Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know its easy for someone who may be financially in a different place than others to say “to hell with the job” or “no job is worth giving up your health for”. I am 63. My concern for all of us and I haven’t heard this question asked, but what’s next? You drop to your knees for this, whats next? There is ALWAYS something next with authoritarians! We must stand now! We must not comply NOW! If I were in my 40’s, I don’t care how many jobs I had to work or what those jobs were! Growing up poor has always stuck with me. I am not afraid of “poor”. I am afraid that my just turned 20 yr old son will have to spend his life on his knees! We cannot allow that to happen! Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough will be in line for the Presidential Medal of FREEDOM for risking EVERYTHING to bring TRUTH to the real American people! Stay strong! Stay ornery, be prepared and DO NOT COMPLY! 🇺🇸

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022

There were some who took the free vaccines by choice and some who were mandated, and yet others who have not taken them. Do you know anyone who took the free vaccine by choice and was willing to pay for it? How about donating the money they saved from getting a free vaccine; to a worthy cause, like more vaccine production for at risk people in third world countries, or contributing to climate change, or the local food bank, or local animal shelter? This morning I asked vaccinated people if they knew where the money came from to give everyone free vaccines, boosters etc... No one cares, if it is added to a growing debt with growing interest payments, that most probably never be paid back, even by our children. In my experience people say one thing and yet do the opposite, as long as it benefits them. Perhaps if they had to shell out money upfront a vaccine that has not been tested on a large group 3-5-10 years they might think differently.

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Hey - don't push these experimental drugs on third world countries. Most of my family lives in southern Africa. They don't want this, pardon my French, crap injected anymore than I do. Plus, they have unlimited amounts of HCQ and IVM available to them and take it prophylactically. For once, they are way ahead, healthwise, than the West. Don't try to kill them now.

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What “vaccine” are you talking about? We do not have any Covid “vaccines”? IF you are referring to the the deadly genetic therapy injections they have been shooting in to the sheeple, thats not something I would ever financially support. 🇺🇸

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Thank you.. so very much. Honorable plea.

This is America.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That this battle has changed your life and your way of thinking is clear evidence that after four decades (in my lifetime) of watching the USA descend into a fascist hellhole run by narcissistic parasites, the masses are beginning to wake up from their sleep. As Ayn Rand taught me, the war of ideas is the only battle that truly matters. The Deep State, drunk on money they didn't earn and the illusion of power, has been at war with the American population for decades. They have destroyed the very foundations of freedom & prosperity for many Americans, dooming them to dependency, addiction & hopelessness. They have bankrupted our country and wasted the gifts entrusted to them by those who founded it. Our parents and their parents have sat around, amused by endless bread & circuses, allowing it to happen. And now the debt has become due & payable. Dr. Malone, as our generation looks around & surveys the wreckage, what do we see? We see sociopaths in nearly every position of power and influence in every major institution of our country. We see pure evil ... the kind of evil the German people saw in the 1930's .... and rallied around. We are at a unique point in the history of our country. The looters & parasites who have feasted upon the carcass of freedom for the last century are in the light. We see them for who they are. They can't hide and they can't pretend. And they are losing credibility & influence at a rate which I've prayed for throughout my entire adult life. They know this and they know that we know it. The question is: are we brave enough to take on the fights that the last few generations have avoided? Are we willing to lose some comforts and take a stand so that our children & grandchildren can grow up in a country that stands for freedom & prosperity? Will we lead a generation that understands what our forefathers did: that the biggest enemy to freedom, prosperity and our children's futures isn't some exotic flu ... or a foreign actor halfway around the world ... it's us. When we band together under a title and attempt to use coercion and force to get our way, we allow the worst of us to destroy with impugnity. We are living through the end result - the end game of a century of rot bestowed on us by the worst of us. It all starts with ideas -- the same ideas that created our nation in the first place. Those ideas are more powerful than every slimy parasite on this planet and they know it. They have lost. It's simply a matter of what comes next.

