That this battle has changed your life and your way of thinking is clear evidence that after four decades (in my lifetime) of watching the USA descend into a fascist hellhole run by narcissistic parasites, the masses are beginning to wake up from their sleep. As Ayn Rand taught me, the war of ideas is the only battle that truly matters.…
That this battle has changed your life and your way of thinking is clear evidence that after four decades (in my lifetime) of watching the USA descend into a fascist hellhole run by narcissistic parasites, the masses are beginning to wake up from their sleep. As Ayn Rand taught me, the war of ideas is the only battle that truly matters. The Deep State, drunk on money they didn't earn and the illusion of power, has been at war with the American population for decades. They have destroyed the very foundations of freedom & prosperity for many Americans, dooming them to dependency, addiction & hopelessness. They have bankrupted our country and wasted the gifts entrusted to them by those who founded it. Our parents and their parents have sat around, amused by endless bread & circuses, allowing it to happen. And now the debt has become due & payable. Dr. Malone, as our generation looks around & surveys the wreckage, what do we see? We see sociopaths in nearly every position of power and influence in every major institution of our country. We see pure evil ... the kind of evil the German people saw in the 1930's .... and rallied around. We are at a unique point in the history of our country. The looters & parasites who have feasted upon the carcass of freedom for the last century are in the light. We see them for who they are. They can't hide and they can't pretend. And they are losing credibility & influence at a rate which I've prayed for throughout my entire adult life. They know this and they know that we know it. The question is: are we brave enough to take on the fights that the last few generations have avoided? Are we willing to lose some comforts and take a stand so that our children & grandchildren can grow up in a country that stands for freedom & prosperity? Will we lead a generation that understands what our forefathers did: that the biggest enemy to freedom, prosperity and our children's futures isn't some exotic flu ... or a foreign actor halfway around the world ... it's us. When we band together under a title and attempt to use coercion and force to get our way, we allow the worst of us to destroy with impugnity. We are living through the end result - the end game of a century of rot bestowed on us by the worst of us. It all starts with ideas -- the same ideas that created our nation in the first place. Those ideas are more powerful than every slimy parasite on this planet and they know it. They have lost. It's simply a matter of what comes next.
This latest article called “Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Fomation, and Neuro Linguistic Programming” details and documents all the latest covert behavioural techniques in detail, including the use of NLP reframing techniques, “cues,” “anchors,” “priming,” “defaults” etc.
The article also identifies the specific psychological warfare nodes involved in shaping the covid-19 messaging from the outset, namely, the Behavioural Insights Team. To my knowledge, this has yet to be fully exposed or documented.
The piece can be found at either link (Trialsite News has a paywall, the other is free for anyone not already subscribed to Trialsite News):
My experience of reading Rand was complicated by reading Herman Hesse at the same time. It worried my family. Ayn Rand imagines such a pure world that it is impossible to read her without catching fire. She comes to many people at the point when they long to become-for-themselves and break away from the living-for-others limitations. That’s really important. Yet, It’s helpful to reflect on both the positive and destructive effects of Ayn’s fire—and all fires—because they emanate from an ideal region of mind where the obstacles of earthly life seem far away and can be dismissed lightly. So Rand is a vital voice, but to me, it’s good to look at the whole history of how her flame has moved. She is the darling of many men (and some women) who have not lived as Howard Roark’s — but as builders of the collective systems of tyranny and enslavement — of political systems coopted by titans of industry. Most of corporate masters of the universe who slay the unaffiliated Roarks and the unaffiliated John Galts have tempered their swords in the flames of Ayn Rand’s philosophical purity. The very people who move power in Davos and DC and Silicon Valley and who have truly turned out to be unconscious power wielding “parasites” as you rightly say — have basked in the glow of Ayn Rand religion of self. Strange?
Also, perhaps each generation has a burden unlike other generations. It useful for me to look at the struggles of each generation encountering a new world with temptations and dangerous unintended consequences that were not reckoned ahead—and tests that were failed or barely passed. The current crop of critical history theorists are fairly tunnel visioned about the merits of historical figures in context. On one level, we could say keeping close to Our Creator has been the challenge of the whole anguished and exciting journey—but has any generation been perfect? Or, has any generation been less monstrous? I heard an old Buckminster Fuller tape recently. He talked about what an epic transformation it was for humankind to move from elder apprenticeship to a new form of learning from the media purveyors of information. The radio brought a radical change to child rearing for our species. The generations since have been subject to manipulation at unimagined levels—way beyond our capacity to cope. Now we are living through the whirlwind of media and psy ops amplified by media that the world has never seen before. We are being manipulated by purist ideologies and mass hypnosis strategies aimed at our reptilian brains.
Life is always hard for every generation and yours is truly hard pressed— we are all of us at the affect of madness we never wanted. Yet, the bitterness can be sweetened by gratitude. You strike me as a man with an enormous capacity for gratitude and greatness. Thank you for your passionate voice. (Excuse my edits- I think this is it).
Don't forget Sam Adams was apparently off drinking beers at the tavern during Lexington and Concord, and a few years after the war he was Speaker of the House in the Mass. State House when the ruling oligarchy of Boston bankers and real estate barons tried to defraud the Revolutionary War veterans out of their farms.....Shay's Rebellion was the result. It was the farmers revolting against Sam Adams' state government.
