They planned it ahead. I am positive the same people that entrapped people in the "Whitmer kidnapping" were doing the same thing. I think they were HOPING for guns and it's almost unbelievable they found nobody with them. They wanted no national guard presence and they initiated confrontation with tear gas in hopes to get something they could spin as an insurrection. This bomb thing is ridiculous, too, and more evidence it was all planned. No question about it. I'm from Michigan and I can't believe they sent any of those people to jail.

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They had the planted bombs as backup in case the riot didn’t develop.

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It's only recently that I've seen some of the surveillance footage of police behavior as the device next to DNC HQ was "discovered." It surely adds to the stink.

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Chase down Rep Massie's released video footage, if you you haven't seen it. Hard to imagine this occurring with the VP elect's security detail within feet. Although I imagine it is this footage to which you refer. A good source is Darren Beatty's piece at Revolver.news.

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Saw a brief clip of Massie as guest of Gaetz, who apparently has a show of his own. Massie reported confirmation that the device's discoverer was a Capitol police officer.

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Surprised they did not plant guns. Maybe the clown that murdered Babbett was rehearsing that when he left his in the john

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Sections of downtown areas around the country burned when felons died at the hands of police. It surely seemed as though chaos didn't become real for legislators until some arrived on their doorstep. My recollection is that only then did the group pearl-clutching begin. Some of the same people who rued the fate of street thugs undoubtedly cheered for Officer Byrd's killing of Ashli Babbitt. Disgusting. The only Rep I ever heard call out the absurdity of that situation with any real passion was MTG, bless her.

Edit: Credit where due, I might have also heard some spirited discussion from Matt Gaetz.

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Yeah. If the knuckledraggers can call the death of a habitual criminal dying from a drug overdose while in police custody murder (and kangaroo court a cop into prison) then we can surely call Babbett’s death a murder…most foul.

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As someone who lives in Mpls. and watched the footage so many times I could get sick, there was foul play on both sides. I've known too many people who have had many experiences with cops thriving on the violence.

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Th original autopsy said overdose. Was changed after a hired gun interfered. Not murder.

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I think they just ASSUMED they would be there. Fatal flaw in their plan.

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If you were going to create a revolt against the corruption in DC you have had to have had the weapons in place!

Not just voices expressing their displeasure with the stealing of an election aided and abetted by the Covid con! Totally criminal what they have done to American patriots! Subversives encouraged them to act out! Plain and simple!

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Absolutely, and the fact that they can even SELL that to the American public as an insurrection is a sad comment on the critical thinking abilities they possess, the extent they are willing to be brainwashed.

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The nation is being turned into a flock of docile sheep!

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The Covid shutdowns/vaccine hysteria proved this nation is already a flock of docile, unthinking sheep.

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🙀 who’da thunk it, after all those nice people came here thinking he is.

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... and over 200 FBI renegades in street clothes at the behest of Director Wray who denies it because it is "subject to an ongoing investigation" meaning coverup!

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Hello Drs Malone, Biden is the babbling idiot patsy. The perpetrators of these crimes STILL remain faceless and nameless. Exposing the people running the Criminal Conspiracy should be our main focus

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Look no further than CIA, as they have been the head of the snake since created.

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IMHO, they aren't running the show, they are orchestrating events at the direction of the Criminal Conspiracy.

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The same folks that created and operated #44

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While this is true, we should always assume people want to corrupt our systems. Centralized powerful systems are always targets for corruption.

We should build better and harder to corrupt systems to stop this from ever happening again.

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Of course it was the plan all along. For a brief period after January 6, I was genuinely confused as to why the press and Nancy Pelosi almost immediately and simultaneously started (mis)using the word “insurrection” when Jan 6 was nothing of the sort. It didn’t make any sense. I just thought they were ignorantly exaggerating.

Then I remembered the 14th Amendment and it all fell into place and made perfect sense. It was obvious. They were using the word in order to soften up the public narrative so they could make a legal claim later. Everyone started referring to it as the “January 6 insurrection” and from there it was an easy step to claim consequences therefor.

It is one of the biggest and most successful pay-ops in history.

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Perhaps the second one? The first was the installation of Bitme in the most safe, security and fair election ever.

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My concern is their plans are already in play to steal or derail the 2024 election...

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100% certainty on this...

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I concur

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They will never tolerate Trump as president again, and they will use anything in the CIA's bag of tricks against US citizens to stop that. That includes a lot of very grave possibilities.

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They do know how to cheat and they are so confident and bold they don't even think they have to hide it anymore. Their pat excuses seem to work.