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This latest article called “Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Fomation, and Neuro Linguistic Programming” details and documents all the latest covert behavioural techniques in detail, including the use of NLP reframing techniques, “cues,” “anchors,” “priming,” “defaults” etc.

The article also identifies the specific psychological warfare nodes involved in shaping the covid-19 messaging from the outset, namely, the Behavioural Insights Team. To my knowledge, this has yet to be fully exposed or documented.

The piece can be found at either link (Trialsite News has a paywall, the other is free for anyone not already subscribed to Trialsite News):





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what a well done piece. all should read . i am educated as a social psychloogist and can confirm this author is on target w persuation techniques.

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very powerful stuff Joe..thank you and the battle will be won...we have no choice but to win !

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

My experience of reading Rand was complicated by reading Herman Hesse at the same time. It worried my family. Ayn Rand imagines such a pure world that it is impossible to read her without catching fire. She comes to many people at the point when they long to become-for-themselves and break away from the living-for-others limitations. That’s really important. Yet, It’s helpful to reflect on both the positive and destructive effects of Ayn’s fire—and all fires—because they emanate from an ideal region of mind where the obstacles of earthly life seem far away and can be dismissed lightly. So Rand is a vital voice, but to me, it’s good to look at the whole history of how her flame has moved. She is the darling of many men (and some women) who have not lived as Howard Roark’s — but as builders of the collective systems of tyranny and enslavement — of political systems coopted by titans of industry. Most of corporate masters of the universe who slay the unaffiliated Roarks and the unaffiliated John Galts have tempered their swords in the flames of Ayn Rand’s philosophical purity. The very people who move power in Davos and DC and Silicon Valley and who have truly turned out to be unconscious power wielding “parasites” as you rightly say — have basked in the glow of Ayn Rand religion of self. Strange?

Also, perhaps each generation has a burden unlike other generations. It useful for me to look at the struggles of each generation encountering a new world with temptations and dangerous unintended consequences that were not reckoned ahead—and tests that were failed or barely passed. The current crop of critical history theorists are fairly tunnel visioned about the merits of historical figures in context. On one level, we could say keeping close to Our Creator has been the challenge of the whole anguished and exciting journey—but has any generation been perfect? Or, has any generation been less monstrous? I heard an old Buckminster Fuller tape recently. He talked about what an epic transformation it was for humankind to move from elder apprenticeship to a new form of learning from the media purveyors of information. The radio brought a radical change to child rearing for our species. The generations since have been subject to manipulation at unimagined levels—way beyond our capacity to cope. Now we are living through the whirlwind of media and psy ops amplified by media that the world has never seen before. We are being manipulated by purist ideologies and mass hypnosis strategies aimed at our reptilian brains.

Life is always hard for every generation and yours is truly hard pressed— we are all of us at the affect of madness we never wanted. Yet, the bitterness can be sweetened by gratitude. You strike me as a man with an enormous capacity for gratitude and greatness. Thank you for your passionate voice. (Excuse my edits- I think this is it).

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I recommend this book while it’s still allowed in print. It speaks to exactly what you are pointing to.

The Mainspring of Human Progress https://www.amazon.com/dp/1614276366?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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Well said my friend. 🇺🇸

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Don't forget Sam Adams was apparently off drinking beers at the tavern during Lexington and Concord, and a few years after the war he was Speaker of the House in the Mass. State House when the ruling oligarchy of Boston bankers and real estate barons tried to defraud the Revolutionary War veterans out of their farms.....Shay's Rebellion was the result. It was the farmers revolting against Sam Adams' state government.

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Very well said!

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Exactly, precisely stated.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are with you. I’m moving my family of 7 children out of Australia. It will be hard, but I have to for their survival. Do not let America, become like Australia.

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Congratulations on your bravery. Areas of the USA are Marxist parasite hellholes. Other areas are bastions of freedom. Choose wisely.

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I won’t be able to get into America. I have found another country. But America is the home of freedom and it radiates that freedom to other countries. Please protect it.

