It is an opportune time to repost a previous substack posting I made a few days ago on another substack.

It is important to wake up the sheep that will listen. Remember that it has only taken 3.5% of a population rising up against a government to make them back down or overthrow them. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/01/worried-american-democracy-study-activist-techniques We all can do little things to steer in the right direction. I am working for the only antijab candidate in a local bye election currently. I give money to anti jab and related efforts. I wish I had more time to go to protests and will do so if I can get the time. I write letters to MPs and sign petitions. Due to the efforts of some insiders the cracks are widening in the deep state's propaganda but we need to support those efforts and make whistle blowers feel comfortable to come forward. Sadly it sometimes takes a death in the family or serious loss to their lifestyle to motivate some. We all can do something but most important is getting the sheep of the land to realize the peril they are in and to join us.

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see also Bundy Ranch,, where a couple hundred armed citizens made Obamas Gestapo to back the fuck down.

See also the Battle of Athens, where a group of armed citizens chased the corrupt and evil democrat sheriff out of town.

See also Waco, and Ruby Ridge.

You have to have enough armed citizens to make the democrat thugs with badges to back down.

Or they will burn you alive, or shoot the mom holding her baby in the doorway.

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After I posted the comment I realized I forgot to add that the 3.5% figure is for "Peaceful uprising", not violent ones. Yes I agree that armed response sometimes is necessary as a last resort however laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction so to avoid jail it needs to be a large and significant armed rebellion to ensure success and get the corrupt agency off our backs.

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you mean like the FBI does?

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Right now we probably got 3.5% on the left that is trying to do the same thing!

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Yes and they happen to be very vocal. The same action by the right is what will correct America.

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This is a message getting louder by the day.

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Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! The message is clear! The criminality humanity has endured in the last 4 years in the US and around the this beautiful green blue planet has to be stopped now! Stop the injections, release the patriots and imprison the swamp creatures! Freedom depends on it!

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I had an instant mental image of a mass of upright alligator type "creatures" behind bars inside a large holding cell down in the depths of an underground prison;

"Imprison the Swamp Creatures" needs to become botha rallying cry & a Bob Moran large scale image!!!

We can win this with 100 woman of this woman's character & courage, if they can be heard. Amplify the women. The Courageous. The Mama Bears. That will change everything.

PS- Bob Malone, face up to the fact that both the platform & the payload are DEADLY FOR HUMAN BEINGS & apologize to the woman of Earth for normalizing LNP encased ANYTHING, as it bio-accumulates in their OVARIES.

No one with a brain would take that into their bodies, knowing how it is made, especially as it is modRNA, lasting much too long, and carrying instructions to manufacture a highly toxic Spike Protien, with a prion attached & the Nano Lipid Particles cross every membrane in the human body, including the blood brain barrier, causing Prion Disease.

These injections could possibly cause an extinction level event for Humanity.

The platform must be banished & the payloads. It's a criminal activity on a scale never seen before on Earth, & already causing cancers, heart disease & cardiovascular deaths, neurological issues, infertility & is re-writing into our Human DNA, by all evidence.



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Spot on! The medicine man is blinded by greed! Kick the medical RNA death vax down the road and reap the interim rewards! J&J pushed off Talc settlements for decades and now will pay out 5 billion. Saved billions by delaying the lawsuits to reduce cost!

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Extinction for humanity ??


Are you trying to make Kill Gates blush with joy ?

Heck, Klaus could get well, and be discharged from hospital if he heard those words.

Their life's work coming true would make Kissenger dance in his grave

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Read "Hello, My Name is Spartacus and I Have Had Enough." DDG it.

Then try "The Lasting Legacy of Trojan Horses" by Igor Chudov on Substack. Then listen to Charles Rixey, USMC with Kevin McCairn, PhD on Prion Disease. Then consider, the Lipid Nano Particles bio-accumulate in women's ovaries!

Then look, the crap rewites into your DNA! Then think- what if Sars-cov-2 is like airborne AIDS? Then think, yikes, the modRNA coding for a toxic Spike Protien, wrapped up in Lipid Nano Particles, & contaminated with DNA & SV40 promoter SHEDS.


