
"Trump - A climate change victim"

The shooter was on the roof for at least 20 minutes and maybe up to an hour, with the USSS knowing that he was there and armed, and the USSS officer on the roof leaves! Their excuse being that they left the roof, because they were "too hot"? How is that even possible?

From Sen. Josh Hawley:

"And what this whistleblower tells my office is that there was at least one law enforcement person assigned to the roof itself. In other words, the plan called for a law enforcement individual to be on the roof at all times during the rally. And that did not happen. And what the whistleblower tells me is the law enforcement individual who was assigned to that roof abandoned it."


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This was such an inside job!

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I wonder how many assaults have been arranged, orchestrated, pushed and allowed by the FBI.

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Many. Please look at this post...


A friend sent me a link to this post and it tracks with an experience he had during the "summer of love". My friend is an airline pilot (2nd career after retiring from USMC) and shuttled planeloads of as Seruga calls them "dipshidiots" of antifa assholes up and down the west coast, said antifa assholes being escorted by credentialed feds.

My own dealings with the FBI over years, especially post 911 and I know the FBI / DHS / Insert your alphabet here, or at least some part of the FBI is corrupt and being used a political tool of the administrative state.

Yes his suspicions were reported. No they were not acted on by various agencies.

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I posted the other day about what probably happened during various portions of the Butler rally and the botched USSS response. More evidence, particularly bodycams and whistleblowers are starting to come out or step up.

Cheadle denied the existence of comms traffic recordings preserved or maintained by USSS (I call BS). Dr. Malone please reach out to Sen. Ron Johnson and ask him to send out his investigator's (if he has not already) to grab the dispatch recordings from ALL the involved law enforcement agencies as well as squad / body cam footage of any and all units for that agency, in the time frame of the rally. Yes it is a huge undertaking. There will be a nugget, maybe several, in that background comms traffic that will help split this case open.

Incoming calls via 911 and primary radio traffic are recorded. Talk around radio channels and back lines are sometimes recorded. There will be comms traffic that helps clarify this mess and accessible somewhere that is not controlled by the Feds.

There is a scanner head that has all the radio traffic or that which he could record. There just is. All towns have a resident sat scram police radio junkie.

As far as the cop on the roof. It saddens me that that officer abandoned his post, if that is truly the real story. If it is the truth, borne out by a proper investigation, fire, charge and do what needs to be done to him. I'm just having a hard time believing it as I was the Police and have spent hours, baking in the sun, freezing, and sweating, all to the point of exhaustion. It is kind of what we do.

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Jul 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I notice that the "Who is Bobby Kennedy" YouTube video that you embedded in your post has an overlay (put there by YouTube) which states: "Covid-19 vaccine. Get the latest information from the CDC."

The full-spectrum narrative control never stops.

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First rule of being a con man; never give up the con.

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Youtube is so infuriating but they also make themselves look like absolute fools with that nonsense.

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The march to inject is relentless! Too many dollars invested and money needs to be made! Gates first in line!

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I noticed that too and other places as well.

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Please don't apologize for being brief. IMHO, your volume of production is beyond belief. 😮

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Agree! You are truly indefatigable and you continue to amaze and inspire! You are loved and deeply respected! God bless you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Trump should hire his own security team consisting of combat experienced veterans. They’re out there. They’re willing. They could coordinate with SS just like local police are coordinated during events.

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Erik Prince should be running Trump's security. And RFK should stick with Gavin de Becker.

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Trump should call Tim Kennedy yesterday!

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Thought he had already consulted with him. I heard they have an elite group of snipers watching out for Trump.

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How about Dan Bongino heading up Trump security?!?

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Trump should hire former Mossad agents.

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There are plenty of good former SS agents out there. The clinton and#44 eras then the dei hiring put a bunch on the bricks.

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That would be the fox in the hen house son.

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I so pray he does! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Great idea!

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I hear Pres Trump did hire some pros

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Jul 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All agents are busy protecting Fauci.