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I'm not giving up on America. This country was founded on the idea of liberty, and while we have many faults, we are still Americans, and freedom is our birthright. It's so encouraging to see young people waking up and taking a stand for liberty. Let's support them.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Incredible bravery!!!

Wishing you and your family, aLL of us, a brighter tomorrow...

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Are there other Australians like you. I’ve noticed a handful of new Aussies in our neck of the USA. We would be happy to have you here in America! Come to the Midwest.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately because I do things legally I won’t be able to get in. But thank you for your kindness. Their are a lot of Australians against this tyranny, but the msm does not publicise their demonstrations.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have used a phrase since the very beginning of this plandemic. "Technocratic totalitarianism" because this perfectly describes the age in which we have entered. Like religious institutions, when someone has complete control over the minds of millions, they become more and more despotic, more sociopathic and truly believe their own bs. With that confidence comes followers that are too weak to think for themselves or unable to because of the mass hypnosis that takes place when the reptile brain takes control.

I'm glad some brave people with actual expertise in various sciences like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, and Dr. Desmit have helped me fill in some of the gaps of my knowledge in their respective fields.

I wrote a piece called Technocratic totalitarianism here on substack because people like Dr Malone have made me realize the more of us that speak up, the less likely this attempt to implement global totalitarianism will come to fruition.


This is the real danger. Not terrorists on another continent, or an engineered virus. My biggest concern is what will these oligarchs do if this shift into totalitarianism doesn't work. What will be released from these labs that they've been cooking up for decades if we do not comply?

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Excellent article!

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Thank you for taking the time to read it. I have no doubt you're an extremely busy man, especially these days. Keep up the amazing work, Sir. we all appreciate you more than you know.

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That is a great and fitting term: technocratic totalitarianism. Copyright it and put it on t-shirts and bumper stickers.

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The "terrorists" were used as the camel's nose under the tent.

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I agree. Perhaps the technology to personally propagandise everyone directly into their pockets on a daily basis had to catch up. Either way, you make a solid point, my friend.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your posts have been excellent and I just subscribed. I'm trying to stay informed and in my own small way fight the control, but it's beginning to pile on me psychologically. I've done pretty well through all of this. I've tried to be optimistic. I've turned to God and Bible studies. I set fitness, home, and family goals. Yet recently I'm feeling hopeless. A couple of things that are currently going on don't help. For one, trying to figure out how to fight my employer to NOT get the booster when I just had covid 3 weeks ago. Just postponed my dream trip for a third time (originally scheduled for April 2020). Things could be much worse. I'm just sharing these few things not to get sympathy, but I"m wondering if there's a substack that talks about how people are coping going into a third year of this.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You must stay strong. The momentum is starting to swing our way. If you aren't sure check out all the college football games where the stands erupt in F* Joe Biden. I tried to buy a coffee mug with this slogan on it. ( I didn't want the diluted "Let's Go Brandon)." They were sold out and I had to order one, as was the LGB version. Good sign. The 60,000 people who came out to see President Trump in Arizona on a cold day is a good sign. It was an all day process to get to the event and even as he began speaking the line of cars to get there was 25 miles long. That is some statement.

Look at the recent polls. This administration is sinking like a rock. And it will get a whole lot worse for them this year. Inflation hasn't really started to kick in. I lived through the Jimmy Carter inflation and malaise. This is going to be as bad or worse. So hang in there. This is not the time to throw in the towel.

The Supreme Court just ruled against mandates unless you are a health care worker. However, new international data is coming out all the time. Print off some of those articles and use them with your employer.

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Laugh of the day . . . .

For months I continue to try and educate my boss regarding the dangers of masks. I'm retired and only work p/t 2 days/week as he knows I spend my life reading. There are about 50 employee's in our office all of whom are tripled injected - wear masks religiously (as though it is a badge of honor) and were ALL out sick recently! Once again I tried to share information I've read and this was his latest response:

I don’t care about being right or wrong. I also don’t care about being inconvenienced if it does have a chance of helping. I personally don’t lose anything and have, like I have mentioned to you before. Not gotten sick, the two years. Other than COVID, which I traced down to my wife not wearing a mask and being exposed by her family.

