Food for thought:

Carol Boucher is the mother of Elon’s (the guy predicted by Wernher Von Braun to bring us to Mars) child, also known as the artist ‘Grimes’. The most notable thing about Carol is that she submitted the following image to her Instagram on September 4th, 2019 - one month and change before the pandemic narrative began. It depicts a story told by emoji laden glyphs which remarkably spell out the very near future:

https://tritorch.com/grimes.png - September 4th, 2019 prediction: DNA Coronavirus + Injection Injection Injection = Aliens

Elon’s ex-girlfriend’s prophecy batting average is one thousand here. From DNA (transcription) to the coronavirus to the repeated injections to the alien narrative. How could she—or anyone—possibly know about all of this in advance?

It cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that with the fake pandemic of 2020-2021 now in the rear-view mirror - we have been - and are being - primed for the next big lie: a major faux alien invasion narrative. Breathless UFO UAP stories have been mass-injected by the pentagon into every major mainstream Operation Mockingbird news outlet. That in itself is alarming enough but the most concerning part about this anything-goes propaganda bombardment is that this alien marketing blitz has been foretold.

Many decades ago Operation Paperclip’s very own Wernher Von Braun warned his secretary, Dr. Carol Rosin, that this extra-terrestrial dialectic was coming in the future, and that when it arrived it would be an outright lie:

https://tritorch.com/degradation/LastCardWillBeFakeAlienInvasionDrCarolRosinWernherVonBraun.mp4 [8:25 mins]

New World Order: What better way for the globalists to get the world to throw their sovereignty to the wind - in order to achieve that coveted one-world-government where they seize all earthly possessions - than conjuring up an exotic threat from outer space? This is far removed from a new idea—the 1986 animated novel ‘The Watchmen’ was a guidebook for how one might achieve such a planetary-class sleight of hand, and even President Reagan longed for such an event:

"Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond … I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." —President Ronald Reagan

Excerpt from: —https://tritorch.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-app-is-the-one-ring

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Just a heads up. After the great recession the Dodd-Frank legislation took away your property interest in your stock account holdings. You became just an unsecured creditor. Those holding derivatives (aka investment banks) are settled first. When they detonate the derivative time bomb every stock holders account gets liquidated and you will own nothing. Might not like it though. I'd suggest you register your shares with the companies transfer agent thus establishing your real ownership. Just say'n.

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Thanks, good information to follow through on!

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What bothers me the most about this game of ‘hide then seek and expose’ is the willingness of what I thought were truth seekers, opposition to the deep state warriors, GOP congress people, high profile influencers for good being used in this psyop operation. Why? Perhaps once the opposition majority are embroiled in selling the public pure sci-fi machinations against is own government as ‘facts’ they will lose all credibility and will be seen as crazies that the government always said they were. Ever wonder why MSM is silent on this?

This is my warning about extrapolating real but once hidden facts and motivations, and expressing and exposing them as something they are not. It becomes the grand cover for the USG to continue their warfare/lawfare against the people. Tucker Carlson greased the skids when he started to air bits and piece some years back on his show. Grusch is probably the result of deep-mind control by those that know how. He is the military avatar for this take-down game.

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Love this comment – what an interesting weave of references here!

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Love your comment jarombra =j

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Oh wait.....Everything you just wrote "IS" proof and evidence. Oops...My bad!


Re-Runs of Episodes of Mork and Mindy will be in fashion again. NANOO- NANOO!

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So Tri, this Carol Rosin character seems to be quite the liberal firebrand. She proudly flaunts the title of "Dr," but it's just an honorary doctorate from Archbishop Solomon Gbadebo of the Orthodox College in Nigeria. Hardly the gold standard in academia. And her views—she's bought into the whole global warming and energy crisis hysteria. It's like she's reading from the same script as twerp Greta “how dare you” Thunberg. As if that's not enough, she's likely drinking the DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity) Kool-Aid and promoting all that transgender nonsense. Please…..she’s just not credible.

