"Our best defense is alternative social media platforms, interacting with Congresspeople and Senators, and continuing to advocate for parallel systems."
I think about the COVID democide, WHO tyranny, and the NWO, every day of my life, and have for over 3 years now. On several occasions I've written in this Substack comment section about my efforts to break through with my US rep and other reps, and sometimes with my senators. I have tried through written and phone communications, and by seeking acquaintance at campaign events, the latter despite my general lack of inclination toward social and political gatherings.
Here is where my thinking stands at the moment:
I'm up against the cocktail party mentality. My rep is focused on classic (and worthwhile) pre-COVID era issues like high taxes, overregulation, and illegal immigration. These are safe. But what happens when a rep is confronted with those under the same supporter umbrella, but on opposite sides of the COVID issue? With doctors and nurses within her district, bound by CDC guidance, who show up to her events? Best for the elected official to avoid the topic; leave it to the medical community; wait to see which way political and medical winds blow. To take this on aggressively entails political risk. Best not to offend one side or the other at the fundraising cocktail party.
In my moments of frustration, I count it as political and moral cowardice. But I'm not even sure that's fair. There needs to be an environment in which elected officials of good will have the opportunity to do the right thing without committing career suicide. On the other hand, one of my great fears out of all this is that the prime movers will escape the consequences of their greed, corruption, malevolence, and murder; escape into the mass delusion that this was all just a bad dream; or worst of all, escape into the new normal.
As for my US rep, after spending another $500 for entry to a March residential campaign event, without getting any word in with rep or guest Scalise, I suggested my rep's team stop contacting me with event invitations which literally and uniformly state that they'd "like my feedback." No, shocker, they really don't. They want the money. And no turd in the punchbowl.
God bless Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, and the handful of US reps who've stuck their necks out to say what needs to be said.
That is a good question. I remember Ron Johnson very nearly lost in 2022 (50.4% to 49.4%) to Mandela Barnes. I was baffled that it could be that close. Senator Paul had far more margin in Kentucky.
My greatest fear is to be sucked into being admitted into a hospital and be diagnosed as having a viral infection that is highly contagious. The treatment protocols that are codify are highly questionable. Remdesivir, Tamiflu, come to mind. Staying isolated when the next pseudo viral crisis emerges may be the only way to survive. Thirty day food supply needs to be on hand.
Thomas, indeed! So, plan ahead - develop a relationship with a practitioner who knows you very well medically and will be able treat you, either in person or via zoom or phone, without hospital admission.
[Edited - sorry, this reply was posted prematurely.]
My fear too! I just learned that if we have an accident or get hurt in our local area, the paramedics will consult with the local medical director and the local hospital administrative contact via telemedicine. Even if we do not want to go to the hospital -- and say it clearly -- we may have no choice. And if they give someone medication such as a sedative or pain killer, we cannot sign a waiver or other key forms that might otherwise save us. We've put DO NOT TAKE US TO HOSPITAL WITHOUT SPOUSAL PERMISSION and other important forms in our cars. But will it be enough? Maybe not!
If anything COVID brought the corruption out into the open and the need to reform the system is one of the reasons Trump has brought on board RFK. We will see if and where this goes but it is guaranteed big Pharma and the big bucks driving the current paradigm are not going away quietly
I wonder if much that is wrong in biomedical science today may be all these meta analyses that ultimately establish "consensus science". How many really bad studies are necessary to skew their conclusions? I suspect the authors pay little if any attention to the Methods sections of the work they analyze. For that matter it appears that often neither do the reviewers of the studies reviewed in the meta analysis mainly, I suspect, because the bulk of them have never done that much actual work at the bench. I on the other hand paid Methods very close attention in my reviews. Here is one example why.
There is a test for a type of cancer that intersected my work and led me to review the work behind it. They reported using cultured cells of a type of tumor which I knew is nearly impossible to culture. They claimed to have grown an impressive number of cell lines without any details on how they accomplished that impressive feat. One of several red flags totally ignored by the reviewers. For that and several other reasons I am fairly certain many of the "cancer" lines that provided the data they published were actually cultures of activated mesothelial cells, and that greatly skewed the results towards a more favorable one for them. They may still be earning residuals for the diagnostic test developed from that work.
