IMO, just another PSYOP to keep us distracted. The average Joe would surely have found wreckage and reported it. Aliens do not decide to crash only in secret places where only the Feds can retrieve it. I call BS on this.

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We have plenty of problems amongst humans. Aliens likely only crash when the Biden administration is having PR problems.

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Jan 11, 2024Edited
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Aliens have the technology to cross galaxies, but they don't know how to land. Crash every time. That one is not for me. I think this is an elaborate psyop to deflect and discredit truth tellers who expose genuine government corruption. People who believe in alien crash landings give the blob the opportunity to dismiss them as crazy, there is no need to listen to them on any subject. Important arguments on other topics will be easily ignored. Tucker seems to have gone along with it, much to his own discredit.

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The most well known crash retrieval case, Roswell WAS found AND reported by an average Joe named Mack Brazel. Read about what happened to him in the book "Witness to Roswell" by Carey and Schmitt. Average people have found and reported these craft and they have all been immediately silenced one way or another. The mainstream media people know what they can and cannot say for their own good. Just look at how thoroughly the media was controlled with Covid and Ukraine. The media control for the UFO topic is even greater. If one crashed in your yard a bunch of men would show up, confiscate it, and tell you "you saw nothing" if you know what's good for you. Then even if you reported it to your police or local news channel they would say you imagined it, or their boss would say they couldn't run the story. Then you would tell your friends what happened and they would say you imagined it. Even if many neighbors saw and videoed the crash, the mainstream media would run a cover story (supplied to them by anonymous intelligence sources) that some drone malfunctioned, but everything was cleaned up and fine.

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So you think Russia, China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Uganda, etc etc are all under the control of the CIA?

If there was physical evidence, it would be on display by now, and people would be lining up and paying to see it. We have had the internet for 25 years where photos could be shared.. nope, I call it a PSYOP, and a money maker for writers.

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What you say is certainly true. But the case of gossip is also true, and how much more common! To use a non-UFO case from my neighborhood: one of my (female) neighbors found a snake in her yard. Here in FL and many other locales that's hardly news. But the tale (and the snake) grew with the telling. After it'd passed a few sets of lips, the snake was a huge 6-foot monster. In fact, the snake was probably less than a foot long.

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Great point. This is why it is so important to have multiple INDEPENDENT sources of information. To use the snake example, if you interviewed several first and second hand witnesses, you might get varying descriptions of the size, and maybe even one person might say it was a lizard, but if you looked at all the stories, you would find the common thread of a snake being seen. That would be the high confidence conclusion. Same with UFOs. For example, the best cases I have read about are the ones where a "bogie" was seen and tracked on military or civilian radar, seen by witnesses on the ground, followed by military jets being scrambled and the "bogie" confirmed by pilot visual and pilot radar. Additionally, although the description of the craft varies a bit from one witness to another, the descriptions of the flight characteristics overlap quite a bit, and match the radar. These characteristics include instant acceleration from stationary hovering to several thousand miles per hour including flying straight up and making right angle turns that planes can't do. Since the 1940s there have been enough whistleblowers and enough dogged researchers to piece it together. But the only way to find it is to read multiple sources. The best researchers are the ones who have interviewed many people, studied documents that have been released through FOIA, or have been declassified, or have been overlooked by the intelligence agencies and made their way into presidential archives.

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Scientist are always tinkering. Could these objects from the past be experiments? We certainly took as many scientist as we could out of Germany after WWII.

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No new physics though, to make experiments of flying underwater, radical sharp turns, etc. Drones can do sharp turns, but fly under water? Drones would have a heat signature from its engines. Nuclear engines sound great, but the practical power levels are tiny. Thats OK for long long duration space flight, but not quick power up/down.

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I have no idea what our military has endeavored to create since the Roswell incident. Heck, according to media lore, we've made a dozen moon landings way back, 40-50 years ago. Tech is way beyond that now. I also contemplate the notion that satellites with assistance from land-based radar can make any type of object appear where wanted, doing whatever maneuvers are wanted (new version of the Moonbeam program of the 70s). Military can also cloak normal aircraft to look like an UFO, more than likely to cause damage below which will be blamed on UFOs. Maybe they have used lightweight aluminum to create vessels that can make passengers almost weightless, needing less propulsion. I have no doubt that their capabilities are way beyond anything we could dream up.

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I've seen the movie "The Philadelphia Experiment" and countless others. Great stories, but factual basis is somewhat lacking.

Fiction is great not only for stimulating our imagination and feeding that universal human desire for narratives that “make sense” (even if they’re utter rubbish by those who know some science) but also for exploring various scenarios, no matter how exotic.