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What she said would happen is happening. Limited hangout, maybe, but we're here. There are plenty of people in my life and in the world who believe all of the things you mentioned due to merciless propaganda programming via the government & the fourth estate fifth column, does that make them 100% wrong about everything 100% of the time.

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Excellent links---thank you!

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The longer we stand in defiance of this information, thinking that it's all part of "their" plan to deceive us, the longer we will stand ignorant of what is going on on this planet and what we need to do about it.

If you are unwilling to engage at this level, I think you should just leave the discussion. It is just too much for you to confront.

How many here can even confront the reality of reincarnation, which has been explored by academics for many years now?

I say: Bring your confront up, or leave. When you work to confuse or deny this information, you only function as assistants to government operatives who hope and pray that this will be your exact reaction. The discussion requires people who are willing to get in there and pitch, not a bunch of scaredy-cats who would prefer to wish all this away rather than help develop the subject into something more robust.

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To whom are you referring?

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Yourself, sir or madame.

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Edify me Larry, what should I be doing?

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You start just by studying some aspect of the situation that interests you. Ignore your own mental blocks to do this and just plow in until you feel you have a better understanding. Then see if you can get someone else to do the same.

A little later, we will have to discuss what we need to do to defend ourselves against the deception and push more people into coming clean. Coming clean is a central theme in all of this.

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This is pure comedy, if in fact any of it is even remotely accurate.

Aren't these the same guys that can't spot a Chinese "weather balloon" until after its halfway across the continental US? They have to wait for a guy in his back yard to raise a stink about it.

Or are these the guys that couldn't spot 300 manned ultralights flying into Israel to kill a bunch of innocent kids. Yet somehow they are capable of literally shooting missiles out of the sky.

Clearly those "cloaking" methods were much too high tech for "TALON THRESHER".

Most likely this is NWO manipulation prep. They did it for Covid. Maybe along the lines of Maui on a larger scale.

They need to do something, the lies aren't sticking anymore.

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According to a 3 Year Old Guardian Article that "Chinese" Spy Balloon belongs to the US: https://bitchute.com/video/7ICJdxvMF0ZL [1:13mins]

Here is the technology from X company: https://x.company/projects/loon/

Here is the article: https://archive.ph/ZTWKf

You are watching a movie, and a bad one at that. None of this is real.

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No one takes time to look up any more, as a result of hand held modern distractions.

Biden admin was just checking to see how much focus time fools spend on 3X6 screens and little else. Would you like a pix of yourself on your phone. You can order it online @ www. fooledagain .com (Of course I'm being silly)

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Of course. The manipulation runs really deep.

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Yes. Particularly the Weather (Spy) balloon!

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You may consider me a flat earth proponent, which I am not. Please do not be distracted and fooled, and with all due respect to our dear Dr. Malone I must comment.

As the wise King Solomon once wrote, “there is nothing new under the sun.” These are very real entities but make no mistake they are of demonic origin. We are experiencing spiritual forces on a level that hasn’t been previously experienced but has been very well foretold. The Bible tells us spiritual forces are larger and more real than what our eyes actually see. The Bible tells us this repeatedly. The nations are also waring and chaos rages across the globe. While the powers that be are not as smart as those with cooler heads and less greed in their hearts, God will not stand for mankind mutilating His innocent children while creating perfect ai beings anymore than He did when we once tried to be gods while building a tower to heaven.

Yes people have always witnessed supernatural beings, I have been witness and experienced them myself, growing up as a missionary child in Africa and again as young woman in danger. Nothing is to be feared more than man himself. So don’t be distracted, stay the course and be actively involved in all things good, noble, and true. Our country needs everyone to be involved in the fight, to vote with our dollars, boldly using our kind words at every opportunity, active in civics at all levels, supporting those who fight for righteousness sake as Dr. Malone, and putting any effort possible into waking up those around us to fight for justice and our freedoms. Our battle isn’t against each other it’s very clearly against blinded ignorant people who follow the doctrines of demonic forces. We keep saying this is a battle of good and evil and IT IS. Please don’t lose sight of that.