The publish or perish emphasis has resulted in floods of manuscript submissions and correspondingly strict word limitations by journals. I suspect the Methods section is the part that gets the greatest culling, particularly when the authors may themselves be poop ignorant about lab techniques. Which is why Methods should demand very close scrutiny.
People, do not be afraid to make your own health decisions. To me, M.D.'s are advisors that input findings and recommendations into my healthcare decisions and actions. Think broadly and inquire, inquire and inquire! Always remember that physicians were paid (bribed) $45 per patient to have them obtain the Covid shot. The system is completely captured and broken. Dr. Malone knows this and will be of great help in returning our health care to a patient directed system.
I’m sure many have noticed all of the names of new drugs that are being advertised on TV. There must be a cottage industry, perhaps AI driven, of putting consonants and vowels together to make up these happy names. Then there's the real drug in small print that seems daunting and unpronounceable. Perhaps herein lies the trick to erase media bias - all of the networks will go belly-up if Pharma ads are verboten.
Solid hits re the faults, deficiencies, and needs for an effective medical system!
Trying to bury major failures, deficiencies and 'maid' style solutions with censorship is catastrophic in terms of developing effective strategies and trust. Censorship and 'Selling Solutions' needs to go.
In addition to medical student/doctor training re nutrition, it would be beneficial to encourage learning re supplements. Just today, I'm reading about major departures in recommendations re vitamin D. They need to be timely aware and able to assess.
As for we the peoples participation in fostering our own and family well-being, to the extent its missing or not promoted as invaluable, it should be covered in school classes and with programming in media (for mothers and other adults).
MANY years ago, there were many Doctors who presented themselves to patients as arrogant and dismissive. I actually experienced a few (some even more recently). Medical schools could benefit their students by setting out elements and benefits of productive doctor - patient relations.
Another avenue re pharma
'treatments' - A Pharma assumption of financial and/or treatment liability for harms. Financial liability might be on a sliding scale depending on the extent of loss of function, pain, debility (as impacts ability to work) along with projected duration.
I greatly support the Independant Physician approach! A while back Sean Hannity had a midwestern physician on who operated a beautique ( sp?) operation for everyman. Patient costs were reasonable. Physicians offering such care had acceptable earnings. Patients had ready access to unlimited care. They recommended catastrophic insurance for hospital care). So a wholly independant practice may not be a vital determinant.
Kash P is evidently warning us to prepare for Harris assuming the Presidency before the election. (For image and to sign away sovereignty?). The very thought precipitated the panic I experienced waiting about a H Clinton presidency. Heaven please forbid!
Re your analyses thus far - TERRIFIC! Power to you!
The physician approach was how it use to be 5-6 decades ago. When my sons were born in the late 60s insurance cover the hospital and I made monthly payments to the doctor both times. Also paid out of pocket for the few vaccines given and appts for ear infections.
I also have the receipt for the final payment of $54 to Stanford hospital my parents made for my birth. There was no insurance.
I get the impression that today folks (particularly young folks with limited earnings) don't save for emergencies). It might be well to reflect on approaches to garner participation with a Doc/group of Docs via subscription or in the alternative participation in a health savings account. How to better handle 'free walk-in treatment from hospitals needs to be considered.
My Mother worked at Univ of Chicago medical operations. I'm pretty sure I was born there. She took me there for most of my care including lots of hospitalization for beta strep. Almost no private practice.The UC offered their lab school and paid for my BA.
I feel I should apologize for my over use of the word irony, but on that subject it is the amazing accomplishments in medicine contrasted with the corruption in medicine that is the irony. As example the amazing feats that are now performed via arthroscopic surgery. I see that miracle and compare it to our hospitals implementing deadly COVID treatment protocols to capture Government offered associated bonuses. False positive test results, toxic Remdesivir use, unnecessary respirator use and the final bonus for a recorded COVID death. Those COVID treatment protocols were a clear disregard for human life. A blatant and undeniable violation of the Hippocratic oath. I'm confident the corrupt part of medicine is both discoverable and repairable. Something to bear in mind with our upcoming votes.