I recall one bomb starring [say with Elizabethan emphasis] William…Shatner’s role in “Groom Lake”(2002) – I think that’s the right one. Central to the plot is that the government is deliberately creating the illusion of UFOs in a certain area to fool the locals. Eventually it turns out that they really have a crashed UFO and a living alien. I cite this as merely a clever variation on the overdone little green men trope.

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Most likely some are man made and some are not. Read "UFOs and the National Security State" by Richard Dolan for a thoroughly researched chronological history of UFOs going back many decades.

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Reading someone stories means nothing. Only a public display of a craft, with forensic analysis by independent scientists count. Having debates about sightings or claims gets us nowhere.

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This UFO business is purely a waste of time, and anyone I know could not be further from interested in it.

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As some comedian observed decades ago, did you ever notice that when a report about UFOs or aliens comes in, it's usually from a couple of guys way out in the backwoods in a SUV with a twelve pack?

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Is this not another example of being a citizen living under the haze of the American government. ANOTHER rogue, under cover operated government department. As we just witnessed our secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, while we are on the brink of wars, disappears supposedly with no one noticing him gone. You have to really wonder who the hell is running our government? Have you noticed the White House daily briefs with K J P yield zero answers to every question asked of her. Every question is diverted to someone else. It confirms my thought that there has been a silent coup in America and our government has been captured by a global deep state or something. We have become aliens in our own country. In many ways I think we the people are trapped behind enemy lines. https://tuckercarlson.com/the-tucker-carlson-encounter-bret-weinstein/ J.Goodrich

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Having read through the Carlson - Weinstein interview this afternoon, don't think we've been captured by the global deep state yet. There are likely a couple critical dates on that - the WHO vote in May and our election result in Nov. As for now IMO the puppet master and his plants in the current Adm are pulling the strings. Not pretty but still in Flux. Think we need to take heart and stay on course. We have good company here.

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Jean I’m not sure if it was you that posted that interview the other day. It was very similar to Dr. Malones rebuke of Dr. Offits response to Dr.Ladapo’s attempt to stop the shots in Florida. They were both very succinct and easy to understand. I’ve sent the Tucker interview to many people, some have been harmed so badly I can’t send it to them, like my sister. She’s gotten lymphoma and has gone through 4 surgeries it’s extremely sad to me. It’s seems like a case of these odd turbo cancers.

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I don't recall sending an interview per se. The important thing is our being able to gather and add these pieces to our funds of knowledge as we try to put the puzzle together. I'm so sorry about your sister. The perpetrators here are beyond despicable.

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I added the Tucker interview to my comment if anyone didn’t see it. No one should trust anyone these days but I’ve watched it 5 or 6 times in fact I’m taking my dogs for a walk and going to listen to it again now…

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The more I see what our government is doing to the leading presidential candidate, the more I think the globalist including the republicans, will never allow Trump into the west wing ever ever. There’s just too many assets left here to sell off. These assets are what the Bill Gates, George Soros and the rest of them want. Nothing will change until people start starving to death in the streets.

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The coordination is getting hot and heavy worldwide in just to days--massive German protests-largest ever for last 3 days, globalist leader of Parliament in Poland ignoring the populist Polish President and explicit pardon, catching 2 mps and jailing them, Hunter runs out of congressional hearing when MTG tries to speak, Nancy Mace of SC, documenting thousands of bank fraud reports in a skiff, shouted over for her Hunter questions, Fanni Willis and lover taking domestic and international trips on the Fulton Co dime after charging Co for trips just prior to indicting Trump while MTG files to open criminal investigation, and yea, it was me, perrhaps among others, who linked the Tucker-Weinstein interview, noting one might want to watch earlier Tucker Weinstein interviews prior to Covid. What do you think will happen tomorrow? Link for Jack Posobeic and what is occurring in Poland below well watching.


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After the Kennedy experiences, I'd personally like to see additional strategies to protect our candidate. On the other hand there are some David v Goliath type wins. I'm not ready to give up supporting resistence.

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Another scenario: the Deep State is hardly a coordinated monolith. There are always two, probably many more, factions striving for power and (especially!) money, existing in what might be termed at best an uneasy truce. Each faction would not hesitate to overpower its perceived rivals given the opportunity. To assume otherwise is, in my opinion, rather naïve as such a Pollyanna attitude dismisses what is (or should be) known about fundamental human, indeed, animal, behavior/psychology.