Personally I love Dr. Malone’s homestead articles and anything newsworthy. He’s been a Godsend of encouragement and wisdom for these past years. Celestial stuff?? hmmm not worth much more than notice. ♥️🙏🏼rk

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This is newsworthy. Were do you think we all came from? Do you really think that humans "evolved" on Earth? What do you think "the light" is? It is time for the more capable of this planet to step forward and get educated about what we really confront here on this planet. We have come about as far as we can without this knowledge. That's why things are falling apart right now. God's involved in this whole mess, so if you want to be involved with God find out who He really is instead of hiding behind your own ignorance.

Sorry if this sounds abrasive, but this is something we need to learn about - yesterday - and I am profoundly disturbed that more of Dr Malone's audience is not willing to step up to the plate.

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Hmm, so we are to believe either: (1) hyper-intelligent non-human creatures possessing the technology to travel the vast distances of the Universe are here on earth and have some interest in it/us, or (2) strange creatures, possibly humanoid but existing in alternate dimensions, and likewise capable of material manipulation vastly beyond our own perceptions, are present and interested in earth/us. Notwithstanding these beings are vastly beyond our understanding, what they are NOT in any way interested in, apparently, is observing and criticizing the DARK vicious times we are in. Are we to assume that these remarkable advanced beings are nevertheless so morally backwards that Joe Biden in White House is of no concern to them? In other words, that they do NOT value the Truth, or compassionate treatment of others. Rather they approve of the digital totalitarianism and bioweapon mass murder now leavening our species' situation? Perhaps one might instead assume that moral development would be some part of such astounding technological success, or that the inconsistency would be unexpected? I do not believe this likely. I think advanced beings would act swiftly to inform people they were being prepared for total corruption and moral insanity. I think they would also value truth over deviousness.

As always, apart from grainy photographs and earnest self-serving testimony, these alleged entities are nowhere available to ordinary people (i.e. the Marks). This is obviously bullshit when one reverse engineers the objectives to be obtained by foisting this opaque nonsense upon the gullible terrorized fools. Like climate hoax, the objective swallows the explanation. The Parasites wish to employ this con to attempt to resurrect their credibility crisis and deploy a new religious system based on terror that will, naturally, result in much more power and wealth for themselves. At the same time, alleged edicts from these superior but never available beings will justify the further rape of the sheeple. For your own good the aliens will be said to say.

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Yes, we are to believe all that.

These beings HAVE made themselves available numerous times to numerous people.

But their presence here is part of the secret of Earth, so they have been secretive.

If you don't want to look into this, leave the discussion.

Maybe there will be no one left, and me and Justine can have a meaningful talk instead of having to fight through all this counter intention to coming out of our ignorance.

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This is all wonderful sophisticated technology.

So, why can't we detect and shoot-down a stupid Chinese Weather balloon upon entering our airspace and before it crosses the contiguous 48 states? And don't tell me its over populated areas.

Does anyone see the absurdity in all this? BTW: I know its not a weather balloon....

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We did detect and shoot down a stupid Chinese weather balloon. Our problem is not with stupid Chinese weather balloons! I don't care how absurd it seems. Maybe that's just to prevent you from looking more deeply into it?

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Tencap is just what it claims to be, it’s propaganda.

When we collected on Strauss, Greenspun and a large network in the US for decades Strauss was tied to communist China, USSR, US, Iranian and Israel intelligence all working as one against American’s and freedom’s interest. This spacecraft Alien nonsense is designed to hide, whitewash and propagandize anti American logistics, hiding real issues and infiltration in national security.

CRT to global warming and climate change come from within these connected networks.

When they spied and looted our nuclear weapons technology programs the same network and people were involved and at the wheel.