My concern is the lack of concern shown at the RNC convention. I'm still in a funk because of what I consider silence from the top that is screaming in my ear. This was a USG assassination attempt and they are getting away with it. They will try again, they have to.

The lack of protection was one way they hoped to keep Trump from large outdoor rallies. When it happens again they can say we told you.

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Here lies the problem... who will take on the task of making anyone responsible for the debacle? I agree with some of the other commentators about both Trump and Kennedy hiring an outside source for protection. I know it's a huge expense, but this system is corrupt from the top to the bottom. The need to eliminate both of these contenders is getting stronger, one attempt at any life is too much.

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Musk said he is giving Trump $25 million a month. That should more than cover his own protective team.

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wasn't it $45 million/mo?

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That is what my oldest younger brother texted on July 15, $45 million. I guess WSJ got it wrong then.

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Musk has denied that

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Just another circulating lie . . .then

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Shelley, we don’t know what to believe anymore!

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Trust no one. Even me spreading false WSJ articles!

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I know!

I'm even afraid 😨 to share anything!

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I was going to comment that the WSJ originally ran the story, but you caught that too. Musk corrected it with an interview w/ Jordan Peterson. As I heard it, Musk said he was setting up a pro Trump account among very wealthy people for contributions to $45 mil/month

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In view of this recent event, the Secret Service should be required to pay for both DJT & RFK Jr's costs of protection by private sources if they as 'protectees' prefer it. It was their responsibility and they didn't fulfill it. They should pay and provide technical support and tech equipment IMO.

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People in the administration like Mayorkas wield a lot more power than Biden.

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FYI, z28, it's the people BEHIND the Biden administration that "weird the power". Have you not read ANY of my 'comments ' over the past couple years on Dr. Malones Substack about a "NGO" - Non-Governmental Organization - known as the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS", of which Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Lisa Monaco, Mike Morrell, Janet Yellen (& Jerome Powell) are members?

Joe Biden is listed as a "Notable" member but he is small potatoes compared to the (36) members of the Board of Directors of the "CFR". THEY (placed) Alejandro Mayorkas into the Biden Administration - as well as ALL of the other key members in the Biden administration - and truth be known do the SAME in EVERY administration whether it be Democrat OR Republican.

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Make that WEILD the power...but "they" are weird!

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Rockefellers made the CFR. The CFR wanted a CIA. It is a major player,

Lloyd Austin is a member. Servando Gonzalez Cuban American now in his 80s had a lot to say about the power of the CFR.

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Yes! "CFR" member David Rockefeller (and with "CFR" members Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew* Brzezinski, co-founded the "Trilateral Commission").

David Rockefeller is the one who provided the LAND along the Hudson River in NY for the United Nations Headquarters and complex - BUILT with U.S. taxpayers $$$$$$.

* Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC infamy is the daughter of the late Zbigniew Brzezinski.

BTW, I am FAST closing on my 88th trip around the sun on this crazy planet - and have been trying - for some 50 + years now - to alert my fellow American patriots about the CFR - which began in 1921 - and was the 1st "NGO" in the USA.

It WAS news to me when I recently learned the American "CFR" has since 2007, had a companion "CFR" in Germany!

Bottom line, the USA "CFR" has from its inception been dedicated to the erection and maintenance of what "CFR" member (President) George H. W. Bush stated in his 1st State of the Union Address to the Joint Session of Congress - the establishment of a "NEW WORLD ORDER".

The TROJAN HORSE implanted on U.S. soil to institute this "New World Order" IS the so-called "United Nations" - and the latest updated plan for world-wide domination by the "UN" can be read the the UN's Document "AGENDA-2030", which is an update of "AGENDA-21", which among all the gobbledegook text includes the CONFISCATION of "private property", i.e., LAND - because "private ownership" of land is "unjust". Of course this ONLY applies to the "little people" (as "CFR" member Hillary Clinton calls us).