That this battle has changed your life and your way of thinking is clear evidence that after four decades (in my lifetime) of watching the USA descend into a fascist hellhole run by narcissistic parasites, the masses are beginning to wake up from their sleep. As Ayn Rand taught me, the war of ideas is the only battle that truly matters. The Deep State, drunk on money they didn't earn and the illusion of power, has been at war with the American population for decades. They have destroyed the very foundations of freedom & prosperity for many Americans, dooming them to dependency, addiction & hopelessness. They have bankrupted our country and wasted the gifts entrusted to them by those who founded it. Our parents and their parents have sat around, amused by endless bread & circuses, allowing it to happen. And now the debt has become due & payable. Dr. Malone, as our generation looks around & surveys the wreckage, what do we see? We see sociopaths in nearly every position of power and influence in every major institution of our country. We see pure evil ... the kind of evil the German people saw in the 1930's .... and rallied around. We are at a unique point in the history of our country. The looters & parasites who have feasted upon the carcass of freedom for the last century are in the light. We see them for who they are. They can't hide and they can't pretend. And they are losing credibility & influence at a rate which I've prayed for throughout my entire adult life. They know this and they know that we know it. The question is: are we brave enough to take on the fights that the last few generations have avoided? Are we willing to lose some comforts and take a stand so that our children & grandchildren can grow up in a country that stands for freedom & prosperity? Will we lead a generation that understands what our forefathers did: that the biggest enemy to freedom, prosperity and our children's futures isn't some exotic flu ... or a foreign actor halfway around the world ... it's us. When we band together under a title and attempt to use coercion and force to get our way, we allow the worst of us to destroy with impugnity. We are living through the end result - the end game of a century of rot bestowed on us by the worst of us. It all starts with ideas -- the same ideas that created our nation in the first place. Those ideas are more powerful than every slimy parasite on this planet and they know it. They have lost. It's simply a matter of what comes next.
This latest article called “Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Fomation, and Neuro Linguistic Programming” details and documents all the latest covert behavioural techniques in detail, including the use of NLP reframing techniques, “cues,” “anchors,” “priming,” “defaults” etc.
The article also identifies the specific psychological warfare nodes involved in shaping the covid-19 messaging from the outset, namely, the Behavioural Insights Team. To my knowledge, this has yet to be fully exposed or documented.
The piece can be found at either link (Trialsite News has a paywall, the other is free for anyone not already subscribed to Trialsite News):
what a well done piece. all should read . i am educated as a social psychloogist and can confirm this author is on target w persuation techniques.
very powerful stuff Joe..thank you and the battle will be won...we have no choice but to win !
My experience of reading Rand was complicated by reading Herman Hesse at the same time. It worried my family. Ayn Rand imagines such a pure world that it is impossible to read her without catching fire. She comes to many people at the point when they long to become-for-themselves and break away from the living-for-others limitations. That’s really important. Yet, It’s helpful to reflect on both the positive and destructive effects of Ayn’s fire—and all fires—because they emanate from an ideal region of mind where the obstacles of earthly life seem far away and can be dismissed lightly. So Rand is a vital voice, but to me, it’s good to look at the whole history of how her flame has moved. She is the darling of many men (and some women) who have not lived as Howard Roark’s — but as builders of the collective systems of tyranny and enslavement — of political systems coopted by titans of industry. Most of corporate masters of the universe who slay the unaffiliated Roarks and the unaffiliated John Galts have tempered their swords in the flames of Ayn Rand’s philosophical purity. The very people who move power in Davos and DC and Silicon Valley and who have truly turned out to be unconscious power wielding “parasites” as you rightly say — have basked in the glow of Ayn Rand religion of self. Strange?
Also, perhaps each generation has a burden unlike other generations. It useful for me to look at the struggles of each generation encountering a new world with temptations and dangerous unintended consequences that were not reckoned ahead—and tests that were failed or barely passed. The current crop of critical history theorists are fairly tunnel visioned about the merits of historical figures in context. On one level, we could say keeping close to Our Creator has been the challenge of the whole anguished and exciting journey—but has any generation been perfect? Or, has any generation been less monstrous? I heard an old Buckminster Fuller tape recently. He talked about what an epic transformation it was for humankind to move from elder apprenticeship to a new form of learning from the media purveyors of information. The radio brought a radical change to child rearing for our species. The generations since have been subject to manipulation at unimagined levels—way beyond our capacity to cope. Now we are living through the whirlwind of media and psy ops amplified by media that the world has never seen before. We are being manipulated by purist ideologies and mass hypnosis strategies aimed at our reptilian brains.
Life is always hard for every generation and yours is truly hard pressed— we are all of us at the affect of madness we never wanted. Yet, the bitterness can be sweetened by gratitude. You strike me as a man with an enormous capacity for gratitude and greatness. Thank you for your passionate voice. (Excuse my edits- I think this is it).
I recommend this book while it’s still allowed in print. It speaks to exactly what you are pointing to.
The Mainspring of Human Progress
Well said my friend. 🇺🇸
Don't forget Sam Adams was apparently off drinking beers at the tavern during Lexington and Concord, and a few years after the war he was Speaker of the House in the Mass. State House when the ruling oligarchy of Boston bankers and real estate barons tried to defraud the Revolutionary War veterans out of their farms.....Shay's Rebellion was the result. It was the farmers revolting against Sam Adams' state government.
Very well said!
Exactly, precisely stated.