The most frightening words you can ever hear. Even more scary than those letters from the IRS, or seeing a bunch of DHS/FBI coming down your block at 3 AM.
Eating healthy foods is absolutely necessary. Supplements make up for those nutrients we miss in our diet. They are also necessary. Take your health into your own hands.
Now I think we should do away with lobbyists. You are right it is nothing but “legal” bribery. It creates a corrupt Congress.
There you have it, the whole kit and caboodle enunciated in the following piece of prose taken from within this excellent and outstanding article… “ if only the government could have more oversight over our personal sovereignty, they could stop vaccine hesitancy!”
What the proponents of the above statement advocate is a call for a more direct fascist intervention, a sop to those who contributed to the more than 228 Lawmakers in the U.S Congress, doing so via the scourge that persists in undermining the American Democratic Republic… the lobbyists, resemblant of prostitutes and whores and I hasten to add I don’t wish to demean anyone genuinely working as such, they would likely be more trustworthy than the gaggle of lobbyists who like hyena’s bestride and prowl the corridors of power, a denizen of individuals their fangs and claws sharpened ready to seize upon their prey, dragging them on, like a spider who has weaved the web and now hunts it prey.
The overt monetisation of your political system, challenged as it has been all the way up to the Supreme Court, resulted in the US SCOTUS, ruling that lobbying as it is denotes freedom of speech, protected under the first amendment, the hypocrisy of this decision is palpable, as those who cry foul anyone who attempts to challenge their right to corrupt your political process, to subvert your political will and the system relied upon to ensure true equanimity of process across all strata of government work overtime to remove your very freedom of speech, protected under the very same first amendment to the U.S Constitution… if such a prevailing attitude wasn’t so myopic, it would be laughable, yet that is the reality the long suffering and short changed U.S citizen and or those legitimately visiting are subjected unto.
We know that money has corrupted literally every vestige of your political system, a system now broken, corrupted to its core, institutions and professions considered amongst the most trustworthy, the holy grail, now tainted, corrupted like all else that likewise has sold out. Indeed the sellout complete with the advent of the revolving door policy, the official wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you scratch mine and we’ll scratch yours, namely the ubiquitous Chairmanship, Board Appointment, Executive offer, appointment to any one of a myriad of the now proliferate NGO’s, Think Tanks, Councils, Foundations that abound, the paymasters and policy setters, literally the resource and being that which the aforementioned lobbyists fight over each other to represent, they being the first to take a bite of that slice of the pie… a role all but finessed and akin to the Professional Athlete or Pop Culture Icon Manager… the go between.. except the impact of the lobbyist is far more reaching and destructive than anything that could thus be so described resulting the activities of any Athletes or Po Icon’s manager…
It seems perverse that your politicians expect those who put them into the position to represent them, the constituent are oblivious as to the why any constituent would seem offended by this sleight of hand, shortly put it is corruption pure and simple, by every definition irrespective how it is dressed up and served, the practice of donors giving large sums of money to those involved in public office whether elected or appointed is a form of corruption. Further appointments to as well as those in key decision making positions in regulatory bodies and departments the citizenry must rely upon, or are dependant upon such as the CDC, FDA, DoD, Justice, DHS, Treasury, literally every aspect and department of the executive branch have no business being appointed to decision making roles and bodies such as approving Drugs for release, especially if within say a period of at least a decade they have represented, worked including via contract for the principle applicant, the Drug Company, likewise a moratorium needs placed upon their ability to accept appointments to positions with said companies say a minimum decade at the other end of this sordid merry go round.
Likewise Generals who like present Sec Def Austin had been a board member or senior exec virtually immediately upon retirement before being coaxed back into government to his present role, and Americans are trying to figure out how to stop and break the incessant cycle of these forever wars… the result of which has been the reputation and standing of the nation now truly in the deepest recess of the sewer as people’s the world over see through the hypocrisy, lies, the false orchestrated narratives emblematic of such misadventure, tthe result, many nations and regions of the world littered with the detritus of the manifestation of these contrived conflicts, millions dead, tens of millions more injured, whilst a handful of people like the loathsome Cheney and Kagan families profit from fomenting thus… taking the nation and its reputation into the depths as they for their own and those alike them, all in on the maelstrom of violence propagated by these types benefit fiscally from such misadventure, yet there is not one continent on the earth that has not suffered from this hypocrisy of spreading democracy, whilst your own Democratic Republic, its ideals are shredded right in front of you.
