Dec 14, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clear, authoritative, authentic, correct. It doesn't get any better.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Question, reference this:

“ The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children's cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including….”

Their brain and nervous system

Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots

Their reproductive system

And this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system

Are these effects ALSO applicable, to some degree, to adults that get the ‘vaccine’ and, if not, what is the differing factor that plays into it?

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Absolutely. The one difference is that children are growing and their bodies are changing at incredible rates. The long term effects are not known (in either group).

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What about Sinopharm as an alternative? I'm not hearing about adverse reactions in many parts of Asia?

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Children are also, generally, smaller and more pure/sensitive (even to the reduced dosage) presumably why there was an "overreaction" and 120 kids were hospitalized in Vietnam after the vaccine recently (yet the vaccine could be repurposed for adults - GULP!):


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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tears in my eyes.

Rock on, Good Sir!

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What a phenomenally powerful and clarion statement, Dr. Malone, and I can only hope the parents you are trying to reach will be willing to read, absorb, and heed your wise words.

My “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant) addresses the barbarously reckless, perilous, and mortiferous policy of injecting children and the backlash I believe (hope) such a brazenly nefarious tactic will spark:

“You are commanding that children—whose immune systems are at their most robust and who face virtually zero risk of dying from COVID—put their lives and long-term health at risk by undergoing an experimental injection lacking long-term clinical trials and with substantially greater evidence of harm than good.

“According to this risk-benefit analysis, you will ‘kill 117 kids to save one kid.’ And the proposition that this injection will save a single child is extraordinarily generous considering the nonexistent threat COVID poses to children and the availability of highly efficacious early treatment protocols and historically safe drugs such as ivermectin.

“As more and more children fall prey to your Mephistophelian machinations, you will unleash the Mama and Papa Bears—and then you will see a mass upheaval like you’ve never imagined.”

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I had to pause my reading to wipe the tears from my eyes as I read your statement out loud to my single unmarried 19 and 24 year old sons.

They are and will remain unvaccinated from Covid.!!!

Question: what is their future finding a suitable spouse? What if their wife was vaxxed, will they be able to reproduce a healthy child?

Will the dating apps say SWM UNvaxxed seeks SWF UNVaxxed?

Just trying to keep my paranoia in check. Thank you for your response.

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Not paranoia... just reality. My 32 year old daughter's boyfriend is scheduled to get his booster (#3) next week. I usually keep my nose as far away from her private life as possible, but in regards to this, no. I told her absolutely not to sleep with him for at least a month afterwards. The pressure on the younger folks is intense.

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Oh my … I hope she hears you.

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I do too!

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Simple, date people in the unvaxed gulag.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent! Please keep up the great work. 🙏

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes more Buffalo Springfield and add this Jackson Browne classic "Lives in the Balance" June 2007 w CSN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPFdbKLUmQk

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I bet all of those musicians are triple vaxxed. They don't dare question their Democrat party saviors.

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How is baseless speculation condemning people for views you do not cite helpful to anyone? If an individual is actively campaigning for jabs, sure it's fair to take a swipe but to divide based on nothing but prejudice & assumption is not only wrong it is counter productive.

How about Eric Clapton who would also fall into the stereotype of the liberal DNC faithful? Clapton is vaccine injured and that's what it took to shake his faith in the system he long trusted. We need to forge alliances not toss around ad hominems alienating the misinformed.


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Calling someone a Democrat is now considered an ad hominem? 🤣🤣🤣

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Adding ? to a statement doesn't make it a question. You made a negative character judgement about the behavior of four individuals by associating them with a political group. Anything that goes all X do Y it's wrong. Lumping folks into the "other" group is still name calling level argument.

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It's common knowledge that all those people are Democrats.

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Common knowledge is not fact. Much that is popular belief is wrong as we ought to notice with near universal support for vaccines prior to this chapter. Your argument is that a past record of political affiliation justifies labeling folks you don't know and attributing attitudes on medical choices based on how you believe they voted. As in all Democrats are unthinking vaccine enthusiasts? Doesn't that make my point that the label follows all X do Y and stereotype to create a group of others?

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Thank you so much for this Dr. Malone!

I wish more people could see through the propaganda. They have begun injecting the 5-11 here in Canada now.

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Wow… powerful. This is the issue of our time. The other news headlines are important news items to be sure but have been topics we’ve lived with for years, even decades. Current mass vaccination is a blitzkrieg of biological warfare on all societies and an all hands on deck response is required to oppose it. Family and friends who are apathetic to mass vaccination need to be shake awake and made to realize that the consequences will eventually impact them. ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE VACCINE MANDATES HAVE TO BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!

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Question, not on this topic. Is there any data that would indicate that a person who contracted this virus and had pre-infection taken Vitamin D, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Quercitin, and all the other good preventatives, would their body create a more robust or less robust immune response? Compared with a person who had to fight the virus harder, longer because they were less healthy? The reason I am asking is with this mild but contagious Omricon, this might be a good time to have an infected person cough on me, like we used to do as kids with chicken pox, if one had all their nutrient ducks in order. I am 70 with a current Vitamin D level of 92 ng/mg, plus zinc and all the other vitamin, mineral goodies going back five + years.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone. This is so important and clearly stated. I've shared it with as many people I know who I asked to pass it on. I'm angry it was in my spam folder and didn't see it until almost 12 hours later!😡

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So you know, FB slapped your splendid article with “partly false” —claiming Bryan Bridle’s claims are unsubstantiated. I have a copy but too long to post.

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I sent this to our primary school head teacher. We in Scotland are about to embark on this. We’re also doing boosters instead of Christmas this year.

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Thank you and all the good people dedicated to save the children. Article states the fact of blood clots as a risk...I have heard, several times, over past few weeks on Tampa Bay radio stations Pfizer sponsoring ads educating about sympyoms of blood clots and to seek medical care. I look for Pfizer's gain in these ads...maybe to collect data? maybe to promote a soon to be released drug?

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Call me cynical but I suspect it is the latter. The sicker we all are the more they stand to make, and if they can make money making you sick and make money attempting to make you better, well that is a hell of a business model isn't it?

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