"2030" is now ONLY (6) SIX years away! Anyone suppose THAT is WHY the entire "American Left" is hell bent on stopping Donald Trump any way possible? Or why the U.S. National Security grand poo-bah - and "CFR" member - Alejandro Mayorkas just told Trump he cannot be protected at outdoor rallies - and NO DOUBT, Kamala Harris WILL have COPIOUS SS "protection" 24/7.

NOTE: the replacement for (our) 'original' U.S. Constitution ( written by a cabal of "eastern establishment so-called "intellectuals from the major American colleges) - has been waiting in the wings for several years to be instituted and actuated via the proposed "convention of States". It is called" "The New-States Constitution 2020" - which I have completely read - with contains NO "right" to bear arms; and IS out-and-out Socialism.

From my more than half a century perspective, what remains of our Republic is at the intersection where freedom and slavery cross - with the "freedom" line descending and the slavery line ascending.

The astute historian Victor Davis Hanson delineates how QUICKLY radical change happens to empire and nations - once the tipping point is reached - which can take centuries to get to, but then collapse in a flash!

It damn well CAN happen HERE!

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I agree with you Tom Daniel. The spoiled , ignorant people think they are going to get wonderful "socialism". As KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov put it "wait till the boot stomps you in the face".

The CFR remains a major player. I don't remember if Truman and Eisenhower were CFR members but they did answer to the CFR. General Marshall was a CFR member. These three along with the super rich CFR members had a major role in supporting and providing arms and money to Mao Tse Tung and stabbing Chiang Kai Shek (Nationalist) in the back.

I am in my mid 70s and hope to make at least a few more trips around the sun.

I live in a rugged area. We may have to resist in a certain way. What is life about if you don't have freedom?

We can go way back to psychopaths like Oliver Cromwell and one can see the patterns. If one sees the patterns and gets informed then current events make sense and we can predict what is going to come.

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Well said, Dennis...and your additions regarding "American" CFR members (treasonous) support for Mao-tse-DUNG, and the resulting betrayal of the Chinese people to totalitarian COMMUNIST tyranny - via the U.S. assistant Secretary of the Treasury - Harry Dexter White - during the FDR/Truman years - who cut off ALL US funds to Nationalist China and the complete take over by "Chairman" Mao , who incidentally was "EDUCATED" in FRANCE which has always been wallowing in Communist wet-dreams of utopian egalitarianism.

White also instituted the so-called "International Monetary Fund" - which like ALL such 'humanitarian' aid, US taxpayers continue to this day to supply the major portion of $$$$$...Ditto the "World Bank" headed by "CFR" member - Paul D. Wolfowitz.

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Harry Dexter White - hard to believe what was allowed but then again they all worked for the CFR.

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Thanks for the added information. I get the feeling that few Americans know about China, WW2, Russia, WW1, US giving Soviet Union big bucks during Vietnam War, everything.

The Aaron Russo- Nick Rockefeller discussion was in 2007 (not sure ) but it is revealing. Americans may be learning much more since we now have many computer sites to go to.

I dug my stuff up from hundreds of books and many articles. In my Catholic high school mid 1960s we had to read None Dare Call It Treason.

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You and z28 are talking past each other and saying the same thing. Bit players have their duties, some more effective than others but all must account to the PTB. The CFR, is itself a player and answers to others.

Love you both!

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Yes, I'm aware of the bigger picture. The best I have seen is Iain Davis's global power structure chart. His interview with Whitney Webb is very good.

My point was simply that Mayorkas has more power than Biden.

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Biden has nor had NO "real" power. And my point is that a so-called NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION in terms of BOTH foreign and domestic POLICY de facto RUNS the USA.

Until this so-called "NGO" and the INDIVIDUALS WITHIN it are both outed and OUTLAWED from both "elected" office as wells federal government EMPLOYMENT NOTHING will change for the better for We the (supposedly) sovereign people - and America will continue the step-by-step devolution from a Constitutional Republic into a SOCIALIST "Democracy" - which looks to be about 95 % complete NOW in 2024.