And yet they bemoan a lack of trust in science, in medicine, in Hospitals all once sacrosanct, little wonder after the recent experiences 2021/22 and the Vid, the lies from NIAH, Eco Health, Fauci, Dazsak, et al from Hospital Administrators, Specialists and Doctors who again given plenty of fiscal inducement by way of the payment regimen offered for ensuring treatment protocols (Intubation and Remdesivir as treatment in chief ) Diagnosis ( The patent Mis use of the Kari Mullis PCR Test) and subsequent Treatment (Vaccines) to be administered patients comprising a practice ensured the silence of those who being of weak character aided and abetted, still doing so, this crime of all crimes against humanity… and yet they wonder why our faith and trust has dissipated, believing they can resurrect and or impose their will merely by waving their fascist wand, nope, that horse has bolted, evidenced the myriad research papers like a tsunami now being published, take for example the recent papers headlined out of Japan recently with findings by well respected researchers as with most such being released the product of first class scientific professionals, or specialists in medicine the top of their fields highly respected, their bona fides not so easily cancelled, however the biggest indictment against those who perpetrated this madness, is that they have taken and misappropriated from us a discipline that was owned by humanity, that had been hard fought for to get to the position of acceptance and importantly trust enjoyed, that was respected, that hadn’t like the gestation of this dystopian plan to so impact humanity with this filth that we know the vaccines to be, represented by whatever Eugenicist psychopathy predominated the thinking, the reason for doing so, they destroyed a discipline that since the earliest days of civilisation had gestated surviving the most turbulent times as they were challenged as heretics, many dying or being put to gruesome death, until finally both church and science co existed, each now co-dependant upon the other to underscore the findings each espouse, literally no religious belief without science, no science without religion, not in all, but much interwoven, yet those who foisted this poison onto us, as they bemoan our no longer trusting them, as they consider plans gone awry, still however salivating at the prospects of more profit from the never ending viruses to exploit the gullible, well, if it works with never ending War and the military industrial complex why not big pharmaceutical….
It is sick and illustrates the fall and the precipice we stand upon, it will take a collective effort to overcome, starting with a resounding rejection of every initiative proffered these tyrants, the corporates they serve, then followed by an overhaul of your governance, no stone left unturned… Steve Kirsch recently, in fact, yesterday in his Substack noted exactly the plan required to clean house …
RFK Jr's 12-part plan to make America Healthy again
Kamala Harris has absolutely no interest in doing any of these recommendations. Maybe she'll adopt my plan instead? What do you think?
COVID and the jabs were the worst genocide in the history of the world. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0.
Short ropes and long drops.
Fauci should go first. Gates can be next.
God Bless America.
Yep - I'll be investing in the Hemp Rope Manufactures if Trump wins and puts RFK Jr, and Dr. Malone in charge of all U.S. Health Regulating agencies.
Just note recent reveals Marianne is being coated with pesticides and other pathological substances - in case interests go beyond rope.
Just another reason that I grow my own. It's one of the easiest plants in the world to grow. After all, it's a WEED!
It took me a minute after I read this. In the '70's it was called Mary Jane. And yes, I've heard about the pesticides.
Including medicinals? :-(
My impression was they were referring to testing recreational weed.
"Our best defense is alternative social media platforms, interacting with Congresspeople and Senators, and continuing to advocate for parallel systems."
I think about the COVID democide, WHO tyranny, and the NWO, every day of my life, and have for over 3 years now. On several occasions I've written in this Substack comment section about my efforts to break through with my US rep and other reps, and sometimes with my senators. I have tried through written and phone communications, and by seeking acquaintance at campaign events, the latter despite my general lack of inclination toward social and political gatherings.
