successfully secure life-saving, informing, recording, reporting and research provisions in it, and to protect the legal right of vaccine victims to sue vaccine manufacturers for product design defects, and to sue negligent doctors for medical malpractice, and to create an expedited, more just, less traumatic federal vaccine injury compensation system alternative to a lawsuit, were all destroyed by congressional amendments, by federal health agencies, and the US Supreme Court after that law was passed. Following that betrayal of trust, Congress directed federal agencies to create lucrative public-private business partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry, a business deal that has broken America's public health system. Legislation enacted in the 1990s and after September 11th, 2001, laid the groundwork for the rise of a public health empire, which is funded and operated by government and the wealthiest and most politically powerful individuals, corporations, and public and private institutions in the world.
Now those operating that empire are threatening our legal right in this constitutional republic to exercise freedom of thought, speech, and conscience. Past is prologue. The betrayal of the public trust during the COVID pandemic could never have happened if many of the leaders we elected had not long ago abandoned rational thinking and succumbed to fear-based propaganda tactics requiring us to give up the natural right to autonomy for an illusion of safety.
Senator Ron Johnson: Thank you, Ms. Fisher. By the way, I became aware of you from that excellent documentary, which I would also recommend. What struck me about that documentary is, back then, in '82 through '86, you could talk about these things. You could advocate for your child who was vaccine-injured. You weren't ostracized, you were actually welcomed here in the Senate by people like Senator Hatch and Senator Kennedy, and you got this signed by Ronald Reagan, under resistance. But can you just speak to what has changed in terms of the public attitude where there was public pressure to pass the bill that you shepherded through Congress, to now where... I'm assuming you're not anti-vax. We all have to say that, but...
Barbara Loe Fisher: I'm for informed consent.
Senator Ron Johnson: But just talk about the difference between then and now.
Barbara Loe Fisher: Yes. Well, it's an entirely different situation today than it was back then. We had congressional hearings, we had dozens of congressional hearings, in the House and the Senate, on that 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. And the media covered it. They covered all of the aspects of what was going on. I sat for more than 20 years as a consumer member on Vaccines Advisory Committees at the FDA, the CDC, and the Institute of Medicine National Academy of Sciences. And this past summer we have suffered such abuse and discrimination and I...
Senator Ron Johnson: So again, just real quick, you were welcomed in serving on those panels back then.
Barbara Loe Fisher: Yes.
Senator Ron Johnson: Now the elite, they are out to destroy you.
Barbara Loe Fisher: Yes. On November 1st 2023, I submitted this report on censorship to the US Judiciary Subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government. This report is anchored with over 400 Livelink references. It describes how officials at the highest levels of the Department of Health, and Justice, and Homeland security, and even 17 members of the US House of Representatives, asked PayPal to defund the National Vaccine Information Center. They worked with political operatives and corporate legacy and social media to silence my voice and other voices for talking online about vaccine reactions, and the fact that people who get vaccinated can still get infected and transmit infection, which is true for the mRNA COVID vaccines. But it's also true for many of the 72 doses of 17 vaccines that the CDC now tells doctors to give to children starting on the first day of birth. And I believe, because our organization, which really launched the Vaccine Safety and Informed Consent Movement in America in 1982, we lobbied for 14 years to get a less toxic, acellular pertussis vaccine in here to replace wholesale pertussis vaccine in 1996.
And we lobbied to get the live polio vaccine, that can cause vaccine strain polio paralysis, replaced by an inactivated vaccine that does not. And we have gone into state legislatures, and we've worked through our portal to educate the states on protecting the flexible medical, religious, and conscience belief exemptions, which are integral to the true exercise of informed consent. And I think because of that, we have been ostracized. Our voice has been silenced. We were thrown off of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter in the space of seven months in 2021. That was a censorship campaign that was condoned by the highest levels of government. And I never imagined when I began this work in 1982 that the day would come when I would not be able to exercise freedom of thought and conscience in the country I love, and I thank you for allowing me to exercise that right today.
Senator Ron Johnson: It was not only condoned at the highest level of governments, it was orchestrated by...
Barbara Loe Fisher: Yes. Yes it was.
Senator Ron Johnson: It was orchestrated by the administration.
It was orchestrated by the administration.
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Excepted from the Senate Hearing:
Vaccine manufacturers have weaponized our federal health agencies against our children for profit.
Mandating vaccines is criminal, and California and New York are in the fore front supported by amoral politicians. NIH admitted in the 1990's that 70 % of all the polio cases were caused by the live Salk polio vaccine. Too late for those who suffered the consequences. The exponential rise in autism cases paces the exponential rise in the number of vaccines being administered to our children and it is denied that it is the root cause. The RNA injections are just the newest layer of harm being administered to our children. When will rational medical thought prevail?
I have a customer with a huge gym and health center in my town. I’ve been doing their carpentry for almost 40 years. There’s a manager there, that is a brilliant Jewish man and at times he helps me with small tech issues, he is a friend. I was doing a small job for him at his house and we got into a bit of a heated discussion to say the least. I told him that president Biden should never have forced large parts of the population to take an experimental vaccine. After a little back and forth he said because I’m unvaxed I should be locked up in my house and not able to go out into the public. I told Steve that my father volunteered to go over to Germany to help free his ancestors from Nazis with similar ideas as his, that he was shot in the back by a Nazi, shipped to England on his death bed, and had a lung ripped out of him. I told Steve because of my fathers sacrifice to help his relatives be free my father died when I was only 20. I also told Steve I would never, never comply with being locked up, forced to wear a mask or social distance by a want to be dictator similar to the one that locked his ancestors up. I went on to say the Nazis injected Jews with different chemicals to see what would happen, and this was why a part of the Nuremberg codes put informed consent into law. This code was implemented world wide for all. Steve was dumb founded and never brought up the subject of locking me up again. I still consider Steve a friend though I admit I look at him differently. J.Goodrich