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Ngos and non profits. Ken Paxton going after a non profit that has beensexually exploiting minor female illegals. They are supported by I think hhs and employees are paid 60% more above the pay scale for their jobs. Yeah, your tax money at work

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If you look at Davis' chart, government plays the role of policy enforcers. Enforcers have power. Excluding Biden of course.

The CFR is one of many policy makers.

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WHERE in our Constitution is it written that POLICY - foreign or domestic is granted to NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS?

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Correct but they do whatever they want. When this went on in the past people rebelled unless all their weapons were taken away.

In Ireland the Garda does whatever the sneaky radical left globalists tell them.

Sinn Fein (IRA) were shown to be absolute hypocrites. At least the Irish now know that their political parties lied and betrayed them. Maybe the Irish will reeally wake up.

We all already know that this globalist movement is out to destroy white Christian nations. People might want to look at their heritage once again.

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Seems dr. jil has more power than either

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I have read Iain Davis' books. Whitney Webb is very exciting to watch and listen to. They "get it".

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I am not sure of Whitney Webb. I should have said that time will tell just how much she really digs up and how much is fake.

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Jul 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your piece may be brief but it is powerful. When the security gaps are big enough to drive a semi truck through it is tough to see it as incompetence. Trump needs to have his own security. Someone that interfaces with the Secret Service but reports directly to Trump. Sadly, he needs eyes and ears on the protectors.

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Private security contractors lack the authority and force of law.

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Would not prevent a highly qualified individual from being observant and reporting directly to Trump and immediate team.

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With federal tax revenue of 4 trillion dollars and a budget of 6 trillion dollars it’s somewhat hard to understand how, (as Joe Biden would say, “We’re America”) America can’t keep the leading Presidential candidate from being shot at a rally. Mayorkas certainly has to go, in fact why the house didn’t impeach him the first time for his open border is unbelievable. Even the senate communists on the left, I think, maybe, a chance, small possibility, slight as it may be, can see assassinations of leading presidential candidates is not a good look. I know many of them would love to see Donald Trump dead from lead poisoning and their TDSyndrome has horrible complications but if he were to be shot again I hope they see it could effect them. It’s hard to believe how devolved America has become in just three 4 year terms of Obama. This leadership makes me feel as though I’m living in Ecuador, Mexico, or Iran, and for what the democrats have turned us into I don’t mean in anyway that those three countries are 1/2 as bad as Obama/Biden’s America!! J.Goodrich

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As I have inferred often, any resemblance between #44 and a fully sentient being is purely coincidental so all these plots ascribed to him are specious to my mind. When that conveniently pigmented and pliant individual arrived at Pepperdine U. he demonstrated that he could not rise above the level of being merely mediocre (and never has) which is why big bucks had to move him to one of the ivies (columbia). What everyone seems to forget is that he came here to fill a FOREIGN student fellowship. Which means he had to claim foreign nationality and present to pepperdine a foreign passport (indonesian?). Now as I understand it, at age 18 he would have been required to resolve his citizenship.. declare as indonesian?, US or dual. The last 2 would require his registering for the draft. Did he? But it is also my understanding that dual citizenship disqualifies for POTUS. Which may explain why #44's piperdine records are under such stringent control. Not really relevant where the twerp or his mommy was born in this case.

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I've always found it beyond odd that 44's schools records are all hidden and no fellow students or much of anyone has ever come out to talk about him. It's like he arose from nowhere.

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His step-father was Indonesian.

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Hey James. In their eyes, they're actually doing their job according to their agenda.

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Well I guess congratulations is in order, with champagne and lobsta’s smothered in steaks!!! Maybe private jet rides for all.

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I need to remember to put an accent on your voice in my head. Lobsta

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For sure!

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Well said James! Joe Biden’s America is truly unrecognizable! We must get Trump back to clean up this hideous mess! Just truly 💔💔💔

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Malone's statement above that USSS has a $3 billion annual budget was an eye opener to me!