Here is where my thinking stands at the moment:
I'm up against the cocktail party mentality. My rep is focused on classic (and worthwhile) pre-COVID era issues like high taxes, overregulation, and illegal immigration. These are safe. But what happens when a rep is confronted with those under the same supporter umbrella, but on opposite sides of the COVID issue? With doctors and nurses within her district, bound by CDC guidance, who show up to her events? Best for the elected official to avoid the topic; leave it to the medical community; wait to see which way political and medical winds blow. To take this on aggressively entails political risk. Best not to offend one side or the other at the fundraising cocktail party.
In my moments of frustration, I count it as political and moral cowardice. But I'm not even sure that's fair. There needs to be an environment in which elected officials of good will have the opportunity to do the right thing without committing career suicide. On the other hand, one of my great fears out of all this is that the prime movers will escape the consequences of their greed, corruption, malevolence, and murder; escape into the mass delusion that this was all just a bad dream; or worst of all, escape into the new normal.
As for my US rep, after spending another $500 for entry to a March residential campaign event, without getting any word in with rep or guest Scalise, I suggested my rep's team stop contacting me with event invitations which literally and uniformly state that they'd "like my feedback." No, shocker, they really don't. They want the money. And no turd in the punchbowl.
God bless Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, and the handful of US reps who've stuck their necks out to say what needs to be said.
Given all that you've so correctly stated, how then have Ron Johnson & Rand Paul managed to keep being reelected?
That is a good question. I remember Ron Johnson very nearly lost in 2022 (50.4% to 49.4%) to Mandela Barnes. I was baffled that it could be that close. Senator Paul had far more margin in Kentucky.
Glad you used the word "Genocide." Wait till you hear about the terms "Democide and Menticide." It'll really blow your mind what is happening in our world: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide
My greatest fear is to be sucked into being admitted into a hospital and be diagnosed as having a viral infection that is highly contagious. The treatment protocols that are codify are highly questionable. Remdesivir, Tamiflu, come to mind. Staying isolated when the next pseudo viral crisis emerges may be the only way to survive. Thirty day food supply needs to be on hand.
Thomas, indeed! So, plan ahead - develop a relationship with a practitioner who knows you very well medically and will be able treat you, either in person or via zoom or phone, without hospital admission.
[Edited - sorry, this reply was posted prematurely.]
My fear too! I just learned that if we have an accident or get hurt in our local area, the paramedics will consult with the local medical director and the local hospital administrative contact via telemedicine. Even if we do not want to go to the hospital -- and say it clearly -- we may have no choice. And if they give someone medication such as a sedative or pain killer, we cannot sign a waiver or other key forms that might otherwise save us. We've put DO NOT TAKE US TO HOSPITAL WITHOUT SPOUSAL PERMISSION and other important forms in our cars. But will it be enough? Maybe not!
Perhaps most important, if you have a healthy immune system (good eatin', good sleepin', good exercisin', lots of sunshine) and you use iodine or other nasal and oral gargles at first exposure (https://www.americaoutloud.news/dilute-povidone-iodine-nasal-oral-washes-for-the-prevention-and-treatment-of-covid-19/), you should be just fine! You won't need no shtinkin' vaccine.
For those who want eyewitness stories about the horrors of hospitalization in the COVIDEra and beyond, read "What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back ... Their Patients (Medical System Corruption)": https://www.amazon.com/What-Nurses-Saw-Investigation-Corruption/dp/B0CPQVTDRT/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Or, watch an excellent video interview with the author Ken McCarthy: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/what-the-nurses-saw/
More links: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links
Thank you! You must realize the gratitude so many of us have for you and your wife Jill.
If anything COVID brought the corruption out into the open and the need to reform the system is one of the reasons Trump has brought on board RFK. We will see if and where this goes but it is guaranteed big Pharma and the big bucks driving the current paradigm are not going away quietly
I wonder if much that is wrong in biomedical science today may be all these meta analyses that ultimately establish "consensus science". How many really bad studies are necessary to skew their conclusions? I suspect the authors pay little if any attention to the Methods sections of the work they analyze. For that matter it appears that often neither do the reviewers of the studies reviewed in the meta analysis mainly, I suspect, because the bulk of them have never done that much actual work at the bench. I on the other hand paid Methods very close attention in my reviews. Here is one example why.