I like wearing my mask, makes me feel I’m more mysterious. I’m gonna miss em when they aren’t popular and I won’t feel cool anymore.

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Holy hell, your boss is a retard. I have a feeling he will be able to wear his obedience mask for many more years so he can feel cool.

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Sounds like a chick, not a dude.

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Male - early 30's

God help us all

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Oh, a soy boy.

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That’s REAL bad.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022

Thank you Naomi. It's good to share with like minded folks!

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Your emotions are quite normal I believe in these time. What a deception when the public journey was “stay home” two weeks to flatten the curve. I am so very grateful through all shocking social changes in the norms, that I first found Dr. Mobeen Syed, to assist

With real data outside the outrageous messaging here in USA. Yes, sons out of college, employed and none of us desire experimental irreversible vaccine.

My lowest point, my very own Dr.

Rheumatologist and Cardiologist

..recently identified with Acending aortic aneurysm. …. Still persisted

Vaccine. ! I just needed more time,

More data. They grew impatient,

I had a bad case of Covid. No, despite low BP and low pulse ox.. my husband went for Pedialite and bone broth and aspirin. I’m a Sjogrens patient anyway. My faith was far stronger than this crazy vaccine that was good for ALL patients. (These doctors Even vaccinated their children!).

Now we have so much data on that topic. Yes, much sacrifices. Delay retirement. No trips to Spain, Israel and Conference in Scottsdale.

Yet, Dr. Zelenko, Dr Markik on YouTube Mobeen show. I had Hope! After 3 years I see, mandates are just the beginning of what we saw after WWI.

I Do believe truth is getting out.

Don’t lose hope. A change in Cardiologist to Mayo, no pressure at all. Now, as our generation KNOWS the potential of American pride. We must not submit and hand it over to our current key holders. Corrupt Elections

Are Key to avoid. We must stay aware, and be involved each day.

The younger conservatives surprised me but really are not interested in this America.

So grateful for all the Hero’s on frontlines as the battle continue.

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Thank you Tory.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I also have moments and sometimes days of hopelessness about where we are as a country and how to raise my children to continue to fight the tyranny. And then I get focused, take small actions to buck the narrative in my circle of crazy, and choose to hope that this will end soon. I know you didn’t ask for sympathy, but I offer some empathy so you know you aren’t alone. Hang in there! We need you in this fight!

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Thank you. I needed this boost!

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You cannot let the bastards win!

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For me reconnecting with faith has been important to help me retain psychological balance. I do not belong to a Church or a particular religion. I have a spiritual practice. It sounds like I spent the Fall in a similar place to you. Taking care of myself -- daily vit. D3, Quercetin and Zinc, exercise, getting a massage and small outings (we are on our 4th lockdown here in Toronto)helped greatly.

I am a self employed medical practitioner and found the struggles of my patients affected me much greater than usual, to a point of sending an email to them telling them how I was struggling but that I am there for them in whatever capacity they needed. The beautiful responses I received in return showed me the love and connection we all need. Reaching out helps. I am very grateful.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022

Interesting. I too have done a lot of deep thinking on faith. I am in Florida and it is quite open and back to normal here. I could have gone to services but my church has gone a bit WOKE and I won't support that. It has helped to reconnect with a higher power and realize we are part of a whole.

This virus has had its good side. With all this time on my hands, although, not in lockdown here in Florida, I have been reading and listening to videos. I too am on an immune boosting regime of D3, Quercetin, zinc, Vit K2, VitC and black seed oil. I feel good. I need to boost my exercise though because I have become far too sedentary.

What is dismaying is to witness the mass formation psychosis that seems to be the norm in too many places. It is certainly prevalent on a knitting forum I belong too. In particular those members from Australia seem lost to all reason and perspective. Some of them have become vicious in their response to the unvaccinated even when those people have had and recovered from COVID, and to those who refuse to get boosters. Fear can be a terrible thing.