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Are people really buying this? They are trying to take the reigns of the Awakened populists. Those in power have always benefitted from war; it diminishes our freedom and transfers wealth from the middle class to the wealthy (and reduces our numbers). A false flag “alien attack” would be a perfect excuse to obliterate freedom “for the greater good” of saving the human race. A global crisis, just like the climate catastrophe proponents. This stuff is what I call “headline replacement”. When important information is becoming public, the headlines are replaced with other juicy stories (which are irrelevant)/ the news outlets and social media become saturated with these distractions, and by the time they hype dies out, the really important story goes by under-noticed

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We really are living in an age of fantasy, lies and deception. An age where the line separating right from wrong has become lost in the haze. Where reality is almost unrecognizable. I wonder if we were to switch just 30% of the time we spend focused on our mobile devices, to spending it on meditation and thinking of ways to navigate ourselves out of this jungle of evil - would our lives begin to improve? As useful as these devices can sometimes be, I do believe we have reached a point of addiction. The devices have become an all-powerful tool deployed by the psychopaths to control our lives and our perception of reality.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 12

To Larry Cox - Behind my own ignorance? You are certainly welcome to believe in space creatures as I said so do I. I just believe I know where their origin lies.

I’m sad that in this Substac you find it’s appropriate to respond so disrespectfully and rudely to people who hold a differing view.

I didn't state anything I need to defend, nor was it rude.

The Bible has stood the test of time under heavy archeological scrutiny as well as hundreds of thousands of phd doctoral studies from which many who passed stated they couldn’t learn enough in their lifespans to cover all the information readily available.. Not one statement or claim has ever been proven false. Yes I do believe God created everything and I don’t have to defend myself on a platform such as this. Please keep the nastiness to yourself.

You Larry, are clearly a man who enjoys baiting others to feel better about your own very limited knowledge.

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I wish I could get excited about the UAP stuff. I may be a bit too jaded by life to expect anything but more lies and manipulation

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I would be very excited if we had plenty of evidence and if I met a Martian.

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Do you want to meet a Martian, or someone who has been to Mars? There are some of the latter still alive and kicking. I am sure the former, if any still exist on Earth, would have no interest in getting to know us better.

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I said it tongue in cheek, but if aliens were nonaggressive, of course I would love to meet with them if they could communicate to us and answer questions, we all have.

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I have only seen this done in the case of Courtney Brown and "Harvey."

However, there are several channels who also claim to speak for ETs.

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Most likely an alien species that was able to travel to our solar system would be violent to the human species. Look at our natural world. That is the rule of Nature. And Humans are the most violent.

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They are violent to our species. At least some of them are.

But "Nature" is a designed system, so it might not be useful to use it as your baseline for how all living systems operate.

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How would they actually travel within the rule set of physics I wonder? I would enjoy watching a conversation with an astro physicist who could in layman's language explain what velocity would be needed, and what type of materials could sustain travelling at such speeds, and how would the craft replenish the energy required, and how long would it take to get from there to here. Seriously, if it defies physics, it isn't believable. We can travel though in consciousness through space and time without needing to physically move.

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All serious discussions I have seen regarding how their ships work involve time-space distortion techniques. With such a technique two very distant positions in space can be instantaneously brought close together, then all the ship needs to do is "jump" from one point to the other. In that sense, the entire ship operates similar to how a conscious being can operate out of body.

You will not find your answers in the minds of academics. All except a very few of them refuse to get anywhere close to these subjects. We are on our own with this one. Perhaps that is why so few subscribers are willing to take this material seriously.

I am only here because of Justine's articles. I have lived close to - but separate from - academia for my whole life. So the fact that there are important subjects they are unwilling to confront is quite familiar to me.

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To think that I forgot all four years of those weekly episodes of Star Trek with William Shatner. I never knew they were based on anything other than make believe.

So what if the USG is out chasing down craft that could be construed as alien to them.

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The day to day operations of the secret space program are not clear to me, though they have been written about by Sean David Morton and talked about by Corey Goode and others.