There is a test for a type of cancer that intersected my work and led me to review the work behind it. They reported using cultured cells of a type of tumor which I knew is nearly impossible to culture. They claimed to have grown an impressive number of cell lines without any details on how they accomplished that impressive feat. One of several red flags totally ignored by the reviewers. For that and several other reasons I am fairly certain many of the "cancer" lines that provided the data they published were actually cultures of activated mesothelial cells, and that greatly skewed the results towards a more favorable one for them. They may still be earning residuals for the diagnostic test developed from that work.
The publish or perish emphasis has resulted in floods of manuscript submissions and correspondingly strict word limitations by journals. I suspect the Methods section is the part that gets the greatest culling, particularly when the authors may themselves be poop ignorant about lab techniques. Which is why Methods should demand very close scrutiny.
People, do not be afraid to make your own health decisions. To me, M.D.'s are advisors that input findings and recommendations into my healthcare decisions and actions. Think broadly and inquire, inquire and inquire! Always remember that physicians were paid (bribed) $45 per patient to have them obtain the Covid shot. The system is completely captured and broken. Dr. Malone knows this and will be of great help in returning our health care to a patient directed system.
I’m sure many have noticed all of the names of new drugs that are being advertised on TV. There must be a cottage industry, perhaps AI driven, of putting consonants and vowels together to make up these happy names. Then there's the real drug in small print that seems daunting and unpronounceable. Perhaps herein lies the trick to erase media bias - all of the networks will go belly-up if Pharma ads are verboten.
Absolutely Outstanding!
Solid hits re the faults, deficiencies, and needs for an effective medical system!
Trying to bury major failures, deficiencies and 'maid' style solutions with censorship is catastrophic in terms of developing effective strategies and trust. Censorship and 'Selling Solutions' needs to go.
In addition to medical student/doctor training re nutrition, it would be beneficial to encourage learning re supplements. Just today, I'm reading about major departures in recommendations re vitamin D. They need to be timely aware and able to assess.
As for we the peoples participation in fostering our own and family well-being, to the extent its missing or not promoted as invaluable, it should be covered in school classes and with programming in media (for mothers and other adults).
MANY years ago, there were many Doctors who presented themselves to patients as arrogant and dismissive. I actually experienced a few (some even more recently). Medical schools could benefit their students by setting out elements and benefits of productive doctor - patient relations.
Another avenue re pharma
'treatments' - A Pharma assumption of financial and/or treatment liability for harms. Financial liability might be on a sliding scale depending on the extent of loss of function, pain, debility (as impacts ability to work) along with projected duration.
I greatly support the Independant Physician approach! A while back Sean Hannity had a midwestern physician on who operated a beautique ( sp?) operation for everyman. Patient costs were reasonable. Physicians offering such care had acceptable earnings. Patients had ready access to unlimited care. They recommended catastrophic insurance for hospital care). So a wholly independant practice may not be a vital determinant.
Kash P is evidently warning us to prepare for Harris assuming the Presidency before the election. (For image and to sign away sovereignty?). The very thought precipitated the panic I experienced waiting about a H Clinton presidency. Heaven please forbid!
Re your analyses thus far - TERRIFIC! Power to you!
The physician approach was how it use to be 5-6 decades ago. When my sons were born in the late 60s insurance cover the hospital and I made monthly payments to the doctor both times. Also paid out of pocket for the few vaccines given and appts for ear infections.
I also have the receipt for the final payment of $54 to Stanford hospital my parents made for my birth. There was no insurance.
I get the impression that today folks (particularly young folks with limited earnings) don't save for emergencies). It might be well to reflect on approaches to garner participation with a Doc/group of Docs via subscription or in the alternative participation in a health savings account. How to better handle 'free walk-in treatment from hospitals needs to be considered.
My Mother worked at Univ of Chicago medical operations. I'm pretty sure I was born there. She took me there for most of my care including lots of hospitalization for beta strep. Almost no private practice.The UC offered their lab school and paid for my BA.