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Australians are being monitored. Their not free to speak. They have to say those things. Don’t take it to heart to much.

I too am in a free red state in the south. Beautiful and normal. Trace amounts of fear mongering but not in our church. I take my Vitamins as well and need to exercise more. 😊

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When Australians have had enough the people will go on a national strike. Gandhi showed the world how to do nonviolent protests. Australians need to vote in another John Howard. The current political leadership they have are craven, power mad cowards. I can't believe the police are allowing themselves to be turned into tyrannical prison guards over an entire nation. Sheesh, if this isn't shades of 1933 Nazi Germany.

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That fear might actually be shame and/or envy disguised.

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Thank you. Your post and others are so good to read!

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Regarding your job: for you - that is the tipping point and probably most unbearable. It probably feels like your on the train to Auschwitz’s. You need the job= money= living indoors and eating. I get it.

Sorry for your trouble heart!

I am going to try and say this as clear as I can… the Universe is telling you to fix it or leave that job. Don’t look at this like it’s forever, we are changing and rearranging. Things are going to get better. I can promise you that. We all are going down this rocky road together. Your employer will suffer if you or many of you leave - see yourself as valuable and make your body, your choice. You got this! Don’t give up. And commit to watching the news only 1 time a week. Watch only comedy’s. Trust me laughter is the best medicine for the mind and soul.

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Lately I have been watching the Holocaust survivor testimonial videos on YouTube. While we are no where close to what these poor people were subjected to, many of the events that have gone on in the past 2 years are similar to the way it started in Europe in the early 1930's. It is important not to exaggerate. Truth matters, particularly now.

I sympathize with someone put in a position of being forced to take a medical procedure they do not want or having to quit their job. Not everyone is in a financial position to do that, especially if there is a family to support.

Things are starting to change. Israel has given up on the 4th booster. Other countries have chimed in. There are articles about this from reputable sources that can serve as a way to rebut the company's policy. There is also the recent 6-3 Supreme Court decision about vaccine mandates.

I don't think this mandate stupidity can last all that much longer. Critical services and occupations are affected: nurses and hospital staff, fireman, police, truck drivers. The mandates are threatening to collapse and paralyze our most basic services. How long can that stupidity last, even in blue cities and states? I say not long.

Dan Bongino said it would begin to change when the 2nd person got up and danced. It's happening now. The trickle started by brave experts such as Dr. Malone will become a flood.

It is also important that we maintain a community here. The free sharing of experiences and the encouragement of knowing there are many, MANY, intelligent people who feel the same way makes us all stronger.

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Great advice. Thank you!

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Hearts to you, Truth = Defense!

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Shut your TV and cell phone off. Instead, spend your time educating yourself by reading newsletters such as this. Once you are able to differentiate fact from egregious fiction - your days will be filled with optimism and joy. I promise you there are more of us who remain steadfast. Just read the comment section of these newsletters to prove you are not alone. They are discarding the booster shots by the millions - which solidifies we are slowly but surely gaining traction in our crusade. Inflicting despondency is all part of this. Don't let them win.

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To your support query, many of us are looking for coping help. Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Mark McDonald (interviewed on TheHighwire's #249 weekly video), both speak and write about Mass Psychosis phenomena. They suggest we Create like-minded community. I akin it to something we'd do for our socially awkward child, go out of our way to create playdates knowing that positive interactions will help him. This is US now. We are the awkward ones needing positive social interactions. I've found a small group in my neighborhood, we all feel this same way. We are busy, but we Know we Need to meet on occasion. Finding like-minds, that is the very awkward part, after you find them, it's really wonderful. Dr. McDonald in his TheH interview tells how he pushed himself to do this but found friendships that are better than he's ever had previously. God bless you. If you are in my town, join us :). We're going to the DC march. Downingtown, PA.

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Yes, and we are meeting face to face. Gathering for meals and conversation like we used to. It's been a great gift. New, wonderful friends. Community.

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Thank you!