Looks intentional to me!

Try Arkmedic's Substack- 5 Ways to Skin a Genetic Cat.

If you do the research, it will make you wonder what the goals are, and what the consequences of human recklessness, stupidity & malevolence will turn out to be.

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As the insanity and madness continues to destroy humanity, I have come to the conclusion that I have only two choices for the small amount of time I have left; Live on my knees or die on my feet!

F-JB, his handlers and everyone who voted for him and supports his regime.

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Vamos Brandon!

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Wow! Sheronna Bishop gets the global agenda - and it's not pretty. Thank you Dr. Malone for sharing this wonderful person!

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The disasterous government and NGO body policies was analyzed and published years ago. Here is a reposting from another substack that I copied a couple of years ago. It seems the textbook author's plan for the destruction of America has been followed exactly as laid out in the Textbook.

I am a student of Law whose age is 85. My first year of college was 68

years ago. One class I took was political science. A half page of my

textbook essentially outlined a few steps to overturn a democracy.

1. Divide the nation philosophically.

2. Forment racial strife.

3. Cause distrust of police authority.

4. Swarm the Nation’s borders indiscriminately and unconstitutionally.

5. Engender the military strength to weaken it.

6. Overburden citizens with more unfair taxation.

7. Encourage civil rioting and discourage accountability for all crime.

8. Control all balloting.

9. Control all media.

What was printed in 1954 as a possible diabolic nightmare has become

an emerging reality. I hope that Americans will unite enough to pen a good finish.

Go dwelling.

Keith M. Alber


Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

Winston Churchill, 1948.

If you google it you will see even the fact checkers confirm its authenticity.

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When are schools no longer educate we get followers!

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I am old enough to remember when the schools in Ontario Canada switched from learning math by rote to teaching math by making students learn math by first principles and then leaving them to figure it out on their own. Both systems had advantages and the latter system was designed to teach students to do creative thinking which is considered a good thing. I think the latter system created better thinkers who became good problem solvers. I don't know what they teach in the schools these days but I gather there are problems with it.

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Totally accurate. Now add in the Spartacus Letter, (DDG Hello My Name is Spartacus and I Have Had Enough,) and the Moderna Leak, discussed by both Andreas Oehler and Igor Chudov in their Substacks, especially "The Lasting Legacy of Trojan Horses."

Take a look. It's stunning.

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One of the ways in which Americans can escape from tyrannical rule over themselves is by following the lead of the State of West Virginia by invoking their right to non-tyrannical rule under the U.S. Constitution. This has resulted in formation of the State of New California as a work in progress. If successful, New California will be formed from a subset of the counties of present day California.

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May 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am watching the chaos on our college campuses as I read this Substack. People MUST start realizing this is a coordinated effort to take over America. Then I see the Fox poll showing Biden and Trump are even in some states! Really? There are that many Americans who would actually vote to continue this desecration of our freedom in America? Yes. You get what you vote for, but then the rest of us have to continue fighting for the freedom of even the traitors! Because if we ALL do not have these freedoms, none of us will. MEGA is as important as MAGA. Such a good speech from a common sense mom!

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Do we remember that President Trump went along with Lockdowns & created the Gent8c Jabs by developing "Operation Warp Speed?"

We would not be in this God awful catastrophe without his duplicity or ignorance, whichever was the reason!

ModRNA, Lipid Nano Particle encased, Plasmid DNA & SV 40 promotet contaminated NIGHTMARE!

THAT IS DJT's legacy.

Beware. He is either "in on it" or too gullible, foolish & weak to protect us from something SO OBVIOUSLY A REALLY, REALLY BAD IDEA!

"Father of the VAX."

Truly a magician to get everyone to overlook this uncomfortable fact.

Lockdowns & Genetic Jabs = DJT.

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I lean towards "ignorant."