What this means for ants/peons/little guys like you and me is that we are living in very interesting times. There’s not much you and I can do about matters at the macro level other than to protect friends and family as best we can. The dinosaurs are in a death struggle and it’ll be grand theater watching them duke it out.

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Yes, agreed. My own preferred metaphor is a battle between King Kong, Rodan and Godzilla, which would be great fun to watch if we weren't sitting right in the middle of the battlefield!

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That is their plan James. And the truth teller/good guys, including us - will NOT let it happen. They will take too many miss-steps to our advantage.

See the writing on the wall, like you have, then adjust the attitude to one of success over-riding the evil shadow stopping the light. We will be victorious, perhaps not in our life time, but we will have laid the foundation.

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I stayed up late to watch it and sent it to my two young brothers in CA and a friend there as well. Doubt my youngest bro, who has been harmed by the jabs, will watch it. I have sent Dr Malone articles and he never replies. As I have mentioned before. I am the flat-earther in the family.

Jean, perhaps our heads project the other shoe to drop, but like you, our hearts should stay the course as should our attitudes, else we sicken ourselves.

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I thought this site was supposed to be about truth. Instead we get this UFO fairytale. From where I sit (Australia) I'd say there are too many Americans with nothing useful to do, and most are employed in the government or the media. Frankly I could not care less about the existence or not of extraterrestrial intelligent lifeforms. It's the absence of intelligent life on earth that worries me.

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About 7 years ago my husband and I saw a flying craft over the hills near where we live. I didn't think 'alien' I thought drone or military craft we are not used to seeing. However, it was revolving in one spot and moved to the city skyline in seconds. That floored us. Regardless, I still don't think it was from outer space, if aliens are in our orbit for decades, they have not left a tangible footprint. Maybe the government has craft, but surely whistleblowers would have spilled the beans by now.

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They have spilled the beans. And have been thoroughly ignored by naysayers like Mr. Due.

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We have people in the health freedom movement discussing ideas that are censored elsewhere. I have seen a few speak out on a Netflix series on alien craft. I would love to see discussions providing more information. Not just individual sightings, but something more provable.

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The ETs and the humans they are colluding with are very interested in keeping this all very secret. So it's going to be difficult to "prove" anything against their information blockade and active denial activities.

But there are people who have seen the retrieved craft at Area 51 (Groom Lake facility), and the labs under the mesa near Dulce. Assuming those facilities are still in service (they like to move from places that get too much exposure), the "proof" should be there, if someone would just let us in to see it.

On the UFO front (which I am not so interested in, as it doesn't seem to impress anyone), Courtney Brown has joined a small group of enthusiasts taking videos of the sky using good quality cameras sensitive in the infrared range. This seems to partially defeat their usual cloaking technology, and turns up numerous craft at all times if the day or night.

I am comfortable with Hubbard's research and with Courtney's remote viewing work. There is also a lot of work that was (is?) done using hypnosis, which is a bit less reliable, such as Dolores Cannon's work. Courtney's free website is full of information, and his paid website has everything he has been working on over the last several years.

One thing that has come up regarding health is the reported ability of more spiritually able beings to heal the body. This is something to look forward to should we ever be able to win back our own abilities in this regard. Of course, this rubs the AMA the wrong way, so they aren't for it. They have been trying to knock out all competition since they organized in 1847.

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For sure, spirit heals the body. Also, regarding foreign craft, my uncle before he passed, who had been an air traffic controller in Europe, said there were instances where pilots saw very strange flying objects during their hours in the air.

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Shutting down information that you don't believe, or you're not interested in, or can't imagine is possibly true, or don't want to examine more closely for a variety of reasons I haven't listed, is a possible - not probable, possible - sign of a type of close-mindedness many of my friends displayed when I tried to discuss interpretations of why Fauci lied when he admitted he lied, like when "Masks don't work", which he explained was his attempt to prevent a run on masks because they DO work, and wanted to save healthcare worker lives over civilian lives? Or was the whole thing a lie so let's figure out why, and when, and how often, and maybe save many many lives by shutting this man, and his lockdown fever, down. Or not, and full steam ahead? Debate needed, info interesting.

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I read the entire article. I read it again looking for source information because it came from the DailyMail. Three anonymous persons were briefed by anonymous person(s) or anonymous person said others said they'd seen or knew someone . . .

Did we not just discuss WaPo two days ago?

I guess the USG should try and find downed aircraft used by foreigners. If theirs is like ours, it can be cloaked to look like something else. The US just happens to leave its aircraft wherever for whoever.

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It may well be a fairy tale. I'd rather know these attempts at trickery are going on than not.

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Trickery is all the rage lately.