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this IS WW3 ... just no kinetic weapons (yet). -- re: fighting the employer -- get a kind Dr. to say for "your specific medical history that a booster is more risk than potential benefit"

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Peggy Hall is the best resource I've found for medical exemption guidance. She has 80+ free videos (5-40mins on specific issues), also a zoom service. I used the free videos to help my nephew successfully get a Rel Exemp for a Fed job. No church affiliation needed, only a "srongly held religious belief", no specifics. She's fun to watch too.

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Her videos help, but some employers like mine are so wedded to federal contract money that they refuse to accept religious exemption requests. If you can work from home, it’s approved. If you have to come on site, it’s denied. I’m standing up and refusing to comply, so job hunting.

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You're a patriotic badass.

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Agree, The Healthy American, Peggy Hall. Great success with SW airline’s employees and many more and now going after Kaiser.

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TH22, we all have down days but never give up hope. Keep praying, trust God. His hand is in this. Bobby Kennedy Jr. said that the first thing he says when he gets up in the morning is "Reporting for duty, Sir!" I love that.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your courage and insight, Dr. Malone!

We're cheering you on from Israel. This is the fight of our lifetime.


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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The success of nudging techniques is quite astounding. Or at least it feels that way within my circles here in Finland. My personality is such that I don't bring up "controversial" topics (since in my experience people are both arrogant and close minded in terms of that they think they know), but surprisingly virtually everyone around me wants to talk about the current health emergency. And when they do, they are incredibly misinformed (their "knowledge" of the mortality rates, infection rates, hospitalisations, etc, is at least exaggerated by a factor of 10)...

Then you kindly observe: "hey, have you checked official figures from the WHO?, John Hopkins?, it is a fraction of what you say" to which they will get upset. Not a single friend or relative I have remarked a thing like that have actually gone and checked official statistics. They carry on as if they were never exposed to a different opinion or data <--- even when the data comes from the sources you are supposed to trust. Nudging seems like a resounding success story.

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I’ve always been amazed at how open people are in discussing their health with people outside their immediate family and friends, period.

Now personal and MSM health is the ONLY topic of conversation for most.

I wonder if these people simply have nothing better to do—or is it that they’ve allowed themselves to be nudged into this health hyperfocus?

Either way, to be nudged is to allow to be nudged.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I did a little research on Dr. Malone in the wake of the Berenson Attack.

This is everything that a layperson needs to know about Dr. Robert Malone:


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Thank you.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a former Green Beret I can tell you with 100% certainty that you are right on. My research and studies over the past several decades, showed me that it started here in 1913. We are now in the final transition to either a fascist or Marxist state, not that there is much difference. We have only a few more years left to stop this.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Virginia state motto: "Sic Semper Tyrannis". (thus always to tyrants), with liberty holding a spear standing on the dead body of the tyrant emblazoned on the state flag

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And from the “vale of humility” State along your southern border, our motto is particularly appropriate right now: Esse Quam Videri”:

To Be Rather Than to Seem”

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Our motto is De Oppresso Liber and we take it seriously!

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This is all on my blog https://centinel2012.com/ and a lot more.

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I’m always wary of predictive-history statements like this: “We are now in the final transition to either a fascist or Marxist state, not that there is much difference. We have only a few more years left to stop this.”

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“When you have people by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.”

~Sicilian Wise Guys

Making of the Mob, NY

History channel Documentary

That’s a quote from a documentary I watched regarding how the Mafia basically works.

My father was part of that world. Being raised by a wise guy, you are taught to see things that the average person glosses over.

I was aware that…

I.e. FBook, twit, IS AN invasion of privacy. Don’t use them. Anything written down can come back to you.

A shipping label, mail such as CC bills, in the trash IS A connection to identity theft. Shred everything!

Your garage door opener clipped to your Viser and your address in the glove box IS AN invitation to rob your home. Don’t leave it in your car or anything with your address on it.

The criminal list goes on. I wonder, Is the criminal mind more valuable than we have given it credit? Is our political machine a criminal entity? Do we see Hypocrisy when Pelosi/newsom and the like, dont where a mask? Or is it their way of Re-educating the masses “do as I say not as I do?”