I feel I should apologize for my over use of the word irony, but on that subject it is the amazing accomplishments in medicine contrasted with the corruption in medicine that is the irony. As example the amazing feats that are now performed via arthroscopic surgery. I see that miracle and compare it to our hospitals implementing deadly COVID treatment protocols to capture Government offered associated bonuses. False positive test results, toxic Remdesivir use, unnecessary respirator use and the final bonus for a recorded COVID death. Those COVID treatment protocols were a clear disregard for human life. A blatant and undeniable violation of the Hippocratic oath. I'm confident the corrupt part of medicine is both discoverable and repairable. Something to bear in mind with our upcoming votes.
You might say we are now living in The Irony Age.
Beautiful picture of you and Jill
"I'm from the Government and I'm here to help!"
The most frightening words you can ever hear. Even more scary than those letters from the IRS, or seeing a bunch of DHS/FBI coming down your block at 3 AM.
I am happy to take advice from two doctors who look SO good!
Eating healthy foods is absolutely necessary. Supplements make up for those nutrients we miss in our diet. They are also necessary. Take your health into your own hands.
Now I think we should do away with lobbyists. You are right it is nothing but “legal” bribery. It creates a corrupt Congress.
Repeating myself, but I think it is relevant:
Trust takes decades to establish and seconds to loose!
Loved this substack and am in complete agreement. Excellent picture btw. You both look marvelous.
There you have it, the whole kit and caboodle enunciated in the following piece of prose taken from within this excellent and outstanding article… “ if only the government could have more oversight over our personal sovereignty, they could stop vaccine hesitancy!”
What the proponents of the above statement advocate is a call for a more direct fascist intervention, a sop to those who contributed to the more than 228 Lawmakers in the U.S Congress, doing so via the scourge that persists in undermining the American Democratic Republic… the lobbyists, resemblant of prostitutes and whores and I hasten to add I don’t wish to demean anyone genuinely working as such, they would likely be more trustworthy than the gaggle of lobbyists who like hyena’s bestride and prowl the corridors of power, a denizen of individuals their fangs and claws sharpened ready to seize upon their prey, dragging them on, like a spider who has weaved the web and now hunts it prey.
The overt monetisation of your political system, challenged as it has been all the way up to the Supreme Court, resulted in the US SCOTUS, ruling that lobbying as it is denotes freedom of speech, protected under the first amendment, the hypocrisy of this decision is palpable, as those who cry foul anyone who attempts to challenge their right to corrupt your political process, to subvert your political will and the system relied upon to ensure true equanimity of process across all strata of government work overtime to remove your very freedom of speech, protected under the very same first amendment to the U.S Constitution… if such a prevailing attitude wasn’t so myopic, it would be laughable, yet that is the reality the long suffering and short changed U.S citizen and or those legitimately visiting are subjected unto.
We know that money has corrupted literally every vestige of your political system, a system now broken, corrupted to its core, institutions and professions considered amongst the most trustworthy, the holy grail, now tainted, corrupted like all else that likewise has sold out. Indeed the sellout complete with the advent of the revolving door policy, the official wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you scratch mine and we’ll scratch yours, namely the ubiquitous Chairmanship, Board Appointment, Executive offer, appointment to any one of a myriad of the now proliferate NGO’s, Think Tanks, Councils, Foundations that abound, the paymasters and policy setters, literally the resource and being that which the aforementioned lobbyists fight over each other to represent, they being the first to take a bite of that slice of the pie… a role all but finessed and akin to the Professional Athlete or Pop Culture Icon Manager… the go between.. except the impact of the lobbyist is far more reaching and destructive than anything that could thus be so described resulting the activities of any Athletes or Po Icon’s manager…
It seems perverse that your politicians expect those who put them into the position to represent them, the constituent are oblivious as to the why any constituent would seem offended by this sleight of hand, shortly put it is corruption pure and simple, by every definition irrespective how it is dressed up and served, the practice of donors giving large sums of money to those involved in public office whether elected or appointed is a form of corruption. Further appointments to as well as those in key decision making positions in regulatory bodies and departments the citizenry must rely upon, or are dependant upon such as the CDC, FDA, DoD, Justice, DHS, Treasury, literally every aspect and department of the executive branch have no business being appointed to decision making roles and bodies such as approving Drugs for release, especially if within say a period of at least a decade they have represented, worked including via contract for the principle applicant, the Drug Company, likewise a moratorium needs placed upon their ability to accept appointments to positions with said companies say a minimum decade at the other end of this sordid merry go round.