Early on, he threw out the suggestion that HCQ had very positive results against Covid, among other experimental treatments, and perhaps people should try those. Further, he put in an order to manufacture large amounts of HCQ, so that it could be used to treat Covid. Two people inside the CDC blocked this order. Fauci swooped in and said don't listen to Trump re. HCQ, no randomized controlled trials, blah, blah. This was when the media went into "damage control," saying that Trump said people should "drink bleach." Then the story about someone's husband dying from drinking fish tank cleaner (chloroquine) came out (investigation suggested it was actually the man's wife who gave this to him, intentionally poisoning him).

The truth was, as Fauci knew, if there were recognized viable alternative treatments, the Covid shots were dead under EUA policy. You can't square the circle that on the one hand Trump was in on it, and on the other know that he suggested alternatives that worked.

What I've heard about the way Trump set up the Covid Task Force was he put his vice president, Mike Pence, in charge of that. Trump was not hands-on; running that day to day. Dr. Atlas mostly dealt with this task force.

The two areas where I fault Trump are that to this day he will not acknowledge that the Covid shots were and are dangerous, and he initiated the lockdown policies. He continues to believe that the shots saved millions of lives, when the data shows that they actually killed more people than Covid did.

Even though his lockdown policy lasted 6 weeks, it set the political precedent that allowed governors across the country to implement lockdown policies for months. However, he advocated for reopening schools in the fall of 2020.

What gets lost in all this was that Trump had no intention of mandating the Covid shots on anybody. People forget that the shots were not approved by the FDA until after the 2020 election in Nov. Trump was in office for a bit more than two months following that.

The mandates began with Biden, not Trump.

The Covid shots/Warp Speed were something that I disagreed with Trump about from the beginning. I wasn't anti-vax, but I know that vaccines take several years to approve, because they need to be tested for safety. The idea that it was possible to develop a safe vaccine in less than a year didn't sit right with me. So, I avoided it, never got it.

My guess, from watching Trump, was he supported Warp Speed because he wanted all options on the table. He's not a doctor/immunologist. He wouldn't have known that it was dangerous. He assumed that what he was told about their safety (that they were "safe and effective") was true.

Something that also gets forgotten is that Trump got the shot *after* he got over his first Covid infection! We'd later learn that's dangerous. Some people have died from doing that. Suspicions that he knew the shots were dangerous, but went ahead with them anyway are unfounded, IMO.

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You may be correct. But- the modRNA, Lipid Nano Particle encased, genetic instructions to make your own cells produce a HIGHLY TOXIC SPIKE PROTIEN with a PRION ATTACHED, carried by something that a) targets the ovaries and b) crosses every membrane in the human body, is a nightmare.

They should NEVER have been created, much less deployed. That's on DJT's watch. And, he knew vaccines were dangerous BEFORE Covid. Before he was inaugurated as President he was going to put Bobby Kennedy in charge of a new committee to explore the vaccine autism & chronic disease connection. He dropped that immediately upon achieving the Oval Office.

And, anyone who asked even basic questions knew this new technology - ModRNA genetic vaccines had NEVER made it through safety testing! They were always too dangerous. They failed, again & again.

So no free pass for me. He should have asked many more questions & he should have fought much much harder for early treatment & natural immunity.

With the awesome power of the Presidency Operation Warp Speed could have shut down Sars-cov-2 in a month, like Utter Pradesh or Mexico City did, by getting early treatment pacs into everyone's hands.

So I think like Catherine Austin Fitts- "either Donald Trump knew less than I did, spring of 2020, or he was in on it. And I don't think he knew less than I."

But I get that many good people believe he was "rolled." Fooled. But he kept pushing the injections AFTER all their deadly nature was proven to any reasonable person. That is UNACCEPTABLE. He killed many Americans, just not as many as Biden has, but enough to disqualify him for me.

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If you want to take the time, you can listen to Del Bigtree tell part of the story I gave here in his presentation called, "Pandemic of Lies," which you can find on The Highwire.

My point in bringing up Trump's order for HCQ was to say if that had been allowed to go forward, as it should have, that would have put up a roadblock for the shots. They may not have been seen for years, because they would not have been able to be used until they got higher approval than EUA, at which point they may have been safer (hard to say, though).