Dr. Malone is correct- ITS TIME FOR A GREAT AWAKENING!

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When I see Pelosi/Newsom not wearing a mask, I do not get angry or upset about hypocrisy. Instead, I see hope.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

hmmm ... let's have a look at how asymmetric warfare turned out in Vietnam and Afghanistan ... the real question is how to circumvent the censorship using tech to fight tech, or perhaps using low-tech (phone trees, churches, other non-electronic communication relays) to fight tech. turn the TV and other "official" sources OFF. -- the primary reason for the founding fathers of America to maintain separation of church and state was an assumption that the state would eventually become corrupt, and that the churches would maintain a moral fiber that was a "check and balance" of the people against the corruption in the state.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for all that you are doing, I realize it comes at professional, financial and personal risk. We all owe you for your sacrifices. I do hope that the Twitter ban and the histrionics from your JRE visit will create a Sreisand Effect and amplify your messages. I'm also glad you landed on Substack and I hope you get 100,000 plus paid subscribers. The world would be better for it, and you deserve it.

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I spent time as a civilian contractor in Afghanistan 2010 building propaganda for various interest groups (DoD, State, USAID, various NGOs, etc.). The PSYOP doctrine is quite lengthy. I never believed they would use it against Americans. This was so naive of me. Fact is, all that prevents governments from doing this to their own people is ethics, all the capacity is there to do so, it's just the will to lie and cheat your own people that needs to emerge. I can tell you, it did NOT work in Afghanistan. They had less cultural awareness, for sure, but also most people there were like, fuck off with your lies and fantastical stories that never materialize and only make YOU better off, not us. We need to react the same. Don'tet them tell you what to think. They aren't doing anything for you, it's all for them and their mission.

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Excellent point-- it fits with this quote that Charles Eisenstein's Substack started with in his Post " The Path will rise up to meet us"

' The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating.

– Mohandas K. Gandhi

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Yes, and don't buy into or support lies. Communism lives on the lie. Fascism lives on the lie. Starve it by being scrupulous in telling the truth.

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How about also non-cooperation with anything that perpetuates the system?

Maybe cash out your 401k, as an example.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many people in history have been mocked for bucking the narrative. Winston Churchill in the 1930s about the rise of the Nazis, Noah for building an ark, etc. I am a lifelong Conservative, but I always rolled my eyes when the conspiracy theory, "one world order" topic came up. They were correct in their positions, as the pandemic has unmasked them. With this censorship, we are seeing the culmination of so many things: bureaucratic capture by big business and big tech, decades of a poorly educated populace indoctrinated with ahistorical thinking and post-modern morality, rejection of the Judeo-Christian ethos, capitalism and English Common Law and Property Rights, perpetual politicians corrupted by power, K Street and CCP money and finally, Social Media and the group psychology so masterfully used by Freud and Edward Bernays.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

The important questions to ask now are:

1. How was I complicit in creating/perpetuating this narrative?

2. What things can I do every single day to effectively stop contributing to the narrative?

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

re: "strong fear appeals" -- a euphemism for "terror", used by the REAL terrorists. All of the instigators and purveyors of "strong fear appeals" and their conduits should be tried and convicted of terrorism

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Founding Fathers biggest fear was, clearly, that of giving a Central Federal Government too much power. Their worst fears have been realized beyond their worst imaginable scenarios. Power always corrupts. We are born as Individuals with inalienable rights. Our rights do not come from other men or Government. Government is authorized by us, not the other way around. At least that was what was intended at this Nation’s creation through the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The answer is to decentralize and have States compete for brains, capital, hearts and minds.

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Absolutely! Nail meets head. Beautifully put!

The pyramid of government power structure is upside down. Freedom isn't theirs to deign, Powers few and defined are ours to grant.

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I recommend reading “The Mainstream of Human Progress” by Henry Grady Weaver while it is still allowed in print.

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