Likewise Generals who like present Sec Def Austin had been a board member or senior exec virtually immediately upon retirement before being coaxed back into government to his present role, and Americans are trying to figure out how to stop and break the incessant cycle of these forever wars… the result of which has been the reputation and standing of the nation now truly in the deepest recess of the sewer as people’s the world over see through the hypocrisy, lies, the false orchestrated narratives emblematic of such misadventure, tthe result, many nations and regions of the world littered with the detritus of the manifestation of these contrived conflicts, millions dead, tens of millions more injured, whilst a handful of people like the loathsome Cheney and Kagan families profit from fomenting thus… taking the nation and its reputation into the depths as they for their own and those alike them, all in on the maelstrom of violence propagated by these types benefit fiscally from such misadventure, yet there is not one continent on the earth that has not suffered from this hypocrisy of spreading democracy, whilst your own Democratic Republic, its ideals are shredded right in front of you.
And yet they bemoan a lack of trust in science, in medicine, in Hospitals all once sacrosanct, little wonder after the recent experiences 2021/22 and the Vid, the lies from NIAH, Eco Health, Fauci, Dazsak, et al from Hospital Administrators, Specialists and Doctors who again given plenty of fiscal inducement by way of the payment regimen offered for ensuring treatment protocols (Intubation and Remdesivir as treatment in chief ) Diagnosis ( The patent Mis use of the Kari Mullis PCR Test) and subsequent Treatment (Vaccines) to be administered patients comprising a practice ensured the silence of those who being of weak character aided and abetted, still doing so, this crime of all crimes against humanity… and yet they wonder why our faith and trust has dissipated, believing they can resurrect and or impose their will merely by waving their fascist wand, nope, that horse has bolted, evidenced the myriad research papers like a tsunami now being published, take for example the recent papers headlined out of Japan recently with findings by well respected researchers as with most such being released the product of first class scientific professionals, or specialists in medicine the top of their fields highly respected, their bona fides not so easily cancelled, however the biggest indictment against those who perpetrated this madness, is that they have taken and misappropriated from us a discipline that was owned by humanity, that had been hard fought for to get to the position of acceptance and importantly trust enjoyed, that was respected, that hadn’t like the gestation of this dystopian plan to so impact humanity with this filth that we know the vaccines to be, represented by whatever Eugenicist psychopathy predominated the thinking, the reason for doing so, they destroyed a discipline that since the earliest days of civilisation had gestated surviving the most turbulent times as they were challenged as heretics, many dying or being put to gruesome death, until finally both church and science co existed, each now co-dependant upon the other to underscore the findings each espouse, literally no religious belief without science, no science without religion, not in all, but much interwoven, yet those who foisted this poison onto us, as they bemoan our no longer trusting them, as they consider plans gone awry, still however salivating at the prospects of more profit from the never ending viruses to exploit the gullible, well, if it works with never ending War and the military industrial complex why not big pharmaceutical….
It is sick and illustrates the fall and the precipice we stand upon, it will take a collective effort to overcome, starting with a resounding rejection of every initiative proffered these tyrants, the corporates they serve, then followed by an overhaul of your governance, no stone left unturned… Steve Kirsch recently, in fact, yesterday in his Substack noted exactly the plan required to clean house …
RFK Jr's 12-part plan to make America Healthy again
Kamala Harris has absolutely no interest in doing any of these recommendations. Maybe she'll adopt my plan instead? What do you think?
Steve Kirsch
I recommend it as a read, like most of Steve's work it is first rate… hold the feet of those responsible to the fire, there must be accountability….
Free Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
The very best to you all.
Kia Kaha from New Zealand