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This was a deep state operation to stop the Senate Republicans questioning of the fraudulent election. One huge question was the two bombs placed at the DNC and the RNC that the FBI said were functioning bombs. For some unknown reason on the most important day of Kamala Harris’s life she was at the DNC with protection, bomb sweeps, etc.. They seem to have forgotten that she was nearly killed that day and no one asks any questions. The person was seen on camera, (14 hours before the bomb was found) the film altered, used his cell phone to text message someone. They have him on camera getting into a car. A car with a license plate in view. He dropped a T-Pass of some kind that matched the registration of the car. But Merrick Garland said they can’t find him because he had a mask and it was at night. The bombs had been laid there 14 previously, the area was swept by I believe the FBi and when the bombs were found the egg timers had 20 minutes left on them both. Again no one saw them sitting on bench right in front of them. This should be the biggest story in the world. But it’s been covered up. Almost at the exact time the bombs were “found” they began letting demonstrators into the capital. This whole phony deep state insurrection should be exposed, the problem is the MSM is helping cover it up. Why was Kamala doing at the DNC? Why does no one mention she was nearly assassinated that day? Why doesn’t she even mention it? Something stinks in DC worse than the dear leaders diaper… J.Goodrich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkKb4Zt48x8

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We are suffering from a condition known as olfactory fatigue caused by 4 uninterrupted yrs of stink.

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Michael: "We are suffering from a condition known as olfactory fatigue caused by 40 uninterrupted yrs of stink."

Fixed it for ya !

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This case is getting interesting and it stinks to high heavens! So glad Senator Massey and Gaetz are on it.

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The cackling hyena was at the dnc receiving her extorsion money owed to her from the previous year. Come on now, you know how she works.

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He’s not the only one.

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Great Song!!

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Aaron's song is amazing, and brings chills to my entire body, every time I've heard is since it was released.

My local country station will NOT PLAY IT, because it's not leftist enough.

Total BULLSHIT, they ignore my plea to play it.


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I hope people listen that haven’t heard it!!!

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I thought I was.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

There's a Revolver magazine article from 14 June 2021 that pointed out activities of possible FBI assets in the J6 crowd, and drew links to the weird purported kidnapping attempt on Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

The article is titled, "Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge." I'll send a link upon request.

And if you want to see something really bizarre, you can find a tense exchange on YouTube in which Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) defends Ray Epps when Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) starts asking uncomfortable questions. With that alone, I knew something was up.

There's also a good interview Tucker Carlson recently had with Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), who had a career in law enforcement, and I am convinced that he will do everything he is permitted to do to flush out this rot. He told Tucker he had reason to believe that upwards of 200 FBI undercover assets were involved that day. I just hope he has time before the next election, if there is one.

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I was watching and recording two TV channels that day. One was the Trump et al speeches the other was CSPAN at the Capitol. I bounce back and forth and could tell from inside the Capitol that something was up. I documented it all that day. I watched every interview for a week and copied all the correspondence. I knew within a week it was a setup.

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Shelley, just like the JFK murder set up by the See Eye A, we will never be told the truth about the J6 set up. There’s a reason I can’t trust the people running our government. Same reason I questioned all the dumb stuff they did to convince people they were gonna die if they didn’t take a continual jab every few months. My trustometer went off the minute they told us 2 weeks to flatten the curve.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Raskin is evil personified!

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It has become a job prerequisite for the modern Democratic Party. They're often unanimous in their contemptibility.

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Yes, this must be stopped. So must the border invasion.

The America we know and love has been turned into a replica of Stalin's Russia, Gulags, Show Trials, corrupt elections, and all. WE MUST STOP THIS NOW. Election 2024 may be the last chance for the "Land of the Free" and "Home of the Brave."

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Does “Election 2024 may be the last chance for ...”. mean you believe in fair elections?

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We wrote a book about that. "Invisible Treason in America." It was the "#1 New Book on Amazon" back in October.

Without honest elections we are doomed....


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That “stalins russia” analogy has one major flaw. Folks were being shot for trying to leave it, not being fleeced by gov sponsored ngos to sneak in

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American patriots are being killed in gulags and imprisoned for defending themselves. Our law enforcement and Intel Agencies have been weaponized against Whites and Patriots, including President Trump.

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Not russia. More like banana republic, even more so with what is pouring across our southern order.

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Show me a time in history when the criminal mind didn't have an influence that topped the influence of the righteous.

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Feb 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is disappointing there are not many more signatures on the brief. That there are members of congress who know beyond any shadow of doubt that the truth of Jan 6 was hidden is just more proof of a uniparty serving themselves and not the people. Footage taken by independent journalist was confiscated, their freedom threatened, yet more of them have taken the honorable path and stood up for J6 political prisoners. The same cannot be said of some former military who are now members of Congress.

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This is one of my disappointments also. The congress people we can trust were those 77 Reps and 13 Senators that publicly pledged to object to delegate votes on Jan 6th.

I have a list I can post here if anyone wants to see it.

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Please do. I want to believe there are a few patriots left in the halls of Congress. It would provide me a little hopium.

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Watch this short video Tucker just put out. How are they going to stop it from happening? I hope he is very careful and his crew too.