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Was it also "all the rage" in 1947 near Roswell when something happened the Army-Air Force didn't want us to know about? There are still people who don't believe a UFO crashed back then.

This is human life. We are NOT telepathic, so can keep secrets from each other! When has trickery NOT been all the rage on Earth? Not for literally thousands of years.

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Did you ever wonder why life on Earth often seems so unintelligent? Perhaps the answer lies in one or more of the subjects you laugh at today. Justine is not the only rational person working on this subject, and I don't really know how much time she is spending looking into it. But if you knew nothing about it today and started studying it full time for the next month, you would still know only a fraction of what there is to know about it. Don't be like the Doctor's enemies! Don't sneer at people and subjects that you don't yet understand!

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Monty Python (Eric Idle) take on the whole matter (from "Galaxy Song"):

"So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,

How amazingly unlikely is your birth;

And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,

'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!"

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Well, that's all very well and good, and we can all go around laughing about this, as Nero reportedly did (according to his political opponents?) while Rome burned, but there Is work to be done, and it takes a certain amount of intellectual capacity. And if you aren't willing to engage, then what good are you doing on this planet?

It's not the point that we aren't "intelligent." The point is, why? Did you ever consider the possibility that Earth might be under some sort of mental suppression? Malone and many others talk about it all the time. Doesn't it matter to you where it actually comes from and what we could do about it? Or would you rather just sit in your corner and find it amusing?

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I simply cannot believe these UFO crash stories and here's why. People with the level of intelligence required to reach Earth wouldn't create craft that crashed. And if by chance they did have an accident, I imagine rescue or retrieval craft would be sent ASAP. These people would not allow primitive, war-mongering Earth creatures access to their technology. BTW, does anyone believe anything emanating from governments, their departments, NGO's, MSM - or the cowardly, money-worshipping psychopaths who give the aforementioned their orders?

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Right on. Reminds me. It's time to get the popcorn and turn on Men in Black.

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You can cover your eyes to what is obvious if you want.

But the longer you resist this information, the more it will kick you in the butt when you finally need to know it. It is part of a very big picture which most people on Earth are totally unaware of - to their detriment.

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Larry, it's not that I don't believe in intelligent life forms other than us Earthlings. Although, I think we Earthlings have countless years of 'growing up' in front of us before we can muster the technology together to get to their Christmas parties. We also desperately need to step through our violent and money-worshipping stages or we'll never get invited anywhere, let alone to alien Christmas parties.

Sorry, Larry, it's just that I find it impossible to believe the 'alien space craft crash' stories. That level of intellect, in my books, doesn't lend itself to building craft that crash. Why, even our primitive, noisy, smelly, bird-like craft barely ever crash.

Maybe you could enlighten us to 'what is so obvious' and why it's so detrimental to us Earth people.

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I'm sorry; I lost my first draft by clicking the wrong button.

I can only recommend that if you want meaningful replies to your comments, cut out the baiting and just state your opinion or ask your question.

Your best source for information about these matters is Courtney Brown at Farsight.org.

If you want someone who is better-connected, check out Dr. Steven Greer.

These craft are physical structures and can fail. To complain that this "doesn't make sense" is just grasping at straws. These beings may be billions of years more "advanced" than ourselves, but they still have wars, so go figure.

This subject is just one little corner of a very big picture that most human beings aren't aware of.

In recent years, writers have speculated that people could imitate how we behave in video games, and just leave our bodies and go around and check stuff out. Interviews with many NDE survivors have verified that leaving your body with full perceptions is actually possible. Academics have even verified that some people reincarnate. This information is not widely known, not because it is inaccurate, but because the general knowledge of it would threaten some group's power and control. We have already seen this happen in the context of COVID. Well, are we willing to entertain the possibility that it is in fact a more widespread problem?

Say we DO have secret crash retrieval programs and HAVE back engineered their power sources and propulsion systems. These technologies could help us save our planet (at least Greer thinks so). And keeping these technologies secret could return us to the Middle Ages. This is only one small reason why ignorance of these subjects could be very detrimental for us.

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Lousy alien pilots and Controlled Flight Into Terrain-CFIT. An Earth assignment/mission must be the short straw.

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I've no problem with the existence of outer space travelers and extremely remarkable technology of transportation platforms we have almost zero knowledge of.

My first question would be, if these ships are so well designed beyond our scope of nautical air craft that indeed do the impossible to evade and outmaneuver our best of best,

How is it they keep smashing the ground? No other aircraft is in pursuit of it on VID. And not only does the wreckage and content disappear in the blink of an eye. Almost all credible witnesses never seen to collect tangible evidence. So odd no one gets the images with an iPhone camera.