There is no excuse.

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There is no doubt that the Biden admin has intentionally tried to cripple both Trump and RFK, Jr. This is how democrats roll, if they are in power.

Thanks for video of RFK, Jr; I will go back and finish watching it later today. I would be a big fan of his, except that BIG asterisk, that he is part of the Climate Change Religion.

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Jerry, can you separate clean, healthy rivers and air from "climate change"? Please look carefully at the difference, there is one!

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I am an outdoorsman, I know the difference. I fish, I hunt, I golf. I'm all about clean everything, but when there are literally hundreds of active volcanoes, that have been spilling tons and tons of CO2 into the atmosphere for thousands of years, it is pretty simple minded to think we humans, who have been on this earth for the equivalent of a gnat fart in time, could change the climate.

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What I am referring to is the difference between what RFK Jr promotes and "Climate change religion" I hope you did finish watching the video.

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Any intelligent person who knows the sordid, despicable history of the Democrat Party and is still a Democrat today (RFK, Jr. while forced to run as an independent is still a Democrat) deserves no respect or legitimate vote.

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If the CIA (that has control over the SS and everything else) wants to kill Trump, they will kill him whether he's inside or outdoors. They have many ways. They can use micro beams or acoustic ultrasound weapons. They could poison him. That is such BS that SS can protect him better inside. I pray Trump doesn't fall for that and that he's fully aware of how and why the assassination attempt happened...all the details. RFK, JR. (let's just call him Bobby for simplicity's sake) has said (not publicly) he won't accept any SS provided by Biden because he knows this is the same outfit that killed his Uncle and his brother. THAT he has said publicly. Trump's best bet is to hire his own guards, as Bobby does. And as far as Biden and his partners in Crime being held responsible? They know they will be if Trump gets in and they will do ANY thing, to keep him out. They are scared of him, and rightfully so.

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Jul 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can hardly make it through the video (I put it on pause). There are so many misunderstandings about fighting for the environment versus climate . Why the knee-jerk reaction to this must be lack of education and righteous indignation seen as accurate. Same goes for the attitude that R.F.K.Jr. is the same mindset as some of his family. (Joe for one) Why is it so hard to allow for the growth and learning that he has so succinctly talked about? This mis-labeling and lack of trust is unfounded from what I can see and I'm sure there will be examples presented to point out my folly. To me, it isn't much different from what I hear and see with Dr. Malone. To be able to put aside previous beliefs for current actions seems to be appropriate. Will there be one person who will be able to fulfill all people's desires and expectations ? I think not. "You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" Bob Dylan

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Is this DHS org chart correct; does Mayorkas really have 29 direct reports?

And how is the SS, itself, organized, does it have a lot of extraneous duties?

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What a mess!

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SS is responsible for protecting the integrity of the nation’s currency by investigating counterfeiters. I don’t know why that’s such a big issue when we have the Federal Reserve and a fractional banking system which create money from nothing.

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07/24/24: "I apologize for being so brief today..." Why? It's the best thing that you can do to improve your writing and your message!

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It's almost poetic justice that Biden's health & cognition has been spiraling for 3yrs due to a likely C19 vaccine injury.

Anyway, I'd like to thank you for the many studies on vaccine harms you've analyzed & explained in layman's terms for us over the years, some of which are included in my latest Substack post, a list of roughly 200+ of the most recent & damning studies evidencing C19 vaccine injury (carefully categorized under cardiac, neurological, autoimmune, inflammatory conditions, etc.).

It's long and detailed and can hopefully serve as a great resource for you and others here on Team Reality, trying to convince the world of the documented dangers of C19 "vaccines." Your Substack has been an incredible resource for me on this exhaustive project, and I link to a number of your posts within the text:


I'd be honored if you gave it a glance. Thanks for all you do!

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Mayorkas should be fired or impeached. That would send a message from both Dems and Republicans. Everything else is just talk.

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