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Tucker is a patriot, a damn smart one too. He makes me think with every subject he approaches, every interview, every question he asks. He’s a national treasure.

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Shelley, Tucker has now said he believes the administration is spying on him. And some liberals are now saying he should not be allowed back in the USA! This is getting too unbelievable!

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I make the prediction he is arrested upon his return

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I wouldn’t put it past this administration!!

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Feb 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would be insanely angry if conservatives treated liberals this way, because this is an attack by the GOVERNMENT AGAINST ITS CITIZENS. But democrats in general, not just politicians, act like this is some sort of game or something. THAT is what truly offends me personally.

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That is what I so dislike, when a lefty tells me both sides do it and that is not true, has never been true.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Not only did they cheat to install Bitme in the WH, they planned the entire J6 fiasco. Please view this link to see what else they have been up to to stop the GOP state AGs from doing their jobs.


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I watched the film Capitol Punishment this morning. Even though we know what they're doing, and have known Jan. 6th was a sham from the beginning, and how evil these people are, there was a lot I didn't know, and I can't even come up with a word. Evil is an understatement.

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Is the film on Rumble?

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I watched it on Salem Now, but I found a link on YouTube:


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It is more than coincidence that Capital staff along with Government seeded enablers facilitated those entering the building. It was a well laid trap. So much death, harm and life quality degradation facilitated by this administration and there was only one preventable death on January 6th which was perpetrated by Government staff. They made it appear a Hollywood production of Holocaust like angry mass murderers when in reality demonstrators caused no physical harm or death at all.

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Outside of Ashly Babbit, three people who made their way to the Capitol from the rally died there.

Kevin Greeson, 55, of Athens, GA, also died - reported as suffering a heart attack at age 55.

Benjamin Phillips, 50, also died after - reported as suffering a cardiac event at age 50.

Rosanne Boyland, 34 died from being beaten - reported as drug OD.

Other casualties:

Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood, 51, is reported to have died by suicide Jan 11th.

Metro Police Dept officer Jeffry Smith is reported to have died by suicide Jan 15th.

Officer Gunther Hashida, an 18-year veteran on the force, was found dead at his residence the previous Thursday (reported on Aug. 2, 2021). Reported as a suicide. Hashida was assigned to the Emergency Response Team within the Special Operations Division and was dispatched to the Capitol on Jan. 6. He joined the MPD in 2003.

Officer Kyle DeFreytag, 26, assigned to the Fifth District, was found deceased on Saturday, July 10th, 2021. He had been with the Department since November 2016. DeFreytag had responded to the riots at the U.S. Capitol and that the cause of his death was suicide.

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OMG, I think back to that day and thank God I didn’t go hear DJT speak that day. I wanted to go, I’m only 2.5 hours away. Two things kept me at home, fear of cold weather and the crowd trying to get into DC would be very hard. But, thankfully my arthritis said no way on a very cold January day could I endure that pain for a day or two that would follow a full day in the cold. Florida is beginning to sound better with each passing year. God bless DJT. He has put himself and his family in harms way, lost a billion $ and could have spent his golden years with his beautiful wife and his young son living a life 99.9% of us would love.

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In addition to the four patriots who died on Jan 6 and in addition to the four Capitol POs who took their lives afterward, there were four Patriots who killed themselves after Jan 6: Christopher Georgia, Nejourde Meecham, Matthew Perna, and Mark Aungst.

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Yeah,it was a bloodbath

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None of the six people noted above died from the reason reported. Those are more lies.

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I was being sardonic.

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I know. I wanted to note that all were murdered and not by patriots.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

None of thst sounds "fishy", now does it ??

Nah! Totally legit !

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It was obvious to anyone observing the unfolding of events on Jan 6th 2021, that this was political theatre. It was planned with the primary intention of eliminating DJT from holding political office in the future and demonising the vast majority of Americans who voted for Presidents Trump's second term. Astonishing as it may seem, the US has been hijacked for the past 3+ years by a vengeful, demented, corrupt, imbecile and his handlers. The damage done is not merely to the US but the rest of the world. The tide is now turning and the good people of the USA are waking up to reverse this utter travesty. Thank you Dr. Malone for your steadfast application to this cause.

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Robert, thank you so much for this. I consider myself plugged in to geopolitics, but I had not seen this previously. I'm rapidly losing confidence that the SCOTUS will rule rationally on a number of issues critical to the Republic, but I remain hopeful.

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The illegal protests at the justices homes prior to Dobbs was to send a message to any justice that ruled as a constitutional conservative taking the actual words at their meaning would be harassed, their family put in jeopardy, even threats upon their lives is likely to affect their thinking, hence their rulings.

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Good point, and I had forgotten about that. Apparently the SCOTUS did not forget, at the very least it's lodged in their subconscious, only recalled while under extreme stress.

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Feb 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Matt Gaetz is my congressman and I’m so proud of him for helping to expose all this corruption!

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