In my mind, the people at the CDC who blocked that should've been, at the very least, brought up on charges of insubordination. Many more lives could've been extended had they not done that. There was no medical reason for them to do it, since the drug has an excellent safety record; among the safest to use.

The story that Fitts is going on is supported by the fact that every other avenue besides the shots was blocked by interests that wanted the shots to be distributed, and mandated. One thing I am confident of is it wasn't Trump who did that. True, he did some things these interests wanted, but he was upsetting their applecart with some of the other things he did, and the bureaucracy, in arm with the pharma industry, was running interference to stop that. That's the short of it.

I used to have a more positive opinion of RFK, because he has stuck his neck out with his advocacy re. vaccines, and child safety, all of which has been to the good, in my book. I was struck, though, when I saw that he was scared away from meeting with Moms for Liberty, because he was getting calls from the Left telling him that they're a bunch of bigots. He was scheduled to meet with them, but he cancelled it; wouldn't even talk to them, if just to make his own assessment of them. If he's that easily manipulated, he's not going to be able to stand up against the forces that are foisting this tyranny on us. Just my opinion.

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Agreed. Who is the choice then?

Reality check: No one.

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May 1·edited May 1

I keep wondering about this exact thing and makes me a bit hesitant. I could never figure out why he let Fraudci and Burkes run all over him. Dr. Atlas was trying to speak up but DJT did not listen? Not sure...things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.

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There are explanations for why things happened as they did when COVID hit. Liberals are quick to play the blame game on DJT. I have logical answers for all your comments, and explain my views in person to folks I can communicate with face to face. I simply cannot do so on social media. I am sorry you have the opinion you do but respect your right to feel as you do. I would urge anyone with the same questions to research more than the main stream media. I appreciate good dialogue but it is impossible on social media.

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I am no Liberal drinking cool-aid. I am a fiercely independent Republican who when she sees BS calls it out.

This technology is deadly, was never neccessary, & should not EVER have been deployed on Humanity. DJT did that. Either he was "rolled" or he was in on it. Stupid he is not.

So my only possible logical conclusion is that for whatever reason, blackmail or threats, perhaps, but for whatever reason, he went with the plan.

The Buck Stops at the President's desk. And on top of this he continually bragged about his poison jabs even after 1.6 million reports to VAERS.

Young people started dropping dead in the thir quarter of 2021, when these toxic genetic shots DJT is responsible for rolled out. He brags endlessly about his beautiful vaccines.

It's appalling. And cruel. And phenomenally abusive to women everywhere. We may have GMOed Humanity. It's his responsibility. And Bob Malone's too, as the developer of the tech.

Use your critical thinking skills & you can come to no other conclusions.

If DJT had spoken up, acknowledged the harm, called to pull the shots once the catastrophic effects unfolded, fine. I would give him the benefit of the doubt. He did not. He doubled down.

That tells you everything!

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Who shall you vote for then? Biden or Kennedy?

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It's a good question. I'm leaning towards Bobby Kennedy because he called out all the abuses as they happened.

Illegal property taking, through Lockdowns.

Harms to children through school closures & forced face masking.

The withholding of safe and effective early treatments, killing people.

The medical Nihilism killing people- "stay home until you turn blue!"

The abuse in care homes, isolation, covid patients placed in nursing homes killing the elderly.

And the frankly lethal hospital protocols of Remdesivir & a Ventilator as well as the false PCR generated pandemic numbers.

So he nailed it every single time.

Plus he understands the mess in Ukraine & our toxic food empire built on Glysophate.

I disagree with him about climate change & big government.

But he at least hasn't gotten a million Americans killed like Trump & Biden.

Or bankrupted 3.3 million American Businesses or disabled another 3 or 4 million if Ed Dowd's numbers are correct.

If President Trump "came clean" and acknowledged the lethal aspect of the modRNA tech, & that he'd been "had" I'd vote for him, just because of his record BEFORE Covid-19.

But his lying about those genetic poisons rules him out, imho.

Everyone must do their own research & make their own decisions. It has never, ever, in the history of this country been more important to get involved with local politics and your own county & state Government.