But the overall impression I get is that the program is there for a defensive purpose (defending ourselves) against unfriendly ETs and to develop advanced technologies for military use.

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Maybe other alien species have a different rule set in physics that allow them to do such modulations. Still, though if such things are happening, the foreigners are not presenting themselves to us.

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Same rules, just better technologies.

Most ETs do not want us to know they are here.

But many have "presented themselves" to us. This is nothing new. Our big questions is whether we should believe what they tell us. They visited Moses in his day, and Muhammad in his. Did they tell those men the truth? That remains to be determined.

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I would only offer that we are fortunate in that the venality of the CIA is only exceeded by their incompetence.

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As I'm reading this my daily visitor (over the last 3 years) is beating itself against my kitchen window. Seems to hope to get in. I do have a large messy fern hanging there, maybe that's the problem. It appears to be a mockingbird. Very curious.

I've been asked if I believe in crop circles and other worldly space aliens. I don't know. Maybe these things are absolutely real. There are folks deeply passionately involved. Next, in my scheme of my priorities, should this be added. I do have a fair number of things I am determinedly pursuing. Where I might be able to offer useful thoughts. I have a life of sorts that must be addressed. Is this opportunity akin to recreational reading? Does one have time for it?

I am confident there are folks pursuing these issues. For better or worse I don't see joining in dedicated pursuit. I do wish them well and for their success.

Best wishes for a good day 🐎

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Crop circles I thought were disproven as of alien design and made by locals in England.

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No. Only a few of them are "proven" hoaxes.

That you would think this is a symptom of how little most of us really want to know about all this. Most of us don't. If we can fully own our house before we retire, that's good enough. No real care for the future - which we will all return to be a part of whether we like it or not!

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we don't return to a material future though, because our bodies decompose, I think we enter eternity, there is no time there, I would logically think when we die that is the end, except for the many supernatural experiences I have had tells me otherwise, so much on this earth tempts us to live in destructive emotions, often they are not destructive when short lived, they are information perhaps of threat, but getting beyond them requires a lot of work I think

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There is research about this. Even Academic research (Ian Stevenson). I urge you to look it up and see what they found out!

If you are an immortal spiritual being, it is not "logical" that we "die and that is the end." Any denial of the truth of reincarnation denies our spiritual existence. With all the research out there, it is obvious that our spiritual existence is definitely a reality.

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I will look Ian Stevenson up. There are cases where kids remember past lives. I guess I just hope there is no reincarnation, I don't want to come back.

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Many people don't want to come back. They usually think it's not a problem, until they discover they have been forced to come back many times. Even then, many people have it all justified, with "well, I just had more lessons to learn." Well, can they remember what any of those lessons were?

To be able to decide whether to return or not is the essence of spiritual freedom. Many people think they have it until it's too late. But the plan is to keep people here, because they have proven "dangerous" elsewhere. So the keepers of that plan definitely do no want us to learn how to leave whenever we feel like it.

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The point of flying around and not supposedly wanting to be seen is?

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Of course you don't care if it's absurd.

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There must be someone here who is interested enough in this to look into Courtney Brown's work. He uses remove viewing (mostly) to come to his conclusions (he also has an ET friend he has conversations with).

The fact that the IC/military community developed remote viewing originally, but now pretend not to use it, I find extremely odd. Because you can find out all sorts of stuff using remote viewers. Courtney has targeting his viewers to look inside some of the craft he has photographed, and they have talked with the beings who run those craft. It's no joke, and it is not something to be totally ignorant of. They are carrying out covert operations here that we should really know about.

While the THRESHER project shows us that the military is actually quite interested in all this, I don't believe anyone in the military will come clean on it anytime soon, as they see their work as something they have to keep secret from the ETs (if that's possible) and not just us. It's a cat and mouse game for these people, and they don't need the public involved. Oddly, the ETs seem much more available to talk to Courtney's viewers than our military people. The ETs definitely have the upper hand in this situation; at least they act like they do.

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