Which is by far the best in digital

quick photo by amateur. 🕶️🤔

With millions of them in hands.

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My Biblical opinion is that any sightings are demonic. Persons involved are either blinded to the truth or indwelt by demonic forces and are trying to put fear into us "little" people.

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Biblical accounts tell us of angelic visitations and demonic as well as Ezekiel's exit from this planet. Yes, there are extraterrestrial beings and a fifth dimension. All are creations of our Creator. The big event will be the catching away described by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4 "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

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Biblical or other supernatural explanations are not required. Human beings are prone to all manner of delusions, either self-inflicted or from outside sources (intentional or otherwise). This is well known to anyone with even a passing familiarity with psychology.

Note that the above by no means forbids that new phenomena, previously unexplained, cannot happen. Of course they can. But that’s not the way to bet. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. When you encounter some wild-eyed raving person who claims he was kidnapped and experimented upon by aliens, it’s certainly possible he’s telling the truth. But isn’t it far more likely that he was deceived, perhaps by a practical joke or plain old mental illness? Or perhaps he’s not insane, but merely lying for his own reasons?

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I was about 12 years old, it was summer of 1967 when numerous people in our town of 5,000 people witnessed a UFO land in the middle of a tar and gravel road. Several townsfolk went to the site as word spread that 4 unrelated people told the identical story to the state police. There were 4 identically burned areas in the road, tar melted. One gentleman took photos and the local paper published them, interviewed the witnesses to the landing and take off of the vehicle. These witnesses were pillars of the community, so people did not question their story. I’ll always wonder what the heck they witnessed.

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Regarding alien crashes,

So aliens have self driving vehicles too .

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So are these advanced extra-terrestrials also suffering from DEI and now crashing their ships on the 3rd rock from the sun?

Seems reasonable, sure!

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Considering how many of their ships are in our skies, the percentage that crash is minuscule.

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It is hard for me to believe we are alone in the universe and it is at least possible the earth is at an interesting or possibly dangerous juncture in our history. I learned long ago that the flexibility to change one’s mind on any nonethical issue based on evidence is not a human weakness, but a strength. I have seen no evidence of extraterrestrials. But I am very open to proof they exist. That is how a scientist is supposed to approach a problem and I am way too old to change now.

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It seems unlikely out of the billions of stars and planets that our tiny one is the only one habitable and has organic life and intelligent beings. But if there are alien beings elsewhere, how would they get here, everything is so far away. We have strange sightings, but it isn't enough to really confirm what we would like to confirm.

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I don't think we are alone in the universe. Not at all.

The universe is so vast. The human mind can't really wrap itself around how vast it really is. The nearest star to earth is ~4 lightyears away. That star, Proxima Centauri, shows no indication of having life-supporting planets. Using the technology we have, it would take tens if not hundred of thousands of years to travel to it. If we started the journey at the time the pyramids were built, we wouldn't be be even half the way there.

Yeah, maybe civilizations on other worlds have invented to warp drive. And the transporter. If they have, they understand physics that we're just not yet aware of.

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Contact Report 874

Date of contact: Monday, 1st January 2024

Billy Meier and the Plejaren extraterrestrials Ptaah, Florena and Bermunda

Falsified American elections







22 million dead from vaccine poisons

Deadly artificial intelligence




1975 beamship photo 12 years before photoshop was invented!


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This will not impress anyone here, but I am aware of this source. One of the oldest sources of detailed information from off-planet, if not necessarily the most accurate.

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This would certainly explain a lot of the behavior I have been coming across on the NJ Turnpike.

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Who indeed.

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Great piece!!!!

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Writing as one who has witnessed several UFO sightings ( the "once seen never forgotten" scenario - the first when I was about 4 years old in the early 1940s and the latest around 2010 ), strange things in the air that defy (known) physics continue to happen world wide.

But what REALLY seems strange is that whatever it is that "flies" at incredible speeds and exhibits astounding abilities to 'hover' then streak away in any direction - vertically or horizontally - at speeds the latest "man-made" flying machines are incapable of - by "technology" that according to physicists and scientists is not just hundreds of years ahead of 'earthly' capabilities - but not only thousands, but perhaps millions of years "advanced" over 'human' technology - yet seem to crash hither and yon - with "crashed vehicles" being "collected" by various governments for back-engineering purposes.

Something seems strange and fishy about the 'fragility' of extremely advanced technology piloted by either "AI" bots (or )what some claim to be about a dozed different "extraterrestrial biological entities".

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