That's the real action required now.

Whoever the President is, even if they want to fix this will not be able to unless we, as the American People, finally stand up and demand laws that protect us, not the criminals, and take our Freedoms and our Nation back, from those busily destroying it, and us.

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You may want to think about whether Biden or Trump will benefit from Kennedy votes. Kennedy won't be able to get the Electoral votes in enough of the 48 "winner-takes-all" states. There is a lot of disagreement whether the Kennedy votes are going to hurt Biden, or hurt Trump. What do you think?

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Katherine: you’re an idiot.

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Sweet! Lol. If you cannot argue the facts, resort to name calling; works every time, right?

; ))

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Your verbosity is off putting. Many words; little wisdom.

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Don't read it then. The answer is simple. ; ))

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Food for thought, Katherine, regarding the Orange man who is supposed to save the USA from communism


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We need more than this as ‘proof’ of involvement.

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May 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing that. What a powerful and courageous woman!

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May 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When you disobey the State and maintain your voice you become a traitor to the system and punishments are applied. This disobedience takes courage and humility, more than the majority of people have. Her statement regarding doing it for your children, or others must be the impetus for action. And it is true, that few will. Being on the side of truth is easy, standing up for it is hard.

Bless the Malones for all they do and the others risking it all.

There are those who play the game and are in it for themselves.

Rep. Michael McCaul activity

3/3/24: authored TikTok Ban Bill

3/22: invested $150k in META

3/26: invested $150k in META

3/28: invested $150k in META

Hearing the TikTok Ban Bill was going to be included in the Ukraine Bill

McCaul invested

4/1: $350k in META

4/5: $350k in META

4/13: $350k in META

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I'd like to know what Nancy Pelosi has been investing in lately.

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It's known that others watch the Pelosi family investments.

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Suicide pills

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May 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic speech! It starts and ends with family. Keep your family unit strong! Get your children out of public schools! Be your children’s moral compass!

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The states can and are fighting back. To a proposed 400,000 acre wind farm lease off Galveston island our Land Commissioner replied::

Buckingham has sent an official letter to the Biden administration calling the introduction of hundreds of wind turbines “reckless.” She pointed out risks associated with building wind turbines in an area rife with hurricanes that could destroy them within 20 years.

“The Biden Administration appears hellbent on force-feeding Americans failed ‘green’ policies. On my watch, I will never allow the federal government to endanger the people of Texas and our state’s beautiful wildlife with untested, unproven, and ineffective technology when reliable, clean, and safe energy is already available.” – Dawn Buckingham

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Traveling through the lush, magnificient rolling mountains of Vermont, every couple of weeks, I'm reminded of the inherent stupidity of mankind, witnessing these mountaintop 200' tall monstrosities, sitting motionless as the remainder of the pristine landacape weeps below.

Wind is blowing, but the monsters lie dormant reminders of the ill conceived concept to reality we live with

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May 1·edited May 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this Salvo to start our day! What incredible experiences this woman has suffered! Her response is surely one to take to heart. Unfortunately our would be rulers have seen their strategies to have been successful. As you observed, we have formitable opposition. No moments to loose. This inspiration is well taken. You are appreciated.

On to listen to today's hearings lby the Oversight Committee - Eco Health and Weaponization with Biden front office ees.

Have a great day!

Bestest and more always ♡♡♡

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A keen perception from someone in the know regarding the McConnel/Schumer buddy Mike Johnson. https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/oust-speaker-johnson-before-election?

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I see what is going on our college campuses as another round of agitprop... the rest are useful id*ots.

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I am interested to find out how many campus occupiers are illegal migrants or paid protesters.

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There may be some, but I think more likely the same groups that backed BLM, the Pride Parades and Divestment protests. They usually call themselves ‘social democrats’… some are bold enough to say Marxists, but I would not be surprised if many are paid internally by dark money (which can also come from nation states) laundered through the UN, DNC and various international NGOs. I cannot help but feel that much of this is IC-psyop brought home.

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May 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sheronna Bishop has been added to my "Heroes" list!

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So powerful

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